Oracle error after abrupt shutdown of server

Today i was taking online backup using sapdba. During backup server abruptly shutdown due to power failure.
Now i am trying to restart the server but it terminates with error code "2".
Here is my startdb.log
First trying to shutdown the database - May be,
the database is in the nomount or mount state
Wed Apr 29 22:23:50 IST 2009
starting database
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Apr 29 22:23:50 2009
Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Connected to an idle instance.
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area  463963864 bytes
Fixed Size               730840 bytes
Variable Size            268435456 bytes
Database Buffers       193462272 bytes
Redo Buffers              1335296 bytes
Database mounted.
ORA-01113: file 2 needs media recovery
ORA-01110: data file 2: '/oracle/PRD/sapdata3/prd_1/prd.data1'
Disconnected from Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning option
JServer Release - Production
Wed Apr 29 22:23:56 IST 2009
Connect to the database to verify, that the database is now open
R3trans check finished with return code: 12
ERROR: Startup of database failed
    Notify Database Administrator.
/usr/sap/PRD/SYS/exe/run/startdb: Terminating with error code 2
It is asking for media recovery due to tablespace in BACKUP mode.
I tried with command ALTER TABLESPACE '------' END BACKUP.
but is give error like----
Alter tablespace PSAPPRD end backup;
Alter tablespace PSAPPRD end backup
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01199: file 70 is not in online backup mode
ORA-01110: data file 70: '/oracle/PRD/sapdata5/prd_54/prd.data54'
ORA-01199: file 71 is not in online backup mode
ORA-01110: data file 71: '/oracle/PRD/sapdata5/prd_55/prd.data55'
ORA-01199: file 72 is not in online backup mode
ORA-01110: data file 72: '/oracle/PRD/sapdata5/prd_56/prd.data56'
ORA-01199: file 73 is not in online backup mode
ORA-01110: data file 73: '/oracle/PRD/sapdata5/prd_57/prd.data57'
ORA-01199: file 74 is not in online backup mode
ORA-01110: data file 74: '/oracle/PRD/sapdata5/prd_58/prd.data58'
ORA-01199: file 75 is not in online backup mode
ORA-01110: data file 75: '/oracle/PRD/sapdata5/prd_59/prd.data59'
ORA-01199: file 76 is not in online backup mode
ORA-01110: data file 76: '/oracle/PRD/sapdata5/prd_60/prd.data60'
ORA-01199: file 77 is not in online backup mode
ORA-01110: data file 77: '/oracle/PRD/sapdata5/prd_61/prd.data61'
ORA-01199: file 78 is not in online backup mode
ORA-01110: data file 78: '/oracle/PRD/sapdata5/prd_62/prd.data6
Now what i can do further.  file '2' is saying for media recovery but in this case i got a information form oracle site that media recovery should be avoided.
Please help!
Thanks in advance

hi. stefan,
i got the following info from given query.
DbFile                        File# Status
/oracle/PRD/sapdata1/system_1/          1 NOT ACTIVE
/oracle/PRD/sapdata3/prd_1/prd          2 ACTIVE
/oracle/PRD/sapdata3/prd_2/prd          3 NOT ACTIVE
/oracle/PRD/sapdata3/prd_3/prd          4 NOT ACTIVE
/oracle/PRD/sapdata3/prd_4/prd          5 NOT ACTIVE
/oracle/PRD/sapdata4/prd_5/prd          6 NOT ACTIVE
/oracle/PRD/sapdata4/prd_6/prd          7 NOT ACTIVE
/oracle/PRD/sapdata4/prd_7/prd          8 NOT ACTIVE
/oracle/PRD/sapdata4/prd_8/prd          9 NOT ACTIVE
/oracle/PRD/sapdata4/prd_9/prd            10 NOT ACTIVE
/oracle/PRD/sapdata1/prd620_1/            11 NOT ACTIVE
after that i ran the command as per your suggestion -but got the following--
alter database datafile '/oracle/PRD/sapdata3/prd_1/prd.data1' end backup;
alter database datafile '/oracle/PRD/sapdata3/prd_1/prd.data1' end backup
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01235: END BACKUP failed for 1 file(s) and succeeded for 0
ORA-01122: database file 2 failed verification check
ORA-01110: data file 2: '/oracle/PRD/sapdata3/prd_1/prd.data1'
ORA-01208: data file is an old version - not accessing current version
Now what should i do.
Please help!.

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    Hi Peter,
    Based on the error messages it looks like this might be a Windows 7 security issue, which would be why it doesn't occur on XP since security is handled differently in that OS. Have you gone into dcomcnfg.exe and checked the DCOM permissions as described in the error message?

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    at Method)
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    Thank You.
    Edited by: chaya on Jan 5, 2012 2:42 PM

    Did you find a solution ?
    Looks like ADF is doing something tricky to generate ADF_FACES-30107 error. Suggestions like increase timeout in web.xml and weblogic.xml or increase the value of CLIENT_STATE_MAX_TOKENS dont help.
    Moreover, this looks to an issue only with clustered environment, embedded WLS works fine.

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    OS version is Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 4 (Nahant Update 8)
    Kernel \r on an \m
    any idea how to troubleshoot?

    First check the port for the Enterprise Mgr. The default port for EM is provided at the end of the Oracle Application Server installation, as well as in the following text file in the install directory of the application server Oracle home:
    Also see if the ASControl service is up and running for this respective instance.
    To start it using opmn, go to this ORACLE_HOME and do this:
    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl.bat start iasconsole

  • Error after upgrading to Weblogic Server 4.5.1

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    18. Since after the upgrade, when I try to check the version installed,
    I get the error message that T3 admin. is not found. I can't even use
    java utils to check my version. I have tried redoing the class path and
    shared library path, but nothing works. Can please somebody help me? We
    are using Solaris 2.7 operating system and JDK version 1.1.8_12.

    Hi Robert,
    Thanks for the suggestion. I reinstalled 4.5.1 from the CD and everything works. I haven't installed the
    service patch 13 yet. My next question from you is: Do I need to make changes to the application to use it
    on WLS 4.5.1. This application was written around 4.0.3 and JDK 1.1.6. I have also upgraded the JDK to
    version "Solaris_JDK_1.1.7_08a".
    Following is the error I receive in the log file:
    com.leretanet.common.hi.LoginServlet init parameters:
    Loading com/leretanet/common/
    Unable to load properties file 'com/leretanet/common/'.
    File 'com/leretanet/common/' not found on classpath.
    Mon Jan 08 20:48:36 PST 2001:<E> <ServletContext-Servlets> Servlet failed with RuntimeException
    Mon Jan 08 20:48:36 PST 2001:<E> <ServletContext-Servlets> java.lang.NullPointerException
    Attached is the startup batch script that we are using to start weblogic services.Application classes are
    under the /work/weblogic/classes directory. Logically, it should find everything. Application does display
    the Login page. It dies after I enter userId and password.
    Any input? Since you were so helpful last time, I thought I'll try my luck.
    Robert Patrick wrote:
    It sounds like your installation has been corrupted. I just sent you email with the classes from this
    directory -- if this doesn't work, you should probably re-download and re-install...
    Hope this helps,
    Zahid aSharief wrote:
    Hi Robert,
    Thanks for being so helpful. You have helped me more than the BEA tech support. I've been going in
    circle with them and not being able to find any answers. Well, the InitialReferenceConstants.class
    is part of NT install. I do have an NT development server, when I did the search on that class I
    found it in rmi/entention directory. I don't see it in Unix classes. Although, I downloaded the
    upgrade from BEA's website, may be I used the wrong download?
    Just for testing purpose, I copied that class file from my NT server to the Unix server and when I
    did the version check I got the ClassDef error on another Class. I kept copying the class files
    that it was not finding on my Unix server from my NT server. I'm down to a file that does not
    exist in NT. Here's the error:
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: weblogic/rmi/extensions/BasicRemoteObjectReference
    at weblogic.rjvm.Kernel.declareProperties(Compiled Code)
    at weblogic.rjvm.Kernel.ensureInitialized(Compiled Code)
    at weblogic.common.T3Client.<init>(Compiled Code)
    at weblogic.common.T3Client.<init>(Compiled Code)
    at weblogic.common.T3Client.<init>(Compiled Code)
    at weblogic.Admin.connect(Compiled Code)
    at weblogic.Admin.main(Compiled Code)
    Now what do I do?
    Thanks again.
    Robert Patrick wrote:
    Make sure that your classpath is set properly...
    D:\>dir weblogic451\classes\weblogic\rmi\extensions\InitialReferenceConstants.class
    Volume in drive D has no label.
    Volume Serial Number is 501A-BD5F
    Directory of D:\weblogic451\classes\weblogic\rmi\extensions
    09/30/99 05:48p 553 InitialReferenceConstants.class
    1 File(s) 553 bytes
    1,465,065,472 bytes free
    Zahid aSharief wrote:
    Hi Robert,
    Thanks for your help. I tried changing the classpath. Now I get the following error message:
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: weblogic/rmi/extensions/InitialReferenceConstants
    at weblogic.Admin.connect(Compiled Code)
    at weblogic.Admin.main(Compiled Code)
    What else am I missing?
    Thanks again.
    Robert Patrick wrote:
    WL_HOME=/opt/weblogic; export WL_HOME
    export CLASSPATH
    java weblogic.Admin t3://localhost:7001 VERSION
    Hope this helps,
    Zahid aSharief wrote:
    We upgraded Weblogic server version 4.0.3 to version 4.5.1 service pack
    18. Since after the upgrade, when I try to check the version installed,
    I get the error message that T3 admin. is not found. I can't even use
    java utils to check my version. I have tried redoing the class path and
    shared library path, but nothing works. Can please somebody help me? We
    are using Solaris 2.7 operating system and JDK version 1.1.8_12.

  • Servlet error after deploy to app server

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    05/05/18 09:58:19 Started
    05/05/18 09:58:27 ilbi: jsp: init
    05/05/18 09:58:28 ilbi: action: init
    05/05/18 09:58:29 ilbi: uix: init
    05/05/18 09:58:31 ilbi: Started
    05/05/18 09:59:06 ilbi: Servlet error
         at oracle.jheadstart.util.ReportingUtils.processException(
         at oracle.jheadstart.util.ReportingUtils.translateExceptionToStrutsErrors(
         at oracle.jheadstart.util.ReportingUtils.reportErrors(
         at oracle.jheadstart.controller.strutsadf.action.JhsStrutsJspLifecycle.reportErrors(
         at oracle.adf.controller.struts.actions.DataAction.reportErrors(
         at oracle.adf.controller.struts.actions.DataAction.reportErrors(
         at oracle.adf.controller.lifecycle.PageLifecycle.handleLifecycle(
         at oracle.adf.controller.struts.actions.DataAction.handleLifecycle(
         at oracle.jheadstart.controller.strutsadf.action.JhsDataAction.handleLifecycle(
         at oracle.adf.controller.struts.actions.DataAction.execute(
         at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processActionPerform(
         at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.process(
         at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(
         at oracle.jheadstart.controller.strutsadf.JhsActionServlet.process(
         at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doPost(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(
         at Source)
         at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(
         at oracle.adf.model.servlet.ADFBindingFilter.doFilter(
         at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(
         at oracle.adf.model.servlet.ADFBindingFilter.doFilter(
         at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(
         at oracle.jheadstart.controller.CharacterEncodingFilter.doFilter(
         at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(
         at khb.ilbi.controller.SSOAuthenticationFilter.doFilter(
         at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
         at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
         at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
         at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (]
         at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (]
         at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
    I think this is a deployment problem and I tried to resolve used the deployment issue on this forum (I made the ADF Runtime manual installation steps), but at this moment I have no idea.
    Could anybody help me, please?

    Here are the codes:
    protected void create(AttributeList attributeList)
    setOwnerId(AdfbcUtils.getValueFromSequence("ILB_OWNERS_S", getDBTransaction()));
    protected void create(AttributeList attributeList)
    setOwnerId(getSeqNum("ILB_OWNERS_S", getDBTransaction()));
    PUBLIC NUMBER getSeqNum(String sequenceName, DBTransaction tr) {
    ResultSet rset = NULL;
    NUMBER retVal = NULL;
    try {
    String stmt = "select to_char(" + sequenceName + ".nextval) from dual" ;
    st = tr.createStatement(1);
    rset = st.executeQuery ( stmt );
    WHILE (rset.NEXT())
    retVal = NEW NUMBER(rset.getString(1));
    logger.DEBUG("Sequence captured");
    RETURN retVal;
    } catch (SQLException s) {
    logger.DEBUG("Sequence not captured because error occured");
    throw NEW JboException(s);
    } finally {
    try {
    IF (st != NULL) st.CLOSE();
    } catch (SQLException s) { /* ignore */ }

  • Win7 Offline Files sync error after upgrade to Lion Server 10.7.2

    Symptom: client is a Win7 laptop, the server is Mac OS X 10.7.3 Lion Server with SMB and AFP shares. Win7 Offline Files stopped working after I upgraded Snow Leopard (non-server version) to Lion Server 10.7.2. After updating to 10.7.3, the problem persists. When syncing, it gives thounsands of error like this: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. WinXP clients are fine with the Offline Files function though.
    I Googled and studied online for several days now and it might be related to the "Oppurtunistic Locking", or "Oplocks" for short, in the SMB protocol. Since Apple has re-written Samba, there's no "smb.conf" anymore to change the Oplocks setting. Maybe it's possible to change the setting in ""?
    From the Internet:
    1. Oplocks should be DISABLED on the server if there is any other file sharing protocol (AFP, etc.) other than SMB.
    2. Offline Files will NOT work properly if Oplocks is disabled on the server side.
    3. It was possible to config oplocks setting in smb.conf in Mac OS X versions prior to Lion but now there's no such config file.
    My Question:
    1. Does anyone else have similar problems?
    2. Is it related to the Oppurtunistic Locking thing?
    3. Is Oppurtunistic Locking enabled or disabled in Lion Server by default?
    4. If it's related to Oplocks, how can I change the setting on the server?
    5. I've noticed that the authentication from Windows PCs to the SMB share on the Lion Server is much slower then in SL. Could this somehow be related to my problem?
    Thanks for your time! :-D

    Any luck getting the info on SMBX parameters like OPLOCKS ? This is apparently causing an issue with Autodesk Revit. I am resorting to installing SMBUP.
    There is an article that describes this method for altering the Lion smbd configuration parameters for honoring ACLs:
    sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ AclsEnabled -bool NO
    from this article
    and this: x-w.html

  • Error after starting weblogic standalone server

    <Jan 22, 2011 7:32:36 PM AST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server state changed to RUNNING>
    <Jan 22, 2011 7:32:36 PM AST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000360> <Server started in RUNNING mode>
    IntegratedWebLogicServer startup time: 311391 ms.
    IntegratedWebLogicServer started.
    <Logger><error> ServletContainerAdapter manager not initialized correctly.
    plz help...

    tnx for the reply...
    before it doesnt give this error.
    i dont know what causes this and cannot run any application maybe im running it with mulitple different applications at the same time.
    but i thinked the server can handle multiple stances..
    anyway it works now by opening the administration console and i press the button activate changes .
    still giving the error on the log. as you say ignored it ...

  • 'Screen does not exist' error after transported to Quality server.

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    Please tel me what should I do to solve this issue. Its very urgent. Please help.

    You seem to have run into some trouble with transports. Did someone perhaps develop this report in the QA  server?
    I would suggest this:
    In SE80. display your report. Then in the hierarchy on the left, right click on your report and select 'write transport entry' . This option will ask you to create a new transport for your report and all objects inside it. Take that transport to the QA server. It should include the entire report, including screens.
    If you have trouble importing into the QA server, please provide the transport logs here.

  • Airport Extreme giving errors after upgrading to ML Server

    With OS X Server, your machine sees your Airport Extreme and can then configure it by opening ports, etc. once you turn on services. I upgraded from OS X Lion Server to ML Server and everything was fine for a second. Now whenever I click on the Extreme in the panel, I get the following error:
    The error occurred while processing a command of type 'getIGDPortmaps' in plug-in 'servermgr_network'.
    In Console, this error pops up:
    7/26/12 9:01:12.036 PM Server[4546]: Error: The server '' reported an error while processing a command of type: 'getIGDPortmaps' in plug-in: 'servermgr_network'. Error: Error Code=-25300 "The operation couldn’t be completed. ( error -25300.)"
    I've got in and deleted all the keychain passwords having to do with the Basestation and I still get the same error. Right now, I put Ser

    I don't know if this will help but here's what happened today.
    While I was out of the house, I wanted to see if the VPN connection was still active and working on my phone. It told me that it couldn't log in so no big deal. I figured I'd check it when I got home.
    I got home and checked the Server settings for VPN and sure enough, it was off. I turned the VPN setting to ON and let it write its information. I then went to the AEBS tab on the left pane and it asked me for the password. Once I put in the password for the AEBS, it worked just fine.
    So far what I've done was erase any Keychain passwords related to the AEBS and turned on VPN service to get it working. Don't know if that'll work for everyone else but hopefully it does. Seems it's a tiny bug that should be stomped out rather quickly as it's a huge piece of OS X Server.

  • After deploy into weblogic server while running the application-404 Error

    Hi All,
    Created an ADF application and Deployed this application to Weblogic server.
    I am getting the below error After deploy into weblogic server while running the application
    I am able to run this application well in JDeveloper using the IntegratedWebLogicServer.
    The Application is successfully deployed to the Web Logic server.
    While creating the domain, I have extended the Oracle JRF classes.
    Error 404--Not Found
    From RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1:
    10.4.5 404 Not Found
    The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI. No indication is given of whether the condition is temporary or permanent.
    If the server does not wish to make this information available to the client, the status code 403 (Forbidden) can be used instead. The 410 (Gone) status code SHOULD be used if the server knows, through some internally configurable mechanism, that an old resource is permanently unavailable and has no forwarding address.
    JDeveloper Version :
    Weblogic Version :

    On the Deployments look for the Testing tab.. you will see your test link to check your deployment ..
    Some times.. for some reasons( which i dontKnow :( it doesnt identify with m/c name.. repalce it with IP address..and give a try.. if its on local /c u can try /(or local host too)

  • Dump error after migration.

    Dear Members,
         The driver program for the smartfrom which I have created is throwing a dump error after migration to another server, please suggest me a solution.
    Subhendu Gouda

    Hello Subhendu,
    Just pass the FM name of your smartfom using a variable like "w_fmodule".
    * Variable declarations
    w_form_name TYPE tdsfname VALUE 'ZSUBHENDU_TEST',
    w_fmodule TYPE rs38l_fnam,
    formname = w_form_name
    fm_name = w_fmodule
    no_form = 1
    no_function_module = 2
    OTHERS = 3
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
    WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    CALL FUNCTION w_fmodule
    control_parameters = w_cparam
    output_options = w_outoptions
    job_output_info = t_otf_from_fm
    formatting_error = 1
    internal_error = 2
    send_error = 3
    user_canceled = 4
    OTHERS = 5
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
    WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    Hope this solves your issue.

  • Forced or abrupt (crash etc) server shutdown - What is this?

    We are having the following issues in the prod environment...which doesnt seem to be that promising...BPEL is stopping and starting itself with the following message:
    07/08/01 14:55:29 Forced or abrupt (crash etc) server shutdown detected startin g recovery process...
    07/08/01 14:55:29 Recovery completed, 0 connections committed and 0 rolled back.
    Would be great if someone could shed some light as to whats going on.

    05/11/02 09:53:47 Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g ( initializedHi, doesn't that mean that your OC4J server has been recovered successfully and has initialized successfully? Try accessing the urls that were known to work. Any problem?
    You should see little message on the console from that point on unless you use the admin tool or you start oc4j with some debugging/profiling flags or something serious has happened.
    05/11/02 09:53:44 log4j:ERROR Could not find value for key log4j.appender.errorThis error is unlikely to be related to oc4j. You may start oc4j with one more java option:
      java -Dlog4j.debug=true -jar oc4j.jar
    to debug that error.

  • Internal Server Error after implemeting a Merged Appl_top

    Hi folks,
    I have been plagued by an issue since a long time. I'm implementing a merged appltop on sun solaris (5.10) on
    Basically its a clone of two nodes into a single node. After merging, the services are coming up good. Apache is running well. But when opening the AppsLogin page, it is blowing up saying Internal Server Error.
    When looked into the mod_jserv.log, it shows the below error.
    [07/02/2012 10:28:28:718] (ERROR) ajp12: Servlet Error: OracleJSP: oracle.jsp.provider.JspCompileException: Errors compiling:/d05/ufindev/ufindevcomn1/_pages/_oa__html//<TABLE BORDER=1 WIDTH=100%><TR><TH>Line #</TH><TH>Error</TH></TR><TR><TD WIDTH=7% VALIGN=TOP>259<TD> isRtl(java.lang.String) has protected access in oracle.apps.fnd.sso.SessionMgr if (SessionMgr.isRtl(langCode)) {                                 </TD></TR></TABLE>
    [07/02/2012 10:28:28:718] (ERROR) an error returned handling request via protocol "ajpv12"
    [07/02/2012 10:28:28:718] (INFO) balance: continuing to
    [07/02/2012 10:28:28:719] (ERROR) balance: 10297 internal servlet error in server
    [07/02/2012 10:28:28:719] (ERROR) an error returned handling request via protocol "balance"
    Any idea whats going wrong?
    Edited by: 912983 on Feb 7, 2012 1:54 PM

    Have you completed all the steps in (Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i with Rapid Clone [ID 230672.1] -- Reducing the number of Nodes of a Multi-Node System (merge APPL_TOP)) and (Sharing the Application Tier File System in Oracle Applications Release 11i [ID 233428.1] -- Section 4: Merging existing APPL_TOPs into a single APPL_TOP) with no errors?
    Can you find any errors in the database log file?
    Was AutoConfig completed successfully?
    Please clear the server cache as per (How To Clear Server Cache and Bounce Apache (Web Server)? [ID 295484.1]) and check then.
    Also, please see these docs.
    Insternal server error After Patch9578141 CPU PATCH FOR JULY 2010 [ID 1221603.1]
    Accessing web pages, randomly get Internal Server Error [ID 1374874.1]
    Internal Server Error When Trying To Enter The Processed Date In The Adjust Form [ID 549511.1]

  • The error while shutdown the server

    I installed the JDK1.3.0 and OC4J standalone Version I have no problem to start the server by using oc4j.jar. However, I am not able to shutdown the server by
    java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost/ admin kzhou -shutdown.
    J2ee_home was set to $oracle_home/j2ee/home. I am using window NT.
    The error is as follows:
    javax.naming.NamingException: Lookup error: refused: no further information; nested exception is: Connection refused: no further information.
    Could anybody tell me what I can do to fix it?
    Thanks a lot.

    Here is what I did.
    1) Uninstalled the JDK1.3.0
    2) renamed the $oracle_home/jdk to $oracle_home/jdk13
    3) Installed the J2SDK1.3.1 in the oracle home directory as $oracle_home/jdk
    4) copied jar files from jdk13 folder to new jdk folder
    5) started the server from Command line
    6) opened the second Command Prompt and shutdown the server. The server stopped.
    Online notes mentioned in Michael's comment is very helpful. Thanks.

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