I WILL OPERATE FILE WITHIN PL/SQL,eg delete file in pl/sql procedure or function.how can I perform?
PLS send mine EMAIL [email protected],tell me!


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    Nawneet wrote:
    CSV file can load it using SQL loader
    go through the below link
    SQL*Loader doesn't work very well in PL/SQL.
    Better is External Tables:

  • Generating Excel file using PL/SQL

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    Please see the below code and please help me to interpret the same.
    -- Version 0.5
    -- Objective : The main objective OF this PACKAGE IS TO CREATE excel files from PL/SQL code
    -- Requirement : Excel version 2003 onwards support XML format.
    -- The procedures does have TO be called IN specific order at this moment.
    -- expected SEQUENCE AS OF now IS
    -- At first call create_file -> It creates a FILE WITH NAME that you pass AS parameter. This PROCEDURE writes the
    -- excel file header AND some basic requirments like default style.
    -- procedures 1. create_style , create_worksheet AND write_cell can be used IN ANY SEQUENCE AS many
    -- times AS you need.
    -- When done WITH writing TO FILE call the PROCEDURE close_file
    -- CLOSE FILE --> This will actually flush the data INTO the worksheet(s) one BY one and then close the file.
    -- What colors I can use ?
    -- red , blue , green, gray , YELLOW, BROWN , PINK . lightgray ,
    debug_flag BOOLEAN := TRUE ;
    PROCEDURE create_excel( p_directory IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL , p_file_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ) ;
    PROCEDURE create_excel_apps ;
    PROCEDURE create_style( p_style_name IN VARCHAR2
    , p_fontname IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
    , p_fontcolor IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'Black'
    , p_fontsize IN NUMBER DEFAULT null
    , p_underline IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
    , p_backcolor IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL );
    PROCEDURE close_file ;
    PROCEDURE create_worksheet( p_worksheet_name IN VARCHAR2 ) ;
    PROCEDURE write_cell_num(p_row NUMBER , p_column NUMBER, p_worksheet_name IN VARCHAR2, p_value IN NUMBER , p_style IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL );
    PROCEDURE write_cell_char(p_row NUMBER, p_column NUMBER, p_worksheet_name IN VARCHAR2, p_value IN VARCHAR2, p_style IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL );
    PROCEDURE write_cell_null(p_row NUMBER , p_column NUMBER , p_worksheet_name IN VARCHAR2, p_style IN VARCHAR2 );
    PROCEDURE set_row_height( p_row IN NUMBER , p_height IN NUMBER, p_worksheet IN VARCHAR2 ) ;
    PROCEDURE set_column_width( p_column IN NUMBER , p_width IN NUMBER , p_worksheet IN VARCHAR2 ) ;
    END ;
    -- Package : gen_xl_sml
    -- Version : 0.62
    -- worksheets must be created before it could be passed AS parameter TO the write cell procedures
    l_file utl_FILE.file_type ;
    g_apps_env VARCHAR2(1) := 'U' ; -- unset at the start
    g_excel_data tbl_excel_data ;
    g_null_data tbl_excel_data ;
    g_data_count NUMBER ;
    TYPE rec_styles IS record ( s VARCHAR2(30) , def VARCHAR2(2000) );
    TYPE tbl_style IS TABLE OF rec_styles INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER ;
    g_styles tbl_style ;
    g_null_styles tbl_style ;
    g_style_count NUMBER := 0;
    TYPE rec_worksheets IS record ( w VARCHAR2(30) , whdr VARCHAR2(300), wftr VARCHAR2(2000) );
    TYPE tbl_worksheets IS TABLE OF rec_worksheets INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER ;
    g_worksheets tbl_worksheets ;
    g_null_worksheets tbl_worksheets ;
    g_worksheets_count NUMBER := 0;
    TYPE rec_cell_data IS record ( r NUMBER , c NUMBER , v VARCHAR2(2000) ,s VARCHAR2(30) , w VARCHAR2(100), dt VARCHAR2(8) );
    TYPE tbl_cell_data IS TABLE OF rec_cell_data INDEX BY binary_INTEGER ;
    g_cells tbl_cell_data ;
    g_null_cells tbl_cell_data ;
    g_cell_count NUMBER := 0 ;
    TYPE rec_columns_data IS record( c NUMBER, wd NUMBER, w VARCHAR2(30) ) ;
    TYPE tbl_columns_data IS TABLE OF rec_columns_data Index BY BINARY_INTEGER ;
    g_columns tbl_columns_data ;
    g_null_columns tbl_columns_data ;
    g_column_count NUMBER ;
    TYPE rec_rows_data IS record( r NUMBER, ht NUMBER , w VARCHAR2(30) ) ;
    TYPE tbl_rows_data IS TABLE OF rec_rows_data Index BY BINARY_INTEGER ;
    g_rows tbl_ROWS_data ;
    g_null_rows tbl_rows_data ;
    g_ROW_count NUMBER ;
    PROCEDURE p ( p_string IN VARCHAR2) is
    IF debug_flag = TRUE THEN
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line( p_string) ;
    END IF;
    END ;
    FUNCTION style_defined ( p_style IN VARCHAR2 ) RETURN BOOLEAN IS
    FOR i IN 1..g_style_count LOOP
    IF g_styles(i).s = p_style THEN
    END IF;
    END LOOP ;
    END ;
    -- Function : cell_used returns : BOOLEAN
    -- Description : Cell_used FUNCTION returns TRUE IF that cell IS already used
    -- Called BY : write_Cell_char, write_cell_num
    -- ??? right now it IS NOT called BY write_Cell_null , this needs TO be evaluated
    FUNCTION cell_used ( p_r IN NUMBER , p_c IN number , p_w IN VARCHAR2 ) RETURN BOOLEAN IS
    FOR i IN 1..g_cell_count LOOP
    IF ( g_cells(i).r = p_r AND g_cells(i).c = p_c AND g_cells(i).w = p_w ) THEN
    END IF;
    END LOOP ;
    END ;
    PROCEDURE initialize_collections IS
    --- following lines resets the cell data and the cell count as it was
    -- observed that the data is retained across the two runs within same seseion.
    g_cells := g_null_cells ;
    g_Cell_count := 0 ;
    g_styles := g_null_styles ;
    g_style_count := 0 ;
    g_rows := g_null_rows ;
    g_ROW_count := 0 ;
    g_columns := g_null_columns ;
    g_column_count := 0 ;
    g_excel_data := g_null_data ;
    g_data_count := 0 ;
    g_apps_env := 'U';
    g_worksheets := g_null_worksheets ;
    g_worksheets_count := 0;
    END ;
    PROCEDURE create_excel_apps is
    -- CHECK the env value
    IF g_apps_env = 'N' THEN
    raise_application_error( -20001 , 'You have already called create_excel ( Non Apps ) procedure, Can not set env to create_excel_apps.');
    END IF ;
    initialize_collections ;
    g_apps_env := 'Y' ;
    END ;
    PROCEDURE create_excel( p_directory IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL , p_file_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL )
    -- CHECK the env value
    IF g_apps_env = 'Y' THEN
    raise_application_error( -20001 , 'You have already called procedure create_excel_apps , Can not set env to Non-Apps create_excel.');
    END IF ;
    initialize_collections ;
    g_apps_env := 'N' ;
    IF ( p_directory IS NULL OR p_file_name IS NULL ) THEN
    raise_application_error( -20001 , 'p_directory and p_file_name must be not null');
    END IF ;
    -- Open the FILE IN the specified directory
    l_file := utl_file.fopen( p_directory, p_file_name , 'w') ;
    WHEN utl_file.write_error THEN
    raise_application_error( -20101 , 'UTL_FILE raised write error, check if file is already open or directory access');
    raise_application_error( -20101 , 'UTL_FILE could not open file or operate on it, check if file is already open.');
    WHEN utl_file.invalid_path THEN
    raise_application_error( -20101 , 'UTL_FILE raised invalid path, check the directory passed is correct and you have access to it.');
    WHEN others THEN
    raise_application_error( -20101 , 'UTL_FILE raised others exception ');
    END ;
    p( 'File '||p_file_name ||' created successfully');
    END ;
    PROCEDURE create_style( p_style_name IN VARCHAR2
    , p_fontname IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
    , p_fontcolor IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'Black'
    , p_fontsize IN NUMBER DEFAULT null
    , p_underline IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
    , p_backcolor IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ) is
    l_style VARCHAR2(2000) ;
    l_font VARCHAR2(1200);
    --- CHECK IF this style IS already defined AND RAISE ERROR IF yes
    IF style_defined( p_style_name ) THEN
    RAISE_application_error( -20001 , 'Style "'||p_style_name ||'" is already defined.');
    END IF;
    g_style_count := g_style_count + 1;
    ---- ??? pass ANY value OF underline AND it will only use single underlines
    -- ??? pattern IS NOT handleed
    IF upper(p_style_name) = 'DEFAULT' THEN
    RAISE_application_error( -20001 , 'Style name DEFAULT is not allowed ');
    END IF ;
    IF upper(p_style_name) IS NULL THEN
    RAISE_application_error( -20001 , 'Style name can not be null ');
    END IF ;
    g_styles(g_style_count).s := p_style_name ;
    g_styles(g_style_count).def := ' <Style ss:ID="'|| p_style_name ||'"> ' ;
    l_font := ' <Font ' ;
    IF p_fontname IS NOT NULL THEN
    l_font :=l_font || 'ss:FontName="'|| p_fontname ||'" ';
    end if ;
    IF p_fontsize is not null then
    l_font := l_font ||' ss:Size="'|| p_fontsize ||'" ';
    end if ;
    IF p_fontcolor is not null then
    l_font := l_font ||' ss:Color="'|| p_fontcolor ||'" ';
    l_font := l_font ||' ss:Color="Black" ';
    end if ;
    IF p_bold = TRUE THEN
    l_font := l_font ||' ss:Bold="1" ' ;
    END IF;
    IF p_italic = TRUE THEN
    l_font := l_font ||' ss:Italic="1" ' ;
    END IF;
    IF p_underline IS NOT NULL THEN
    l_font := l_font ||' ss:Underline="Single" ' ;
    END IF ;
    -- p( l_font );
    g_styles(g_style_count).def := g_styles(g_style_count).def || l_font || '/>' ;
    IF p_backcolor IS NOT NULL THEN
    g_styles(g_style_count).def := g_styles(g_style_count).def || ' <Interior ss:Color="'||p_backcolor ||'" ss:Pattern="Solid"/>' ;
    g_styles(g_style_count).def := g_styles(g_style_count).def || ' <Interior/>';
    END IF ;
    g_styles(g_style_count).def := g_styles(g_style_count).def || ' </Style>' ;
    --- ??? IN font there IS SOME family which IS NOT considered
    END ;
    PROCEDURE close_file IS
    l_last_row NUMBER := 0 ;
    l_dt CHAR ; -- ??? Variable TO store the datatype ; this IS NOT used at this time but may be needed IF the memory
    -- issue IS there FOR example IF there IS big array
    l_style VARCHAR2(140) ;
    l_row_change VARCHAR2(100) ;
    l_file_header VARCHAR2(2000) := '<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <?mso-application progid="Excel.Sheet"?>
    <Workbook xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet"
    <DocumentProperties xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">
    <ExcelWorkbook xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel">
    <Style ss:ID="Default" ss:Name="Normal">
    <Alignment ss:Vertical="Bottom"/>
    IF gen_xl_xml.g_Cell_count = 0 THEN
    raise_application_error( -20007 , 'No cells have been written, this version of gen_xl_xml needs at least one cell to be written');
    END IF;
    IF gen_xl_xml.g_worksheets_count = 0 THEN
    raise_application_error( -20008 , 'No worksheets have been created, this version does not support automatic worksheet creation');
    END IF;
    p( gen_xl_xml.g_Cell_count) ;
    -- Write the header xml part IN the FILE.
    g_data_count := g_data_count + 1 ;
    g_excel_data( g_data_count ) := l_file_header ;
    p( 'Headers written');
    FOR i IN 1..g_style_count LOOP
    p( ' writing style number : '||i);
    g_data_count := g_data_count + 1 ;
    g_excel_data( g_data_count ) := g_styles(i).def ;
    END LOOP ;
    -- CLOSE the styles tag
    g_data_count := g_data_count + 1 ;
    g_excel_data( g_data_count ) := ' </Styles>' ;
    p( 'worksheet count '|| g_worksheets_count );
    FOR j IN 1..g_worksheets_count LOOP
    l_last_row := 0 ; --- FOR every worksheet we need TO CREATE START OF the row
    p( '()()------------------------------------------------------------ last row '||l_last_row );
    --- write the header first
    -- write the COLUMN widhts first
    -- write the cells
    -- write the worksheet footer
    l_row_change := NULL ;
    g_data_count := g_data_count + 1 ;
    g_excel_data( g_data_count ) := ' <Worksheet ss:Name="'|| g_worksheets( j).w ||'"> ' ;
    p( '-------------------------------------------------------------');
    p( '****************.Generated sheet '|| g_worksheets( j).w);
    p( '-------------------------------------------------------------');
    -- write the TABLE structure ??? change the LINE here TO include tha maxrow AND cell
    g_data_count := g_data_count + 1 ;
    g_excel_data( g_data_count ) := '<Table ss:ExpandedColumnCount="16" ss:ExpandedRowCount="44315" x:FullColumns="1" x:FullRows="1">' ;
    FOR i IN 1..g_column_count LOOP
    IF g_columns(i).w = g_worksheets( j).w THEN
    g_data_count := g_data_count + 1 ;
    g_excel_data( g_data_count ) := ' <Column ss:Index="'||g_columns(i).c||'" ss:AutoFitWidth="0" ss:Width="'||g_columns(i).wd ||'"/> ' ;
    END IF;
    END LOOP ;
    -- write the cells data
    FOR i IN 1..g_cell_count LOOP ------ LOOP OF g_cell_count
    p( '()()()()()()()()()()()() '|| i);
    --- we will write only IF the cells belongs TO the worksheet that we are writing.
    IF g_cells(i).w <> g_worksheets(j).w THEN
    p( '........................Cell : W :'|| g_worksheets( j).w ||'=> r='|| g_cells(i).r ||',c ='|| g_cells(i).c||',w='|| g_cells(i).w );
    p( '...Not in this worksheet ');
    -- l_last_row := l_last_row -1 ;
    p( '........................Cell : W :'|| g_worksheets( j).w ||'=> r='|| g_cells(i).r ||',c ='|| g_cells(i).c||',w='|| g_cells(i).w );
    IF g_cells(i).s IS NOT NULL AND NOT style_defined( g_cells(i).s ) THEN
    -- p(g_cells(i).s) ;
    raise_application_error( -20001 , 'Style "'||g_cells(i).s ||'" is not defined, Note : Styles are case sensative and check spaces used while passing style');
    END IF;
    p( '()()------------------------------------------------------------ last row '||l_last_row );
    IF l_last_row = 0 THEN
    FOR t IN 1..g_row_count LOOP
    p( '...Height check => Row =' ||g_rows(t).r ||', w='||g_rows(t).w);
    IF g_rows(t).r = g_cells(i).r AND g_rows(t).w = g_worksheets(j).w THEN
    p( '...Changing height') ;
    l_row_change := ' ss:AutoFitHeight="0" ss:Height="'|| g_rows(t).ht||'" ' ;
    g_data_count := g_data_count + 1 ;
    g_excel_data( g_data_count ) := ' <Row ss:Index="'||g_cells(i).r||'"'|| l_row_change ||'>' ;
    l_last_row := g_cells(i).r ;
    EXIT ;
    p( '...NO change height') ;
    l_row_change := NULL ;
    END IF ;
    END loop ;
    g_data_count := g_data_count + 1 ;
    p( '...Creating new row ');
    g_excel_data( g_data_count ) := ' <Row ss:Index="'||g_cells(i).r||'"'|| l_row_change ||'>' ;
    l_last_row := g_cells(i).r ;
    END IF;
    END IF;
    IF g_cells(i).s IS NOT NULL THEN
    p( '...Adding style ');
    l_style := ' ss:StyleID="'||g_cells(i).s||'"' ;
    p( '...No style for this cell ');
    l_style := NULL ;
    END IF;
    p( '()()------------------------------------------------------------ last row '||l_last_row );
    IF g_cells(i).r <> l_last_row THEN
    p('...closing the row.'||g_cells(i).r);
    g_data_count := g_data_count + 1 ;
    g_excel_data( g_data_count ) := ' </Row>' ;
    p( 'ROWCOUNT : '||g_row_count );
    FOR t IN 1..g_ROW_count LOOP
    p( '.....Height check => Row =' ||g_rows(t).r ||', w='||g_rows(t).w);
    IF g_rows(t).r = g_cells(i).r AND g_rows(t).w = g_worksheets(j).w THEN
    p( '.....Changing height') ;
    l_row_change := ' ss:AutoFitHeight="0" ss:Height="'|| g_rows(t).ht||'" ' ;
    g_data_count := g_data_count + 1 ;
    g_excel_data( g_data_count ) := ' <Row ss:Index="'||g_cells(i).r||'"'|| l_row_change ||'>' ;
    EXIT ;
    p( '.....NO change height') ;
    l_row_change := NULL ;
    END IF ;
    END loop ;
    -- P( 'Row :'||g_cells(i).r ||'->'|| l_ROW_CHANGE);
    IF l_row_change IS NULL THEN
    g_data_count := g_data_count + 1 ;
    g_excel_data( g_data_count ) := ' <Row ss:Index="'||g_cells(i).r||'"'|| l_row_change ||'>' ;
    END IF;
    IF g_cells(i).v IS NULL THEN
    g_data_count := g_data_count + 1 ;
    g_excel_data( g_data_count ) := '<Cell ss:Index="'||g_cells(i).c||'"' || l_style ||' ></Cell>';
    g_data_count := g_data_count + 1 ;
    g_excel_data( g_data_count ) := '<Cell ss:Index="'||g_cells(i).c||'"' || l_style ||' ><Data ss:Type="'||g_cells(i).dt ||'">'||g_cells(i).v||'</Data></Cell>';
    END IF ;
    l_last_row :=g_cells(i).r ;
    IF g_cells(i).v IS NULL THEN
    g_data_count := g_data_count + 1 ;
    g_excel_data( g_data_count ) := '<Cell ss:Index="'||g_cells(i).c||'"' || l_style ||' > </Cell>';
    g_data_count := g_data_count + 1 ;
    g_excel_data( g_data_count ) := '<Cell ss:Index="'||g_cells(i).c||'"' || l_style ||' ><Data ss:Type="'||g_cells(i).dt ||'">'||g_cells(i).v||'</Data></Cell>';
    END IF ;
    END IF ;
    END IF ;
    NULL ;
    END LOOP ; -- LOOP OF g_cells_count
    p('...closing the row.');
    g_data_count := g_data_count + 1 ;
    g_excel_data( g_data_count ) := ' </Row>' ;
    -- ??? does following COMMENT will have sheet NAME FOR debugging
    p( '-------------------------------------------------------------');
    p( '....End of writing cell data, closing table tag');
    g_data_count := g_data_count + 1 ;
    g_excel_data( g_data_count ) := ' </Table>' ;
    g_data_count := g_data_count + 1 ;
    g_excel_data( g_data_count ) := g_worksheets(j).wftr ;
    p( '..Closed the worksheet '|| g_worksheets( j).w );
    END LOOP ;
    g_data_count := g_data_count + 1 ;
    g_excel_data( g_data_count ) := '</Workbook>' ;
    p( 'Closed the workbook tag');
    IF g_apps_env = 'N' THEN
    FOR i IN 1..g_data_count LOOP
    utl_FILE.put_line( l_file, g_excel_data(i ));
    END LOOP ;
    utl_file.fclose( l_file );
    p( 'File closed ');
    ELSIF g_apps_env = 'Y' THEN
    FOR i IN 1..g_data_count LOOP
    fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.output , g_excel_data(i));
    fnd_file.put_line( fnd_file.log , g_excel_data(i));
    END LOOP ;
    raise_application_error( -20001 , 'Env not set, ( Apps or not Apps ) Contact Support.' );
    END IF;
    END ;
    PROCEDURE create_worksheet ( p_worksheet_name IN VARCHAR2 ) IS
    g_worksheets_count := g_worksheets_count + 1 ;
    g_worksheets(g_worksheets_count).w := p_worksheet_name ;
    g_worksheets(g_worksheets_count).whdr := '<Worksheet ss:Name=" ' || p_worksheet_name ||' ">' ;
    g_worksheets(g_worksheets_count).wftr := '<WorksheetOptions xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel">
    </Worksheet>' ;
    END ;
    PROCEDURE write_cell_char(p_row NUMBER, p_column NUMBER, p_worksheet_name IN VARCHAR2, p_value IN VARCHAR2, p_style IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ) IS
    l_ws_exist BOOLEAN ;
    l_worksheet VARCHAR2(2000) ;
    -- CHECK IF this cell has been used previously.
    IF cell_used( p_row , p_column , p_worksheet_name ) THEN
    RAISE_application_error( -20001 , 'The cell ( Row: '||p_row ||' Column:'||p_column ||' Worksheet:'||p_worksheet_name ||') is already used.Check if you have missed to increment row number in your code. ');
    END IF;
    -- IF worksheet NAME IS NOT passed THEN use first USER created sheet ELSE use DEFAULT sheet
    -- this PROCEDURE just adds the data INTO the g_cells TABLE
    g_cell_count := g_cell_count + 1 ;
    g_cells( g_cell_count ).r := p_row ;
    g_cells( g_cell_count ).c := p_column ;
    g_cells( g_cell_count ).v := p_value ;
    g_cells( g_cell_count ).w := p_worksheet_name ;
    g_cells( g_cell_count ).s := p_style ;
    g_cells( g_cell_count ).dt := 'String' ;
    END ;
    PROCEDURE write_cell_num(p_row NUMBER , p_column NUMBER, p_worksheet_name IN VARCHAR2, p_value IN NUMBER , p_style IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ) IS
    l_ws_exist BOOLEAN ;
    l_worksheet VARCHAR2(2000) ;
    -- ??? IF worksheet NAME IS NOT passed THEN use first USER created sheet ELSE use DEFAULT sheet
    -- this PROCEDURE just adds the data INTO the g_cells TABLE
    -- CHECK IF this cell has been used previously.
    IF cell_used( p_row , p_column , p_worksheet_name ) THEN
    RAISE_application_error( -20001 , 'The cell ( Row: '||p_row ||' Column:'||p_column ||' Worksheet:'||p_worksheet_name ||') is already used. Check if you have missed to increment row number in your code.');
    END IF;
    g_cell_count := g_cell_count + 1 ;
    g_cells( g_cell_count ).r := p_row ;
    g_cells( g_cell_count ).c := p_column ;
    g_cells( g_cell_count ).v := p_value ;
    g_cells( g_cell_count ).w := p_worksheet_name ;
    g_cells( g_cell_count ).s := p_style ;
    g_cells( g_cell_count ).dt := 'Number' ;
    END ;
    PROCEDURE write_cell_null(p_row NUMBER , p_column NUMBER , p_worksheet_name IN VARCHAR2, p_style IN VARCHAR2 ) IS
    -- ???? NULL IS allowed here FOR time being. one OPTION IS TO warn USER that NULL IS passed but otherwise
    -- the excel generates without error
    g_cell_count := g_cell_count + 1 ;
    g_cells( g_cell_count ).r := p_row ;
    g_cells( g_cell_count ).c := p_column ;
    g_cells( g_cell_count ).v := null ;
    g_cells( g_cell_count ).w := p_worksheet_name ;
    g_cells( g_cell_count ).s := p_style ;
    g_cells( g_cell_count ).dt := NULL ;
    END ;
    PROCEDURE set_row_height( p_row IN NUMBER , p_height IN NUMBER, p_worksheet IN VARCHAR2 ) IS
    g_ROW_count := g_ROW_count + 1 ;
    g_rows( g_row_count ).r := p_row ;
    g_rows( g_row_count ).ht := p_height ;
    g_rows( g_row_count ).w := p_worksheet ;
    END ;
    PROCEDURE set_column_width( p_column IN NUMBER , p_width IN NUMBER, p_worksheet IN VARCHAR2 ) IS
    g_column_count := g_column_count + 1 ;
    g_columns( g_column_count ).c := p_column ;
    g_columns( g_column_count ).wd := p_width ;
    g_columns( g_column_count ).w := p_worksheet ;
    END ;
    END ;
    SHOW errors ;
    Maddy B

    Peter Gjelstrup wrote:
    Next thing is how to use it:
    k_file constant varchar2(30) := 'YourFile.xls'
    -- Call other procedures
    Don't forget: these procedures are all part of the gen_xl_xml package.
    To call them from outside the package, you have to prefix each procedure name with the package name, like this:
    k_file constant varchar2(30) := 'YourFile.xls'
    -- Call other procedures

  • How can I load a .xlsx File into a SQL Server Table using a Foreach Loop Container in SSIS?

    I know I've REALLY struggled with this before. I just don't understand why this has to be soooooo difficult.
    I can very easily do a straight Data Pump of a .xlsX File into a SQL Server Table using a normal Excel Connection and a normal Excel Source...simply converting Unicode to DT_STR and then using an OLE DB Destination of the SQL Server Table.
    If I want to make the SSIS Package a little more flexible by allowing multiple .xlsX spreadsheets to be pumped in by using a Foreach Loop Container, the whole SSIS Package seems to go to hell in a hand basket. I simply do the following...
    Put the Data Flow Task within the Foreach Loop Container
    Add the Variable Mapping Variable User::FilePath that I defined as a Variable and a string within the FOreach Loop Container
    I change the Excel Connection and its Expression to be ExcelFilePath ==> @[User::FilePath]
    I then try and change the Excel Source and its Data Access Mode to Table Name or view name variable and provide the Variable Name User::FilePath
    And that's when I run into trouble...
    Exception from HRESULT: 0xC02020E8
    Error at Data Flow Task [Excel Source [56]]:SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occured. Error code: 0x80004005.
    Error at Data Flow Task [Excel Source [56]]: Opening a rowset for "...(the EXACT Path and .xlsx File Name)...". Check that the object exists in the database. (And I know it's there!!!)
    I don't understand by adding a Foreach Loop Container to try and make this as efficient as possible has caused such an error unless I'm overlooking something. I have even tried delaying my validations and that doesn't seem to help.
    I have looked hard in Google and even YouTube to try and find a solution for this but for the life of me I cannot seem to find anything on pumping a .xlsX file into SQL Server using a Foreach Loop Container.
    Can ANYONE please help me out here? I'm at the end of my rope trying to get this to work. I think the last time I was in this quandry, trying to pump a .xlsX File into a SQL Server Table using a Foreach Loop Container in SSIS, I actually wrote a C# Script
    to write the contents of the .xlsX File into a .csv File and then Actually used the .csv File to pump the data into a SQL Server Table.
    Thanks for your review and am hoping and praying for a reply and solution.

    Hi ITBobbyP,
    If I understand correctly, you want to load data from multiple sheets in an .xlsx file into a SQL Server table.
    If in this scenario, please refer to the following tips:
    The Foreach Loop container should be configured as shown below:
    Enumerator: Foreach ADO.NET Schema Rowset Enumerator
    Connection String: The OLE DB Connection String for the excel file.
    Schema: Tables.
    In the Variable Mapping, map the variable to Sheet_Name, and change the Index from 0 to 2.
    The connection string for Excel Connection Manager is the original one, we needn’t make any change.
    Change Table Name or View name to the variable Sheet_Name.
    If you want to load data from multiple sheets in multiple .xlsx files into a SQL Server table, please refer to following thread:
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Producing text file from PL/SQL procedure (UTL_FILE)?

    I need to produce a text file from a PL/SQL procedure. My output should be a little over 38K records and my query has 70 fields. I'd like to separate the fields by pipe delimiters in the text file. I can either concatenate all 70 fields into one variable for each record or send all 70 fields over with a pipe, whichever is easier. It looks like I can't spool within PL/SQL but UTL_FILE might be an option from what I'm reading. Does anyone have any good, simple example(s) to produce a text file using this package in calling multiple fields from a LOOP? Our os is UNIX and db is Oracle 9i.
    Also, I've read that UTL_FILE has a record output of 1,023 bytes. Is this for each record line or the whole file size? I belive the max # of characters for each line wouldn't exceed 500 characters. The 38K rows I have for the data set would be well over 1MB. If this is the case, is there a work around to produce a larger text file?
    Any suggestions and/or examples would be greatly appreciated.

    Assuming the goal is to create a text file on the database server, you can use UTL_FILE here. Each line can be 1023 characters, but you can have as many lines as you'd like.
    Tom Kyte has an example here
    Distributed Database Consulting, Inc.

  • How to transfer the tables from one file group to another file group in SQL 2008.?

    Hello all,
    I have few issues regarding the transfer of the tables from one file group to another file group  in SQL 2008 and also How can we  backup
    and restore the particular database based on file group level.
    Let’s say I have a tables stored within the different FG. such as
      File group
    Dimension tables                                              
    Fact tables                                               
    dim.table1                                                                                                                          DEFAULT_FG
    dim.table2                                                                                                                          DEFAULT_FG
    Here all I want to transfer the dim.table1 ,dim.table2  from  DEFAULT_FG to the Primary File
    group .So is there simple methods for transfer the dim.table1,2  from one FG to another .I have tried somewhat but I couldn’t get the exact way .So if someone have better idea please share your knowledge that would be really appreciated.
    Secondly after moving those dim.table1 ,dim.table2 from DEFAULT_FG to Primary ,All I want to backup and restore the database only containing  the Primary and FG1,FG2… not
    a DEFAULT_FG.Is it possible or not.?
    Hope to hear from the one who knows better approach for this kind of task .Your simple help will be much appreciated.
    Anil Maharjan

    Well after all my full day research on this topic had paid off, I finally got the solution and am so happy to research on these things. It makes
    us feel really happy after all our research and hard work doesn't goes as waste.
    Finally I got what I am looking for and want to make sure that I am able to transfer the tables from DEFAULT_FG to another FG without tables
    having clustered index on that tables .
    With the help of the link below I finally got my solution where Roberto’s coded store procedure simply works for this.
    Really thanks to him for his great post and thanks to all for your response and your valuable time.
    Anil Maharjan

  • Best way to spool DYNAMIC SQL query to file from PL/SQL

    Best way to spool DYNAMIC SQL query to file from PL/SQL [Package], not SqlPlus
    I'm looking for suggestions on how to create an output file (fixed width and comma delimited) from a SELECT that is dynamically built. Basically, I've got some tables that are used to define the SELECT and to describe the output format. For instance, one table has the SELECT while another is used to defined the column "formats" (e.g., Column Order, Justification, FormatMask, Default value, min length, ...). The user has an app that they can use to customize the output...which leaving the gathering of the data untouched. I'm trying to keep this formatting and/or default logic out of the actual query. This lead me into a problem.
    Example query :
    WHERE CONTRACT_ID = <<value>>Customization Table:
    CONTRACT_ID : 2,Numeric,Right
    PV_ID : 1,Numeric,Mask(0000)
    START_DATE : 3,Date,Mask(mm/dd/yyyy)The first value is the kicker (ColumnOrder) as well as the fact that the number of columns is dynamic. Technically, if I could use SqlPlus...then I could just use SPOOL. However, I'm not.
    So basically, I'm trying to build a generic routine that can take a SQL string execute the SELECT and map the output using data from another table to a file.
    Any suggestions?

    You could build the select statement within PL/SQL and open it using a cursor variable. You could write it to a file using the package 'UTL_FILE'. If you want to display the output using SQL*Plus, you could have an out parameter as a ref cursor.

  • Dynamic SQL within a SQL Query ?

    is there any possibility to do like this ?
    SELECT table_name, XXXXXXXX('SELECT Count(*) FROM '||table_name) tot_rows
      FROM dba_tables
    WHERE owner = 'SCOTT';or any other trick to run dynamic SQL within the SQL Query?
    Hoping....that it should be.

    One small disadvantage: it is executing 202 SQL statements: 3 "user SQL statements" (the one above and the 2 "select count(*)..."), and 199 internal ones ...How did you get to those numbers?
    I just traced this statement and found completely different results:
    TKPROF: Release - Production on Tue Jul 10 12:12:10 2007
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Trace file: diesl10r2_ora_5440.trc
    Sort options: default
    count    = number of times OCI procedure was executed
    cpu      = cpu time in seconds executing
    elapsed  = elapsed time in seconds executing
    disk     = number of physical reads of buffers from disk
    query    = number of buffers gotten for consistent read
    current  = number of buffers gotten in current mode (usually for update)
    rows     = number of rows processed by the fetch or execute call
    declare  cursor NlsParamsCursor is    SELECT * FROM
      nls_session_parameters;begin  SELECT Nvl(Lengthb(Chr(65536)),
      Nvl(Lengthb(Chr(256)), 1))    INTO :CharLength FROM dual;  for NlsRecord in
      NlsParamsCursor loop    if NlsRecord.parameter = 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE' then  
         :NlsDateLanguage := NlsRecord.value;    elsif NlsRecord.parameter =
      'NLS_DATE_FORMAT' then      :NlsDateFormat := NlsRecord.value;    elsif
      NlsRecord.parameter = 'NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS' then     
      :NlsNumericCharacters := NlsRecord.value;    elsif NlsRecord.parameter =
      'NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT' then      :NlsTimeStampFormat := NlsRecord.value;   
      elsif NlsRecord.parameter = 'NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT' then     
      :NlsTimeStampTZFormat := NlsRecord.value;    end if;  end loop;end;
    call     count       cpu    elapsed       disk      query    current        rows
    Parse        1      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
    Execute      1      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           1
    Fetch        0      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
    total        2      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           1
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0
    Optimizer mode: ALL_ROWS
    Parsing user id: 50 
    call     count       cpu    elapsed       disk      query    current        rows
    Parse        1      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
    Execute      1      0.01       0.00          0          0          0           0
    Fetch        1      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           1
    total        3      0.01       0.00          0          0          0           1
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0
    Optimizer mode: ALL_ROWS
    Parsing user id: 50     (recursive depth: 1)
    Rows     Row Source Operation
          1  FAST DUAL  (cr=0 pr=0 pw=0 time=7 us)
    SELECT *
    call     count       cpu    elapsed       disk      query    current        rows
    Parse        1      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
    Execute      1      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
    Fetch        1      0.00       0.00          0          0          0          17
    total        3      0.00       0.00          0          0          0          17
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0
    Optimizer mode: ALL_ROWS
    Parsing user id: 50     (recursive depth: 1)
    Rows     Row Source Operation
         17  FIXED TABLE FULL X$NLS_PARAMETERS (cr=0 pr=0 pw=0 time=124 us)
    nls_session_parameters where PARAMETER in('NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS',
    call     count       cpu    elapsed       disk      query    current        rows
    Parse        1      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
    Execute      1      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
    Fetch        1      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           3
    total        3      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           3
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0
    Optimizer mode: ALL_ROWS
    Parsing user id: 50 
    Rows     Row Source Operation
          3  FIXED TABLE FULL X$NLS_PARAMETERS (cr=0 pr=0 pw=0 time=57 us)
    select to_char(9,'9C')
    call     count       cpu    elapsed       disk      query    current        rows
    Parse        1      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
    Execute      1      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
    Fetch        1      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           1
    total        3      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           1
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0
    Optimizer mode: ALL_ROWS
    Parsing user id: 50 
    Rows     Row Source Operation
          1  FAST DUAL  (cr=0 pr=0 pw=0 time=2 us)
    SELECT table_name,
           DBMS_XMLGEN.getxmltype ('select count(*) c from ' || table_name).EXTRACT
                                                                          () tot
      FROM dba_tables
    WHERE table_name IN ('EMP', 'DEPT') AND owner = 'SCOTT'
    call     count       cpu    elapsed       disk      query    current        rows
    Parse        1      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
    Execute      1      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
    Fetch        1      0.01       0.02          0         48          0           2
    total        3      0.01       0.02          0         48          0           2
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0
    Optimizer mode: ALL_ROWS
    Parsing user id: 50 
    Rows     Row Source Operation
          2  HASH JOIN  (cr=42 pr=0 pw=0 time=2952 us)
          2   MERGE JOIN CARTESIAN (cr=42 pr=0 pw=0 time=1206 us)
          2    NESTED LOOPS OUTER (cr=42 pr=0 pw=0 time=478 us)
          2     NESTED LOOPS OUTER (cr=36 pr=0 pw=0 time=421 us)
          2      NESTED LOOPS OUTER (cr=30 pr=0 pw=0 time=379 us)
          2       NESTED LOOPS OUTER (cr=30 pr=0 pw=0 time=365 us)
          2        NESTED LOOPS  (cr=22 pr=0 pw=0 time=312 us)
          2         NESTED LOOPS  (cr=16 pr=0 pw=0 time=272 us)
          2          NESTED LOOPS  (cr=8 pr=0 pw=0 time=172 us)
          1           TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID USER$ (cr=2 pr=0 pw=0 time=56 us)
          1            INDEX UNIQUE SCAN I_USER1 (cr=1 pr=0 pw=0 time=30 us)(object id 44)
          2           INLIST ITERATOR  (cr=6 pr=0 pw=0 time=111 us)
          2            TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID OBJ$ (cr=6 pr=0 pw=0 time=87 us)
          2             INDEX RANGE SCAN I_OBJ2 (cr=4 pr=0 pw=0 time=54 us)(object id 37)
          2          TABLE ACCESS CLUSTER TAB$ (cr=8 pr=0 pw=0 time=98 us)
          2           INDEX UNIQUE SCAN I_OBJ# (cr=4 pr=0 pw=0 time=26 us)(object id 3)
          2         TABLE ACCESS CLUSTER TS$ (cr=6 pr=0 pw=0 time=39 us)
          2          INDEX UNIQUE SCAN I_TS# (cr=2 pr=0 pw=0 time=13 us)(object id 7)
          2        TABLE ACCESS CLUSTER SEG$ (cr=8 pr=0 pw=0 time=37 us)
          2         INDEX UNIQUE SCAN I_FILE#_BLOCK# (cr=4 pr=0 pw=0 time=21 us)(object id 9)
          0       INDEX UNIQUE SCAN I_OBJ1 (cr=0 pr=0 pw=0 time=4 us)(object id 36)
          2      TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID OBJ$ (cr=6 pr=0 pw=0 time=33 us)
          2       INDEX UNIQUE SCAN I_OBJ1 (cr=4 pr=0 pw=0 time=23 us)(object id 36)
          2     TABLE ACCESS CLUSTER USER$ (cr=6 pr=0 pw=0 time=28 us)
          2      INDEX UNIQUE SCAN I_USER# (cr=2 pr=0 pw=0 time=12 us)(object id 11)
          2    BUFFER SORT (cr=0 pr=0 pw=0 time=716 us)
          1     FIXED TABLE FULL X$KSPPI (cr=0 pr=0 pw=0 time=661 us)
       1436   FIXED TABLE FULL X$KSPPCV (cr=0 pr=0 pw=0 time=1449 us)
    select count(*) c
    call     count       cpu    elapsed       disk      query    current        rows
    Parse        1      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
    Execute      1      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
    Fetch        2      0.00       0.00          0          1          0           1
    total        4      0.00       0.00          0          1          0           1
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0
    Optimizer mode: ALL_ROWS
    Parsing user id: 50     (recursive depth: 1)
    Rows     Row Source Operation
          1  SORT AGGREGATE (cr=1 pr=0 pw=0 time=96 us)
         14   INDEX FULL SCAN EMP_IDX (cr=1 pr=0 pw=0 time=46 us)(object id 61191)
    select metadata
    kopm$  where name='DB_FDO'
    call     count       cpu    elapsed       disk      query    current        rows
    Parse        1      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
    Execute      1      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
    Fetch        1      0.00       0.00          0          2          0           1
    total        3      0.00       0.00          0          2          0           1
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0
    Optimizer mode: CHOOSE
    Parsing user id: SYS   (recursive depth: 1)
    Rows     Row Source Operation
          1  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID KOPM$ (cr=2 pr=0 pw=0 time=42 us)
          1   INDEX UNIQUE SCAN I_KOPM1 (cr=1 pr=0 pw=0 time=22 us)(object id 365)
    select count(*) c
    call     count       cpu    elapsed       disk      query    current        rows
    Parse        1      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
    Execute      1      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
    Fetch        2      0.00       0.00          0          1          0           1
    total        4      0.00       0.00          0          1          0           1
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0
    Optimizer mode: ALL_ROWS
    Parsing user id: 50     (recursive depth: 1)
    call     count       cpu    elapsed       disk      query    current        rows
    Parse        1      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
    Execute      1      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
    Fetch        0      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
    total        2      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0
    Parsing user id: 50 
    call     count       cpu    elapsed       disk      query    current        rows
    Parse        5      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
    Execute      5      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           1
    Fetch        3      0.01       0.02          0         48          0           6
    total       13      0.01       0.03          0         48          0           7
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0
    call     count       cpu    elapsed       disk      query    current        rows
    Parse        5      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
    Execute      5      0.01       0.00          0          0          0           0
    Fetch        7      0.00       0.00          0          4          0          21
    total       17      0.01       0.00          0          4          0          21
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0
        9  user  SQL statements in session.
        1  internal SQL statements in session.
       10  SQL statements in session.
    Trace file: diesl10r2_ora_5440.trc
    Trace file compatibility: 10.01.00
    Sort options: default
           1  session in tracefile.
           9  user  SQL statements in trace file.
           1  internal SQL statements in trace file.
          10  SQL statements in trace file.
          10  unique SQL statements in trace file.
         132  lines in trace file.
           0  elapsed seconds in trace file.I only see a ratio of 1:9 for user- to internal SQL statements?
    michaels>  select * from v$version
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod
    PL/SQL Release - Production                         
    CORE     Production                                     
    TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production        
    NLSRTL Version - Production  

  • How can i locate the properties files within a ejb container?

    when i develop servlet+javabean structure application,in order to imploement decoupling,i
    would like to write the config information in the properties files(key-value pair),in
    servlet,i use "getResourceAsStream(String relativePath)" method to retrieve the
    configuration information from the properties files(i even write the SQL clause
    in the files),it alwsys works well.
    now,i want to implement such function within the ejb container,that is to read
    a properties file from session bean,but i don't know how can i locate the file
    within the ejb container by using relative path,i wonder if there is the same
    method within ejb container as "getResourceAsStream(.......)" method within servlet
    thanks for any helps!
    the code snippet is appreciated!

    In general, you should look at using environment entries (variables) in the
    deployment descriptors (both the war and EJB jar rather than properties
    files for configuring J2EE applications. The reasons for this are many:
    1. This is the official way to do it according to the spec. Properties
    files are the J2SE way of doing things
    2. As you note, that it's not obvious how you would (legally) read a
    properties file inside an EJB.
    3. It's consistent between the web and EJB part of your code
    4. the weblogic console and tools have good capabilities to edit these
    "zhebincong" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    when i develop servlet+javabean structure application,in order toimploement decoupling,i
    would like to write the config information in the propertiesfiles(key-value pair),in
    servlet,i use "getResourceAsStream(String relativePath)" method toretrieve the
    configuration information from the properties files(i even write the SQLclause
    in the files),it alwsys works well.
    now,i want to implement such function within the ejb container,that is toread
    a properties file from session bean,but i don't know how can i locate thefile
    within the ejb container by using relative path,i wonder if there is thesame
    method within ejb container as "getResourceAsStream(.......)" methodwithin servlet
    thanks for any helps!
    the code snippet is appreciated!

  • HTML Files on a SQL Query

    Hi All,
    How can we save the results of a sql query in a html files. Am using HTMLDB.
    How to 1. Create HTML files from a sql query in the client drive
    2. Store the HTML File into a specified drive (mapped drive)
    Kindly help.
    Thanks in advance

    You cannot. Not with HTMLDB aka web app server architecture.
    The application tier of HTMLDB resides in Oracle. The user connects to the web tier (Apache).
    Basic architecture. Web user sends a request to web server. Web server processes the user's request, opens a connections to Oracle and runs the application (HTMLDB) in the Oracle Server.
    The application (HTMLDB), within the client-server context, services the web tier. The web tier is its client. The Oracle/HTMLDB server has no idea (and is not interested) in who/where/how/what the web server is in turn servicing. IT IS NOT ITS PROBLEM.
    To deliver that file to the user's drive (if that is the requirement), is the problem of the web server. Not the application tier (HTMLDB) that runs on the Oracle Server. Very likely, the Oracle Server will not even be able to communicate directly with the web user - due to proxies, firewalls, and so on.
    This is why HTMLDB allows you to design the output of a HTML report to be downloadable as a CSV file. This means that instead of returning a Mime Type of TEXT/HTML to the web server and have the web server passing that along to the web user, it returns TEXT/CSV. The browser is (usually) configured to either save that contents it receives from the web server as a file, or to launch a spreadsheet application (Excel/OpenOffice) to receive that data.
    As for submitting a file as a SQL query from a local drive... that is the web user's problem. And the web browser. It needs to have a mechanism in order to provide that file's contents to the web server for processing. The web server talks HTTP - thus that file must be submitted via HTTP. Mapping drives uses NetBIOS as a protocol.. which is something completely different.
    And again, this has nothing to do with the HTMLDB application layer inside Oracle (it will process whatever the web server passes to it).
    Having clients sharing their drives for write access (in order to allow a server to write to it).. that is truly a Horrible Idea (tm). It will open HUGE security holes in a network. It is contrary to the fundemental principles and concepts of designing web-based systems.

  • Find within pl/sql source objects


    do you mean all .sql files on the server or within pl/sql source objects ?
    PL/SQL objects like packages are not stored in .sql files but compiled and can be viewed in user_source. So you would have to extract them to a file and execute after changing to get them back into the db. How would you handle this with your version control?
    Or do you have sql files stored in CLOBs that are executed? Then you can update them in the database directly.

  • Using OS Commands within PL/SQL

    How can I use Operating system commands from within PL/SQL procedures or functions? Kindly explain with an example.

    Previously we have used external procedures to use Windows kernel32.dll to start an external program. However this does not work on Oracle9i.
    Instead I have modified an example in Java to acceive this. The following class can start an external program either synchronously or asynchronously and in synchronous mode it will return the programs output.
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class util
    // Executes an operating system command. The command shall be fully qualified.
    // The Java connects with silent login. No environment set-up files are run
    // and no path is set. The mode can be "sync" or "async" for respectively
    // synchronous and asynchronous execution
    static public int OSCmd(String cmd, String mode, String[] output)
    throws IOException, InterruptedException
    System.out.println("OSCmd "+cmd+" ("+mode+")");
    // start command
    Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);
    if (mode.equals("sync"))
    // get command's stdout and stderr
    InputStream stdout = proc.getInputStream();
    InputStream stderr = proc.getErrorStream();
    String str;
    // Stdout
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stdout));
    while ((str = br.readLine()) != null)
    // Stderr
    br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stderr));
    while ((str = br.readLine()) != null)
    // wait for command to terminate
    return proc.exitValue();
    return 0;
    You need the following permissions:
    call dbms_java.grant_permission('COMMON', 'SYS:java.io.FilePermission', '<<ALL FILES>>', 'execute');
    call dbms_java.grant_permission('COMMON', 'SYS:java.lang.RuntimePermission', 'writeFileDescriptor', '');
    call dbms_java.grant_permission('COMMON', 'SYS:java.lang.RuntimePermission', 'readFileDescriptor', '');
    And then create the Java stored procedure:
    create or replace function os_cmd2(p_cmd varchar2, p_mode varchar2, p_output in out varchar2) return number
    as language java
    name 'util.OSCmd(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String[]) return int';

  • Controlling sound of separate html files within the same html page.

    I need to allow users to preview audio files for purchasing. I have CF pages that return records form a SQL database. Each record contains the same swf file however, each swf file points to a different mp3 for previews of different audio examples. So far, everything is working fine. My problem is that I need to be able to stop the sound from one  swf when I click to play a second swf.  The only solutions I see in Flash forums deal with loaded swf files. These are not loaded files they are separate files within a page. The question is: How do control one swf from another swf in the same page.  The following items have not worked:
    I think my solution may be to use ExternalInterface but I am not sure where to begin with this. Any suggestion would be appreciated.

    you need to use the localconnection class to communicate between swfs open at the same time by the same client.

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