Oracle 10gr2 rac, ora-12545 error when configured in shared server mode

Hi i have fresh installation on two node rac on linux, with oracle 10gr2. It is running successfully, when i configure it in shared server mode and try to connect from client it gives error ora_12545:
I have referred the oracle metalink notes and configured the local_listener as well as the remote_listener,
still it is giving the error. I am able to tnsping all the entries on tnsnames.ora,
i m also able to ping the hostnames,
It connects most of the times succeessfully but some times it gives the error.
how to solve this problem,
please help me

Basically this error means you misspelled the hostname or typed a wrong IP Address.
Oracle Error :: TNS-12545+
Connect failed because target host or object does not exist
The address specified is not valid, or the program being connected to does not exist.
Ensure the ADDRESS parameters have been entered correctly; the most likely incorrect parameter is the node name. Ensure that the executable for the server exists (perhaps "oracle" is missing.) If the protocol is TCP/IP, edit the TNSNAMES.ORA file to change the host name to a numeric IP address and try again.
I suggest you to check the dispatcher instance parameter.
~ Madrid

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    Below is the relevant part of the 2 view definitions I have tried
    create view TIMESHEET as
    "TsKeySeq" as TS_KEY_SEQ,
    "EmployeeNo" as EMPLOYEE_NO,
    CAST("PeriodEnding" AS DATE) as PERIOD_ENDING,
    . . . (more columns - not relevant)
    FROM [email protected];
    An update to the view generates this message
    ORA-02070: database OLEMSQLPSANTDAS6 does not support CAST in this context
    create view TIMESHEET as
    "TsKeySeq" as TS_KEY_SEQ,
    "EmployeeNo" as EMPLOYEE_NO,
    TO_DATE("PeriodEnding") as PERIOD_ENDING,
    . . . (more columns - not relevant)
    FROM [email protected];
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    ORA-02070: database OLEMSQLPSANTDAS6 does not support TO_DATE in this context
    If I don't include either the TO_DATE() or CAST() then I get
    Select Error: ORA-28527: Heterogeneous Services datatype mapping error
    ORA-02063:preceding line from OLEMSQLSANTDAS6
    Does anyone have any idea how to update a SQL Server DATETIME column thru an ORACLE view?

    You can't cast accross heterogenious databases and there is no need to. HSODBC treats SQL Server DATETIME column as DATE. For example, I have SQL Server table:
    CREATE TABLE [Ops].[T_JobType](
         [JobType] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
         [JobDesc] [varchar](200) NULL,
         [InsertDt] [datetime] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [InsertDt_00000006]  DEFAULT (getdate()),
         [InsertBy] [varchar](128) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [InsertBy_00000006]  DEFAULT (user_name()),
         [LastUpdated] [datetime] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [LastUpdated_00000006]  DEFAULT (getdate()),
         [LastUpdatedBy] [varchar](128) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [LastUpdatedBy_00000006]  DEFAULT (user_name()),
         [JobType] ASC
    ) ON [DATA01FG]Now on Oracle side I do:
    SQL> desc "Ops"."T_JobType"@pbods
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    JobType                                   NOT NULL VARCHAR2(50)
    JobDesc                                            VARCHAR2(200)
    InsertDt                                  NOT NULL DATE
    InsertBy                                  NOT NULL VARCHAR2(128)
    LastUpdated                               NOT NULL DATE
    LastUpdatedBy                             NOT NULL VARCHAR2(128)
    SQL> select "InsertDt" from "Ops"."T_JobType"@pbods;
    SQL> SY.

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    B. The result is incomplete. The table may have 24 rows, but the output shows only 13. However, Oracle receives 24 rows, as it's shown at the end of the output.
    C. Error about datatype conversion.
    SQL> select * from "centros"@test_informix2;
    ORA-28528: Heterogeneous Services datatype conversion error
    ORA-02063: preceding line from TEST_INFORMIX2
    dg4odbc output when performing a select with incomplete results as described in situation B
    Oracle Corporation --- TUESDAY AUG 11 2009 16:12:02.321
    Heterogeneous Agent Release
    Oracle Corporation --- TUESDAY AUG 11 2009 16:12:02.321
    Entered hgogprd
    HOSGIP for "HS_FDS_TRACE_LEVEL" returned "4"
    Entered hgosdip
    setting HS_OPEN_CURSORS to default of 50
    setting HS_FDS_RECOVERY_ACCOUNT to default of "RECOVER"
    setting HS_FDS_RECOVERY_PWD to default value
    setting HS_NLS_NCHAR to default of "AL32UTF8"
    setting HS_FDS_TIMESTAMP_AS_DATE to default of "TRUE"
    setting HS_RPC_FETCH_REBLOCKING to default of "ON"
    setting HS_FDS_FETCH_ROWS to default of "100"
    setting HS_FDS_RESULTSET_SUPPORT to default of "FALSE"
    setting HS_FDS_PROC_IS_FUNC to default of "FALSE"
    setting HS_FDS_CHARACTER_SEMANTICS to default of "FALSE"
    setting HS_FDS_MAP_NCHAR to default of "TRUE"
    setting HS_NLS_DATE_FORMAT to default of "YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS"
    setting HS_FDS_REPORT_REAL_AS_DOUBLE to default of "FALSE"
    setting HS_LONG_PIECE_TRANSFER_SIZE to default of "65536"
    setting HS_SQL_HANDLE_STMT_REUSE to default of "FALSE"
    setting HS_FDS_QUERY_DRIVER to default of "TRUE"
    setting HS_FDS_SUPPORT_STATISTICS to default of "FALSE"
    setting HS_CALL_NAME_ISP to "gtw$:SQLTables;gtw$:SQLColumns;gtw$:SQLPrimaryKeys;gtw$:SQLForeignKeys;gtw$:SQLProcedures;gtw$:SQ
    Exiting hgosdip, rc=0
    ORACLE_SID is "test_informix2"
    Port Rls/Upd:6/0 PrdStat:0
    Agent:Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC
    Class:ODBC, ClassVsn:, Instance:test_informix2
    Exiting hgogprd, rc=0
    Entered hgoinit
    Entered hgolofn at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    HOSGIP for "HS_FDS_SHAREABLE_NAME" returned "/usr/local/lib/"
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLAllocHandle
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLBindCol
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLBindParameter
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLCancel
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLDescribeParam
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLDisconnect
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLEndTran
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLExecute
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLFetch
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLFreeHandle
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLFreeStmt
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLGetData
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLGetEnvAttr
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLGetFunctions
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLMoreResults
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLNumResultCols
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLParamData
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLPutData
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLRowCount
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLSetEnvAttr
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLSetDescRec
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLColAttribute
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLColumns
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLConnect
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLDescribeCol
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLDriverConnect
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLExecDirect
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLForeignKeys
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLGetConnectAttr
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLGetDiagField
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLGetDiagRec
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLGetInfo
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLGetStmtAttr
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLGetTypeInfo
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLPrepare
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLPrimaryKeys
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLProcedureColumns
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLProcedures
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLSetConnectAttr
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLSetStmtAttr
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLSetDescField
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLStatistics
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    libname=/usr/local/lib/, funcname=SQLTables
    Exiting hgolofns at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Exiting hgolofn, rc=0 at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    HOSGIP for "HS_OPEN_CURSORS" returned "50"
    HOSGIP for "HS_FDS_FETCH_ROWS" returned "100"
    HOSGIP for "HS_LONG_PIECE_TRANSFER_SIZE" returned "65536"
    HOSGIP for "HS_NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTER" returned ".,"
    Exiting hgoinit, rc=0 at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgolgon at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    reco:0, name:informix, tflag:0
    Entered hgosuec at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Exiting hgosuec, rc=0 at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    HOSGIP for "HS_FDS_MAP_NCHAR" returned "TRUE"
    HOSGIP for "HS_FDS_PROC_IS_FUNC" returned "FALSE"
    using informix as default value for "HS_FDS_DEFAULT_OWNER"
    Entered hgocont at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO = "test_informix2"
    Entered hgogenconstr at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    dsn:test_informix2, name:informix
    ##>Connect Parameters (len=43)<##
    ## DSN=test_informix2;
    #! UID=informix;
    #! PWD=*
    Exiting hgogenconstr, rc=0 at 2009/08/11-16:12:02, DriverVer: 3.50.0000 3.50.U
    DBMS Name:Informix, DBMS Version:07.31.0000 UD5
    Exiting hgocont, rc=0 at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    SQLGetInfo returns Y for SQL_CATALOG_NAME
    SQLGetInfo returns 18 for SQL_MAX_CATALOG_NAME_LEN
    Exiting hgolgon, rc=0 at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgoulcp at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgowlst at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Exiting hgowlst, rc=0 at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    SQLGetInfo returns " for SQL_IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CHAR
    SQLGetInfo returns N for SQL_COLUMN_ALIAS
    Exiting hgoulcp, rc=0 at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgouldt at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Exiting hgouldt, rc=0 at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgobegn at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    tflag:0 , initial:1
    hoi:0xbfffe688, ttid (len 21) is ...
    00: 54534554 3135352E 36616133 2E332E37 [TEST.5513aa67.3.]
    10: 36352E33 34 [3.564]
    tbid (len 10) is ...
    0: 00030003 00000234 0104 [....4.....]
    Exiting hgobegn, rc=0 at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgodtab at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    table: agentes
    Entered hgopcda at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Column:1(cod_agent): dtype:1 (CHAR), prc/scl:2/0, nullbl:0, octet:2, sign:1, radix:0
    Exiting hgopcda, rc=0 at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgopcda at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Column:2(desc_agent): dtype:12 (VARCHAR), prc/scl:50/0, nullbl:0, octet:50, sign:1, radix:0
    Exiting hgopcda, rc=0 at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    The hoada for table agentes follows...
    hgodtab, line 577: Printing hoada @ 0x6c0b90
    MAX:2, ACTUAL:2, BRC:1, WHT=6
    1 CHAR N 2 2 0/ 0 0 0 0 cod_agent
    12 VARCHAR N 50 50 0/ 0 0 0 0 desc_agent
    Exiting hgodtab, rc=0 at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgodafr, cursor id 0 at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Exiting hgodafr, rc=0 at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgotcis at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Calling SQLStatistics for agentes
    IndexType=SQL_TABLE_STAT: cardinality=24
    New Index:353_1379, type=3, ASCENDING, UNIQUE, cardinality=24
    ordinal position = 1
    Calling SQLColumns for informix.agentes
    Column "cod_agent": dtype=1, colsize=2, decdig=0, char_octet_length=2, cumulative avg row len=2
    Column "desc_agent": dtype=12, colsize=50, decdig=0, char_octet_length=50, cumulative avg row len=39
    Exiting hgotcis, rc=0 at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgopars, cursor id 1 at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    SQL text from hgopars, id=1, len=55 ...
    00: 454C4553 41205443 63222E31 615F646F [SELECT A1."cod_a]
    10: 746E6567 31412C22 6564222E 615F6373 [gent",A1."desc_a]
    20: 746E6567 52462022 22204D4F 6E656761 [gent" FROM "agen]
    30: 22736574 204131 [tes" A1]
    Exiting hgopars, rc=0 at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgoopen, cursor id 1 at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    hgoopen, line 83: NO hoada to print
    Exiting hgoopen, rc=0 at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgodscr, cursor id 1 at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgopcda at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Column:1(cod_agent): dtype:1 (CHAR), prc/scl:2/0, nullbl:0, octet:2, sign:1, radix:0
    Exiting hgopcda, rc=0 at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgopcda at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Column:2(desc_agent): dtype:12 (VARCHAR), prc/scl:50/0, nullbl:0, octet:50, sign:1, radix:0
    Exiting hgopcda, rc=0 at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    hgodscr, line 506: Printing hoada @ 0x6c08f8
    MAX:2, ACTUAL:2, BRC:100, WHT=5
    1 CHAR N 2 2 0/ 0 0 0 0 cod_agent
    12 VARCHAR N 50 50 0/ 0 0 0 0 desc_agent
    Exiting hgodscr, rc=0 at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgoftch, cursor id 1 at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    hgoftch, line 117: Printing hoada @ 0x6c08f8
    MAX:2, ACTUAL:2, BRC:100, WHT=5
    1 CHAR N 2 2 0/ 0 0 0 0 cod_agent
    12 VARCHAR N 50 50 0/ 0 0 0 0 desc_agent
    SQLBindCol: column 1, cdatatype: 1, bflsz: 3
    SQLBindCol: column 2, cdatatype: 1, bflsz: 51
    SQLFetch: row: 1, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 2
    SQLFetch: row: 1, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 2
    SQLFetch: row: 1, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 16
    SQLFetch: row: 1, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 16
    SQLFetch: row: 2, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 2
    SQLFetch: row: 2, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 2
    SQLFetch: row: 2, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 26
    SQLFetch: row: 2, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 26
    SQLFetch: row: 3, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 2
    SQLFetch: row: 3, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 2
    SQLFetch: row: 3, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 33
    SQLFetch: row: 3, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 33
    SQLFetch: row: 4, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 2
    SQLFetch: row: 4, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 2
    SQLFetch: row: 4, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 35
    SQLFetch: row: 4, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 35
    SQLFetch: row: 5, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 2
    SQLFetch: row: 5, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 2
    SQLFetch: row: 5, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 6
    SQLFetch: row: 5, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 6
    SQLFetch: row: 6, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 2
    SQLFetch: row: 6, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 2
    SQLFetch: row: 6, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 5
    SQLFetch: row: 6, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 5
    SQLFetch: row: 7, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 2
    SQLFetch: row: 7, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 2
    SQLFetch: row: 7, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 27
    SQLFetch: row: 7, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 27
    SQLFetch: row: 8, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 2
    SQLFetch: row: 8, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 2
    SQLFetch: row: 8, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 26
    SQLFetch: row: 8, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 26
    SQLFetch: row: 9, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 2
    SQLFetch: row: 9, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 2
    SQLFetch: row: 9, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 34
    SQLFetch: row: 9, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 34
    SQLFetch: row: 10, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 2
    SQLFetch: row: 10, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 2
    SQLFetch: row: 10, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 32
    SQLFetch: row: 10, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 32
    SQLFetch: row: 11, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 2
    SQLFetch: row: 11, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 2
    SQLFetch: row: 11, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 31
    SQLFetch: row: 11, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 31
    SQLFetch: row: 12, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 2
    SQLFetch: row: 12, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 2
    SQLFetch: row: 12, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 22
    SQLFetch: row: 12, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 22
    SQLFetch: row: 13, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 13, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 13, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 13, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 14, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 14, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 14, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 14, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 15, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 15, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 15, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 15, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 16, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 16, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 16, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 16, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 17, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 17, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 17, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 17, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 18, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 18, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 18, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 18, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 19, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 19, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 19, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 19, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 20, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 20, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 20, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 20, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 21, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 21, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 21, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 21, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 22, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 22, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 22, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 22, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 23, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 23, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 23, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 23, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 24, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 24, column 1, bflsz: 3, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 24, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 0
    SQLFetch: row: 24, column 2, bflsz: 51, bflar: 0
    24 rows fetched
    Exiting hgoftch, rc=0 at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgoftch, cursor id 1 at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    hgoftch, line 117: Printing hoada @ 0x6c08f8
    MAX:2, ACTUAL:2, BRC:24, WHT=5
    1 CHAR N 2 2 0/ 0 0 0 0 cod_agent
    12 VARCHAR N 16 50 0/ 0 0 0 0 desc_agent
    0 rows fetched
    Exiting hgoftch, rc=1403 at 2009/08/11-16:12:02
    Entered hgoclse, cursor id 1 at 2009/08/11-16:12:04
    Exiting hgoclse, rc=0 at 2009/08/11-16:12:04
    Entered hgodafr, cursor id 1 at 2009/08/11-16:12:04
    Exiting hgodafr, rc=0 at 2009/08/11-16:12:04
    Entered hgocomm at 2009/08/11-16:12:04
    keepinfo:0, tflag:1
    00: 54534554 3135352E 36616133 2E332E37 [TEST.5513aa67.3.]
    10: 36352E33 34 [3.564]
    tbid (len 10) is ...
    0: 00030003 00000234 0104 [....4.....]
    Entered hgocpctx at 2009/08/11-16:12:04
    Exiting hgocpctx, rc=0 at 2009/08/11-16:12:04
    Exiting hgocomm, rc=0 at 2009/08/11-16:12:04
    Entered hgolgof at 2009/08/11-16:12:04
    Exiting hgolgof, rc=0 at 2009/08/11-16:12:04
    Entered hgoexit at 2009/08/11-16:12:04
    Exiting hgoexit, rc=0 at 2009/08/11-16:12:04
    Any idea or hint would be really appreciated!

    Ok. Bad news.
    There is an unpublished bug 799360 UNSUPPORTED INFORMIX RELEASE ERROR RUNNING DG4IFMX 11.1.
    To workround the problem, choose either of the following:
    1. Apply fix for unpublished Bug 6799360 when it becomes available.
    2. Upgrade Informix to 9.4 or 10 as the problem does not happen with these versions.
    3. Use 10.2 TG4Informix until a fix for the 11g DG4Informix is available.
    None of them are valid if you don't have any control of the Informix databases and if your Oracle database is in 64 bits (tg4informix not availabe for 64 bits).

  • Re:ORA-12545 error (host target)

    Can anyone shed some light on this... I have just installed red hat linux 9 and have been trying install Oracle 9.2 (i have followed many instructions from sites and have done all the export cmds etc...). But i keep getting a ORA-12545 error when trying to connect (no target host found)i have looked at the listener.ora file and cant seem to see anything wrong. What else can i do to solve my problem??? Ian.

    There are several issues that you have to check out.
    ORA-12545: TNS:name lookup failure
    Cause: The listener on the remote node cannot be contacted.
    Action: Perform these steps:
    Verify that the ADDRESS in the tnsnames.ora file and the listener.ora file is correct.
    Verify that the listener on the remote node has been started. Enter:
    LSNRCTL> STATUS [listener_name]
    listener_name is the name of the listener defined in the listener.ora file. It is not necessary to identify the listener if you are using the default listener, named LISTENER.
    If the output indicates the listener is not running, try starting it with the command:
    LSNRCTL> START [listener_name]
    First than nothing :
    1.- Can you get connection locally in the Server ?
    Joel P�rez

  • ORA-00054 error when loading Oracle table using Data Services

    we are facing ORA-00054 error when loading Oracle table using BO Data services
    (Oracle 10g database, BODS Xi 3.2 SP3)
    Test Job performs
    1- truncate table
    2- load table (tested in standard and bulk load modes)
    Scenario when issue happens is:
    1- Run loading Job
    2- Job end in error for any Oracle data base error
    3- When re-running the same Job, Job fails with following error
         ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified
    It seems after first failure, Oracle session for loading the table stays active and locks the table.
    To be able to rerun the Job, we are forced need to kill Oracle session manually to be able to run the Job again.
    Expected behaviour would be : on error rollback modifications made on table and BODS stops Oracle session in a clean way.
    Can somebody tell me / or point me to any BODS best practice about Oracle error handling to prevent such case?
    Thanks in advance

    the ora-0054 can occure depending how the job failed before. If this occures you will need the DBA to release the lock on the table in question
           AL_Engine.exe on The server it creates the Lock. Need to Kill Them. Or stop it..
    This Problem Occurs when we select The Bulkloading Option in orclae  We also faced the same issue,Our admin has Killed the session. Then everything alright.

  • Solaris 10 + Oracle 10gR2 RAC question

    Hello everyone
    Has anyone come across the case where the CRS services of Oracle cause
    the public interface to get turned off and then restored at random
    time intervals? To elaborate, we have a 2 node cluster database.
    Solaris 10, Oracle 10gR2 RAC with patch applied. No SUN
    clustering is involved. When the cluster software is down (nodeapps,
    asm, database instances all down) /var/adm/messages show nothing. When
    we start nodeapps on the 2 nodes(thus initiating some form of
    communication between the nodes), at random time intervals we get
    "interface ce0 turned off and interface ce0 restored" in /var/adm/
    messages. When we check the status of the RAC, we see that one node's
    vip has been assigned to the other. This on/off behaviour of the NIC
    can be eliminated only if we continuously PING it from a another
    client in the network.
    As a matter of fact, the RAC and the RDBMS work perfectly when we keep
    pinging the 2 nodes from an other client on the network. We even
    managed to run a long batch job, distributed on cluster managed
    services on the 2 instances, and it completed after 9 hours without
    any problems.
    Does anyone have a hint on this behaviour? Is there some sort of
    timeout for the network cards? Some power saving features? Googling
    around I came across the new Containers feature available on Solaris
    10. Is there a way that I can verify that either RAC or the RDBMS is
    running in "container" mode ( since the solaris and Oracle
    installation was not performed by me)? Any other ideas?
    Thank you for reading

    Im an Oracle guy - not the SA type -
    But on ours - the SA configured this cluster incorrectly. We use veritas. instead of making ipmp groups for the interfaces - he built the cluster according to veritas docs. That is - he has two publics - on difference interfaces and different privates on different interfaces. oracle can only two interfaces - no matter if its a ipmp group or a device name. one is used for private- the other is used for public - So sure the veritas cluster filesystems will survive - but the Oracle Cluster will not - nodes will reboot -
    Is your system set up incorrectly as i described above? if it is - a quick test would be - turn down the other interfaces - and only leave the two interfaces you mention above up that you configured for Oracle CRS
    This other sharp sa was able to go through the arp table and see duplicate IPs - and the routing was attempted via an interface that oracle doesnt see. You can not define two different interfaces public - and two different interfaces for private -

  • ORA-28868 error when calling Web service over HTTPS from PL/SQL utl_http

    I am getting error message ORA-28868 error when calling Web service over HTTPS from PL/SQL utl_http PL/SQL package,
    when browsed through some of the messages they point to setting Oracle Wallet Manager.
    I am trying to connect
    Any idea on how to resolve this issue ?
    your input is appreciated.

    Duplicate post ... please ignore.

  • ORA-03115 error when calling a Stored Procedure

    Hi All,
    I'm in the process of porting a Pro/C app from NT to Linux. I've installed 8.1.5 on our Linux box and patched it up to
    It all kind of works ok, except that I'm sometimes getting ORA-03115 errors when the app calls a stored procedure. The call in question looks like this:
    VARCHAR resprows[50][3998];
    int numret = 0;
    int numrows= 50;
    int done= 0;
    unsigned long resp_id = 0;
    BEGIN pkg_something.getdata(
    :resp_id, /* IN */
    :numrows, /* IN */
    :done, /* OUT */
    :resprows, /* OUT */
    :numret /* OUT */
    The stored procedure basically uses the resp_id value to select rows from a table;
    in each row there is a VARCHAR2(4000) column which it copies into the hostarray resprows.
    There may be anything from 1 to numrows returned from the SP.
    Initially, the resprows rows were defined to be size [4000]. Unfortunately, this caused ORA-02005 errors - I then changed the size to [3998], which seemed to fix the 02005's (although I'm unclear as to the reasons why).
    Now I'm getting the 03115 errors when calling the SP. The oracle manual is not very helpful on what this error means.
    This all works chipper on NT.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance,
    PS: The database the app is talking to is still hosted on NT.

    Histon FTM wrote:
    ORA-04063: package body "LAZARUS.LAZARUS" has errors Above, obviously conflicts with the statement that follows:
    The procedure and package have both compiled without errors and the statement on its own works fine in SQL*Plus.I suggest you take a look in the USER_ERRORS view to see, what the errors are.
    And just checking:
    You have schema called LAZARUS, which holds a package named LAZARUS, which holds a procedure called POPULATEGRIDPOSITIONS?
    Edited by: Toon Koppelaars on Oct 1, 2009 5:55 PM

  • Why am I getting an ORA-04052 error when I try to compile a Procedure?

    The following procedure I'm getting an ORA-04052 error when I try to compile the following procedure.
    pin_referenced_name IN dba_dependencies.referenced_name%TYPE)
    cursor cur_get_dependancy
    SELECT distinct owner, name, type
      FROM [email protected]        --
    WHERE lower(referenced_name) = lower(pin_referenced_name) --'ftbv_salesrep_all_1d'
       AND referenced_type <> 'SYNONYM'
       AND owner <> 'SYS'
    order by name;
    v_owner  varchar2(40);
    v_name   varchar2(50);
    v_type   varchar2(40);
           dbms_output.put_line(upper(pin_referenced_name)||' is found in the following objects.');
           dbms_output.put_line(' ');
           dbms_output.put_line(RPAD('OWNER', 30, ' ')||RPAD('NAME', 60, ' ')||RPAD('OBJECT TYPE', 30, ' '));
            FOR i IN cur_get_dependancy
                v_owner := RPAD(i.owner, 30, ' ');
                v_name  := RPAD(, 45, ' ');
                v_type  := RPAD(i.type, 30, ' ');
                dbms_output.put_line(v_owner ||v_name|| v_type);
            END LOOP;
    END find_string;I'm using the link [email protected]. The procedure compiles for other database links used in the cursor including the one commented to the right of the code ''.
    What's even stranger is that I took the SELECT statement
    SELECT distinct owner, name, type
      FROM [email protected]        --
    WHERE lower(referenced_name) = lower(pin_referenced_name) --'ftbv_salesrep_all_1d'
       AND referenced_type <> 'SYNONYM'
       AND owner <> 'SYS'
    order by name;out of the procedure and ran it on the command line using the link, the SQL statement ran just fine. But when I tried to compile the above procedure with that exact same SQL statement with the exact same link I get the following string of errors.
    ORA-04052: error occurred when looking up remote object [email protected]
    ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
    ORA-02068: following severe error from PINP
    ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channelHow can the link work just fine in a regular SQL statement but then cause an error when its compiled in code that otherwise compile just fine when using any other link or even just a plain database. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    OK Justin,
    Here's the query by itself run in another database using the link and querying the dba_dependencies table in the database. As you can see the query using this link works just fine returning the requested rows. I can't figure out why the compiler is having an issue with essentially this same query when I try to compile it in a cursor in TOAD. Also this is the database ( that I'm trying to compile this Procedure in.
    By the way I'm in an Oracle database and TOAD v9.2.
    SQL> conn apps/apps1@dev1
    SQL> SELECT distinct owner, name, type
      2    FROM [email protected]
      3   WHERE lower(referenced_name) = lower('ALL_USERS')
      4     AND referenced_type <> 'SYNONYM'
      5     AND owner <> 'SYS'
      6   order by name;
    OWNER                          NAME                           TYPE
    PUBLIC                         ALL_USERS                      SYNONYM
    XDB                            DBMS_XDBUTIL_INT               PACKAGE BODY
    XDB                            DBMS_XDBZ0                     PACKAGE BODY
    SYSTEM                         MVIEW_EVALUATIONS              VIEW
    SYSTEM                         MVIEW_EXCEPTIONS               VIEW
    SYSTEM                         MVIEW_FILTER                   VIEW
    SYSTEM                         MVIEW_LOG                      VIEW
    SYSTEM                         MVIEW_RECOMMENDATIONS          VIEW
    SYSTEM                         MVIEW_WORKLOAD                 VIEW
    ORASSO                         WWCTX_API                      PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWCTX_API                      PACKAGE BODY
    ORASSO                         WWEXP_UTL                      PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWEXP_UTL                      PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWPOB_API_PAGE                 PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWPOF                          PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWSBR_EDIT_ATTRIBUTE           PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWSBR_FOLDER_PORTLET           PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWSBR_USER_PAGES_PORTLET       PACKAGE BODY
    ORASSO                         WWUTL_API_PARSE                PACKAGE BODY
    OWNER                          NAME                           TYPE
    PORTAL                         WWUTL_API_PARSE                PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWUTL_EXPORT_IMPORT_LOV        PACKAGE BODY
    ORASSO                         WWUTL_LOV                      PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWUTL_LOV                      PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWV_CONTEXT                    PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWV_CONTEXT_UTIL               PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWV_DDL                        PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWV_GENERATE_UTL               PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWV_GLOBAL                     PACKAGE
    PORTAL                         WWV_MONITOR_DATABASE           PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWV_PARSE_AS_SPECIFIC_USER     PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWV_PARSE_AS_USER              PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWV_SYS_DML                    PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWV_SYS_RENDER_HIERARCHY       PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWV_THINGSAVE                  PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWV_UTIL                       PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWV_UTLVALID                   PACKAGE BODY
    38 rows selected.
    SQL>Let me know what you think.
    Thanks again.

  • Oracle Collaborate Suite ORA-6502 error during loging or form submitting

    I had Oracle Collaborate Suite ORA-6502 error during loging or form submitting:
    Internal error (WWC-00006)
    An unexpected error has occurred (WWS-32100)
    ORA-6502: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small (WWC-36000)
    Unexpected error encountered in wwsec_api.person_info (ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small) (WWC-41417)
    Error (WWS-20000)
    An unexpected error has occurred (WWS-32100)
    ORA-6502: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small (WWC-36000)
    Unexpected error encountered in wwsec_api.person_info (ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small) (WWC-41417).
    This happened when:
    I was using Russian letters in OCS HTML forms (for example - in Administration provision console or in my own HTML forms)
    and only I work in Linux (with UTF-8 encoding) (in Windows with win1251 encoding all is OK).
    My Database NLS not-null Parameters are:

    It appears that the page Javascript maximum limit size was reached. The error stopped appearing after some of the page Javascript code was removed out to Application Static Files. I wonder if there exists any "direct" indicator by the system whenever the size limit has been reached?
    Again, the run error only occurred when the page was loaded in "Debug" mode.

  • ORA-22813 error when deleting spatial objects in LIVE

    We are getting an ORA-22813 error when attempting to delete a spatial object from a version-enabled table in workspace LIVE. The spatial object to be removed has a SDO type of multipolygon. The geometry information consists of 4 rings with a combined ordinate count of 4120. The statement used to delete the row is:
    delete from tableA where in (select from tableA where = 3);
    The error occurs only on a 10g R1 Oracle instance ( with Workspace Manager version The delete operation succeeds without problems on a 10g R2 ( instance with Workspace Manager version The statement is also executed successfully on the 10g R1 instance if the table is not version-enabled.
    Any help on this would be appreciated.

    I would recommend filing a TAR in this one. The only ora-22813 error involving workspace manager and geometry columns that I know about involves queries that need to sort data for which the size of the geometry column was >30k. Does the execution plan for the delete statement involve any kind of sort? However, this is an old 9.2 bug, that I believe was fixed for all 10.1 and newer releases.
    Does the same error happen if you do not use the subquery?

  • Error when configuring Siebel Server in Windows server 2003

    I am getting below error when configuring Siebel server in Windows server 2003 VM. All the ODBC connections and SADMIN user id & password and gateway host name and port everything correct. Able to ping and telnet to gateway port 2320. Please help on how to overcome this situation....
    2021 2012-03-08 01:13:22 0000-00-00 00:00:00 -0500 00000000 001 003f 0001 09 sw_cfg_util 3940 3332 C:\sba81\siebsrvr\log\sw_cfg_util.log 8.1.1 SIA [21111] ENU
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     000000024f580f64:0     2012-03-08 01:13:22     Error in transferring input values ,num of arrays incorrect 0, expected : 1
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     000000024f580f64:0     2012-03-08 01:13:22     TransferInputsToValues returned error:3611539 to SetControlValues
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     000000024f58096c:0     2012-03-08 01:13:33     NSS - ErrCode 4597527 SysErr 0
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     000000034f58096c:0     2012-03-08 01:13:35     NSS - ErrCode 4597527 SysErr 0
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     000000034f58096c:0     2012-03-08 01:13:35     Validation failed : C028: Unable to connect to the Siebel Gateway Name Server ῤ粃䂬粃呸     ֓呸     ֓㷕粃Ꞡ粈㶻粃
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     000000034f58096c:0     2012-03-08 01:13:35     ValidateFailed for Gateway Name Server TCP/IP Port, error : C028: Unable to connect to the Siebel Gateway Name Server ῤ粃䂬粃呸     ֓呸     ֓㷕粃Ꞡ粈㶻粃

    Please check Doc ID 1391312.1 on, this article has a list of possible causes and resolutions for the error messages you are receiving.
    Hope it helps,

  • ORA-01031 Error When starting Database

    I have installed Oracle 11gr2 on my laptop having OS ubuntu 10.04, after installation i am receiving ORA-01031 error when try to log in with the command
    sqlplus / as sysdba what should i do to resolve it...

    there are a lot of possibilities why this can be wrong. Look at Oracle Support for note 233223.1, "Checklist for Resolving CONNECT AS SYSDBA (INTERNAL) Issues". This gives links to notes which leads you to maybe the solution.
    Possibilities are:
    - you are root, which is not allowed. You should connect with the oracle user
    - your user is not part of the dba group
    - permissions on files
    - and many more
    Herald ten Dam

  • Ora 12154 error when trying to add a database to VS Server Explorer

    Hi Everyone,
    I get the Ora 12154 error when trying to add a database to VS Server Explorer.
    How do I get around this problem.
    The database service is running and I can connect to the database with pl/sql.
    I can also tnsping the database and that is also ok.
    Looks like a problem with the software.
    I am running the 32 bit Oracle 11g on a Windows7 Home Premium 64 bit PC.
    I am new to this stuff so please help me step by step.

    Hi J. B.
    I have a question related to this. After you told me about the //host:1521/database alias I tried it in a VB 2008 program and it worked and returned data. At least I know that it can be used in a VB program without issues. I just now need to be able to add a connection with the Server Explorer.
    Anyway here is the VB coding I used. I'm new to this and still learning:
    Imports Oracle.DataAccess.Client ' Visual Basic ODP.NET Oracle managed provider
    Public Class Form1
    ' String to connect to the database.
    Dim strConnectionString As String = _
    "Data Source=//emad-pc:1521/emadeva;User ID=scott;Password=tiger;" '
    ' Associate the connection string with a connection object.
    Dim objOracleConnection As New OracleConnection(strConnectionString)
    ' SQL query for returning data rows.
    Dim strSqlQuery As String = _
    "Select dname, deptno " & _
    "From dept " & _
    "Where deptno = 10" '
    ' Command object to make this query work.
    Dim objOracleCommand As New OracleCommand(strSqlQuery, objOracleConnection)
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    ' Identify what type of command is being used.
    objOracleCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text
    ' Set up a Data Reader and load it with data.
    Dim objOracleDataReader As OracleDataReader = _
    ' Convert the department number to a string.
    lblDepartmentNumberFromOracle.Text = _
    Catch ex As Exception
    MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error")
    End Try
    End Sub
    End Class
    I still want to thank you for the help you are providing.

  • ORA-03113 error when running the Java stored proc demos

    Hi there,
    Has anyone else run into this issue. When attempting to transfer an object type from Java to Oracle - through a Java stored proc - the session crashes with:
    ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channelLooking in the trace file generated the error message looks something like:
    ksedmp: internal or fatal error
    ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [0x8fe04468] [SIGTRAP] [unknown code] [0x8FE59034] [] []
    Current SQL statement for this session:
    select pointruntime.jdistance(point(1, 2), point(2, 3)) from dual
    ----- Call Stack Trace -----
    calling              call     entry                argument values in hex     
    location             type     point                (? means dubious value)    
    ksedmp+764           call     ksedst               0 ? 2C4F4A ? 2C ? 98968000 ?
                                                       DB02C ? 27A50000 ?
    ssexhd+956           call     ksedmp               3 ? 0 ? 8FE5E790 ? 5905870 ?
                                                       8FE0434C ? 40895E4 ?
    0x9012c860           call     ssexhd               5 ? BFFEEF70 ? BFFEEFB0 ? 0 ?
                                                       0 ? 0 ?As you can see from the trace snippet above, I was attempting to run one of the Oracle Java stored procedure demos. Has anyone successfully run those demos? Specifically the ones where complex types (table objects or the Point object) are passed back to Oracle from the JVM.
    I would appreciate some help with this. The code works fine in a Windows or Solaris environment but barfs on Apple. Truly annoying....
    Thanks in advance,

    Apologies for not stating that information, Steve. Was a bit naughty of me! I guess the reason I didn't was because I just wanted to hear if anyone else running Oracle on Mac received such errors when executing the Java stored proc demos (specifically, the execution of PointRuntime.jDistance). Nevertheless, here's the relevant info from the trace file:
    Dump file /Users/oracle/admin/sandbox/udump/sandbox_ora_1861.trc
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, Oracle Label Security, OLAP and Data Mining Scoring Engine options
    ORACLE_HOME = /Users/oracle/product/10.1.0/db
    System name:     Darwin
    Node name:     maczilla.local
    Release:     8.3.0
    Version:     Darwin Kernel Version 8.3.0: Mon Oct  3 20:04:04 PDT 2005; root:xnu-792.6.22.obj~2/RELEASE_PPC
    Machine:     Power Macintosh
    Instance name: sandbox
    Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1
    Oracle process number: 10
    Unix process pid: 1861, image: [email protected] for the Java version, according to the readme file in the javavm directory, I am running 1.4.1:
    1.5  Java Compatibility
    This release has been thoroughly tested with Sun's Java Compatibility
    Kit for the JDK 1.4.1. Oracle is committed to OracleJVM keeping pace
    with Java and other Internet standards.

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