Oracle Backup Script

I mean as we write a backup script to take backup of whole day working for Hr db like i use the following script to take backup of one user
for /f "tokens=2,3,4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /t') do set fdate=%%a%%b%%c
for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4,5 delims=: " %%a in ('time /t') do set ftime=%%a%%b%%c%%d%%e
exp userid=HR/HR@dummy file=D:\BACKUP\backup%fdate%%ftime%.dmp log=D:\BACKUP\backup%fdate%%ftime%.log
I made this batch file to take backup of my hr schema but it take backup of whole day my problem is i want to take backup of every hour how to achieve this please help me.

i want to take backup of every hour how to achieve this please help me.
for that you need to use one of the proper backup method : User Managed / RMAN.

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  • Oracle Hot Backup Script Windows Server 2003

    Does anyone here have a working Oracle 10I database hot backup script for Windows Server 2003? If so can you please post it here.

    Here is a basic batch script I have used for a hot backup of Oracle databases using RMAN
    Will just need to update some locations based on you environment just check all the comments and change what you need to but this can be scheduled to run regularly through the windows scheduler for database backups.
    This will take a hot backup and backup the archive logs.
    Let me know if you have any quesitons.
    REM #####################################################################
    REM # Name: rman_hot_backup_dsk.bat
    REM #
    REM # Description:
    REM #
    REM # Generic Hot backup script that accepts the SID
    REM #
    REM # Parameters: Instance Name, backup level
    REM #
    REM #####################################################################
    REM #
    REM # Check if SID was Passed
    if (%1)==() goto USAGE
    if (%2)==() goto USAGE
    REM # assign ORACLE_SID to passed SID
    set ORACLE_SID=%1
    REM # Set the hot backup level 0-full 1-incremental
    set LEVEL=%2
    REM # export the page list
    set [email protected]
    REM # assign a date we can use as part of the logfile
    set DTE=%date:~-4%%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%_%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%
    REM # Take the spaces out of the date string so we can use in our file name
    set DTE=%DTE: =%
    REM # set the script location
    REM # Set location of where you will put script
    set SCRIPTLOC=C:\app\oracle\scripts
    cd %SCRIPTLOC%
    REM # Set the Temporary command file that we will write our rman script to
    set CMDFILE=%SCRIPTLOC%\%ORACLE_SID%_rman_hot_backup_dsk.cmd
    REM # Remove the temporary file if it exists
    del /q %CMDFILE%
    REM # Set the logfile directory
    REM # Change based on where you want the backup logs to go
    set LOGFILE=%ORACLE_SID%_rman_hot_backup_dsk_%DTE%.log
    REM # Set the path of the backup location
    REM # Change based on disk pach for you disk based backups
    REM # Lets set the ORACLE_HOME for the host
    REM # Set to your actual ORACLE_HOME location
    set ORACLE_HOME=C:\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1
    # Set the rest of the Oracle Environment
    # based on our ORACLE_HOME
    set TNS_ADMIN=%ORACLE_HOME%/network/admin
    REM #set ORA_NLS10=%ORACLE_HOME%/nls/data
    REM Set our PATH with the ORACLE_HOME so that we have a good
    REM clean environment to work with
    REM # Write Temporary command file for RMAN backup
    echo # configure retention policy >> %CMDFILE%
    echo # >> %CMDFILE%
    echo # lets start clean for our hot backup by doing full crosschecks >> %CMDFILE%
    echo change archivelog all crosscheck ; >> %CMDFILE%
    echo crosscheck backup of database; >> %CMDFILE%
    echo crosscheck backup of controlfile; >> %CMDFILE%
    echo # >> %CMDFILE%
    echo # delete all expired and obsolete backups >> %CMDFILE%
    echo allocate channel for maintenance type disk ; >> %CMDFILE%
    echo delete noprompt expired archivelog all ; >> %CMDFILE%
    echo delete noprompt expired backup ; >> %CMDFILE%
    echo delete noprompt obsolete ; >> %CMDFILE%
    echo # >> %CMDFILE%
    echo # Configure control file for auto backup >> %CMDFILE%
    echo configure controlfile autobackup on ; >> %CMDFILE%
    echo # >> %CMDFILE%
    echo # Configure default device type here we use disk and set parallelism to 2 >> %CMDFILE%
    echo configure default device type to disk ; >> %CMDFILE%
    echo configure device type disk parallelism 2 ; >> %CMDFILE%
    echo # >> %CMDFILE%
    echo # Must format the default channel for the device type disk >> %CMDFILE%
    echo # other wise tmp area in creating pieces will be done in >> %CMDFILE%
    echo # the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory >> %CMDFILE%
    echo # >> %CMDFILE%
    echo # Configure our retention policy for this database >> %CMDFILE%
    echo configure retention policy to recovery window of 14 days ; >> %CMDFILE%
    echo # >> %CMDFILE%
    echo # Let configure our channels for our backup >> %CMDFILE%
    echo # Channel 1 disk and we indicate where it goes not taking the default >> %CMDFILE%
    echo configure channel 1 device type disk MAXPIECESIZE = 4G format '%BACKLOC%\%ORACLE_SID%_hot_%%U' ; >> %CMDFILE%
    echo # Channel 2 disk and we indicate where it goes not taking the default >> %CMDFILE%
    echo configure channel 2 device type disk MAXPIECESIZE = 4G format '%BACKLOC%\%ORACLE_SID%_hot_%%U' ; >> %CMDFILE%
    echo # >> %CMDFILE%
    echo # Backup our database with compression on >> %CMDFILE%
    echo backup as compressed backupset incremental level %LEVEL% tag hot_%LEVEL%_%DTE% DATABASE ; >> %CMDFILE%
    echo # >> %CMDFILE%
    echo # Backup our archive log files that have not been backed up >> %CMDFILE%
    echo backup as compressed backupset format '%BACKLOC%\%ORACLE_SID%_Archive_%%d_%%s_%%p_%%t' archivelog all not backed up 1 times ; >> %CMDFILE%
    echo # >> %CMDFILE%
    echo # Backup Control file for standby in case needed >> %CMDFILE%
    echo backup current controlfile for standby ; >> %CMDFILE%
    echo # >> %CMDFILE%
    echo # let put a controlfile to trace >> %CMDFILE%
    REM # Run the RMAN backup without using the recovery catalog
    %ORACLE_HOME%\bin\rman target=/ nocatalog cmdfile=%CMDFILE% msglog=%LOG%
    REM # Remove our temporary command file
    del /q %CMDFILE%
    REM # Mail Archive backup log
    REM # This relies on the free bmail utility
    bmail -date -m %LOG% -f [email protected] -s <smtpserver> -t %PAGE_LIST% -a "HOT Backup results"
    REM # Goto end of script as we are done
    goto END
    echo "Must Pass ORACLE_SID and hot backup level as parameters."
    goto END

  • Oracle backup to ftp

    Hello all
    I have problems with oracle backup through db13 to ftp.
    Job log
    Job started
    Step 001 started (program RSDBAJOB, variant &0000000000028, user ID USER)
    Execute logical command BRBACKUP On host sap1-ast
    Parameters:-u / -jid ALLOG20061117094801 -c force -t online -m all -p -a -c force -p -c
    BR0051I BRBACKUP 7.00 (16)
    BR0282E Directory '/sapbackup' not found
    BR0182E Checking parameter/option 'compress_dir' failed
    BR0056I End of database backup: bdtyppxk.log 2006-11-17 09.48.04
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2006-11-17 09.48.04
    BR0054I BRBACKUP terminated with errors
    External program terminated with exit code 3
    BRBACKUP returned error status E
    Job finished
    this is my file
    @(#) $Id: //bas/700_REL/src/ccm/rsbr/ $ SAP
    SAP backup sample profile. #
    The parameter syntax is the same as for init.ora parameters. #
    Enclose parameter values which consist of more than one symbol in #
    double quotes. #
    After any symbol, parameter definition can be continued on the next #
    line. #
    A parameter value list should be enclosed in parentheses, the list #
    items should be delimited by commas. #
    There can be any number of white spaces (blanks, tabs and new lines) #
    between symbols in parameter definition. #
    backup mode [all | all_data | full | incr | sap_dir | ora_dir
    | all_dir | <tablespace_name> | <file_id> | <file_id1>-<file_id2>
    | <generic_path> | (<object_list>)]
    default: all
    backup_mode = all
    restore mode [all | all_data | full | incr | incr_only | incr_full
    | incr_all | <tablespace_name> | <file_id> | <file_id1>-<file_id2>
    | <generic_path> | (<object_list>) | partial | non_db
    redirection with '=' is not supported here - use option '-m' instead
    default: all
    restore_mode = all
    backup type [offline | offline_force | offline_standby | offline_split
    | offline_mirror | offline_stop | online | online_cons | online_split
    | online_mirror
    default: offline
    backup_type = online_cons
    backup device type
    [tape | tape_auto | tape_box | pipe | pipe_auto | pipe_box | disk
    | disk_copy | disk_standby | stage | stage_copy | stage_standby
    | util_file | util_file_online | rman_util | rman_disk | rman_stage
    | rman_prep]
    default: tape
    backup_dev_type = stage
    backup root directory [<path_name> | (<path_name_list>)]
    default: %SAPDATA_HOME%\sapbackup
    backup_root_dir = /sapbackup
    stage root directory [<path_name> | (<path_name_list>)]
    default: value of the backup_root_dir parameter
    stage_root_dir = /sapbackup
    compression flag [no | yes | hardware | only]
    default: no
    compress = no
    compress command
    first $-character is replaced by the source file name
    second $-character is replaced by the target file name
    <target_file_name> = <source_file_name>.Z
    for compress command the -c option must be set
    recommended setting for brbackup -k only run:
    "%SAPEXE%\mkszip -l 0 -c $ > $"
    no default
    compress_cmd = "C:\usr\sap\THD\SYS\exe\uc\NTI386\mkszip -c $ > $"
    uncompress command
    first $-character is replaced by the source file name
    second $-character is replaced by the target file name
    <source_file_name> = <target_file_name>.Z
    for uncompress command the -c option must be set
    no default
    uncompress_cmd = "C:\usr\sap\THD\SYS\exe\uc\NTI386\uncompress -c $ > $"
    directory for compression [<path_name> | (<path_name_list>)]
    default: value of the backup_root_dir parameter
    compress_dir = /sapbackup
    brarchive function [save | second_copy | double_save | save_delete
    | second_copy_delete | double_save_delete | copy_save
    | copy_delete_save | delete_saved | delete_copied]
    default: save
    archive_function = save
    directory for archive log copies to disk
    default: first value of the backup_root_dir parameter
    archive_copy_dir = /sapbackup
    directory for archive log copies to stage
    default: first value of the stage_root_dir parameter
    archive_stage_dir = /sapbackup
    delete archive logs from duplex destination [only | no | yes | check]
    default: only
    archive_dupl_del = only
    new sapdata home directory for disk_copy | disk_standby
    no default
    new_db_home = X:\oracle\C11
    stage sapdata home directory for stage_copy | stage_standby
    default: value of the new_db_home parameter
    #stage_db_home = /sapbackup
    original sapdata home directory for split mirror disk backup
    no default
    #orig_db_home = C:\oracle\THD
    remote host name
    no default
    remote_host = srv1
    remote user name
    default: current operating system user
    remote_user = "thdadm password"
    tape copy command [cpio | cpio_gnu | dd | dd_gnu | rman | rman_gnu
    rman_dd | rman_dd_gnu]
    default: cpio
    tape_copy_cmd = cpio
    disk copy command [copy | copy_gnu | dd | dd_gnu | rman | rman_gnu]
    default: copy
    disk_copy_cmd = copy
    stage copy command [rcp | scp | ftp]
    default: rcp
    stage_copy_cmd = ftp
    pipe copy command [rsh | ssh]
    default: rsh
    pipe_copy_cmd = rsh
    flags for cpio output command
    default: -ovB
    cpio_flags = -ovB
    flags for cpio input command
    default: -iuvB
    cpio_in_flags = -iuvB
    flags for cpio command for copy of directories to disk
    default: -pdcu
    use flags -pdu for gnu tools
    cpio_disk_flags = -pdcu
    flags for dd output command
    default: "obs=16k"
    caution: option "obs=" not supported for Windows
    recommended setting:
    Unix: "obs=nk bs=nk", example: "obs=64k bs=64k"
    Windows: "bs=nk", example: "bs=64k"
    dd_flags = "bs=64k"
    flags for dd input command
    default: "ibs=16k"
    caution: option "ibs=" not supported for Windows
    recommended setting:
    Unix: "ibs=nk bs=nk", example: "ibs=64k bs=64k"
    Windows: "bs=nk", example: "bs=64k"
    dd_in_flags = "bs=64k"
    number of members in RMAN save sets [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | tsp | all ]
    default: 1
    saveset_members = 1
    additional parameters for RMAN
    rman_channels and rman_filesperset are only used when rman_util,
    rman_disk or rman_stage
    rman_channels defines the number of parallel sbt channel allocations
    rman_filesperset = 0 means:
    one file per save set - for non-incremental backups
    all files in one save set - for incremental backups
    the others have the same meaning as for native RMAN
    rman_channels = 1
    rman_filesperset = 0
    rman_maxpiecesize = 0 # in KB - former name rman_kbytes
    rman_rate = 0 # in KB - former name rman_readrate
    rman_maxopenfiles = 0
    rman_maxsetsize = 0 # in KB - former name rman_setsize
    additional parameters for RMAN version 8.1
    the parameters have the same meaning as for native RMAN
    rman_diskratio = 0 # deprecated in Oracle 10g
    rman_pool = 0
    rman_copies = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 # former name rman_duplex
    rman_proxy = no | yes | only
    special parameters for an external backup library, example:
    rman_parms = "BLKSIZE=65536 ENV=(BACKUP_SERVER=HOSTNAME)"
    rman_send = "'<command>'"
    rman_send = ("channel sbt_1 '<command1>' parms='<parameters1>'",
    "channel sbt_2 '<command2>' parms='<parameters2>'")
    remote copy-out command (backup_dev_type = pipe)
    $-character is replaced by current device address
    no default
    copy_out_cmd = "dd ibs=8k obs=64k of=$"
    remote copy-in command (backup_dev_type = pipe)
    $-character is replaced by current device address
    no default
    copy_in_cmd = "dd ibs=64k obs=8k if=$"
    rewind command
    $-character is replaced by current device address
    no default
    operating system dependent, examples:
    HP-UX: "mt -f $ rew"
    TRU64: "mt -f $ rewind"
    AIX: "tctl -f $ rewind"
    Solaris: "mt -f $ rewind"
    Windows: "mt -f $ rewind"
    Linux: "mt -f $ rewind"
    rewind = "mt -f $ rewind"
    rewind and set offline command
    $-character is replaced by current device address
    default: value of the rewind parameter
    operating system dependent, examples:
    HP-UX: "mt -f $ offl"
    TRU64: "mt -f $ offline"
    AIX: "tctl -f $ offline"
    Solaris: "mt -f $ offline"
    Windows: "mt -f $ offline"
    Linux: "mt -f $ offline"
    rewind_offline = "mt -f $ offline"
    tape positioning command
    first $-character is replaced by current device address
    second $-character is replaced by number of files to be skipped
    no default
    operating system dependent, examples:
    HP-UX: "mt -f $ fsf $"
    TRU64: "mt -f $ fsf $"
    AIX: "tctl -f $ fsf $"
    Solaris: "mt -f $ fsf $"
    Windows: "mt -f $ fsf $"
    Linux: "mt -f $ fsf $"
    tape_pos_cmd = "mt -f $ fsf $"
    mount backup volume command in auto loader / juke box
    used if backup_dev_type = tape_box | pipe_box
    no default
    mount_cmd = "<mount_cmd> $ $ $ [$]"
    dismount backup volume command in auto loader / juke box
    used if backup_dev_type = tape_box | pipe_box
    no default
    dismount_cmd = "<dismount_cmd> $ $ [$]"
    split mirror disks command
    used if backup_type = offline_split | online_split | offline_mirror
    | online_mirror
    no default
    split_cmd = "<split_cmd> [$]"
    resynchronize mirror disks command
    used if backup_type = offline_split | online_split | offline_mirror
    | online_mirror
    no default
    resync_cmd = "<resync_cmd> [$]"
    additional options for SPLITINT interface program
    no default
    split_options = "<split_options>"
    resynchronize after backup flag [no | yes]
    default: no
    split_resync = no
    volume size in KB = K, MB = M or GB = G (backup device dependent)
    default: 1200M
    recommended values for tape devices without hardware compression:
    60 m 4 mm DAT DDS-1 tape: 1200M
    90 m 4 mm DAT DDS-1 tape: 1800M
    120 m 4 mm DAT DDS-2 tape: 3800M
    125 m 4 mm DAT DDS-3 tape: 11000M
    112 m 8 mm Video tape: 2000M
    112 m 8 mm high density: 4500M
    DLT 2000 10/20 GB: 10000M
    DLT 2000XT 15/30 GB: 15000M
    DLT 4000 20/40 GB: 20000M
    DLT 7000 35/70 GB: 35000M
    recommended values for tape devices with hardware compression:
    60 m 4 mm DAT DDS-1 tape: 1000M
    90 m 4 mm DAT DDS-1 tape: 1600M
    120 m 4 mm DAT DDS-2 tape: 3600M
    125 m 4 mm DAT DDS-3 tape: 10000M
    112 m 8 mm Video tape: 1800M
    112 m 8 mm high density: 4300M
    DLT 2000 10/20 GB: 9000M
    DLT 2000XT 15/30 GB: 14000M
    DLT 4000 20/40 GB: 18000M
    DLT 7000 35/70 GB: 30000M
    tape_size = 100G
    volume size in KB = K, MB = M or GB = G used by brarchive
    default: value of the tape_size parameter
    tape_size_arch = 100G
    level of parallel execution
    default: 0 - set to number of backup devices
    exec_parallel = 0
    address of backup device without rewind
    [<dev_address> | (<dev_address_list>)]
    no default
    operating system dependent, examples:
    HP-UX: /dev/rmt/0mn
    TRU64: /dev/nrmt0h
    AIX: /dev/rmt0.1
    Solaris: /dev/rmt/0mn
    Windows: /dev/nmt0 | /dev/nst0
    Linux: /dev/nst0
    tape_address = /dev/nmt0
    address of backup device without rewind used by brarchive
    default: value of the tape_address parameter
    operating system dependent
    tape_address_arch = /dev/nmt0
    address of backup device with rewind
    [<dev_address> | (<dev_address_list>)]
    no default
    operating system dependent, examples:
    HP-UX: /dev/rmt/0m
    TRU64: /dev/rmt0h
    AIX: /dev/rmt0
    Solaris: /dev/rmt/0m
    Windows: /dev/mt0 | /dev/st0
    Linux: /dev/st0
    tape_address_rew = /dev/mt0
    address of backup device with rewind used by brarchive
    default: value of the tape_address_rew parameter
    operating system dependent
    tape_address_rew_arch = /dev/mt0
    address of backup device with control for mount/dismount command
    [<dev_address> | (<dev_address_list>)]
    default: value of the tape_address_rew parameter
    operating system dependent
    tape_address_ctl = /dev/...
    address of backup device with control for mount/dismount command
    used by brarchive
    default: value of the tape_address_rew_arch parameter
    operating system dependent
    tape_address_ctl_arch = /dev/...
    volumes for brarchive
    [<volume_name> | (<volume_name_list>) | SCRATCH]
    no default
    volume_archive = (THDA01, THDA02, THDA03, THDA04, THDA05,
    THDA06, THDA07)
    volumes for brbackup
    [<volume_name> | (<volume_name_list>) | SCRATCH]
    no default
    volume_backup = (THDB01, THDB02, THDB03, THDB04, THDB05,
    THDB06, THDB07)
    expiration period for backup volumes in days
    default: 30
    expir_period = 30
    recommended usages of backup volumes
    default: 100
    tape_use_count = 100
    backup utility parameter file
    default: no parameter file
    util_par_file = initTHD.utl
    mount/dismount command parameter file
    default: no parameter file
    mount_par_file = initTHD.mnt
    Oracle instance string to the primary database
    [primary_db = <conn_name> | LOCAL]
    no default
    primary_db = <conn_name>
    description of parallel instances for Oracle RAC
    parallel_instances = <instance_desc> | (<instance_desc_list>)
    <instance_desc_list> -> <instance_desc>[,<instance_desc>...]
    <instance_desc> -> <Oracle_sid>:<Oracle_home>@<conn_name>
    <Oracle_sid> -> Oracle system id for parallel instance
    <Oracle_home> -> Oracle home for parallel instance
    <conn_name> -> Oracle instance string to parallel instance
    Please include the local instance in the parameter definition!
    default: no parallel instances
    example for
    parallel_instances = (RAC001:/oracle/RAC/920_64@RAC001,
    RAC002:/oracle/RAC/920_64@RAC002, RAC003:/oracle/RAC/920_64@RAC003)
    database owner of objects to be checked
    <owner> | (<owner_list>)
    default: all SAP owners
    check_owner = sapr3
    database objects to be excluded from checks
    all_part | non_sap | [<owner>.]<table> | [<owner>.]<index>
    | [<owner>.]<prefix>* | <tablespace> | (<object_list>)
    default: no exclusion, example:
    check_exclude = (SDBAH, SAPR3.SDBAD)
    database owner of SDBAH, SDBAD and XDB tables for cleanup
    <owner> | (<owner_list>)
    default: all SAP owners
    cleanup_owner = sapr3
    retention period in days for brarchive log files
    default: 30
    cleanup_brarchive_log = 30
    retention period in days for brbackup log files
    default: 30
    cleanup_brbackup_log = 30
    retention period in days for brconnect log files
    default: 30
    cleanup_brconnect_log = 30
    retention period in days for brrestore log files
    default: 30
    cleanup_brrestore_log = 30
    retention period in days for brrecover log files
    default: 30
    cleanup_brrecover_log = 30
    retention period in days for brspace log files
    default: 30
    cleanup_brspace_log = 30
    retention period in days for archive log files saved on disk
    default: 30
    cleanup_disk_archive = 30
    retention period in days for database files backed up on disk
    default: 30
    cleanup_disk_backup = 30
    retention period in days for brspace export dumps and scripts
    default: 30
    cleanup_exp_dump = 30
    retention period in days for Oracle trace and audit files
    default: 30
    cleanup_ora_trace = 30
    retention period in days for records in SDBAH and SDBAD tables
    default: 100
    cleanup_db_log = 100
    retention period in days for records in XDB tables
    default: 100
    cleanup_xdb_log = 100
    retention period in days for database check messages
    default: 100
    cleanup_check_msg = 100
    database owner of objects to adapt next extents
    <owner> | (<owner_list>)
    default: all SAP owners
    next_owner = sapr3
    database objects to adapt next extents
    all | all_ind | special | [<owner>.]<table> | [<owner>.]<index>
    | [<owner>.]<prefix>* | <tablespace> | (<object_list>)
    default: all abjects of selected owners, example:
    next_table = (SDBAH, SAPR3.SDBAD)
    database objects to be excluded from adapting next extents
    all_part | [<owner>.]<table> | [<owner>.]<index> | [<owner>.]<prefix>*
    | <tablespace> | (<object_list>)
    default: no exclusion, example:
    next_exclude = (SDBAH, SAPR3.SDBAD)
    database objects to get special next extent size
    all_sel:<size>[/<limit>] | [<owner>.]<table>:<size>[/<limit>]
    | [<owner>.]<index>:<size>[/<limit>]
    | [<owner>.]<prefix>*:<size>[/<limit>] | (<object_size_list>)
    default: according to table category, example:
    next_special = (SDBAH:100K, SAPR3.SDBAD:1M/200)
    maximum next extent size
    default: 2 GB - 5 * <database_block_size>
    next_max_size = 1G
    maximum number of next extents
    default: 0 - unlimited
    next_limit_count = 300
    database owner of objects to update statistics
    <owner> | (<owner_list>)
    default: all SAP owners
    stats_owner = sapr3
    database objects to update statistics
    all | all_ind | all_part | missing | info_cubes | dbstatc_tab
    | dbstatc_mon | dbstatc_mona | [<owner>.]<table> | [<owner>.]<index>
    | [<owner>.]<prefix>* | <tablespace> | (<object_list>) | harmful
    | locked | system_stats | oradict_stats
    default: all abjects of selected owners, example:
    stats_table = (SDBAH, SAPR3.SDBAD)
    database objects to be excluded from updating statistics
    all_part | info_cubes | [<owner>.]<table> | [<owner>.]<index>
    | [<owner>.]<prefix>* | <tablespace> | (<object_list>)
    default: no exclusion, example:
    stats_exclude = (SDBAH, SAPR3.SDBAD)
    method for updating statistics for tables not in DBSTATC
    E | EH | EI | EX | C | CH | CI | CX | A | AH | AI | AX | E= | C= | =H
    | =I | =X | +H | +I
    default: according to internal rules
    stats_method = E
    sample size for updating statistics for tables not in DBSTATC
    P<percentage_of_rows> | R<thousands_of_rows>
    default: according to internal rules
    stats_sample_size = P10
    number of buckets for updating statistics with histograms
    default: 75
    stats_bucket_count = 75
    threshold for collecting statistics after checking
    default: 50%
    stats_change_threshold = 50
    number of parallel threads for updating statistics
    default: 1
    stats_parallel_degree = 1
    processing time limit in minutes for updating statistics
    default: 0 - no limit
    stats_limit_time = 0
    parameters for calling DBMS_STATS supplied package
    all:R|B:<degree> | all_part:R|B:<degree> | info_cubes:R|B:<degree>
    | [<owner>.]<table>:R|B:<degree> | [<owner>.]<prefix>*:R|B:<degree>
    | (<object_list>) | NO
    default: NULL - use ANALYZE statement
    stats_dbms_stats = ([ALL:R:1,][<owner>.]<table>:R|B:<degree>,...)
    definition of info cube tables
    default | rsnspace_tab | [<owner>.]<table> | [<owner>.]<prefix>*
    | (<object_list>) | null
    default: from RSNSPACE control table
    stats_info_cubes = (/BIC/D, /BI0/D, ...)
    recovery type [complete | dbpit | tspit | reset | restore | apply
    | disaster]
    default: complete
    recov_type = complete
    directory for brrecover file copies
    default: $SAPDATA_HOME/sapbackup
    recov_copy_dir = C:\oracle\THD\sapbackup
    time period for searching for backups
    0 - all available backups, >0 - backups from n last days
    default: 30
    recov_interval = 30
    degree of paralelism for applying archive log files
    0 - use Oracle default parallelism, 1 - serial, >1 - parallel
    default: Oracle default
    recov_degree = 0
    number of lines for scrolling in list menus
    0 - no scrolling, >0 - scroll n lines
    default: 20
    scroll_lines = 20
    time period for displaying profiles and logs
    0 - all available logs, >0 - logs from n last days
    default: 30
    show_period = 30
    directory for brspace file copies
    default: $SAPDATA_HOME/sapreorg
    space_copy_dir = C:\oracle\THD\sapreorg
    directory for table export dump files
    default: $SAPDATA_HOME/sapreorg
    exp_dump_dir = C:\oracle\THD\sapreorg
    database tables for reorganization
    [<owner>.]<table> | [<owner>.]<prefix>* | [<owner>.]<prefix>%
    | (<table_list>)
    no default
    reorg_table = (SDBAH, SAPR3.SDBAD)
    database indexes for rebuild
    [<owner>.]<index> | [<owner>.]<prefix>* | [<owner>.]<prefix>%
    | (<index_list>)
    no default
    rebuild_index = (SDBAH0, SAPR3.SDBAD0)
    database tables for export
    [<owner>.]<table> | [<owner>.]<prefix>* | [<owner>.]<prefix>%
    | (<table_list>)
    no default
    exp_table = (SDBAH, SAPR3.SDBAD)
    database tables for import
    [<owner>.]<table> | (<table_list>)
    no default
    imp_table = (SDBAH, SAPR3.SDBAD)
    I can log in to ftp from server
    C:\Documents and Settings\thdadm>ftp srv1
    Connected to srv1.
    220 Microsoft FTP Service
    User (srv1:(none)): thdadm
    331 Password required for thdadm.
    230 User thdadm logged in.
    ftp> ls
    200 PORT command successful.
    150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list.
    226 Transfer complete.
    ftp: 11 bytes received in 0,00Seconds 11000,00Kbytes/sec.
    ftp> mkdir sap
    257 "sap" directory created.
    please help
    best regards
    Olzhas Suleimenov


  • A decent cold backup script

    Oracle version : 11G release 2
    Platform : AIX
    After going through various OTN posts, i wrote the below Cold backup script (Untested). If there are any unnecessary stuff or enhancements required, please let me know
    $ rman target /
         allocate channel c1  type disk format '/u05/rmanbkp/%d_COLD_DB_%u';
         sql 'alter system archive log current';
         shutdown immediate;
         startup mount;
         backup database including current controlfile tag='mydbname_full_bkp';
         backup spfile tag = 'mydbname_SPFILE';
         release channel c1;

    Hi T.Boyd
    What do you guys think of the backup script? Any room for improvement? I found in a small percentage of the shutdown immediate commands issued, the instance hangs (specially when the machine is very busy).
    I have modified my rman coldbackup the procedure to:
    shutdown abort;
    host 'sleep 3';
    startup restrict;
    shutdown immediate;
    startup mount;Maybe you can add more channels to improve performance. You can use more resources as there are no users on the database anyway....

  • Rman hot backup script  gives error in R12.

    hi experts
    i m facing following prob when run the backup script. 1 day before the same script runs correctily but now  it gives me error at the allocatioion of channel rest of command run correctly.
    [root@testerp rman_log]# cat UAT_daily_rman_hot_bkp_01-11-14_140301.log
    -bash: /root/.bash_profile: Permission denied
    Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Sat Jan 11 14:03:01 2014
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    connected to target database: UAT (DBID=2855851979)
    connected to recovery catalog database
    RMAN> 2> 3> 4> 5> 6> 7> 8> 9> 10> 11> 12>
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-00558: error encountered while parsing input commands
    RMAN-01009: syntax error: found "end-of-file": expecting one of: "allocate, alter, advise, backup, beginline, blockrecover, catalog, change, copy, convert, crosscheck, configure, duplicate, debug, delete, execute, endinline, flashback, host, mount, open, plsql, recover, release, replicate, report, restore, resync, repair, }, set, setlimit, sql, switch, startup, shutdown, send, show, transport, validate"
    RMAN-01007: at line 12 column 1 file: standard input
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-00558: error encountered while parsing input commands
    RMAN-01009: syntax error: found "identifier": expecting one of: "for"
    RMAN-01008: the bad identifier was: c2
    RMAN-01007: at line 1 column 18 file: standard input
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-00558: error encountered while parsing input commands
    RMAN-01009: syntax error: found "identifier": expecting one of: "for"
    RMAN-01008: the bad identifier was: c3
    RMAN-01007: at line 1 column 18 file: standard input
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-00558: error encountered while parsing input commands
    RMAN-01009: syntax error: found "identifier": expecting one of: "for"
    RMAN-01008: the bad identifier was: c4
    RMAN-01007: at line 1 column 18 file: standard input
    Starting backup at 11-JAN-14
    allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
    channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=362 device type=DISK
    channel ORA_DISK_1: starting incremental level 1 datafile backup set
    channel ORA_DISK_1: specifying datafile(s) in backup set
    input datafile file number=00021 name=/d06/UAT/proddata/a_txn_data06.dbf
    input datafile file number=00392 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/a_txn_data01.dbf
    input datafile file number=00401 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/a_txn_data02.dbf
    input datafile file number=00402 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/a_txn_data03.dbf
    input datafile file number=00022 name=/d06/UAT/proddata/a_txn_data07.dbf
    input datafile file number=00014 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/a_txn_data04.dbf
    input datafile file number=00020 name=/d06/UAT/proddata/a_txn_data05.dbf
    input datafile file number=00011 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/sysaux01.dbf
    input datafile file number=00018 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/sysaux02.dbf
    input datafile file number=00023 name=/d06/UAT/proddata/a_txn_data08.dbf
    input datafile file number=00379 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/undo01.dbf
    input datafile file number=00024 name=/d06/UAT/proddata/sysaux03.dbf
    input datafile file number=00025 name=/d06/UAT/proddata/sysaux04.dbf
    input datafile file number=00033 name=/d06/UAT/proddata/a_txn_ind11.dbf
    input datafile file number=00029 name=/d06/UAT/proddata/a_txn_ind09.dbf
    input datafile file number=00030 name=/d06/UAT/proddata/a_txn_ind10.dbf
    input datafile file number=00015 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/a_txn_ind06.dbf
    input datafile file number=00026 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/a_txn_ind07.dbf
    input datafile file number=00028 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/a_txn_ind08.dbf
    input datafile file number=00393 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/a_txn_ind01.dbf
    input datafile file number=00403 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/a_txn_ind02.dbf
    input datafile file number=00404 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/a_txn_ind03.dbf
    input datafile file number=00405 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/a_txn_ind04.dbf
    input datafile file number=00406 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/a_txn_ind05.dbf
    input datafile file number=00400 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/a_media01.dbf
    input datafile file number=00353 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/system08.dbf
    input datafile file number=00013 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/system12.dbf
    input datafile file number=00352 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/system09.dbf
    input datafile file number=00394 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/a_ref01.dbf
    input datafile file number=00407 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/a_ref02.dbf
    input datafile file number=00396 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/a_summ01.dbf
    input datafile file number=00395 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/a_int01.dbf
    input datafile file number=00008 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/a_queue02.dbf
    input datafile file number=00027 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/a_queue03.dbf
    input datafile file number=00031 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/a_queue04.dbf
    input datafile file number=00399 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/a_queue01.dbf
    input datafile file number=00001 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/system01.dbf
    input datafile file number=00002 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/system02.dbf
    input datafile file number=00003 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/system03.dbf
    input datafile file number=00004 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/system04.dbf
    input datafile file number=00005 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/system05.dbf
    input datafile file number=00398 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/a_archive01.dbf
    input datafile file number=00295 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/system06.dbf
    input datafile file number=00351 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/system07.dbf
    input datafile file number=00354 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/system11.dbf
    input datafile file number=00288 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/system10.dbf
    input datafile file number=00012 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/apps_ts_tools01.dbf
    input datafile file number=00016 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/a_ref03.dbf
    input datafile file number=00019 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/MLSEIGL01.dbf
    input datafile file number=00032 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/RMAN01.dbf
    input datafile file number=00397 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/a_nolog01.dbf
    input datafile file number=00314 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/portal01.dbf
    input datafile file number=00017 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/a_int02.dbf
    input datafile file number=00006 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/ctxd01.dbf
    input datafile file number=00010 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/olap.dbf
    input datafile file number=00009 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/odm.dbf
    input datafile file number=00007 name=/d06/UAT/db/apps_st/data/owad01.dbf
    channel ORA_DISK_1: starting piece 1 at 11-JAN-14
    [root@testerp rman_log]#
    backup script is below:
    in this script it returns error only at the channel allocaition rest of all backup command i run manually or with scirpt it runs correctly.4
    i m not able to know why it returns error only at challnel allocation 1 day before it runs correctly.
    [orauat@testerp rman_script]$ cat
    #BACKUP_START_TIME='date +"%y""%m""%d"_"%H""%M""%S"'
    #export ORACLE_SID
    #export ORACLE_HOME
    #export PATH
    /d06/UAT/db/tech_st/11.1.0/bin/rman catalog rman/rman007 target sys/sysuat <<EOF
    allocate channel c1 device type disk format '/d06/UAT/rman_hot_backup/Daily_backup%d_Arch_%c_%U';
    sql 'alter system switch logfile';
    sql 'alter system switch logfile';
    sql 'alter system archive log current';
    delete expired archivelog all;
    crosscheck archivelog all;
    backup archivelog all;
    delete noprompt archivelog all completed before 'sysdate-4' backed up 1 times to disk;
    allocate channel c2 device type disk format '/d06/UAT/rman_hot_backup/Daily_backup%d_DB_%c_%U';
    allocate channel c3 device type disk format '/d06/UAT/rman_hot_backup/Daily_backup%d_DB_%c_%U';
    allocate channel c4 device type disk format '/d06/UAT/rman_hot_backup/Daily_backup%d_DB_%c_%U';
    backup incremental level 1 database;
    delete expired backup device type disk;
    delete obsolete device type disk;
    release channel c1;
    release channel c2;
    release channel c3;
    release channel c4;
    pritesh ranjan

    yes the script is edited
    i have add some command line and edit it for take the full backup level=0 on the same directory with different formant name but location is same.
    can i take full backup level 0 and incremental backup level 1 in the same directory with the different format name.
    for exp:
    allocate channel c2 device type disk format '/d06/UAT/rman_hot_backup/Daily_backup%d_DB_%c_%U';
    allocate channel c3 device type disk format '/d06/UAT/rman_hot_backup/Daily_backup%d_DB_%c_%U';
    allocate channel c4 device type disk format '/d06/UAT/rman_hot_backup/Daily_backup%d_DB_%c_%U';
    i allocate these three channel for incremental level 1 backup;
    the backup is done successfully without any error.
    after that i have change
    allocate channel c2 device type disk format '/d06/UAT/rman_hot_backup/Weekly_backup%d_DB_%c_%U';
    allocate channel c3 device type disk format '/d06/UAT/rman_hot_backup/Weekly_backup%d_DB_%c_%U';
    allocate channel c4 device type disk format '/d06/UAT/rman_hot_backup/Weekly_backup%d_DB_%c_%U';
    backup  database incremental level 0
    after doing the above changes it get the error. with the channel location.
    i have to schedule daily incremental backup level 1 and weekly full backup level 0.
    plz suggest me i have to take incremental 1 and full incremental level 0 backup on seperate directory for different format name.
    pritesh ranjan

  • RMAN backup script

    OS windows 2000 server
    database 9i
    I am planning following script for backup of database.
    allocate channel ch1 type disk;
    format 'E:\oracle\backup\/%d_%s'
    database plus archivelog delete input;
    release channel ch1;
    Want to overwrite the backup on every sunday on disk.
    1.What changes should I make in script so that RMAN should not create new file
    and overwrite older one.

    Now I can schedule backup job through above script.
    With this script
    allocate channel ch1 type disk;
    format 'E:\oracle\backup\/%d_%s'
    database plus archivelog delete input;
    release channel ch1;
    I want to delete obsolete backup
    allocate channel ch1 type disk;
    format 'E:\oracle\backup\/%d_%s'
    database plus archivelog delete input;
    delete obsolete;
    release channel ch1;
    It is not working as delete obsolete command asks for confirmation (YES/NO)?
    How to do it ?


    작성날짜 : 2002-04-25
    다음은 NT에서 OCOPY를 이용하여 HOT BACKUP을 하는 SCRIPT를
    1) <Batch file 1 >
    Online_backup_data 라는 batch file 은 다음처럼 이루어질 수 있다.
    svrmgr23 @d:\temp\begin_user_backup.sql
    ocopy73 d:\orant\database\usr1orcl.ora d:\temp\usr1orcl.bck
    svrmgr23 @d:\temp\end_user_backup.sql
    svrmgr23 @d:\temp\begin_SYS_backup.sql
    ocopy73 d:\orant\database\SYS1orcl.ora d:\temp\SYS1orcl.bck
    svrmgr23 @d:\temp\end_SYS_backup.sql
    svrmgr23 @d:\temp\begin_temp_backup.sql
    ocopy73 d:\orant\database\TMP1orcl.ora d:\temp\TMP1orcl.bck
    svrmgr23 @d:\temp\end_temp_backup.sql
    로 만들 수 있다.
    이 때 begin_user_backup.sql file 내용은
    connect system/manager
    alter tablespace user_data begin backup;
    exit; 이고 ,
    또 end_user_backup.sql file 내용은
    connect system/manager
    alter tablespace user_data end backup;
    로 구성되어야 한다.
    2) 또는 BATCH FILE 을 다음처럼 구성할 수 있다.
    svrmgr23 @d:\temp\backup.sql
    backup.sql script 내용은 다음과 같이 작성한다.
    connect system/manager
    alter tablespace user_data begin backup;
    host ocopy73 e:\orant\database\usr1orcl.ora d:\tmp\usr1orcl.bck
    alter tablespace user_data end backup;
    alter tablespace SYSTEM begin backup;
    host ocopy73 e:\orant\database\SYS1orcl.ora d:\tmp\SYS1orcl.bck
    alter tablespace SYSTEM end backup;
    alter tablespace ROLLBACK_DATA begin backup;
    host ocopy73 e:\orant\database\RBS1orcl.ora d:\tmp\RBS1orcl.bck
    alter tablespace ROLLBACK_DATA end backup;
    alter tablespace TEMPORARY_DATA begin backup;
    host ocopy73 e:\orant\database\TMP1orcl.ora d:\tmp\TMP1orcl.bck
    alter tablespace TEMPORARY_DATA end backup;
    Reference Documents

  • Oracle backup with CA ARCserv question

    I back up Oracle database by using CA ARCserv with agents for Oracle which seems to
    be in collaboration with RMAN.
    Just in case, I typed RMAN command 'crosscheck ' and then showed some logs, which
    means that there are still some archivelogs even after deleting backup data by using
    I thought that typing 'crosscheck ' would show no log because CA ARCserv is in
    collaboration with RMAN and RMAN would delete all archive logs automatically after backup.
    Is this normal situation? or something is wrong with RMAN / ARCserv ?
    Are there any way to delete all data from oracle database after backup with ARCserv ?

    Welcome. You don't provide enough information and what you do is unclear !
    What is your Oracle version ?
    Can you post your backup scripts ?
    Can your post the exact command and the output you find "strange" ?
    Best regards

  • RMAN Backup Script not running in cron tab

    I am having rman backup script which is being executed successfully through shell.
    but when scheduled in cron the script is being called but RMAN commands are not getting executed.
    i have scheduled cron using oracle user.
    Attached below the rman script for taking LEVEL 1 backup
    #! /bin/ksh
    DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d`
    export ORACLE_BASE='/home/app/oracle/product/10.2.0'
    export PATH
    export ULIMIT=unlimited
    export ORA_NLS33=$ORACLE_HOME/ocommon/nls/admin/data
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:$ORACLE_HOME/network/lib
    export LIBPATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib
    export TNS_ADMIN=$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
    rman TARGET= / << EOF > /oraclebkp/rmanlogs/ACIDC/$DATE.log
    backup incremental level 1 database;
    report obsolete;
    delete noprompt obsolete;
    exit 0
    Attached cron script
    10 17 * * 2 /oraclebkp/rmanscripts/ 2>&1 >/oraclebkp/cronlogs/delobs.log
    Files delobs.log
    and oraclebkp/rmanlogs/ACIDC/$DATE.log are being created but with 0 bytes .
    Thanks in Advance

    rman TARGET= / << EOF > /oraclebkp/rmanlogs/ACIDC/$DATE.log Change this line to and try..
    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/rman TARGET= / << EOF > /oraclebkp/rmanlogs/ACIDC/$DATE.log

  • Running same backup script on two different Databases

    Hello All,
    I am running same backup script on two different Databases.
    But output is different.
    Please give me your feedback.
    1) Database 1:
    OS: AIX
    export ORACLE_SID=sid1
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
    ./rman nocatalog << EOF
    connect target
    configure controlfile autobackup on;
    backup as compressed backupset database plus archivelog delete input;
    delete noprompt obsolete;
    6 Files created:
    -rw-r----- 1 oracle dba 4140032 Jun 19 00:00 uvhlvjs8_1_1
    -rw-r----- 1 oracle dba 38029824 Jun 19 00:00 backup_uuhlvjs8_1_1
    -rw-r----- 1 oracle dba 781287424 Jun 19 00:20 v1hlvjsk_1_1
    -rw-r----- 1 oracle dba 578027520 Jun 19 00:23 backup_v0hlvjsk_1_1
    -rw-r----- 1 oracle dba 1222656 Jun 19 00:23 backup_v2hlvl7r_1_1
    -rw-r----- 1 oracle dba 4259840 Jun 19 00:23 c-1052429639-20060619-00
    -rw-r----- 1 oracle dba 4177920 Jun 19 00:23 SNAPCF_ATHENA.F
    2. Databse 2:
    OS: Linux (SLES 8)
    Log Archive Filename Format: %t_%s_%r.dbf
    2 files created:
    1_17804_535674251.dbf 1_17837_535674251.dbf SID_2chlmrrl_1_1.1
    1_17805_535674251.dbf 1_17838_535674251.dbf SID_2dhlms8c_1_1.1
    I am also getting dbf file every one hour as below:

    waiting for reply

  • Sap Oracle Backup

    Hi all it's very urgent
    We are running 4 oracle 9.2 database in a single machine with sap r/3 4.7 on windows 2003 and even in a single drive now i am responsible for backup
    which method is prefered one whether BRBACKUP or Manual OR scripting
    what about scheduling cold and hot backup
    here we have hardware resource constraint

    For Oracle Backups the preferred backup method is RMAN. I suggest you read docs for more information. Try focusing on incremental backups as you suggested space constraints.

  • Require backup script which deletes the daily backups after weekly backup

    I am new to Oracle administration. I require a backup script which will delete the daily backups (incremental) after weekly backup is taken (full database backup).
    Currently I use Oracle 10g for one of my production server.
    My backup strategy is given below.
    I would like to take full database backup weekly(online). To be precise, on Saturday.
    I need to have daily incremental backup and they should get deleted on Saturday after the weekly full database backup is taken.
    Also I would like to keep 4 weeks full backups. After that one by one we need to delete the backup.
    For example, if I have 4 weeks fullbackup of February, after taking full backup for first week of March, the backup of first week of February should get deleted.
    Kindly help with your suggestions.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Thank you for pointing to the blog. It was very much useful.
    I was testing the backup strategy using your script. It worked fine for first set of daily backups.
    After weekly backup is taken, the daily backup script fails for taking the backup from next day onwards.
    It gives the following error stack.
    Starting backup at 05-MAR-09
    using channel ORA_DISK_1
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-03002: failure of backup command at 03/05/2009 01:47:55
    ORA-01455: converting column overflows integer datatype
    Could you please let me know why integer datatype comes into picture while taking backup?
    Please advice.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Edited by: user10698483 on Mar 5, 2009 3:38 AM

  • Archivelog Backup Script

    I have a backup script which is kicked off by cron every 2 hours. I am facing a problem of script geting overlapped .Like say if the script is running at 5 am and the next one is scheduled at 7 am...if 5 am script is still backing up archive logs past 7 am then 7 am script also starts and it finishes abruptly..i want to avoid this situation.
    For this i modified my script so that it can check doing a "ps -ef|grep|wc -l" i dont wanto depend on this number everytime...Does anyone came across this situation and has a better solution..Please reply

    just from a simple command line:
    Returns my grep:
    # ps -ef | grep
    oracle 22449 2861 0 11:30:59 pts/3 0:00 grep
    # echo $?
    Returns nothing (used with -v to eliminate the grep that I run)
    # ps -ef | grep | grep -v grep
    # echo $?
    Normally your output would produce at least 2 lines when the job was running...
    Let me know if you need any more assistance with it.
    Edited by: Jamie CC on Dec 10, 2009 8:37 AM
    Should also mention that $? is the return code of the last command ran so in your script make sure you check it right after your grep...
    Edited by: Jamie CC on Dec 10, 2009 8:38 AM

  • In oracle Open Script (OATS) OracleEBS/Forms project all the elements or fields are being identified as web objects.

    In oracle Open Script (OATS), we have created an OracleEBS/Forms project. But when we try to record the script all the elements or fields are being identified as web objects. Due to this we are unable to use the functions like getText. Hence, please help.
    Example: The below line when executed gives an error " Failed to connect to the Oracle Forms applet after 90 seconds. Verify that the applet launching page opens, and that the Forms Startup Timeout setting is high enough for this site."
    forms.textField("/web:window[@index='0' or @title='Person']/web:document[@index='7' or @name='tabPage']/web:input_text[@id='PER_ID' or @name='PER_ID' or @index='0']").getText();
    We have already set the event timeouts in OpenScript Preferences -> Playback -> OracleEBS/Forms Functional as
    Forms startup time out = 90Sec
    Forms Action timeout = 120Sec
    Forms Response Timeout = 120 Sec.
    Version: Build 139

    If it is a name resolution I would try either replacing the server name in the script with the IP address or making an entry in the local host file of the machine trying to play back the script
    If you try one or both of those approaches does the script play back?

  • Backup script

    I created a backup script for my data & system and i'd like to share it.
    I have a 320GB hdd (1) as my main hard drive, and a 160GB hdd (2) as a backup drive (i keep this one in a drawer nearby, disconnected from the computer).
    What i wanted was to create a partial copy of 1 on 2, such that 2 would contain the entire system (bootable) + a part of my data.
    1. You need to have the same filesystem on both (i have ext4). Maybe it works with a mix of ext3 and 4, but it's better to have just one. The partitioning scheme on hdd 1 doesn't matter, but for hdd 2 you need a single partition to which you backup.
    2. The scripts:
    # rsync backup script
    sudo rsync -av --delete-excluded --exclude-from="excl" / "$1"
    sudo touch "$1"/BACKUP
    This one is very simple. You rsync in archive mode (which ensures that symbolic links, devices, attributes,  permissions,  ownerships,  etc.  are preserved) and exclude the files that match the patterns from excl.
    The / is the source from where you backup (in our case the whole root) and "$1" is the destination to where you backup (this is passed as an argument to the script).
    # Include
    + /dev/console
    + /dev/initctl
    + /dev/null
    + /dev/zero
    + /media/win
    + /var/run/mpd
    + /home/wooptoo/music/Amestecate
    + /home/wooptoo/music/script
    + /home/wooptoo/music/list.txt
    + /home/wooptoo/music/.hg*
    # Exclude
    - /home/wooptoo/dl/*
    - /home/wooptoo/games/kits/*
    - /home/wooptoo/mov/*
    - /home/wooptoo/music/*
    - /dev/*
    - /media/*
    - /media/win/*
    - /mnt/*
    - /proc/*
    - /sys/*
    - /tmp/*
    - /var/run/*
    - /var/run/mpd/*
    This is a bit more tricky. It's an exclude (and include) file in rsync format.
    Exclude: I excluded my games, movies and music from the backup, and also the system directories /dev, /media, /mnt, /proc, /sys, /tmp, /var/run. These are excluded because their content is created at runtime by the system. Note that the direcotries themselves are preserved (you need them!) but they are empty.
    Include: even though i excluded /dev, i need to include 4 file from it (which are not dinamically created by udev), these are console, initctl, null, zero.
    I also included the directories /media/win and /var/run/mpd. But these are empty, because their content was excluded (in the exclude section).
    3. So we got these two files: backup and excl.
    Mount the backup hdd, let's say at /media/backup/ and run the script:
    ./backup /media/backup/
    rsync will backup the whole root to that destination. I excluded game kits, music and movies from my backup because they are just too large to fit on hdd 2, and it would also take a lot of time to backup and keep in sync afterwards.
    4. After the sync is finished you need to install a boot loader on hdd2, so you can have a working copy of your system.
    Open the grub console and type in:
    root (hd1,0)
    setup (hd1)
    The root command tells grub where your system is installed (in this case hdd 2, first partition).
    Setup tells grub where to install the boot loader. In my example it is installed in the MBR of hdd 2.
    The problem here is that the boot loader installs correctly, but its menu entries are for the partitions of the main system, not the backup system. So if you'll try to boot the backup system, it won't work.
    You can fix this by creating a custom menu.lst for the backup hdd. But i prefer not to do this, in order to have an accurate copy of my data. I just prefer to edit the entries from the boot menu on the fly if i need to boot the backup directly. But you can automatically add a custom menu.lst to the backup hdd from the backup script:
    # rsync backup script
    sudo rsync -av --delete-excluded --exclude-from="excl" / "$1"
    sudo cp ~/ "$1"/boot/grub/menu.lst
    sudo touch "$1"/BACKUP
    5. Reboot and try out your new system.
    I think this approach (system + data backup) is better than just data backup because if something goes wrong with the main hdd, you can always swap in the backup one and continue working. Besides this, you now have another working system, from which you can recover the main one without the need of live CDs.
    In my setup both hdds are SATA with AHCI, so they are hot-pluggable. You can plugin the backup drive, run the backup script, and disconnect it. This is very advantageous because you don't have to reboot.
    But you can use an USB stick/hdd as backup drive if you only have IDE.
    I would like to know what do you think of my backup strategy. Is it good or am i doing it wrong? Are there better methods? What backup strategy do you use? etc.
    Last edited by wooptoo (2009-10-24 01:40:46)

    I use the following to rotate four backups and backup my root and home separately and hard-link common files between all the backups. I run this weekly to have backups of the last four weeks while using barely more space then one full backup would. It is not super customisable as it is my personal script and I've been wanting to add in a check to see whether the backup location is actually mounted, but I've not gotten to it just yet
    # Script to rotate three backups of / and /home and make a new incremental
    # backup. No arguments required. Make sure the correct disk is mounted at
    # $PAR, though!
    # Original command ran to create the first backup of /home :
    # /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/rsync --progress --stats -avz \
    # --exclude-from=/home/ramses/home_backup_excludes --delete-exludes \
    # /home/ /media/seadisc/home_backup.0
    # Variables and paths
    # Home backups
    echo "Moving previous /home backups ..."
    $SUDO $RM -rf $PAR/home_backup.3
    $SUDO $MV $PAR/home_backup.2 $PAR/home_backup.3
    $SUDO $MV $PAR/home_backup2_date $PAR/home_backup3_date
    $SUDO $MV $PAR/home_backup.1 $PAR/home_backup.2
    $SUDO $MV $PAR/home_backup1_date $PAR/home_backup2_date
    $SUDO $MV $PAR/home_backup.0 $PAR/home_backup.1
    $SUDO $MV $PAR/home_backup0_date $PAR/home_backup1_date
    echo "Doing incremental backup of /home ..."
    $SUDO $RSYNC --progress --stats -av \
    --exclude-from=${HOME_EXCLUDES} \
    --delete --delete-excluded \
    --link-dest=$PAR/home_backup.1 \
    /home/ $PAR/home_backup.0
    $SUDO $DATE | $TEE $PAR/home_backup0_date > /dev/null
    # Root backups
    echo "Moving previous / backups ..."
    $SUDO $RM -rf $PAR/root_backup.3
    $SUDO $MV $PAR/root_backup.2 $PAR/root_backup.3
    $SUDO $MV $PAR/root_backup2_date $PAR/root_backup3_date
    $SUDO $MV $PAR/root_backup.1 $PAR/root_backup.2
    $SUDO $MV $PAR/root_backup1_date $PAR/root_backup2_date
    $SUDO $MV $PAR/root_backup.0 $PAR/root_backup.1
    $SUDO $MV $PAR/root_backup0_date $PAR/root_backup1_date
    echo "Doing incremental backup of / ..."
    $SUDO $RSYNC --progress --stats -av \
    --exclude-from=${ROOT_EXCLUDES} \
    --delete --delete-excluded \
    --link-dest=$PAR/root_backup.1 \
    / $PAR/root_backup.0
    $SUDO $DATE | $TEE $PAR/root_backup0_date > /dev/null

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