Oracle 11gR2 Performance Issue

We have Oracle 11gR2 ( database on HP-UX for GIS application.
We recently upgraded this database from 10g to 11gR2, Everything is working good, no issue expect one month end process. This process hung because of Library Cache Wait (Concurrency). Whenever we start this process the Library Cache Wait is increasing and the process is not completing.
Instance Efficiency Percentages (Target 100%)
            Buffer Nowait %:  100.00       Redo NoWait %:  100.00
            Buffer  Hit   %:   99.49    In-memory Sort %:  100.00
            Library Hit   %:   22.90        Soft Parse %:   84.22
         Execute to Parse %:   41.06         Latch Hit %:   98.80
Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %:   26.78     % Non-Parse CPU:   79.40
Shared Pool Statistics        Begin    End
             Memory Usage %:   76.07   67.50
    % SQL with executions>1:   97.69   89.31
  % Memory for SQL w/exec>1:   97.20   98.96
Top 5 Timed Foreground Events
                                                          wait   % DB
Event                                 Waits     Time(s)   (ms)   time Wait Class
library cache lock                3,459,453      12,400      4   55.2 Concurrenc
DB CPU                                            7,840          34.9
cursor: mutex S                     811,819         933      1    4.2 Concurrenc
cursor: pin S wait on X              21,339         813     38    3.6 Concurrenc
db file sequential read              42,997         158      4     .7 User I/O
^LHost CPU (CPUs:    4 Cores:    4 Sockets:    1)
~~~~~~~~         Load Average
               Begin       End     %User   %System      %WIO     %Idle
                0.06      1.76      53.0       1.3       1.0      45.8
Instance CPU
              % of total CPU for Instance:      54.3
              % of busy  CPU for Instance:     100.1
  %DB time waiting for CPU - Resource Mgr:       0.0
Memory Statistics
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                       Begin          End
                  Host Mem (MB):     32,666.4     32,666.4
                   SGA use (MB):      3,504.0      3,504.0
                   PGA use (MB):        278.2        324.2
    % Host Mem used for SGA+PGA:        11.58        11.72

I used catupgrd.sql script to upgrade the database, installed 11g on same server in different home and used catupgrd.
Parameter Value_
SQL> show parameter opt
NAME_COL_PLUS_SHOW_PARAM                           TYPE                             VALUE_COL_PLUS_SHOW_PARAM
filesystemio_options                               string                           DIRECTIO
object_cache_optimal_size                          integer                          102400
optimizer_capture_sql_plan_baselines               boolean                          FALSE
optimizer_dynamic_sampling                         integer                          2
optimizer_features_enable                          string                 
optimizer_index_caching                            integer                          0
optimizer_index_cost_adj                           integer                          100
optimizer_mode                                     string                           ALL_ROWS
optimizer_secure_view_merging                      boolean                          TRUE
optimizer_use_invisible_indexes                    boolean                          FALSE
optimizer_use_pending_statistics                   boolean                          FALSE
optimizer_use_sql_plan_baselines                   boolean                          TRUE
plsql_optimize_level                               integer                          2
SQL> show parameter cursor
NAME_COL_PLUS_SHOW_PARAM                           TYPE                             VALUE_COL_PLUS_SHOW_PARAM
cursor_bind_capture_destination                    string                           memory+disk
cursor_sharing                                     string                           SIMILAR
cursor_space_for_time                              boolean                          FALSE
open_cursors                                       integer                          2000
session_cached_cursors                             integer                          200
SQL> select * from ( select SQL_ID,VERSION_COUNT,EXECUTIONS from v$sqlarea order by VERSION_COUNT desc) where rownum<=20;
0ynhd4qz3avdh          6453       9198
b1kg0nth4ax9f          6410      15348
7qscuaqtt32zb          4449      17243
duntdcykba52p          2815       1325
g06n424cwup4m          2457       2492
2zgfq8kqqzcm7          1911       1205
b67j985tf4gsw          1868       1740
bmn1m6x3hq8cm          1467        155
fdcvny2d9d6kw           783        405
fphtsy5rd9gkq           401      21702
771v4ntn6mqhg           293      12174
g3dqmahsk5t8f           195       8200
fhrh7858qhrm3           135       2454
8xx3nxsndzyar           112        222
f280fzy0a1bsb            70        263
5rn144gqjkv53            64        125
0v3dvmc22qnam            59         53
f37373tqsbqhz            55         38
f1gu4r0wbhfn3            44         81
dcc7g533zymtm            41         83
SQL ordered by Version Count - From AWR Report_
SQL ordered by Version Count     DB/Inst: GISPROD/gisprod  Snaps: 23062-23063
-> Only Statements with Version Count greater than 20 are displayed
  Count   Executions     SQL Id
   4,449        8,543 7qscuaqtt32zb
Module: gsrvr.exe
SELECT V__276.*, SHAPE.fid,SHAPE.numofpts,SHAPE.entity,SHAPE.points,SHAPE.row
FM.D276 WHERE DELETED_AT IN (SELECT l.lineage_id FROM SDE.state_lineages l WHERE
   2,940          N/A 0ynhd4qz3avdh
   2,006          N/A b1kg0nth4ax9f
SELECT V__159.*, SHAPE.fid,SHAPE.numofpts,SHAPE.entity,SHAPE.points,SHAPE.row
   1,765           65 duntdcykba52p
Module: gsrvr.exe
   1,467           19 bmn1m6x3hq8cm
Module: gsrvr.exe
select privilege from user_sys_privs where privilege in (:"SYS_B_0",:"SYS_B_1",:
"SYS_B_2",:"SYS_B_3") UNION select privilege from role_sys_privs where privilege
in (:"SYS_B_4",:"SYS_B_5",:"SYS_B_6",:"SYS_B_7")
   1,467           19 bmn1m6x3hq8cm
Module: gsrvr.exe
select privilege from user_sys_privs where privilege in (:"SYS_B_0",:"SYS_B_1",:
"SYS_B_2",:"SYS_B_3") UNION select privilege from role_sys_privs where privilege
in (:"SYS_B_4",:"SYS_B_5",:"SYS_B_6",:"SYS_B_7")
     991          N/A 2zgfq8kqqzcm7
Active Session History
ASH Report For GISPROD/gisprod
DB Name         DB Id    Instance     Inst Num Release     RAC Host
GISPROD       1774954232 gisprod             1  NO  hublhp9
CPUs           SGA Size       Buffer Cache        Shared Pool    ASH Buffer Size
   4      4,078M (100%)     1,168M (28.6%)     1,933M (47.4%)              M (%)
          Analysis Begin Time:   06-Feb-12 08:00:00
            Analysis End Time:   06-Feb-12 08:01:00
                 Elapsed Time:         1.0 (mins)
            Begin Data Source:   DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY
                                 in AWR snapshot 23062
              End Data Source:   DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY
                                 in AWR snapshot 23063
                 Sample Count:           2
      Average Active Sessions:        0.33
  Avg. Active Session per CPU:        0.08
                Report Target:   None specified
Top User Events              DB/Inst: GISPROD/gisprod  (Feb 06 08:00 to 08:01)
                                                               Avg Active
Event                               Event Class        % Event   Sessions
CPU + Wait for CPU                  CPU                  50.00       0.17
Top Background Events        DB/Inst: GISPROD/gisprod  (Feb 06 08:00 to 08:01)
                                                               Avg Active
Event                               Event Class     % Activity   Sessions
CPU + Wait for CPU                  CPU                  50.00       0.17
Top Event P1/P2/P3 Values    DB/Inst: GISPROD/gisprod  (Feb 06 08:00 to 08:01)
                  No data exists for this section of the report.
Top Service/Module           DB/Inst: GISPROD/gisprod  (Feb 06 08:00 to 08:01)
Service        Module                   % Activity Action               % Action
SYS$BACKGROUND MMON_SLAVE                    50.00 Auto-Flush Slave A      50.00
SYS$USERS      ArcMap.exe                    50.00 UNNAMED                 50.00
Top Client IDs               DB/Inst: GISPROD/gisprod  (Feb 06 08:00 to 08:01)
                  No data exists for this section of the report.
Top SQL Command Types        DB/Inst: GISPROD/gisprod  (Feb 06 08:00 to 08:01)
-> 'Distinct SQLIDs' is the count of the distinct number of SQLIDs
      with the given SQL Command Type found over all the ASH samples
      in the analysis period
                                           Distinct            Avg Active
SQL Command Type                             SQLIDs % Activity   Sessions
INSERT                                            1      50.00       0.17
SELECT                                            1      50.00       0.17
Top Phases of Execution      DB/Inst: GISPROD/gisprod  (Feb 06 08:00 to 08:01)
                                          Avg Active
Phase of Execution             % Activity   Sessions
SQL Execution                       50.00       0.17
Top SQL with Top Events     DB/Inst: GISPROD/gisprod  (Feb 06 08:00 to 08:01)
                                                        Sampled #
                 SQL ID             Planhash        of Executions     % Activity
Event                          % Event Top Row Source                    % RwSrc
          2prbzh4qfms7u           2500066303                    1          50.00
CPU + Wait for CPU               50.00 FIXED TABLE - FULL                  50.00
insert into wrh$_latch_children (snap_id, dbid, instance_number, latch_hash, c
hild#, gets, misses, sleeps, immediate_gets, immediate_misses, spin_gets, sle
ep1, sleep2, sleep3, sleep4, wait_time) select :snap_id, :dbid, :instance
_number, hash, child#, gets, misses, sleeps, immediate_gets, immediate_misses
          a4w3b09vg8705             52468664                    1          50.00
CPU + Wait for CPU               50.00 SELECT STATEMENT                    50.00
Top SQL with Top Row Sources DB/Inst: GISPROD/gisprod  (Feb 06 08:00 to 08:01)
                                                        Sampled #
                 SQL ID             PlanHash        of Executions     % Activity
Row Source                               % RwSrc Top Event               % Event
          2prbzh4qfms7u           2500066303                    1          50.00
FIXED TABLE - FULL                         50.00 CPU + Wait for CPU        50.00
insert into wrh$_latch_children (snap_id, dbid, instance_number, latch_hash, c
hild#, gets, misses, sleeps, immediate_gets, immediate_misses, spin_gets, sle
ep1, sleep2, sleep3, sleep4, wait_time) select :snap_id, :dbid, :instance
_number, hash, child#, gets, misses, sleeps, immediate_gets, immediate_misses
          a4w3b09vg8705             52468664                    1          50.00
SELECT STATEMENT                           50.00 CPU + Wait for CPU        50.00
Top SQL using literals       DB/Inst: GISPROD/gisprod  (Feb 06 08:00 to 08:01)
                  No data exists for this section of the report.
Top Parsing Module/Action    DB/Inst: GISPROD/gisprod  (Feb 06 08:00 to 08:01)
                  No data exists for this section of the report.
Top PL/SQL Procedures        DB/Inst: GISPROD/gisprod  (Feb 06 08:00 to 08:01)
                  No data exists for this section of the report.
Top Java Workload            DB/Inst: GISPROD/gisprod  (Feb 06 08:00 to 08:01)
                  No data exists for this section of the report.
Top Call Types               DB/Inst: GISPROD/gisprod  (Feb 06 08:00 to 08:01)
Call Type                                     Count % Activity Avg Active
FETCH                                             1      50.00       0.17
Top Sessions                DB/Inst: GISPROD/gisprod  (Feb 06 08:00 to 08:01)
-> '# Samples Active' shows the number of ASH samples in which the session
      was found waiting for that particular event. The percentage shown
      in this column is calculated with respect to wall clock time
      and not total database activity.
-> 'XIDs' shows the number of distinct transaction IDs sampled in ASH
      when the session was waiting for that particular event
-> For sessions running Parallel Queries, this section will NOT aggregate
      the PQ slave activity into the session issuing the PQ. Refer to
      the 'Top Sessions running PQs' section for such statistics.
   Sid, Serial# % Activity Event                             % Event
User                 Program                          # Samples Active     XIDs
       23, 8635      50.00 CPU + Wait for CPU                  50.00
JOHNSONV             ArcMap.exe                             1/6 [ 17%]        0
      150,  963      50.00 CPU + Wait for CPU                  50.00
SYS                  oracle@hublhp9 (M000)                  1/6 [ 17%]        0
Top Blocking Sessions        DB/Inst: GISPROD/gisprod  (Feb 06 08:00 to 08:01)
                  No data exists for this section of the report.
Top Sessions running PQs    DB/Inst: GISPROD/gisprod  (Feb 06 08:00 to 08:01)
                  No data exists for this section of the report.
Top DB Objects               DB/Inst: GISPROD/gisprod  (Feb 06 08:00 to 08:01)
                  No data exists for this section of the report.
Top DB Files                 DB/Inst: GISPROD/gisprod  (Feb 06 08:00 to 08:01)
                  No data exists for this section of the report.
Top Latches                  DB/Inst: GISPROD/gisprod  (Feb 06 08:00 to 08:01)
                  No data exists for this section of the report.
Activity Over Time          DB/Inst: GISPROD/gisprod  (Feb 06 08:00 to 08:01)
-> Analysis period is divided into smaller time slots
-> Top 3 events are reported in each of those slots
-> 'Slot Count' shows the number of ASH samples in that slot
-> 'Event Count' shows the number of ASH samples waiting for
   that event in that slot
-> '% Event' is 'Event Count' over all ASH samples in the analysis period
                         Slot                                   Event
Slot Time (Duration)    Count Event                             Count % Event
08:00:00   (60 secs)        2 CPU + Wait for CPU                    2  100.00
End of Report

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    What are you missing?
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    Yes, I always clear up the cache.
    Any idea on how to resolve this problem?

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    Interface information for node "hublpr4"
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    eth1     00:17:A4:77:08:12 1500
    Interface information for node "hublpr3"
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    eth0     00:17:A4:77:0C:30 1500
    eth1     00:17:A4:77:0C:32 1500
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      Source                          Destination                     Connected?
      hublpr3:            hublpr4:            failed
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      hublpr4[]           hublpr3[]           yes
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    Check: TCP connectivity of subnet ""
      Source                          Destination                     Connected?
      hublpr3:            hublpr4:            failed
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    Result: TCP connectivity check failed for subnet ""
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    hublpr4 eth0:
    hublpr3 eth0:
    Could not find a suitable set of interfaces for the private interconnect
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    Try following metalink note for sorting out multicast issues.
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  • Oracle 10g performance issues

    We were using Oracle 9i in Solaris 5.8 and it was working fine with some minor performance issues. We formatted the Solaris server with new Solaris 5.10 and installed Oracle 10g.
    Now we are experiencing some performance issues in Oracle 10g. This issue is arising when using through Websphere 5.1.
    We have analyzed the schema, index is rebuild, SGA is 4.5 GB, PGA is 2.0 GB, Solaris RAM is 16 GB. Also we are having some Mat Views (possibly this may cause performance issues - not sure) due to refresh.
    Also I have changed some parameters in init.ora file like query_rewrite = STALE_TOLERATED, open_cursors = 1500 etc.
    Is is something due to driver from which the data is accessed. I guess it is not utilizing the indexes on the table.
    Can anyone please suggest, what could be the issue ?

    <p>There are a lot of changes to the optimizer in the upgrade from 9i to 10g, and you need to be aware of them. There are also a number of changes to the default stats collection mechanism, so after your upgrade your statistics (hence execution paths) could change dramatically.
    Greg Rahn has a useful entry on his blog about stats collection, and the blog al,so points to an Oracle white paper which will give you a lot of ideas about where the optimizer changes - which may help you spot your critical issues.
    <p>Otherwise, follow triggb's advice about using Statspack to find the SQL that is the most expensive - it's reasonably likely to be this SQL that has changed execution plans in the upgrade.
    Jonathan Lewis

  • Oracle 9i Performance Issue High Physical Reads

    Dear All,
    I have Oracle 9i Release database under HP Unix, I have run the query and got following output. Can any body just have a look and advise what to do in the following situation? We have performance issues.
    Many thanks in advance
    Buffer Pool Advisory for DB: DBPR Instance: DBPR End Snap: 902
    -> Only rows with estimated physical reads >0 are displayed
    Size for Size Buffers for Est Physical Estimated
    P Estimate (M) Factr Estimate Read Factor Physical Reads
    D 416 .1 51,610 4.27 1,185,670,652
    D 832 .2 103,220 2.97 825,437,374
    D 1,248 .3 154,830 2.03 563,139,985
    D 1,664 .4 206,440 1.49 412,550,232
    D 2,080 .5 258,050 1.32 366,745,510
    D 2,496 .6 309,660 1.23 340,820,773
    D 2,912 .7 361,270 1.14 317,544,771
    D 3,328 .8 412,880 1.09 301,680,173
    D 3,744 .9 464,490 1.04 288,191,418
    D 4,096 1.0 508,160 1.00 276,929,627

    Actually you didnt give the exact problem statement.
    Seems to be your database is I/O bound. Ok, do the following one by one:
    1. Identify the FTS queries and try to create the optimal indexes (depending on the disk reads factor!!) on the problem queries.
    2. To reduce the 276M physical reads, you need to allocate more memory to db_cache_size. try 8GB (initially) and then depending on the buffer advisery you can increase further if you have more memory on the box.
    3. as a Next step , configure KEEP and RECYCLE cache to get the benefits of reduced I/O by multiple pools. Allocate objects to the KEEP/RECYCLE pools.

  • Oracle 11gR2 ASM issue

    Environment: HP-UX / Oracle 11gR2 RAC with ASM
    We renamed our ASM disk from c5t1d3 to ora_c5t1d3 in UNIX, and now we want to remove the old name c5t1d3, before that we want to change the disk on ASM diskgroup from c5t1d3 to ora_c5t1d3.
    I dropped the disk c5t1d3 and try to add the same disk with different name ora_c5t1d3, but I am not able to add, I am getting the following error
    SQL> alter diskgroup asmcrsdg1 add disk '/dev/rdsk/ora_c5t1d3';
    alter diskgroup asmcrsdg1 add disk '/dev/rdsk/ora_c5t1d3'
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-15032: not all alterations performed
    ORA-15020: discovered duplicate ASM disk "ASMCRSDG1_0006"
    But this disk is not there, when I try to drop this disk, I am getting the following error,
    SQL> alter diskgroup asmcrsdg1 drop disk ASMCRSDG1_0006;
    alter diskgroup asmcrsdg1 drop disk ASMCRSDG1_0006
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-15032: not all alterations performed
    ORA-15054: disk "ASMCRSDG1_0006" does not exist in diskgroup "ASMCRSDG1"
    I am confused, Can anyone please help me to understand what’s going on here.

    Check if ASM disk is still a part of ASM disk group.
    Query header_status and mount_status columns in V$ASM_DISK
    # dd if=/dev/rdsk/c5t1d3 of=/tmp/disk.out bs=8192 count=1000
    # vi /tmp/disk.out
    If the disk is still a part of the diskgroup, then clean up ASM disk header.
    # dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/rdsk/c5t1d3 bs=8192 count=1000
    Add a renamed disk again.

  • Oracle 11gR2 RAC - Issue

    I have 2 node RAC (Oracle 11gR2 on HP-UX). Instances are running fine on both the nodes, but the srvctl command is showing the database is not running.
    oracle@hublhp1:/home/oracle$ ps -ef | grep pmon
    oracle 2485 1 0 Nov 9 ? 4:19 asm_pmon_+ASM1
    oracle 25512 1 0 Nov 11 ? 5:50 ora_pmon_omsprod1
    oracle 1439 21309 0 11:31:53 pts/0 0:00 grep pmon
    oracle@hublhp1:/home/oracle$ srvctl status database -d omsprod
    Instance omsprod1 is not running on node hublhp1
    Instance omsprod2 is not running on node hublhp3
    oracle@hublhp1:/home/oracle$ srvctl status instance -d omsprod -i omsprod1,omsprod2
    Instance omsprod1 is not running on node hublhp1
    Instance omsprod2 is not running on node hublhp3
    oracle@hublhp1:/home/oracle$ echo $ORACLE_SID
    oracle@hublhp1:/home/oracle$ sqlplus "/as sysdba"
    SQL*Plus: Release Production on Thu Nov 18 11:32:38 2010
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, Automatic Storage Management, OLAP,
    Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    SQL> select instance_number, instance_name, host_name, status from gv$instance;
    1 omsprod1 hublhp1 OPEN
    2 omsprod2 hublhp3 OPEN
    SQL> exit
    Disconnected from Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, Automatic Storage Management, OLAP,
    Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    Any idea what is missing here, where to look at it.

    try to add the database again with srvctl
    $srvctl add instance -d db_name -i instance_name
    if not try to clear the instance from CRS registry and again register...

  • RCA for Oracle RAC Performance Issue

    Hi DBAs,
    I have setup a 2 node Oracle RAC on Linux 4.5 (64 bit) with 16 GB memory and 4 dual core CPUs each. The database is serving a web application but unfortunately the system is at its knees. The performance is terrible. The storage is a EMC SAN but ASM is not implemented with a fear to further degrade the performance or not to complicate the system further.
    I am seeking the expert advises from some GURUs from this forums to formulate the action plan to do the root cause analysis to the system and database. Please advise me what tools I can use to gather the information about the Root Cause. AWR Report is not very helpful. The system stats with top, vmstat, iostat only show the high resource usage but difficult to find the reason. OEM has configured and very frequently report all kind of high wait events.
    How I can use effectively find Network bottle necks (netstat command which need to be really helpful to understand).
    How I can see the system I/O (iostats) which can provide me some useful information. I don't understand what sould be the baseline or optimal values to compare the I/O activities.
    I am seeking help and advised to diagnose the issue. I also want to represent this issue as a case study.

    First of all, RAC is mainly suited for OLTP applications.
    Secondly, if your application is unscalable (it doesn't use bind variables and no SQL statements have been tuned and/or it has been ported from Sukkelserver 200<whatever>) running it against RAC will make things worse.
    Thirdly: RAC uses a chatty Interconnect. If you didn't configure the Interconnect properly,and/or are using slow Network cards (1 Gb is mandatory), and/or you are not using a 9k MTU on your 1 Gb NIC, this again will make things worse.
    You can't install RAC 'out of the box'. It won't perform! PERIOD.
    Fourthly: you might suffer from your 'application' connecting and disconnecting for every individual SQL statement and/or commit every individual INSERT or UPDATE.
    You need to address this.
    Using ADDM and/or AWR is compulsory for analysing the problem, and/or having read Cary Millsaps book on Optimizing Oracle performance is compulsory.
    You won't come anywhere without AWR and OS statistics will not provide any clue.
    Because, paraphrasing William Jefferson Clinton, former president of the US of A:
    It's the application, stupid.
    99 out of 100 cases. Trust me. All developers I know currently are 100 percent clueless.
    That said, if you can't be bothered to post the top 5 AWR events, and you aren't up to using AWR reports, maybe you should hire a consultant who can.
    Sybrand Bakker
    Senior Oracle DBA

  • Oracle 11g Performance Issue

    We have Oracle 11g ( on HP-UX environment with CC&B application. It was working fine and after we upgrade the database to last week, since then the database performance is really slow. After we upgrade the database we notice that xdb component became invalid.
    We are not sure how to investigate this issue, any help would be appreciated.

    DB Name         DB Id    Instance     Inst Num Startup Time    Release     RAC
    CCBPROD       3218377102 ccbprod             1 10-Jan-12 20:26  NO
    Host Name        Platform                         CPUs Cores Sockets Memory(GB)
    huccbhp5         HP-UX IA (64-bit)                   4     4       2      23.97
                  Snap Id      Snap Time      Sessions Curs/Sess
    Begin Snap:     43912 11-Jan-12 10:00:31       157      96.1
      End Snap:     43913 11-Jan-12 11:00:35       186     101.3
       Elapsed:               60.08 (mins)
       DB Time:              653.40 (mins)
    Cache Sizes                       Begin        End
    ~~~~~~~~~~~                  ---------- ----------
                   Buffer Cache:    12,160M    12,096M  Std Block Size:         8K
               Shared Pool Size:       704M       704M      Log Buffer:    58,764K
    Load Profile              Per Second    Per Transaction   Per Exec   Per Call
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~         ---------------    --------------- ---------- ----------
          DB Time(s):               10.9                0.5       0.02       0.02
           DB CPU(s):                3.6                0.2       0.01       0.01
           Redo size:          529,539.6           24,544.1
       Logical reads:          155,545.5            7,209.5
       Block changes:            2,047.0               94.9
      Physical reads:              204.6                9.5
    Physical writes:               96.0                4.5
          User calls:              698.7               32.4
              Parses:               77.8                3.6
         Hard parses:                0.1                0.0
    W/A MB processed:          406,873.3           18,858.5
              Logons:                0.4                0.0
            Executes:              456.1               21.1
           Rollbacks:               19.6                0.9
        Transactions:               21.6
    Instance Efficiency Percentages (Target 100%)
                Buffer Nowait %:  100.00       Redo NoWait %:   99.97
                Buffer  Hit   %:   99.87    In-memory Sort %:  100.00
                Library Hit   %:   99.93        Soft Parse %:   99.89
             Execute to Parse %:   82.95         Latch Hit %:   99.99
    Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %:    0.01     % Non-Parse CPU:   99.93
    Shared Pool Statistics        Begin    End
                 Memory Usage %:   89.78   90.02
        % SQL with executions>1:   86.04   84.87
      % Memory for SQL w/exec>1:   86.22   86.03
    Top 5 Timed Foreground Events
                                                              wait   % DB
    Event                                 Waits     Time(s)   (ms)   time Wait Class
    virtual circuit wait              2,170,696      15,761      7   40.2 Network
    DB CPU                                           13,115          33.5
    db file sequential read             362,802       6,304     17   16.1 User I/O
    enq: TX - row lock contention           115       1,118   9721    2.9 Applicatio
    log file sync                         8,183         818    100    2.1 Commit
    Host CPU (CPUs:    4 Cores:    4 Sockets:    2)
    ~~~~~~~~         Load Average
                   Begin       End     %User   %System      %WIO     %Idle
                    3.28      3.93      93.1       2.3       2.8       4.6
    Instance CPU
                  % of total CPU for Instance:  91.1
                  % of busy  CPU for Instance:  95.4
      %DB time waiting for CPU - Resource Mgr:   0.0
    Memory Statistics
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                       Begin          End
                      Host Mem (MB):     24,545.7     24,545.7
                       SGA use (MB):     13,312.0     13,312.0
                       PGA use (MB):        935.9        949.3
        % Host Mem used for SGA+PGA:        58.05        58.05

  • Oracle 9i performance issue

    Dear All,
    We are recently migrate  sap 4.6c /oracle9i/AIX5.3  IBM power 5 to IBM Power 7 server  issue is that the report that run around 40 minute it will take more then 6 hour I donu2019t know what is wrong how to tune that server one thing I also done that I used sap profile and oracle database parameter same but no solution , also run table query from sqlplus it is also take too much time
    background process DBWR0 and others show following error
    2011-03-12 14:08:17.653
    SESSION ID:(2.1) 2011-03-12 14:08:17.650
    Warning: lio_listio returned EAGAIN
    Performance degradation may be seen
    and also all work process
    please also send me tips to improve sap and oracle performance
    rayyan shahid

    Warning: lio_listio returned EAGAIN*
    *Performance degradation may be seen
    Such warnings can occur if maxreqs or maxservers parameters are set too low at OS level.
    Along with the above suggested SAP Note , refer these useful document [Oracle Architecture and Tuning on AIX|$FILE/Oracle%20Architecture%20and%20Tuning%20on%20AIX%20%28v%202.0%29.pdf]. to get more detailed information on some other required configuration settings at ORACLE level as well as on AIX OS level.
    Bhavik G. Shroff

  • Oracle 11g performance issue ( BITMAP CONVERSION TO ROWIDS)

    I have two instance of oracle 11g.
    in both instance i fired same query.
    one instance returns the result in 1sec but other instance returns the result in 10 sec
    following is explain plan for bot instance
    instance 1
    | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
    | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 143 | 59 (2)| 00:00:01 |
    | 1 | HASH GROUP BY | | 1 | 143 | 59 (2)| 00:00:01 |
    | 2 | VIEW | VM_NWVW_2 | 1 | 143 | 59 (2)| 00:00:01 |
    | 3 | HASH UNIQUE | | 1 | 239 | 59 (2)| 00:00:01 |
    | 4 | NESTED LOOPS | | | | | |
    | 5 | NESTED LOOPS | | 1 | 239 | 58 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    | 6 | NESTED LOOPS | | 1 | 221 | 57 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    | 7 | NESTED LOOPS | | 1 | 210 | 55 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    | 8 | NESTED LOOPS | | 1 | 184 | 54 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    | 9 | NESTED LOOPS | | 1 | 158 | 53 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    | 10 | NESTED LOOPS | | 1 | 139 | 52 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    | 11 | NESTED LOOPS | | 1 | 105 | 50 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |* 12 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | year_field | 1 | 29 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    | 13 | SORT AGGREGATE | | 1 | 8 | | |
    | 14 | INDEX FULL SCAN (MIN/MAX)| idx_bf_creation_date | 1 | 8 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |* 15 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| OHRT_bugs_fact | 1 | 76 | 48 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |* 16 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | idx_bf_creation_date | 76 | | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |* 17 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | OHRT_all_time_dimension | 1 | 34 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |* 18 | INDEX UNIQUE SCAN | unique_alltime_bug_instance_id | 1 | | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    | 19 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | OHRT_all_time_dimension | 1 | 19 | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |* 20 | INDEX UNIQUE SCAN | unique_alltime_bug_instance_id | 1 | | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |* 21 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | bugseverity_instance_id_ref_id | 1 | 26 | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |* 22 | INDEX UNIQUE SCAN | unique_alltime_bug_instance_id | 1 | 26 | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    | 23 | INLIST ITERATOR | | | | | |
    |* 24 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | OHMT_ANL_BUCKET | 1 | 11 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |* 25 | INDEX UNIQUE SCAN | SYS_C0053213 | 5 | | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |* 26 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | FK_BUCKET_TYPE | 6 | | 0 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |* 27 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | OHMT_ANL_BUCKET | 1 | 18 | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    instance 2
    SELECT STATEMENT ALL_ROWS Cost: 22 Bytes: 142 Cardinality: 1
    32 HASH GROUP BY Cost: 22 Bytes: 142 Cardinality: 1
    31 VIEW VIEW SYS.VM_NWVW_2 Cost: 22 Bytes: 142 Cardinality: 1
    30 HASH UNIQUE Cost: 22 Bytes: 237 Cardinality: 1
    27 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 21 Bytes: 237 Cardinality: 1
    25 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 20 Bytes: 219 Cardinality: 1
    21 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 18 Bytes: 208 Cardinality: 1
    19 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 17 Bytes: 183 Cardinality: 1
    17 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 16 Bytes: 157 Cardinality: 1
    14 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 15 Bytes: 138 Cardinality: 1
    11 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 13 Bytes: 104 Cardinality: 1
    3 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX REPORTSDB.year_field Cost: 2 Bytes: 29 Cardinality: 1
    2 SORT AGGREGATE Bytes: 8 Cardinality: 1
    1 INDEX FULL SCAN (MIN/MAX) INDEX REPORTSDB.idx_bf_creation_date Cost: 3 Bytes: 8 Cardinality: 1
    10 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE REPORTSDB.OHRT_bugs_fact Cost: 13 Bytes: 75 Cardinality: 1
    4 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX REPORTSDB.idx_OHRT_bugs_fact_2product Cost: 2 Cardinality: 85
    6 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX REPORTSDB.idx_bf_creation_date Cost: 2 Cardinality: 85
    13 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE REPORTSDB.OHRT_all_time_dimension Cost: 2 Bytes: 34 Cardinality: 1
    12 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) REPORTSDB.unique_alltime_bug_instance_id Cost: 1 Cardinality: 1
    16 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE REPORTSDB.OHRT_all_time_dimension Cost: 1 Bytes: 19 Cardinality: 1
    15 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) REPORTSDB.unique_alltime_bug_instance_id Cost: 1 Cardinality: 1
    18 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) REPORTSDB.unique_alltime_bug_instance_id Cost: 1 Bytes: 26 Cardinality: 1
    20 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX REPORTSDB.bugseverity_instance_id_ref_id Cost: 1 Bytes: 25 Cardinality: 1
    22 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) OPSHUB.SYS_C0040939 Cost: 1 Cardinality: 5
    in both explain plan only difference is
    but is bitmap degrading performance lot?
    or suggest me what other parameter i can see so 2nd instance gives me better performace.

    I see more differences.
    In plan 1:
    * 16      INDEX RANGE SCAN      idx_bf_creation_date      76           1 (0)     00:00:01
    in Plan 2:
    1 INDEX FULL SCAN (MIN/MAX) INDEX REPORTSDB.idx_bf_creation_date Cost: 3 Bytes: 8 Cardinality: 1
    So this is not about "bitmap" good/bad, it about the access strategy which changed due to differences in data statistics etc. To analyze more, I'd help a LOT if those plans would be formated in a good and same way, use around it to do so.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  • Oracle XQuery performance issue in XMLType column

    Dear All,
    As for oracle I'm using oracle 11g to measure the performance.
    I'm using data from XMark project which is a >100MB data of XML for bencmarking purposes.
    I make a table that contains an XMLType column and upload the data into that column, after doing that I try to do a query like this:
    select xmlquery(
    'for $i in /site/people/person
    where $i/id = "person0"
    return $i/name'
    passing BookXMLContent Returning Content)
    from Book;
    The purpose of this query is to retrieve the name of a person that have id = 'person0'
    My questions are:
    1. Did I do something wrong with my query?
    2. Is there any setting on the database that I should done prior to doing the query to done significantly better result?
    3. Is there any other approach that are much better than I currently used?
    Anthony Steven
    Edited by: mdrake on Nov 4, 2009 6:01 AM

    First, please read the licencing terms for Oracle ( And I suspect DB2, MSFT) . You are not allowed to publish externally (in any form, including forum posts :) ) the results of any benchmarking activities. I have edited your post accordingly. I hope this research is not part of a thesis or similar work that would intend making public as you and your institution would be in violation of your licence agreeement were you to do so.
    Now back to your question, how can you improve performance for XMark
    #1. Can you show us the create table statement you used, so we can see how you created your XMLType column BOOKXMLCONTENT.
    #2. Did you create any indexes
    #3. Did you look at the explain plan output.
    Edited by: mdrake on Nov 4, 2009 6:06 AM

  • Oracle apps performance issue

    Dear All,
    i recenlty cloned an environment on a new server, i can access oracle apps with fine speed once you select a reponsbility and the java take lots of time to open when you are in oracle application (Oracle forms) from there it works so slow even a single click take 1 min or so.
    please let me know how can i troubleshoot and improve performance specially once the java opens the oracle forms
    OS: OEL 5.5
    APPS : R12 (12.1.3)
    DB : 11G R1
    Single node environment.
    Please advise Regards,

    i recenlty cloned an environment on a new server, i can access oracle apps with fine speed once you select a reponsbility and the java take lots of time to open when you are in oracle application (Oracle forms) from there it works so slow even a single click take 1 min or so.What is the SGA size?
    Did you run "Gather Schema Statistics" after the clone?
    please let me know how can i troubleshoot and improve performance specially once the java opens the oracle formsPerformance Tuning

  • Oracle 8i performance issue

    We updagraded oracle 7.3 to oracle 8.1.7 and we have an application running on it is with JAVA-web based.
    Now after we upgraded the database we are in problem of performance. When one user is using application and other user start using sqlplus to browse the same database that application is get frized. also some one else start using application the first one get frized.
    I dont know why it happened...

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by guest:
    Would you tell us about the specifications of you server. The amount of memory is very important. I should suggest that you should have your server about 512MB or 1024MB memory installed.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

  • Oracle 10g performance issue

    Hi all,
    In sunfire v890 we have installed oracle 10g release 2 on solaris 10.
    prstat -a command shows :
    105 root 9268M 6324M 20% 1:21:57 0.4%
    59 oracle 24G 22G 71% 0:04:33 0.1%
    2 nobody4 84M 69M 0.2% 0:11:32 0.0%
    2 esbuser 13M 9000K 0.0% 0:00:46 0.0%
    1 smmsp 7560K 1944K 0.0% 0:00:00 0.0%
    4 daemon 12M 7976K 0.0% 0:00:00 0.0%
    and top utility shows :
    last pid: 8639; load avg: 0.09, 0.09, 0.09; up 2+06:05:29 17:07:50
    171 processes: 170 sleeping, 1 on cpu
    CPU states: 98.7% idle, 0.7% user, 0.7% kernel, 0.0% iowait, 0.0% swap
    Memory: 32G phys mem, 22G free mem, 31G swap, 31G free swap
    therefore from prstat we come to know that memory used by oracle is 71%
    where as top says 31.25% used.....
    which one is true in this scenario.....
    shall we go ahead in trusting top utility????
    Advance thanks to you.

    Hi darren
    The main thing is,, prstat -a command showing oracle
    user occupied 70%.In top utility showing 22gb memory
    free out of 32 gb.That means 10gb was occupied by all
    users.In percentage calculation its comes
    31.25%...i.e top shows all users occupied only
    31.25%Right. That's all memory in use, correct? From your first message I thought you meant it said that was the amount used by Oracle.
    It's easy to calculate total memory in use.
    It's hard to calculate memory in use by a subset of processes (perhaps those owned by a particular user).
    but prstat -t command shows 70% occupied by oracle.
    which one i want to believe??????The prstat command showing memory in use by a user will be incorrect because it does not calculated shared pages properly.
    As far as I am aware, 'top' has no similar display.

Maybe you are looking for

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