Open an executable from Labview

I'm developing a vi which needs to run an exe.I have an exe(eg:check.exe)
created through some other tool(not an exe created by Labview)stored in my drive(eg, C:\check.exe).
Is it possible to run this check.exe from the Labview ?
Please help me to figure this out.
Thanks in advance.

Just a quick example for your reference
Ian F
Since LabVIEW 5.1... 7.1.1... 2009, 2010
IFK_SYS_System Exec ‏54 KB

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    Here is the response that I got from Cognex when I asked them about how to do this. Do you understand what they are talking about?
    In order to do something like this you will probably want to look into the Display Control/SDK for In-Sight. The Display Control gets installed along with In-Sight Explorer and includes a control that can be used in an environment like Labview to communicate with In-Sight sensors while the SDK is an enhanced version of the Display Control that gives you more control and functionality. I am not very familiar with the Labview environment so I will give some code snippets in VB.Net and hopefully you can adjust them as necessary. Specifically I see 3 possible avenues to do this:
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    Hi A Kirsanov,
    I posted this to bmihura, but it's probably more applicable to you.
    Hope it helps
    Charlie Rodway
    Test Design Engineer
    Rolls-Royce Controls and Data Services Ltd
    Attachments: ‏21 KB

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    Yes, you can use the "System", located in different spots depending on which version you're using.
    It acts as a command line interface - essentially the same as if you run CMD.
    Search for it in the help if you can't find it in your palette.

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    Attachments: ‏24 KB

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    Exit-Crash-1.doc ‏24 KB

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    Found a VI in the examples. If anyone wants to do this in future , here is the name of the sub VI:
    Set cell Value With in Excel Macro
    Other suggestions/examples welcome, though.

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    I always like it when things are in the obvious place ;-)

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    use the
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    Ben321 wrote:
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    You create an installer in a similar way you create an application. It's all built into the LabVIEW project.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

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    Please post your original VI and the converted one so we can take a look.
    This account is no longer active. Contact ShadesOfGray for current posts and information.

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    Go to Solution.

    Hi Manick,
    I mean that it would be best to create a new thread on the forum.  I've attached a screenshot to show what I mean.  From there, you can enter a unique title, and have a unique description for your case.  That way, we can support you better, and other users of the forum can search for the same behavior that you're seeing.
    Che T.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments
    new_post.png ‏70 KB

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    This depends slightly on the amount of data you have stored within Excel.
    You can use the "Labview Functions>>FileIO>>Read from Spreadsheet" which effectively reads all lines from a text file and converts it into a numeric array.
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    The attached example should help.
    Attachments: ‏60 KB

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    See if this helps:
    It uses TypeOf() function and then stores the step type in local varaible.

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