Openbox Theme Redirect

Is there a file i can edit to tell openbox to look for themes in a different place than the usual
also i would like to have openbox to read the theme file as themenamerc instead of just themerc  ?
so the path to the openbox theme would be like this 
so far all i have found is this info … _structure. does anyone know where this file is, so i can maybe set the options. also would the main theme file section support wild carding *rc so openbox would recognise when *rc file when set manually in the rc.xml file?
Last edited by spiritech (2014-01-23 06:18:25)

tomk wrote:
You might be able to achieve the desired result with symlinks. Your last question about wildcarding makes no sense, try asking it again more clearly.
BTW, the path you identified as "the usual" is incorrect - it is /usr/share/themes/<themename>/openbox-3/themerc.
regarding the wildcarding. form what i understand at the moment, openbox is hardcoded to read themerc files in the ./themename/openbox-3/themerc. i was going to play around and instead of having the path and file name as
i was going to split the /usr/share/themes directory into the main theme catagories
i feel this would be more organised and also shorter path structure with less recursion. i know it would not work very well in practice as you stated most paths are hard coded into the applications themeselves and would mean a complete rebuild of all the packages i use. i could do something symlinks and will see how it works.
which brings me back to the wildcarding. is i wa to use the format /usr/share/themes/openbox/themenamerc.ob i would have to code openbox to recognise the theme files with different names  *rc.ob not just themerc.
Last edited by spiritech (2014-01-23 15:14:51)

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    I'll try gtk-chtheme and see if it makes any difference.
    Yep, gtk-chtheme doesn't show my Openbox themes, thanks.
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  • Openbox Theme from GTK theme [beta]

    Something like this surely exists, here is my version..
    Creates an Openbox Theme from your chosen GTK Theme ... 1), 2), 3)...
    1) you need to launch your theme changing from a script like this (instead of calling your GTK switcher directly)
    # call your gtk theme switcher and as it quits create a matching openbox theme
    # command for gtk theme switcher
    # path to auto openbox theme generator script
    # launch obconf (so you can select the newly made theme)
    2) For that to work you also need this next script in ~/bin/auto-openbox-theme and made executable
    # Looks for the current GTK theme and automatically creates a matching Openbox theme
    # The script fails on themes not following the Clearlooks convention..
    # ..future improvements will account for this - for now the script politely fails on such themes.
    # function used to see if script is generating empty results from GTK it can't handle yet
    function emptycheck {
    if [ -s $myfile ]
    echo "$myfile has data."
    echo "$myfile is empty."
    xmessage "Sorry this gtk is not handled yet. You should not select the generated Openbox Theme this time."
    # main script #
    # copy ~/.gtkrc-2.0 to a new file and remove all data except theme name line (!d = don't delete)
    sed /gtk-theme-name/!d ~/.gtkrc-2.0 > ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info
    # remove string before gtk theme name and return info to this file (-i)
    sed -i s/gtk-theme-name=// ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info
    # strip off all (/g) speach marks (\") and return info to this file (-i)
    sed -i s/\"//g ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info
    # place the theme name in a variable
    mygtktheme=$(cat ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info)
    # copy file called mygtktheme to a new file
    sed /gtk_color_scheme/!d ~/.themes/"$mygtktheme"/gtk-2.0/gtkrc > ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info
    # strip the line down to just colours
    sed -i s/gtk_color_scheme\ =\ \"// ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info
    sed -i s/gtk-color-scheme\ =\ \"// ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info
    sed -i s/fg_color\:#// ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info
    sed -i s/bg_color\:#// ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info
    sed -i s/base_color\:#// ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info
    sed -i s/text_color\:#// ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info
    sed -i s/selected_bg_color\:#// ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info
    sed -i s/selected_fg_color\:#// ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info
    sed -i s/tooltip_bg_color\:#// ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info
    sed -i s/tooltip_fg_color\:#// ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info
    sed -i s/\"//g ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info
    # force \n to be a true line break so colours on individual lines
    sed -i s/\n/\\n/g ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info
    sed -i 's/\\//g' ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info
    # store some colours for use in Openbox theme
    # don't delete (!d) line number n and place it in a text file colournX
    # where X is used later to aid production of Openbox theme
    sed '1!d' ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info > /tmp/colour1V
    sed '2!d' ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info > /tmp/colour2W
    sed '3!d' ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info > /tmp/colour3X
    sed '4!d' ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info > /tmp/colour4Y
    sed '5!d' ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info > /tmp/colour5Z
    # check if we have empty data from unhandled GTK themes
    # hold the above in varibles
    myV=$(cat /tmp/colour1V)
    myW=$(cat /tmp/colour2W)
    myX=$(cat /tmp/colour3X)
    myY=$(cat /tmp/colour4Y)
    myZ=$(cat /tmp/colour5Z)
    # make Openbox theme by replacing VWXYZ in template with colours
    sed s/VVVVVV/$myV/g ~/.themes/obthemetemplate/openbox-3/TEMPLATE > /tmp/obtheme
    sed -i s/WWWWWW/$myW/g /tmp/obtheme
    sed -i s/XXXXXX/$myX/g /tmp/obtheme
    sed -i s/YYYYYY/$myY/g /tmp/obtheme
    sed s/ZZZZZZ/$myZ/g /tmp/obtheme > ~/.themes/obthemetemplate/openbox-3/themerc
    # update rc.xml
    #urxvt -e /usr/bin/obconf
    3) AND you need this folder in your ~/.themes/ folder - download it, extract and copy to ~/.themes
    4) (optional but welcome) Post your fails, post your abusive and constructive criticism, and post your "hey why don't you use this 5million times better version here?"'s
    thanks, bye

    Works fine here. Thanks for the script, it's quite handy and I got at last a nice OB theme witch fits with the murrina chrome gtk theme

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    Oh Really?
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    So do you like it? Any suggestions? ^_^
    Edit: Sorry, I think I posted this in the wrong section. Feel free to move it. ^_^
    Last edited by anubis2591 (2008-11-30 08:56:13)

    well and which was it? please post your findings, the work does not need to be done twice
    (and i'd like to know too )
    cheers Barde

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    Screenshots: Busy, Fullscreen
    Download Minibox

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    IF you also don't need window decorations like in the screenshot you must add this to rc.xml,between <applications> and </applications>,almost at the end of the config
    <application class="*">
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    I uploaded the other wallpaper the theme was made to go with:
    Last edited by bavardage (2008-02-23 21:51:01)

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    The wallpaper also looks good Would you mind doing a set of the first wallpaper in different colours?

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    Wallpaper: alabaster by ether
    Title and Menu font: AvantGarde LT Medium
    In this screenshot:
    Panel - visibility
    Clock - conky
    Run - gmrum
    Music - sonata
    Editor - gedit (I accually use vim >_>)
    Config - obconf
    Tell me what you think. ^_^

    anubis2591 wrote:
    dmz wrote:
    anubis2591 wrote:
    Thanks. ^_^
    I love Openbox and the themes that the community has made but unfortunatly there's not much innovation to be made in themes besides colour and icon use. I really hope that later versions of Openbox offer more features for customization.
    Here's your innovation:
    Is that yours? Haha. Anyways I can't say I'm a fan of the scanline like style in the title bars but that's deffiently something different. Also there's some other things that they do different. I'm going to have to check out the themecfgs for them. Thanks for the linky.
    I bet I could do much more intresting things if I accually read the guide on the openbox wiki. I made this first one by just changing a base theme into this. >_>
    molom wrote:Very nice, I love minimalistic themes.
    Thanks so do I.
    And so do I.
    Yep that's mine, and I recommend you to read the theme specifications on the openbox site, there's lots of cool things to try out. Anyways, I can't wait for a new openbox version so that I can have something new to play around with.

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    Yes, you have to install the openbox theme to have the nice titlebar, but the gtk theme is the one that sets the "look" … ent=120270
    Here is the gtk theme.

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    here is an example of what i'm talking about:

    IF you also don't need window decorations like in the screenshot you must add this to rc.xml,between <applications> and </applications>,almost at the end of the config
    <application class="*">
    Also you can install obtheme from community which makes theme editing much more easier.

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    -- mod edit: read the Forum Etiquette and only post thumbnails … s_and_Code --

    You need to install a matching/complementary GTK theme: … appearance
    See this thread for inspiration:

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    openbox is a window manager and can be run on its own. Gnome uses metacity as its window manager by default but you can use openbox in place of metacity.
    3D applications has nothing to do with it. It is just a window manager
    Keep playing with it and you will understand.

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    thomas, now it's about the theme, not the background
    great work fan!

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