OLE objects and OO methods - Error using OLE automation

I'm developing an class to read/write excel sheets and i'm getting an error on the OLE method that is:
on this instruction
call method of l_obj_excel 'WORKBOOKS' = l_workb_col.
i got a dump that give me the following error UC_OBJECTS_NOT_CONVERTIBLE
The strange is that i've got the same code running on reports and it works fine only when passing it to a oo method i get that dump.
Thzs in advanced to all
Best regards

hi check this..
Report ZMULTICOLOR_TEST no standard page heading.
this report demonstrates how to send some ABAP data to an
EXCEL sheet using OLE automation.
include ole2incl.
handles for OLE objects
data: h_excel type ole2_object,        " Excel object
      h_mapl type ole2_object,         " list of workbooks
      h_map type ole2_object,          " workbook
      h_zl type ole2_object,           " cell
      h_f type ole2_object,            " font
      h_c type ole2_object.            " color
tables: spfli.
data  h type i.
table of flights
data: it_spfli like spfli occurs 10 with header line.
read flights
  select * from spfli into table it_spfli.
display header
  uline (61).
  write: /     sy-vline no-gap,
          (3)  'Flg'(001) color col_heading no-gap, sy-vline no-gap,
          (4)  'Nr'(002) color col_heading no-gap, sy-vline no-gap,
          (20) 'Von'(003) color col_heading no-gap, sy-vline no-gap,
          (20) 'Nach'(004) color col_heading no-gap, sy-vline no-gap,
          (8)  'Zeit'(005) color col_heading no-gap, sy-vline no-gap.
  uline /(61).
display flights
  loop at it_spfli.
    write: / sy-vline no-gap,
             it_spfli-carrid color col_key no-gap, sy-vline no-gap,
             it_spfli-connid color col_normal no-gap, sy-vline no-gap,
             it_spfli-cityfrom color col_normal no-gap, sy-vline no-gap,
             it_spfli-cityto color col_normal no-gap, sy-vline no-gap,
             it_spfli-deptime color col_normal no-gap, sy-vline no-gap.
  uline /(61).
tell user what is going on
          PERCENTAGE = 0
           text       = text-007
            others     = 1.
start Excel
  create object h_excel 'EXCEL.APPLICATION'.
  set property of h_excel  'Visible' = 1.
tell user what is going on
          PERCENTAGE = 0
           text       = text-008
            others     = 1.
get list of workbooks, initially empty
  call method of h_excel 'Workbooks' = h_mapl.
  perform err_hdl.
add a new workbook
  call method of h_mapl 'Add' = h_map.
  perform err_hdl.
tell user what is going on
          PERCENTAGE = 0
           text       = text-009
            others     = 1.
output column headings to active Excel sheet
  perform fill_cell using 1 1 1 200 'Carrier id'(001).
  perform fill_cell using 1 2 1 200 'Connection id'(002).
  perform fill_cell using 1 3 1 200 'City from'(003).
  perform fill_cell using 1 4 1 200 'City to'(004).
  perform fill_cell using 1 5 1 200 'Dep. Time'(005).
  loop at it_spfli.
copy flights to active EXCEL sheet
    h = sy-tabix + 1.
    if it_spfli-carrid cs 'AA'.
      perform fill_cell using h 1 0 000255000 it_spfli-carrid.
    elseif it_spfli-carrid cs 'AZ'.
      perform fill_cell using h 1 0 168000000 it_spfli-carrid.
    elseif it_spfli-carrid cs 'JL'.
      perform fill_cell using h 1 0 168168000 it_spfli-carrid.
    elseif it_spfli-carrid cs 'LH'.
      perform fill_cell using h 1 0 111111111 it_spfli-carrid.
    elseif it_spfli-carrid cs 'SQ'.
      perform fill_cell using h 1 0 100100100 it_spfli-carrid.
      perform fill_cell using h 1 0 000145000 it_spfli-carrid.
    if it_spfli-connid lt 400.
      perform fill_cell using h 2 0 255000255 it_spfli-connid.
    elseif it_spfli-connid lt 800.
      perform fill_cell using h 2 0 077099088 it_spfli-connid.
      perform fill_cell using h 2 0 246156138 it_spfli-connid.
    if it_spfli-cityfrom cp 'S*'.
      perform fill_cell using h 3 0 155155155 it_spfli-cityfrom.
    elseif it_spfli-cityfrom cp 'N*'.
      perform fill_cell using h 3 0 189111222 it_spfli-cityfrom.
      perform fill_cell using h 3 0 111230222 it_spfli-cityfrom.
    if it_spfli-cityto cp 'S*'.
      perform fill_cell using h 4 0 200200200 it_spfli-cityto.
    elseif it_spfli-cityto cp 'N*'.
      perform fill_cell using h 4 0 000111222 it_spfli-cityto.
      perform fill_cell using h 4 0 130230230 it_spfli-cityto.
    if it_spfli-deptime lt '020000'.
      perform fill_cell using h 5 0 145145145 it_spfli-deptime.
    elseif it_spfli-deptime lt '120000' .
      perform fill_cell using h 5 0 015215205 it_spfli-deptime.
    elseif it_spfli-deptime lt '180000' .
      perform fill_cell using h 5 0 000215205 it_spfli-deptime.
      perform fill_cell using h 5 0 115115105 it_spfli-deptime.
              SY-DATUM(4) '_' SY-UZEIT '.XLS' INTO FILENAME.
  free object h_excel.
  perform err_hdl.
      FORM FILL_CELL                                                *
      sets cell at coordinates i,j to value val boldtype bold       *
form fill_cell using i j bold col val.
  call method of h_excel 'Cells' = h_zl
      #1 = i
      #2 = j.
  perform err_hdl.
  set property of h_zl 'Value' = val .
  perform err_hdl.
  get property of h_zl 'Font' = h_f.
  perform err_hdl.
  set property of h_f 'Bold' = bold .
  perform err_hdl.
  set property of h_f 'Color' = col.
  perform err_hdl.
endform.                    "FILL_CELL
*&      Form  ERR_HDL
      outputs OLE error if any                                       *
-->  p1        text
<--  p2        text
form err_hdl.
  if sy-subrc <> 0.
    write: / 'OLE-Automation Error:'(010), sy-subrc.
endform.                    " ERR_HDL

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    The code below
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    You will get all type of message recorded in the BDCMSGCOLL table when you use the CALL Transaction
    For Session mehtod, while running you need to tick the "Extended Log"  checkbox on the popup which comes after the process button.
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        <remove name="Detector" />
        <add name="Detector" type="FiftyOne.Foundation.Mobile.Detection.DetectorModule, FiftyOne.Foundation"/>
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                   DocumentBuilderFactory docFact = DocumentBuilderFactory
                   DocumentBuilder builder = null;
                   try {
                        builder = docFact.newDocumentBuilder();
                   } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
                        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                   DOMImplementation impl = builder.getDOMImplementation();
                   // Document.
                   Document xmlDoc = impl.createDocument(
                             "tns=http://www.example.org/report", "tns:report", null);
                   DOMConfiguration config = xmlDoc.getDomConfig();
                   DOMErrorHandler sh = new DOMErrorHandler() {
                        public boolean handleError(DOMError e) {
                             // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                             System.out.println("Error " + e.getMessage());
                             System.out.println("LineNr "
                                       + e.getLocation().getLineNumber());
                             System.out.println("Node "
                                       + e.getLocation().getRelatedNode());
                             return false;
                   config.setParameter("error-handler", sh);
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                   File schemaFile = new File(EBankingUtil
                   Schema schema = null;
                   try {
                        schema = schemaFact.newSchema(schemaFile);
                   } catch (SAXException e1) {
                        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
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                   DocumentBuilder builder = null;
                   try {
                        builder = docFact.newDocumentBuilder();
                   } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
                        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                   DOMImplementation impl = builder.getDOMImplementation();
                   // Document.
                   Document xmlDoc = impl.createDocument(
                             "tns=http://www.example.org/report", "tns:report", null);
                   DOMConfiguration config = xmlDoc.getDomConfig();
                   DOMErrorHandler sh = new DOMErrorHandler() {
                        public boolean handleError(DOMError e) {
                             // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                             System.out.println("Error " + e.getMessage());
                             System.out.println("LineNr "
                                       + e.getLocation().getLineNumber());
                             System.out.println("Node "
                                       + e.getLocation().getRelatedNode());
                             return false;
                   config.setParameter("error-handler", sh);
                   SchemaFactory schemaFact = SchemaFactory
                   File schemaFile = new File(EBankingUtil
                   Schema schema = null;
                   try {
                        schema = schemaFact.newSchema(schemaFile);
                   } catch (SAXException e1) {
                        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                   docFact.setValidating(true);Edited by: kokorico on Sep 25, 2007 7:12 AM

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      suppose i have 100 records, there is an error in 91 record, then my doubt is up to 90 records data is process to database or not?
    Please clear doubt
    1. if it is call transaction,
    2.if it is session method.

    in session method if u go for fore ground process it will process record by record
    suppose if error record is entered it doesnt proceed further, u had to enter correct record
    then it allows u to proceed furtherafter procesing all the records it asks u to save
    then all records get stored uin data base tables.
    suppose if u go for back ground process in error mode,
    all the records get processed, except the error record.
    in call transaction,
      wen ever error record occurs it wont proceed further untill correct record is entered,
    finally all the records is processed it will ask u to save then only records get saved in data base.

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    REP-4004: Error occurred while restoring OLE object
    and it refused to open up crashing my days of work.
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         MSGOBJ123 OLEOBJ;
         SRVOBJ123 OLEOBJ;
         SRVOBJ1234 OLEOBJ;
         MSGOBJ123 := CREATE_OLEOBJ('Messenger.MsgrObject');
    -- Get all the services from the Messenger Object
         SRVOBJ123 := Messenger_IMsgrObject.Services(MSGOBJ123);
    -- Get one of the services
         SRVOBJ1234 := Messenger_IMsgrServices.Item(SRVOBJ123, 0);
         MESSAGE('User Name cannot be null');
         MESSAGE('Password cannot be null');
    -- Log on to the Messenger By passing the MsgObject,
    -- User Name, password, Service Object
         Messenger_IMsgrObject.LogOn(MSGOBJ123, :LOGINBLK.TXTUSR, :LOGINBLK.TXTPWD, SRVOBJ1234);
         END IF;
    We get this error while executing this program
    "FRM-40735: WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-100504"
    Please advice whether there is way to solve this problem or any other method of accessing MSN Messenger.

    do a check on the wsdl file and how you are passing values in the proxy. The tags for XML are not correct. Open the WSDL in IE and see there must be an error. Or probably when passing the actual values to the XML generated each element is not closed properly. Error says tags dont match.
    Edited by: Kshamatha Eda on Mar 5, 2010 10:54 AM

  • Automating Importing a Visio OLE Object or Changing the Source of a Previously Imported OLE Object

    My colleagues and I import our Visio files into FrameMaker 10 via the following mechanism: File > Import > Object... > Create from File (with Link checked).  We do this because, for us, the benefits of object linking and embedding outweight the pitfalls. In order to institute and automate a graphic file naming convention, I want to be able to do one of the following using ExtendScript:
    Replace each Visio OLE object with that of a renamed or new Visio file. (I've tried using the Import() method  with many different import-script settings, but have not found the correct import-script, if such a thing exists for importing Visio files  imported by reference and linked as OLE objects. My typical error when attempting this is FV_DisallowedImportType, which indicates the source file type is disallowed by my import-script settings. When I talk about my import-script settings, I'm referring to the adjustments that I make to the parameters returned from a call to GetImportDefaultParams().  I've tried numerous import-script combinations but have had no luck. )
    Rename the Visio source file and change the source file of an already-linked Visio OLE object.  (To do this, I need to determine how to implement a script that equals the following user actions while a FM document is open: clicking on Links... under the Edit menu to bring-up the Links window; selecting each link displayed in the Links window; clicking the Change Source button for each selected link; entering the new file name in the File name field of the Change Source window; clicking Open.  Needless to say, I found nothing in the ExtendScript capabilities that indicates that this approach is doable. It may be doable using FDK F_Codes, I haven't explored that avenue and would like to avoid it.)
    Modify the OLE2 facet such that it points to the renamed file instead of the previous name for the file.  (This does not seem like a clean approach.  As is the case now, I don't know how to properly update the facet with the new file name.  I've experimented with simply changing the file name strings from new to old, but that does not work.  There's probably some error-checking or checksum that needs to be recomputed.  Bottom line: I don't know enough about facets.)
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks, Paul

    Hi Paul,
    I tried doing something like this years ago with FrameScript, but found out that the OLE stuff is not exposed to FrameScript or the FDK. So it is probably not exposed to ExtendScript either. When you query an OLE graphic's InsetFile property, it returns a null string, the same as a graphic Imported by Copy would. As far as I can see, importing as an OLE object is only available through the Windows FrameMaker interface.

  • OLE objects & scaning in Acrobat 8.0

    In forums (May 3, 2007) I have read the question:
    " How to avoid dialogue of saving in a file before scanning in Acrobat 8"?
    Leonard Rosenthol has answered, that there is no way because
    now developers changed from "Scan & Save" to "Save & Scan".
    It is very surprising!!!
    I have the application which uses OLE automation for scanning documents in Acrobat and place them in
    database as OLE objects.
    In database the object is created on the basis of an PDF file with one empty page and then activated in
    window of Acrobat.
    Then menu item "Scan" is carried out.
    Fragment of VBA code (properly work in Acrobat 6):
    Set GL.Acr = CreateObject("AcroExch.App")
    GL.Acr.Minimize 0
    Me!DocImage.Class = "AcroExch.Document" 'set class of OLE object
    Me!DocImage.SourceDoc = "c:\applicants\empty.pdf" 'source file with empty sheet
    Me!DocImage.Action = acOLECreateEmbed 'creation on basis of source file
    Me!DocImage.Verb = acOLEVerbOpen 'command - open
    Me!DocImage.Action = acOLEActivate 'activation in Acrobat
    ScanExe = GL.Acr.MenuitemExecute("Scan")
    If ScanExe = False Then
    But Acrobat 8.0 does not understand, that document is open from OLE object
    and always gives out save dialog before scaning.
    Menu items -"Update" (instead of "Save") and "Exit and Return to ..."
    (instead of "Exit") are absent.
    It turns out, that in Acrobat 8 you have destroyed an opportunity of work with
    documents contained in OLE objects in other applications. It is absolutely not clear.
    Please answer what to do???

    Dear Leonard!
    I disagree with your answer.
    OLE automation is used by many programs.
    Within the framework of this technology is widely used:
    - creation and preservation of object in the application - client (database in my case),
    - then opening of object in application - server (Acrobat in my case)
    - and applying methods described in the documentation of application - server to open object.
    In my code is used the standard technology of OLE automation and ONLY!!! the methods described in the documentation of Acrobat.
    My code works in Acrobat 6 and Acrobat 7.
    I have written previous message to make Acrobat better!!!
    I so understand, that you answer on behalf of developers, but your answer not worthy the world famous name - "Adobe".
    I think, that developers of new scan plug-in for Acrobat 8 simply did not consider, that the document can be open from the object stored in application - client.
    And as representative of developers it is necessary for you either to recognize publicly a problem or publicly to declare, that "Adobe" will not solve it, instead of to write, that not documentary opportunities have been used.
    Yours faithfully,

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    An OLE Object contains a header set by the Access Database and the file itself.
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    Does anybody know any way for me to do this?
    In this link, this method describes exactly what I want. But I don�t think I�m allowed to use it.
    Isn�t there any free library that helps inthis subject?
    Thanks in advice.

    I don't see that this is a JDBC topic.
    Presumably you googled for this.
    You can of course write JNI code to access OLE.

Maybe you are looking for

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