ORA-06550: Ligne 1, colonne 34 : PLS-00103 In Validation Item with APEX 4

I am using APEX 4?
i have created ths program to validate an item
Select LONGEUR INTO LONGEUR1 FROM OUVRAGE WHERE code_ouvrage = (select code_ouvrage from ouvrage where libelle = :P6_CODE_OUVRAGE);
IF :P6_PK < 0 or :P6_PK > LONGEUR1 THEN
i have had thir error message when running page :
ORA-06550: Ligne 1, colonne 34 : PLS-00103: Symbole "DECLARE" rencontré à la place d'un des symboles suivants : ( ) - + case mod new not null others table avg count current exists max min prior sql stddev sum variance execute multiset the both leading trailing forall merge year month DAY_ hour minute second timezone_hour timezone_minute timezone_region timezone_abbr time timestamp interval date
ERR-1025 Error processing PLSQL expression. DECLARE LONGEUR1 NUMBER; BEGIN Select LONGEUR INTO LONGEUR1 FROM OUVRAGE WHERE code_ouvrage = (select code_ouvrage from ouvrage where libelle = :P6_CODE_OUVRAGE); IF :P6_PK < 0 or :P6_PK > LONGEUR1 THEN RETURN FALSE; ELSE RETURN TRUE; END IF; END;
Any siggestion please ?

ouadah wrote:
I am using APEX 4?
i have created ths program to validate an item
Select LONGEUR INTO LONGEUR1 FROM OUVRAGE WHERE code_ouvrage = (select code_ouvrage from ouvrage where libelle = :P6_CODE_OUVRAGE);
IF :P6_PK < 0 or :P6_PK > LONGEUR1 THEN
i have had thir error message when running page :
ORA-06550: Ligne 1, colonne 34 : PLS-00103: Symbole "DECLARE" rencontré à la place d'un des symboles suivants : ( ) - + case mod new not null others table avg count current exists max min prior sql stddev sum variance execute multiset the both leading trailing forall merge year month DAY_ hour minute second timezone_hour timezone_minute timezone_region timezone_abbr time timestamp interval date
ERR-1025 Error processing PLSQL expression. DECLARE LONGEUR1 NUMBER; BEGIN Select LONGEUR INTO LONGEUR1 FROM OUVRAGE WHERE code_ouvrage = (select code_ouvrage from ouvrage where libelle = :P6_CODE_OUVRAGE); IF :P6_PK < 0 or :P6_PK > LONGEUR1 THEN RETURN FALSE; ELSE RETURN TRUE; END IF; END;
Any siggestion please ?What is the Validation Type? It looks like you are attempting to use code for a Function Returning Boolean validation in one of type PL/SQL Expression.
Ensure the Validation Type is Function Returning Boolean.

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    Hi to all.
    I have client oracle 8i and i'm using pl sql developer.
    I have the following plsql procedure:
    set serveroutput on size 1000000;
    type t_cur is ref cursor;
    type type_rec is record (codicepool char(12),
    codicefisico char(12),
    givenname varchar2(12),
    denominazione char(40),
    tipoedificio varchar2(50),
    tipoimpianto varchar2(40),
    stationtypecaminus char(40),
    codiceateco varchar2(8),
    capacitatrasporto number(9),
    capacitaconferita1 number(9), capacitaconferita2 number(9),capacitaconferita3 number(9),capacitaconferita4 number(9),
    capacitaconferita5 number (9),capacitaconferita6 number(9),capacitaconferita7 number(9),capacitaconferita8 number(9),
    capacitaconferita9 number (9),capacitaconferita10 number(9),capacitaconferita11 number(9),capacitaconferita12 number(9),
    capacitaconferita13 number(9),capacitaconferita14 number(9),capacitaconferita15 number(9),capacitaconferita16 number(9),
    capacitaconferita17 number(9),capacitaconferita18 number(9),capacitaconferita19 number(9),capacitaconferita20 number(9),
    capacitaconferita21 number(9),capacitaconferita22 number(9),capacitaconferita23 number(9),capacitaconferita24 number(9),
    capacitaconferita25 number(9),capacitaconferita26 number(9),capacitaconferita27 number(9),capacitaconferita28 number(9),
    capacitaconferita29 number(9),capacitaconferita30 number(9),capacitaconferita31 number(9),
    energia1 number(9),energia2 number(9),energia3 number(9),energia4 number(9),energia5 number(9),energia6 number(9),energia7 number(9),
    energia8 number(9),energia9 number(9),energia10 number(9),energia11 number(9),energia12 number(9),energia13 number(9),energia14 number(9),
    energia15 number(9),energia16 number(9),energia17 number(9),energia18 number(9),energia19 number(9),energia20 number(9),energia21 number(9),
    energia22 number(9),energia23 number(9),energia24 number(9),energia25 number(9),energia26 number(9),energia27 number(9),energia28 number(9),
    energia29 number(9),energia30 number(9),energia31 number(9),
    volumeprofilato1 number(9),volumeprofilato2 number(9),volumeprofilato3 number(9),volumeprofilato4 number(9),volumeprofilato5 number(9),
    volumeprofilato6 number(9),volumeprofilato7 number(9),volumeprofilato8 number(9),volumeprofilato9 number(9),
    volumeprofilato10 number(9),
    volumeprofilato11 number(9),volumeprofilato12 number(9),volumeprofilato13 number(9),volumeprofilato14 number(9),volumeprofilato15 number(9),
    volumeprofilato16 number(9),volumeprofilato17 number(9),volumeprofilato18 number(9),volumeprofilato19 number(9),volumeprofilato20 number(9),
    volumeprofilato21 number(9),volumeprofilato22 number(9),volumeprofilato23 number(9),volumeprofilato24 number(9),volumeprofilato25 number(9),
    volumeprofilato26 number(9),volumeprofilato27 number(9),volumeprofilato28 number(9),volumeprofilato29 number(9),volumeprofilato30 number(9),
    volumeprofilato31 number(9),tipo_misura char(20));
    cur t_cur;
    bilancio_rec type_rec;
    f utl_file.file_type;
    f := utl_file.fopen('SAMPLEDATA','prova_bilancio.txt','W');
    OPEN cur for
    SELECT q.codicepool, q.codicefisico, q.denominazione, q.tipoedificio,
    q.tipoimpianto, q.stationtypecaminus, q.codiceateco,
    q.capacitatrasporto, c.cc1 AS capacitaconferita1,
    c.cc2 AS capacitaconferita2, c.cc3 AS capacitaconferita3,
    c.cc4 AS capacitaconferita4, c.cc5 AS capacitaconferita5,
    c.cc6 AS capacitaconferita6, c.cc7 AS capacitaconferita7,
    c.cc8 AS capacitaconferita8, c.cc9 AS capacitaconferita9,
    c.cc10 AS capacitaconferita10, c.cc11 AS capacitaconferita11,
    c.cc12 AS capacitaconferita12, c.cc13 AS capacitaconferita13,
    c.cc14 AS capacitaconferita14, c.cc15 AS capacitaconferita15,
    c.cc16 AS capacitaconferita16, c.cc17 AS capacitaconferita17,
    c.cc18 AS capacitaconferita18, c.cc19 AS capacitaconferita19,
    c.cc20 AS capacitaconferita20, c.cc21 AS capacitaconferita21,
    c.cc22 AS capacitaconferita22, c.cc23 AS capacitaconferita23,
    c.cc24 AS capacitaconferita24, c.cc25 AS capacitaconferita25,
    c.cc26 AS capacitaconferita26, c.cc27 AS capacitaconferita27,
    c.cc28 AS capacitaconferita28, c.cc29 AS capacitaconferita29,
    c.cc30 AS capacitaconferita30, c.cc31 AS capacitaconferita31,
    v.dk1 / 10 AS energia1, v.dk2 / 10 AS energia2, v.dk3 / 10 AS energia3,
    v.dk4 / 10 AS energia4, v.dk5 / 10 AS energia5, v.dk6 / 10 AS energia6,
    v.dk7 / 10 AS energia7, v.dk8 / 10 AS energia8, v.dk9 / 10 AS energia9,
    v.dk10 / 10 AS energia10, v.dk11 / 10 AS energia11,
    v.dk12 / 10 AS energia12, v.dk13 / 10 AS energia13,
    v.dk14 / 10 AS energia14, v.dk15 / 10 AS energia15,
    v.dk16 / 10 AS energia16, v.dk17 / 10 AS energia17,
    v.dk18 / 10 AS energia18, v.dk19 / 10 AS energia19,
    v.dk20 / 10 AS energia20, v.dk21 / 10 AS energia21,
    v.dk22 / 10 AS energia22, v.dk23 / 10 AS energia23,
    v.dk24 / 10 AS energia24, v.dk25 / 10 AS energia25,
    v.dk26 / 10 AS energia26, v.dk27 / 10 AS energia27,
    v.dk28 / 10 AS energia28, v.dk29 / 10 AS energia29,
    v.dk30 / 10 AS energia30, v.dk31 / 10 AS energia31,
    v.vol1 AS volumeprofilato1, v.vol2 AS volumeprofilato2,
    v.vol3 AS volumeprofilato3, v.vol4 AS volumeprofilato4,
    v.vol5 AS volumeprofilato5, v.vol6 AS volumeprofilato6,
    v.vol7 AS volumeprofilato7, v.vol8 AS volumeprofilato8,
    v.vol9 AS volumeprofilato9, v.vol10 AS volumeprofilato10,
    v.vol11 AS volumeprofilato11, v.vol12 AS volumeprofilato12,
    v.vol13 AS volumeprofilato13, v.vol14 AS volumeprofilato14,
    v.vol15 AS volumeprofilato15, v.vol16 AS volumeprofilato16,
    v.vol17 AS volumeprofilato17, v.vol18 AS volumeprofilato18,
    v.vol19 AS volumeprofilato19, v.vol20 AS volumeprofilato20,
    v.vol21 AS volumeprofilato21, v.vol22 AS volumeprofilato22,
    v.vol23 AS volumeprofilato23, v.vol24 AS volumeprofilato24,
    v.vol25 AS volumeprofilato25, v.vol26 AS volumeprofilato26,
    v.vol27 AS volumeprofilato27, v.vol28 AS volumeprofilato28,
    v.vol29 AS volumeprofilato29, v.vol30 AS volumeprofilato30,
    v.vol31 AS volumeprofilato31, q.tipo_misura
    FROM volume v,
    +(SELECT ss.pipeline AS pipeline, ss.prodyear AS prodyear,+
    ss.prodmonth AS prodmonth, ss.groupid AS codicepool,
    +/****LINE 98 IS THIS***/ ss.meter AS codicefisico, ss.description AS denominazione,+
    DECODE (sra.tipoedificio,
    +/****LINE 101 IS THIS***/ (SELECT descrizione+
    FROM sap_tipi_edificio
    WHERE tipoedificio = sra.tipoedificio)
    +/****LINE 104 IS THIS***/ ) AS tipoedificio,+
    DECODE (sra.tipoimpianto,
    +/****LINE 107 IS THIS***/ (SELECT descrizione+
    FROM sap_tipi_impianto
    WHERE tipoimpianto = sra.tipoimpianto)
    +) AS tipoimpianto,+
    st.description AS stationtypecaminus,
    sra.tranpzona AS codiceateco,
    ss.maxvolume AS capacitatrasporto,
    DECODE (ss.stationtype,
    +'ED', 'MG',+
    +'EN', 'NMG',+
    +'Non pervenuto'+
    +) AS tipo_misura+
    --SS.stationtype as tipo_misura+
    FROM station_storico ss, sap_remiattributi sra, stationtype st
    WHERE ss.prodyear = 2008
    AND ss.prodmonth = 2
    AND ( ss.prodyear = sra.prodyear()+
    AND ss.prodmonth = sra.prodmonth()+
    AND ss.pipeline = RPAD (sra.pipeline(), 12)+
    AND ss.meter = RPAD (sra.remi(), 12)+
    +) --Other Join tra Station Storico e Sap_remiattributi+
    AND (st.stationtype = ss.stationtype
    +) -- join tra Station_storico e stationtype+
    +) q,+
    +(SELECT pipeline, prodyear, prodmonth, delmeter AS meter,+
    SUM (dk1) AS cc1, SUM (dk2) AS cc2, SUM (dk3) AS cc3,
    SUM (dk4) AS cc4, SUM (dk5) AS cc5, SUM (dk6) AS cc6,
    SUM (dk7) AS cc7, SUM (dk8) AS cc8, SUM (dk9) AS cc9,
    SUM (dk10) AS cc10, SUM (dk11) AS cc11, SUM (dk12) AS cc12,
    SUM (dk13) AS cc13, SUM (dk14) AS cc14, SUM (dk15) AS cc15,
    SUM (dk16) AS cc16, SUM (dk17) AS cc17, SUM (dk18) AS cc18,
    SUM (dk19) AS cc19, SUM (dk20) AS cc20, SUM (dk21) AS cc21,
    SUM (dk22) AS cc22, SUM (dk23) AS cc23, SUM (dk24) AS cc24,
    SUM (dk25) AS cc25, SUM (dk26) AS cc26, SUM (dk27) AS cc27,
    SUM (dk28) AS cc28, SUM (dk29) AS cc29, SUM (dk30) AS cc30,
    SUM (dk31) AS cc31
    FROM statcont
    WHERE prodyear = 2008
    AND prodmonth = 2
    AND pipeline IN
    +((RPAD ('RN', 12)),+
    +(RPAD ('RR=A', 12)),+
    +(RPAD ('RR=B', 12)),+
    +(RPAD ('RR=C', 12))+
    GROUP BY pipeline, prodyear, prodmonth, delmeter
    SELECT pipeline, prodyear, prodmonth, recmeter AS meter,
    SUM (dk1) AS cc1, SUM (dk2) AS cc2, SUM (dk3) AS cc3,
    SUM (dk4) AS cc4, SUM (dk5) AS cc5, SUM (dk6) AS cc6,
    SUM (dk7) AS cc7, SUM (dk8) AS cc8, SUM (dk9) AS cc9,
    SUM (dk10) AS cc10, SUM (dk11) AS cc11, SUM (dk12) AS cc12,
    SUM (dk13) AS cc13, SUM (dk14) AS cc14, SUM (dk15) AS cc15,
    SUM (dk16) AS cc16, SUM (dk17) AS cc17, SUM (dk18) AS cc18,
    SUM (dk19) AS cc19, SUM (dk20) AS cc20, SUM (dk21) AS cc21,
    SUM (dk22) AS cc22, SUM (dk23) AS cc23, SUM (dk24) AS cc24,
    SUM (dk25) AS cc25, SUM (dk26) AS cc26, SUM (dk27) AS cc27,
    SUM (dk28) AS cc28, SUM (dk29) AS cc29, SUM (dk30) AS cc30,
    SUM (dk31) AS cc31
    FROM statcont
    WHERE prodyear = 2008
    AND prodmonth = 2
    AND pipeline IN
    +((RPAD ('RN', 12)),+
    +(RPAD ('RR=A', 12)),+
    +(RPAD ('RR=B', 12)),+
    +(RPAD ('RR=C', 12))+
    GROUP BY pipeline, prodyear, prodmonth, recmeter)
    +(SELECT pipeline, prodyear, prodmonth, delmeter AS meter,+
    SUM (dk1) AS cc1, SUM (dk2) AS cc2, SUM (dk3) AS cc3,
    SUM (dk4) AS cc4, SUM (dk5) AS cc5, SUM (dk6) AS cc6,
    SUM (dk7) AS cc7, SUM (dk8) AS cc8, SUM (dk9) AS cc9,
    SUM (dk10) AS cc10, SUM (dk11) AS cc11, SUM (dk12) AS cc12,
    SUM (dk13) AS cc13, SUM (dk14) AS cc14, SUM (dk15) AS cc15,
    SUM (dk16) AS cc16, SUM (dk17) AS cc17, SUM (dk18) AS cc18,
    SUM (dk19) AS cc19, SUM (dk20) AS cc20, SUM (dk21) AS cc21,
    SUM (dk22) AS cc22, SUM (dk23) AS cc23, SUM (dk24) AS cc24,
    SUM (dk25) AS cc25, SUM (dk26) AS cc26, SUM (dk27) AS cc27,
    SUM (dk28) AS cc28, SUM (dk29) AS cc29, SUM (dk30) AS cc30,
    SUM (dk31) AS cc31
    FROM statcont
    WHERE prodyear = 2008
    AND prodmonth = 2
    AND pipeline IN
    +((RPAD ('RR=D', 12)),+
    +(RPAD ('RR=E1', 12)),+
    +(RPAD ('RR=E2', 12)),+
    +(RPAD ('RR=F', 12)),+
    +(RPAD ('RR=G', 12)),+
    +(RPAD ('RR=H', 12))+
    GROUP BY pipeline, prodyear, prodmonth, delmeter
    SELECT pipeline, prodyear, prodmonth, recmeter AS meter,
    SUM (dk1) AS cc1, SUM (dk2) AS cc2, SUM (dk3) AS cc3,
    SUM (dk4) AS cc4, SUM (dk5) AS cc5, SUM (dk6) AS cc6,
    SUM (dk7) AS cc7, SUM (dk8) AS cc8, SUM (dk9) AS cc9,
    SUM (dk10) AS cc10, SUM (dk11) AS cc11, SUM (dk12) AS cc12,
    SUM (dk13) AS cc13, SUM (dk14) AS cc14, SUM (dk15) AS cc15,
    SUM (dk16) AS cc16, SUM (dk17) AS cc17, SUM (dk18) AS cc18,
    SUM (dk19) AS cc19, SUM (dk20) AS cc20, SUM (dk21) AS cc21,
    SUM (dk22) AS cc22, SUM (dk23) AS cc23, SUM (dk24) AS cc24,
    SUM (dk25) AS cc25, SUM (dk26) AS cc26, SUM (dk27) AS cc27,
    SUM (dk28) AS cc28, SUM (dk29) AS cc29, SUM (dk30) AS cc30,
    SUM (dk31) AS cc31
    FROM statcont
    WHERE prodyear = 2008
    AND prodmonth = 2
    AND pipeline IN
    +((RPAD ('RR=D', 12)),+
    +(RPAD ('RR=E1', 12)),+
    +(RPAD ('RR=E2', 12)),+
    +(RPAD ('RR=F', 12)),+
    +(RPAD ('RR=G', 12)),+
    +(RPAD ('RR=H', 12))+
    GROUP BY pipeline, prodyear, prodmonth, recmeter)
    +(SELECT pipeline, prodyear, prodmonth, delmeter AS meter,+
    SUM (dk1) AS cc1, SUM (dk2) AS cc2, SUM (dk3) AS cc3,
    SUM (dk4) AS cc4, SUM (dk5) AS cc5, SUM (dk6) AS cc6,
    SUM (dk7) AS cc7, SUM (dk8) AS cc8, SUM (dk9) AS cc9,
    SUM (dk10) AS cc10, SUM (dk11) AS cc11, SUM (dk12) AS cc12,
    SUM (dk13) AS cc13, SUM (dk14) AS cc14, SUM (dk15) AS cc15,
    SUM (dk16) AS cc16, SUM (dk17) AS cc17, SUM (dk18) AS cc18,
    SUM (dk19) AS cc19, SUM (dk20) AS cc20, SUM (dk21) AS cc21,
    SUM (dk22) AS cc22, SUM (dk23) AS cc23, SUM (dk24) AS cc24,
    SUM (dk25) AS cc25, SUM (dk26) AS cc26, SUM (dk27) AS cc27,
    SUM (dk28) AS cc28, SUM (dk29) AS cc29, SUM (dk30) AS cc30,
    SUM (dk31) AS cc31
    FROM statcont
    WHERE prodyear = 2008
    AND prodmonth = 2
    AND pipeline IN
    +((RPAD ('RR=I', 12)),+
    +(RPAD ('RR=L', 12)),+
    +(RPAD ('RR=M', 12)),+
    +(RPAD ('RR=N', 12)),+
    +(RPAD ('RR=O', 12)),+
    +(RPAD ('RR=P', 12)),+
    +(RPAD ('RR=Q', 12)),+
    +(RPAD ('RR=R', 12))+
    GROUP BY pipeline, prodyear, prodmonth, delmeter
    SELECT pipeline, prodyear, prodmonth, recmeter AS meter,
    SUM (dk1) AS cc1, SUM (dk2) AS cc2, SUM (dk3) AS cc3,
    SUM (dk4) AS cc4, SUM (dk5) AS cc5, SUM (dk6) AS cc6,
    SUM (dk7) AS cc7, SUM (dk8) AS cc8, SUM (dk9) AS cc9,
    SUM (dk10) AS cc10, SUM (dk11) AS cc11, SUM (dk12) AS cc12,
    SUM (dk13) AS cc13, SUM (dk14) AS cc14, SUM (dk15) AS cc15,
    SUM (dk16) AS cc16, SUM (dk17) AS cc17, SUM (dk18) AS cc18,
    SUM (dk19) AS cc19, SUM (dk20) AS cc20, SUM (dk21) AS cc21,
    SUM (dk22) AS cc22, SUM (dk23) AS cc23, SUM (dk24) AS cc24,
    SUM (dk25) AS cc25, SUM (dk26) AS cc26, SUM (dk27) AS cc27,
    SUM (dk28) AS cc28, SUM (dk29) AS cc29, SUM (dk30) AS cc30,
    SUM (dk31) AS cc31
    FROM statcont
    WHERE prodyear = 2008
    AND prodmonth = 2
    AND pipeline IN
    +((RPAD ('RR=I', 12)),+
    +(RPAD ('RR=L', 12)),+
    +(RPAD ('RR=M', 12)),+
    +(RPAD ('RR=N', 12)),+
    +(RPAD ('RR=O', 12)),+
    +(RPAD ('RR=P', 12)),+
    +(RPAD ('RR=Q', 12)),+
    +(RPAD ('RR=R', 12))+
    GROUP BY pipeline, prodyear, prodmonth, recmeter)
    +) c+
    WHERE v.pipeline = q.pipeline
    AND v.meter = q.codicefisico
    AND v.prodyear = q.prodyear
    AND v.prodmonth = q.prodmonth
    AND ( c.pipeline() = v.pipeline+
    AND c.meter() = v.meter+
    AND c.prodyear() = v.prodyear+
    AND c.prodmonth() = v.prodmonth+
    fetch cur into bilancio_def_entry;
    EXIT WHEN cur%notfound;
    utl_file.put_line(f, bilancio.codicepool);
    end loop;
    CLOSE cur;
    Executing it I have:
    ORA-06550: line 98, column 25:
    Please-00103: Encountered symbol "SELECT" anziché uno dei seguenti:
    +( - ++
    mod not null others <an identifier>
    +<a double-quoted delimited-identifier> <a bind variable> avg+
    count current exists max min prior sql stddev sum variance
    execute forall time timestamp interval date
    +<a string literal with character set specification>+
    +<a number> <a single-quoted SQL string>+
    ORA-06550: riga 101, column 23:
    Please-00103: Encountered symbol ")" anziché uno dei seguenti:
    +; return+
    returning and or
    ORA-06550: line 104, colonna 25:
    Please-00103: Trovato il simbolo "SELECT" anziché uno dei seguenti:
    +( - ++
    mod not null others <an identifier>
    +<a double-quoted delimited-identifier> <a bind variable> avg+
    count current exists max min prior sql stddev sum variance
    ORA-06550: line 107, column 23:
    Please-00103: Encountered symbol ")" anziché uno dei seguenti:
    +; return+
    returning and or
    When i execute the query select from an sql window (not in pl sql procedure) i have no problem.
    Any idea?
    Please help me to come out from th problem.

    Simplified test case:
    Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning option
    JServer Release - Production
      2          FROM   DUAL) column_name
      3  FROM   DUAL;
      2     FOR variable_name IN (SELECT (SELECT 1
      3                                   FROM   DUAL) column_name
      4                           FROM   DUAL) LOOP
      5        NULL;
      6     END LOOP;
      7  END;
      8  /
       FOR variable_name IN (SELECT (SELECT 1
    ERROR at line 2:
    ORA-06550: line 2, column 34:
    PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "SELECT" when expecting one of the following:
    ( - + mod not null others <an identifier>
    <a double-quoted delimited-identifier> <a bind variable> avg
    count current exists max min prior sql stddev sum variance
    execute forall time timestamp interval date
    <a string literal with character set specification>
    <a number> <a single-quoted SQL string>
    ORA-06550: line 3, column 47:
    PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "COLUMN_NAME" when expecting one of the
    ) , and or
    SQL>Simply put there were various 'new features' in SQL in 8i (such as analytic functions, scalar subquery as above) that were not added to PL/SQL's built-in SQL parser, so they are not supported.
    Consider using them as part of a view, via dynamic SQL or otherwise use an alternative approach.

  • Error while executing procedure : ORA-06550 and PLS-00103

    Hi I have created the Stored Procedure as,
      org_code varchar2(3);
        org_code:= organization_code;
        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Organization Code is...' || org_code);
    And here is the code what i am trying to execute:
      V_ERRBUF VARCHAR2(1000);
    when i run the above code i am getting the following error:
    ORA-06550: line 5, column 10:
    PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "TMP_IMPORT_ITEMS_PKG" when expecting one of the following:
    := . ( @ % ;
    The symbol ":=" was substituted for "TMP_IMPORT_ITEMS_PKG" to continue.
    Can any body tell me what's wrong with the above code
    Thanks in Advance,
    Kumar K
    Edited by: user2054206 on Dec 17, 2008 9:09 PM
    Edited by: user2054206 on Dec 17, 2008 9:27 PM

    END;why are you executing it like that , it should be
    EXEC TMP_IMPORT_ITEMS_PKG.LOAD_INTERFACE_TABLE('x1', '', null);or as Prabhakar said in PL/SQL
    END;Edited by: Rajneesh Kumar on Dec 18, 2008 11:08 AM

  • ORA-06550: line 5, column 57: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "F01_" when

    I wanted to use the APEX_ITEM.DISPLAY_AND_SAVE
    Here is my query:
    QUERY VARCHAR2 (2000);
    QUERY := 'SELECT '
    ||' where 1 = 1 ';
    QUERY :=
    QUERY || ' and REGISTRATION_ID like ' || V ('P4_REGISTRATION_ID');
    QUERY := QUERY || '';
    END IF;
    IF LENGTH (V ('P4_CALL_CODE')) > 0
    QUERY := QUERY || ' and CALL_CODE like ''' || V ('P4_CALL_CODE') || '''';
    QUERY := QUERY || '';
    END IF;
    QUERY :=
    || ' and (upper(COORDINATOR_USER_ID)) like (upper('''
    || '''))';
    QUERY := QUERY || '';
    END IF;
    QUERY :=
    || ' and (upper(R.COORDINATOR_EMAIL)) like (upper('''
    || '''))';
    QUERY := QUERY || '';
    END IF;
    QUERY :=
    || ' and upper(COORDINATOR_NAME) like (upper('''
    || '''))';
    QUERY := QUERY || '';
    END IF;
    QUERY :=
    || ' and (upper(COORDINATOR_COMPANY_NAME)) like (upper('''
    || '''))';
    QUERY := QUERY || '';
    END IF;
    QUERY :=
    || ' and (upper(PARTNER_USER_ID)) like (upper('''
    || V ('P4_PARTNER_USER_ID')
    || '''))';
    QUERY := QUERY || '';
    END IF;
    QUERY :=
    || ' and (upper(proposal_acronym)) like (upper('''
    || '''))';
    QUERY := QUERY || '';
    END IF;
    And here is the error encountered:
    1 error has occurred
    * Function returning SQL query: Query cannot be parsed within the Builder. If you believe your query is syntactically correct, check the generic columns checkbox below the region source to proceed without parsing.
    (ORA-06550: line 5, column 57: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "F01_" when expecting one of the following: * & = - + ; < / > at in is mod remainder not rem <> or != or ~= >= <= <> and or like LIKE2_ LIKE4_ LIKEC_ between || member SUBMULTISET_)
    I don't understand why the engine returns an error at that point.
    Despite the fact that I follow the user guide and the Denes Kubicek's sample examples, I still have that error.
    If I remove the part 'f01_' || and only keep the rownum, the problem is solved.
    Do you have any idea ?
    Thanks in advance for your answers.
    Stessy Delcroix

    HI MickyWay,
    So simple. :-)
    Problem solved.
    Thanks a lot (merci beaucoup)

  • Error  ORA-06550,  PLS-00103 in procedure launched by php page

    I have written a php page that calls a pl/sql procedure. When I launch the procedure (through the php) I receive this error
    Warning: ociexecute(): OCIStmtExecute: ORA-06550: line 1, column 101: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "" when expecting one of the following: ( - + case mod new not null others <an identifier>  <a double-quoted delimited-identifier> <a bind variable> avg count current exists max min prior sql stddev sum variance execute forall merge time timestamp interval date <a string literal with character set specification>  <a number> <a single-quoted SQL string> pipe <an alternatively-quoted string literal with character set specifi in /web/findb/php/fin/SPR/nuoveEmissioni/nuoveEmissioni.class.php on line 918
    bool(false) The php code that calls the procedure is the following:
    $query  = " declare retU number; begin ";
          $query .= " retU := pkg_schedapr.UPDATE_SPR_STATUS( :isinU, :utente, :emissione_f,
                            :azione_f, :fondo_f, :emittenteU_f, :rischioU_f, :varU_f,
                            :formulaU_f, :profiloU_f); ";
          $query .= ":retU_val := retU; "; 
          $query .= "end;";   
          $stmtUpdate = ociparse ($this->conn,$query);
             if (!$stmtUpdate) die (var_dump(OCIError()));  
            ociBindByName($stmtUpdate, ":isinU", $isin_t, 12);
            ociBindByName($stmtUpdate, ":utente", $userName, 20);
            ociBindByName($stmtUpdate, ":emissione_f", $mod_bond, 1);
            ociBindByName($stmtUpdate, ":azione_f", $mod_azione, 1);
            ociBindByName($stmtUpdate, ":fondo_f", $mod_fondo, 1);
            ociBindByName($stmtUpdate, ":emittenteU_f", $mod_emittente, 1);
            ociBindByName($stmtUpdate, ":rischioU_f", $mod_rischio, 1);
            ociBindByName($stmtUpdate, ":varU_f", $mod_var, 1);
            ociBindByName($stmtUpdate, ":formulaU_f", $mod_formula, 1);
            ociBindByName($stmtUpdate, ":profiloU_f", $mod_profilo, 1);
            ociBindByName($stmtUpdate, ":retU_val", $retU_val, 1);  
             if (!$err) die (var_dump(OCIError()));
          ocifreestatement($stmtUpdate);  The pl/sql procedure is the following:
    function UPDATE_SPR_STATUS(isin_p in varchar2, utente in varchar2, mercato in varchar2,
                               emissione_p in number, azione_p in number, fondo_p in number, emittente_p in number,
                               rischio_p in number, var_p in number, formula_p in number, mercato_p in number,
                               profilo_p in number) return number
    control number;
    modificato number;
        IS RECORD(
            EMISSIONE VARCHAR2(1),
            AZIONE VARCHAR2(1),
            FONDO VARCHAR2(1),
            EMITTENTE VARCHAR2(1),
            RISCHIO VARCHAR2(1),
            VAR VARCHAR2(1),
            FORMULA VARCHAR2(1),
            PROFILO VARCHAR2(1)
    EMS VARCHAR2(1);
    AZI VARCHAR2(1);
    FON VARCHAR2(1);
    EMT VARCHAR2(1);
    RSK VARCHAR2(1);
    VAR VARCHAR2(1);
    FRM VARCHAR2(1);
    PRF VARCHAR2(1);
         modificato := emissione_p + azione_p + fondo_p + emittente_p + rischio_p
                       + var_p + formula_p + mercato_p + profilo_p;
         select count(*)
         into control
         from spr_web_nuove_emissioni a
         where a.ISIN=isin_p
         if control > 0
         update spr_web_nuove_emissioni a
         set a.END_DATE=sysdate
         where a.ISIN=isin_p
           AND A.END_DATE IS NULL;
                       A.RISCHIO, A.VAR, A.FORMULA,
                       FROM SPR_WEB_NUOVE_EMISSIONI A
                       WHERE A.ISIN='''||isin_p||' AND A.END_DATE=TRUNC(SYSDATE)';
         OPEN SUMM FOR SQL_QUERY;       
         if emissione_p < 1 THEN
         EMS := 'Y';
         end if;
         if azione_p < 1 THEN
         AZI := 'Y';
         end if;
         if fondo_p < 1 THEN
         FON := 'Y';
         end if;
         if emittente_p < 1 THEN
         EMT := 'Y';
         end if;
         if rischio_p < 1 THEN
         RSK := 'Y';
         end if;
         if var_p < 1 THEN
         VAR := MODIFICHE.VAR;
         VAR := 'Y';
         end if;
         if formula_p < 1 THEN
         FRM := 'Y';
         end if;
         if profilo_p < 1 THEN
         PRF := 'Y';
         end if;
         END LOOP;
         CLOSE SUMM;
         if emissione_p < 1 THEN
         EMS := 'N';
         EMS := 'Y';
         end if;
         if azione_p < 1 THEN
         AZI := 'N';
         AZI := 'Y';
         end if;
         if fondo_p < 1 THEN
         FON := 'N';
         FON := 'Y';
         end if;
         if emittente_p < 1 THEN
         EMT := 'N';
         EMT := 'Y';
         end if;
         if rischio_p < 1 THEN
         RSK := 'N';
         RSK := 'Y';
         end if;
         if var_p < 1 THEN
         VAR := 'N';
         VAR := 'Y';
         end if;
         if formula_p < 1 THEN
         FRM := 'N';
         FRM := 'Y';
         end if;
         if profilo_p < 1 THEN
         PRF := 'N';
         PRF := 'Y';
         end if;
         end if;
         insert into spr_web_nuove_emissioni
         values (isin_p, sysdate, utente, EMS, AZI, FON, EMT,
                RSK, VAR, FRM, PRF,
                SYSDATE, NULL);
         update spr_status a
         set a.VALIDATED='Y'
         where a.ISIN=isin_p
           AND A.MARKET=mercato;
         if modificato > 0
         update spr_status a
         set a.USER_CHANGE='Y', a.USER_LAST_MODIFIED=sysdate
         where a.ISIN=isin_p and a.MARKET=mercato;
         end if;
             when others then
             dbms_output.put_line('ERROR in <PKG_SCHEDAPR.UPDATE_SPR_STATUS> Aggiornamento stato ' ||SQLCODE||'-'||SQLERRM);
             return 1;
         return 0;
    end UPDATE_SPR_STATUS;I do not succed to understand the error I receive, why? Where is the error?
    Can someone help me?
    Thanks, bye bye.

    I have changed the php code in this way:
    $query  = " declare retU number; begin ";
          $query .= " retU := pkg_schedapr.UPDATE_SPR_STATUS(:isinU, :utente, :emissione_f, ";
          $query .= ":azione_f, :fondo_f, :emittenteU_f, :rischioU_f, :varU_f, ";
          $query .= ":formulaU_f, :profiloU_f); ";
          $query .= ":retU_val := retU; "; 
          $query .= "end;";   
          $stmtUpdate = ociparse ($this->conn,$query);
             if (!$stmtUpdate) die (var_dump(OCIError()));  
            ociBindByName($stmtUpdate, ":isinU", $isin_t, 12);
            ociBindByName($stmtUpdate, ":utente", $userName, 20);
            ociBindByName($stmtUpdate, ":emissione_f", $mod_bond, 1);
            ociBindByName($stmtUpdate, ":azione_f", $mod_azione, 1);
            ociBindByName($stmtUpdate, ":fondo_f", $mod_fondo, 1);
            ociBindByName($stmtUpdate, ":emittenteU_f", $mod_emittente, 1);
            ociBindByName($stmtUpdate, ":rischioU_f", $mod_rischio, 1);
            ociBindByName($stmtUpdate, ":varU_f", $mod_var, 1);
            ociBindByName($stmtUpdate, ":formulaU_f", $mod_formula, 1);
            ociBindByName($stmtUpdate, ":profiloU_f", $mod_profilo, 1);
            ociBindByName($stmtUpdate, ":retU_val", $retU_val, 1);  
             echo "$isin_t--";echo "$userName--"; echo"$mod_bond--";
          echo "$mod_azione--";echo "$mod_fondo--"; echo"$mod_emittente--";
          echo "$mod_rischio--";echo "$mod_var--"; echo"$mod_formula--";
          echo "$mod_profilo--";echo "$retU_val";
            echo "$query";
             if (!$err) die (var_dump(OCIError()));
          ocifreestatement($stmtUpdate);   and now I receive this error:
    Warning: ociexecute(): OCIStmtExecute: ORA-01756: quoted string not properly terminated ORA-06512: at "FIN.PKG_SCHEDAPR", line 6420 ORA-06512: at line 1 in /web/findb/php/fin/SPR/nuoveEmissioni/nuoveEmissioni.class.php on line 918
    bool(false) But I do not understand the cause of the error.
    How can I solve?
    Thanks, bye bye.

  • ORA-06550: line 4, column 18: PLS-00103:

    I am getting the error as below while i enter code in the conditional display of the region. Can you please help me how to fix it
    ORA-06550: line 4, column 18: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "IF" when expecting one of the following: ( - + case mod new not null <an identifier> <a double-quoted delimited-identifier> <a bind variable> continue avg count current exists max min prior sql stddev sum variance execute forall merge time timestamp interval date <a string literal with character set specification> <a number> <a single-quoted SQL string> pipe <an alternatively-quoted string literal with character set speHi I have written the following code in one of the (--Region query) region. it works perfectly fine when i run alone region query. but when i put conditional display of this region it is giving error. the following condition has been given in region
    --Condition code is PL/sql in region
           l_query := l_query ||q'[ AND trim(upper(budget_department.project_number)) =:P2_PROJECT ]';
      END IF;---Region query.
        l_query          VARCHAR2(32676);
        l_query := q'!  SELECT DISTINCT 
                                apex_item.checkbox( 1
                                                  ,'onchange="javascript:CheckedAll(); setChkboxVal(this);"'
                                                ) AS selecter
                                    -- ,wo.work_order_status AS Status
                                               ,NVL((select STATUS from xxdl.xxdl_eam_its_pta_rollover WHERE wip_entity_id = wo.wip_entity_id),'') AS Status
                                     ,wo.wip_entity_name AS "Work Order Number"
                                     ,msn.asset_group_description AS "Asset Group"
                                     ,wo.asset_number AS "Asset Number"
                                     ,cust_prof.name As "Profile Class"
                                     ,wo.wip_entity_id As "wip_entity_id"
                            FROM xxdl.xxdl_eam_wo_txn_accounts txn_acct
                                                    ,apps.eam_work_orders_v wo
                                  ,apps.mtl_eam_asset_numbers_v msn
                                  ,apps.hz_cust_profile_classes cust_prof
                                  ,(SELECT tasks.task_id
                                            ,(SELECT DISTINCT project_number
                                              FROM xxdl.xxdl_valid_pta_combinations
                                              WHERE project_id = tasks.project_id
                                              ) project_number
                                            ,orgs.name department_code
                                            ,orgs.attribute1 department_name
                                            ,orgs.attribute4 budget_unit
                                    FROM pa.pa_tasks tasks
                                         ,xxdl.xxdl_valid_pta_combinations valid_pta
                                         ,hr.hr_all_organization_units orgs
                                    WHERE orgs.organization_id = tasks.carrying_out_organization_id
                                       AND valid_pta.task_id    = tasks.task_id
                                   ) budget_department
                             WHERE txn_acct.organization_id    = wo.organization_id
                               AND msn.current_organization_id = wo.organization_id
                               AND wo.organization_id          = :app_organization_id
                               AND txn_acct.cost_bucket        ='MATERIAL'
                               AND txn_acct.work_order_id      = wo.wip_entity_id
                                              AND msn.serial_number           = wo.asset_number
                              -- AND wo.work_order_status        = 'Draft'
                               AND budget_department.project_id = txn_acct.project_id
                               AND budget_department.task_id    = txn_acct.task_id
                               AND budget_department.award_id   = txn_acct.award_id
                               AND cust_prof.attribute1         = budget_department.budget_unit
                               AND cust_prof.status             = 'A'
                               AND NVL(cust_prof.attribute2,budget_department.department_code) = budget_department.department_code
                                              AND wo.wip_entity_id  not in (select wip_entity_id from xxdl.xxdl_eam_its_pta_rollover where status != 'DRAFT')!'; 
           l_query := l_query ||q'[ AND trim(upper(budget_department.project_number)) =:P2_PROJECT ]';
      END IF;
         RETURN l_query;
      RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001,'The system faced an unhandled exception. Please contact System Administrators for resolution with the following error code :ITS-201 ('''||SQLERRM||''').'   );   
    END;Edited by: 893185 on Aug 13, 2012 11:34 AM

    893185 wrote:
    I am getting the error as below while i enter code in the conditional display of the region. Can you please help me how to fix it
    Hi I have written the following code in one of the (--Region query) region. it works perfectly fine when i run alone region query. but when i put conditional display of this region it is giving error. the following condition has been given in region
    --Condition code is PL/sql in region
    l_query := l_query ||q'[ AND trim(upper(budget_department.project_number)) =:P2_PROJECT ]';
    END IF;
    Can you provide more detail regarding what type of conditional display criteria you are using? The only one that will be anywhere near valid for the code you've included would be either "PL/SQL Expression" or "Function Body Returning Boolean"; the code fragment you've included would not be sufficient for either at the moment - note that there is no direct link between the code in the conditional expression and that in the region query, thus you cannot reference variables declared there e.g. "l_query".
    I could help you with the syntax, but I suspect that probably what you want is the condition "Value of item in Expression 1 is not null", with "P2_PROJECT" entered in the "Expression 1" field.

  • Help on ORA-06550 & PLS-00363 Error while running a procedure from a packag

    Greeting All,
    I ran the following procedure from a package on a command line in sqlplus:
    SQL> exec QUALITY_ASSURANCE.COPY_SW_RESOURCES(2009,2010,9508);Where '2009' is the old fiscal year, '2010' is the new fiscal year and '9508' is the error code passed from the calling program. But, I received the following error messages:
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 53:
    PLS-00363: expression '9508' cannot be used as an assignment target
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    Any thoughts, suggestions and/or advice to resolve these errors.
    Thanks in advance.

    Orchid wrote:
    Thanks for your response and information. Yes, Theoa was correct the 3rd parameter is an OUT variable, and it is a numeric field. The procedure was called by a form as follows:
    QUALITY_ASSURANCE.COPY_SW_RESOURCES(:BLK_CONTROL.FROMFY,:BLK_CONTROL.TOFY,V_ERR);But the form does not work so I am trying to isolate the problem by running the procedure by itself in sqlplus to make sure there is no problem with the procedure.
    Yesterday, I was able to run the procedure in Toad for Oracle to a successful completion by providing the 3 parameters: (2009, 2010, null). Just wonder why I cannot run the same procedure with the same parameters on a command line in sqlplus as follows:
    exec QUALITY_ASSURANCE.COPY_SW_RESOURCES(2009,2010,null);So, if I understand your suggestion correctly, in order to run the procedure with the 3 parameter successfully in sqlplus,
    I have to declare the 3rd parameter in PL/SQL. That is to create a PL/SQL file as suggested and run the file, correct? CORRECT!

  • ORA-06550/PLS-00201 error while configuring data source

    My development platform is Visual Studio 2005, ODAC11g Release 1 (, and Oracle 10g Release 2 database.
    I tried to setup a sqlDatasource in my web page using drag and drop features
    When I configure the sqlDatasource to use a stored procedure inside a package,
    I notice that odp.net uses #0# as separator (instead of .) between package name and procedure name in Configure Data Source dialog box. Then when I clcik the Test Query button, I got following error.
    There was an error executing the query. Please check the syntax of the command and if present, the types and values of the parameters and ensure they are correct.
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PLS-00201: identifier 'PK_LOOKUP_TABLE#0#P_LIST' must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    It looks like odp.net cannot locate PK_LOOKUP_TABLE#0#P_LIST.
    Is there any workaround ?
    Below is the stored procedure code. It compiles and runs without problem.
    PACKAGE BODY pk_lookup_table
    /* Get a list of lookup table name */
    O_CURSOR OUT sys_refcursor )
    l_cur sys_refcursor;
    BEGIN -- executable part starts here
    OPEN l_cur FOR
    SELECT table_name
    FROM all_tab_comments u
    WHERE u.comments LIKE '%Lookup Table%'
    ORDER BY 1;
    o_cursor := l_cur;
    On the sqlDataSource property sheet, if I click the Select Query property, the Command and Parameter Editor will open, then I can change the select command name to PK_LOOKUP_TABLE.P_LIST. Then if I run the application, I get another error.
    Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
    Exception Details: Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException: ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'P_LIST'
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    Seems that it can locate the procedure.
    In the Command and Parameter Editor dialog, I can add output parameter, but data type is restricted. There is no REF CURSOR datatype in the dropdown list.
    How can I add output parameter with REF CURSOR type via IDE ?
    Thanks for the time looking into this issue.

    Even I faced this problem while connecting to RMAN . But I feel your problem is different .
    My issue was like this
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-00554: initialization of internal recovery manager package failed
    RMAN-04005: error from target database:
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PLS-00201: identifier 'DBMS_BACKUP_RESTORE.SET_CHARSET' must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    RMAN-04015: error setting target database character set to WE8MSWIN1252
    Solution :
    execute catproc.sql;

  • Error on /pls/apex/wwv_flow.show HTTP-404 ORA-06550: line 25, c

    Following on from the previous problem I had with Error 33331, we moved the application to a new APEX installation. Everything was fine for 30 mintes until
    we started getting this error :-
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    I've put in tracing in the httpd.conf file at info level and switched on mod_plsql tracing. Everything went fine for another 40 minutes but we're now getting the same errors, the following is one of the mod_plsql trace files.
    I have a hunch caching is at the root of the problem ?
    <5952 ms>[ReqStartTime: 6/Feb/2008:16:13:59]
    <5952 ms>Request ID ReqID:528620_1202314439
    <5953 ms>Connecting to database with connect string : "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=mohawk)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=htmldb_p.world)))"
    <5975 ms>Doing alter session set nls_language= "AMERICAN" nls_territory= "AMERICA"
    <5975 ms>OpenCursor
    <5976 ms>Altered session to nls_language=AMERICAN nls_territory=AMERICA
    <5976 ms>DeinitCursor
    <5976 ms>OpenCursor
    <5977 ms>Status 1 (rc=0)
    <5977 ms>DeinitCursor
    <5977 ms>OpenCursor
    <5978 ms>DBCharSet is AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1, OWAVersion, 1001020000 (rc=0)
    <5978 ms>DeinitCursor
    <5978 ms>OpenCursor
    <5978 ms>(wpd.c,1765) Logged in as (unknown)
    <5978 ms>(wpx.c,598) Going to select...
    <5978 ms>(wpx.c,652) Have been asked to execute a request
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,334) Building Arglist based on Parsed Content from WRB
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,1016) Enter ParseUrlData
    <5978 ms>POST
    <5978 ms>(wpu.c,257) Attempting to read 147 bytes
    <5978 ms>(wpu.c,262) We read 147, had 0, to get 0 bytes
    <5978 ms>[headers begin]
    <5978 ms>[headers end]
    <5978 ms>p_request=APPLICATION_PROCESS%3Dget_Level23XML&p_instance=2989139092861589&p_flow_id=1122&p_flow_step_id=0&p_arg_names=TEMPORARY_ITEM&p_arg_values=
    <5978 ms>[form_data]
    <5978 ms>p_request=APPLICATION_PROCESS%3Dget_Level23XML&p_instance=2989139092861589&p_flow_id=1122&p_flow_step_id=0&p_arg_names=TEMPORARY_ITEM&p_arg_values=
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,1523) indx = 6, entryCnt = 6
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,1844) Listing distinct actual names:
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,1846) p_request
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,1846) p_instance
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,1846) p_flow_id
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,1846) p_flow_step_id
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,1846) p_arg_names
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,1846) p_arg_values
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,1848) Listing actuals of array with large entries:
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,1853) Listing distinct actual names and values:
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,1885) p_request, type = 0, value (35) = APPLICATION_PROCESS=get_Level23XML
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,1885) p_instance, type = 0, value (17) = 2989139092861589
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,1885) p_flow_id, type = 0, value (5) = 1122
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,1885) p_flow_step_id, type = 0, value (2) = 0
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,1885) p_arg_names, type = 0, value (15) = TEMPORARY_ITEM
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,1885) p_arg_values, type = 0, value (1) =
    <5978 ms>(wppa.c,429) Arglist built, 6 unique entries
    <5978 ms>(wpx.c,659) Going to wpprodb_OciDoBlock...
    <5978 ms>(wpd.c,2750) Cache enabled. Gathering cache information.
    <5978 ms>(wpd.c,2768) Language for this request is en-gb
    <5978 ms>(wpd.c,2819) Using user APEX_PUBLIC_USER for caching.
    <5978 ms>cache: Checking for user level hit
    <5979 ms>cache: Cache MISS user - /u01/app/oracle/product/
    <5979 ms>cache: Checking for system level hit
    <5979 ms>cache: Cache MISS system - /u01/app/oracle/product/
    <5979 ms>(wppr.c,460) start working with wwv_flow.show
    <5979 ms>(wppr.c,1164) The CALL block: len=1115, bind_count=14
    rc__ number;
    start_time__ binary_integer;
    simple_list__ owa_util.vc_arr;
    complex_list__ owa_util.vc_arr;
    start_time__ := dbms_utility.get_time;
    htp.HTBUF_LEN := 63;
    simple_list__(1) := 'sys.%';
    simple_list__(2) := 'dbms\_%';
    simple_list__(3) := 'utl\_%';
    simple_list__(4) := 'owa\_%';
    simple_list__(5) := 'owa.%';
    simple_list__(6) := 'htp.%';
    simple_list__(7) := 'htf.%';
    simple_list__(8) := 'wpg_docload.%';
    if ((owa_match.match_pattern('wwv_flow.show', simple_list__, complex_list__, true))) then
    rc__ := 2;
    if (wpg_docload.is_file_download) then
    rc__ := 1;
    rc__ := 0;
    end if;
    end if;
    :rc__ := rc__;
    :db_proc_time__ := dbms_utility.get_time - start_time__;
    <5979 ms>(wppr.c,520) Pl/sql block parsed...
    <5979 ms>(wpdenv.c,1527) CGI Environment has 30 vars. Max name len 128, Max Value Len 128
    <5979 ms> PLSQL_GATEWAY(14)=(6)WebDb
    <5979 ms> GATEWAY_IVERSION(17)=(2)2
    <5979 ms> SERVER_SOFTWARE(16)=(60)Oracle-Application-Server-10g/ Oracle-HTTP-Server
    <5979 ms> GATEWAY_INTERFACE(18)=(8)CGI/1.1
    <5979 ms> SERVER_PORT(12)=(5)7777
    <5979 ms> SERVER_NAME(12)=(22)mohawk.ventura-uk.com
    <5979 ms> REQUEST_METHOD(15)=(5)POST
    <5979 ms> PATH_INFO(10)=(15)/wwv_flow.show
    <5979 ms> SCRIPT_NAME(12)=(10)/pls/apex
    <5979 ms> REMOTE_ADDR(12)=(9)
    <5979 ms> SERVER_PROTOCOL(16)=(9)HTTP/1.1
    <5979 ms> REQUEST_PROTOCOL(17)=(5)HTTP
    <5979 ms> REMOTE_USER(12)=(17)APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    <5979 ms> HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH(20)=(4)147
    <5979 ms> HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE(18)=(34)application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    <5979 ms> HTTP_USER_AGENT(16)=(75)Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
    <5979 ms> HTTP_HOST(10)=(12)mohawk:7777
    <5979 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT(12)=(4)*/*
    <5979 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING(21)=(14)gzip, deflate
    <5979 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE(21)=(6)en-gb
    <5979 ms> HTTP_REFERER(13)=(123)http://mohawk:7777/pls/apex/f?p=1122:1:2989139092861589::::F101_CACHED_NTID,P1_STRADNAME,P2_STRADNAME:sw2802,sw2802,sw2802
    <5979 ms> HTTP_ORACLE_ECID(17)=(36)1202314439:,0
    <5979 ms> WEB_AUTHENT_PREFIX(19)=(1)
    <5979 ms> DAD_NAME(9)=(5)apex
    <5979 ms> DOC_ACCESS_PATH(16)=(5)docs
    <5979 ms> DOCUMENT_TABLE(15)=(23)wwv_flow_file_objects$
    <5979 ms> PATH_ALIAS(11)=(1)
    <5979 ms> REQUEST_CHARSET(16)=(9)AL32UTF8
    <5979 ms> REQUEST_IANA_CHARSET(21)=(6)UTF-8
    <5979 ms> SCRIPT_PREFIX(14)=(5)/pls
    <5979 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 2 Charset Id : 873
    <5979 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 3 Charset Id : 873
    <5979 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 11 Charset Id : 873
    <5984 ms>Execute: ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    <5984 ms>(wppr.c,640) Execute:declare
    objnum NUMBER;
    objtyp NUMBER;
    prename VARCHAR2(31);
    name VARCHAR(31);
    subname VARCHAR(31);
    dblnk VARCHAR(31);
    dbms_utility.name_resolve(:objname, 1, prename, name, subname,
    dblnk, objtyp, objnum);
    if (name is null) then
    end if;
    when others then :5 := 1;
    <5984 ms>(wppr.c,660) 6 parameter names
    <5984 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 2 Charset Id : 873
    <5984 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 3 Charset Id : 873
    <5984 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 4 Charset Id : 873
    <5985 ms>(wppr.c,704) misdefl=0, nenamei=0
    <5985 ms>(wppr.c,744) print list of name, types, typeflags
    <5985 ms>(wppr.c,797) parameter name: P_REQUEST, type: VARCHAR2, typeflags: 000
    <5985 ms>(wppr.c,797) parameter name: P_INSTANCE, type: VARCHAR2, typeflags: 000
    <5985 ms>(wppr.c,797) parameter name: P_FLOW_ID, type: VARCHAR2, typeflags: 000
    <5985 ms>(wppr.c,797) parameter name: P_FLOW_STEP_ID, type: VARCHAR2, typeflags: 000
    <5985 ms>(wppr.c,759) Array graduation (1=>4, 15=>32)
    <5985 ms>(wppr.c,797) parameter name: P_ARG_NAMES, type: FLOWS_030000.WWV_FLOW_GLOBAL.VC_ARR2, typeflags: 001
    <5985 ms>(wppr.c,759) Array graduation (1=>4, 1=>32)
    <5985 ms>(wppr.c,797) parameter name: P_ARG_VALUES, type: FLOWS_030000.WWV_FLOW_GLOBAL.VC_ARR2, typeflags: 001
    <5985 ms>(wppr.c,520) Pl/sql block parsed...
    <5985 ms>(wpdenv.c,1527) CGI Environment has 30 vars. Max name len 128, Max Value Len 128
    <5985 ms> PLSQL_GATEWAY(14)=(6)WebDb
    <5985 ms> GATEWAY_IVERSION(17)=(2)2
    <5985 ms> SERVER_SOFTWARE(16)=(60)Oracle-Application-Server-10g/ Oracle-HTTP-Server
    <5985 ms> GATEWAY_INTERFACE(18)=(8)CGI/1.1
    <5985 ms> SERVER_PORT(12)=(5)7777
    <5985 ms> SERVER_NAME(12)=(22)mohawk.ventura-uk.com
    <5985 ms> REQUEST_METHOD(15)=(5)POST
    <5985 ms> PATH_INFO(10)=(15)/wwv_flow.show
    <5985 ms> SCRIPT_NAME(12)=(10)/pls/apex
    <5985 ms> REMOTE_ADDR(12)=(9)
    <5985 ms> SERVER_PROTOCOL(16)=(9)HTTP/1.1
    <5985 ms> REQUEST_PROTOCOL(17)=(5)HTTP
    <5985 ms> REMOTE_USER(12)=(17)APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    <5985 ms> HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH(20)=(4)147
    <5985 ms> HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE(18)=(34)application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    <5985 ms> HTTP_USER_AGENT(16)=(75)Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
    <5985 ms> HTTP_HOST(10)=(12)mohawk:7777
    <5985 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT(12)=(4)*/*
    <5985 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING(21)=(14)gzip, deflate
    <5985 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE(21)=(6)en-gb
    <5985 ms> HTTP_REFERER(13)=(123)http://mohawk:7777/pls/apex/f?p=1122:1:2989139092861589::::F101_CACHED_NTID,P1_STRADNAME,P2_STRADNAME:sw2802,sw2802,sw2802
    <5985 ms> HTTP_ORACLE_ECID(17)=(36)1202314439:,0
    <5985 ms> WEB_AUTHENT_PREFIX(19)=(1)
    <5985 ms> DAD_NAME(9)=(5)apex
    <5985 ms> DOC_ACCESS_PATH(16)=(5)docs
    <5985 ms> DOCUMENT_TABLE(15)=(23)wwv_flow_file_objects$
    <5985 ms> PATH_ALIAS(11)=(1)
    <5985 ms> REQUEST_CHARSET(16)=(9)AL32UTF8
    <5985 ms> REQUEST_IANA_CHARSET(21)=(6)UTF-8
    <5985 ms> SCRIPT_PREFIX(14)=(5)/pls
    <5985 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 2 Charset Id : 873
    <5985 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 3 Charset Id : 873
    <5985 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 8 Charset Id : 873
    <5985 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 9 Charset Id : 873
    <5985 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 11 Charset Id : 873
    <5990 ms>ORA-6550 Execute ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    <5991 ms>/pls/apex/wwv_flow.show HTTP-404 ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    <5991 ms>(wpu.c,595) longjumping back to the beginning
    <5991 ms>(wpu.c,458) cleaning up before longjmp
    <5991 ms>(wpu.c,462) doing a rollback
    <5991 ms>(wpcs.c, 77) Executed 'rollback' (rc=0)
    <5991 ms>(wpcs.c, 77) Executed 'begin dbms_session.reset_package; end;' (rc=0)
    <5991 ms>(wpd.c,1820) Going to close cursor
    <5991 ms>DeinitCursor
    <5991 ms>(wpx.c,693) Shutdown has been called
    <5991 ms>(wpx.c,705) Going to logoff
    <5991 ms>Logoff: Pooling this connection
    <5991 ms>[ReqEndtime: 6/Feb/2008:16:13:59]
    <5991 ms>[ReqExecTime: 39 ms]
    <3240798667 ms>[ReqStartTime: 6/Feb/2008:16:14:06]
    <3240798667 ms>Request ID ReqID:528620_1202314446
    <3240798667 ms>Connecting to database with connect string : "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=mohawk)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=htmldb_p.world)))"
    <3240798667 ms>OpenCursor
    <3240798667 ms>(wpd.c,1765) Logged in as (unknown)
    <3240798667 ms>(wpx.c,598) Going to select...
    <3240798667 ms>(wpx.c,652) Have been asked to execute a request
    <3240798667 ms>(wppa.c,334) Building Arglist based on Parsed Content from WRB
    <3240798667 ms>(wppa.c,1016) Enter ParseUrlData
    <3240798667 ms>POST
    <3240798667 ms>(wpu.c,257) Attempting to read 147 bytes
    <3240798667 ms>(wpu.c,262) We read 147, had 0, to get 0 bytes
    <3240798667 ms>[headers begin]
    <3240798667 ms>[headers end]
    <3240798667 ms>p_request=APPLICATION_PROCESS%3Dget_Level23XML&p_instance=2989139092861589&p_flow_id=1122&p_flow_step_id=0&p_arg_names=TEMPORARY_ITEM&p_arg_values=
    <3240798667 ms>[form_data]
    <3240798667 ms>p_request=APPLICATION_PROCESS%3Dget_Level23XML&p_instance=2989139092861589&p_flow_id=1122&p_flow_step_id=0&p_arg_names=TEMPORARY_ITEM&p_arg_values=
    <3240798667 ms>(wppa.c,1523) indx = 6, entryCnt = 6
    <3240798667 ms>(wppa.c,1844) Listing distinct actual names:
    <3240798667 ms>(wppa.c,1846) p_request
    <3240798667 ms>(wppa.c,1846) p_instance
    <3240798667 ms>(wppa.c,1846) p_flow_id
    <3240798667 ms>(wppa.c,1846) p_flow_step_id
    <3240798667 ms>(wppa.c,1846) p_arg_names
    <3240798667 ms>(wppa.c,1846) p_arg_values
    <3240798668 ms>(wppa.c,1848) Listing actuals of array with large entries:
    <3240798668 ms>(wppa.c,1853) Listing distinct actual names and values:
    <3240798668 ms>(wppa.c,1885) p_request, type = 0, value (35) = APPLICATION_PROCESS=get_Level23XML
    <3240798668 ms>(wppa.c,1885) p_instance, type = 0, value (17) = 2989139092861589
    <3240798668 ms>(wppa.c,1885) p_flow_id, type = 0, value (5) = 1122
    <3240798668 ms>(wppa.c,1885) p_flow_step_id, type = 0, value (2) = 0
    <3240798668 ms>(wppa.c,1885) p_arg_names, type = 0, value (15) = TEMPORARY_ITEM
    <3240798668 ms>(wppa.c,1885) p_arg_values, type = 0, value (1) =
    <3240798668 ms>(wppa.c,429) Arglist built, 6 unique entries
    <3240798668 ms>(wpx.c,659) Going to wpprodb_OciDoBlock...
    <3240798668 ms>(wpd.c,2750) Cache enabled. Gathering cache information.
    <3240798668 ms>(wpd.c,2768) Language for this request is en-gb
    <3240798668 ms>(wpd.c,2819) Using user APEX_PUBLIC_USER for caching.
    <3240798668 ms>cache: Checking for user level hit
    <3240798668 ms>cache: Cache MISS user - /u01/app/oracle/product/
    <3240798668 ms>cache: Checking for system level hit
    <3240798668 ms>cache: Cache MISS system - /u01/app/oracle/product/
    <3240798668 ms>(wppr.c,460) start working with wwv_flow.show
    <3240798668 ms>(wppr.c,1164) The CALL block: len=1115, bind_count=14
    rc__ number;
    start_time__ binary_integer;
    simple_list__ owa_util.vc_arr;
    complex_list__ owa_util.vc_arr;
    start_time__ := dbms_utility.get_time;
    htp.HTBUF_LEN := 63;
    simple_list__(1) := 'sys.%';
    simple_list__(2) := 'dbms\_%';
    simple_list__(3) := 'utl\_%';
    simple_list__(4) := 'owa\_%';
    simple_list__(5) := 'owa.%';
    simple_list__(6) := 'htp.%';
    simple_list__(7) := 'htf.%';
    simple_list__(8) := 'wpg_docload.%';
    if ((owa_match.match_pattern('wwv_flow.show', simple_list__, complex_list__, true))) then
    rc__ := 2;
    if (wpg_docload.is_file_download) then
    rc__ := 1;
    rc__ := 0;
    end if;
    end if;
    :rc__ := rc__;
    :db_proc_time__ := dbms_utility.get_time - start_time__;
    <3240798668 ms>(wppr.c,520) Pl/sql block parsed...
    <3240798668 ms>(wpdenv.c,1527) CGI Environment has 30 vars. Max name len 128, Max Value Len 128
    <3240798668 ms> PLSQL_GATEWAY(14)=(6)WebDb
    <3240798668 ms> GATEWAY_IVERSION(17)=(2)3
    <3240798668 ms> SERVER_SOFTWARE(16)=(60)Oracle-Application-Server-10g/ Oracle-HTTP-Server
    <3240798668 ms> GATEWAY_INTERFACE(18)=(8)CGI/1.1
    <3240798668 ms> SERVER_PORT(12)=(5)7777
    <3240798668 ms> SERVER_NAME(12)=(22)mohawk.ventura-uk.com
    <3240798668 ms> REQUEST_METHOD(15)=(5)POST
    <3240798668 ms> PATH_INFO(10)=(15)/wwv_flow.show
    <3240798668 ms> SCRIPT_NAME(12)=(10)/pls/apex
    <3240798668 ms> REMOTE_ADDR(12)=(9)
    <3240798668 ms> SERVER_PROTOCOL(16)=(9)HTTP/1.1
    <3240798668 ms> REQUEST_PROTOCOL(17)=(5)HTTP
    <3240798668 ms> REMOTE_USER(12)=(17)APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    <3240798668 ms> HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH(20)=(4)147
    <3240798668 ms> HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE(18)=(34)application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    <3240798668 ms> HTTP_USER_AGENT(16)=(75)Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
    <3240798668 ms> HTTP_HOST(10)=(12)mohawk:7777
    <3240798668 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT(12)=(4)*/*
    <3240798668 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING(21)=(14)gzip, deflate
    <3240798668 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE(21)=(6)en-gb
    <3240798668 ms> HTTP_REFERER(13)=(123)http://mohawk:7777/pls/apex/f?p=1122:1:2989139092861589::::F101_CACHED_NTID,P1_STRADNAME,P2_STRADNAME:sw2802,sw2802,sw2802
    <3240798668 ms> HTTP_ORACLE_ECID(17)=(36)1202314446:,0
    <3240798668 ms> WEB_AUTHENT_PREFIX(19)=(1)
    <3240798668 ms> DAD_NAME(9)=(5)apex
    <3240798668 ms> DOC_ACCESS_PATH(16)=(5)docs
    <3240798668 ms> DOCUMENT_TABLE(15)=(23)wwv_flow_file_objects$
    <3240798668 ms> PATH_ALIAS(11)=(1)
    <3240798668 ms> REQUEST_CHARSET(16)=(9)AL32UTF8
    <3240798668 ms> REQUEST_IANA_CHARSET(21)=(6)UTF-8
    <3240798668 ms> SCRIPT_PREFIX(14)=(5)/pls
    <3240798668 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 2 Charset Id : 873
    <3240798668 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 3 Charset Id : 873
    <3240798668 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 11 Charset Id : 873
    <3240798673 ms>Execute: ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    <3240798673 ms>(wppr.c,640) Execute:declare
    objnum NUMBER;
    objtyp NUMBER;
    prename VARCHAR2(31);
    name VARCHAR(31);
    subname VARCHAR(31);
    dblnk VARCHAR(31);
    dbms_utility.name_resolve(:objname, 1, prename, name, subname,
    dblnk, objtyp, objnum);
    if (name is null) then
    end if;
    when others then :5 := 1;
    <3240798673 ms>(wppr.c,660) 6 parameter names
    <3240798673 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 2 Charset Id : 873
    <3240798673 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 3 Charset Id : 873
    <3240798673 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 4 Charset Id : 873
    <3240798674 ms>(wppr.c,704) misdefl=0, nenamei=0
    <3240798674 ms>(wppr.c,744) print list of name, types, typeflags
    <3240798674 ms>(wppr.c,797) parameter name: P_REQUEST, type: VARCHAR2, typeflags: 000
    <3240798674 ms>(wppr.c,797) parameter name: P_INSTANCE, type: VARCHAR2, typeflags: 000
    <3240798674 ms>(wppr.c,797) parameter name: P_FLOW_ID, type: VARCHAR2, typeflags: 000
    <3240798674 ms>(wppr.c,797) parameter name: P_FLOW_STEP_ID, type: VARCHAR2, typeflags: 000
    <3240798674 ms>(wppr.c,759) Array graduation (1=>4, 15=>32)
    <3240798674 ms>(wppr.c,797) parameter name: P_ARG_NAMES, type: FLOWS_030000.WWV_FLOW_GLOBAL.VC_ARR2, typeflags: 001
    <3240798674 ms>(wppr.c,759) Array graduation (1=>4, 1=>32)
    <3240798674 ms>(wppr.c,797) parameter name: P_ARG_VALUES, type: FLOWS_030000.WWV_FLOW_GLOBAL.VC_ARR2, typeflags: 001
    <3240798674 ms>(wppr.c,520) Pl/sql block parsed...
    <3240798674 ms>(wpdenv.c,1527) CGI Environment has 30 vars. Max name len 128, Max Value Len 128
    <3240798674 ms> PLSQL_GATEWAY(14)=(6)WebDb
    <3240798674 ms> GATEWAY_IVERSION(17)=(2)3
    <3240798674 ms> SERVER_SOFTWARE(16)=(60)Oracle-Application-Server-10g/ Oracle-HTTP-Server
    <3240798674 ms> GATEWAY_INTERFACE(18)=(8)CGI/1.1
    <3240798674 ms> SERVER_PORT(12)=(5)7777
    <3240798674 ms> SERVER_NAME(12)=(22)mohawk.ventura-uk.com
    <3240798674 ms> REQUEST_METHOD(15)=(5)POST
    <3240798674 ms> PATH_INFO(10)=(15)/wwv_flow.show
    <3240798674 ms> SCRIPT_NAME(12)=(10)/pls/apex
    <3240798674 ms> REMOTE_ADDR(12)=(9)
    <3240798674 ms> SERVER_PROTOCOL(16)=(9)HTTP/1.1
    <3240798674 ms> REQUEST_PROTOCOL(17)=(5)HTTP
    <3240798674 ms> REMOTE_USER(12)=(17)APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    <3240798674 ms> HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH(20)=(4)147
    <3240798674 ms> HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE(18)=(34)application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    <3240798674 ms> HTTP_USER_AGENT(16)=(75)Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
    <3240798674 ms> HTTP_HOST(10)=(12)mohawk:7777
    <3240798674 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT(12)=(4)*/*
    <3240798674 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING(21)=(14)gzip, deflate
    <3240798674 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE(21)=(6)en-gb
    <3240798674 ms> HTTP_REFERER(13)=(123)http://mohawk:7777/pls/apex/f?p=1122:1:2989139092861589::::F101_CACHED_NTID,P1_STRADNAME,P2_STRADNAME:sw2802,sw2802,sw2802
    <3240798674 ms> HTTP_ORACLE_ECID(17)=(36)1202314446:,0
    <3240798674 ms> WEB_AUTHENT_PREFIX(19)=(1)
    <3240798674 ms> DAD_NAME(9)=(5)apex
    <3240798674 ms> DOC_ACCESS_PATH(16)=(5)docs
    <3240798674 ms> DOCUMENT_TABLE(15)=(23)wwv_flow_file_objects$
    <3240798674 ms> PATH_ALIAS(11)=(1)
    <3240798674 ms> REQUEST_CHARSET(16)=(9)AL32UTF8
    <3240798674 ms> REQUEST_IANA_CHARSET(21)=(6)UTF-8
    <3240798674 ms> SCRIPT_PREFIX(14)=(5)/pls
    <3240798674 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 2 Charset Id : 873
    <3240798674 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 3 Charset Id : 873
    <3240798675 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 8 Charset Id : 873
    <3240798675 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 9 Charset Id : 873
    <3240798675 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 11 Charset Id : 873
    <3240798679 ms>ORA-6550 Execute ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    <3240798680 ms>/pls/apex/wwv_flow.show HTTP-404 ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    <3240798680 ms>(wpu.c,595) longjumping back to the beginning
    <3240798680 ms>(wpu.c,458) cleaning up before longjmp
    <3240798680 ms>(wpu.c,462) doing a rollback
    <3240798680 ms>(wpcs.c, 77) Executed 'rollback' (rc=0)
    <3240798680 ms>(wpcs.c, 77) Executed 'begin dbms_session.reset_package; end;' (rc=0)
    <3240798680 ms>(wpd.c,1820) Going to close cursor
    <3240798680 ms>DeinitCursor
    <3240798680 ms>(wpx.c,693) Shutdown has been called
    <3240798680 ms>(wpx.c,705) Going to logoff
    <3240798680 ms>Logoff: Pooling this connection
    <3240798680 ms>[ReqEndtime: 6/Feb/2008:16:14:06]
    <3240798680 ms>[ReqExecTime: 13 ms]
    <3240796167 ms>[ReqStartTime: 6/Feb/2008:16:23:03]
    <3240796167 ms>Request ID ReqID:528620_1202314983
    <3240796167 ms>Connecting to database with connect string : "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=mohawk)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=htmldb_p.world)))"
    <3240796167 ms>OpenCursor
    <3240796167 ms>(wpd.c,1765) Logged in as (unknown)
    <3240796168 ms>(wpx.c,598) Going to select...
    <3240796168 ms>(wpx.c,652) Have been asked to execute a request
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,334) Building Arglist based on Parsed Content from WRB
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,1016) Enter ParseUrlData
    <3240796168 ms>POST
    <3240796168 ms>(wpu.c,257) Attempting to read 162 bytes
    <3240796168 ms>(wpu.c,262) We read 162, had 0, to get 0 bytes
    <3240796168 ms>[headers begin]
    <3240796168 ms>[headers end]
    <3240796168 ms>p_request=APPLICATION_PROCESS%3Dget_Level23XML&p_instance=1776222419881214&p_flow_id=1122&p_flow_step_id=0&p_arg_names=TEMPORARY_ITEM&p_arg_values=Balance%20query
    <3240796168 ms>[form_data]
    <3240796168 ms>p_request=APPLICATION_PROCESS%3Dget_Level23XML&p_instance=1776222419881214&p_flow_id=1122&p_flow_step_id=0&p_arg_names=TEMPORARY_ITEM&p_arg_values=Balance%20query
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,1523) indx = 6, entryCnt = 6
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,1844) Listing distinct actual names:
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,1846) p_request
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,1846) p_instance
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,1846) p_flow_id
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,1846) p_flow_step_id
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,1846) p_arg_names
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,1846) p_arg_values
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,1848) Listing actuals of array with large entries:
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,1853) Listing distinct actual names and values:
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,1885) p_request, type = 0, value (35) = APPLICATION_PROCESS=get_Level23XML
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,1885) p_instance, type = 0, value (17) = 1776222419881214
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,1885) p_flow_id, type = 0, value (5) = 1122
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,1885) p_flow_step_id, type = 0, value (2) = 0
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,1885) p_arg_names, type = 0, value (15) = TEMPORARY_ITEM
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,1885) p_arg_values, type = 0, value (14) = Balance query
    <3240796168 ms>(wppa.c,429) Arglist built, 6 unique entries
    <3240796168 ms>(wpx.c,659) Going to wpprodb_OciDoBlock...
    <3240796168 ms>(wpd.c,2750) Cache enabled. Gathering cache information.
    <3240796168 ms>(wpd.c,2768) Language for this request is en-gb
    <3240796168 ms>(wpd.c,2819) Using user APEX_PUBLIC_USER for caching.
    <3240796168 ms>cache: Checking for user level hit
    <3240796168 ms>cache: Cache MISS user - /u01/app/oracle/product/
    <3240796168 ms>cache: Checking for system level hit
    <3240796168 ms>cache: Cache MISS system - /u01/app/oracle/product/
    <3240796168 ms>(wppr.c,460) start working with wwv_flow.show
    <3240796168 ms>(wppr.c,1164) The CALL block: len=1115, bind_count=14
    rc__ number;
    start_time__ binary_integer;
    simple_list__ owa_util.vc_arr;
    complex_list__ owa_util.vc_arr;
    start_time__ := dbms_utility.get_time;
    htp.HTBUF_LEN := 63;
    simple_list__(1) := 'sys.%';
    simple_list__(2) := 'dbms\_%';
    simple_list__(3) := 'utl\_%';
    simple_list__(4) := 'owa\_%';
    simple_list__(5) := 'owa.%';
    simple_list__(6) := 'htp.%';
    simple_list__(7) := 'htf.%';
    simple_list__(8) := 'wpg_docload.%';
    if ((owa_match.match_pattern('wwv_flow.show', simple_list__, complex_list__, true))) then
    rc__ := 2;
    if (wpg_docload.is_file_download) then
    rc__ := 1;
    rc__ := 0;
    end if;
    end if;
    :rc__ := rc__;
    :db_proc_time__ := dbms_utility.get_time - start_time__;
    <3240796168 ms>(wppr.c,520) Pl/sql block parsed...
    <3240796168 ms>(wpdenv.c,1527) CGI Environment has 30 vars. Max name len 128, Max Value Len 128
    <3240796168 ms> PLSQL_GATEWAY(14)=(6)WebDb
    <3240796168 ms> GATEWAY_IVERSION(17)=(2)3
    <3240796168 ms> SERVER_SOFTWARE(16)=(60)Oracle-Application-Server-10g/ Oracle-HTTP-Server
    <3240796168 ms> GATEWAY_INTERFACE(18)=(8)CGI/1.1
    <3240796168 ms> SERVER_PORT(12)=(5)7777
    <3240796168 ms> SERVER_NAME(12)=(22)mohawk.ventura-uk.com
    <3240796168 ms> REQUEST_METHOD(15)=(5)POST
    <3240796168 ms> PATH_INFO(10)=(15)/wwv_flow.show
    <3240796168 ms> SCRIPT_NAME(12)=(10)/pls/apex
    <3240796168 ms> REMOTE_ADDR(12)=(12)
    <3240796168 ms> SERVER_PROTOCOL(16)=(9)HTTP/1.1
    <3240796168 ms> REQUEST_PROTOCOL(17)=(5)HTTP
    <3240796168 ms> REMOTE_USER(12)=(17)APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    <3240796168 ms> HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH(20)=(4)162
    <3240796168 ms> HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE(18)=(34)application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    <3240796168 ms> HTTP_USER_AGENT(16)=(75)Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
    <3240796168 ms> HTTP_HOST(10)=(12)mohawk:7777
    <3240796168 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT(12)=(4)*/*
    <3240796168 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING(21)=(14)gzip, deflate
    <3240796168 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE(21)=(6)en-gb
    <3240796168 ms> HTTP_REFERER(13)=(61)http://mohawk:7777/pls/apex/f?p=1122:1:1776222419881214:::::
    <3240796168 ms> HTTP_ORACLE_ECID(17)=(36)1202314983:,0
    <3240796168 ms> WEB_AUTHENT_PREFIX(19)=(1)
    <3240796168 ms> DAD_NAME(9)=(5)apex
    <3240796168 ms> DOC_ACCESS_PATH(16)=(5)docs
    <3240796168 ms> DOCUMENT_TABLE(15)=(23)wwv_flow_file_objects$
    <3240796168 ms> PATH_ALIAS(11)=(1)
    <3240796168 ms> REQUEST_CHARSET(16)=(9)AL32UTF8
    <3240796168 ms> REQUEST_IANA_CHARSET(21)=(6)UTF-8
    <3240796168 ms> SCRIPT_PREFIX(14)=(5)/pls
    <3240796168 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 2 Charset Id : 873
    <3240796168 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 3 Charset Id : 873
    <3240796168 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 11 Charset Id : 873
    <3240796174 ms>Execute: ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    <3240796174 ms>(wppr.c,640) Execute:declare
    objnum NUMBER;
    objtyp NUMBER;
    prename VARCHAR2(31);
    name VARCHAR(31);
    subname VARCHAR(31);
    dblnk VARCHAR(31);
    dbms_utility.name_resolve(:objname, 1, prename, name, subname,
    dblnk, objtyp, objnum);
    if (name is null) then
    end if;
    when others then :5 := 1;
    <3240796174 ms>(wppr.c,660) 6 parameter names
    <3240796174 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 2 Charset Id : 873
    <3240796174 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 3 Charset Id : 873
    <3240796174 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 4 Charset Id : 873
    <3240796176 ms>(wppr.c,704) misdefl=0, nenamei=0
    <3240796176 ms>(wppr.c,744) print list of name, types, typeflags
    <3240796176 ms>(wppr.c,797) parameter name: P_REQUEST, type: VARCHAR2, typeflags: 000
    <3240796176 ms>(wppr.c,797) parameter name: P_INSTANCE, type: VARCHAR2, typeflags: 000
    <3240796176 ms>(wppr.c,797) parameter name: P_FLOW_ID, type: VARCHAR2, typeflags: 000
    <3240796176 ms>(wppr.c,797) parameter name: P_FLOW_STEP_ID, type: VARCHAR2, typeflags: 000
    <3240796176 ms>(wppr.c,759) Array graduation (1=>4, 15=>32)
    <3240796176 ms>(wppr.c,797) parameter name: P_ARG_NAMES, type: FLOWS_030000.WWV_FLOW_GLOBAL.VC_ARR2, typeflags: 001
    <3240796176 ms>(wppr.c,759) Array graduation (1=>4, 14=>32)
    <3240796176 ms>(wppr.c,797) parameter name: P_ARG_VALUES, type: FLOWS_030000.WWV_FLOW_GLOBAL.VC_ARR2, typeflags: 001
    <3240796176 ms>(wppr.c,520) Pl/sql block parsed...
    <3240796176 ms>(wpdenv.c,1527) CGI Environment has 30 vars. Max name len 128, Max Value Len 128
    <3240796176 ms> PLSQL_GATEWAY(14)=(6)WebDb
    <3240796176 ms> GATEWAY_IVERSION(17)=(2)3
    <3240796176 ms> SERVER_SOFTWARE(16)=(60)Oracle-Application-Server-10g/ Oracle-HTTP-Server
    <3240796176 ms> GATEWAY_INTERFACE(18)=(8)CGI/1.1
    <3240796176 ms> SERVER_PORT(12)=(5)7777
    <3240796176 ms> SERVER_NAME(12)=(22)mohawk.ventura-uk.com
    <3240796176 ms> REQUEST_METHOD(15)=(5)POST
    <3240796176 ms> PATH_INFO(10)=(15)/wwv_flow.show
    <3240796176 ms> SCRIPT_NAME(12)=(10)/pls/apex
    <3240796176 ms> REMOTE_ADDR(12)=(12)
    <3240796176 ms> SERVER_PROTOCOL(16)=(9)HTTP/1.1
    <3240796176 ms> REQUEST_PROTOCOL(17)=(5)HTTP
    <3240796176 ms> REMOTE_USER(12)=(17)APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    <3240796176 ms> HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH(20)=(4)162
    <3240796176 ms> HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE(18)=(34)application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    <3240796176 ms> HTTP_USER_AGENT(16)=(75)Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
    <3240796176 ms> HTTP_HOST(10)=(12)mohawk:7777
    <3240796176 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT(12)=(4)*/*
    <3240796176 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING(21)=(14)gzip, deflate
    <3240796176 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE(21)=(6)en-gb
    <3240796176 ms> HTTP_REFERER(13)=(61)http://mohawk:7777/pls/apex/f?p=1122:1:1776222419881214:::::
    <3240796176 ms> HTTP_ORACLE_ECID(17)=(36)1202314983:,0
    <3240796176 ms> WEB_AUTHENT_PREFIX(19)=(1)
    <3240796176 ms> DAD_NAME(9)=(5)apex
    <3240796176 ms> DOC_ACCESS_PATH(16)=(5)docs
    <3240796176 ms> DOCUMENT_TABLE(15)=(23)wwv_flow_file_objects$
    <3240796176 ms> PATH_ALIAS(11)=(1)
    <3240796176 ms> REQUEST_CHARSET(16)=(9)AL32UTF8
    <3240796176 ms> REQUEST_IANA_CHARSET(21)=(6)UTF-8
    <3240796176 ms> SCRIPT_PREFIX(14)=(5)/pls
    <3240796176 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 2 Charset Id : 873
    <3240796176 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 3 Charset Id : 873
    <3240796176 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 8 Charset Id : 873
    <3240796176 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 9 Charset Id : 873
    <3240796176 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 11 Charset Id : 873
    <3240796181 ms>ORA-6550 Execute ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    <3240796181 ms>/pls/apex/wwv_flow.show HTTP-404 ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SHOW'
    ORA-06550: line 25, column 3:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    <3240796181 ms>(wpu.c,595) longjumping back to the beginning
    <3240796181 ms>(wpu.c,458) cleaning up before longjmp
    <3240796181 ms>(wpu.c,462) doing a rollback
    <3240796181 ms>(wpcs.c, 77) Executed 'rollback' (rc=0)
    <3240796182 ms>(wpcs.c, 77) Executed 'begin dbms_session.reset_package; end;' (rc=0)
    <3240796182 ms>(wpd.c,1820) Going to close cursor
    <3240796182 ms>DeinitCursor
    <3240796182 ms>(wpx.c,693) Shutdown has been called
    <3240796182 ms>(wpx.c,705) Going to logoff
    <3240796182 ms>Logoff: Pooling this connection
    <3240796182 ms>[ReqEndtime: 6/Feb/2008:16:23:03]
    <3240796182 ms>[ReqExecTime: 15 ms]

    Loanshark, this forum is for Oracle Portal caching questions, try posting your question in the APEX forum.

  • ORA-06550 and PLS-00201 in PL/SQL Developer

    Hi all ,
    I am facing the following error when i try to view the DDL of a table using pl/sql developer.
    ( right click on table and then DBMS_Metadata -> DDL)
    ORA-06550: line 7, column 5:
    PLS-00201: identifier 'SYS.DBMS_LOB' must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 7, column 5:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    ORA-06550: line 12, column 3:
    PLS-00201: identifier 'SYS.DBMS_LOB' must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 12, column 3:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    ORA-06550: line 13, column 3:
    PLS-00201: identifier 'SYS.DBMS_LOB' must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 13, column 3:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignoredPlease suggest me what to do ?

    Hi VT ,
    When i execute this .. I get this output :
    Argument Name                  Type                    In/Out Default?
    LOB_LOC                        BLOB                    IN/OUT
    NEWLEN                         NUMBER(38)              IN
    Argument Name                  Type                    In/Out Default?
    LOB_LOC                        CLOB                    IN/OUT
    NEWLEN                         NUMBER(38)              IN
    Argument Name                  Type                    In/Out Default?
    LOB_LOC                        BLOB                    IN/OUT
    AMOUNT                         NUMBER(38)              IN
    OFFSET                         NUMBER(38)              IN
    BUFFER                         RAW                     IN
    Argument Name                  Type                    In/Out Default?
    LOB_LOC                        CLOB                    IN/OUT
    AMOUNT                         NUMBER(38)              IN
    OFFSET                         NUMBER(38)              IN
    BUFFER                         VARCHAR2                IN
    Argument Name                  Type                    In/Out Default?
    LOB_LOC                        BLOB                    IN/OUT
    AMOUNT                         NUMBER(38)              IN
    BUFFER                         RAW                     IN
    Argument Name                  Type                    In/Out Default?
    LOB_LOC                        CLOB                    IN/OUT
    AMOUNT                         NUMBER(38)              IN
    BUFFER                         VARCHAR2                IN.
    That means this exists... Tomorrow the database will be undegoing backup and so will shutdown and startup..
    So probably on monday I can check if i can login.. becuase I tried to view the same details using TOAD and i faced no errors as such...
    So lets wait till monday... if no other solution..

  • ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments

    I am getting an error:
    "ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'XYZ' ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PL/SQL: Statement ignored".
    Stored Procedure:
    (ip_number IN NUMBER,
    op_error_code OUT NUMBER,
    op_error_text OUT VARCHAR2,
    ret_cursor OUT OUT_CURSOR);
    In the procedure I am selecting a details from few tables with respect to the input parameter 'ip_number'.
    VB Code:
    strConnectionString = CONNECTION_STRING
    Set objConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    objConnection.Open strConnectionString
    Set objCommand = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
    With objCommand
    .ActiveConnection = objConnection
    .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
    End With
    With objCommand
    .CommandText = "Pkg_1.XYZ"
    .Parameters.Append objCommand.CreateParameter_
    .Parameters.Append objCommand.CreateParameter_
    .Parameters.Append objCommand.CreateParameter_
    Set RS = .Execute()
    End With
    Its working fine with ASP(VB)+ Oracle9i + Windows2000.
    But in ASP(VB) + Oracle 8.1.7 + Windows2000, its giving this error:
    "ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'XYZ' ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PL/SQL: Statement ignored".
    Please help.

    Your procedure has 4 parameters 1 in and 3 out parameter
    whereas in your VB code
    Parameters.Append objCommand.CreateParameter_
    .Parameters.Append objCommand.CreateParameter_
    .Parameters.Append objCommand.CreateParameter_
    There are only 3 parameter added where is the 4 th one ?
    With Warm Regards

  • PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'P_MAIN' ORA-06550

    I have 2 environments: a development environment and a production environment. Both have the same package.
    Calling the package from APEX in the production environment it gives a error:PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'P_MAIN' ORA-06550.but the data is stille be saved.
    But calling the package in development environment nothing happened.
    What can be the problem???

    That's not what he asked: is it possible that a package with the same name exists in another schema on the production server - also is it possible that an synonym for the package exists in the production server which doesn't exist in the development? =>All synonym that exist in the production database also exist in the developmenst database.
    Also, you haven't provided details of how you performed these tests to establish that one works where the other doesn't. Are you testing the package within the context of an apex application or have you isolated any test case to the PL/SQL code only - could you run a test of the package within something like SQL*Plus (or your favourite IDE)? Are you feeding in identical test data? Indeed, do you have a unit test script which you can run on both development and production?
    => I have test the package in the content of a apex application, and the data in the production enviroment is not the same as in the developement enviroment due to real data in production.

  • ORA-06550: line1,column7: PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments

    Hello All,
    I am getting this error:
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'GETCURRENCYFROMSCENARIO' ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    Can anybody help me with this error that I am getting on VB.net: Any responses will be very helpful
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'GETCURRENCYFROMSCENARIO' ORA-06550: line 1, column
    7: PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    The Function written in VB.net that is calling the PLSQL function is pasted below:
    Public Function GetCurrencyFromScenario(ByVal DataSetType As String, ByVal DataSetName As String, ByVal CurrType As String)
    Dim returnValue As String
    Dim db As OracleDbHelper = GetHelper()
    Dim params As New List(Of OracleParameter)
    params.Add(OracleParameterFactory.CreateIn("asUserName", OracleDbType.Varchar2, _props.CurrentUser))
    'params.Add(OracleParameterFactory.CreateOut("psError", OracleDbType.Varchar2, 2000))
    params.Add(OracleParameterFactory.CreateIn("asDatasetName", OracleDbType.Varchar2, DataSetName))
    params.Add(OracleParameterFactory.CreateIn("asDatasetType", OracleDbType.Varchar2, DataSetType))
    params.Add(OracleParameterFactory.CreateIn("asCurrType", OracleDbType.Varchar2, CurrType))
    params.Add(OracleParameterFactory.CreateOut("asCurrency", OracleDbType.Varchar2))
    db.ExecSql_ReaderDataTable(ProcedureName(FPAGET, "GetCurrencyFromScenario"), CommandType.StoredProcedure, params)
    End Function
    The PL SQL code that contains the function is called as below:
    Procedure GetCurrencyFromScenario (
    asUserName varchar2,
    DataSetType varchar2,
    DataSetName varchar2,
    CurrType varchar2,
    asCurrency out fpa_operating_variable.value_text%type) is
         asCurrency := 'EUR';

    I wasnt posting duplicates. I posted the first time on PL SQL forum, but was guided to post it on ODP.net as it is more of related to VB.net. Hence I reposted it there.
    Moderator: can you lock this thread if you want and activate the other thread?
    As mentioned, I flipped the two variables and 'asDatasetName' and 'asDatasetType' and tried it. But is still failed.
    Regarding the "fpa_operating_variable.value_text ", yes it is a varchar2. I rechecked the same.
    Thanks for all the help in responding.

  • Databse Connector Error: 'HY000:[Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-06550: PLS-00363

    Whenever I try to add a database stored procedure in my crystal report using ODBC connection in the 'Set datasource Location' menu, it asks me for the discrete value for the parameters I specified in my stored procedure(Except for the REF cursor). My stored procedure seems to be correct but there seems to be a confusion within my crystal report. Once the values are entered it ends up by showing the following error message and my database source does not get added:
    Databse Connector Error: 'HY000:[Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-06550: line 1, column 18:PLS-00363: expression '01/01/2008' cannot be used as an assignment target
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 31:PLS-00363: expression '01/01/2010' cannot be used as an assignment target
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    [Database Vendor Code: 6550 ]'
    The only difference I am noticing is the REF Cursor is used in the Oracle SP. Whether the Crystal report can't differentiate my cursor or What could be the problem. Please provide me a solution for this
    Note: The same is working when I change the database to any SQL
    Seems to be the root cause for the problem is the parameters are getting renamed with the name of Stored procedure arguments once we change the database from SQL server to Oracle. Is there any possibilities to avoid this?
    Edited by: AntonyGR on Oct 11, 2011 1:32 PM

    What is the first arguement in the Oracle  SP.Is it REF cusror or something else?
    Also which ODBC driver you are using ?

  • 4.2 Import Faild ORA-06550: line 3, column 1: PLS-00114: identifier 'WWV_FLOW_API#REMOVE_RESTFUL_SE' too long

    Execution  of the statement was unsuccessful. ORA-06550: line 3, column 1: PLS-00114: identifier 'WWV_FLOW_API#REMOVE_RESTFUL_SE' too long
    begin wwv_flow_api#remove_restful_service ( p_id => 13033226431752970 + wwv_flow_api.g_id_offset ,p_name => 'oracle.example.hr' ); null; end;
        ORA-06550: line 3, column 1: PLS-00114: identifier 'WWV_FLOW_API#REMOVE_RESTFUL_SE' too long

    i'm having the same problem as well..  here's my context:
    Apex Oracle 11g
    we're in the midst of upgrading from 4.0
    we have an apex 4.0 runtime only instance in production.
    each night, we restore the the oracle instance with 4.0 to another instance and run a script to upgrade to 4.2.2 full function (development plus runtime) on this restored instance,. it has about 20-some workspaces, each with one app.
    on the restored instance, yesterday i created a new workspace, gave it access to a couple of schemas, defined a couple of users.  i imported a couple of apps, themes, css, images, etc.  from our current development instance, which is 4.0. after this import, i was able to do development stuff with the app just fine.
    so i exported the workspace yesterday, in anticipation of importing it this morning after the nightly refresh.
    refresh ran, i logged in this morning as the apex admin user, and try to import the workspace. and get the
    2.  Re: 4.2 Import Faild ORA-06550: line 3, column 1: PLS-00114: identifier 'WWV_FLOW_API#REMOVE_RESTFUL_SE' too long

Maybe you are looking for

  • Adobe Cloud Team

    Hello, I am the Administrator of the cloud and not a user.  It's been some time since the cloud has been generated.  How can I remove a member from the team.  I took a look throught the FAQ's but couldnt find it.

  • Need ANI details of calls landing during Out of business hours

    Hello All, Our Contact Center management has raised a new requirement to report with the ANI details of calls landing at any skill groups during put of business hours. Options that we have is 1. Webview report - Call Type 22 and 23 But in this, If we

  • I got my iPhone replaced for £209 and then told by a friend that they've cracked it's screen now. What do I do?

    Less than a month ago I had to have my iPhone replaced and due to the technicians thinking something that didn't happen happened I had to pay £209 for a replacement phone. Now a friend dropped the phone, cracking the screen. What do I do? I can't put

  • Does BT IP Clear MPLS support multicast?

    Hi Requirement is to multicast music on hold RTP stream from a Data Center to a remote site over BT IP Clear MPLS network. Catalyst 3750 switches (both running IP Services Image) will BGP peer with BT PE equipment. The Catalyst 3750 switches will als

  • Bootcamp XP partition size for OCR software and Outlook

    Hello, I need to run OCR software (Abbyy Finereader 9) and Microsoft Outlook email on my Mac. How much space should I partition for Windows XP when setting up Bootcamp? I will eventually use Parallels/VMwareFusion. Specs needed for OCR: 512 MB of RAM