ON FIRE!!!!!

The power cord started on fire!! It was right up near where the cord connects with the piece that is inserted into the computer. Really, it sparked then flamed up on me! It looks like it was running hot too, the metal around the area looks a little warped.
The computer is about 4 years old, so I'm guessing this isn't covered under any kind of warranty anymore. So am I just SOL here?? I mean, the **** thing STARTED ON FIRE!!!! Is there anything I can do to at least get a new power cord out of this?

Hi, Hugh, and welcome to Apple Discussions. The low-voltage power cord from the adapter brick to the computer typically gets a lot of wear and tear, mostly concentrated at the points where it joins the brick and where it joins the plug. Like any electrical cord, it will eventually fray and break where it has been flexed and twisted the most, and if positive and negative conductors inside it come into contact when it breaks, sparking is the result.
Apple has used three or four different kinds of strain-relief casings at the ends of that low-voltage cable through the years, and some have been more successful than others. You probably had one of the earlier and less successful variations, and in a perfect world, you should instead have gotten one of the better ones. Call Apple Customer Relations at 1-800-767-2775, calmly and politely explain what happened, and request a new adapter. We've seen a number of posts here from people who did this successfully under circumstances like yours.

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    Something like this?
    That was from a project I did a few months ago.  Sounds similar to what you want.  I did that in After Effects.
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    I'm not sure whether Firefox saved that information. There is a chance that it is in the session history file, especially if you haven't closed that tab yet. To check that:
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    Edited by: user12240205 on Oct 15, 2012 4:50 AM
    Edited by: user12240205 on Oct 15, 2012 4:52 AM

    Michael Ferrante (Oracle) wrote:
    If you need to open another form you should use CALL_FORM, OPEN_FORM, or NEW_FORM. In these cases, ON-LOGON will not automatically fire because the connect info is passed from the calling form. If you need to login from the called form then you need to need to programatically cause that to occur. Refer to the LOGON and LOGON_SCREEN built-ins in the Builder help for more info. You can fire these from almost any trigger you like, for example in a WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE trigger or where ever is appropriate for you application.Michael, we tried using the CALL_FORM, OPEN_FORM & NEW_FORM.
    Also, there is NO connection to the DB, when B is called from A since we don't login to the DB in A (ON-LOGON has NULL;).
    So, if there is no DB connection when B is called, shouldn't the ON-LOGON in B fire?
    We tried firing the LOGON_SCREEN and LOGON in the WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE. But, for some reason, the we don't get the menu (we get a menu not found error). We tried correcting the paths and other things but still no solution.

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          iv_usage->subscribe_event( iv_event_name = 'TAKE_IT'
                                     iv_handler = me ).
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    best regards

    Hello Juergen
    I am assuming your target pop-up is of type ref to IF_BSP_WD_POPUP.
    1.Make this a view controller class attribute.
    2. After the code to create the pop-up, you can add the following block :
    gv_target_popup->set_on_close_event( iv_view = me iv_event_name = 'CLOSEPOPUP').
    3. Now define event handler EH_ONCLOSEPOPUP where you can write the logic for on_close.
    You can access the same reference gv_target_popup at the event handler level as well.
    Hope this helps.

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    k8t neo2-FIR
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    onboard sound/lan
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    Run Memtest86 and find out which RAM models he uses. Likely as not it is going to be part of the issue. See if you can read the lable on that PSU as well and find out how many amps are on the 12v rail.

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    i try change memory, but no efect.
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  • Fields not getting rendered based on fire partial action

    Dear Friends
    I have req like based on the selected value in message choice input (UOM), the other values(BOX,EACH,VOLUME) in page sholud render .
    These are my codes in AM and CO.
        public void xxcreaterow() {
            OAViewObject vo = getuomVO1();
            System.out.println("am is getting executed");
             Number val = 1;
                if (vo != null)
                  if (vo.getFetchedRowCount() == 0)
                   OARow row = (OARow)vo.first(); 
                    //  row.setAttribute("RowKey", new Number(1));
                      row.setAttribute("RowKey", val);
                      row.setAttribute("BoxAttr", Boolean.FALSE);
                      row.setAttribute("EachAttr", Boolean.FALSE);
                      row.setAttribute("VolumeAttr", Boolean.FALSE);
    ************************   CO *********************************
      public void processRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
        super.processRequest(pageContext, webBean);
          OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
          OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject)am.findViewObject("uomVO");
       * Procedure to handle form submissions for form elements in
       * a region.
       * @param pageContext the current OA page context
       * @param webBean the web bean corresponding to the region
      public void processFormRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
        super.processFormRequest(pageContext, webBean);
         OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
         OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject)am.findViewObject("uomVO1");
                 OARow row = (OARow)vo.getCurrentRow();
                      if ("HandleUom".equals(pageContext.getParameter(EVENT_PARAM)))
            if (pageContext.getParameter("UnitOfMeasure").equals("Box"))
             row.setAttribute("BoxAttr", Boolean.TRUE);
                row.setAttribute("EachAttr", Boolean.FALSE);
                row.setAttribute("VolumeAttr", Boolean.FALSE);
                     row.setAttribute("BoxAttr", Boolean.FALSE);
               if (pageContext.getParameter("UnitOfMeasure").equals("Each"))
                row.setAttribute("BoxAttr", Boolean.FALSE);
                   row.setAttribute("EachAttr", Boolean.TRUE);
                   row.setAttribute("VolumeAttr", Boolean.FALSE);
                     row.setAttribute("EachAttr", Boolean.FALSE);
               if (pageContext.getParameter("UnitOfMeasure").equals("Gallon"))
                row.setAttribute("BoxAttr", Boolean.FALSE);
                   row.setAttribute("EachAttr", Boolean.FALSE);
                   row.setAttribute("VolumeAttr", Boolean.TRUE);
                     row.setAttribute("VolumeAttr", Boolean.FALSE);
    How to resolve this plz help.

    Have a fire partial action event enabled on text field 2, capture the event in processFormRequest of CO, throw an exception using throw OAException when textfield1 < textfield 2 or your required condition is met. You don't need javascript for this. I don't recommend using javascript in OAF. You have most of the features available in OAF (except popup alerts though which can be achieved as mentioned above but no popup window).

  • COM+ Event System failed to fire the StartShell and Logon method after installation of PM 1.43

    Hi Guys,
    After installation of Power Manager 1.43, the following errors were immediate shown at event viewer: COM+ Event System failed to fire the StartShell and Logon method on subscription {F6FE5592-FCBC-44AD-A836-D37F5085ED5B}-{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}-{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}.  The subscriber returned HRESULT 80004001.
    Please advice if this is a known issue? Thanks!

    this is a known problem. See this thread
    Follow @LenovoForums on Twitter! Try the forum search, before first posting: Forum Search Option
    Please insert your type, model (not S/N) number and used OS in your posts.
    I´m a volunteer here using New X1 Carbon, ThinkPad Yoga, Yoga 11s, Yoga 13, T430s,T510, X220t, IdeaCentre B540.
    TIP: If your computer runs satisfactorily now, it may not be necessary to update the system.
     English Community       Deutsche Community       Comunidad en Español

  • On Sun fire v490 - Solaris 10 with Oracle & Sybase 12.0

    We are going to upgrade our server with this configuration -
    Sun Fire V490     2 x 1.05 GHz UltraSPARC IV CPU
    8096MB RAM     2 x73GB local disk
    2x FC 2GB Sun/QLogic HBAs
    On one machine we will have Sun Solaris v10 with
    Oracle DB v8.1.7.4 & Second one will be Sun Solaris v10 with Sybase DB v12.0.0.6.
    Now our question is - Sun fire have Hyper-thread CPUs ��� will the O/S and databases (Oracle and Sybase) view the proposed system as a true 4 CPU platform? Will parameters used to tune the database such as Sybase max online engines still operate in the same manner as before?
    Our old machine configuration was - Sun E450     4x400MHz CPU     1024MB RAM     2 x18; 8x36GB disks

    Questions on Oracle and Sybase should be directed to a database forum, this forum is for Sun hardware support.
    Here is a link to a DB forum I look at from time to time:
    The topic of tuning Oracle or Solaris is way beyond the scope of this forum, I have attempted to go into it before but didn't get any feedback and I would only like to spend lots of time on it if I was being paid!!! On the memory side, keep in mind that Oracle 9i 64-bit can address a maximum of 2 ^ 64 ( 16777216 TB ) memory, prior to that the DBA had to define memory parameters in init.ora. To be honest the last time I worked with a Oracle 8 database I shut a HP K class server down permanently that had been migrated to Oracle 9i on Solaris by an Oracle consultant and I can't remember all the tuning trick etc.

  • Onblur doesn't fire on autosuggest cfinput

    I have a problem with the autosuggest cfinput. I am using
    Coldfusion 8 and Fusebox 5. Here is the sample of my code.
    <cfinput name="item_number" maxlength="20" type="text"
    value=#getInventory.Item_Number# showAutosuggestLoadingIcon="no"
    onBlur="javascript:loadData();" >
    function loadData(){
    document.frmInventoryData.isLoadData.value = '1';
    The event does not fire after the autosuggest has been
    selected. When the form is submitted, “item_number” has
    the value that the user entered, but not the value that the user
    selected from the autosuggest. I have tried all the available
    events of cfinput like onChange, onMouseOut.., but it still
    doesn’t work. Please help. Thanks for your time.

    If you would like to.
    SelectOneChoice component:<af:selectOneChoice label="Падеж" id="soc2"
                      <af:selectItem label="Именительный" id="si3" value="0"/>
                      <af:selectItem label="Родительный" value="2" id="si4"/>
                      <af:selectItem label="Винительный" value="3" id="si5"/>
                      <af:selectItem label="Дательный" value="4" id="si6"/>
                      <af:selectItem label="Творительный" value="5" id="si7"/>
                      <af:selectItem label="Предложный" value="6" id="si8"/>
                    </af:selectOneChoice>Related outputText:<af:panelLabelAndMessage label="Предпросмотр:" id="plam13"
                      <af:outputText value="[ANY_MAN(#{bindings.LookupEmpIdE.inputValue}#{backingBeanScope.Page1ManagedBean.padeg != 0 ? ',padeg=' : ''}#{backingBeanScope.Page1ManagedBean.padeg != 0 ? backingBeanScope.Page1ManagedBean.padeg : ''})]" id="ot10"
                                     partialTriggers="soc2 pc1:resId2"/>
                    </af:panelLabelAndMessage>Backing bean variable:private int padeg = 0;
    public int getPadeg() {
          return padeg;
      public void setPadeg(int padeg) {
          this.padeg = padeg;

  • Coldfusion 8: Onblur doesn't fire on autosuggest cfinput

    I have a problem using the autosuggest cfinput. Here is the
    sample of my code.
    <cfinput name="item_number" maxlength="20" type="text"
    value=#getInventory.Item_Number# showAutosuggestLoadingIcon="no"
    onBlur="javascript:loadData();" >
    function loadData(){
    document.frmInventoryData.isLoadData.value = '1';
    The event Onblur does not fire after the autosuggest has been
    selected. When the form is submitted, “item_number” has
    the value that the user entered, but not the value that the user
    selected from the autosuggest. I have tried all the available
    events of cfinput like onChange, onMouseOut.., but it still
    doesn’t work. Please help. Thanks for your time.

    I am not sure whether SELinux is officially supported with ColdFusion or not. In permissive mode you shouldn't have these problems.
    If it is enabled the following is required:
    setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1
    This is necessary for mod_jk to talk to ColdFusion.  It fixed the error you describe in my case. You might make sure that ColdFusion is running of course. Be patient - setsebool takes about a minute to run,
    /opt/coldfusion10/config/wsconfig/1/mod_jk.so must be httpd_modules_t
    mod_jk.log must be httpd_log_t.   /var/log/httpd is a good place for it.
    Use chcon -t to make these changes
    Plus other contexts set as standard for Apache (httpd_sys_content_t, etc). I hope this helps.

  • Leaving a Page fires "Page Unload" dynamic action?

    Which Dynamic Action fires when I am leaving a page.
    I have a page with lot of items, I want to fire alert based on some condition when user leaving that page (suppose user clicks to say some TAB), I used *"Page Unload"* dynamic action, but somehow it's not working.
    Is there any other Event I have to use?

    Thanks.. VC
    but I cannot use that plugin as I have a Page which call other pages using iFrame and I am facing some issue..
    I have created a separate Post for this but not able to resolve it till now.. Here is the Link.
    Re: "IFrame Region" Plugin / Save Before Exit (3.0.2) - Dialog box - Question

  • "Memory  Sizing" error on Sun Fire V65x

    I have some trouble with my old Sun Fire V65x and i hope that you guys can help me out.
    I had 2,5GB RAM installed in my server, working flawless. 2 x 256MB and 2 x 1GB modules. 256-modules in Bank 1 and 1GB´s in Bank 2.
    To get rid of the boot up warning of wrong memory configuration i moved the 2 1GB modules to bank 3 (as stated in the manual) but that was when the problem started.
    In this configuration the server won't go to POST, i tried moving the 1GB modules around between bank 1, 2 & 3 without any result.
    The server will not go to POST. No beeps, no nothing. When turning the server on line it starts up, the fans starts running on at maximum speed and that's all, no picture and no POST and the system warning LED turns to red. After a couple of minutes in this state the fans slow down for a couple of seconds and then back to 100% (repeating cycle)
    The POST diagnostics LEDs at the back of the main board indicates POST code 13h, "Memory sizing". The main board does not report any defective DIMMs, also worth mentioning is that the 2 256MB DIMMs are working flawlessly in all banks.
    I have tried:
    Resetting the memory config in BIOS (using the 2x256 DIMMs and then installing the 2 1GB modules.
    Moving the memory modules around between different banks, both alone and with the 2 256MB DIMMs present.
    Clearing the CMOS settings.
    Searching manuals and Google for hours without answer to my problem or what "memory sizing " means in this situation.
    Sun Fire V65x
    1 CPU
    If anyone know the answer to my dilemma and are willing to help me, i would be really grateful.
    Sadly i do not have the possibility to test the memory modules in another system.
    Best regards. Erik Järlestrand, Sweden.

    Hardware. A reboot will probably not do anything. From what I can tell, it's a CPU cache problem. If you do anything, shut the system down completely, turn the power off for a minimum of 20 seconds to let any residual electricty go away, the turn it back on. If the problem returns, you'll most likely need to either get a new CPU module or a new V100. I don't know if the CPU can be removed from the V100 motherboard, but since there are jumper settings for the speed I would assume that you can.

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