Onboard programming the 7344...creating data arrays?

I would like to use the onboard programming capability of the 7344.
I have a requirement to set up a data array of X and Y coordinates that would be accessed via an incremental loop.
I guess the array data can be entered into a buffer object, but is there anyway of getting the data from the buffer using a pointer. From what I see the data has to be retrieved from the start of the buffer, or sequentially using the read_buffer function, but on certain conditions I may want to access random sets of coordinates, from within the array, and do not want to ue up all the general purpose variables to do this.

The onboard programming of 7344 supports the FIFO architecture.You can run onboard programs from RAM or optionally save them to flash ROM.
The 7344 doesnot support the pointer functions(due to memory size).
The 7344 controllers have 64 KB of RAM and 128 KB of ROM(divided into two 64 KB sectors) for program and object storage.
You can run programs from either RAM or ROM, but you cannot split programs between the two, and you cannot split programs between the two 64 KB ROMsectors.
With an average command size of 10 bytes, a single program can be as large as 6,400 commands.
For example, the 7344 controllers can
simultaneously execute 10 programs, five from RAM and five from ROM,with each program up to 1,280 commands long.
Also R
efer to the Onboard Programming Functions section of the FlexMotion Software Reference Manual for detailed information on all of these onboard programming features.
Please do post any findings that may seem significant to our discussion on the onboard-programming of the 7344.
Best Regards
Atul Wahi
Applications Engineer

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    Thanks for your Reply !!
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    INA                 $1000
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    INA                 $1500          < modified >
    USA                $400           < new >
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    Respected All;
    I am stuck in a variable for couple of weeks.
    Please help me to get the difference in dates coming under the Ac Create Date Column for respective Request Id's.
    I want the result in the Delay Column (Variable Required for the result of delay).
    For eg:-
    Request Id
    Ac Create Date
    Act Role Proper Name
    Delay Simplified(Variable Required
    Result In Delay
    Act Activity Name
    Debt Recovery - Archive
    =Ac Create Date C2 - Ac Create Date C1
    Call Centre - Back Office
    =Ac Create Date C3 - Ac Create Date C2
    OWN Shop - AL Rayyan
    =Ac Create Date C4 - Ac Create Date C3
    Call Centre - Back Office
    = Ac Create Date C5 - Ac Create Date C4
    Customer Feedback
    Call Centre - Back Office
    Closed FC
    Call Centre - Back Office
    =Ac Create Date C7 - Ac Create Date C6
    =Ac Create Date C8 - Ac Create Date C7
    Call Centre - Back Office
    =Ac Create Date C9 - Ac Create Date C8
    =Ac Create Date C10 - Ac Create Date C9
    Return - Wrong Assignment
    Call Centre - Back Office
    =Ac Create Date C11 - Ac Create Date C10
    IT CRM & Provisioning
    =Ac Create Date C12 - Ac Create Date C11
    IT CRM & Provisioning
    =Ac Create Date C13 - Ac Create Date C12
    Follow Up
    IT CRM & Provisioning
    =Ac Create Date C14 - Ac Create Date C13
    =Ac Create Date C15 - Ac Create Date C14
    Call Centre - Back Office
    =Ac Create Date C16 - Ac Create Date C15
    Fiber Call Center-Back Office
    =Ac Create Date C17 - Ac Create Date C16
    IT CRM & Provisioning
    =Ac Create Date C18 - Ac Create Date C17
    Fiber Call Center-Back Office
    =Ac Create Date C19 - Ac Create Date C18
    Fiber Call Center-Back Office
    =Ac Create Date C20 - Ac Create Date C19
    Customer Feedback
    Fiber Call Center-Back Office
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    Can someone please help me out with the variable.. For better understanding of the question kindly copy paste the table in excel and check it out, but please please help me out !!!
    Thanks In Advance

    Hi Fahad,
    Try Below-
    Create variable-
    V_NextDate=If RelativeValue([Request Id];([Request Id];[Ac Create Date];[Act Activity Name];[Act Role Proper Name]);1)=[Request Id] Then ToDate((RelativeValue([Ac Create Date];([Request Id];[Ac Create Date];[Act Activity Name];[Act Role Proper Name]);1));"MM/dd/yyyy")
    In Delays column put below
    =If IsNull(DaysBetween([Ac Create Date];[V_NextDate])) Then "NA" Else DaysBetween([Ac Create Date];[V_NextDate])
    See sceenshot

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    Thanks again

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    2)  ERZET::::::Created time
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