Opti im

Hi everyone,
My table CALLS has the following contents:
Cust id CountryCalled Duration
123 SG 10
123 SG 20
123 THA 50
123 IND 80
456 US 30
I need to find the CountryCalled with the maximum sunmed duration:
Cust id CountryCalled
123 IND
456 US
Does someone have an efficient query to achieve this? I am using Oracle8i. Thanks!

or if you do not want to us a GROUP BY clause:
SQL> select * from calls;
       123 SG          70
       123 SG          30
       123 THA         50
       123 IND         80
       456 US          30
SQL> select c2.cust_id, c2.countrycalled
  2    from (select c1.cust_id, c1.countrycalled, c1.duration,
  3                 count(*) over (partition by c1.cust_id order by c1.cust_id) ct,
  4                 row_number() over (partition by c1.cust_id order by c1.cust_id, c1.duration) rt
  5            from (select distinct cust_id, countrycalled,
  6                         sum(duration) over (partition by cust_id,
  7                                               countrycalled order by cust_id) duration
  8                    from calls) c1) c2
  9   where c2.ct = c2.rt
10  order by c2.rt;
       456 US
       123 SG

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    Iv already posted in this thread https://forum-en.msi.com/index.php?topic=101539.40 but its been a couple of weeks since anyone has made a post so thought I would repost here, sorry if this is wrong way to do it.
    I installed my new Opty 175, It recognised OK in my system. ACPI MultiProcessor PC with both cores reported under CPU in Device manager, Task Manager showing 2 graphs for both cores, all looks good so far.
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    install Dual Core HotFix V4 --> https://forum-en.msi.com/index.php?topic=103843.0
    install Dual Core Optimizer --> http://www.amd.com/us-en/assets/content_type/utilities/Setup.exe
    reboot, re-test. (check it from device manager:
    This is the order I installed the fixes, as per BOSSMANS instructions.
    I cant see the MS hotfix KB896256 in ADD/REMOVE programs??
    AMD fix is there though.
    My Problem is the same as mremulator's described in this thread https://forum-en.msi.com/index.php?topic=101922.0
    No No No, the dual core optimiser and MS Hotfix are NOT compatible.   
    I made the mistake of installing the two and Windows XP would reboot at desktop. AMD have confirmed this.
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    Also, any ideas as to whay the MS Hotfix doesnt show in ADD/REMOVE programs? (show updates is ticked)
    Can someone please give me a clear route to Installing the fixes (if they are applicable), and if the registry edit for the MS Hotfix is needed???
    Any help is much appreciated 

    Right, I've been at this for nearly 4 hours now.
    I've done all below and this is MY findings:
    1. Restored my Ghost image (which was made prior to installing any fixes, just the CPU installed)
    2. Installed the "AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 Dual Core Processor Driver for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 Version (x86 and x64 exe)" software.
    3. Installed the MS Hotfix KB896256, then done testing with the reg files supplied by BOSSKILLER, plus the boot.ini edit (with both  "/NoExecute=OptIn"
     and "/EXECUTE", absolutely no difference with either).
    Done a few reboots, messing around in BIOS, just looking - no changes. All fine when booting up. Happy with that I chose the enable reg entry and saved this as my default.
    4. Installed AMD Optimiser, reboot straight to windows = OK
    reboot to BIOS and mess around looking at the settings (no changes), reboot and when windows loads - instant reboot and back into my reboot cycle!
    continued to mess around rebooting and into BIOS and finaly had to F8 to load the "Last good config that worked" on the list.
    5. Uninstalled AMD Optimiser, repeated all the rebooting and BIOS messing around, I CANT get the system to get the reboot cycle error at all now
    My conclusion is - dont install the AMD Optimiser! Also I agree with mremulator in this thread: https://forum-en.msi.com/index.php?topic=101922.0
    Im using only the MS hotfix with the enabled reg key and its fine like that, installing the AMD one made absolutely no difference for me apart from the reboot problem.
    I understand people dont have this problem running both fixes, just thought I would post my findings incase anyone else ran into similar problem as me.
    can you tell me what the difference is between the BOOT.INI edits " "/NoExecute=OptIn" and /EXECUTE" please??
    Also, many thnx for all your help
    nice one

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    mobo k8n diamond plus
    CPU    fx-55
    mem 2gig matched pair corsair xms pro 3200
    vid card xfx 7600gt nvidia
    power supply  hiper typeR  730W

    If you're into overclocking try to get older opterons , newer socket 939 opterons are rebranded X2's wich don't oc so well
    U should be able to find a CCBBE 0610 DPMW off ebay , i've got one of those @ 2.95 Ghz 
    If you don't oc then well, just find the cheapest one you can find 

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    Hi !
    With reports you are able to get the number of opportunities by account. Your first report will have the filter # of oppy = 1 and the second one the filter # of oppy > 1.
    If you can not have this walue (# of oppy) in your report, build two simple reports giving account Id where # of oppy = 1 and # of oppy > 1. Next you'll just have to specify in your detailed reports that account Id is present in the result of another request.
    Hope this will help, feel free to ask more !

  • Opty 165 vs 170 See New Post

    I'm thinking of getting a new CPU soon...Either the X2 4400+ or the Opteron 170, or the 165.
    im looking for mainly a gaming CPU. I know that the Optys are suppose to OC much better, so that is a plus. I know that either is going to be a big boost in performance over my present 3200+. Im just wonder everyones opinons on these three guys. The Opty is alittle cheaper. but will the X2 be worth the extra dough?
    Has you know, i have a MSI K8N Diamond Plus, and this board is limited, to 300FSB, so have this in point!! :D

    The X2 3800+ has only 1mb Cache L2, and the Opty 165 has 2mb, its like a PC has 512MB and another PC has 1GB, its almost the same diference!
    Significant difference in games, basically none in other apps.  A person must ask themselves "is the money I pay for the extra cache equal to the performance benefit for my system usage", or does it matter "I just want the best of the best".
    But the Opty's do clock a bit better...
    Know i'm thinking that probaly would be better to switch to AM2!!
    As far as I know...
    AMD will be retiring 2x1MB L2 cache for AM2, in the future there will only be 2x512Kb L2 cache.  So if you are that excited about L2 cache it will be harder or impossible to get for AM2 unless you act now.
    Also there is no Opteron for AM2 it will be Opteron in Socket F.
    Konw people are telling me that there are 2 versions of Opteron 165 one with 1mb cache L2 and other with 2mb cache L2, i'm so tired of thinking about this many issues!!
    In a 165 for 939, each core has 1MB of cache for a total of 2MB on the die, probably where the confusion was made, there are not 2 different types of 165's from a cache perspective.
    What do you consider better, buy a knew CPU now and  in the future, 2008 change to AMD K8L, or migrate know to AM2!!
    If I had a good 939 board, and good DDR1 memory, and I was just going to upgrade the CPU, I wouldn't switch to AM2 because it costs too much for a small performance gain.  If had some old Pentium 3 system, I would go AM2 AFTER July(Conroe Launch), it might cost slightly more but you would be buying equipment with a longer useful life(i.e. DDR2, AM2 CPU is suppose to work in AM3, etc, etc).  You fall in the middle of both scenarios so I can't really make that call...it a tough one. I guess if I had to I'd say stay 939 for now, and wait for K8L or Conroe to come down it price next year...

  • How do I save a clipping path in Photoshop so that Quark gives me the option to change the path opti

    I created a clipping path on a photo, clipping out a person's head so that I can have the person's head show up over the masthead on a cover.
    But when I save the photo in Photoshop and then import it into Quark, the option where it says I can change the clipping options in Quark is greyed out.
    This is what it says to possibly fix it on the Quark help page:
    "You may want to choose "None" from the Clipping path pop-up menu when you save the image from Adobe Photoshop, so you can specify which path to use as the clipping path when you import the image into QuarkXPress. Or, you may want to choose a path from the Clipping path pop-up menu, so you can be sure only that path will be used to clip the image."
    I don't understand what that refers to....I can't find anything like that in the Photoshop options.
    My goal is to have the person's head over the text, with the rest of the photo still retained in the background. As it is now, I just get an import of the clipping path alone, with Quark substituting the background part of the photo with a white box.

    <a href="http://www.pixentral.com/show.php?picture=1RxvmnVOUk55QdqS9tN4g7h79Bgef0" /></a>
    <img alt="Picture hosted by Pixentral" src="http://www.pixentral.com/hosted/1RxvmnVOUk55QdqS9tN4g7h79Bgef0_thumb.gif" border="0" />
    <br />
    <br />
    <a href="http://www.pixentral.com/show.php?picture=17oVBzeqvr2YeN0BkvJUS0rFTjMqHh" /></a>
    <img alt="Picture hosted by Pixentral" src="http://www.pixentral.com/hosted/17oVBzeqvr2YeN0BkvJUS0rFTjMqHh_thumb.gif" border="0" />

Maybe you are looking for

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