Opening elements 11

When I expand the Mac version (don’t need the win version) I get the message
“A failure has occured.”
“The structure of the archive is damaged”
I am running Mac OSX version 10.6.8
Have downloaded it 3 times now???

you should not expand anything.

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    Yes, I've seen this happen when the form contains a multi-line text field. What happens is that applications generated with the Web PL/SQL generator do optimistic locking by saving a copy of the original contents of each field in hidden fields. When you save the form, it calls the lck procedure in the TAPI, and passes the data from the hidden fields. In theory, if no-one has changed the data in the database since you first saw the form, the data in the hidden fields will match the current data in the database. This works fine for data that has no linefeeds or carriage returns. Unfortunately, if you have a long text field that may contain linefeeds or carriage returns, the browser may have changed the whitespace in the hidden field so that it no longer matches what is currently in the database.
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    See this Adobe document:

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    See if this helps:

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    If you go into the applications folder, can you open Adobe Elements 13 Organizer, or the editor directly? The editor is well-hidden. It's inside the support files folder in the Adobe Photoshop Elements 13 folder:

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    Actually they just did:
    Dear Customer, Your current Adobe® Photoshop® Elements or Adobe Premiere® Elements storage and sharing membership on will move to a new service called Adobe Revel™. Your photos mean a lot to you. And making sure they're backed up and easy to access means a lot to us. 
    That's why starting April 2, 2013, we'll automatically move your photos to their new home – Adobe Revel. 
    You don't have to do a thing.
    By doing nothing, you are saying it's okay for us to move your JPEG photos and your Elements membership/ account to Revel. We'll handle your photos with care and keep you updated along the way.
    If your library contains file formats other than JPEG photos, please be sure to download your complete library before June 18, 2013, as Revel doesn't yet support the following file types – any video, PSD, RAW, ACR, PNG, TIFF. Archive now.
    The move will start after April 2, but if you want to start using Revel sooner, you can start your move now.
    Rather not have us move your photos? Simply opt out by April 2, 2013 and download your complete library before we close on June 18, 2013. Archive now.
    We are committed to supporting you throughout this transition to a new technology – Adobe Revel. Currently, Revel gives you more access to your photos than ever before – on the web, iPhone, iPad, and Mac. And this is just the beginning – we are planning to support additional platforms, as well as, popular file formats beyond JPEG and video. We are committed to delivering frequent Revel updates and to continually pushing the envelope to create the best experience for reliving your memories wherever you are.
    And a link to the FAQ:

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    Bumps a écrit:
    Yes - I can run both versions on my PC.  But I really would like to have all of my pictures in the same catalog.
    You can't merge catalogs (even PSE13 ones) in any PSE version (only LR can do that). So, converting catalogs is not the solution to your problem.
    Since you have PSE5 working on your computer and your images also, the solution is to 'write metadata to files in PSE5) and to re-import the images in the PSE13 catalog. That won't duplicate your image files and you'll lose albums/collections, stacks and version sets, but you'll recover tags, captions and ratings.
    To be able to re-import the files indexed in PSE5, you may have to move them to a new master folder.
    I am not sure what your problem with the conversion may be. It's quite possible that the resulting catalog.pse13db is ok and that the issue lies in the ability to open it in the PSE13 organizer.
    As stated by dj_page, double clicking on that file should open the organizer with the new catalog. You could test that by creating a dummy catalog in PSE13 and importing a small batch of photos. Locate the path of the catalog with the menu Help/system info. Copy the catalog.pse13db in another folder and the 'double click' way to open the organizer with that moved catalog database.
    For other users that may be interested in using PSE5 (issued in 2006) on newer OS, here is a useful link:
    Adobe - Photoshop Elements : For Windows : Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0.2 update

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    It worked. I don't see why the Protected Mode is enabled in the first place, if it were to cause issues.
    Anyways, thanks Sabian,

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    You can check if the standard Srgb profile has been change.
    Close Elements.
    Go to Start menu >> Control Panel >> Color Management.
    Click the Devices tab.
    From the Device pop-up, select your monitor.
    Check the ‘Use my settings for this device’ checkbox.
    Make a note of the currently selected profile, which is marked as (default). If there isn’t an existing profile, you can skip this step.
    Click the Add button.
    In the Associate Color Profile dialog, select sRGB IE61966-2.1 (sRGB Color Space Profile.icm) and press OK.
    Back in the Color Management dialog, select the sRGB profile and click Set as Default Profile, and then close the dialog.

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    Follow the steps in this ling re sign in
    Activation & Deactivation Help

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    Barbara, thank you!  We've had computer problems lately and obviously something was reset during repairs creating the need to reload.  For now everything seems to be working OK.  Appreciate your help!

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