One Socket Interrupting another Socket

In my application I am attempting to talk to another application on the same computer via Socket port connections. The other software works as both a server and a client, meaning that it will attempt to connect to my application as a client, and expects my application to connect to it as a client.
I set my application to receive connections on port 6001 using a ServerSocket object. Once my application accepts the connection from the other application I send the InputStream of the resulting Socket object to be read and handled. This is working fine for me.
Next when my application attempts to connect to the other application using a Socket object (separate from the one created by the ServerSocket.accept() method and in a different thread) and it should connect via port 6002. The InputStream that I sent to be handled starts giving me the end of stream, and I can't process data coming from the other application any more.
Does anyone know what I may be doing wrong in this case?

JRSofty wrote:
In my application I am attempting to talk to another application on the same computer via Socket port connections. The other software works as both a server and a client, meaning that it will attempt to connect to my application as a client, and expects my application to connect to it as a client.
I set my application to receive connections on port 6001 using a ServerSocket object. Once my application accepts the connection from the other application I send the InputStream of the resulting Socket object to be read and handled. This is working fine for me.
Next when my application attempts to connect to the other application using a Socket object (separate from the one created by the ServerSocket.accept() method and in a different thread) and it should connect via port 6002. The InputStream that I sent to be handled starts giving me the end of stream, and I can't process data coming from the other application any more.
Does anyone know what I may be doing wrong in this case?The way you use the verbs "send" and "sent" seems very odd.
It is clear enough that only the client (the one that did the connect) is allowed to write to the socket.
You are using the sockets in half duplex mode.
Does anyone know what I may be doing wrong in this case?You are saying your peer application connects to your application, then
your application connects to your peer application and very quickly you get EOS on this outgoing socket?
Is there some kind of application level ACK built in to this system?
Is there anything preventing you from just opening another connection to your peer application?
Not sure how you can know how much data reached your peer application before you got EOS.
Maybe your peer application does not read from the socket at all? In that case you will get an exception once your local TCP send buffer is full.

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    Thanks in advance for any help or advice,
    Roger Alix-Gaudreau

    Yes, that's pretty much what's happening. I thought that with both components being bound to the backing bean via actionListener elements (instead of action elements), I would be able to use some multithreading code to force the second click's processing to wait until the first was complete, thus making them end at the same time. I guess the technology doesn't quite support that approach, however. I should probably do some reading to get a deeper understanding of the technology...
    Given that your guess that we're trying to interrupt one request with another is correct, I'm not sure if posting the code will help (except to confirm that guess), but here is the code for the buttons from the JSP page:
    <h:commandButton styleClass="kiosk_cmd" id="btnStart"
       onclick=" = 'wait';"
    <h:commandButton styleClass="kiosk_cmd" id="btnStop"
       onclick=" = 'default';"
       title="#{msgBundle.EPCMGR_Common_StopReadButtonTooltip}"/>The method backing the Start Read button looks like this:
    public void doRead(ActionEvent ae){
       //notify the StopReadManager that we're now reading
       //build map of keyfields for request XML
       Map keymap= new HashMap();
       keymap.put(EPCMgrConst.XML_KEYVAL_DURATION, getDuration());
       keymap.put(EPCMgrConst.XML_KEYVAL_INTERVAL, getInterval());
       keymap.put(EPCMgrConst.XML_KEYVAL_CNTRINFO, "1");
       //perform the read(s), get epc data
       int readCycle= 0;
       while(readCycle < getMaxReads() && !stopMgr.isStopNow()){
       //notify the StopReadManager that we're done reading
    }The code backing the Stop Read button looks like this:
    public void doStopRead(ActionEvent ae){
             //do nothing, the call waits until reading is done.
          //reset the StopReadManager
    }And lastly, the code for the StopReadManager that those methods refer to:
    public class StopReadManager {
       private boolean reading;
       private boolean stopNow;
       public StopReadManager(){
          reading= false;
          stopNow= false;
        * Producer for the reading flag is the "StartRead" process, consumer is "StopRead".
        * StartRead must set it to true when reading is in progress, StopRead should
        * only be able to exit a call to this method when reading is done (i.e. when
        * StartRead sets the reading flag to false.)
        * @return True when reading is finished.
       public synchronized boolean isReadingFinished(){
                wait(); //Wait until StartRead is complete
             }catch(InterruptedException ie){ }
          //We are done reading.
          return true;
       public synchronized boolean isReading(){
          return reading;
       public synchronized void setReading(boolean value){
          reading= value;
          //If no longer reading, notify any threads waiting on the lock.
       public synchronized boolean isStopNow(){
          return stopNow;
       public synchronized void setStopNow(boolean value){
          stopNow= value;
    }As I mentioned, the multithreading control code works correctly, once we hit it, which happens the second time I click the Stop button. The first time I click it, the screen immediately reloads (though the Start process continues in the background). So what I really need is the ability to make sure that if I click Stop while Start is still processing, it actually hits the backing bean code and enters the multithreading control code properly. You metion something called "shale's token". What is that, and how can it solve my problem?
    Roger Alix-Gaudreau

  • Only one usage of each socket address is no normally permitted....

    I am getting the below error?
    In logs the below error is showing:
    java.lang.Exception: Socket bind failed: [730048] Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.
    Could you please give some idea to sort out the below issue.
    Thanks in Advance.
    Hi All,
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    In the employee.hbm.xml
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    The Company is not Available
    Error in Log:
    The resourse is already in used/busy. or JNDI error.
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    Thanks in advance.

    Saratha wrote:
    I am getting the below error?
    In logs the below error is showing:
    java.lang.Exception: Socket bind failed: [730048] Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.
    Could you please give some idea to sort out the below issue.
    Thanks in Advance.The port is already in use by another process. Apparently you've another process (the same or another kind of application server) running at the same port.
    This problem is completely unrelated to JSF.
    Hi All,
    I m new to JSF, spring and Hibernate web application. I have done a web project using JSF, Hibernate and Spring. We have to maintain the Data records which is stored in mysql db. Now there are different table is there such as example Employee Details and Company Details. So we created two seperate application o tomacat, For both Application we use same functionality except the JSP FILE Name and table name (Which is changed according to Application).
    In the employee.hbm.xml
    I changed the table name.
    Now while running the application on the tomcat server, only one application is running at a time. if we start running the Employee Application, then Company Application is giving the below error,
    The Company is not Available
    Error in Log:
    The resourse is already in used/busy. or JNDI error.
    Could you please help us, how to overcome the error,
    Is it not possible to run both the application on different browsers.
    Thanks in advance.
    Saratha.What is this? Why have you copypasted the question of your another topic? []

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    public static void main(String[] args)
    String str;
    String str1 = "";
    String str3 = "";
    String str4 = "";
    String str5 = "";
    String str6 = "";
    int port=2424;
    int count = 1;
    int wordcount;
    int charcount;
    char[] readchar;
    boolean bool ;
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    //readchar[0] = " ";
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    System.out.println("Text is " + str);
    str1 = str1 + " " + str;
    System.out.println("Text is " + str1);
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    System.out.println("Opening sockets");
    Socket sock = new Socket(str3,port);
    System.out.println("Before writing");
    InputStream in = sock.getInputStream();
    OutputStream out = sock.getOutputStream();
    //send data
    for (int i=0; i<str1.length(); i++) {
    System.out.println("After writing");
    //receive data
    char[] b= new char[1024];
    String result = "";
    int ch,c;
    while ((ch = != -1) {
    System.out.println("before read");
    System.out.println("Output Text is " + (char) ch);
    System.out.println("After reading");
    System.out.println("Output Text is " + result);
    catch(InterruptedIOException e) {
    System.out.println("Interrupt exception");
    catch (EOFException e)
    System.out.println("Sockets EOF error");
    catch (IOException e)
    System.out.println("Sockets write/read i/o error");
    catch (Exception e)
    System.out.println("Sockets write/read error");
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    If it did not detect the charatcer, it should not give
    me the 'After writing' mesage, right? It also allows
    me to close the out stream.No the 'After writing' mesage is printed by the client not the server. What is happening here is the client finishes writing to the stream, prints the message and closes the stream on its side. Even if server has not read from the stream it will not prevent the client from closing the stream.
    Another thing is that since it works when both client and server are running on Unix it might be character encoding problem. I guess you are writing characters/Strings to the stream. Try converting your output into a byte array before dumping to the output stream. Also add some print/debug statements on the server side to see what the server is getting.

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    If this doesn't do the trick try reinstall the agent.
    Best Regards
    Robert Hedblom
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      ALTER TABLE leaderboard
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    G3, G4, G3 iBook   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    Which directories do you mean? The socket-$hostname, tmp-$hostname etc. shouldn't be of any importance and can be left behind. Important for akonadi are the .local/akonadi and .config/akonadi folders. What kind of errors exactly do you get?

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    try it and RATE correct answers
    Hello Matthew
    You're looking in the wrong spot
    First things first - make yourself default sudo with sudo -s then you can forget prefixing it all the time.
    If you just use pg_dump then it'll take the command from the /var-Directory - that's the wrong version
    You have to specify the path for the Socket where the PSQL-Database for the wiki really is located by using the -h-option - it's not the default
    that's why you get the error that role collab does not exist since you're connecting to a database in place where the role collab truy isn't part of it.
    So - if you'd like to export the wiki-DB us the following and adapt the filename to what you like it to be.
    bash-3.2# /Applications/ -h "/Library/Server/PostgreSQL For Server Services/Socket/" -p 5432 -f /Volumes/USBSTICK/wikidatabase.pgdump -U collab collab
    The first block specifies the "not default" pg_dump you'd like to use
    The second block (-h "/Library/.....) tells pg_dump where to find the DB
    The third block tells pg_dump to use port 5432
    The fourth block (-f /Volumes/......) tells pg_dump to place its output into this file
    The fifth block (-U collab) tells pg_dump to do this is role collab
    The sixth block tells pg_dump from with DB to dump from
    In your case extend my provided command with your options --format=c --compress=9 --blobs like this:
    bash-3.2# /Applications/ -h "/Library/Server/PostgreSQL For Server Services/Socket/" -p 5432 -F c --compress=9 -b -f /Volumes/USBSTICK/wikidatabase.pgdump -U collab collab
    BTW- you can connect to the database, of course:
    bash-3.2# psql -h "/Library/Server/PostgreSQL For Server Services/Socket/" -p 5432 collab collab
    try it and RATE correct answers
    Here is my thread

  • How to kill one class from another class

    I need to dipose one class from another class.
    So that first i have to find what are all threads running in that class and then to kill them
    Assist me.

    Subbu_Srinivasan wrote:
    I am explaining you in clear way
    No you haven't been.
    In my application i am handling many JInternalFrame.Simultaneously i am running working on more than one frame.
    Due to some poor performance of some thread in one JInternalFrame,the thread is keeps on running .
    i could not able to proceed further on that screen.
    So i have to kill that JInternalFrame.Yoinks.
    To be begin with your problem sounds like you are doing everything in one thread. So stop doing that. Second when you get it split up and if a task is taking too much time then interrupt it. No kill. Interrupt. This means the worker thread needs to check sometimes if it has been interrupted.

  • Passing a variable from one thread to another

    Hi. I'm trying to produce a chat program in Java but need to pass a variable between two threads. I have included a snipet of the code.
    class IndividualConnection extends Thread
         public Socket clientSocket;
         String userName = "";
         public IndividualConnection(Socket connectingSocket)
              clientSocket = connectingSocket;
    public login(String name)
    userName = name;
         public void messageUser(Socket socket, String msg)
                   Socket newSocket = new Socket("",5163);     
                   DataOutputStream outToServer = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
                   outToServer.writeBytes(msg + '\n');     
              catch(Exception e)
                   System.out.println("The connection with the client has been closed.");
    public void run()
         Socket global = clientSocket;
    // etc etc
    A number of threads are created based on code similar to the above. Each thread communicates to a different client on the chat program. However, I want to be able to send messages between the clients.
    Each thread has a method called messageUser(Socket socket, String msg). I should (hopefully) be able to send a message to anyone using the prog if I can access their socket. The problem is that the socket objects for each client is held in the clients own thread. I have tried writing some code to find the Socket object in another thread but to no success. The code I am trying is shown below.
         public Socket findContact(String name)
              ThreadGroup currentGroup = Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup();
              int numThreads = currentGroup.activeCount();
              Thread[] listOfThreads = new Thread[numThreads];
              for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++)
                   String threadName = listOfThreads.getName();
                   if (threadName.compareTo(name) == 0)
                   //     Socket tempSocket = threadName[i].getClass().getField(clientSocket);
              return tempSocket;
    The line I have commented out does not work. Please could someone tell me how to carry out this task. I have spent many hours trying to solve this but am not able to. The chat server is nearly complete now. I just need to find a way of obtaining another threads socket.
    I hope the problem is comprehensible. I have found it difficult to explain clearly. Many thanks.

    Really simple, inelegant solution:
    class MyThread extends Thread {
    Socket socket;
    MyThread( Socket s ) { socket = s; }
    public Socket getSocket() { return socket; }
    }Better: create a master object that includes an array
    of sockets. Each time you create a Thread, update the
    master object's list of sockets with a reference to
    each Thread's socket. Under the current memory model, the socket field should be declared volatile. The proposed new memory model will guarantee that this will work if the socket field is declared final.

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    I'm switching from one laptop to another (both using WIN 7), and I'm having difficulty.  It might be that my iTunes folder is incorrect or in the wrong place.  I tried copying my iTunes folder from a folder in My Music.  This folder also had a list of folders that seem to be album names.  In alphabetical order, one of these folders is named "iTunes".  That folder has files like "iTunes Library.itl", several temp files, iTunes Library Extras.itdb  and iTunes Library Genius.itdb.  It also has folders called "Album artwork" and "iTunes Media".  I tried copying over this iTunes  folder, but nothing showed up in iTunes.  This would be easy if I were allowed to synch from my iPod to iTunes, but I've heard that's not allowed.  Any help, especially step-by-step assistance, would be greatly appreciated.

    Migrate an iTunes library from one computer to another
    These are two possible approaches that will normally work to move an existing library to a new computer.
    Method 1
    Backup the library with this User Tip.
    Deauthorize the old computer if you no longer want to access protected content on it.
    Restore the backup to your new computer using the same tool used to back it up.
    Keep your backup up-to-date in future.
    Method 2
    Connect the two computers to the same network. Share your <User's Music> folder from the old computer and copy the entireiTunes library folder into the <User's Music> folder on the new one. Again, deauthorize the old computer if no longer required.
    Both methods should give the new computer a working clone of the library that was on the old one, with ratings, play counts, playlists etc. preserved. As far as iTunes is concerned this is still the "home" library for your devices so you shouldn't have any issues with iTunes wanting to erase and reload.
    I'd normally recommend method 1 since it establishes an ongoing backup for your library and unlike copying with Windows Explorer the process can be resumed if it is interrupted and it will continue to the next item if there are any read/access errors.
    Note if you have iOS devices and haven't moved your contacts and calendar items across then you should create one dummy entry of each in your new profile and iTunes should  merge the existing data from the device.
    If your media folder has been split out from the main iTunes folder you may need to do some preparatory work to make it easier to move. See Make a split library portable.
    Should you be in the unfortunate position where you are no longer able to access your original library or a backup then then see Recover your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device for advice on how to set up your devices with a new library with the maximum preservation of data.

  • Socket.shutdownOutput() closes socket inside JVM

    Dear friends,
    We have a java class which uses the Socket class. Our class does a Socket.shutdownOutput() to indicate that the sending of data is over and the reply may start. It works just fine outside Oracle, but when the class is loaded in the database the shutdownOutput() method apparently causes the socket to be closed. Below is a sample of the code and its output. The user has JAVAUSERPRIV and JAVASYSPRIV granted, and I even tried JAVA_ADMIN without success. The Oracle versions tested were (Windows) and (AIX). Does anybody know what can be happening ? Thanks in advance.
    Socket sockICM = new Socket("", 5010);
    byte byxml[] = hmapICM.toXMLString().getBytes();
    InputStream isXmlOut = sockICM.getInputStream();
    System.out.println("socket.isOutputShutdown(): " + sockICM.isOutputShutdown());
    System.out.println("socket.isClosed(): " + sockICM.isClosed());
    byte b[] = new byte[1000];
    InputStream isXmlOut = sockICM.getInputStream();
    ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    int q;
    while((q = != -1)
    bos.write(b, 0, q);
    System.out.println("leu: " + bos.toString());
    catch(Exception io){
    System.out.println("err=" + io.toString());
    socket.isOutputShutdown(): true
    socket.isClosed(): false
    4 Socket is closed

    Thank you for the answer, Kuassi, I am going to do that. One more piece of information is that my printStackTrace shows the following: Socket is closed
    at Method)
    at kiman.socktest.test(socktest:76)
    Do you know what does the "Native Method" on second line mean ? I think my problem
    is related to that somehow.

  • How do I use the time capsule to share itunes music between multiple apple devices? Also, is it possible to control the music on one device using another, and how do you set this up?

    How do I use the time capsule to share itunes music between multiple apple devices? Also, is it possible to control the music on one device using another, and how do you set this up?

    unless i'm missing something, i think you got mixed up, this is easy google for walk throughs
    i'm assuming this is the new 3tb tc AC or 'tower' shape, if so, its wifi will run circles around your at&t device
    unplug the at&t box for a minute and plug it back in
    factory reset your tc - unplug it, hold down reset and keep holding while you plug it back in - only release reset when amber light flashes in 10-20s
    connect the tc to your at&t box via eth in the wan port, wait 1 minute, open airport utility look in 'other wifi devices' to setup the tc
    create a new wifi network (give it a different name than your at&t one) and put the tc in bridge mode (it may do this automatically for you, but you should double check) under the 'network' tab
    login to your at&t router and disable wifi on it
    add new clients to the new wifi network, and point your Macs to the time machine for backups

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    So i have an itunes account on dell laptop and i share that account with other famliy members. I recently bought a mac pro and wanted to create a new account that way i can use icloud, is there any possible way to transfer everything from my old library to my new one or will i lose everything i had on my phone and ipods? Or is it possible to have one account but multiple icloud accounts?

    lisafromwindermere wrote:
    I want to start my own account separate from my parents. Can I transfer my music from one account to another? If so, how?
    Just get copies of the song files and add them to your iTunes library.  With the exception of any DRM-protected files (purchased before mid-2009 and never upgraded) they will play fine, even though they are technically associated with the original account.

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    help please !!!!

    You can't transfer content from one account to another account, nor can you merge accounts - content will remain tied to the account that downloaded it

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    But the location he got was a few kilometres from where I was. He checked it again a few minutes later & the location was correct. I had answered a call & email. I never moved locations by why did my phone show differently?

  • Sent Mail Vanished

    I'm using 10.4.5. I updated from 10.3.9 a few weeks ago. Everything was working just fine until this morning. I had left my computer on for several hours. I saw that I had a notice telling me that Mail couldn't check my POP account at Gmail. This see