One-to-Many attribute mapping in CSV GTC

I have a field in the feed file as STATUS_CODE which contains numeric values – 0,1,2,3.
Now, we have a requirement to populate status values based on these values to two different fields – OIM OOTB “Identity Status” and a custom field “Employee Status”.
Identity Status accepts values such as ‘Active’ , ‘Disabled’ etc.: Lookup.StatusCodes
Active     3
Disabled     0
Disabled     1
Disabled     2
Employee Status accepts values such as ‘Active’, ‘Inactive’, ‘Retired’, ‘Terminated’: Lookup.Status
Active     3
Terminated     0
Inactive     1
Retired     2
Now I am creating a custom field in “Reconciliation Staging” and mapping that to OIM OOTB status field. I am translating the numeric values using a lookup table - Lookup.ZFS.StatusCodes.
And, I am mapping the STATUS_CODE to custom field Person Status and translating using the lookup table - Lookup.Status.
But both these lookups are synchronized and always hold same set of values.
How can I separate these and how can I realize this requirement through GTC?

Your task can also be achieved by using a user defined JAVA function. the advantage of using a user defined function is, you can implement your logic easily. If the node satisfies your logic you add it to ResultList else you let it free.
This way ur mapping can be made easier. The other steps for going about is clear in the blog specified above. am also giving the link to that blog:

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    Can any one help?
    Thanks in Advance

    Your task can also be achieved by using a user defined JAVA function. the advantage of using a user defined function is, you can implement your logic easily. If the node satisfies your logic you add it to ResultList else you let it free.
    This way ur mapping can be made easier. The other steps for going about is clear in the blog specified above. am also giving the link to that blog:

  • One to Many mapping question

    Hi all,
    I have a question regarding a one to many field mapping I'm using in a
    I have a class AImpl which implements A, and BImpl which implements B.
    class AImpl implements A
    Collection bs;
    class BImpl implements B
    A a;
    I've created an inverse mapping in the package.jdo file as such:
    <class name="AImpl">
    <field name="bs">
    <collection element-type="BImpl"/>
    <extension vendor-name="kodo" key="inverse-owner" value="a"/>
    I get an error when the mapping tool is run saying;
    Field "" names field "a" as its inverse-owner, but a is not a
    field of the related type.
    When I change the BImpl class to have AImpl a, it works fine.
    I'm wondering is there a way to leave the interface in the BImpl class and
    somehow declaritively tell the mappingtool that the field is an AImpl, as
    this allows me to separate interface from implementation in a much more
    efficient way when I build my modules.

    Thanks Stephen for your quick response.
    I added
    <field name="a">
    <extension vendor-name="kodo" key="type" value="AImpl"/>
    and it worked.
    Stephen Kim wrote:
    You can explicitly declare field/element types to be of a certain type:>
    Brendan Brothers wrote:
    Hi all,
    I have a question regarding a one to many field mapping I'm using in a
    I have a class AImpl which implements A, and BImpl which implements B.
    class AImpl implements A
    Collection bs;
    class BImpl implements B
    A a;
    I've created an inverse mapping in the package.jdo file as such:
    <class name="AImpl">
    <field name="bs">
    <collection element-type="BImpl"/>
    <extension vendor-name="kodo" key="inverse-owner" value="a"/>
    I get an error when the mapping tool is run saying;
    Field "" names field "a" as its inverse-owner, but a is not a
    field of the related type.
    When I change the BImpl class to have AImpl a, it works fine.
    I'm wondering is there a way to leave the interface in the BImpl class and
    somehow declaritively tell the mappingtool that the field is an AImpl, as
    this allows me to separate interface from implementation in a much more
    efficient way when I build my modules.
    Steve Kim
    [email protected]
    SolarMetric Inc.

  • JPA: Issue with loading One To Many relation

    Hi All,
    I have a One to Many relation mapped as below
    public class UserAccount {
         // Attributes
         @SequenceGenerator(name="USER_SEQ", sequenceName="USERS_SEQ",allocationSize=1)
         private Long clientId;
         private String userId;
         @OneToMany(fetch=FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy="userAccount")
         @JoinColumn(name="USER_ID", referencedColumnName="USER_ID", insertable=false, updatable=false)
         private List<UserRole> assignedRoles;
    @Table(name = "ROLE_TABLE")
    public class UserRole extends BaseEntity implements Serializable {
         private static final long serialVersionUID = -1651953276532642312L;
         @Column(name = "USER_ID", length = 30, nullable=false, insertable=false, updatable=false)
         private String userId;
         @Column(name = "BUSINESS_CODE", length = 10, nullable=false, insertable=false, updatable=false)
         private String businessCode;
         @Column(name = "ROLE_NAME", length = 30, nullable=false, insertable=false, updatable=false)
         private String roleName;
         @JoinColumn(name="USER_ID", referencedColumnName="USER_ID", insertable=false, updatable=false)
         private UserAccount userAccount;
    As you may have noticed, the tables are not joined on the Primary key of parent. This is legacy schema and I have to work with it.
    Account and Role are joined by the USER_ID column. This I specified by providing JoinColumn.
    Then I have a DAO to retrieve the relation based on user id.
    public class UserAccountDAOJPAImpl UserAccountDAO{
         private static final String USER_ACCOUNT_BY_USERID = "select distinct ua " +
         "from UserAccount ua " +
         "left outer join fetch ua.assignedRoles ar " +
         "where ua.userId = ?1 ";
         public UserAccount findByUserName(String userName){          
              UserAccount userAccount=null;
              List<UserAccount> userAccounts =null;
         Query query = this.entityManager.createQuery(USER_ACCOUNT_BY_USERID);
         query.setParameter(1, userName.toUpperCase());
         userAccounts = query.getResultList();
         if(!userAccounts.isEmpty()) {
              return userAccount;
    When I test this code ( for the user Id I used in test there are 11 roles )
    The SQL generated is correct, when I run the SQL in PL/SQL Developer, it returns the results as expected.
    But the DAO method above returns one UserAccount object with List of 11 UserRole objects as expected. But all of these 11 UserRole objects are same, where as the query returns 11 different roles.
    I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong.
    Any help is appreciated.

    @OneToMany(fetch=FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy="userAccount")
    @JoinColumn(name="USER_ID", referencedColumnName="USER_ID", insertable=false, updatable=false)
    private List<UserRole> assignedRoles;
    }What do you get when you remove this @JoinColumn annotation? It shouldn't be necessary. (user_id seems a little suspect as the join column name by the way, I would have expected role_id here...)

  • One to Many Using an Interface

    I have a one to many object mapping. There is a foreign key on the many table that is not being auto populated when it gets added to the one object. Is this normal activity? I would think that this column would not have to be explicitly set.
    Also, I am using sequencing on the primary key of both the one object and the many object.
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    UnitOfWork uow = this.getUnitOfWork();          
    ManyObject manyObject = new ManyObject();

    (I am assuming that "payoff" is your "oneObject", otherwise I'm not sure of it's relevance in the example).
    Does your addMany(Many aMany) look like this:
    public void addMany(Many aMany) {
    In other words, it's the 1-1 back reference that's really important in a 1-M... You shouldn't have to force the assignment of sequence numbers unless you want it for your business domain for some reason.
    - Don

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  • JPA One-To-Many Parent-Child Mapping Problem

    I am trying to map an existing legacy Oracle schema that involves a base class table and two subclass tables that are related by a one-to-many relationship which is of a parent-child nature.
    The following exception is generated. Can anybody provide a suggestion to fix the problem?
    Exception [EclipseLink-45] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.0.0.v20091127-r5931): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DescriptorException
    Exception Description: Missing mapping for field [BASE_OBJECT.SAMPLE_ID].
    Descriptor: RelationalDescriptor(domain.example.entity.Sample --> [DatabaseTable(BASE_OBJECT), DatabaseTable(SAMPLE)])
    The schema is as follows:
    The entities are related as follows:
    SAMPLE.SAMPLE_ID -> BASE_OBJECT.BASE_OBJECT_ID - The PKs that are used to join the sample to the base class
    SAMPLE_ITEM.SAMPLE_ITEM_ID -> BASE_OBJECT.BASE_OBJECT_ID - The PKs that are used to join the sample item to the base class
    SAMPLE_ITEM.SAMPLE_ID -> SAMPLE.SAMPLE_ID - The FK that is used to join the sample item to the sample class as a child of the parent.
    SAMPLE is one to many SAMPLE_ITEM
    The entity classes are as follows:
    @Table( name = "BASE_OBJECT" )
    @Inheritance( strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED )
    @DiscriminatorColumn( name = "BASE_KIND", discriminatorType = DiscriminatorType.INTEGER )
    @DiscriminatorValue( "1" )
    public class BaseObject
    extends SoaEntity
    @GeneratedValue( strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "BaseObjectIdSeqGen" )
    @SequenceGenerator( name = "BaseObjectIdSeqGen", sequenceName = "BASE_OBJECT_PK_SEQ", allocationSize = 1 )
    @Column( name = "BASE_ID" )
    private long baseObjectId = 0;
    @Table( name = "SAMPLE" )
    @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn( name = "SAMPLE_ID" )
    @AttributeOverride(name="baseObjectId", column=@Column(name="SAMPLE_ID"))
    @DiscriminatorValue( "2" )
    public class Sample
    extends BaseObject
    @OneToMany( cascade = CascadeType.ALL )
    private List<SampleItem> sampleItem = new LinkedList<SampleItem>();
    @Table( name = "SAMPLE_ITEM" )
    @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn( name = "SAMPLE_ITEM_ID" )
    @AttributeOverride(name="baseObjectId", column=@Column(name="SAMPLE_ITEM_ID"))
    @DiscriminatorValue( "3" )
    public class SampleItem
    extends BaseObject
    @Basic( optional = false )
    @Column( name = "SAMPLE_ID" )
    private long sampleId = 0;
    Edited by: Chris-R on Mar 2, 2010 4:45 PM

    Thanks for the thoroughness. There was a mistake in moving the code over for the forum. The field names are correct throughout the original source code.
    BASE_OBJECT_ID is used throughout.
    I suspect the problem lies in the one-to-many sampleItem(s) relationship that is based upon the subclassed item class. (The relationship is actually "sampleItems" in the real code and somehow got changed in the move over.)
    The problem may lie in the mapping of the attribute override in the child class to the referencing of the item class from the parent side of the relationship in the Sample class.
    I further suspect this may be specific to Eclipselink based upon other postings I've seen on the web that have similar problems...
    Any thoughts?
    Edited by: Chris-R on Mar 3, 2010 9:56 AM

  • Help with multi-table mapping for one-to-many object inheritance

    I have posted on here before regarding this (Toplink mapping for one-to-many object inheritance but I am still having problems mapping my object model to my schema.
    Object model
    The Person and Organisation objects contain base information and have the primary keys person_id and organisation_id. It is important that there is no duplication of person and organisation records, no matter how many times they are saved in different roles.
    There are two types of licenceholder in the problem domain, and the ILicenceHolder interface defines information and methods that are common to both. The PersonalLicenceHolder object represents one of these types of licenceholder, and is always a person, so this class extends Person and implements ILicenceHolder.
    The additional information and methods that are required by the second type of licenceholder are defined in the interface IPremisesLicenceHolder, which extends ILicenceHolder. Premises licence holders can either be people or organisations, so I have two objects to represent these - PremisesLicenceHolderPerson which implements IPremisesLicenceHolder and extends Person, and PremisesLicenceHolderOrganisation which implements IPremisesLicenceHolder and extends Organisation.
    The model is further complicated by the fact that any single Person may be both a PersonalLicenceHolder and a PremisesLicenceHolderPerson, and may be so several times over. In this case, the same basic Person information needs to be linked to several different sets of licenceholder information. In the same way, any single Organisation may be a PremisesLicenceHolderOrganisation several times over.
    Sorry this is complicated!
    I have Person and Organisation tables containing the basic information with the primary keys person_id and organisation_id.
    I have tried to follow Donald Smith's advice and have created a Role table to record the specialised information for the different types of licence holder. I want the foreign keys in this table to be licenceholder_id and licence_id. Licenceholder_id will reference either organisation_id or person_id, and licence_id will reference the primary key of the Licence table to link the licenceholder to the licence. Because I am struggling with the mapping, I have changed licenceholder_id to person_id in an attempt to get it working with the Person object before I try the Organisation.
    Then, when a new licenceholder is added, if the person/organisation is already in the database, a new record is created in the Role table linking the existing person/organisation to the existing licence rather than duplicating the person/organisation information.
    I am trying to use the toplink mapping workbench to map my PremisesLicenceHolderPerson object to my schema. I have mapped all inherited attributes to superclass (Person). The primary table that the attributes are mapped to is Person, and I have used the multi-table info tab to add Roles as an additional table and map the remaining attributes to that.
    I have created the references PERSON_ROLES which maps person.person_id to roles.person_id, ROLES_PERSON which maps roles.person_id to person.person_id and ROLES_LICENCE which maps roles.licence_id to licence.licence_id.
    I think I have put in all the relationships, but I cannot get rid of the error message "The following primary key fields are unmapped: PERSON_ID".
    Please can somebody tell me how to map this properly?
    Thank you.

    I'm not positive about your mappings, but it looks like the Person object should really have a 1:M or M:M mapping to the Licenceholder table. This then means that your object model should be similar, in that Person object could have many Licenses, instead of being LicenceHolders. From the looks of it, you have it set up from the LicenceHolder perspective. What could be done instead if a LicenceHolder could have a 1:1 reference to a person data object, rather than actually be a Person. This would allow the person data to be easily shared among licences.
    LicenceHolder1 has an entry in the LicenceHolder table and Person table. LicenceHolder2 also has entries in these tables, but uses the same entry in the Person table- essentially it is the same person/person_ID. If both are new objects, TopLink would try to insert the same person object into the Person table twice. I'm not sure how you have gotten around or are planning to get around this problem.
    Since you are using inheritance, it means that LicenceHolder needs a writable mapping to the person.person_id field- most commonly done through a direct to field mapping. From the description, it looks like roles.person_id is a foreign key in the multiple table mapping, meaning it would be set based on the value in the person.person_id field, but the person.person_id isn't actually mapped in the object. Check to make sure that the ID attribute LicenceHolder is inheriting from person hasn't been remapped in the LicenceHolder descriptor to a different field.
    Best Regards,

  • Insert with one-to-many mapping

    I've got the following situation:
    - an object A with a vector of object B
    - I defined a one-to-many relation in the descriptor of A referencing a collection of B using indirection through valueHolderInterface, the "private owned" is also checked
    - I defined a one-to-one relation in the descriptor of B referencing the object A using indirection through valueHolderInterface
    - the bidirectional relationship is maintained.
    I try to insert a new object A with a new object B inside. The code is as follows:
    A = new A();
    B = new B();
    // ... set the A attribute values
    // ... set the B attribute values
    UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();
    where addB(b) is as follows:
    Executing this code, the object A is inserted in the database but the object B is not. And I would like that the object B is also stored in the database. Do I really have to register it? I want to make the insert in just one transaction. Have anyone an idea? I tried a lot of different configurations and just one SQL insert order is generated by Toplink.

    Hi Don,
    This is with reference to your comments on the following oracel forum query ";&#57235;" regarding 1:M mapping insertion problem.(Same one)
    Actually I also have the same kind of scenario but the data in not getting inserted to the detail table. It always gives ORA-1400 error as it is unable to populate the foreign key of parent in child table.
    Can you suggest if I am missing something.
    Your quick response will be appreciated.
    Message was edited by:

  • One to many mapping

    Having trouble with the following poblem.. specially how to code getChildren??????? Help urgent
    Create a class called Families which creates a one-to-many mapping of parent name (String) to Child objects. Create any needed member variables and write the two specified methods. (You do not need to write the Child class.)
    class Families {
    public void addToFamily( String parent, Child child) {
    public List getChildren( String parent) {
    I have done the following..
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    class Families {
    private String parentName;
    List <child> children = new ArrayList();
    public Families(String name){
    this.parentName = name;
    public void addToFamily( String parent, child kid) {
    Families f = new Families(parent);
    public List<child> getChildren( String parent) {
         return this.children;

    Having trouble with the following poblem.. specially
    how to code getChildren??????? Help urgent
    Create a class called Families which creates a
    one-to-many mapping of parent name (String) to Child
    objects. Create any needed member variables and write
    the two specified methods. This key:
    (You do not need to write the Child class.)How can the following line possibly work?
    List <child> children = new ArrayList();It's not syntactically correct, AND you're not writing the Child class.

  • Message mapping: one as many, function node

    how to use - one as many - function node in mapping. i want to mapping one value from source structure to many fields in target structure. but i dont know the exact functionality of - one as many -
    kindly solve my issue

    Check out this example from SAP, which demos the use of the function oneAsMany:
    Hope this helps,

  • One-to-many mapping and update the many part

    Hello !
    Here's my problem,
    I've got an object A having a vector of object B.
    The mapping in toplink is one-to-many with the back-references set in B.
    Insertion : no problem.
    Now i would like to change the Vector of B (inserting new B, updating existing B) in a function with the Vector vC (modified vector of B).
    What is the best way to do this ?
    I tried many thing but either I have toplink 6004 error, or doing it by removing all elements of the Vector (deleting all B in database), and then setting A with C (recreating all object in the modified Vector).
    Another way to explain my case:
    how to do this in UnitOfWork ?
    function modifyAVectorOfB(A, vectorOfC)
    AClone = uow.registerObject(A);
    (and in database all existing object in C are updated, new object in C are created, removed object in C are deleted)

    Have found a solution, read all object in the modified Vector, read the modified object in the Unit Of Work with readObject(B) (So i get the database or cache version) and then comparing it with the modified to change what is needed to be change.

  • Inheritance and One-To-Many Mapping Issue

    Are there any known issues with TopLink 4.6 mapping a one-to-many relationship where the classes in the list span more than 2 levels deep in the inheritance chain? We seem to notice that TopLink creates the class that is 2 levels deep before the owning class.

    Sorry for the delayed response to your post. I'm not sure I follow what you mean by "owning class". You have a 1-M mapping where the M has inheritance. Are you mapping to the root of the inhertance hierarchy, or to a leaf class? I.e., do you have a 1-M "Company - Employee" or a 1-M "Company - SalariedEmployee". In this example, what would you call the "owning class"?
    - Don

  • One to many mapping problem

    In my JPA project I'm using these three classes:
    package com.spinnaker.pedja;
    import java.sql.Date;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Collection;
    import java.util.HashSet;
    import java.util.Set;
    import javax.persistence.*;
    @Entity(name = "Cart")
    @Table(schema = "shop")
    public class Cart {
         @Column(name = "cart_id")
         private int Cart_id;
         @Column(name = "cart_date")
         private Date date;
          @OneToMany(mappedBy = "cartItemPK", targetEntity = CartItemPK.class)
          private Set cartitemCollection = new HashSet(0);
         @JoinColumn(name = "customer_id")
         private Customer customer;
         public Customer getCustomer() {
              return customer;
         public void setCustomer(Customer customer) {
              this.customer = customer;
         public Cart() {
          public Set getCartitemCollection() {
          return cartitemCollection;
          public void setCartitemCollection(Set cartitemCollection) {
          this.cartitemCollection = cartitemCollection;
         public int getCart_id() {
              return Cart_id;
         public void setCart_id(int cart_id) {
              this.Cart_id = cart_id;
         public Date getDate() {
              return date;
         public void setDate(Date date) {
     = date;
    package com.spinnaker.pedja;
    import javax.persistence.*;
    @Table(schema = "shop")
    public class CartItem implements Serializable {
    //     @JoinColumn(name = "cart_id")
         CartItemPK cartItemPK;
         @Column(name = "quantity")
         private int quantity;
         @Column(name = "unit_price")
         private double unit_price;
    //     @JoinColumn(name = "cart_id")
    //     private Cart cart;
    //      public Cart getCart() {
    //      return cart;
    //      public void setCart(Cart cart) {
    //      this.cart = cart;
         public CartItem() {
         public CartItemPK getCartItemPK() {
              return cartItemPK;
         public void setCartItemPK(CartItemPK cartItemPK) {
              this.cartItemPK = cartItemPK;
         public int getQuantity() {
              return quantity;
         public void setQuantity(int quantity) {
              this.quantity = quantity;
         public double getUnit_price() {
              return unit_price;
         public void setUnit_price(double unit_price) {
              this.unit_price = unit_price;
    package com.spinnaker.pedja;
    import javax.persistence.*;
    public class CartItemPK implements Serializable{
         private int itemId;
    //     @ManyToOne
    //     @JoinColumn(name = "cart_id")
    //     private Cart cart;
         private int cartId;
         public int getItemId() {
              return itemId;
         public void setItemId(int itemId) {
              this.itemId = itemId;
         public int getCartId() {
              return cartId;
         public void setCartId(int cartId) {
              this.cartId = cartId;
    I'm having problem with mapping one to many relationship between Cart and CartItem.I had to introduce CartItemPK class because CartItem has composite primary key.Help please!!!

    In my test class I'm using this code:
    Cart cart=em.find(Cart.class, 33);
              Set cartItems=cart.getCartitemCollection();
              for (Iterator iterator = cartItems.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
                   CartItem cart_item = (CartItem);
              }and this error happens:
    Exception in thread "main" javax.persistence.PersistenceException: org.hibernate.AnnotationException: Use of @OneToMany or @ManyToMany targeting an unmapped class: com.spinnaker.pedja.Cart.cartitemCollection[com.spinnaker.pedja.CartItemPK]
         at org.hibernate.ejb.Ejb3Configuration.configure(
         at org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence.createEntityManagerFactory(
         at javax.persistence.Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(
         at javax.persistence.Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(
         at com.spinnaker.pedja.test.Test.main(
    Caused by: org.hibernate.AnnotationException: Use of @OneToMany or @ManyToMany targeting an unmapped class: com.spinnaker.pedja.Cart.cartitemCollection[com.spinnaker.pedja.CartItemPK]
         at org.hibernate.cfg.annotations.CollectionBinder.bindManyToManySecondPass(
         at org.hibernate.cfg.annotations.CollectionBinder.bindStarToManySecondPass(
         at org.hibernate.cfg.annotations.CollectionBinder$1.secondPass(
         at org.hibernate.cfg.CollectionSecondPass.doSecondPass(
         at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.secondPassCompile(
         at org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationConfiguration.secondPassCompile(
         at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.buildMappings(
         at org.hibernate.ejb.Ejb3Configuration.buildMappings(
         at org.hibernate.ejb.EventListenerConfigurator.configure(
         at org.hibernate.ejb.Ejb3Configuration.configure(
         at org.hibernate.ejb.Ejb3Configuration.configure(
         at org.hibernate.ejb.Ejb3Configuration.configure(
         ... 4 more
    I didn't find any example on the internet about my particular case.In the database,Cart and CartItem are conected via cart_id field.But in my JPA project,cart_id field is a part of a composite key CarItemPK.

  • Toplink mapping for one-to-many object inheritance

    I currently have a Person object, extended by two specialist classes, PremisesLicenceHolder and PersonalLicenceHolder. I have mapped this in Toplink and it works fine saving a person into the specialist tables using the primary key person_id.
    However, a single Person may be extended any number of times by either one or both of the two specialist types. So, a Person may be a PremisesLicenceHolder many times over for different premises and licences, and also a PersonalLicenceHolder several times over.
    Is it possible to map this object model in Toplink avoiding duplicate person_id primary keys in the specialist tables?

    I am happy that my object model fits the problem domain. The Person and Organisation objects contain base information and have the primary keys person_id and organisation_id. It is important that there is no duplication of person and organisation records, no matter how many times they are saved in different roles.
    There are two types of licenceholder in the problem domain, and the ILicenceHolder interface defines information and methods that are common to both. The PersonalLicenceHolder object represents one of these types of licenceholder, and is always a person, so this class extends Person and implements ILicenceHolder.
    The additional information and methods that are required by the second type of licenceholder are defined in the interface IPremisesLicenceHolder, which extends ILicenceHolder. Premises licence holders can either be people or organisations, so I have two objects to represent these - PremisesLicenceHolderPerson which implements IPremisesLicenceHolder and extends Person, and PremisesLicenceHolderOrganisation which implements IPremisesLicenceHolder and extends Organisation.
    The model is further complicated by the fact that any single Person may be both a PersonalLicenceHolder and a PremisesLicenceHolderPerson, and may be so several times over. In this case, the same basic Person information needs to be linked to several different sets of licenceholder information. In the same way, any single Organisation may be a PremisesLicenceHolderOrganisation several times over.
    Sorry this is complicated!
    My initial idea for the schemas is to have Person and Organisation tables containing the basic information with the primary keys person_id and organisation_id. The Person table would have a one-to-many relationship with both the PersonalLicenceHolder table (pk: personalLicenceHolder_id, fk: person_id), and the PremisesLicenceHolderPerson table (pk: premisesLicenceHolderPerson_id, fk: person_id). There would also be a one-to-many relationship between the Organisation table and the PremisesLicenceHolderOrganisation table (pk: premisesLicenceHolderOrganisation_id, fk: organisation_id).
    I am flexible as to the design of my schema though, as I am happy to adopt any that will facilitate the Toplink Mapping.
    Thanks for your help with this.

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