Open viewsets not released after report closed

I create one data object "process" with layout like:
process_id string
company_id string
user_id string
then i create a report with only one bar chart view,
edit bar chart add data object "process", leave group by as null, chart value = process_id, summary function = count. add fitler by company_id = report parameter1
edit bar chart, add data object "process" again, leave group by as null, chart value = process_id, summary function = count. add fitler by user_id = report parameter2.
save this report
view this report. then in em, i can see it open two viewsets: one Shared viewset and one Inherited viewset.
close this report, then in em, found there is no Shared viewset and Inherited viewset . but has one new Unshared viewset , and this viewset not released unless i restart BAM

This issue still happened on my system.
I can understand why there was two independent Viewsets, my concern is why still one open viewset after report closed.
On my system, no any other report/alert use the same object
I export the dataobject and report here:
Data Ojbect:test
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<OracleBAMExport Version="2025">
<DataObject Version="14" Name="test" ID="_test" External="0">
<Column Name="process" ID="_process" Type="string" MaxSize="100" Nullable="1" Public="1"/>
<Column Name="company" ID="_company" Type="string" MaxSize="100" Nullable="1" Public="1"/>
<Column Name="user" ID="_user" Type="string" MaxSize="100" Nullable="1" Public="1"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<OracleBAMExport Version="2025">
<Report Name="/public/Report/Report1" ID="58" bMobileEnabled="false" Owner="csdev">
<Contents>&lt;Iteration&gt;&lt;Report id=&quot;ITN_NEW_REPORT&quot; type=&quot;tiled&quot;&gt;&lt;Properties&gt;&lt;Title color=&quot;black&quot; font-family=&quot;Tahoma&quot; font-size=&quot;20&quot; font-style=&quot;normal&quot; font-weight=&quot;bold&quot; text-decoration=&quot;none&quot; text-transform=&quot;none&quot;/&gt;&lt;ReportBackgroundColor&gt;transparent&lt;/ReportBackgroundColor&gt;&lt;ActiveDataDelayMilliseconds&gt;0&lt;/ActiveDataDelayMilliseconds&gt;&lt;ShowBreadCrumbs&gt;true&lt;/ShowBreadCrumbs&gt;&lt;ShowReportPadding&gt;true&lt;/ShowReportPadding&gt;&lt;/Properties&gt;&lt;Layout maximize=&quot;true&quot;&gt;
&lt;View height=&quot;100%&quot; id=&quot;view1&quot; left=&quot;0%&quot; top=&quot;0%&quot; width=&quot;100%&quot; z-index=&quot;0&quot;/&gt;
&lt;/Layout&gt;&lt;Views&gt;&lt;View id=&quot;view1&quot; type=&quot;BarChart&quot;&gt;&lt;Modifiers&gt;&lt;Modifier dataset=&quot;/test&quot; id=&quot;0&quot;&gt;
     &lt;Groups&gt;&lt;Group level=&quot;0&quot;&gt;&lt;Aggregate operandDatasetField=&quot;_process&quot; operation=&quot;COUNT&quot;/&gt;&lt;/Group&gt;&lt;/Groups&gt;&lt;Filter&gt;&lt;Branch type=&quot;ALL&quot;&gt;&lt;Entry type=&quot;EQ&quot;&gt;
                    &lt;Node type=&quot;COLUMN&quot;&gt;_user&lt;/Node&gt;
                    &lt;Node type=&quot;PARAMETER&quot;&gt;345&lt;/Node&gt;
          &lt;/Branch&gt;&lt;/Filter&gt;&lt;/Modifier&gt;&lt;Modifier dataset=&quot;/test&quot; id=&quot;1&quot;&gt;
          &lt;Group level=&quot;0&quot;&gt;
               &lt;Aggregate operandDatasetField=&quot;_process&quot; operation=&quot;COUNT&quot;/&gt;
     &lt;Filter&gt;&lt;Branch type=&quot;ALL&quot;&gt;&lt;Entry type=&quot;EQ&quot;&gt;
                    &lt;Node type=&quot;COLUMN&quot;&gt;_company&lt;/Node&gt;
                    &lt;Node type=&quot;PARAMETER&quot;&gt;346&lt;/Node&gt;
          &lt;/Branch&gt;&lt;/Filter&gt;&lt;/Modifier&gt;&lt;/Modifiers&gt;&lt;Properties ContentType=&quot;BarChart&quot; datasetId=&quot;/test&quot;&gt;&lt;Title background-color=&quot;#7B97C0&quot; background-display=&quot;default&quot; capitalize=&quot;false&quot; color=&quot;#3E403D&quot; display=&quot;true&quot; font-family=&quot;Tahoma&quot; font-size=&quot;11&quot; font-weight=&quot;Bold&quot; line-through=&quot;false&quot; lowercase=&quot;false&quot; overline=&quot;false&quot; text-align=&quot;left&quot; underline=&quot;false&quot; uppercase=&quot;false&quot;&gt;
          &lt;Text bUseViewName=&quot;true&quot;/&gt;&lt;/Title&gt;&lt;ChartTitle capitalize=&quot;false&quot; color=&quot;#000000&quot; display=&quot;false&quot; font-family=&quot;tahoma&quot; font-size=&quot;11&quot; font-weight=&quot;Bold&quot; line-through=&quot;false&quot; lowercase=&quot;false&quot; overline=&quot;false&quot; underline=&quot;false&quot; uppercase=&quot;false&quot;/&gt;&lt;DataAxis auto=&quot;true&quot; capitalize=&quot;false&quot; color=&quot;#000000&quot; font-family=&quot;tahoma&quot; font-size=&quot;11&quot; line-through=&quot;false&quot; lowercase=&quot;false&quot; major=&quot;&quot; max=&quot;&quot; min=&quot;&quot; minor=&quot;&quot; overline=&quot;false&quot; underline=&quot;false&quot; uppercase=&quot;false&quot;/&gt;&lt;NonDataAxis bAllowDiagonal=&quot;true&quot; bShowGroupLabels=&quot;true&quot; capitalize=&quot;false&quot; color=&quot;#000000&quot; font-family=&quot;tahoma&quot; font-size=&quot;11&quot; line-through=&quot;false&quot; lowercase=&quot;false&quot; overline=&quot;false&quot; underline=&quot;false&quot; uppercase=&quot;false&quot;/&gt;&lt;Legend capitalize=&quot;false&quot; color=&quot;#000000&quot; display=&quot;false&quot; font-family=&quot;tahoma&quot; font-size=&quot;11&quot; line-through=&quot;false&quot; location=&quot;bottom&quot; lowercase=&quot;false&quot; overline=&quot;false&quot; underline=&quot;false&quot; uppercase=&quot;false&quot;/&gt;&lt;ColorPalette selected=&quot;&amp;lt;Row ID=&amp;quot;1&amp;quot;&amp;gt;&amp;lt;Column ID=&amp;quot;_Name&amp;quot; Value=&amp;quot;Cold Snap&amp;quot;/&amp;gt;&amp;lt;Column ID=&amp;quot;_Number&amp;quot; Value=&amp;quot;1&amp;quot;/&amp;gt;&amp;lt;Column ID=&amp;quot;_Color1&amp;quot; Value=&amp;quot;#C6D6BB&amp;quot;/&amp;gt;&amp;lt;Column ID=&amp;quot;_Color2&amp;quot; Value=&amp;quot;#243471&amp;quot;/&amp;gt;&amp;lt;Column ID=&amp;quot;_Color3&amp;quot; Value=&amp;quot;#8CD5E3&amp;quot;/&amp;gt;&amp;lt;Column ID=&amp;quot;_Color4&amp;quot; Value=&amp;quot;#5B81A6&amp;quot;/&amp;gt;&amp;lt;Column ID=&amp;quot;_Color5&amp;quot; Value=&amp;quot;#871C4C&amp;quot;/&amp;gt;&amp;lt;Column ID=&amp;quot;_Color6&amp;quot; Value=&amp;quot;#D15F64&amp;quot;/&amp;gt;&amp;lt;Column ID=&amp;quot;_Color7&amp;quot; Value=&amp;quot;#EDE18C&amp;quot;/&amp;gt;&amp;lt;Column ID=&amp;quot;_Color8&amp;quot; Null=&amp;quot;1&amp;quot;/&amp;gt;&amp;lt;Column ID=&amp;quot;_Color9&amp;quot; Null=&amp;quot;1&amp;quot;/&amp;gt;&amp;lt;Column ID=&amp;quot;_Color10&amp;quot; Null=&amp;quot;1&amp;quot;/&amp;gt;&amp;lt;Column ID=&amp;quot;_Color11&amp;quot; Null=&amp;quot;1&amp;quot;/&amp;gt;&amp;lt;Column ID=&amp;quot;_Color12&amp;quot; Null=&amp;quot;1&amp;quot;/&amp;gt;&amp;lt;Column ID=&amp;quot;_Color13&amp;quot; Null=&amp;quot;1&amp;quot;/&amp;gt;&amp;lt;Column ID=&amp;quot;_Color14&amp;quot; Null=&amp;quot;1&amp;quot;/&amp;gt;&amp;lt;Column ID=&amp;quot;_Color15&amp;quot; Null=&amp;quot;1&amp;quot;/&amp;gt;&amp;lt;Column ID=&amp;quot;_Color16&amp;quot; Null=&amp;quot;1&amp;quot;/&amp;gt;&amp;lt;/Row&amp;gt;&quot;/&gt;&lt;ActiveData newColor=&quot;#FFE299&quot; newTimeSeconds=&quot;1000&quot; showColor=&quot;true&quot;/&gt;&lt;Groups bynumber=&quot;false&quot;/&gt;&lt;SeriesValues capitalize=&quot;false&quot; color=&quot;#000000&quot; font-family=&quot;tahoma&quot; font-size=&quot;11&quot; line-through=&quot;false&quot; lowercase=&quot;false&quot; overline=&quot;false&quot; underline=&quot;false&quot; uppercase=&quot;false&quot;/&gt;&lt;ErrorMessage capitalize=&quot;false&quot; color=&quot;#000000&quot; font-family=&quot;tahoma&quot; font-size=&quot;11&quot; line-through=&quot;false&quot; lowercase=&quot;false&quot; overline=&quot;false&quot; underline=&quot;false&quot; uppercase=&quot;false&quot;/&gt;&lt;HorizontalAxisLabel capitalize=&quot;false&quot; color=&quot;#000000&quot; font-family=&quot;tahoma&quot; font-size=&quot;11&quot; labelpos=&quot;onside&quot; line-through=&quot;false&quot; lowercase=&quot;false&quot; overline=&quot;false&quot; showlabel=&quot;false&quot; underline=&quot;false&quot; uppercase=&quot;false&quot;/&gt;&lt;VerticalAxisLabel capitalize=&quot;false&quot; color=&quot;#000000&quot; font-family=&quot;tahoma&quot; font-size=&quot;11&quot; labelpos=&quot;onside&quot; line-through=&quot;false&quot; lowercase=&quot;false&quot; overline=&quot;false&quot; showlabel=&quot;false&quot; underline=&quot;false&quot; uppercase=&quot;false&quot;/&gt;&lt;Target bShowValue=&quot;true&quot; bUseTarget=&quot;false&quot; capitalize=&quot;false&quot; color=&quot;#000000&quot; eDashStyle=&quot;solid&quot; fTargetValue=&quot;&quot; font-family=&quot;tahoma&quot; font-size=&quot;11&quot; iDashThickness=&quot;1&quot; line-through=&quot;false&quot; lowercase=&quot;false&quot; overline=&quot;false&quot; strTargetColor=&quot;&quot; strTargetLabel=&quot;&quot; underline=&quot;false&quot; uppercase=&quot;false&quot;/&gt;&lt;Empty display=&quot;true&quot; text=&quot;No Values&quot;/&gt;&lt;ThreeDOptions fBackDepth=&quot;25&quot;/&gt;&lt;Body background-color=&quot;transparent&quot;&gt;&lt;Image name=&quot;BAM_default_bg.png&quot; position=&quot;stretch&quot; src=&quot;/shared/images/BAM_default_bg.png&quot;/&gt;&lt;/Body&gt;&lt;Drilling ModifierID=&quot;0&quot; bAllowDrillThrough=&quot;true&quot; bIncludeDrillingJS=&quot;true&quot; strDrillThroughViewType=&quot;UpdatingOrderedList&quot;/&gt;&lt;Series ModifierID=&quot;0&quot; aggregate=&quot;COUNT&quot; bShowAggFunction=&quot;true&quot; bShowPercent=&quot;false&quot; bShowSeriesName=&quot;false&quot; bShowValue=&quot;true&quot; chartType=&quot;BarChart&quot; dataType=&quot;STRING&quot; datasetField=&quot;_process&quot; include=&quot;true&quot; order=&quot;0&quot;/&gt;&lt;Series ModifierID=&quot;1&quot; aggregate=&quot;COUNT&quot; bShowAggFunction=&quot;true&quot; bShowPercent=&quot;false&quot; bShowSeriesName=&quot;false&quot; bShowValue=&quot;true&quot; chartType=&quot;BarChart&quot; dataType=&quot;STRING&quot; datasetField=&quot;_process&quot; include=&quot;true&quot; order=&quot;1&quot;/&gt;&lt;Drilling ModifierID=&quot;1&quot; bAllowDrillThrough=&quot;true&quot; bIncludeDrillingJS=&quot;true&quot; strDrillThroughViewType=&quot;UpdatingOrderedList&quot;/&gt;&lt;/Properties&gt;&lt;/View&gt;&lt;/Views&gt;&lt;/Report&gt;&lt;CreationInfo BuildNumber=&quot;7562&quot; CreationDate=&quot;2010-01-05 15:34:04.574&quot; ReportCreator=&quot;csdev&quot;/&gt;&lt;/Iteration&gt;</Contents>
Edited by: Jeffrey Yan on Jan 5, 2010 12:15 AM

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    I have a very short piece of code. I use one
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    perform an insert into a different table.Sounds like a classic case of making Java do what the database was made to do.
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    The problem is that the big result set I am iterating
    through keeps closing sometime during the first
    iteration. Why? I am using three different
    1) Statement 1 is for the main query I want to
    iterate through
    2) Statement 2 is for a quick lookup I perform (on a
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    [ 5770.071] (II) RADEON(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x60.0 172.80 1920 2040 2248 2576 1080 1081 1084 1118 -hsync +vsync (67.1 kHz e)
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    [ 5770.110] (II) systemd-logind: got resume for 13:67
    [ 5770.126] (II) systemd-logind: got resume for 13:64
    [ 5770.156] (II) systemd-logind: got resume for 13:65
    [ 5770.209] (II) systemd-logind: got resume for 13:66
    [ 5885.135] (II) systemd-logind: got pause for 226:0
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    [ 5885.135] (II) systemd-logind: got pause for 13:67
    [ 5885.135] (II) systemd-logind: got pause for 13:64
    [ 5885.135] (II) systemd-logind: got pause for 13:65
    [ 5885.135] (II) systemd-logind: got pause for 13:66
    [ 5893.481] (II) evdev: USB Keyboard: Close
    [ 5893.481] (II) UnloadModule: "evdev"
    [ 5893.481] (II) systemd-logind: releasing fd for 13:66
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    [ 5893.481] (II) evdev: USB Keyboard: Close
    [ 5893.481] (II) UnloadModule: "evdev"
    [ 5893.481] (II) systemd-logind: releasing fd for 13:65
    [ 5893.481] (EE) systemd-logind: failed to release device: Connection is closed
    [ 5893.481] (II) evdev: A4Tech PS/2+USB Mouse: Close
    [ 5893.481] (II) UnloadModule: "evdev"
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    [ 5893.481] (II) evdev: Power Button: Close
    [ 5893.481] (II) UnloadModule: "evdev"
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    [ 5893.560] (EE)
    [ 5893.560] (EE)
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    [ 5893.560] (EE)
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    [ 5893.614] (EE) 1: /usr/bin/Xorg.bin (0x400000+0x197b69) [0x597b69]
    [ 5893.614] (EE) 2: /usr/lib/ (0x7f5912809000+0x33df0) [0x7f591283cdf0]
    [ 5893.614] (EE)
    [ 5893.614] (EE) Segmentation fault at address 0x0
    [ 5893.614] (EE)
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    [ 5893.614] (EE) Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault). Server aborting
    [ 5893.614] (EE)
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    sie 07 23:15:12 Arch systemd[1]: Created slice user-0.slice.
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    sie 07 23:15:12 Arch systemd[1]: Starting Session c2 of user root.
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    I have to force closure with Task Manager on my Samsung Note 2 running JB 4.1. Why and when will it be fixed?

    Hi Ignacio,
    Sorry for the lack of information - I had typed more complete description, but had trouble posting it.
    The app is installed on a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 phone that is running Jellybean 4.1.1.
    The only way I can see to exit the application is by using the "back" soft key under the screen on the right. Some apps have an "exit" choice under the "menu" soft key, but that key is not active with PSTouch.
    I see the same issue with Google Chrome. The menu key is active with this app, but it does not have an "exit" choice.
    With both these apps, I have to go to the "Active Apps" tab of the Task Manager to release memory.
    There is one difference with PS Touch. Google Chrome always starts the same way whether or not I release it's memory. With PS Touch, if I release memory after closing with the back key, the next time I start it I get an initial royal blue screen with the PS Touch icon in the middle followed by a second screen with a menu in the middle titled "New Project From". If I exit at that point, it takes two presses of the back key to first close the menu and then exit the program and return to a home screen. If I do not release memory, the next time I start PS Touch, it goes directly to the second screen, but without the "New Project From" menu.
    I hope this gives you the information you need.

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    I have the lid set to do nothing on close.

    What do you mean with tablet not working after closing the lid?
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    The close the lid settings can be set to hibernation mode or standby mode or no action.
    These settings can be set in the power saver setup actions.
    If you have some problems with some installed Toshiba applications I would recommend reinstalling the TOSHIBA Common Modules and the program which doesnt run correctly!
    Best regards

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    We have a table of size 550gigs in size and we truncated the table , truncated sucessfully but space is not released in os level, what action we can take to release the space and this table has only one row and contains the binary data.
    Yes space wont be released immediately .If large extents are in picture which I assume is your case it goes into deferred drop a background process which will execute after some time( time may vary).See below link for details.
    As per BOL if extents are more than 128 it goes in deferred drop.
    You should wait for some time .keep checking the free space
    Below discussion will surely help you in understanding.See Jonathan's reply
    Please mark this reply as the answer or vote as helpful, as appropriate, to make it useful for other readers

  • Regarding space not released after rm commend on root

    hello guys
    actually i am facing an unexpected problem
    i have a folder /archivelog which is mounted on ocfs.daily i used to store my export file here.But yesterday i started taking exp from one terminal with file=28june.dmp and after starting it removed previous day export from other terminal with file=27june.dmp.
    But i have seen something different.
    i fired rm -rf 27june.dmp it returned the root prompt immediately though daily to remove a 60 gb file it taken 30-40 seconds.
    also it didn't released the spcae from /archivelog and also removed the file
    means its not listing the file and also the space is not released ...i also fired command updatedb..but still the space is not released.
    hoe could this be possible..anyone has any idea so kindly tell

    There is a bug with ocfs2 if you delete archive logs manually some time will not freee the space which is used. So for future to avoid this case use rman to delete archive logs.
    now to free space need ocfs2 partition to delete and create again with ocfs2. becarefull with this.

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    I have discovered that SQL Developer locks trace files when they are opened (at least on Win XP SP 3), which it doesn't do with sql or pl/sql files. Also, even after closing the file in SQL Developer, the lock isn't released - you need to close SQL Developer to release the lock to be able to move/rename/delete the trace file.

    I was able to replicate this as well. I am forwarding it onto a developer to take a look at this. Thanks.
    SQL Developer Team

  • Cpu not releasing after page load

    I'm a newby to flash. I need to show movie clips based on the
    XML data. The problem is after page is loaded with flash file,
    still CPU is not getting released. What am I doing wrong? After
    page is loaded with the flash file, I want the CPU to go its
    original utilization.
    Here is the sample code.
    import flash.geom.Matrix;
    import flash.geom.Point;
    import flash.display.*;
    import flash.geom.*;
    _root.lineStyle(1, 0x0000FF, 100);
    var mcMapContent = map_sp.content;
    var my_xml:XML = new XML();
    my_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
    var number_fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    number_fmt.font = "NumFont";
    number_fmt.size = 4;
    var fileName:String;
    if (!fileName)
    fileName = "test1";
    if (_global.styles.List == undefined)
    _global.styles.List = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration();
    _global.styles.List.setStyle("themeColor", 0x3366CC);
    _global.styles.List.setStyle("color", 0x000000);
    _global.styles.List.setStyle("backgroundColor", 0xFFFFFF);
    _global.styles.List.setStyle("borderStyle", "solid");
    _global.styles.List.setStyle("borderColor", 0x000000);
    _global.styles.List.setStyle("rolloverColor", 0x5a6970);
    _global.styles.List.setStyle("scrollTrackColor", 0xEEEEEE);
    _global.styles.List.setStyle("selectionColor", 0xCCCCCC);
    my_xml.load("XML/" + fileName + ".xml");
    my_xml.onLoad = function(success)
    var currentNode:XMLNode = my_xml.firstChild.firstChild;
    var LoopI:Number;
    var tmpDepthLevel:Number;
    var X1:Number, Y1:Number, Length:Number, Width:Number;
    var Code_str:String;
    currentNode = currentNode.firstChild;
    tmpDepthLevel = mcMapContent.getNextHighestDepth();
    for (var child_xmlnode = currentNode; child_xmlnode != null;
    child_xmlnode = child_xmlnode.nextSibling, i++)
    TotalVertex_int =
    X1 = child_xmlnode.attributes.X1;
    Y1 = child_xmlnode.attributes.Y1;
    Width = Number(child_xmlnode.attributes.WIDTH);
    Length = Number(child_xmlnode.attributes.LENGTH);
    Code_str = child_xmlnode.firstChild.nodeValue;
    var my_mc:MovieClip = mcMapContent.attachMovie("MyRect",
    Code_str, tmpDepthLevel, {Name:Code_str});
    my_mc._x = X1;
    my_mc._y = Y1;
    my_mc._width = Width;
    my_mc._height = Length;
    newMainColor = new Color(my_mc.rect_mc);
    name_fmt.font = "NumFont";
    my_mc.Num_txt._yscale = my_mc.Num_txt._yscale * (Width /
    my_mc.Num_txt._y = (20 - my_mc.Num_txt._height);
    my_mc.Num_txt._x = 0;
    catch (myError:Error)
    trace("error caught: " + myError);
    //trace("No Error");

    I'm a newby to flash. I need to show movie clips based on the
    XML data. The problem is after page is loaded with flash file,
    still CPU is not getting released. What am I doing wrong? After
    page is loaded with the flash file, I want the CPU to go its
    original utilization.
    Here is the sample code.
    import flash.geom.Matrix;
    import flash.geom.Point;
    import flash.display.*;
    import flash.geom.*;
    _root.lineStyle(1, 0x0000FF, 100);
    var mcMapContent = map_sp.content;
    var my_xml:XML = new XML();
    my_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
    var number_fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    number_fmt.font = "NumFont";
    number_fmt.size = 4;
    var fileName:String;
    if (!fileName)
    fileName = "test1";
    if (_global.styles.List == undefined)
    _global.styles.List = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration();
    _global.styles.List.setStyle("themeColor", 0x3366CC);
    _global.styles.List.setStyle("color", 0x000000);
    _global.styles.List.setStyle("backgroundColor", 0xFFFFFF);
    _global.styles.List.setStyle("borderStyle", "solid");
    _global.styles.List.setStyle("borderColor", 0x000000);
    _global.styles.List.setStyle("rolloverColor", 0x5a6970);
    _global.styles.List.setStyle("scrollTrackColor", 0xEEEEEE);
    _global.styles.List.setStyle("selectionColor", 0xCCCCCC);
    my_xml.load("XML/" + fileName + ".xml");
    my_xml.onLoad = function(success)
    var currentNode:XMLNode = my_xml.firstChild.firstChild;
    var LoopI:Number;
    var tmpDepthLevel:Number;
    var X1:Number, Y1:Number, Length:Number, Width:Number;
    var Code_str:String;
    currentNode = currentNode.firstChild;
    tmpDepthLevel = mcMapContent.getNextHighestDepth();
    for (var child_xmlnode = currentNode; child_xmlnode != null;
    child_xmlnode = child_xmlnode.nextSibling, i++)
    TotalVertex_int =
    X1 = child_xmlnode.attributes.X1;
    Y1 = child_xmlnode.attributes.Y1;
    Width = Number(child_xmlnode.attributes.WIDTH);
    Length = Number(child_xmlnode.attributes.LENGTH);
    Code_str = child_xmlnode.firstChild.nodeValue;
    var my_mc:MovieClip = mcMapContent.attachMovie("MyRect",
    Code_str, tmpDepthLevel, {Name:Code_str});
    my_mc._x = X1;
    my_mc._y = Y1;
    my_mc._width = Width;
    my_mc._height = Length;
    newMainColor = new Color(my_mc.rect_mc);
    name_fmt.font = "NumFont";
    my_mc.Num_txt._yscale = my_mc.Num_txt._yscale * (Width /
    my_mc.Num_txt._y = (20 - my_mc.Num_txt._height);
    my_mc.Num_txt._x = 0;
    catch (myError:Error)
    trace("error caught: " + myError);
    //trace("No Error");

  • Firefox crashed and since then I can't open it, not even after reinstallation

    My computer had an unexpected shutdown. At that time, Mozilla was open and working with no problems. After the shutdown I restarted the computer but Mozilla wouldn't open. Simply after clicking the icon (in Startuo programs r any shortcut) nothing happens. I tried to uninstall it with Windows Uninstaller whowever I didn't manage - I kept receiving the message to close the program before uninstalling. So I used an external uninstaller with which I managed to uninstall the program and installed it all over again however this didn't solve the problem- I still cannot open it. Can you advise me some solution?

    Start Firefox in [[Safe Mode]] to check if one of the add-ons is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Tools > Add-ons > Themes).
    * Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.
    * [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]]
    Create a new profile as a test to check if your current profile is causing the problems.<br />
    See [[Basic Troubleshooting#Make_a_new_profile|Basic Troubleshooting&#58; Make a new profile]]
    If that new profile works then you can transfer some files from the old profile to that new profile (be careful not to copy corrupted files)<br />

  • Lock not released after CLEAR_FORM(NO_VALIDATE, TO_SAVEPOINT)

    Forms on W2K SP4 in client/server mode
    Database Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release
    I have 2 forms, DEPT and EMP. On form DEPT there is a button to call EMP:
    call_form('EMP', HIDE, DO_REPLACE, NO_QUERY_ONLY);In form EMP I have this KEY-ENTQRY trigger:
    enter_query;This is the scenario:
    Open form DEPT.
    Click on the button and query on form EMP.
    Update one EMP record without a commit.
    Open SQLPlus and do an update of the same record.
    update emp set ename='John Doe' where empno=1000;
    This statement waits for a commit or rollback in form EMP. So far, so good.
    Click on ENTER QUERY. Because of the CLEAR_FORM I expect a rollback on the update in form EMP.
    However, the session in SQLPlus is still hanging and I can see the blocking lock in the database.
    I have to exit both the EMP and the DEPT form before the lock is released.
    If I follow almost the same scenario, but open form EMP directly instead of via the button on DEPT, the lock on the EMP record is released when I press ENTER QUERY.
    If I replace the TO_SAVEPOINT with FULL_ROLLBACK, the lock is released in the first scenario too, but a FULL_ROLLBACK is not what I want.

    I created this on-rollback trigger:
      v_sp   varchar2(100);
      v_sp := get_application_property(SAVEPOINT_NAME);
      message('Rollback to: '||v_sp);
    end;The message showed that the form is issueing a rollback to savepoint fm1.
    In the database I could indeed see the savepoint being set when form EMP is called:
    SAVEPOINT fm_1
    and rolled back to this savepoint when pressing enter-query:
    ROLLBACK TO fm_1
    This also showed me the difference when calling form EMP directly instead of via call_form. When you call the form directly, no savepoint is set, so the rollback is in fact a FULL_ROLLBACK.

  • Internal memory not released after moved to SD card

    After installed from market, it was first it on the internal memory. I moved it to SD card and noticed the Manage applications page show the size changed to 128KB. But when I go to Settings -> Storage, the available space has not changed. It is still 12 - 13MB less than what is was before install Firefox Mobile.
    Has any one else got the same problem?

    A restart solved this problem. After restart the available space amount is correct.

  • Swing component not terminating after window closed

    Actually I have to clarify. I am building a client server application, and for my server class I have it setup as this:
    public class QuoteClient extends JFrame implements WindowListener{
         public void windowClosed(WindowEvent arg0) {
              // TODO Auto-generated method stub
              System.out.println("Should be in here at least");
         public void windowClosing(WindowEvent arg0) {
              System.err.println("In windowClosing of QuoteServer");
         }however, neither the windowClosing nor windowClosed method is never called when I close the window. However the console window clearly shows that the process has been terminated. What's more is that I have a very similar setup for my client app, and not only does it not reach the windowClosing and windowClosed methods, the console window doesn't even show the client process to be terminted. Does anybody have any idea what this might be?

    Forget it, I forgot to add the server object to the server's windowListeners

  • When will the File menuitem on OS X be released after having opened and cancelled out of the Import window with Fx 4 beta 12?

    This [ (Image)File menuitem not released after closing Import window.]
    It has been there since early Firefox 4 betas. With 3.6 and 3.5 of Firefox it happened with the Tools and Bookmarks menuitem, also on Leopard and Snow Leopard the same way like the screenshot above. It happens more often that I would like. I'm not in the File menu at all and yet it's highlighted. I've closed the Firefox window and reopened a new window but the File menu remains active until I actively press it again or any other menu in the Firefox 4 menubar.
    You can try it by choosing the File menu -> Import and then simply close the Import window and return to Firefox 4 for a browsing session. Does the File menuitem remain active? Happens each time now that I figured out the correct trigger that I mentioned with the Import window.

    Hi Rick & Todd
    thanks for testing & responding
    @ Rick - ProRes cannot be fixed with color management. At all. It is a problem that adobe has setting a correct quicktime gamma flag.
    I am color-tight if re-importing encoded file back in to AE or any other adobe app. When exporting to PR or Quicktime in General, something is going terribly wrong.
    @ Todd - This whole thing did not leave me alone and I have figured out what the problem is (aside from the Quicktime issue)
    If AE's Audio Hardware Preferences is set to anything else than built-in audio this problem occurs. Setting it to Built-in Audio all the issues are remedied.
    @ Todd - I have Crash Reporter Enabled.. but AE never crashes ;-)
    @ Todd - I spent the better half of this year beta testing PT 11 for AVID along with another dedicated set of folks... The reason we test so long prior to release is to get rid of all the small issues that should never surface in a commercial software. Of Course you cannot get all of them but such as testing the audio hardware capabilites of AE prior to a major release should have been cought by the beta crew.. If any.
    The quicktime issues are long standing - how about opening contact with Apple ( you are a developer and entitled to Apple Support) and tell them about the problem. And have them help you.
    I mean, you offer Speedgrade which is a fantastic app, PPRO, AE & PS (All great) but what good is greatness if neihter is able to deliver. The quicktime file is being displayed with a .8955 gamma offset (What one would have to offset the quicktime file by) when viewed in any other app than adobe's That is a lot.

  • Memory does not get released after encrypting/ decrypting files.

    I am using javax.crypto package to encypt/decrypt files but the problem is that once a big file (around 100- 700 mb) is encrypted there is spike in memory of 70 Mb (first time) and whole of this memory is not released after execution is finished. I have kept my application run for days but this memory do not come down.
    Interesting thing is if I encrpyt/ decrypt the same file again and again the memory do not rise by 70 Mb, but for first 3-4 iterations 5-8 Mb of memory is released in each iteration and after that memory starts increasing again in chunk of 2-5 Mb and after few iteration some memory get released but in all the memory always increases. The code to encrypt file is simple
    Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
    byte[] salt = generateRandomBytes(16);
    Rfc2898DeriveBytes rfc = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes("123456", salt, 1000);
    SecretKey key = new SecretKeySpec(rfc.getBytes(32), "AES");
    c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key );
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(encryptedFile);
    CipherOutputStream cos = new CipherOutputStream(fos);
    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(largeInputFile);
    int len = 0;
    byte[] buf = new byte[1024 * 128];
    while((len = != -1) {
       cos.write(buf, 0, len);
    This is simple observation I have seen in my program:
    I am using Windows 7 64 bit with 16 GB RAM Intel Core 2 Duo 3.00 GHz and file encrypted was 700 MB size
    Memory Usage (As shown in Windows Task Manager Private Working Set column)
    When program starts
    9924 K
    After first iteration of encryption
    81,180 K
    Second Iteration
    78,254 K
    3 Iteration
    74,614 K
    4 Iteration
    69,523 K
    5 Iteration
    72,256 K
    6 Iteration
    70,152 K
    7 Iteration
    83,327 K
    8 Iteration
    85,613 K
    9 Iteration
    95,124 K
    10 Iteration
    92,698 K
    11 Iteration
    94,670 K
    I kept the iteration on for 2000 iteration, the same pattern was observed and at the end memory usage 184,951 K, this memory was not released after calling System.gc() also.
    What could be the possible problem, is it the CipherOutputStream or Cipher class having some memory leak or I am doing something wrong here?

    ash wrote:
    We are using WebLogic Server 7.0 runing on Solaris 2.7.
    We are experiencing a problem where the memory does not seem to be released after
    the application has been shut down.What do you mean by "application has been shut down"? Is the server
    process running or not? Is it a zombie?
    Unix 'top' command reports that memory has not been reclaimed by the O/S. What exactly has it reported? If the process is gone, then I'm pretty
    sure your O/S has reclaimed the memory. What exactly are you looking at
    in top?
    -- Rob
    > Continue
    restarting it will forces us to reboot the server as there will be more and more
    memory lost when restarting the WebLogic.
    Advice to fix the problem is much appreciated. Thanks.

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