Oracle Concurrent job view

I have one user who can see concurrent jobs. How can I disable this feature to that user? He wants to see only his request.
Oracle Applications: 12.0.6 and DB=r11gr2

user587327 wrote:
I have one user who can see concurrent jobs. How can I disable this feature to that user? He wants to see only his request.
Oracle Applications: 12.0.6 and DB=r11gr2
ThanksPlease see these docs.
R12 View Concurrent Requests FAQ [ID 1261985.1]
Concurrent Report Access Level [ID 736547.1]
How To Configure Access To Request Output Of The Same Responsibility in R12 [ID 804296.1]
In EBS R12 How Setup UMX / RBAC To View A User's Request Under Any Responsibility [ID 960405.1]
How To See Log And Output Files Of Requests Ran By Other Users Using Same Resp In R12 [ID 563946.1]
Cannot View Log/Out Files After Upgrade To R12 [ID 469911.1]
R12 RBAC Unable to View Output of Requests Submitted by other Users [ID 862812.1]

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    Try the usual DBA/ALL/USER prefixes for dictionary views:
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    CREDENTIAL_NAME                           NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
    USERNAME                                  NOT NULL VARCHAR2(64)
    DATABASE_ROLE                                      VARCHAR2(7)
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    CREDENTIAL_NAME                           NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
    USERNAME                                  NOT NULL VARCHAR2(64)
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    USERNAME                                  NOT NULL VARCHAR2(64)
    DATABASE_ROLE                                      VARCHAR2(7)
    WINDOWS_DOMAIN                                     VARCHAR2(30)
    COMMENTS                                           VARCHAR2(240)

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    This is really not an APEX issue, but a fundamental EBS one.
    You need to find out which respsonsibility and request group your concurrent program is in, and the user who is submitting the request. You can look in FND_USER for the USER_ID, FND_APPLICATION for teh RESP_APPL_ID and FND_RESPONSIBILITY for the RESP_ID. This call sets up the global security context, so if you are calling it from outside of an authenticated EBS session, it doesn't know who you are.
    Then you just call those - you can store them as application variables or jsut hardcode them.
    So here is a sample call:
      fnd_global.apps_initialize(1, 50000, 275);
    end;So just hardcode it for now - later you can get fancier.

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           to_char(actual_start_date, 'dd-MON-yy hh24:mi:ss') begin_dt,
           to_char(actual_completion_date, 'dd-MON-yy hh24:mi:ss') end_dt,
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    Edited by: sreese on Mar 21, 2013 9:14 AM

    Yes, this is a custom concurrent job. Scheduled every five minutes with no end date.
    Resubmit Interval Resubmit Interval Unit Code Resubmitted Resub Count Resubmitted Resubmitted End Date
    5.00000 MINUTES N 450408 N <null>
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    DOC---------------> BLOB
    FILENAME----------> VARCHAR2(2000 BYTE)
    MIMETYPE----------> VARCHAR2(2000 BYTE)
    | 1 | THE DOG | *(!BLOB) | THE_CAT.PDF | application/pdf | 20/05/2010 15:06:15 |
    | 2 | THE BIRD | **(!BLOB) | THE_BIRD.PDF | application/pdf | 20/05/2010 15:06:15 |
    | 3 | THE HUMAN AND CAT | ***(!BLOB) | THE_HUMAN.PDF | application/pdf | 20/05/2010 15:06:15 |
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    *** is a document .pdf with content: "the human from USA"
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    ctx_ddl.set_attribute (' idxDoc_lx ', 'MIXED_CASE', 'NO');
    ctx_ddl.create_preference('idxDoc_ds', 'MULTI_COLUMN_DATASTORE');
    ctx_ddl.set_attribute ('idxDoc_ds', 'COLUMNS', 'DOC, FILENAME, DESCRIPTION');
    PARAMETERS ('lexer idxDoc_lx
    datastore idxDoc_ds
    sync (on commit)');Search Query:
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    from T_DOC
    where CONTAINS (DOCUMENTO, 'CAT', 1) > 0 RESULT ID = 1
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    Have you tried to query WF_ITEMS? --
    bde_wf_item.sql - Runtime Data of a Single Workflow Item [ID 187071.1]

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    Note: Ensure that the SHARED_POOL_SIZE and JAVA_POOL_SIZE parameters are set to at least 150M each, and then restart the instance in MIGRATE mode and execute catpatch as detailed in the following steps:
    Before starting this process, notify users of database that the database will be unavailable for approximately 2 hours. Proceed with proper notification procedures before shutting down the database.
    1.     sqlplus /nolog
    2.     spool $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/log/catpatch_ddmmyy.log
    3.     connect / as sysdba
    4.     alter system set shared_pool_size = 200M scope=spfile; (if necessary)
    5.     alter system set java_pool_size = 150M scope=spfile; (if necessary)
    6.     shutdown immediate
    7.     startup migrate
    8.     @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catpatch.sql
    9.     spool off
    10.     shutdown immediate
    11.     startup
    12.     (validate): select comp_name,version,status from dba_registry;

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    v_body VARCHAR2(10000);
    v_body is set as followed in the sql program.
    v_body := 'ATTENTION :' || CHR(10) || CHR(10) ||
    'Your invoice number ' || r_error_rec.invoice_num || ' cannot be paid at present due ' ||
              'to one of the following reasons:' || CHR(10) || CHR(10) ||
              ' - The Purchase Order number quoted on the invoice is invalid ' || CHR(10) ||
              ' - The Purchase Order number has not been quoted at all on the invoice' || CHR(10) ||
              ' - The Purchase Order number is missing on one or more of the lines on the invoice' ||
              CHR(10) || CHR(10) ||
              'To avoid any further payment delays, please advise us of the correct Purchase ' ||
              'Order number(s) by emailing ' || r_error_rec.sender || '. Please note that it is not ' ||
              'necessary to re-submit the invoice.' || CHR(10) || CHR(10) ||
              'If you do not know the Purchase Order number, please contact the employee ' ||
              'who ordered your goods/services for this number. For future reference please note that ' ||
              'it is the responsibility of the vendor to ensure that an approved Purchase Order ' ||
              'number is received before supplying goods/services to . The purchase order is ' ||
              'evidence that the order has been approved by management.' || CHR(10) || CHR(10) ||
              'This invoice will be held as pending until the valid Purchase Order number can be provided.' || CHR(10) || CHR(10) ||
              'Thank you,' || CHR(10) || CHR(10) || ' Accounts Payable' || CHR(10);
    The sql now calls a unix shell script as shown below.
              l_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request (
                                            'CFI',                                   'CFIECAPEMLSH',                         NULL,                              NULL,                              FALSE,                              r_error_rec.sender,                          v_recipient,                              v_ccrecipient,                          v_bccrecipient,                          v_subject,                                   v_body,                                   v_attachment     
    So here the problem i am facing is that the shell script is not getting called.
    If i keep v_body= 'Test' the shell script is called and program is working fine.
    Is it a problem with CHR(10) or the size limitation of v_body i dont know.
    I tried to keep v_body VARCHAR2(10000).
    Still it did not work.
    Plz help me if u know about this.

    You cannot have varchar2 > 4000.

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    we print some RTF Files , we dont want to  print to paper  this text "This file was created by Oracle Reports. View this document in Page Layout mode"
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