OpenGL embeded in Java

I new in OpenGL and Java.
So, I want to ask a following question:
1. Is openGL library file which used in Java same with in C++?
If not, where I can get that OpenGL file?
2. Is use OpenGL in Java same with in C++?
But in C++ some of file OpenGL is embeded in C++ directory like include and lib,
How about in Java? Where I can get a procedure for that?
Thank you very much

This question would probably get better replies at the gaming forum, but I've heard some people use JOGL to interface OpenGL from Java

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  • Problems with WLST embedded in java app.

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    public class DomainTester {
      static WLSTInterpreter interpreter = new WLSTInterpreter();
      private void processDomain() {
        if(domainExists()) {
          System.out.println("Should now UPDATE the domain");
        } else {
          System.out.println("Should now CREATE the domain");
      private boolean domainExists() {
        try {
          return true;
        }catch(Exception e) {
          return false;
    }The output of this should be one of two possibles.
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    Should now UPDATE the domain
    It never returns false from the domainExists() method therefor always states that the exec() worked.
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    None of the VERY limited number of examples using embedded WLST in java has exception or error handling in so I need to know what is the policy to detect failures in a WLST command executed in java??? i.e. How does my java application know when a command succeeds or not??

    I did some creative wrapping for the WLSTInterpreter and I now have very good programatic access to the WLST python commands.
    I will put this on dev2dev somewhere and release it into the open source community.
    Don't know the best place to put it yet, so if anybody sees this and has any good ideas please feel free to pass them on.
    Here is the wrapper class. It can be used as a direct replacement for the weblogic WLSTInterpreter. As I can't overload the actual exec() calls because I want to return a String from this call I created an exec1(String command) that will return a String and throw my WLSTException which is a RuntimeException which you can handle if you like.
    It sets up stderr and stdout streams to interpret the results both from the Python interpreter level and at the JVM level where dumpStack() just seem to do a printStackTrace(). It also calls the dumpStack() command should the result contain this in its text. If either an exception is thrown from the lower level interpreter or dumpStack() is in the response I throw my WLSTException containing this information.
    package eu.medsea.WLST;
    public class WLSTInterpreterWrapper extends WLSTInterpreter {
         // For interpreter stdErr and stdOut
         private ByteArrayOutputStream baosErr = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
         private ByteArrayOutputStream baosOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
         private PrintStream stdErr = new PrintStream(baosErr);
         private PrintStream stdOut = new PrintStream(baosOut);
         // For redirecting JVM stderr/stdout when calling dumpStack()
         static PrintStream errSaveStream = System.err;
         static PrintStream outSaveStream = System.out;
         public WLSTInterpreterWrapper() {
         // Wrapper function for the WLSTInterpreter.exec()
         // This will throw an Exception if a failure or exception occures in
         // The WLST command or if the response containes the dumpStack() command
         public String exec1(String command) {
              String output = null;
              try {
                   output = exec2(command);
              }catch(Exception e) {
                   try {
                        synchronized(this) {
                             output = baosErr.toString();
                   }catch(Exception ex) {
                        output = null;
                   if(output == null) {
                        throw new WLSTException(e);
                   if(!output.contains(" dumpStack() ")) {
                        // A real exception any way
                        throw new WLSTException(output);
              if (output.length() != 0) {
                   if(output.contains(" dumpStack() ")) {
                        // redirect the JVM stderr for the durration of this next call
                        synchronized(this) {
                             String _return = exec2("dumpStack()");
                             throw new WLSTException(_return);
              return stripCRLF(output);
         private String exec2(String command) {
              // Call down to the interpreter exec method
              String err = baosErr.toString();
              String out = baosOut.toString();
              if(err.length() == 0 && out.length() == 0) {
                   return "";
              StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("");
              if (err.length() != 0) {
              if (out.length() != 0) {
              return buf.toString();
         // Utility to remove the end of line sequences from the result if any.
         // Many of the response are terminated with either \r or \n or both and
         // some responses can contain more than one of them i.e. \n\r\n
         private String stripCRLF(String line) {
              if(line == null || line.length() == 0) {
                   return line;
              int offset = line.length();          
              while(true && offset > 0) {
                   char c = line.charAt(offset-1);
                   // Check other EOL terminators here
                   if(c == '\r' || c == '\n') {
                   } else {
              return line.substring(0, offset);
    }Next here is the WLSTException class
    package eu.medsea.WLST;
    public class WLSTException extends RuntimeException {
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 1102103857178387601L;
         public WLSTException() {
         public WLSTException(String message) {
         public WLSTException(Throwable t) {
         public WLSTException(String s, Throwable t) {
              super(s, t);
    }And here is the start of a wrapper class for so that you can use the WLST commands directly. I will flesh this out later with proper var arg capabilities as well as create a whole Exception hierarchy that better suites the calls.
    package eu.medsea.WLST;
    // Provides methods for the WLSTInterpreter
    // just to make life a little easier.
    // Also provides access to the more generic exec(...) call
    public class WLSTCommands {
         public void cd(String path) {
              exec("cd('" + path + "')");
         public void edit() {
         public void startEdit() {
         public void save() {
         public void activate() {
         public void updateDomain() {
         public String state(String serverName) {
              return exec("state('" + serverName + "')");
         public String ls(String dir) {
              return exec("ls('" + dir + "')");
         // The generic wrapper for the interpreter exec() call
         public String exec(String command) {
              return interpreter.exec1(command);
         private WLSTInterpreterWrapper interpreter = new WLSTInterpreterWrapper();
    }Lastly here is some example code using these classes:
    its using both the exec(...) and cd(...) wrapper commands from the WLSTCommand.class shown above.
        String machineName = ...; // get name from somewhere
        try {
         exec("machine=create('" + machineName + "','Machine')");
         cd("/Machines/" + machineName + "/NodeManager/" + machineName);
         exec("set('ListenPort', 5557)");
        }catch(WLSTException e) {
            // Possibly the machine object already exists so
            // lets just try to look it up.
         exec("machine=lookup('" + machineName + "','Machine')");
    ...After this call a machine object is setup that can be allocated later like so:

  • Embedding The "Java DB" in a JNLP app

    Has anyone embedded Sun's "Java DB" in a JNLP application? See if you are unfamilar, though the answer would be no in your case.
    I have a JNLP system 3/4 complete using HSQL, , with 20 tables, views, & about 80 mb of data uncompressed. I take HSQL from source code, and put it right into my signed jar. After removal of the database manager utility & obfuscation, it takes about 300k. While I am happy, I just want to make sure I have made the right choice. Java DB says it's "ideal" for embedding, yet does not even mention Java Webstart. Not confidence inspiring.
    The one thing I am interested in that Java DB says it does, but HSQL does not, is datafile encryption.
    The things that concern me are:
    - Is 2mb, Java DB's jar sizes, cause problems for downloading a jar file?
    - Does the encryption turn it into a dog?
    - Has anyone ever run both for the same application, and formed an opinon?
    I know, I would need to sign Sun's jars for this to have access to the file system. Any other thoughts that would keep me from wasting a week to find out?

    I am responding to this because I have an interest in
    JWS launched D/B's (embedded or otherwise) and
    recently began doing some initial experiments using
    the Apache Derby D/B. My experimetns have not
    actually progressed to JWS launch of the D/B quite yet.
    As such, I cannot comment on most of the things you
    asked, however..
    The things that concern me are:
    - Is 2mb, Java DB's jar sizes, cause problems for
    downloading a jar file?For who? The end user?
    'It depends'. I would be very angry to be an end-user
    that downloads 2 Meg. of data just to have 'scrolling
    messages' drift across the screen.
    OTOH, if the D/B is vital to my job, a 3-4 minute
    download (of classes that are installed and
    cached locally) is 'no big deal'.
    I know, I would need to sign Sun's jars for this to
    have access to the file system. Not necessarily. Web-start offers other mechanisms
    for JWS untrusted applications to gain access to local
    files (e.g. FileOpenService/FileSaveService).
    The code to utilise these JNLP API services is
    quite different to the code you might use in the
    J2SE though, so it is more a strategy you might
    pursue for new a project, where all that code is
    yet to be written.
    For an existing desktop application that is about to
    be wrapped in web-start, it is usually difficult, if
    not impossible, to translate what it does into
    equivalent JNLP API services, and a lot easier to
    sign it and request either 'all-permissions' or
    'j2ee-application-client' permissions in the JNLP.
    If you need to sign it, Ant makes a light task of it.

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    Well, I missed the right place for my post, sorry. It should be placed at "Native methods"...
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  • Embedded linux-java

    does any1 know of an easy to learn distro thats used for embedded saystems with java.(pref open source)
    also a pro distro name wud be useful for reference 2.

    In my oppinion 2) is not an option. Actually in most cases it requires even more memory compared to the traditional case.
    1) is ... well, I don't think that you will find enough good tool to seamlesly convert your code to C/C++. In all cases, there would be a lot of work needed after the 'conversion'
    3) is a reasonable option. You can use J2ME CDC - which is something like stripped down J2SE. But yes, it still includes collections, core lang, io, security, reflection and util classes. It just don't have the GUI libraries like AWT, Swing; which I don't think you need on that embedded device.
    So I bet on 3).
    Here is some example that it works:
    I had a HW - pentium/32RAM/floppy
    The software configuration was:
    Linux - monolitic kernel without modules loading support and only really required drivers compilled in.
    The chosen filesystem was minix
    The VM was J2ME CDC
    The system software was busybox - used to boot the linux, to start a shell and start the VM.
    The other software was: our embedded server - an OSGi Platform with minimal set of bundles, which included the HTTP & Telnet bundles.
    All that software was created in a in 8MB image, compressed with bzip to 1.7M and written, under linux to a floppy disk /yes, the regular floppy disk can handle up to 2MB/
    When the disk was ready, I placed it into the floppy and booted the machine. The system was up and running after some minutes because the floppy is really slow. At this time I had an HTTP server running and a remote console to the OSGi framework, so I can install remotely some other bundles. The 32MB memory was full almost to it's limit. But it already contained - a memory image of the disk == 8M, the linux kernel loaded, the virtual machine , the OSGi framework and the bundles (http, telnet & some other, ~ 10 bundles totaly).

  • Embedding a java application (servlets) in a portlet

    Hi all,
    We have an existing java application that we want to run as a portlet in our portal internet site. The application is a simple search form, which submits parameters (search criteria) and returns results, from there can click on a few other things and open some documents etc. We want all this to happen in the same portlet window, rather than opening out to a new window. Can someone please advise if this can be done? We are running release 1 of 9IAS (and we can't upgrade to rel 2 yet) with PDK March. We would preferably like to do this without touching/reprogramming the java code. I have seen a couple of conficting posts in this forum about this - some say can be done, some say can't be done. Please advise:
    1. Is there some kind of wrapper that can be applied to keep this app inside the portlet?
    2. What other alternatives are there to getting this java app inside?
    3. Are there any step by step guides to doing this?
    Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks heaps, Sarah

    I have tried the URL services, it displays the page fine within the portlet. Just one problem though. The links that are embedded in the HTML will open new windows when clicked. We want them to stay within the portlet. Does something need to be changed in my xml file? I have
    <renderer class="oracle.portal.provider.v1.RenderManager">^M
    <showPage class="oracle.portal.provider.v1.http.URLRenderer">^M
    <filter class="oracle.portal.provider.v1.http.HtmlFilter">^M
    perhaps I need a different renderer? I saw another post had something in the xml :
    that looks promising. Will that deliver the results I'm looking for? Where does it get added?
    Thanks for any replies. Sarah

  • Vst embedded in java application?

    I am writing here because I was redirected.
    I would like to know if it is possibile and where to find information and resources to do this:
    calling a vst virtual instrument from a java application displaying it in a frame and controlling it by calls.

    vst is for "virtual instrument", a technology from steinberg.
    this kind of programs are dlls and are used in sequencer environments like cubase.
    a vst is a dll file that cubase or this sort of software can load and communicate with by function calls. it has a gui too to tweak its parameters.
    so, I ask someone who knows how all this work to please help with some information.

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    .I must use this program as an applet. How can I send this parameter during running the applet.
    "appletviewer program.html"

    Now, for your specific problem - the likelihood of them actually having created / initialized the components in a constructor is 1 in about 10-ba-friggity-zillion. So - here is how you get around that: make a direct call to the init() method:
    import javax.swing.*;
         class Turd extends JApplet {
              private JTextArea jta;
              private JScrollPane jsp;
              public void init() {
                   jta = new JTextArea(10, 30);
                   jsp = new JScrollPane(jta);
         public class Burglar extends JFrame {
              private Turd turd;
              public Burglar() {
                   turd = new Turd();
              public static void main(String[] argv) { new Burglar().setVisible(true); }
         }See how I did that? Made a "Turd" object, then manually called the "init()" method. And - voila! See how purty?

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  • Urgent - Embedding visual java beans in JSP

    I have a custom TextBox .
    I want to embed that into my JSP, and want the JSP to be able to read the value / set the value of this text box as and when manipulated.
    How do I go about it?
    Should I usr <jsp:useBean> for viaula components or <jsp:plugin>
    Thank you.

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  • Please Help: jdev 10.1.3EA embedded server java/lang/StackOverflowError

    When I running my application after 1 page application server exit with following message.
    Fatal error: Cannot find class java/lang/StackOverflowError
    Process exited with exit code -1.
    I have 1.18gb intel M processor with 1GB ram & 1gb swap file.

    I installed base version with JDK 1.5 update 5 installed separately.
    jDev installed directory without spaces C:\Oracle\jDev1013.
    1) Login - Success
    2) startPage - Success
    I have af:table on startPage having command button which takes to 3rd page. I have put the comments in action method I can see method completes successful then I get message. e.g.
    05/11/01 16:47:10 Completed NeutralTableBean.
    05/11/01 16:47:13 Completed ShowCaseFromList.
    Fatal error: Cannot find class java/lang/StackOverflowError
    Process exited with exit code -1.
    This is started this morning. I am developing this application since 4 weeks I was able to navigate to rest of pages till yesterday.
    Thanks for the prompt reply.

  • Java 8 SE Embedded download - which version for my RPi?

    One thing I struggle with is knowing which download for my RPi. 
    I keep reading I should use the hard floating point version.  That said, here's the only Java 8 SE Embedded version I see with HardFP:  ARMv7 Linux - VFP, HardFP ABI, Little Endian1
    On my RPi, here's the output from "uname -a"
    > Linux bsrpi 3.10.34+ #661 PREEMPT Thu Mar 27 00:36:02 GMT 2014 armv6l GNU/Linux
    Will the HardFP version on the download page work on my RPi?   It appears to be arm6. 
    The only thing I see available with ARMv6 is:  ARMv6/7 Linux - VFP, SoftFP ABI, Little Endian2
    If you have the answer or even refer me to a good site that explains the differences, I'd be very grateful.  If not, I'll just keep pulling out my hair!  :-)
    Thanks for any help you have,
    Brent Stains

    I received help from Stephen Chin on this!  Thank you Steve.  You can see his excellent work here:  Steve On Java
    I also found some information from Hinkmond Wong's blog:
    I'm pasting a modified version of the conversation and information here for other wandering souls! 
    METHOD 1 - download & deploy, options for compact profiles
    Most Raspberry Pi distributions have been hard float for a while...  To check, look for the following file:
    If this exists, you are running hard float.
    Once you have your Pi on a hard float build, grab the latest Java 8 from here:
    Grab the first one titled "jdk-8-linux-arm-vfp-hflt.tar.gz"
    For doing compact profile work to learn how SE Embedded is used (and compact profiles work) go to the downloads on this page:
    and start with this one:  ejdk-8-fcs-b132-linux-arm-vfp-hflt-03_mar_2014.tar.gz   (ARMv7 Linux - VFP, HardFP ABI, Little Endian)
    then use jrecreate to shrink it.
    METHOD 2 - use apt-get on the Raspberry Pi, full "embedded" version of the JDK
    From Linux command line >> sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-jdk
    Note:  see Hinkmond's blog post and an excellent explanation in the comments section on the meaning of SE Embedded
    Brent S

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    Who can share the OpenGL package for Java to me,
    or give me a link to download ?
    thank you! ^_^

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  • Work flow creation.

    Hi all, Could anubody send me the step by step procedure for creating work flow. mail ID is [email protected] Thanks & Regards, Manoj .

  • Methods of Class

    Hi, Is there a way to know the methods defined in a class. For e.g if I want to know if there is a way to get the member name and thier details for e.g in java.math.BigInteger Any info is appreciated. Thanks

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