./opmnctl causing problems

I am not sure if this is the right forum - but maybe someone can point me into the rigth direction.
Since installing APEX 3.0 and APACHE I do have problems to run other (java) processes which had no problems for over a year.
Trying to run a java program I get the following error:
start crs2ic: Do Apr 19 13:35:00 CEST 2007
java.sql.SQLException: E/A-Exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
          at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(DBError.java:134)
          at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(DBError.java:179)
          at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(DBError.java:333)
          at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection.<init>(OracleConnection.java:404)
          at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.getConnectionInstance(OracleDriver.java:468)
          at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.connect(OracleDriver.java:314)
          at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:512)
          at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:193)
          at at.cati.infocenter.db.DBConnection.Init(DBConnection.java:47)
          at at.sis.cati.crs2ic.crs2ic.<init>(crs2ic.java:38)
          at at.sis.cati.crs2ic.crs2ic.main(crs2ic.java:476)
end crs2ic: Do Apr 19 13:35:04 CEST 2007
After shuting down Apache with opmnctl shutdown I can start the java process without any problems.
- what can cause this situation
- where to go for more help

I am not sure if this is the right forum - but maybe someone can point me into the rigth direction.
Since installing APEX 3.0 and APACHE I do have problems to run other (java) processes which had no problems for over a year.
Trying to run a java program I get the following error:
start crs2ic: Do Apr 19 13:35:00 CEST 2007
java.sql.SQLException: E/A-Exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
          at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(DBError.java:134)
          at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(DBError.java:179)
          at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(DBError.java:333)
          at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection.<init>(OracleConnection.java:404)
          at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.getConnectionInstance(OracleDriver.java:468)
          at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.connect(OracleDriver.java:314)
          at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:512)
          at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:193)
          at at.cati.infocenter.db.DBConnection.Init(DBConnection.java:47)
          at at.sis.cati.crs2ic.crs2ic.<init>(crs2ic.java:38)
          at at.sis.cati.crs2ic.crs2ic.main(crs2ic.java:476)
end crs2ic: Do Apr 19 13:35:04 CEST 2007
After shuting down Apache with opmnctl shutdown I can start the java process without any problems.
- what can cause this situation
- where to go for more help

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  • Opmnctl causes problems

    I am not sure if this is the right forum - but maybe someone can point me into the rigth direction.
    Since installing APEX 3.0 and APACHE I do have problems to run other (java) processes which had no problems for over a year.
    Trying to run a java program I get the following error:
    start crs2ic: Do Apr 19 13:35:00 CEST 2007
    java.sql.SQLException: E/A-Exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
    at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(DBError.java:134)
    at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(DBError.java:179)
    at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(DBError.java:333)
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection.<init>(OracleConnection.java:404)
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.getConnectionInstance(OracleDriver.java:468)
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.connect(OracleDriver.java:314)
    at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:512)
    at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:193)
    at at.cati.infocenter.db.DBConnection.Init(DBConnection.java:47)
    at at.sis.cati.crs2ic.crs2ic.<init>(crs2ic.java:38)
    at at.sis.cati.crs2ic.crs2ic.main(crs2ic.java:476)
    end crs2ic: Do Apr 19 13:35:04 CEST 2007
    After shuting down Apache with opmnctl shutdown I can start the java process without any problems.
    - what can cause this situation
    - where to go for more help

    Yes I can send the source - but the program is splitt up into many classes
    What it does - it tries to open jdbc connections into our ORACLE DBs
    So will send the main class and the one opening the database connections
    the property parameteres used are:
    # Create Environment-Variables f. crs2ic-scripts
    export CRS2IC_HOME=/home/crs2ic
    export CRS2IC_JDBC_DRIVER=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
    export CRS2IC_JDBC_CONNECTION_CRS2IC=jdbc:oracle:thin:crs2ic/[email protected]:1521:OKVDWH
    export CRS2IC_JDBC_CONNECTION_ICL=jdbc:oracle:thin:icload/[email protected]:1521:OKVDB8
    export CRS2IC_JDBC_CONNECTION_IC=jdbc:oracle:thin:infocenter/[email protected]:1521:OKVDWH
    export [email protected]
    export JWSDP_PATH=/home/crs2ic/jwsdp-1.5
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_06
    export NLS_LANG=american_america.UTF8
    package at.cati.infocenter.db;
    import java.sql.CallableStatement;
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.DriverManager;
    import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import java.sql.Statement;
    * This class provides a comfortable (wrapping) interface for JDBC-Connection
    * @author Helmut
    public class DBConnection
    private static final int STATE_NEW = 0;
    private static final int STATE_INIT = 1;
    private int state;
    private Connection mDbConn;
    public DBConnection()
    state = STATE_NEW;
    * This method initilized the connection.
    * This must be done before any other operations.
    * @param pConnectionProp Name of the system-property that holds the JDBC connection-string
    * @throws Exception
    public void Init(String pConnectionProp) throws Exception
    String jdbcDriver = System.getProperty("jdbc.driver");
    String jdbcConnection = System.getProperty(pConnectionProp);
    if(jdbcDriver == null)
    throw new Exception("jdbc.driver not defined!");
    if(jdbcConnection == null)
    throw new Exception("jdbc.connection "+pConnectionProp+" not defined!");
    mDbConn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcConnection);
    if(mDbConn.getMetaData().supportsTransactionIsolationLevel(Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE) )
    state = STATE_INIT;
    * This method closes a previously opended (init) connection
    * @throws Exception
    public void Close() throws Exception
    if(state != STATE_INIT)
    throw new Exception("Close called on uninitialized Connection");
    * This method commits the outstanding transaction
    * @throws Exception
    public void Commit() throws Exception
    if(state != STATE_INIT)
    throw new Exception("Commit called on uninitialized Connection");
    if(mDbConn.getMetaData().supportsTransactionIsolationLevel(Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE) )
    * This method is a wrapper for JDBC
    * @param sql
    * @return
    * @throws Exception
    public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql) throws Exception
    if(state != STATE_INIT)
    throw new Exception("prepareStatement called on uninitialized Connection");
    * This method is a wrapper for JDBC
    * @param pStrStmt
    * @return
    * @throws Exception
    public CallableStatement prepareCall(String pStrStmt) throws Exception
    CallableStatement stmt;
    if(state != STATE_INIT)
    throw new Exception("prepareCall called on uninitialized Connection");
    stmt = mDbConn.prepareCall(pStrStmt);
    * This method rolls back the outstanding transaction
    * @throws SQLException
    public void rollback() throws SQLException
    * This method is a wrapper for JDBC
    * @return
    * @throws Exception
    public Statement createStatement() throws Exception
    Statement stmt;
    if(state != STATE_INIT)
    throw new Exception("createStatement called on uninitialized Connection");
    stmt = mDbConn.createStatement();
    and this is the main class (snipped part of the program)
    package at.sis.cati.crs2ic;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    import at.cati.infocenter.db.DBConnection;
    import at.cati.infocenter.db.CtlParameter;
    import at.cati.infocenter.ConcurrentType;
    import at.cati.infocenter.Protocol;
    // scheduled transfer of all CRS Data (Common Risc System) to IC (InfoCenter)
    public class crs2ic
    private DBConnection mDbConnProtCrs2Ic; // Protocol for "outer loop"
    private DBConnection mDbConnCrs2Ic; // prc_crs2load_entity AND Loading of §§
    private DBConnection mDbConnProtCrsPar; // Protocol for Load §-File
    private DBConnection mDbConnLoadIc; // ic_load.load_infocenter
    private DBConnection mDbConnSt2Ic; // prc_st2ic
    private Protocol mProt;
    private String mXmlWorkDirectory;
    private String mXmlArchDirectory;
    private String mParagraphPropertyFile;
    private boolean mDoBu = false;
    private boolean mDoPa = false;
    private boolean mDoRe = false;
    private boolean mDoBux = false;
    private boolean mDoPax = false;
    private boolean mDoEnt = false;
    private boolean mDoPat = false;
    public crs2ic() throws Exception
    mDbConnProtCrs2Ic = new DBConnection();
    mDbConnCrs2Ic = new DBConnection();
    mDbConnProtCrsPar = new DBConnection();
    mDbConnLoadIc = new DBConnection();
    mDbConnSt2Ic = new DBConnection();
    public void Run() throws Exception
    String protState = new String("OK");
    mProt = new Protocol(mDbConnProtCrs2Ic, "CRS2IC");
    CtlParameter ctlPar = new CtlParameter(mDbConnProtCrs2Ic);
    String buStageDirectory = ctlPar.getBuStageDirectory();
    String paStageDirectory = ctlPar.getPaStageDirectory();
    String reStageDirectory = ctlPar.getReStageDirectory();
    mXmlWorkDirectory = ctlPar.getCrs2IcXmlWorkDir();
    mXmlArchDirectory = ctlPar.getCrs2IcXmlArchDir();
    mParagraphPropertyFile = ctlPar.getParagraphPropertyFile();
    if(protState.equals("ERR") )
    mProt.Write("skipping §-Transfer, because of error in buyer-transfer");
    mProt.Write("successfully completed");
    catch(Exception e)
    protState = "ERR"; < ====== this is the place it fails
    mProt.Write("Error crs2ic.Run");
    mProt.Write(e.toString()+": "+e.getMessage());
    for(int i=0; i<e.getStackTrace().length;i++)
    public static void main(String[] args)
    * arguments:
    * [-bu] -- Buyer-Ascii
    * [-pa] -- Paragraph-Ascii
    * [-re] -- Reference
    * [-bux] -- Buyer-XML
    * [-pax] -- Paragraph-XML
    * [-ent] -- Entity-Transfer
    * [-pat] -- Paragraph-Transfer
    crs2ic crs2ic = new crs2ic();
    if(args.length == 0)
    // do all steps
    crs2ic.mDoBu = true;
    crs2ic.mDoPa = true;
    crs2ic.mDoRe = true;
    crs2ic.mDoBux = true;
    crs2ic.mDoPax = true;
    crs2ic.mDoEnt = true;
    crs2ic.mDoPat = true;
    for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
    crs2ic.mDoBu = true;
    else if("-pa".equals(args[i]))
    crs2ic.mDoPa = true;
    else if("-re".equals(args[i]))
    crs2ic.mDoRe = true;
    else if("-bux".equals(args[i]))
    crs2ic.mDoBux = true;
    else if("-pax".equals(args[i]))
    crs2ic.mDoPax = true;
    else if("-ent".equals(args[i]))
    crs2ic.mDoEnt = true;
    else if("-pat".equals(args[i]))
    crs2ic.mDoPat = true;
    System.out.println(" arguments:");
    System.out.println(" [-bu] -- Buyer-Ascii");
    System.out.println(" [-pa] -- Paragraph-Ascii");
    System.out.println(" [-re] -- Reference");
    System.out.println(" [-bux] -- Buyer-XML");
    System.out.println(" [-pax] -- Paragraph-XML");
    System.out.println(" [-ent] -- Entity-Transfer");
    System.out.println(" [-pat] -- Paragraph-Transfer");
    throw new Exception("unknown argument ()");
    catch(Exception e)

  • Null values from DB2 cause problems

    I have another problem with database link to DB2 using IBM iSeries Access for Linux on 64 bit OEL5 with Oracle Database gateway and unixODBC 2.2.14.
    DB link works. However, null values from DB2 cause problems. Date columns that are null on db2 return a date '30.11.0002', and character columns that are null return an error ORA-28528: Heterogeneous Services datatype conversion error.
    isql returns correct results.
    How can i fix this? Perhaps set some parameters for data conversion on the gateway?
    Thank you.

    If the driver is not fully ODBC level 3 compliant and misses functions, we're lost. But sometimes the drivers are ODBC level 3 compliant but miss the correct 64bit implementation. In those cases we can tell the gateway to use the 32bit ODBC level 3 standard by setting in the gateway init file:

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    I have already tried uninstalling and reinstalling FF and upgrading to FF 4.
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    I have also tried following the help on the FF Troubleshooting about manually uninstalling Extensions but again ReloadEvery not listed there yet I am still able to use it in FF!
    I want to get rid of it!! I really need some help please.

    Clear the cache and the cookies from sites that cause problems.
    "Clear the Cache":
    *Tools > Options > Advanced > Network > Cached Web Content: "Clear Now"
    "Remove Cookies" from sites causing problems:
    *Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies"
    If clearing cookies doesn't work then it is possible that the <i>cookies.sqlite</i> file that stores the cookies is corrupted.
    Rename (or delete) <b>cookies.sqlite</b> (cookies.sqlite.old) and delete other present cookie files like <b>cookies.sqlite-journal</b> in the Firefox Profile Folder in case the file cookies.sqlite got corrupted.

  • FF 3.6 AND 5 on same Mac, 1 profile - can I uninstall 5 without causing problems running 3.6 or with the profile?

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    Can I uninstall 5 without causing problems with the 3.6 version and the single profile?

    If you haven't tried this, give it a try. It worked for me, hopefully it will work for you. In your version 3 firefox, disable all extensions, I had two plugins (doubletwist and joost, disable those if you have them). Then install firefox 5 by overwriting your version 3 firefox. It should work fine after that. I tried everything before, I gave that a last ditch shot. Oh yeah, before you install firefox 5, clear your cache of everything just to be sure.
    Hopefully that helps.

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    I have two Iphones 5 with different email addresses sharing one Apple ID account.Both are using IOS 8.
    I would like to set up a new Apple Id for one of the phones and remove it from the old account.
    If I do that, can I move all of the purchased apps and songs to the new Apple account?
    Also, will sharing one Apple ID account with two devices cause problems with using messaging and FaceTime?

    Sharing an iCloud account between two devices can be done without causing issues with iMessage and FaceTime, just go into Settings for each of these functions and designate separate points of contact (i.e. phone number only, or phone number and unique email address).  While that works, you'll then face the problem where a phone call to one iPhone will ring both if on the same Wi-Fi network -- but again, that can be avoided by changing each phone's settings.
    Rather than do all that, don't fight it -- use separate IDs for iCloud.  You can still use a common ID for iTunes purchases (the ID for purchases and iCloud do not have to be the same) or you can use Family Sharing to share purchases from a primary Apple account.

  • I just updated my latest java but the update is causing problems with some externale devices. So i would like to uninstall this latest java update and get back the previous one. That should solve to problems with my external device

    i just updated my latest java but the update is causing problems with some external devices. So i would like to uninstall this latest java update and get back the previous one. That should solve to problems with my external device.
    Is this possible and how do i do that?
    Anyone who responds thanks for that!
    I am running
    Hardware Overview:
      Model Name:          Mac Pro
      Model Identifier:          MacPro1,1
      Processor Name:          Dual-Core Intel Xeon
      Processor Speed:          2,66 GHz
      Number of Processors:          2
      Total Number of Cores:          4
      L2 Cache (per Processor):          4 MB
      Memory:          6 GB
      Bus Speed:          1,33 GHz
      Boot ROM Version:          MP11.005D.B00
      SMC Version (system):          1.7f10
      Serial Number (system):          CK7XXXXXXGP
      Hardware UUID:          00000000-0000-1000-8000-0017F20F82F0
    System Software Overview:
      System Version:          Mac OS X 10.7.5 (11G63)
      Kernel Version:          Darwin 11.4.2
      Boot Volume:          Macintosh HD(2)
      Boot Mode:          Normal
      Computer Name:          Mac Pro van Juko de Vries
      User Name:          Juko de Vries (jukodevries)
      Secure Virtual Memory:          Enabled
      64-bit Kernel and Extensions:          No
      Time since boot:          11 days 20:39
    Message was edited by Host

    Java 6 you can't as Apple maintains it, and Java 7 you could if you uninstall it and Oracle provides the earlier version which they likely won't his last update fixed 37 remote exploits.
    Java broken some software here and there, all you'll have to do is wait for a update from the other parties.

  • TS3579 I found this useful because I did not know about the effect of typing in data and that you could only drag to rearrange the data.  I had typed in data before and this had caused problems but restoring defaults did not cause correct dates to show up

    I found this  (TS3579: If the wrong date or time is displayed in some apps on your Mac Learn about If the wrong date or time is displayed in some apps on your Mac) useful because I did not know about the effect of typing in data and that you could only drag to rearrange the data.  I had typed in data before and this had caused problems but restoring defaults did not cause correct dates to show up in Finder. 

    It sounds like there are a couple things going on here.  First check if you have a successful install of SQL Server, then we'll figure out the connection issues.
    Can you launch SQL Server Configuration Manager and check for SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) if default instance or SQL Server (other name) if you've configured your instance as a named instance.  Once you find this, make sure the service is started. 
    If not started, try to start it and see if it throws an error.  If you get an error, post the error message your hitting.  If the service starts, you can then launch SSMS and try to connect.  If you have a default instance, you can use the machine
    name in the connection dialog.  Ex:  "COWBOYS" where Cowboys is the machine name.  However, if you named the SQL Server instance during install, you'll need to connect using the machine\instance format.  Ex:  COWBOYS\Romo (where Romo
    is the instance name you set during install).
    You can also look at the summary.txt file in the SQL Server setup error logs to see what happened on the most recent install.  Past install history is archived in the log folder if you need to dig those up to help troubleshoot, but the most
    recent one may help get to the bottom of it if there is an issue with setup detecting a prior instance that needs to be repaired.
    Sam Lester (MSFT)
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. Please remember to click
    "Mark as Answer" and
    "Vote as Helpful" on posts that help you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

  • I replaced my hard drive and used time machine to boot from but it installedthe unrepaired disk permissions of the faulty previous drive would this cause problems on my new drive?

    I replaced my hard drive on macbook pro and used time machine to boot from but it also installed the unrepaired disk permmissions of the other drive, would this cause problems to my new drive?

    Can you remember what the permissions problem was that you had before? You may need to reinstall OS X from scratch and not reinstall anything from your Time Machine backups. To be on the safe side you should reinstall all third-party applications from scratch, as well. Then only restore from your backup your document/data files.

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    Can any one help me get rid of a deleted app 4oD that still appears in the Settings list. I deleted it from the home screen and Spotlight search confirms it has gone. It is causing problems because I get notified of updates and I cannot get rid of them either. I have tried re-downloading via my MacBook because there isn't a download option from the iPad (App Store clearly think I still have it when I don't) then deleting again but the listing in Settings remains.
    It is really irritating me.

    Have you tried deleting the App within the Settings menu (rather than from the Home Screen)?
    From the Apps list, find the App (press "Show all Apps" if the app is not in the immediately shown list), tap on the app you wish to delete, then tap "Delete App"

  • If I install the update to Adobe Reader 10, will that cause problems with Acrobat Pro 9?

    Firefox (version 15.0.1) is telling me I need to install an update to Adobe Acrobat 9.4 in order to view pdf files in my browser. I use Acrobat Pro 9. The update is actually Adobe Reader 10, and I am wondering if I install this, will it cause problems with my version of Acrobat Pro?
    Because I am not sure if this is so, I have temporarily disabled the plug-in and now pdf files download automatically rather than display in my browser. I would prefer they open in my browser but do not want to upgrade to Acrobat X.
    My OS is Windows Vista. I did not include the "troubleshooting information" file because I'm not sure what specific info is being requested.
    Thanks for any help.

    Hi WMdotcom
    did you try to view pdf with your acrobat pro 9 ?
    [https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/change-firefox-behavior-when-open-file Change what Firefox does when you click on or download a file]
    Set how Firefox handles different types of files]
    thank you

  • Reduce folders in Windows 7 for pictures without causeing problems with PSE11

    I want to simplify  my Windows 7 folders and reduce the number of the folders. Can you please advise me on the best way to do this so as not to cause problems with PSE11 finding the pictures? Thank you.

    19441965 wrote:
    I want to simplify  my Windows 7 folders and reduce the number of the folders. Can you please advise me on the best way to do this so as not to cause problems with PSE11 finding the pictures? Thank you.
    The only way to move files or folders/subfolders without causing problems, that is not creating 'missing files' is to do this from within the Organizer, not the OS (Win/Mac).
    You can create folders and move pictures from the Organizer.
    Note that if you are moving the files of several subfolders into a single one, you run the risk of wanting to move files with the same filename into the same folder ; your OS won't allow that. So the Organizer will rename pictures if needed.
    If you want to do such a big reorganizing task, absolutely do a full backup before. There is no advantage  for such a reorganizing from an Organizer point of view, but if you need it for some reason, it has to be done from within the organizer.

  • JTree + FK with same value causing problems

    I can't figure this out. If I create biz components for 2 tables having a parent-child relationship and a jTree with appropriate rules, things are ok only if the parent's id are of different values than the child. When parent.id and child.id have the same values the jTree seems to recursively fire valueChanged() at strange times.
    INSERT INTO PARENT VALUES (1, 'Parent 1');
    INSERT INTO PARENT VALUES (2, 'Parent 2');
    INSERT INTO PARENT VALUES (3, 'Parent 3');
    INSERT INTO CHILD VALUES (100, 'Child A', 1);
    INSERT INTO CHILD VALUES (200, 'Child B', 2);
    INSERT INTO CHILD VALUES (300, 'Child C', 3);
    I use the JDev 10.1.2 wizard to create biz components and test the AppMod to make sure the link works. Now I create a blank panel and drag over the ParentView data control. Using the jTree tree binding editor I create two rules:
    1) DataCollectionDef.ParentView - DisplayAttribute.ParentName - BranchRuleAccessor.ChildView
    2) DataCollectionDef.ChildView - DisplayAttribute.ChildName
    Now I add a tree selection listener:
    jTree1.addTreeSelectionListener(new TreeSelectionListener()
    public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e)
    DefaultMutableTreeNode selectedNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)jTree1.getLastSelectedPathComponent();
    if (selectedNode != null)
    When I run my panel and watch in JDev everything is fine, i.e. nothing is printed to the screen when it first loads and when I click a node, the correct UserObject prints.
    Here's the rub, now I close the panel and update my child table as follows:
    UPDATE pdssuser.child SET child_id = 1 WHERE child_id = 100;
    UPDATE pdssuser.child SET child_id = 2 WHERE child_id = 200;
    UPDATE pdssuser.child SET child_id = 3 WHERE child_id = 300;
    This time, when I run my panel, the console shows that valueChanged() has been fired 3 times on load:
    Parent 1
    Parent 2
    Parent 3
    This behavior is causing problems with my real tree.
    I haven't had any luck finding threads about this. Any ideas?

    ok, last one (i hope)
    The same issue occurs with
    ...but changing the location where I add the treeSelectionListener to after setBindingContext() seems to fix the problem.
    The second call to panelBinding.refreshControl() in setBindingContext() (the one after the call to jbinit()) is what fires the valueChanged events. Somewhere in there, DCBindingContainer.java or DCIteratorBinding.java, the treeSelectionListener is hearing that a value changed (maybe due to a query execution?). I guess the jTree1.setModel(...) call in jbinit() simply sets up the tree but the VO queries described in the Branch Rule accessors are executed on the refreshControl.....i'm out of my comfort zone here and may be confusing you with my "troubleshooting" so I'll just tell you my work-around.
    So to fix it I add the treeSelectionListener in my main method (not jbinit()) after the setBindingContext() has been called.
    I still have no idea why the FK triggers this behavior...but at least it's working.
    * the main method
    public static void main(String [] args)
    catch(Exception exemp)
    Panel1 panel = new Panel1();
    panel.setBindingContext(JUTestFrame.startTestFrame("DataBindings.cpx", "null", panel, panel.getPanelBinding(), new Dimension(400, 300)));
    // Now add the treeSelectionListener
    * the JbInit method
    public void jbInit() throws Exception
    this.add(jTree1, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    jTree1.setModel((TreeModel)panelBinding.bindUIControl("ParentView1", jTree1));
    // DON'T ADD treeSelectionListener here
    * Add the selection listener to the tree
    public void addSelectionListener()
    jTree1.addTreeSelectionListener(new TreeSelectionListener()
    public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e)
    DefaultMutableTreeNode selectedNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)jTree1.getLastSelectedPathComponent();
    if (selectedNode != null)

  • Recently purchased a used IPad 2 but it still has previous owner's data.  I've been told not to sync it to my computer as it will cause problems.  What do I need to do to make it compatible with accounts on my mac and ipod touch?

    Recently purchased a used IPad 2 but it still has previous owner's data.  I've been told not to sync it to my computer as it will cause problems.  What do I need to do to make it compatible with accounts on my mac and ipod touch?  Thanks for any and all help!

    You can wipe the iPad's contents completely by going to Settings>General>Reset>Erase All Content and Settings. This will remove all of the previous user's apps, data, settings and so on from the iPad and you can set it up as your own.

  • SOAP adapter URL causing problems

    Hi gurus,
    As of PI 7.1, SAP is recommending to use:
    instead of
    while sending messages to the SOAP adapter. BUT, the new format is causing problems when the developers are trying to import the WSDL (to Webdynpro, eclipse, etc). Also, XMLSpy complains that the xml is not well-formed because of the soap address field.
    So I removed the & signs and replaced them with the escape equivalent of &amp; for the new format and tried to use:
    But this time, SOAP adapter replies saying there is no binding. How to overcome this?

    try this format:
    http://<hostname OR IP addr>:<portno>/XISOAPAdapter/MessageServlet?channel=:<SenderService>:<SenderSOAPCC>&version=3.0&Sender.Service=<senderService>&Interface=<senderNamespace>%5E<senderMI>

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