Oracle 11g stored procs: SELECT ALL_ARGUMENTS not returning certain values in certain cases

I'm doing a select on the ALL_ARGUMENTS like:
SELECT count(*) FROM all_arguments WHERE owner LIKE 'MySchema' ESCAPE '/' AND object_name LIKE 'MyStoredProc' ESCAPE '/' AND package_name LIKE 'MyPackage' ESCAPE '/';
Sometimes, after connecting to the DB after a certain period of time, I get a result = 0, althought the Stored Procedure is there. Immediatelly after that I retry, and I get result = 2.
Why is that? Does the SELECT recompile the stored proc?

I'm surprised that you get anything if you use that query.
Oracle considers object names to be uppercase unless the name is enclosed in double quotes. So there would be no schemas with a name 'MySchema' since the name would actually be 'MYSCHEMA'.

Similar Messages

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    Does anybody know what I may have missed ? I'm still fairly new to this stuff, so I'm hoping it's fairly simple!
    p.s I'm using a dynamic list of values.

    Andy / Scott,
    Sorry, please bear with me ... still new to this.
    I have a multi select list item in page 2, called P2_MULTI_LIST. When the page is submitted, I no longer physically pass it to page 3, but how would page 3 pick up the value ? Do I need to set up a P3_MULTI_LIST item in page3 and set that item to the P2_MULTI_LIST value, or do I reference P2_MULTI_LIST directly in my Page3 SQL query ?
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  • Select List not returning return_value

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    My list of values definition, (as generated by the Create Dynamic List of Values wizard)
    select DNAME display_value, DEPTNO return_value
    from DEPT
    order by 1
    When I run my page and select from the select list it returns the value of dname rather than deptno.
    Am I missing something, because of the format of the list of values definition I was expecting the return value of deptno.
    If I change my display type to PopupLOV, the return value is the deptno, so why is it that the select list is not returning deptno?
    Any help is appreciated

    I read Mark's statement as saying:
    Select "Accounting" from select list
    Value returned displays "Accounting"
    Value stored in the database is "Accounting"
    which seems very odd. Whenever I've used these, it displays Accounting but the item value becomes "10".
    Good luck Mark!

  • UTL File not return any values in .CSV oracle plsql hrms

    Hello experts,
    We want to extract employee details from Core hrms with output as .csv file :
    i have created below package for utl but not return any values in csv file pls help me on this.:::
    procedure payroll_main (
    in_from_date IN date,
    in_to_date IN date,
    p_errbuf OUT VARCHAR2,
    p_retcode OUT NUMBER
    ) is
    cursor c_person is
    SELECT distinct ppf.person_id
    FROM per_person_types ppt,
    pay_payrolls_f pp,
    per_person_type_usages_f pptu,
    per_all_people_f ppf,
    per_all_assignments_f ppa
    WHERE ppf.person_id = pptu.person_id
    AND pptu.person_type_id = ppt.person_type_id
    AND ppt.user_person_type in ('Employee', 'Ex-employee' ,'Intern')
    AND ppf.person_id = ppa.person_id
    AND ppa.assignment_type = 'E'
    AND ppa.primary_flag = 'Y'
    AND ppa.payroll_id = pp.payroll_id
    -- and nvl(ppa.ass_attribute10, 'N') = 'Y' -- this is in Production
    AND pp.payroll_name = 'Calendar Payroll'
    AND trunc( ppf.last_update_date) between in_from_date and in_to_date
    AND trunc( ppa.last_update_date) between in_from_date and in_to_date
    AND trunc( ppt.last_update_date) between in_from_date and in_to_date
    AND trunc( pptu.last_update_date) between in_from_date and in_to_date
    AND trunc(sysdate) between ppf.effective_start_date and ppf.effective_end_date
    AND trunc(sysdate) between ppa.effective_start_date and ppa.effective_end_date
    AND trunc(sysdate) between ppf.effective_start_date and ppf.effective_end_date
    AND trunc(sysdate) between pptu.effective_start_date and pptu.effective_end_date
    AND ppf.employee_number <> 'NONE';
    v_person_id number;
    v_dom_eff_dt date;
    io_err_flag varchar2(1);
    io_err_desc varchar2(2000);
    io_record_update boolean;
    dbms_output.put_line('in_from_date-' || in_from_date);
    dbms_output.put_line('in_to_date-' || in_to_date );
    open c_person;
    fetch c_person into v_person_id;
    exit when c_person%NOTFOUND;
    get_person_information( v_person_id ,
    in_from_date ,
    in_to_date ,
    io_err_flag ,
    io_err_desc );
    dbms_output.put_line('Per_id-' || v_person_id || ': ' || 'Payroll_main' || sqlcode || sqlerrm );
    end loop;
    close c_person;
    end payroll_main;
    PROCEDURE get_person_information(in_person_id IN number,
    in_from_date IN date,
    in_to_date IN date,
    io_err_flag IN OUT varchar2,
    io_err_desc IN OUT varchar2) is
    --v_service_date        DATE;
    v_data_file UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;
    v_record VARCHAR2(1000);
    v_header VARCHAR2(1000);
    v_record_mail VARCHAR2(1000);
    v_file_name VARCHAR2(100);
    v_file_name_mail VARCHAR2(100);
    v_ser_name VARCHAR2(50);
    v_dir VARCHAR2(100) :='XX_XIR_HR_PAY';
    v_con_req_id NUMBER;
    v_user_id NUMBER;
    v_resp_id NUMBER;
    v_resp_appl_id NUMBER;
    p_request_id NUMBER;
    P_status VARCHAR2(100);
    cursor c1 is
    SELECT ppf.person_id per_id,
    ppf.employee_number emp_num,
    ppf.first_name f_name,
    ppf.last_name l_name,
    ppf.national_identifier nat_id,
    ppf.date_of_birth dat_birth, sex_g,
    -- TO_DATE(ppf.attribute1,'DD-MON-YYYY') att_date,
    ppt.user_person_type per_type,
    ppf.email_address email_id,
    ppf.last_update_date last_upd_date
    FROM per_person_type_usages_f pptu,
    per_person_types ppt,
    per_people_f ppf
    WHERE ppf.person_id = in_person_id
    AND ppf.person_id = pptu.person_id
    AND pptu.person_type_id = ppt.person_type_id
    and trunc(ppf.last_update_date) between in_from_date and in_to_date
    and trunc( pptu.last_update_date) between in_from_date and in_to_date
    AND trunc( ppt.last_update_date) between in_from_date and in_to_date
    AND trunc(sysdate) between ppf.effective_start_date and ppf.effective_end_date
    AND trunc(sysdate) between pptu.effective_start_date and pptu.effective_end_date
    AND ppt.user_person_type in ('Employee', 'Ex-employee' ,'Intern')
    and ppt.system_person_type in ('EX_EMP', 'EMP') ;
    cursor c2 is
    SELECT substr(pa.address_line1, 1, 60) address_line1,
    substr(pa.address_line2, 1, 60) address_line2,
    pa.town_or_city city,
    nvl(pa.date_to, to_date('12/31/4712', 'mm/dd/yyyy')),
    FROM per_addresses pa
    WHERE pa.person_id = in_person_id
    AND pa.last_update_date between in_from_date and in_to_date
    AND trunc(sysdate) between date_from and nvl(date_to, to_date('12/31/4712', 'mm/dd/yyyy'))
    AND pa.primary_flag = 'Y';
    cursor c3 is
    SELECT pp.phone_number pnum
    FROM per_phones pp
    WHERE pp.parent_id = in_person_id
    AND pp.last_update_date between in_from_date and in_to_date
    AND trunc(sysdate) between date_from and nvl(date_to, to_date('12/31/4712', 'mm/dd/yyyy'))
    AND phone_type = 'H1';
    cursor c4 is
    SELECT ppos.period_of_service_id,
    ppos.date_start start_date,
    TO_DATE(ppos.attribute1,'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss') last_day
    FROM per_periods_of_service ppos
    WHERE ppos.person_id = in_person_id
    AND ppos.last_update_date between in_from_date and in_to_date
    AND ppos.date_start = ( select max(date_start)
    from per_periods_of_service
    where person_id = in_person_id
    and trunc(date_start) <= trunc(sysdate) );
    v_header := 'Employee Number'||CHR(9)
    ||'Fore Name'||CHR(9)
    ||'Sur Name'||CHR(9)
    ||'Date of birth'||CHR(9)
    ||'Person Type'||CHR(9)
    ||'Email Address'||CHR(9)
    ||'Last Update Date'||CHR(9)
    ||'Start Date'||CHR(9)
    ||'Last Day';
    v_file_name :='XIR_DATA.xls';
    v_data_file :=UTL_FILE.FOPEN(v_dir,v_file_name, 'W');
    FOR i IN c1 LOOP
    FOR j IN c2 LOOP
    FOR k IN c3 LOOP
    FOR m IN c4 LOOP
    dbms_output.put_line(' excel file loop ');
    || j.address_line1||CHR(9)
    dbms_output.put_line(' close excel file');
    dbms_output.put_line('unable to create data excel file in proc1'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,25));
    end get_person_information;
    END xxper_payroll_xir_pkg;
    EE Number     Forename     Surname     Dept     effective Start Date_dept     Start Date     Leave Date     effective Start Date_leave_Dt     Date of Birth     Address1     
    Edited by: 981527 on Feb 12, 2013 5:59 AM
    Edited by: 981527 on Feb 12, 2013 6:05 AM

    Did you make sure that the queries are returning values in the first place? From the last few lines, it looks like you have the header written to the file. Is that correct?

  • Oracle 11g or higher client is not installed or not set to Primary Oracle..

    Hi all,
    I have installed oracle 11g client on my machine. It connecting fine with the server throuhg sqlplus but when i connect my application that is developed in power builder, it prompts an errror message stated 'Oracle 11g or higher client is not installed or not set to Primary Oracle Home'. I have tried different solutions from different posts over the internet but colud not get fruitfull results.
    Please help me out in this regard to continue...
    Thanks & Regards,
    Adil Mukhtar

    As already said, this looks like a powerbuilder issue, related to how it "finds" Oracle client/oci libraries.
    Assuming this is on Windows, you could use Process Monitor from Sysinternals to watch what your app does (e.g. where it looks for dll's). It's a great troubleshooting tool:
    Google provides some results with similar issues. Maybe you have tried most of it already, but at least as a reference for others:

  • Pl/sql package for use with workflow will not return a value

    hi all,
    just trying to intercept a requisition being turned into an order if it uses a certain cost code. so i have amended the workflow and created a package to check what cost centre a requisition is using. how over the workflow stops on the function that calls the package witha a status of complete as if the package is not returning any values.
    the package is as below:
    procedure XXHCC_CHECK_CAPITAL(itemtype in varchar2,
    itemkey in varchar2,
    actid in number,
    funcmode in varchar2,
    resultout out NOCOPY vARCHAR2);
    END xxhccWFcapitalcheck;
    procedure XXHCC_CHECK_CAPITAL(itemtype in varchar2,
    itemkey in varchar2,
    actid in number,
    funcmode in varchar2,
    resultout out NOCOPY varchar2 ) is
    x_progress varchar2(100);
    x_resultout varchar2(30);
    l_doc_mgr_return_val VARCHAR2(1);
    l_doc_string varchar2(200);
    l_preparer_user_name varchar2(100);
    doc_manager_exception exception;
    p_test varchar2(100);
    l_req_id varchar2(30);
    CURSOR p_line_id IS
    codes.segment2 cost_center
    po_requisition_headers_all headers,
    po_requisition_lines_all lines,
    po_req_distributions_all dist,
    gl_code_combinations_v codes
    headers.requisition_header_id = lines.requisition_header_id
    lines.requisition_line_id = dist.requisition_line_id
    dist.code_combination_id = codes.code_combination_id
    headers.segment1 = l_req_id;
    line_rec p_line_id%rowtype;
    -- Do nothing in cancel or timeout mode
    --if (funcmode <> wf_engine.eng_run) then
    -- resultout := wf_engine.eng_null;
    -- return;
    -- end if;
    l_req_id := wf_engine.GetItemAttrNumber (itemtype => itemtype,
    itemkey => itemkey,
    aname => 'DOCUMENT_NUMBER');
    --FOR line_rec in p_line_id
    open p_line_id;
    fetch p_line_id into l_doc_string;
    close p_line_id;
    IF p_line_id= 'Q9DEF'
    dbms_output.put_line p_line_id;
    Then resultout := 'COMPLETE:F';
    p_test := 'USE DIFFERENT CODE';
    resultout := 'COMPLETE:T';
    END IF;
    END xxhccWFcapitalcheck;
    any help would be great!

    Hi Community,  first of all, english is not my native language and im not sure to use the correct terms for PowerCenter - so if im wrong please help me correct and make clear what we need. We have a kind of 3-steps ToDo. First step: Load data from an external source into a "local" datastore (its an oracle db on a server in our "hands")Second step: Check data against several verifications, this is done with a PL/SQL Package. The PL/SQL Package shall be called with an Interfacename who is set in the First PowerCenter Mapping. Our current thoghts are to do this via a stored procedure, which runs as "Target Post Load" and gets a variable "Interface Name".Is that possible? Im not quite sure about it. About the last part its even more unclear how we can solve it:Third part should be switch back to PowerCenter now - and the package (or to be correct a function in the package) should return a value for "okay everything fine => workflow continue" or "something happened => workflow is stopped" Im not sure how i can handle this. I hope my explanations are good enough so you can provide some help?!If there are any questions please ask!  Thank you alot, best regards, Christian

  • T-SQL: SET Statement Using a Case Statement is not returning a value

    SQL VER:  2008
    Please see the attached screenshot from SSMS.  The Set statement  below is not returned a value or may be returning a zero value.  The AllocPercent field is set to zero in code preceeding this Update Statement:
    WHEN AllocBase
    OR AllocBase
    = 0
    THEN 0
    ELSE PM_Input/AllocBase
    As you can see by the screen shot from the Select Statement that is displaying the results after the Update Statement is completed, the value of AllocPercent is = 0 even though all the values necessary for it to compute a value > 0 are present in the
    table.  Incidentally, the values in both the AllocBase and PM_Input fields are the same before the Update Statement is ran, as shown in the Select ran after the Update Statement.
    I have ran this type of code several times with never a problem.  This seems really simple, but I just can't seem to get it to compute. 
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    bob sutor
    Bob Sutor

    Yep--This statement is running in a Stored Procedure and inside its own block statement.
    I did get a response that suggested I change the SET statement as follows, that worked:
    = CASE WHEN AllocBase IS NULL OR AllocBase = 0 THEN 0.00 ELSE cast(PM_Input*1.0/AllocBase*1.0
     as decimal(6,2)) END
    Your response did get me thinking which was great!  I appreciate your help.
    ...bob sutor
    Bob Sutor

  • LOV not returning a value

    I'm pretty new to Oracle Forms and have a problem where a LOV is not returning a value unless a bad/invalid value is entered in the form. If the field is null and I choose help/list the LOV appears but the selected value does not then populate the field. If I enter invalid data, when I try to leave the field the LOV appears and I can then successfully select a value and the field is populated correctly. I have the field set to "Validate from list". Any suggestions?

    Yes. I did populate return value. What is odd is that the LOV works if I enter an invalid value. Because of the validate from list the LOV reappears and then when a value is selected it populates the field. I just will not work when the field is empty.

  • Standar ws ProjectByPartyQueryResponse_In is not returning any values

    Hi gurus,
      I'm trying to use the standar webservice ProjectByPartyQueryResponse_In in our landscape in order to get all the projects related to the person responsible for the project but the web service is not returning any values.
    When I execute the service -using soapui- with the following values (or any other value for that matters):
    The web service always returns :
                   <Note>No records returned for ZA 0020000143</Note>
    The party Id exists and also de party role code and there is at least one project that has that party with that role. I'm sure because I use other web service to find a project by id and in the result the project has the <Party> section with those values.
    I was looking for solutions, notes, threads in forums with no success, then i decided to debug the webservice and I did find the following line in the webservice code.
      SELECT objnr INTO TABLE it_data FROM ihpa
      WHERE  parvw = role_code AND
             parnr = party_id AND
             obtyp = 'PDN'.
    when that line executes the select always returns 0 values, then I look in the table IHPA using the SE16 without any filter and I found that my records exists!! but the select does not get it. I was wondering why the select is not working and then I filter the data in the SE16 using the same values that the query does
    for example:
    PARNR = 20000143
    And I was surprised when the SE16 did not found any value even I was seeing in the previous screen with no filters!!!! And I supouse thats why the webservice is not working. I started making filters one by one, for example firts filtering just de PARVW = ZA and works, but when I filter just the PARNR =  20000143 the SE16 can't find any value, just when I put an * at the end of the number the SE16 returns all the values expected, Im guessing that the fields in the database has blanks at the end but this is a standar table and a standar program.
    Have any of you had the same problem? is there anything that I can do? does anyone knows if this is an unkown bug? becaus I could'n find any note on the marketplace.
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Gustavo Balboa

      The problem were solved but not using the Badi, because the badi only let you change the value of the var party_id and that var is declared as PARNR (of type numeric with length 10), and no mater wat you do the two 00 can´t be removed.
      We solved the problem with an enhancement point in the code at the method "party_get_data", look at the beginin and at the end. We just change the type of var used for party_id.. now we use a CHAR one insted the numeric used by the original code.
    And we repeat the select...
    Thank you very much for the help.
    METHOD party_get_data.
    """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$"$SE:(1) Class CL_PRS_PROJECTPRJPARTYQR, Method PARTY_GET_DATA, Start                                                                                A
    $$-Start: (1)----
    ENHANCEMENT 1  ZPARTY_GET_DATA.    "active version
    $$-End:   (1)----
      DATA :  temp_object_number TYPE ihpa-objnr,
              field1 TYPE char50,
              field2 TYPE char50,
              field_role TYPE char50,
              field_party TYPE char50,
              st_object_number TYPE TABLE OF bapiprexp.
      DATA : it_data TYPE TABLE OF st_data,
             wa_data LIKE LINE OF it_data,
             itab TYPE TABLE OF st_data,
             wa LIKE LINE OF itab,
             wa_project_details LIKE LINE OF project_details,
    Select Object number based on input Party and Role
      SELECT objnr INTO TABLE it_data FROM ihpa
      WHERE  parvw = role_code AND
             parnr = party_id AND
             obtyp = 'PDN'.
    Select Project ID based on input Object number
      LOOP AT it_data INTO wa_data.
        SELECT pspid post1 FROM proj INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF wa_data
        WHERE  objnr = wa_data-pspid.                         "#EC CI_NOFIELD
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_data TO wa.
        APPEND wa TO itab.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        field_role = cl_wd_utilities=>get_otr_text_by_alias( 'PLM-SE_PRS_XI_PROXY/ROLE_CODE' ) .
        field_party = cl_wd_utilities=>get_otr_text_by_alias( 'PLM-SE_PRS_XI_PROXY/PARTY_ID' ) .
        CONCATENATE  field_role role_code_external INTO field1.
        CONCATENATE  field_party party_id INTO field2.
        MESSAGE e002(ecc_se_common) WITH field1 field2 INTO null.
            return = party_return.
        MESSAGE s082(ops_se_prs) INTO null.
            return = party_return.
      LOOP AT itab INTO wa.
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa TO wa_project_details.
        APPEND wa_project_details TO project_details.
    """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$"$SE:(2) Class CL_PRS_PROJECTPRJPARTYQR, Method PARTY_GET_DATA, End                                                                                A
    $$-Start: (2)----
    ENHANCEMENT 2  ZPARTY_GET_DATA.    "active version
      WA_CHPAR = party_id.
      CLEAR party_return.
      REFRESH party_return.
      SELECT objnr INTO TABLE it_data FROM ihpa
      WHERE  parvw = role_code AND
             parnr = WA_CHPAR AND
             obtyp = 'PDN'.
    Select Project ID based on input Object number
      LOOP AT it_data INTO wa_data.
        SELECT pspid post1 FROM proj INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF wa_data
        WHERE  objnr = wa_data-pspid.                         "#EC CI_NOFIELD
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_data TO wa.
        APPEND wa TO itab.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        field_role = cl_wd_utilities=>get_otr_text_by_alias( 'PLM-SE_PRS_XI_PROXY/ROLE_CODE' ) .
        field_party = cl_wd_utilities=>get_otr_text_by_alias( 'PLM-SE_PRS_XI_PROXY/PARTY_ID' ) .
        CONCATENATE  field_role role_code_external INTO field1.
        CONCATENATE  field_party party_id INTO field2.
        MESSAGE e002(ecc_se_common) WITH field1 field2 INTO null.
            return = party_return.
        MESSAGE s082(ops_se_prs) INTO null.
            return = party_return.
      LOOP AT itab INTO wa.
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa TO wa_project_details.
        APPEND wa_project_details TO project_details.
    $$-End:   (2)----

  • XMLTABLE function not returning any values if xml has attribute "xmlns"

    XMLTABLE function not returning any values if xml has attribute "xmlns". Is there way to get the values if xml has attribute as "xmlns".
    create table xmltest (id number(2), xml xmltype);
    insert into xmltest values(1,
    '<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <emp empno="1" deptno="10" ename="John" salary="21000"/>
    <emp empno="2" deptno="10" ename="Jack" salary="310000"/>
    <emp empno="3" deptno="20" ename="Jill" salary="100001"/>
    insert into xmltest values(2,
    '<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <emps xmlns="">
    <emp empno="1" deptno="10" ename="John" salary="21000"/>
    <emp empno="2" deptno="10" ename="Jack" salary="310000"/>
    <emp empno="3" deptno="20" ename="Jill" salary="100001"/>
    SELECT a.*
    FROM xmltest,
    'for $i in /emps/emp
    return $i'
    PASSING xml
    COLUMNS empno NUMBER (2) PATH '@empno',
    deptno NUMBER (3) PATH '@deptno',
    ename VARCHAR2 (10) PATH '@ename',
    salary NUMBER (10) PATH '@salary') a
    WHERE id = 1;
    The above query returning results but below query is not returning any results because of xmlns attribute.
    SELECT a.*
    FROM xmltest,
    'for $i in /emps/emp
    return $i'
    PASSING xml
    COLUMNS empno NUMBER (2) PATH '@empno',
    deptno NUMBER (3) PATH '@deptno',
    ename VARCHAR2 (10) PATH '@ename',
    salary NUMBER (10) PATH '@salary') a
    WHERE id = 1;
    how to get rid out of this problem.

    Added below one in xmltable, its working now.
    XmlNamespaces(DEFAULT '')

  • Parameter not returning all values

    I have a crystal report built off an oracle DB.  For one parameter it is not returning all values.  I can display data or the entire table it shows me all values, but when i build a parameter it only shows me through August.  It is a date/time field.

    check the following thread
    [Dynamic Parameter only showing 1000 records when Crystal report is run.;

  • Function does not return a value

      FUNCTION Promo_Version_Logo_Rule(Rc IN test.Ot_Rule_Context)
        RETURN Ot_Rule_Activation_Result
        v_Result NUMBER;
        CURSOR Cur_Promo_Logos IS
          SELECT Pvlo.Promo_Id,
            FROM Event                  Evt,
                 Event_Technical_Data   Etd,
                 Promo_Version_Logo_Opt Pvlo,
                 Promo_Timing           Pt
           WHERE Evt.Event_Technical_Data_Id = Etd.Event_Technical_Data_Id
                 AND Etd.Promo_Timing_Id = Pt.Promo_Timing_Id
                 AND Pt.Promo_Timing_Id = Pvlo.Promo_Timing_Id
                 AND Evt.Channel_Id = Rc.Channelid
                 AND Evt.On_Date >= Rc.Fromdate
                 AND Evt.On_Date <= Rc.Todate
                 AND Evt.Day_Type_Id = Rc.Daytype;
        FOR Each_Record IN Cur_Promo_Logos LOOP
          v_Result := Testing_Pkg.Insert_Event(v_Channel_Id   => Each_Record.Channel_Id,
                                                           v_Tx_Time      => Each_Record.Start_Time,
                                                           v_Tx_Date      => Each_Record.On_Date,
                                                           v_Content_Id   => Each_Record.Logo_Id,
                                                           v_Duration     => Each_Record.Duration,
                                                           v_Event_Type   => Uktv_Tools_Pkg.c_Logo_Kind_Code,
                                                           v_Container_Id => Each_Record.Promo_Id);
          IF v_Result = -1
          END IF;
        END LOOP;
      END Promo_Version_Logo_Rule;
    END Promo_Version_Logo_Pkg;why do I get this "Hint: Function 'Promo_Version_Logo_Rule' does not return a value" after I compile it? The Testing_Pkg.Insert_Event should insert some values somewhere...I just want to try to test it before I move on onto the next bit of it, but I do not understand what I am doing wrong...

    You need something like:
        END LOOP;
        RETURN v_Result;  -- if this is what you are trying to get the function to do
          <exception handling/logging - whatever you want>
          RAISE;  --this with then raise an error back to the calling process
      END Promo_Version_Logo_Rule;This way the function either returns a value, or an exception which can be handled in the calling procedure

  • Vendor Search not returning any values in SRM

    Hi Gurus
    Has any one come accross the following issue? Kindly advice.
    SRM 3.0
    Search Vendor (F4) not returning any value although Vendor exist in SRM (system allows to raise Cart if Requestioner keys in the Vendor Number manually, ie. Vendor has very much got replicated in SRM)
    Steps to replicate the issue
    1) Log on to SRM portal
    2) Expand the Go Shopping and click on Shop (Extended Form)
    3) Click on Create Limit Item
    4) Fill in the Description, Select the Product Category, Enter the Value Limit & Expected Value & fill in the required date
    5) To search for Supplier, click on the find button
    6) In the Find Vendor screen press the start button without entering any restriction
    7) System throws a message "No Vendor found"
    Kind regards,
    Mehul Shah

    Hi Muthu,
    Thanks for replying Muthu.
    Entries do exists in VENMAP.
    No filters are set while searching for Vendor.
    In fact, If I find the Vendor code from ERP and key in the vendor number in the Supplier field in SRM, it rightly picks up the vendor from the Vendor code.
    The only issue is....while I try to search for Supplier using the Supplier search functionality (by clicking on the binocular), the search functionality does not return any values (I put no restriction).
    By the way, Is there any missing Attribute in PPOMA_BBP that may be causing this?

  • When LOV does not return the value

    Check that you are not calling setText(String) on the web bean to set the default value. It causes your bean to no longer draw the value from the underlying VO. One of the symptoms is that selecting a value from the LOV modal window will not return that value to the base page. (The value from the LOV will actually be set on the VO, but the UI won't reflect it.)
    Setting the default value in the model layer is prefered. You can do this by overriding the create(AttributeList nameValuePair) method of OAEntityImpl or OAViewRowImpl.
    If, for some reason, you need to set the default value from the client side, you need to call setText with the pageContext, e.g., setText(pageContext, "myDefault");

    Upon giving your question further thought I think that you would be better off if you added an 'id' column to table T1 and referenced this 'id' column in table T2 . Something like
    Table_T1(id number, c1 varchar2(100)
    Table_T2(.other_columns.. ,t1_id)
    Your LOV will now be select c1 display,id return from table_t1The column t1_id will be defined to use this LOV.
    You will need no other modifications to the form on table_t2

  • LOV does not return the value (1)

    Avoid calling setText on the web bean to set the default value. It causes your bean to no longer draw the value from the underlying VO. One of the symptoms is that selecting a value from the LOV modal window will not return that value to the base page. (The value from the LOV will actually be set on the VO, but the UI won't reflect it.)
    Setting the default value in the model layer is prefered. You can do this by overriding the create(AttributeList nameValuePair) method of OAEntityImpl or OAViewRowImpl.
    If, for some reason, you need to set the default value from the client side, you need to call setText with the pageContext, e.g., setText(pageContext, "myDefault");

    Hi RamKumar,
    Thanks for your reply.. I have already done that but no luck :(
    Hemanth J

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