ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded

I ran into this Too many Open Cursors Issue
My environment is
WebLogic 6.1 SP2
JDBC Thin Driver
WebLogic Connection Pools
Tried all the solutions given in the news group for issues, none seemed to work,
so deviced a work around.
just wanted to know if there is a better solution that works.
or else we will go ahead with the workaround...
Explanation follows...
When we work with the weblogic connection pool
Using the WebLogic Pool Driver, we ask for a connection from Weblogic connection
WebLogic connection pool uses the Oracle Driver to connect to the Oracle Database.
creates a connection and provides it to us.
as we work with this connection, we create prepared statements, execute them etc.
etc. and this will create cursors in the oracle database.
now when we close the connection from our program, what gets closed is the connection
created between our program and the WebLogic Connection Pool
but the connection between the WebLogic Connection Pool and the Oracle database still
remains open, well, there is nothing wrong in that after all that is how connection
pool has to work.
but the issue here is the open cursors that are cached in oracle when we created
statements are not closed even after we close the statements and the connections,
since according to oracle, the connection is still active becuase WebLogic connection
pool is still maintaining the connection. and oracle will clear that only when the
connection is closed with it.
WebLogic pool driver is supposed to clear up the open cursor cache. but i guess it
is not doing it.
I did some R&D and tried out the following solutions and they dont seem to solve
the issue. (Most of them were picked up from the News groups)
1. Include the latest Oracle type 4 driver in class path before the other classes
2. Put a Connection.rollback before closing connection
3. Use the Oracle Driver directly bypassing the Connection Pool. (This works... but
we cant do that becuase we are using connection pools to handle connection.)
So I came up with the following work around.
Whenever a connection is created from oracle, internally the driver creates a session
with oracle.
when weblogic pool driver creates a session it uses an ORACLE session parameter SESSION_CACHED_CURSORS
I guess WebLogic sets it to a high number. But there has to be a parameter which
we can configure to control this when we create out connection pool. the closest
parameter was found to be "Prepared Statement Cache Size" but even after making it
0 it doesnt seem to improve the situation.
so, to override the SESSION_CACHED_CURSORS in our connection. every time we get a
connection we have to execute a query to alter the session paramater SESSION_CACHED_CURSORS
as follows
woConn = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DCConstants.DC_JDBC_URL);
Statement woTmpStmt = woConn.createStatement();
catch(SQLException woSQLEx)
DCDebug.logInfo("DCDataFactory","Unable to alter session");

Hi. If you'e turned off our statement cache (by setting it's size to zero),
then it's a DBMS-side issue only. When you return a connection to the
pool (by closing it), we will close any statements and result sets you
had created but not closed, so we do all we can. In fact if you left
the connection in an autoCommit(false) mode, we do the rollback for you
too. Besides setting that DBMS-side option you do with SQL, the only
other option I see is to configure your DBMS/session info for Oracle,
to allow more open cursors per connection than you currently allow.
Joe Weinstein at B.E.A.
Gulam Dasthagir wrote:
I ran into this Too many Open Cursors Issue
My environment is
WebLogic 6.1 SP2
JDBC Thin Driver
WebLogic Connection Pools
Tried all the solutions given in the news group for issues, none seemed to work,
so deviced a work around.
just wanted to know if there is a better solution that works.
or else we will go ahead with the workaround...
Explanation follows...
When we work with the weblogic connection pool
Using the WebLogic Pool Driver, we ask for a connection from Weblogic connection
WebLogic connection pool uses the Oracle Driver to connect to the Oracle Database.
creates a connection and provides it to us.
as we work with this connection, we create prepared statements, execute them etc.
etc. and this will create cursors in the oracle database.
now when we close the connection from our program, what gets closed is the connection
created between our program and the WebLogic Connection Pool
but the connection between the WebLogic Connection Pool and the Oracle database still
remains open, well, there is nothing wrong in that after all that is how connection
pool has to work.
but the issue here is the open cursors that are cached in oracle when we created
statements are not closed even after we close the statements and the connections,
since according to oracle, the connection is still active becuase WebLogic connection
pool is still maintaining the connection. and oracle will clear that only when the
connection is closed with it.
WebLogic pool driver is supposed to clear up the open cursor cache. but i guess it
is not doing it.
I did some R&D and tried out the following solutions and they dont seem to solve
the issue. (Most of them were picked up from the News groups)
1. Include the latest Oracle type 4 driver in class path before the other classes
2. Put a Connection.rollback before closing connection
3. Use the Oracle Driver directly bypassing the Connection Pool. (This works... but
we cant do that becuase we are using connection pools to handle connection.)
So I came up with the following work around.
Whenever a connection is created from oracle, internally the driver creates a session
with oracle.
when weblogic pool driver creates a session it uses an ORACLE session parameter SESSION_CACHED_CURSORS
I guess WebLogic sets it to a high number. But there has to be a parameter which
we can configure to control this when we create out connection pool. the closest
parameter was found to be "Prepared Statement Cache Size" but even after making it
0 it doesnt seem to improve the situation.
so, to override the SESSION_CACHED_CURSORS in our connection. every time we get a
connection we have to execute a query to alter the session paramater SESSION_CACHED_CURSORS
as follows
woConn = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DCConstants.DC_JDBC_URL);
Statement woTmpStmt = woConn.createStatement();
catch(SQLException woSQLEx)
DCDebug.logInfo("DCDataFactory","Unable to alter session");

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    We are facing a problem of in java/jsp. ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded,We are using referance Cursor for returing the Record in java file.
    The Code is given below.
    import java.sql.*;
    import javax.sql.*;
    import com.india.trade.dbConnection.*;
    import oracle.jdbc.driver.*;
    import java.util.Vector ;
    public class IntRmsActivity
         private static JDBCConnection instance = null;
    private static Connection con = null;
         private static CallableStatement stmt_admin_getadmins = null;
         private static String str_admin_getadmins = "{ call Admin_conf.RMS_ADMIN_GETALLADMINS(?,?) }";
                   instance = new JDBCConnection();
                   con = instance.getConnection();
                   stmt_admin_getadmins = con.prepareCall(str_admin_getadmins);
    }catch(Exception se){se.printStackTrace();}
         public static Vector admin_getAdmins() throws Exception
              String message = null;
              Vector v_admins = new Vector();
              ResultSet rs_admins = null;
              stmt_admin_getadmins.registerOutParameter(1 , OracleTypes.CURSOR);
              stmt_admin_getadmins.registerOutParameter(2 , Types.VARCHAR);
              message = stmt_admin_getadmins.getString(2);
              System.out.println("message " + message);
              rs_admins = ((OracleCallableStatement)stmt_admin_getadmins).getCursor(1);
              while (rs_admins.next())
              return v_admins;
                                            OUT_MESSAGE OUT VARCHAR2);
    END Admin_conf;
                                            OUT_MESSAGE OUT VARCHAR2)
    l_ref_out_crsr REF_CRSR;
         OPEN l_ref_out_crsr FOR
         SELECT EXECUTIVE_ID adminid
         RESULTS := l_ref_out_crsr;     
              OUT_MESSAGE := 'ERROR ' || SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 60);
    END Admin_conf;
    Ajay Singh Rathod

    Are you actually closing the connections, resultsets in all cases?
    From what you've posted you call
    rs_admins.close();but in that method, you propagate any exceptions that occur out to the caller method, which in turn just prints a stack trace.
    So if an exception occurs before you call the rs_admin.close() the result set will never be closed as the statement won't be reached.
    I'd add a speific exception handling routine to the admin_getAdmins() method and include a finally clause to close the result set in all cases. You can still onthrow the exception if you want.

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    error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE);
    //Keep the SOAP cache clean
    $delete_count = 0;
    $oracle_deleted = 0;
    //Setup array for local ID's'
    $opportunity_data = array();
    $deleted_data = array();
    //start setup for PL SQL statement
    $strsql = "begin mapsapp.sforce_opp_insert(";
    $strsql .= ":pm_id,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_accountid,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_name,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_description,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_stagename,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_amount,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_probability,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_expectedrevenue,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_closedate,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_type,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_nextstep,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_leadsource,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_isclosed,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_iswon,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_forecastcategory,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_campaignid,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_hasopportunitylineitem,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_pricebook2id,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_ownerid,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_createddate,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_createdbyid,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_lastmodifieddate,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_lastmodifiedbyid,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_systemmodstamp,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_rsm_project_id_score__c,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_lead_fae__c,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_avg_annual_volume__c,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_priority__c,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_design_start_date__c,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_design_proto_date__c,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_production_years__c,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_production_life_months__c,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_production_months__c,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_design_freeze_date__c,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_production_proto_date__c,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_mass_production_date__c,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_fae_status__c,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_fae_assigned_date__c,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_fae_accepted_date__c,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_potential__c,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_fae_reject_reason__c,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_fae_project_complexity__c,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_design_phase__c,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_maxim_id__c,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_project_number__c,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_active__c,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_pivotal_created_by__c,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_manufactured_by__c,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_isdeleted,";
    $strsql .= ":pm_lastactivitydate";
    $strsql .= "); end;";
    //end setup for PL SQL statement
    //include common files
    require_once ('/users/msimonds/public_html/includes/sfdc.inc');
    include_once ('adodb.inc.php');
    $db = ADONewConnection("oci8");
    //connect to Oracle
    if ($db)
            //Set current time to get records from Salesforce
            $currentTime = mktime();
            // assume that update occured within the last 24 hrs.
            $startTime = $currentTime - (60 * 60 * 36); //(seconds * minutes * hours)
            $endTime = $currentTime;
            echo "***** Get Updated Opportunities from the last 24 hours *****<br />";
            $getUpdateddResponse = $client->getUpdated('Opportunity',$startTime,$endTime);
            //$getUpdateddResponse->ids = "";
            //echo '<pre>'.print_r($getUpdateddResponse,true).'</pre>';
            $opportunity_data = $getUpdateddResponse->ids;
            if (is_array($opportunity_data) || is_object($opportunity_data))
                //copy data from Object to local array
                //count the number of records coming in from Salesforce
                $record_count = count($opportunity_data);
                echo $record_count;
                //echo '<pre>'.print_r($opportunity_data,true).'</pre>';
                //loop through the records
                for ($i = 0; $i < $record_count; $i++)
                    $id = $opportunity_data[$i];
                    //SQL query for Salesforce
                    $soql = "Select Id, IsDeleted, AccountId, Name, Description, StageName, Amount, Probability, ExpectedRevenue, CloseDate, Type, NextStep, LeadSource, IsClosed, IsWon, ForecastCategory, CampaignId, HasOpportunityLineItem, Pricebook2Id, OwnerId, CreatedDate, CreatedById, LastModifiedDate, LastModifiedById, SystemModstamp, LastActivityDate, RSM_Original_Project_ID_Score__c, Lead_FAE__c, Avg_Annual_Volume__c, Priority__c, Design_Start_Date__c, Design_Proto_Date__c, Production_Years__c, Production_Life_months__c, Production_Months__c, Design_Freeze_Date__c, Production_Proto_Date__c, Mass_Production_Date__c, FAE_Status__c, FAE_Assigned_Date__c, FAE_Accepted_Date__c, Project_Potential__c, FAE_Reject_Reason__c, FAE_Project_Complexity__c, Design_Phase__c, maxim_id__c, Project_Number__c, Active__c, Project_Comments__c, Pivotal_Created_By__c, Manufactured_By__c FROM Opportunity WHERE Id = '{$id}'";
                    //setup query to local Oracle MAPS database
                    $get_oracle_record = query_db($id,$db);
                    if ($get_oracle_record)
                        $sql = "DELETE FROM sforce_opportunity WHERE ID = '{$id}'";
                        if ($db->Execute($sql)) ;
                            $insert_records = get_records($client,$soql);
                        $insert_records = get_records($client,$soql);
                    foreach ($insert_records as $r)
                        $pass_this['id'] = $id;
                        $pass_this['accountid'] = (string )$r->fields->AccountId;
                        $pass_this['name'] = (string )$r->fields->Name;
                        $pass_this['description'] = (string )$r->fields->Description;
                        $pass_this['stagename'] = (string )$r->fields->StageName;
                        $pass_this['amount'] = (int)$r->fields->Amount;
                        $pass_this['probability'] = (int)$r->fields->Probability;
                        $pass_this['expectedrevenue'] = (int)$r->fields->ExpectedRevenue;
                        $pass_this['closedate'] = (string )$r->fields->CloseDate;
                        $pass_this['type'] = (string )$r->fields->Type;
                        $pass_this['nextstep'] = (string )$r->fields->NextStep;
                        $pass_this['leadsource'] = (string )$r->fields->LeadSource;
                        $pass_this['isclosed'] = (string )$r->fields->IsClosed;
                        $pass_this['iswon'] = (string )$r->fields->IsWon;
                        $pass_this['forecastcategory'] = (string )$r->fields->ForecastCategory;
                        $pass_this['campaignid'] = (string )$r->fields->CampaignId;
                        $pass_this['hasopportunitylineitem'] = (string )$r->fields->HasOpportunityLineItem;
                        $pass_this['pricebook2id'] = $r->fields->Pricebook2Id;
                        $pass_this['ownerid'] = $r->fields->OwnerId;
                        $pass_this['createddate'] = (string )$r->fields->CreatedDate;
                        $pass_this['createdbyid'] = (string )$r->fields->CreatedById;
                        $pass_this['lastmodifieddate'] = (string )$r->fields->LastModifiedDate;
                        $pass_this['lastmodifiedbyid'] = (string )$r->fields->LastModifiedById;
                        $pass_this['systemmodstamp'] = (string )$r->fields->SystemModstamp;
                        $pass_this['rsm_project_id_score__c'] = (int)$r->fields->RSM_Original_Project_ID_Score__c;
                        $pass_this['lead_fae__c'] = (string )$r->fields->Lead_FAE__c;
                        $pass_this['avg_annual_volume__c'] = (int)$r->fields->Avg_Annual_Volume__c;
                        $pass_this['priority__c'] = (string )$r->fields->Priority__c;
                        $pass_this['design_start_date__c'] = (string )$r->fields->Design_Start_Date__c;
                        $pass_this['design_proto_date__c'] = (string )$r->fields->Design_Proto_Date__c;
                        $pass_this['production_years__c'] = (int)$r->fields->Production_Years__c;
                        $pass_this['production_life_months__c'] = (int)$r->fields->Production_Life_months__c;
                        $pass_this['production_months__c'] = (int)$r->fields->Production_Months__c;
                        $pass_this['design_freeze_date__c'] = (string )$r->fields->Design_Freeze_Date__c;
                        $pass_this['production_proto_date__c'] = (string )$r->fields->Production_Proto_Date__c;
                        $pass_this['mass_production_date__c'] = (string )$r->fields->Mass_Production_Date__c;
                        $pass_this['fae_status__c'] = (string )$r->fields->FAE_Status__c;
                        $pass_this['fae_assigned_date__c'] = (string )$r->fields->FAE_Assigned_Date__c;
                        $pass_this['fae_accepted_date__c'] = (string )$r->fields->FAE_Accepted_Date__c;
                        $pass_this['project_potential__c'] = (int)$r->fields->Project_Potential__c;
                        $pass_this['fae_reject_reason__c'] = (string )$r->fields->FAE_Reject_Reason__c;
                        $pass_this['fae_project_complexity__c'] = (string )$r->fields->FAE_Project_Complexity__c;
                        $pass_this['design_phase__c'] = (string )$r->fields->Design_Phase__c;
                        $pass_this['maxim_id__c'] = (string )$r->fields->maxim_id__c;
                        $pass_this['objective_status_next_qtr__c'] = (string )$r->fields->Objective_Status_Next_Qtr__c;
                        $pass_this['quality_of_relationship__c'] = (string )$r->fields->Quality_of_Relationship__c;
                        $pass_this['targeted_po_date__c'] = (string )$r->fields->Targeted_PO_Date__c;
                        $pass_this['part_no_involved__c'] = (string )$r->fields->Part_No_Involved__c;
                        $pass_this['first_po_number__c'] = (string )$r->fields->First_PO_Number__c;
                        $pass_this['lost_reason__c'] = (string )$r->fields->Lost_Reason__c;
                        $pass_this['fae_estimate_of_business__c'] = (string )$r->fields->FAE_Estimate_of_Business__c;
                        $pass_this['digital_processor__c'] = (string )$r->fields->Digital_Processor__c;
                        $pass_this['project_number__c'] = (string )$r->fields->Project_Number__c;
                        $pass_this['active__c'] = (string )$r->fields->Active__c;
                        $pass_this['pivotal_created_by__c'] = (string )$r->fields->Pivotal_Created_By__c;
                        $pass_this['manufactured_by__c'] = (string )$r->fields->Manufactured_By__c;
                        $pass_this['isdeleted'] = (string )$r->fields->IsDeleted;
                        $pass_this['lastactivitydate'] = (string )$r->fields->LastActivityDate;
                        $pass_this['optocon_id__c'] = (string )$r->fields->OptoCon_ID__c;
                        if (strlen($pass_this['description']) == 0)
                            $pass_this['description'] = "No Description Posted";
                            $pass_this['description'] = $pass_this['description'];
                    //echo '<pre>'.print_r($pass_this,true).'</pre>';
                    $record_inserted = insert_record($pass_this,$strsql,$db);
                    if (!$record_inserted)
                        //mail('[email protected]','insert error','There was a proble trying to insert a record into the database');
                echo "Nothing here";
            //add back in once replication is done
            //get deleted records from the Opportunity
            $getDeletedResponse = $client->getDeleted('Opportunity',$startTime,$endTime);
            //echo '<pre>'.print_r($getDeletedResponse,true).'</pre>';
            $deleted_ids = $getDeletedResponse->deletedRecords;
            //echo '<pre>'.print_r($deleted_ids,true).'</pre>';
            if (is_object($deleted_ids))
                $temp_array[] = $deleted_ids;
                $deleted_ids = $temp_array;
            $delete_count = count($deleted_ids);
            //echo $delete_count;
            for ($i = 0; $i < $delete_count; $i++)
                $d_id = $deleted_ids[$i];
                $id = $d_id->id;
                if (query_db($id,$db))
                    $delete_sql = "Delete from sforce_opportunity WHERE ID = '{$id}'";
                    if ($db->Execute($delete_sql))
                        echo "<font color=\"#0000FF\">".$id." was removed from the Oracle database</font><br />";
                    echo $id." is not in the Oracle database<br />";
            echo $oracle_deleted." records were deleted from Oracle";
        catch (exception $e)
            $error = '<pre>'.print_r($e,true).'</pre>';
            mail('[email protected]','insert error',$error);
    function insert_record($pass_this,$strsql,&$db)
        //Prepares PL/SQL Statement
        $stmt = $db->Prepare($strsql);
        //executes and loads data coming from salesforce into table
        if ($db->Execute($stmt))
            echo $pass_this['id']." was inserted into the database<br />";
            return true;
            echo $db->ErrorMsg()."<br>";
            mail('[email protected]','database error',$db->ErrorMsg());
            return false;
    //Get the data from Salesforce to populate Oracle
    function get_records(&$connection,&$query)
        $queryOptions = new QueryOptions(2000);
        $response = new QueryResult($connection->query($query));
        // if the size is zero, where done
        if ($response->size > 0)
            $products = $response->records;
            // Cycles through additional responses if the number of records
            // exceeds the batch size
            while (!$response->done)
                $response = $connection->queryMore($response->queryLocator);
                $products = array_merge($products,$response->records);
        return $products;
    function query_db($id,&$db)
        global $db;
        $sql = "SELECT *
                FROM sforce_opportunity
                Where id = '{$id}'";
        $rs = $db->Execute($sql);
        if ($rs && $rs->_numOfRows > 0)
            return true;
            return false;
    ?>the code runs fine and I do not commit my inserts until after I am done retrieving all the records, but I am getting the oracle error: ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded
    I am not using any cursors in my PL SQL
        pm_id                                               IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_accountid                                        IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_name                                             IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_description                                      IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_stagename                                        IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_amount                                           IN     NUMBER,
        pm_probability                                      IN     NUMBER,
        pm_expectedrevenue                                  IN     NUMBER,
        pm_closedate                                        IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_type                                             IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_nextstep                                         IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_leadsource                                       IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_isclosed                                         IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_iswon                                            IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_forecastcategory                                 IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_campaignid                                       IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_hasopportunitylineitem                           IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_pricebook2id                                     IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_ownerid                                          IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_createddate                                      IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_createdbyid                                      IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_lastmodifieddate                                 IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_lastmodifiedbyid                                 IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_systemmodstamp                                   IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_rsm_project_id_score__c                          IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_lead_fae__c                                      IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_avg_annual_volume__c                             IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_priority__c                                      IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_design_start_date__c                             IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_design_proto_date__c                             IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_production_years__c                              IN     NUMBER,
        pm_production_life_months__c                        IN     NUMBER,
        pm_production_months__c                             IN     NUMBER,
        pm_design_freeze_date__c                            IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_production_proto_date__c                         IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_mass_production_date__c                          IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_fae_status__c                                    IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_fae_assigned_date__c                             IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_fae_accepted_date__c                             IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_potential__c                                     IN     NUMBER,
        pm_fae_reject_reason__c                             IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_fae_project_complexity__c                        IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_design_phase__c                                  IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_maxim_id__c                                      IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_project_number__c                                IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_active__c                                        IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_pivotal_created_by__c                            IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_manufactured_by__c                               IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_isdeleted                                        IN     VARCHAR2,
        pm_lastactivitydate                                 IN     VARCHAR2
            VALUES (pm_id,
                    TO_DATE (SUBSTR (REPLACE (pm_closedate, 'T', ' '), 1, 19),'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),
                    TO_DATE (SUBSTR (REPLACE (pm_createddate, 'T', ' '), 1, 19),'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),
                    TO_DATE (SUBSTR (REPLACE (pm_lastmodifieddate, 'T', ' '), 1, 19),'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),
                    TO_DATE (SUBSTR (REPLACE (pm_systemmodstamp, 'T', ' '), 1, 19),'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),
                    TO_DATE (SUBSTR (REPLACE (pm_design_start_date__c, 'T', ' '), 1, 19),'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),
                    TO_DATE (SUBSTR (REPLACE (pm_design_proto_date__c, 'T', ' '), 1, 19),'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),
                    TO_DATE (SUBSTR (REPLACE (pm_design_freeze_date__c, 'T', ' '), 1, 19),'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),
                    TO_DATE (SUBSTR (REPLACE (pm_production_proto_date__c, 'T', ' '), 1, 19),'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),
                    TO_DATE (SUBSTR (REPLACE (pm_mass_production_date__c, 'T', ' '), 1, 19),'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),
                    TO_DATE (SUBSTR (REPLACE (pm_fae_assigned_date__c, 'T', ' '), 1, 19),'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),
                    TO_DATE (SUBSTR (REPLACE (pm_fae_accepted_date__c, 'T', ' '), 1, 19),'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),
                    TO_DATE (SUBSTR (REPLACE (pm_lastactivitydate, 'T', ' '), 1, 19),'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
    END sforce_opp_insert;
    /I was wondering anyone has seen this before

    The code below is deleting fine. Check your $id is valid. I wonder if ADOdb has some quirks with binding and variable creation/destruction, similar to #1 in http://www.oracle.com/technology/tech/php/htdocs/php_troubleshooting_faq.html#bindvars
    See ADOdb Tutorial for Oracle: http://phplens.com/lens/adodb/docs-oracle.htm
    drop table mytab;
    create table mytab (city varchar2(20), country_id varchar2(20));
    insert into mytab values ('SF', 'US');
    insert into mytab values ('Sydney', 'AU');
    insert into mytab values ('London', 'UK');
    $db = ADONewConnection("oci8");
    $db->Connect("//localhost/XE", "hr", "hrpwd");
    echo "Before:\n";
    $rs = $db->Execute("select city from mytab");
    while ($arr = $rs->FetchRow()) {
        echo $arr['CITY'] . "\n";
    $s = $db->Prepare("delete from mytab where country_id = :ci");
    $db->Parameter($s, $ci, 'ci');
    foreach (array('US', 'AU') as $ci) {
    echo "After:\n";
    $rs = $db->Execute("select city from mytab");
    while ($arr = $rs->FetchRow()) {
        echo $arr['CITY'] . "\n";
    ?>There's another sample in the ADOdb OCI8 driver:
                   $stmt = $DB->Prepare("insert into table (col0, col1, col2) values (:0, :1, :2)");
                   $DB->Bind($stmt, $p1);
                   $DB->Bind($stmt, $p2);
                   $DB->Bind($stmt, $p3);
                   for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {     
                        $p1 = ?; $p2 = ?; $p3 = ?;
                   }For queries I know this works. I haven't seen any examples that prepare once.
    $rs = $db->Execute("select city from mytab where country_id = :ci", array('ci' => 'UK'));
    while ($arr = $rs->FetchRow()) {
        echo $arr['CITY'] . "<br>\n";

  • ORA-01000 maximum open cursors exceeded with XA driver

    We are getting ORA-01000 maximum open cursors exceeded error from Oracle database
    agian and again.We are usimg XA driver.
    What is the weblogic's work around to handle this error?How we can handle this?We
    tried doing "grant select on DBA_PENDING_TRANSACTIONS to public ;" ,this also
    works for some time only.Again the same error starts coming.
    Help please.
    Thanx in advance.

    Thanks for your reply.
    I have increased my cursor size to 2000(default 300).We are using weblogic6.1
    and Oracle9i.Yes I was little aware about this bug so I tried doing "grant select
    on DBA_PENDING_TRANSACTIONS to public " from sys and no of open cursors reduced
    drastically but aftter some time increased again.We are using combination of thin,XA,non
    XA and oci drivers.
    We are using weblogic security framework also in our application and I think that
    consumes maximum no. of cursors.
    Kindly advice.
    Thanx a lot.
    Mitesh Patel <[email protected]> wrote:
    What is the size of cusror set in your oracle init.ora file?
    What version of oracle thin driver and weblogic are you using?
    Please read the following note:
    There is a bug with Oracle 817 driver's XAResource.recover implementation:
    ignores the flag and always return all in-doubt Xids. After initially
    calling a resource's recover with TMSTARTRSCAN, TM subsequently calls
    resource's recover with TMNOFLAGS until no more Xid is returned. Thus,
    Oracle driver's XAResource.recover is called infinitely until eventually
    returns XAER_RMERR. Subsequent XAResource.start then returns ORA-01000
    exception (looks like all their XAResource methods internally uses prepared
    statements to execute some stored procedure.)
    Is this the case wth you?
    Pinky Arora wrote:
    We are getting ORA-01000 maximum open cursors exceeded error from Oracledatabase
    agian and again.We are usimg XA driver.
    What is the weblogic's work around to handle this error?How we canhandle this?We
    tried doing "grant select on DBA_PENDING_TRANSACTIONS to public ;",this also
    works for some time only.Again the same error starts coming.
    Help please.
    Thanx in advance.

  • ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded ORA-06512

    An exception error ccurred as below while trying to map a column.
    Exception oracle.apps.bne.exception.BneSQLException: SQL Exception in BneFlex.validateSegs: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_MESSAGE", line 525 ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_MESSAGE", line 565 ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_MESSAGE", line 654 ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_MESSAGE", line 766 ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_MESSAGE", line 741 ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_FLEX_KEYVAL", line 324 ORA-06512: at line 1 occurred trying to map column: Expense Account.
    In alert log file:
    Errors in file /vol01/oracle/SIT/db/tech_st/10.2.0/admin/SIT_sit/udump/sit_ora_7
    ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [] [] [] [] [] []
    ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
    ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded
    ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded
    Edited by: userpat on Aug 15, 2010 5:32 AM

    The issue is different this time after restarting application and database find below.
    An exception occured trying to map a column
    Exception java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException:Array index out of range:1
    occured trying to map column:Category
    in bne.log
    8/18/10 12:08 PM AJPRequestHandler-ApplicationServerThread-2 ERROR BneP
    arentMenuResolver.getMenuItem() MENU 101:BUDGET_NOTE - Menu item excluded becaus
    e IntegratorAppId and Code does not match that of the Top-Most Menu Item or curr
    ent Integrator: 140:FA_MASS_ADDITIONSThe same error is reported in Note: 954462.1 (which is referenced above).
    And also let me clear one doubt. v$open_cursors view is used for what?. The total number of count v$open_cursors is 60,000 whereas the parameter is defined only 2000 in the Instance.Cursors Remain Open (in V$OPEN_CURSOR View) after being Closed [ID 1020427.102]
    Monitoring Open Cursors & Troubleshooting ORA-1000 Errors [ID 76684.1]

  • ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded (please help / JDBC guru needed)

    ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded
    I am getting this error when trying to execute 2,500 Sql DDL statements. I am executing the statement with:
    public boolean execute(String sql) ( like stmt.execute(sql); )
    After each execute() I close the statement ( like stmt.close() )
    I tried taking this a step further and decided to close and reopen the database connection after every 100 Sql statements processed and I still get this exception when continuing.
    ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded
    Any help will be greatly appreciated. I need to figure how to close the cursors or how to finish processing all 2,500 statements. I do not have control over the init.ora file and can not increase the max cursors. I hope to figure out how to close the cursors so that no tweaking of the init.ora file is needed.

    Why dont you allocate dukes for this problem ???
    am getting this error when trying to execute 2,500 Sql DDL statements. I am executing the statement with:
    public boolean execute(String sql) ( like stmt.execute(sql); )
    After each execute() I close the statement ( like stmt.close() )
    What kind of DDL is that? are you using any cursor operations to fetch the data? What kind of query does this sql parameter contain?
    Look there is only 3 solutions for this kind of problem.
    1) shutdown the database and restart it.
    I dont think closing connection will shutdown the database as you
    2) shutdown the database access init.ora and increase the
    OPEN_CURSORS and then restart it.
    You told that you dont have access to init.ora.
    3) close every cursor that you open.(Probably you are not closing the cursor once you fetch the data).

  • ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded with Thin and OCI

    Hi I have this ERROR :
    ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded
    ORA-06510: PL/SQL: unhandled user-defined exception
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    and all the connections show this error, I run the weblogic.Admin RESET_POOL utility
    and the problem are fixed !!
    Why show this error ?
    why with RESET_POOL utility resolve the problem ?
    the Oracle Version is Oracle 32bits on Solaris 8

    I using testConnOnReserve=true and testReleasedConnections=true specify testTableName
    when the errors appear , but increse the open_cusror value to 1200, i think is
    not the solution, because the DB and Stored Procedure is used by Cold Fusion ,
    is the same Application, in Cold Fusion not show this error u other errors with
    380 users on the application.
    I check to increse the open_cusror and test the application.
    Mitesh Patel <[email protected]> wrote:
    You should do couple of things here.
    First of all you can increse the open_cusror value to 1200 if it is ok
    with you.
    Secondly, make sure you are using testConnOnReserve=true and specify
    in your config.xml for your connection pool defination.
    Roberto Hernandez wrote:
    Mitesh Patel,
    WLS 6.1 sp3 on Solaris 8, in init.ora file
    session_cached_cursors = 30 and Open_Cursors = 600
    Any Idea to resolve the Error and not use manual RESET_POOL utility?
    Mitesh Patel <[email protected]> wrote:
    This is know bug from oracle.
    XAResource.recover repeatedly returns the same set of in-doubt
    Xids irrespective of the input flag. According to the XA spec, the
    Transaction Manager should initially call XAResource.recover with
    TMSTARTRSCAN and then call XAResource.recover with
    TMNOFLAGS repeatedly until no Xids are returned. This Oracle
    bug could lead to infinite recursion and subsequent running out
    of Oracle cursors with error "ORA-01000: maximum open cursors
    What version of weblogic are you using? What is value for max cursors
    in init.ora file
    in your dbserver?
    Resets the named database ConnectionPool by shutting down and
    reestablishing all the allocated connections. This method should
    only be called when the connection pool is known to be in a bad
    state, for example when the database has been restarted.
    By using Reset you are cleaning all bad connections and associated
    with it. That
    is why it resolves ora-1000 for you.
    Roberto Hernandez wrote:
    Hi I have this ERROR :
    ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded
    ORA-06510: PL/SQL: unhandled user-defined exception
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    and all the connections show this error, I run the weblogic.Admin
    and the problem are fixed !!
    Why show this error ?
    why with RESET_POOL utility resolve the problem ?
    the Oracle Version is Oracle 32bits on Solaris 8

  • Java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded ORA-06512:

    Please help me for resolving this Error.
    I got This Error while Web Load TEsting.
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded ORA-06512: at "IADMIN.ADM_ADMIN_ISMART_PCK", line 269 ORA-06512: at line 1

    I also faced similar problem - and solved as following:
    java.sql.PreparedStatement pStmt = null;
    ResultSet rs, rs_opr;
    try {
         query = "select ..."
         pStmt = conn.prepareStatement (query); // first instance of the PreparedStatement
         pStmt.setInt (1, rq_count);
         pStmt.setString (2, rqid);
         rs = pStmt.executeQuery ();
         if (rs.next()) {
              plant_nm = rs.getString("PLANT_NM");
         pStmt.close(); // this was done only at the last time (added here and solved)
         query = "select ..."
         pStmt = conn.prepareStatement (query); // second instance of the PreparedStatement
         pStmt.setInt (1, rq_count);
         pStmt.setString (2, rqid);
         rs = pStmt.executeQuery ();
         if (rs.next()) {
              Var2 = rs.getString("Vari1ble_2");
         pStmt.close(); // this was done only at the last time (added here and solved)
         query = "select ..."
         pStmt = conn.prepareStatement (query); // third instance of the PreparedStatement
         pStmt.setInt (1, rq_count);
         pStmt.setString (2, rqid);
         rs = pStmt.executeQuery ();
         if (rs.next()) {
              Var3 = rs.getString("Variable_3");
         pStmt.close(); // this was done only here -- added 2 times as above

  • Error During Delete Of Application:ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded

    Hello All.
    I am using Apex version I am trying to delete an existing application (App_ID 116). I am continually getting ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded.
    Prior to deleting this application, I attempted to, instead, import (that is, replace) this app with a previously saved Apex app (APP_ID 116). This previously saved app is also at the same version. I get the same error. At that point, I figured that I would delete the app and then import my previously saved app, only to get the same error.
    I then attempted to import the previously saved app as a new APP_ID (256). This time, the app imported without error.
    Does anyone know what is going on? Could it be that my existing app 116 is "corrupted" (whatever that means)? Why can't I delete or import over my existing app 116?
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Thank you.

    Post Author: amr_foci
    CA Forum: Information OnDemand
    its a database related Error and it can be fixed
    please check this link
    good luck

  • ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded In a Package

    I have a package that is utilizing cursors, This program is for a data conversion project. I have Ten procedures and functions in this package, about 4 of them are public. Within my main program I call these functions and procedures as needed. After about the processing of 30 records, i get this 'ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded' error. the curosr parameter on the database is 300, I am not sure what to do, the cursors are closed, because I am usuing the cursor for loop. I have changed these cursors from ref to regular cursors, but the problem persist. Could someone please help! Thanks.

    there are about 6000 lines of code here is an example. I have checked all cursors and they are closed after processing.
    -- Package Spec
    Package MainPac Is
    Procedure c1;
    End MainPac;
    -- Package Body
    Package MainPac Is
    Procecudure P2( InputP ) is
    Cursor c2 is select * from SiteRec
    Where NJSKey = InputP;
    For c2Rec In C2 Loop
    Process c2Rec;
    For C3Rec in (Select Remart Text from all_remarks
    Where remark_Key = C3Rec.Key) Loop
    Load into tem table;
    End loop;
    end Procedure P2;
    Procecudure P3( InputP ) is
    Cursor C4 is select * from SolutuinsTab
    Where NJSKey = InputP;
    For C4Rec In C4 Loop
    Process C4Rec;
    For C5Rec in (Select Remart Text from all_remarks
    Where remark_Key = C4Rec.Key) Loop
    Load into tem table;
    End loop;
    end Procedure P3;
    Procedure c1 is
    Cursor c1 is Select * from NJS;
    For c1rec in c1 loop
    process c1rec;
    call procecudure P2(NJSKey);
    call procecudure P3 (NJSKey);
    call procecudure P4(NJSKey);
    call procecudure P5(NJSKey);
    call procecudure P6(NJSKey);
    end loop;
    End MainPack ;

  • ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded--Error

    What is "ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded" error,How to solve.

    ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded
    Other terms
    Oracle, open cursors, exchange infrastructure
    Reason and Prerequisites
    The parameter "open_cursors" is set too low. Long transactions, such as imports, may use up all available cursors and fail.
    Solution :
    if you encounter an exception that reports "ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded" please adjust the open_cursors parameter as follows:
    If the BR*Tools exist on your system:
    1] directory: /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run
    2] "brspace -c force -f dbparam -a change -p open_cursors -v 100000"
    3] directory: $ORACLE_HOME/dbs (Unix) or %ORACLE_HOME%/database (Win)
    4] change open_cursors parameter in init<SID>.ora to 100000
    If the BR*Tools are not available (2] above - command not found)
    1] change the open_cursors parameter as in 4] above
    2] restart DB, for changes to take effect. _ NOTE: This problem has been fixed with XI 3.0 SP3 (see note 735078)
    Plz asign points if helpfull.

  • ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded in R12

    In which Middle Tier log we see "ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded" error, we have EBS R12 version.

    937828 wrote:
    In which Middle Tier log we see "ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded" error, we have EBS R12 version.
    Increase the value of OPEN_CURSORS init parameter -- https://community.oracle.com/search.jspa?peopleEnabled=true&userID=&containerType=&container=&q=ORA-01000
    Database Initialization Parameters for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (Doc ID 396009.1)

  • JDBC Error: ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded

    Post Author: prashant
    CA Forum: Information OnDemand
    I successfully created reports using CR4E on windows, deployed JSPS to Websphere running on windows and was able to view a large reports for a using JNDI connection resources to Oracle 10g.
    Every time report is called, it consume 12 cursors from of the database. Open_cursors count is 300. After 24 or 25 iteration of this report, it throws ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded error.
    Has anyone seen this problem, and if so where can I find a hot fix/patch. Any help would very much be appreciated.

    The following code reproduces the problem for me. I thought this was just related to when an exception occurs, and close occurs immediately afterwards. Close finds the exception that occured, and throws it without releasing the resources.
    It's a pain in the ass, that's for sure.
    public void go() {
    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    String sql = "Select number_7_0__, char_10__, varchar_5__, varchar2_10__, number_10_5__, float_126__, date_, clob_, blob_ FROM lotsofrows";
    Properties connectProps = new Properties();
    Driver drv = new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver();
    connectProps.put("user", "borg");
    connectProps.put("catalog", "test");
    connectProps.put("password", "borgborg");
    Connection conn = drv.connect("jdbc:oracle:thin:@", connectProps);
    int cnt = 0;
    while (true) {
    try {
    System.out.print("\nTest " + ++cnt + " ");
    Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
    System.out.print("execute ");
    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
    System.out.print("cancel ");
    try {
    } catch (SQLException se) {
    if (se.getMessage().indexOf("requested cancel") != -1) {
    try {
    } catch (Exception ee) {
    } else {
    throw se;
    stmt = null;
    }catch(Exception se) {
    }catch(Exception e) {

  • Getting error ora-01000 maximum open cursors exceeded

    i am building my fist application using eclipse3.3 hibernate 3.2(hybernatesynchronizer as plugin)
    i have a oracle9i like sgbd . when i trying to create my mapping file from eclipse i got this error :
    ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded
    i try to increase the number of cursor from the oracleconfiguration file init.ora, i shutdown but the problem still
    i don t know how to solve this problem really.
    i need help.

    Yes, that it what I was asking about.Not that it matters, but I think you misunderstood. I meant "if you ask it to leak resources then it will do so." I wasn't asking what you meant.
    Is there a way to make it explicitly open and close via a single call? Perhaps a configuration option either globably or by method/class?Not as a standard part of Hibernate, no. That said, it's relatively hard to leak anything other than connection objects unless you're really trying hard. There are libraries that you can use to manage the lifetime of the connection (actually the session) object. I like the Spring DAO support classes. Inevitably they cause their own problems for someone who doesn't understand what Hibernate's up to under the covers though.
    Edit: Quick example
    // Bog standard Hibernate
    Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
    try {
       return (List<Foo>)session.createQuery("from Foo").list();
    } finally {
       session.close(); // If omitted will leak a connection object
    // Using Spring
    return (List<Foo>)getHibernateTemplate().find("from Foo");Things get slightly more interesting if you're using lazy loading and actively want to keep the connection around for longer.

  • Error ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded

    Why Oracle return this error. When I change the OPEN_CURSORS in init.ora from 100 to 1000 without this error.
    I want to keep Minimum cursors value. How can I change the Java program ?
    96 er_write_asp('W349','HK','50112','USD',3.99)
    97 er_write_asp('W349','HK','10112','USD',5.22)
    98 er_write_asp('W349','HK','60112','EUR',13.07)
    99 er_write_asp('W349','HK','50112','USD',3.9)
    100 er_write_asp('W349','HK','40112','USD',5.65)
    101 er_write_asp('W349','HK','90112','USD',2.75)
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded
    ORA-06512: at "POSTCAL.ER_WRITE_ASP", line 10
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    java Program list.
         eric.leung 2003/12/02
         set CLASSPATH include C:\Oracle\Ora81\jdbc\lib\classes12.zip
         Read text file, write into Oracle Database
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.StringTokenizer;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.math.BigDecimal;
    import java.util.Date;
    public class writeASP {
    // Login Information
    static String user = "x";
    static String passwd = "x";
    static String ip = "x";
    static String getfile = "c:\\temp\\asp.csv";
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
         String line;
         int i = 0;
         int cnt = 0;
         int port = 0;
         Connection conn;
         Statement stmt;
         String query = "";
         String strone = "";
         String arry[] = {"","","","","","","","","","","","","","",
         // start to connection
         FileReader inFile = new FileReader(getfile);
         BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(inFile);
         try {                
         conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@" + ip + ":1521:lcdx",
         stmt = conn.createStatement();
         while((line= in.readLine()) != null)
                   cnt = cnt + 1;
                   StringTokenizer mot = new StringTokenizer(line,",");
              if (mot.countTokens() > 0) {                   
                        for (i = 0; 0 < mot.countTokens() ;i++) {
                             arry[i+1] = "";
                             arry[i] = mot.nextToken();
                        } /* for */
                   } /* if */           
                   strone = arry[0].substring(0,1);
                   if (strone.equals("W")) {
                        query = "er_write_asp(" +
                        quote(arry[0],',') +
                        quote(arry[1],',') +
                        quote(arry[2],',') +
                        quote(arry[3],',') ;
                        query = query + arry[4] + ")";               
                   System.out.println(cnt + " " + query);
                   CallableStatement cs = conn.prepareCall
                        ("{call er_write_asp(?,?,?,?,?)}");
              try {cs.setBigDecimal(5, new BigDecimal(arry[4])); } /*pur_cost */
              catch(NumberFormatException e) {cs.setDouble(5,0);}
                   // System.out.println("Call string: "+ cs.getString());
                   boolean flag = cs.execute();
                   // ResultSet rs = cs.executeQuery();
                   // stmt.executeUpdate();
                   } /* if */
         } /* while */
         } /* try */
         catch (Exception e) {
              } /* Catch */
    } /* main */
    public static void abc(String g[])
         System.out.print(g[0] + " " + g[1] + " "
              + g[2] + " " + g[3] + " " + g[4] + " "
              + g[5] + " " + g[6] + " " + g[7] + " "
              + g[8] );     
    private static String quote(String s)
         return "'" + s + "'";
    private static String quote(String s,char j)
         return "'" + s + "'" + j;
    public static void chkArgs(String[] args) {
         for (int j=0 ; j < args.length;j++) {
              if (args[j].trim().equals("-u")) {
                   if (j + 1 < args.length) {
                        try { user = args[j+1];}
                             catch ( Exception e) {}
              } /* if */
              if (args[j].trim().equals("-p")) {
                   if (j + 1 < args.length) {
                        try { passwd = args[j+1];}
                             catch ( Exception e) {}
              } /* if */
              if (args[j].trim().equals("-i")) {
                   if (j + 1 < args.length) {
                        try { ip = args[j+1];}
                             catch ( Exception e) {}
              } /* if */
              if (args[j].trim().equals("-f")) {
                   if (j + 1 < args.length) {
                        try { getfile = args[j+1];}
                             catch ( Exception e) {}
              } /* if */
              if (args[j].trim().equals("-h")) {
              } /* if */
         } /* for */
    } /* chkArgs */
    public static void help() {
         System.out.println("\nWrite ASP Price Version 1.0 2003/12/02\n");
         System.out.println("\t-i IP Address");
         System.out.println("\t-u User name");
         System.out.println("\t-p Password");
         System.out.println("\t-f File name");
         System.out.println("\t-h Help");
         System.out.println("\nCall Oracle Stored Procdure");
    } /* help () */
    } /* Class */

    Don't create a new callable statement each pass through the loop. Create it outside the loop and set the parameters & exec inside the loop. Close the resultset each time. Close statement after loop.

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