Only one person can log on to my application

After I deployed my JSP-application and I reloaded the OAS, the following problem occurred:
The first person, that logs on to the application is able to surf through all the pages.
All people who log on to the application after the first get the following error message:
"JBO-27122: SQL error during statement preparation. Statement: SELECT
KbContentManagers.NAME FROM KB_CONTENT_MANAGERS KbContentManagers".
Does anyone know what this means?
Does anyone know where I can find documentation on the JBO error messages?

As noted above, If you have access to your computer. But that is a Very Bad Idea. That is how passwords get forgotten especially when you need to remember it.
What you don't like typing in a few letters when you start you computer? That also opens up the system from anyone walking buy and turn it on. It give them full acces to your private files.

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    Your iPad can be hacked only if it's been jailbroken.  Has it?

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    Oh no! I know how important it is to have the features on your phone working properly! Let's get this fixed. What device do you have? Is this a group text message that your attempting to send? How many numbers are you including in the group message? I look forward to working with you. Have a great day!
    Tweet us @vzwsupport

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    Hello wikiwikisu,
    Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    If your friend is not receiving iMessages you send from your MacBook Pro, there are several troubleshooting steps that may help. You can find a good troubleshooting guide at this link:
    iOS: Troubleshooting Messages - Apple Support
    Since your friend cannot receive iMessages from you, but receives them from other contacts, I'd suggest they try these steps on their iPhone first:
    If the issue occurs with a specific contact or contacts, back up or forward important messages and delete your current messaging threads with the contact. Create a new message to the contact and try again.
    If the issue occurs with a specific contact or contacts, delete and recreate the contact in the Contacts app. Create a new message to the newly created contact and try again.
    Back up and restore your device as new.
    All the best,

  • Sharing iTunes library/playlist, only one user can run iTunes

    Greetings everyone
    Just got a new aluminum iMac, setting it up for the wife and kids. From the descriptions here, I have set up several accounts to share a single iTunes library, by creating aliases in each user's iTunes folder that point to the shared library. It seems to work great: I only have to import music ONCE (instead of once for each user), and if one user creates or changes a new playlist, everyone sees it, which is exactly what I wanted.
    However, I have run into a small problem, and it is this. Under this setup, with everyone sharing the same library, *only one person can be running iTunes at a time.* If user A is running iTunes and doesn't quit the app when the computer is switched to User B or C, they get the message
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    ----- Switch back to User A, quit iTunes, and then the others can launch iTunes fine (though again, just ONE of them). Same behavior regardless of whether the user is admin or not.
    So, is there any way to enable more than one user to run iTunes at once under this shared scenario? I'm thinking iTunes may not allow multiple users to access the library file at once, so it may be necessary to have users quit iTunes or log out before switching accounts. Let me know if there is a workaround or if anyone has gotten this to work....
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi, I just read your post here - I'd like to do exactly what you were able to do, that is, sharing one iTunes library with multiple user accounts on my iMac so that we can both use/add to the same library (I also want to do this with iPhoto, so I'm assuming it's the same process); would you mind quickly telling me how you were able to do this? I've been checking around and can't find a reliable answer. I'd appreciate it - thanks!

  • ITunes 90 day lock out on iMac - only one AppleID can use a Mac at any one time?

    Just found out, the hard way, about Apple's patently ridiculous "90 Day Lockout" policy on iTunes (Match, Purchases download and pretty much ALL the useful features).
    Apparently, at least according to Support - who feigned surprise that this was an issue - if you blow £1,200 on an iMac to be used by two people in your home and have paid Apple an extra £25 a head for iTunes Match, you're terribly gullible. And stupid. And a potential music thief.
    The real problem is that Apple, probably in a bid to secure record label agreement to iTunes Match and in a vain attempt to curb unlawful music sharing, has decided that NO MORE THAN ONE APPLE ID can be associated with a machine ID at any one time, for iTunes purposes.
    This is fine on iPhone, iPod Touch and even iPad. Those are hardware that only one person can use at a time - there is no "multi-user" capability.
    Macs, though, are a different matter.  In Apple World we're all filthy rich and each member of a household is expected to own a separate Mac machine (iMac, MacBook Pro or Air) to be able to use the functionality and music they've paid for in iTunes and via Match.
    If you're stupid or poor or just think a Mac per person in a household is consumerism gone mad, you are stuffed.
    In our case we bought an iMac. Set up two separate and distinct User IDs and one of us set up iTunes and activated iTunes Match.
    Next day the other went into their User account, set up iTunes and then activated iTunes Match. A very very vague message popped up alluding to "transferring an Apple ID to this machine" and referencing inability to use this AppleID on another machine for 90 days. That seemed OK. The AppleID had been associated on an old Compaq netbook for iTunes, so the assumption was that it was that association that was being transferred to the iMac.
    What had happened was that the second person to sign in to the iMac and set up their TOTALLY SEPERATE AppleID on a TOTALLY SEPERATE iTunes Match library and account had effectively locked out the first user from their iTunes account.
    So, if you're a family with individual iTunes accounts and iTunes Match don't bother with Apple Mac products. For the cash you spend on one mac product that only one of you will be able to use iTunes on EVERY 90 DAYS, you'd be better off buying separate, higher spec Windo$e laptops to sync with.
    Apple has really really fouled up on this.
    Support initially justified this lock out policy as being to prevent Johnny Fileshare from zipping round to his mate's house, logging into iTunes with his AppleID on his mates PC or Mac and downloading his paid for iTunes library onto his mates Mac as a gift.
    Just how likely such a random outburst of philanthropy at the expense of record labels would be is beyond me.
    During a near two hour call with support (use the Call Me function - at least the call is free) eventually, after an escalation, the tech agreed that the 90 days AppleID  lock was pointless as Apple themselves publish details in their knowledge base on how to circumvent music sharing restrictions and combine iTunes libraries - even helpfully including details of how to put said combined iTunes library on a memory stick. Johnny Fileshare can then nip round his mates house and share his iTunes content with his mate until the cows come home.
    Even worse, Apple even allow you to burn to CD a combined iTunes library up to FIVE TIMES!
    But, when it comes to logging into your own iTunes account on a shared Mac? Forget it matey. You'll steal music and can't be trusted.
    Well FU too, Apple.
    But wait! You may think you're OK because you weren't foolish enough to hand over £25 for iTunes Match...
    1. Automatic downloads, or
    2 iTunes Match
    1. Check previous purchases
    We have 82 days to wait for one of us to regain access to the library that cost us a fortune to build in iTunes.
    1 Week old iMac is being boxed up & returned to Apple Store.
    Two high spec non Apple  laptops being bought as a replacement. The change to be spent on petrol or pasties - which ever the UK  is running out of most...

    Yes, I am having this problem because I have 2 Apple IDs/iTunes accounts.  Mind you, I don't want 2 accounts but Apple forced me to make a new apple ID when they started requiring email addresses as user ID.  This was the first big mistake that Apple made.  Their second mistake was not allowing people to simply merge these accounts.  Had they not made these mistakes initially, many people would still only have one Apple account/ID. Some bloke ought to lose his job over that. 
    However, I understand this isn't the same problem as having multiple household members using the same computer.  It seems that Apple could figure this all out by either authorizing multiple users at the time of purchase, or allowing a handful of users to download to one computer. After all, if I bought a hard copy of a music CD, I could certainly allow my son or daughter to listen to it or download it to their computer.  Next thing you know, I'll have to sign a release saying that I am the only person that uses my iPod.
    I am also returning not just one but 2 brand new Mac computers ($4500 coming back from Apple to my wallet) because I am so fed up with the poor customer service response that Apple has given this problem.  Not only did they take a ton of my money for iTUnes songs, but then they restricted my access to those songs. I think it's criminal and I wouldn't be surprised if this issue ended up as a class action wrongdoing suit.  I have to admit I've considered talking to a lawyer about it myself.  I am so sick of large monopolizing companies thinking that they can treat their customers poorly and expect us to sit back and take it. The good news is that this is a free country and I can choose to throw my money at any old company I choose..........Toshiba here I come.

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    try here:
    File a complaint with them. Verizon will call you to fix the blunder.
    But remember it is always up to the customer to insure what they are getting and what it costs. Don't trust the word of a sales person who makes their living on getting that sale. Lies, deceit or false promises will be and have been used by sales people for thousands of years.
    Good Luck

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    This is not a technical question, and discussions of Apple's policies are not appropriate here. If you have some sort of problem with your own iTunes Store account, by all means let us know and we may be able to help you, but otherwise this question is not one we can discuss in these forums.

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    How can I adjust the skin color of only one person in the photo (Elements 11)?
    Thanks for your help.

    From your question, I assume you know how to do it for all persons :
    Menu : Enhance/Adjust color/adjust color for skin tones
    So what you have to do is to do the color correction on a layer copy. Concentrate on the person to enhance and ignore the rest of the picture.
    When you are satisfied, add a mask to the layer copy and fill it with black.
    Set your foreground color to white
    In the layer palette, click on the mask icon on the right of the layer icon.
    Then use a brush to paint white on the skin of the person to reveal the correction.

  • Issue:setting for One Person can Occupy only One Position

    Dear Friend,
                      What is the setting for One Person can Occupy only One Position.

    Go to Tcode OOVK
    Check the time constraints check the relationship for the objects  S  0008  make time constraint as 1 in place of 3
    other way is useing the User Exit

  • Only one person coloured while all around is black and white

    I'm wondering if it is possible to maintain in a clip only one person coloured while other people and background go black and white... (it is a normal shot, not chroma key)

    yes you can, it is called rotoscoping, essentially you need to create a mask and animate it with key frames for the duration required. Motion or AE probably your beat bet. There are a few other options depending on your footage and how you shot it but given that you have other moving subjects inthe frame masking may be the easiest.

  • Only one expression can be specified in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with EXISTS.

    hi all
    i have a table that name is:
    but i used this code
    SELECT TicketsHeaderId, Active, TH.PersonRef,P.Fname + ' ' + P.Lname AS NF, Serial, TicketsCnt, StartSerial, EndSerial, KindDate, StratDate, EndDate,
    MonthsRef1,(SELECT * FROM dbo.Months M WHERE M.MonthsId= MonthsRef1 ) AS MonthsName1 , MonthsRef2, MonthsRef3, WeekDaysRef,
    PoolTimesRef, TH.Descreption
    FROM dbo.TiketsHeader TH
    INNER JOIN Person P ON P.PersonId= TH.PersonRef
    i see this error:
    Msg 116, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
    Only one expression can be specified in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with EXISTS.
    how to solve it
    please help me
    Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful and He created the human

    SELECT TicketsHeaderId, Active, TH.PersonRef,P.Fname + ' ' + P.Lname AS NF, Serial, TicketsCnt, StartSerial, EndSerial, KindDate, StratDate, EndDate,
    MonthsRef1,(SELECT * FROM dbo.Months M WHERE M.MonthsId= MonthsRef1 ) AS MonthsName1 , MonthsRef2, MonthsRef3, WeekDaysRef,
    PoolTimesRef, TH.Descreption
    FROM dbo.TiketsHeader TH
    INNER JOIN Person P ON P.PersonId= TH.PersonRef
    A Sub query like this can only return one column, not serveral like here with the star *. Replace the star by one column Name that you want to query.
    Olaf Helper
    [ Blog] [ Xing] [ MVP]

  • ICal sync between two people if only one person has a .Mac account

    Is there a way for two people to sync/edit iCal calendars if only one person has a .Mac account? I'd only want to selectively share/sync part of my iCal calendar and not the entire iCal calendar.
    Any ideas?

    I think you meant to say "merge"
    I am trying at the moment with fingers crossed.
    One has Leopard the other Tiger. I hope it works.
    Oh I turned on airplane mode and disconnected from the internet just to be sure sync doesn't get stuck.
    Asked me to resolve 6 conflicts.. that's a good sign. It is taking a long time though. I hope it won't take so long every time I go from one computer to another. Otherwise it is easier to pass the files via iChat.
    The file for address book is addressbook data in library/applicationsupport/address book
    for iCal I make an export VCal file and then on the other computer delete the calendar and import the new one.
    On the computer with Music I set it to manage manually.
    OK I think I will have to do it like that because this took forever then it said it would have to modify 836 entries on my calendar for what was almost the same file.
    The photo sync is annoying but I just turn off iPhoto when it asks to find my library (or you can make another program be the default program when you attach a camera and that program will come on then you can just quit it). I find the auto photo sync annoying as it takes so long and I would rather do that manually.

  • HT201401 my phone will not send a message to only one person. Help!

    my iphone will not send a message to only one person. How can I fix this?

    Have you tried going to your contact list - said contact - send message?

  • How to make more than one person can access the database at one time

    how to make  more than one person can access the database at one time 

    Please post further f'up's in the Access forum.
    In short: for different reasons it is best practice that each user gets its own local copy of the database. This means that you need to split it into a front-end which only consists of the forms, queries, reports etc. Everything which doesn't need to be
    shared. And a back-end, which only stores the data.
    Take also a look at Allen Browne's article:
    Split your Access database into data and application.
    When you've splitted your database, you may often consider to use SQL Server as back-end. Here you may read Armen Stein's
    The Best of Both Worlds: Access-SQL Server Optimization.

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