Open/convert LabView7 VI or Lib in/to Labview 9

Hi, I skimmed through many posts related to backwards compatibility, but I did not find a clear solution/answer.
I have LabView2009 installed in on a vista (and one windows 7) machine. I am trying to hook up a spectrometer and control it with labview VI. The manufacturers have the LabView VIs (a library of VIs) written in LV7 (attached). When I tried to open it didn't open and gave me 2 errors, 1. The llb file was saved using different version of windows  and 2. Labview9 does not support LV6 since there is no block diagram. So more specific question is, is there any way around this? Can I open and run or can I at least open and then modify the VI and then save it in current version to make it work?
      A more general question would be, there are lots of Lab view VIs out there which are written in older versions, are newer versions of labview REALLY backward compatible? If not then, is there any way around to open and work on older version VIs other than purchasing the older version of LV?
Kudos are (always) welcome for the good post. :-)
Go to Solution.
LabView SpectraWiz 7.0 v.1.llb ‏1052 KB

Not sure where you looked since as far as I know, every time this question is asked, the answer is always the same. There is no way to load an old VI into a newer version of LabVIEW if there is no block diagram. There is no way to modify any VI without the block diagram. The manufacturer and creator of the VI were clueless when it was written. Removing the block diagram is stupid. If they wished to protect the code, then it should have been password protected. Then it could have been loaded into newer versions. You still wouldn't be able to edit it, though. You will have to contact the vendor to get a version that will work with 2009 or start from scratch and write the code yourself.
For older VIs that still have the block diagrams, you can load anything from 6.0 or newer. See this.

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    Never say "Oops." Always say "Ah, interesting!"

    Hi James,
    I was able to use VI server to invoke LV 6.1 VI's using LV 7.0 without issue.
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    Vi Server may help you.
    James Mamakos wrote:
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    Do you know if the LabVIEW developers can/will create a way to overcome this problem rather than having to convert a VI through all the intermediate versions?
    To the best of knowledge NO.
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    Just trying to help,
    Message Edited by Ben on 04-28-2009 08:58 AM
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    You can set up a link to behave as you want, ignoring whatever the user preference is set to, but I don't know if you can configure such a link in InDesign.
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    Chuck, I am not very qualified t
    o answer your questions, but will do my best within my limi
    tations (I am still using InDesign CS3, and I haven't had to work with PageMaker files for years).
    I did open many PM 6.5 files with ID2, and I have just opened a couple in ID3. These two last were rather simple jobs, and opened without a hitch. When I had to open PM files with ID2, I remember some opened flawlessly, most with relatively minor glitches, and some required a lot of work to look the same than the originals. And yes, each version of ID that I have used opens PM files directly; no need to pass from older to newer versions.
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    As for parting with such old and faithful friends, part of the words of a song my grandmother used to sing when I was a child came immediately back to my mind: Un viejo amor no se olvida ni se deja... an old love is never (really) forgotten or abandoned in my free translation, where I use the word "love" with the meaning of "loved person", and the optional "really" I added comes form the rest of the words of the song.
    Hope this helps.
    Initial extra line breaks kindly provided by the software.

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    at java.lang.Class.forName(
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    What does it show when you go to:
    Help >> About Plug In >> Camera Raw
    My copy of PSE11 shows this:
    The alternative is to upgrade your DNG converter to 8.1 by going to this link:
    Adobe DNG Converter for Mac OS
    Adobe DNG Converter for Windows
    Also you may want to view this video which has become a sensation on the web:

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    Test Engineering
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    tDBConnectionAttr Attribute,
    void *Value);
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    const IID *Interface_Id,
    int Force_AddRef,
    void *Inte
    int *Did_AddRef);
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    You may want to consider just using LabVIEW to open a new parallel reference only using the toolkit.
    Scott Richardson
    National Instruments

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