On demand syndication

Hi All,
I'm trying to run a on-demand-syndication. I made a workflow with syndication step, I created a port and also a syndication map.
Syndication via the MDSS works fine
Manual syndication works fine
Syndication via workflow, the workflow runs, the history inj the workflow says the steps were oke however no file is in the ready folder.
What do I have to do?
thanks in advance

Syndicating in a workflow, syndication on demand, extracts all records that are within the original search of the mapping.
I prepared a syndication with a search on country and in the map properties " supress unchanged records" and ports.
Using the Syndication server or the manual syndication it works as expected, only the changed records out of the search.
Using the workflow with the defined port the output is different:
All records for the port for this map are syndicated. Not just the records that are in the specific workflow and also not only those that have been changed after the last syndication as was set in the map.

Similar Messages

  • Should I care about "Damaged Database" files in ~/Library/Syndication/ ?

    Hi, friends —
    I haven't used RSS much.
    I'm curious: What is the purpose of the database files contained in the ~/Library/Syndication folder — and is there any reason to save the several "Damaged" Database files that are retained there?
    At the moment, this folder contains a "Database3" and four "Damaged" Databases (~old), one of which is labeled "Broken." Each file is ~8–20 MB.
    From the name and contents (I opened and perused a "Damaged Database" file using TextEdit), I'm guessing these are associated with RSS...?

    Hi, macjack and Dr. Smoke —
    Muchas gracias to you both for your thoughtful replies!
    I'd just finished restarting my eMac after removing the Damaged Databases to my desktop per macjack's suggestion when I saw your message, Dr. Smoke. Thanks for your analysis and for the citation.
    I had also searched the KnowledgeBase (9 results) and ADC (3) for resources on syndication, but hadn't had a chance yet to read the Safari RSS Developer Release Note. As you've noted, it comes to the point of my question —
    Quoting from the Note for anyone who stumbles across this thread and is interested:
    "Purging the Database
    Safari RSS stores all news articles in a database. There is not yet any mechanism to control how long articles live, or to delete articles on demand, so the database will grow monotonically.
    If the database is taking up too much disk space, you can use the following workaround to delete it. You won't lose any of your subscription data (that's stored in Safari's bookmarks) and the SyndicationAgent will re-fetch all current articles the next time it runs, but older articles will be lost.
        1.   Quit Safari.
        2.   Quit the SyndicationAgent process by entering "killall SyndicationAgent" in a Terminal window.
        3.   Move the directory ~/Library/Syndication to the Trash, or delete it."
    [Emphasis added.]
    Thanks for pointing out the potential for growth of this database; it may be worth keeping an eye on for some folks — depending on RSS usage, I guess. Seems an odd design concept to me.
    My current Database3 file covers ~ the last 9 weeks — but this may not be comparable to others', since I haven't too big a collection of RSS feeds.
    I was ~surprised to find so little documentation about SyndicationAgent on Apple's website (no Man page, etc.). Does that color me naïve?
    I scanned through my (Text-archived) log files without finding any close correlations between SyndicationAgent or Safari entries and these databases (in terms of time). Since the latest "Damaged Database" file is dated 4-½ months ago, this issue isn't a big concern — as I said, just curious...
    Thanks again!
    Warm regards,
          I edited this message...   But probably not enough!

  • Syndication help

    Dear MDM experts,
    1) How to check if a record is already snydicated ?
         believe there is a flag for it somewhere .pls let me know where I can find it
    2) any change in the data record would trigerr a syndication isnt ? if so where is the config for it in mdm

    Hi Ashish,
    1) You can do this by clicking the option of suppressed unchanged records. This will block all the records which have already been syndicated. As soon as you make some changes in the records it is available for you to syndicate.
    2)I think for this you can have "On Demand Syndiaction" in workflows for your records n Data Manager.
    When there is some change in the data you can run the workflow and your syndication list is triggered.
    Other way is to have MDSS over here you can have time intervals. After every time interval if there is some changes in your records and your suppressed unchanged records is clicked then it will only syndicate the changed records.
    I hope, i am able to solve your problem.
    Dilmit Chadha

  • Syndication file transfer

    Hi ,
    I  do not have much  knowledge of how XI works.So just want to know if i want to transfer data from MDM to remote system using syndiactor then how XI will receive the file from outbound port of MDM or how XI get the notification that there is some file in outbound port.

    I beg to differ to below points
    >>For Pt.2 Using Manual syndication: 1st thing is that you need to place file to ready outbound folder somehow which does not happen directly if we use syndicator
    We can very well trigger MDSS via manual syndication process, we just need to have configured Outbound Port for this syndication map.
    Here is the excerpt from help.sap document.
    The syndication event can also be triggered by manual port syndication as follows
                                                      i.       Open the MDMSyndicator.
                                                    ii.       Go to File menu u2192 Newu2026
                                                   iii.       Set Type=port
                                                   iv.       Choose relevant port
                                                     v.       Execute syndication
    If the port is not selected, manual syndication is not possible with the MDM PI Adapter
    At my client side, we have configured several manual Ports (on Demand basis), we simply go to Syndicator and trigger the records manually and it goes to ready folder, from where its picked by MDM Adapter.
    >>2nd thing how do you throw the event when Syndication completes through syndicator
    Even this trigger is not required, as long as there is a file in Ready folder, MDM adapter will pick it up (pretty much similar to File Adapter).
    A simple test could be to copy the file manually in Ready folder (without MDSS) and see if MDM adapter picks it up. works fine for us.

  • Not able to Upload data in Demand Planning data view

    I am trying to upload a csv  file in to Demand planning interactive planning through " Upload Data " functionality
    First I exported data from interactive planning , updated some data in file and again trying to upload same file.
    I am getting following error
    File cannot be uploaded
    Message no. /SAPAPO/SDP_UPLOAD009
    File  has no technical information or incorrect technical information.
    Save the file again locally. Make sure that the file has the technical information.
    Could u please suggest what needs to be done
    Thanks and regards,
    Nitin Lavhe

    For using the upload data functionality from interactive planning grid, you need to first download the data. While downloading the data, please check the check box for "Prepare the file for upload at later time", and then select the option of putting the technical setting into the file or into the system. Either way is okay. Then try uploading the same file.
    This should solve your problem.
    Thank you.
    Jacky Jain.
    SAP APO Architect.

  • Unable to Stream Video on Demand files from NAS on latest version of AMS 5.0.3

    I was hoping that someone could assist me.
    Our organisation has recently purchased Adobe Media Server Standard to deploy to two Windows 2008 R2 servers (core edition) to stream flash content (video on demand only) which is resident on NAS storage.
    I have considerable difficultly in streaming content from NAS and from the literature I have read and the configuration I have done it should be possible.
    The steps I have taken to attempt to get this to work are as follows:
    - Installed AMS 5.0.1 on both servers using the default TCP ports and Apache was not installed as part of the install
    - Both AMS instances upgraded to the latest release AMS 5.0.3
    - Windows Firewall on the servers disabled (we use hardware firewalls) and TCP connectivity verified by using telnet to connect these servers on 1935 and 80
    Initial Configuration
    - As we only will be using video on demand I removed the live, livepkgr and multicast applications from the /applications folder. Vod is the only application remaining
    - Using the videoplayer in the /samples/videoplayer we were successfully able to view the sample streams
    Configuration to stream from NAS
    - I modified the VOD_DIR in the ams.ini file in the /conf folder to reflect the NAS location (\\{nas FQDN\sharename}
    - Our NAS share has NTFS permissions applied and our AMS servers are joined to Active Directory. I created an AD account that had membership of the group that had read rights to the NAS share.
    - I then reconfigured the AMS windows service to Log on with the AD account (as per the install guide: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/adobemediaserver/configadmin/WS5b3ccc516d4fbf351e63e3d119f2925 e64-7fc7.2.3.html)
    Issues Experienced
    - Whenever I change the AMS windows service to use an AD user (and not the Local System account), the service will run for only a short time (time often varies) before the service stops. In the application event log the AMS (Core) component
      logs the error "Failed to create process mutex".
    - The issue experienced is similar to a previous post by an FMS 3.5 user (http://forums.adobe.com/thread/650522)
    - To rule out a permission issue, I confirmed that the AD user created could actually read from the NAS share
    - I also gave the AD user read/write permission to the AMS install directory. I have also added the AD user to the local admin group. Still get the "Failed to create process mutex" error and service stops.
    - We created a test share on the NAS that had no restrictions set (everyone full control) and reconfigured the ams.ini to use this. The service still stops.
    - I reconfigured the ams.ini back to the default path (local storage) and attempted to start the AMS windows service with the AD account. The service still stops which seems to confirm the issue is not related to the NAS storage/permissions itself
    - I gave the servers machine account from AD read/write access to the NAS shares (both test and live shares) and reconfigured the AMS windows service to use the local system account. Whilst the windows service remains stable and runs,
      streams do not work
    - I have been testing using rtmpdump and a player (http://osmf.org/configurator/fmp/):
       - With the player the player connects and the stream remains in a "buffering state"
       - With rtmpdump we get the "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound" error. The stream definately exists. I have the rtmpdump log file but not sure how to upload it to this post
    - The above issues/behaviour is experienced from both servers
    - The only way I can get NAS streaming to work is to map the NAS share as a network drive from the server
    - On the same server I then stopped the AMS windows service and started AMS as a console application (ams.ini is pointing to the NAS location)
    - Streaming then works however this is not an exceptable workaround for a enterprise server that will be streaming content to the Internet. Having to rely on mapped network drives and console applications is certainly far from ideal.
    Should it be possible to have the windows service run under the context of another account and to be able to stream without then having to have a mapped network drive?
    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated
    UPDATE: to add further, I have just tested this on a Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard edition with the full UI and I get the exact behaviour/problems as documented above. The issue I am experiencing is not related to the fact I am using the core edition of Windows.

    I have managed to address my issue and get this working!
    When reconfiguring the AMS service to use the AD account you MUST also reconfigure the Adobe Media Administration Server to use the AD account.
    This mismatch in accounts was causing the mutex issue and stopping the AMS account from running. Read access to the NAS and log on as a service right on the AMS server
    was all that required for the stream from NAS to work.
    If any Adobe staff read this thread - can I please request that the section on "Mapping Directories to Network Drives" in the "Configuring the Content Storage" section of the help guide (http://help.adobe.com/en_US/adobemediaserver/configadmin/adobemediaserver_5.0.3_config_adm in.pdf) be revised to be clearer as to what windows services need to be reconfigured
    to support AD authentication

  • Unable to pass variables from IRPT to on demand MDO in MII v12.2

    Hi all,
    Here is what I am trying to achieve - to pass an order input value from front end and fetch the results through on demand MDO.
    STEP 1: Created a BLS transaction with input parameter order and tested it to get Output XML - SUCCESSFUL.
    STEP 2: Created an On-Demand MDO object pointing to the BLS transaction, tested it by passing the value to input parameter in Dynamic Query Parameters - SUCCESSFUL.
    STEP 3: Created an MDO Query Template in SELECT mode pointing to the MDO object created, there are 2 things which I noticed. when I pass the value to OBJECT PARAMETER, it worked fine and when I pass it to PARAMETERS it Doest not work. I just used the object parameter because it worked for me.
    STEP 4: Created an Applet with MDO Query Template and Grid Display template. Tried passing the value using setParam(1, order). I found 3 different variations:
         Result 1: If Object Parameter in MDO Query is not set to any default value - "No Data Available" is seen on applet.
         Result 2: If Object Parameter is set to some valid default value say 123, irrespective of what I pass from UI setParam, I always see the data of 123.
         Result 3: If Object Parameter is set to some valid default value say 123 and in addition to that, I add Filter expression [val1] = [ param (dot)1 ] in my MDO select query, then when I pass 123 from UI, I see the result and when I pass someother input I see empty table, however now I can see the columns with empty table.
    Can someone tell me where I am going wrong?
    Any help is highly appreciated.

    Hi Michael,
    I am using the ramup version 12.2 and want to explore all the new features available in 12.2 and came downloaded the example project of MII 12.2 avaiable here. while doing that I came across an example of onDemand MDO query for pulling the data from Tag quieries and making it dymanic by passing speed or quality or perfomance parameters, however it just showed me only quality results always, I coudn't test it properly because it was a tag query so I created my own scenario and it didnt work from UI as expected.
    so wanted to know if I am going wrong somewhere before I conclud it is a bug.

  • TNT On Demand Unable to Sign In - Please somebody help me

    This is my third plea for help.  The only reason I went with FIOS was to get Showtime On Demand and TNT On Demand.  I don't have a TV.  I watch exclusively on line.   Showtime works great.  But I am unable to log into TNT On Demand.  It did work two weeks ago using Chrome but not Microsoft Internet Explorer.  Now neither works. 
    In Chrome I get the following message:
    This website requires the Flash 10.2 (or higher) player.
    You may upgrade your Flash plug-in by visiting the Flash Download Center.
    Please note you may need to reboot your system.
    I have Flash 11.6.
    Then I get this:
    Authentication Error
    A timeout or configuration error caused this operation to fail. The error has been logged. Please try again.
    In Microsoft Explorer I get no error messages.  I just loop over and over to the sign on screen.
    TNT help and support (which is very minimal) specifically states if we are a Verizon customer to contact Verizon customer support. 
    If you google this problem you will see the same complaint over and over.  Then usually some Verizon person tells the customer that they will be contacted privately and I presume somehow the problem is resolved but the solution is never posted on line.
    So please help me fix my problem.
    I spent 45 minutes on line with someone a few days ago with no result.  But he did something so that now I have to log into Facebook, Amazon, Hulu, Verizon, etc. over and over and over and my login is never saved.  When a tech specialist changes a setting they ought to let the customer know what is being changed so the customer can undo it.  This is most annoying.
    And people, responding with "my computer works fine" isn't helpful.  I know it works fine for someone else.  It doesn;t work fine for me.
    Pretty soon the new episodes of TNT Monday Morning and Southland will have scrolled off and I will miss them.  I am getting desperate.
    Go to Solution.

    carolamrt wrote:
    This is my third plea for help.  The only reason I went with FIOS was to get Showtime On Demand and TNT On Demand.  I don't have a TV.  I watch exclusively on line.   Showtime works great.  But I am unable to log into TNT On Demand.  It did work two weeks ago using Chrome but not Microsoft Internet Explorer.  Now neither works. 
    In Chrome I get the following message:
    This website requires the Flash 10.2 (or higher) player.
    You may upgrade your Flash plug-in by visiting the Flash Download Center.
    Please note you may need to reboot your system.
    I have Flash 11.6.
    Then I get this:
    Authentication Error
    A timeout or configuration error caused this operation to fail. The error has been logged. Please try again.
    In Microsoft Explorer I get no error messages.  I just loop over and over to the sign on screen.
    TNT help and support (which is very minimal) specifically states if we are a Verizon customer to contact Verizon customer support. 
    If you google this problem you will see the same complaint over and over.  Then usually some Verizon person tells the customer that they will be contacted privately and I presume somehow the problem is resolved but the solution is never posted on line.
    So please help me fix my problem.
    I spent 45 minutes on line with someone a few days ago with no result.  But he did something so that now I have to log into Facebook, Amazon, Hulu, Verizon, etc. over and over and over and my login is never saved.  When a tech specialist changes a setting they ought to let the customer know what is being changed so the customer can undo it.  This is most annoying.
    And people, responding with "my computer works fine" isn't helpful.  I know it works fine for someone else.  It doesn;t work fine for me.
    Pretty soon the new episodes of TNT Monday Morning and Southland will have scrolled off and I will miss them.  I am getting desperate.
    For TNT online with IE when I switched to compatability mode in the browser the login began to work.  Make sure your Flash settings allow for sight storage for turner.com and the adobe authorization site.  Also make sure your privacy setting always accept first party and session cookies.  I posted more details in another thread.

  • Error in SNC SMI Scenario  - Demand Data is Not Getting Displayed

    Hi All SCM SNC APO Members,
                                                  For SMI scenario I am sending Stock and Demand data from R/3 to SNC(5.1) System. The Stock data(Safety Sotck, Stock on hand etc) is visible in XML messages but demand is not getting updated in Supplier view in SNC.
    What could be the reson behind that and how it will be rectified?
    Please let me know which program and which table/keyfigure is responsible and how can i correct this.
    I am using standard SAP settings.
    Do i need to execute any report to update demand?

    Hi SK,
    Make the following SPRO settings if it is not there:
    Step 1:          Goto SPRO--->SAP SCM - Implementation Guide -->
                         SCM Basis-->
                         Processing Inbound and Outbound Messages-->
                         Process Types for Inbound Messages-->
                         Determine Default Process Types
                         Checked XML PROACT_I ProductActivityNotification - Inbound should be linked to ICH - Supplier Collaboration.
    Step 2:         Goto SPRO--->SAP SCM - Implementation Guide -->
                        SCM Basis-->
                        Processing Inbound and Outbound Messages-->
                        Process Types for Inbound Messages-->
                        Define Sender- and Recipient-Dependent Process Types
                        Click on new entry enter as follows:
                       XML Message:   PROACT_I ProductActivityNotification
                       Send. System
                       Recipient        : <Supplier_location>
                       Process Type :ICH - Supplier Collaboration
    After above setting you should get Stock and demand in Web UI.

  • Demand is not getting updated in MD04

    Hi Team,
    we are facing strange issue for an particular plant.
    Issue :-In MD04 forecast is not getting reduced after doing PGI.
    For this MTO  scenario when we are creating outbound delivery requirement of quantity is getting generated in MD04 but after doing PGI it is not reducing the forecast however overall stock availability is reduced .
    Reduction of forecast is necessary otherwise in next MRP run, additional demand would be place on the supplying plant.
    Any pointers what could be the reason of forecasting not getting updated.

    this is to inform you that,
    please check STRATEGY group in MRP views in MMR.
    explain your process of how requriment will be passed to MRP.
    please confirm.

  • Total Demand not getting calculated in Plg book 9ASNP94 -DATA VEW SNP94(1)

    1. I am using the std planning book      9ASNP94 AND DATA VEW SNP94(1)/
    2. i have maintained all the below master data
         1. Location.
         2. Product.
         3. PPm
         4. IM for planned order
         5. IM for sales order
    3. Now i have sent sales order as demnand for the Planning book
    4. Sales order is getting displayed in the sales order row.
    5. The macro for toltal demand is working fine in the macro test,
    1. Total demand is not getting calculated, eventhough i have sales order qty of 1000 it is showing nothing in the total demand.
    2. since total demand is zero my stock on  hand is also zero.
    3. I need to run location heuristic to genearate SNP planned order.
    kindly let me know  how to address this issue !
    Edited by: Dhandapani Satheeshkumar on Dec 10, 2009 5:17 PM

    Hi ,
    can you plz go to the standard planning books - data views macro book .
    i.e open the macro workbench and then go to the macro workbook for SNP94(1) data view.
    open the macro book
    See in the default  macro list that all three default macros( shown in the top right hand side )  are  added and also all macros in the macro book are either green or yellow. if they are red then generate them again  .
    if three default macros are not in the defalut list then include them  ..save and exit .
    Now check in the planning book if it works ?
    if not let me know ? which version r u working on ? is this the first time you are seeing data in the planning book?
    Debsankar Das

  • Single Sign-On Netweaver Portal with Cornerstone On Demand

    Does someone experiences with Single Sign-On between SAP Netweaver Portal and the Learning Management System of Cornerstone On Demand?
    The options are:
    - SAML: but at this moment we don't have SAML provider. Is it easy to use this with Netweaver 7.01 SP6 ?
    - standard SSO : encrypted string between SAP portal and LMS: client sends encrypted string with userid...based on encryption algorithm.: Has someone developed this (java code) for SSO to an other system?
    But can they use Sap Login Tickets?
    Best regards

    I just recently implemented SSO between SAP system and on demand solution from 3rd party provider. We didn't have any guy with Java skills so we implemented HTTP handler in SICF that generates web page with redirection to the 3rd party system. ABAP does not have a good support for various encryption algorithms so we used javascript interpreter available in ABAP AS. Portal just points to ICF service on ECC system that redirects to on demand solution. Implementation took one day. Obviously, in this case all users had to have account in ECC system.

  • Literally the worst customer support experience I've ever had to deal with -- Why don't they let their customers speak to supervisors on demand?

    Call 1: I spoke to them to see if I was eligible for an upgrade. It turned out they had accidentally counted a temporary phone switch to an old device as an upgrade. The representative was extremely slow minded and took over an hour to read through my notes and process what I was saying happened, consulting with his supervisor multiple times. He claimed to have noted everything and told me I had to go to a verizon store to verify in person that I was still using my original phone, and that then I would be able to get an upgrade immediately.
    Trip to the store: Drove an hour only to be told by the store rep that there were NO NOTES on my account about the issue and there was nothing he could do to help me and that I'd have to call customer support again. The store was closing in 20 mins and customer support seems to take 45 minutes minimum to resolve anything, so I left.
    Call 2: Asked a woman to speak to a supervisor about the guy who wasted 2+ hours of my life and gas money. She put me on hold for a long time, came back and said they were all busy right now, would I like to leave my complaint with her? I said no thank you, I will keep waiting. She said ok, and proceeded to hang up.
    Call 3: Asked a different woman to speak to a supervisor, she put me on hold for a long time and then told me that since I wasn't an authorized user I could not speak to one... lol ok. Had a family member call and authorize me.
    Call 4: Asked a guy to speak to a manager. He insisted on taking the complaint himself. Why would I trust someone to take a complaint about their colleague possibly sitting a few desks away when many of them have proven to be incredibly incompetent already? It sounded like we were making progress... then he hung up too.
    Call 5: Asked yet another woman to speak to the manager. She demanded a reason, I told her it was to make a complaint and she told me about a dozen times that the managers would just tell her to take the complaint. I insisted, she refused... finally I threatened to close all of our accounts unless she let me speak to a manager. She said they couldn't right now since the office was closing soon, but that one would call me within 24-48 hours. I'd bet my life savings that never happens. At that point I tried to talk to her about the original upgrade issue, and she said her system had suddenly crashed and that I'd have to call back the next day...  Seriously???
    Absolutely unreal how horrible their customer support is. Will be switching to T-Mobile immediately.

    Having worked in customer service, I have some experience with this kind of situation.  Reps are typically trained to make all attempts to handle complaints by themselves, because there are obviously many more reps than supervisors.  They're usually REQUIRED to fully authorize the account and to get the whole situation from the customer prior to referring you to a supervisor.  One of the biggest problems is that many customers think that demanding a supervisor is a way to guarantee you will get what you want.  If the reason for your request to escalate isn't a valid one, the supervisor won't give in to you either.
    There are plenty of times in my own experience, especially as a brand new rep out of training, that I took a long time to research and get an understanding of the issue.  Yes, I wasn't moving at light speed, but that doesn't make me an idiot.  It means I was trying to gather as much info s possible to try and deal with the issue. But I had plenty of customers tell me I was stupid and to transfer them to my supervisor, simply because I took longer than their patience could tolerate to get all the details I needed.
    I have never had a job that I executed flawlessly day in and day out.  Maybe you have and that's why you can't tolerate a person taking a little longer to wrap their head around the issue, but I'd rather doubt it.
    I also don't think you will find reps who work at light speed and utilize a magic wand to fix people's issues at T-Mobile, either, but I guess it never hurts to try.
    Just to clarify: I do not work for Verizon and never have.  I worked for a residential phone and internet company.

  • Is there a way to make Wake on Demand work?

    I have checked the AKB and I have a Mac Pro that is all set to wake on demand, the only issues is that I have an older Airport Express (b/g not n). Does anyone know of a work around to get this Airport to work with Wake on Demand, or am I out of luck?

    There are many Sleep related problems on these boards just search them out here in Discussions. You can try troubleshooting steps like disconnecting all peripherals, creating a new user account to see if it is systemwide or limited to your user account. If it is you might try dragging yourname/Library/ "Preference" folder to the desktop and restarting to see if it is a pref...
    In short I'm not sure I can solve your issue but I can offer a good workaround.
    If your Mac is only troublesome with Sleep, you might like to know that sleep is a very unnecessary state.
    If you choose to leave your Mac on 24/7 it uses very little power over "Sleep" as the HD and fans spin down quickly when not in use and you will use Screen Sleep. The advantage of being on 24/7 is there are Periodic scripts (daily, weekly and monthly housekeeping tasks) set to run between 3 - 5 AM. If you do not leave your Mac on these Periodic scripts will not run. If you "Sleep" your Mac they will not run either.
    Another advantage is that your Mac is ready to respond at the touch of a key move of a mouse with no "grogginess". And yet another, of course, is you will suffer no Sleep related problems.
    Just set your Mac to "Never Sleep" and "Screen Sleep" to whatever you like and don't worry.
    For security reasons you may want to log out.
    As for shutting down, each time you reboot your system you can cause damage. A computer running Unix should never need to be rebooted, of course this can't be helped but theoretically it should never need rebooting. Each time you reboot you can send a power surge through your CPU, HD, etc which could cause problems and shorten the life of your computer.
    fyi - some Unix servers have been up and running for over a dozen years. There also have been many posts here in Discussions where folks were posting their "up" times.

  • Wake on Demand: Not working for some services, others OK

    I haven't been able to figure this problem out... Wake on Demand for a previous generation Mac mini running Snow Leopard 10.6.8 works for things like a CrashPlan automated backup but does not work for things like remote SSH login or Screen Sharing. In all cases, the services are being originated on a latest generation iMac running Mac OS X Lion (10.7.2).
    While it's not an earth-shattering event to get off my backside and walk over to the Mac mini across the house to press its Shift key to waken the thing, it gets rather old to have to keep doing so, especially since CrashPlan automated backups are taking place while the Mac mini is otherwise asleep (the sleep indicator is slowly pulsing).
    I've been through the Apple tech notes regarding Wake on Demand for Snow Leopard 10.6 and have ensured that AirPort and its network are at the top-most position in their respective lists. Other than that, I'm not sure what else I can do. Wake on Network is enabled in the Snow Leopard Mac mini's network System Preferences and there doesn't seem to be any on/off option in the AirPort Extreme base station (just recently updated to 7.6 firmware).
    Any thoughts... hints... suggestions?
    One final note: this Mac mini is new as of July 2011; just days before the latest generation of Mac mini came out. It came pre-installed with Snow Leopard and, as soon as the users of this mini find software replacements for the old PPC style applicaitons they're used to using, will be upgraded to Lion. However, I feel a bit unsettled in making the move to Lion if I can't get a Snow Leopard feature to work properly. There's no telling if the Lion upgrade will actually fix this behavior or make it worse.
    Thanks in advance.

    I don't think you can wake on network with a closed lid. Try keeping the lid open and putting the machine to sleep. Does it work?

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