Oracle Fusion Application RCU error for fusionapps_Storage.xml

I am installing Fusion Application
While running RCU I have received a error for selecting Fusion Application component.
The error is
2013-01-19 23:53:43.746 ERROR rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.RCUValidator::error: RCUValidator caught a SAXParseException.
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: file:/C:/ptc-dn-fusion/appbase/database/rcuHome/rcu/integration/fusionapps/fusionapps_Storage.xml<Line 112, Column 17>: XML-20147: (Error) Invalid element 'DatafilesList' in content of 'TablespaceAttributes', expected closing tag.
RCU Log as follows.
2013-01-19 23:52:49.446 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.common.util.LoggingManager::initialize: Log dir does not exist. Creating logdir:C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\/rcu/log\logdir.2013-01-19_23-52
2013-01-19 23:52:49.481 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.common.util.LoggingManager::initialize: Log file does not exist. Creating log file:C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\/rcu/log\logdir.2013-01-19_23-52\rcu.log
2013-01-19 23:52:49.481 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.common.util.LoggingManager::initialize: LOG_LEVEL_IS - NOTIFICATION:1
2013-01-19 23:52:49.482 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.common.util.LoggingManager::initialize: HOSTNAME: PTC-DN-FUSION
2013-01-19 23:52:49.482 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.common.util.LoggingManager::initialize: OSINFO: x86 6.0 Windows Server 2008
2013-01-19 23:52:49.482 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.common.util.LoggingManager::initialize: JREINFO: 1.6.0_29 C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\jdk\jre
2013-01-19 23:52:49.482 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.common.util.LoggingManager::initialize: USERNAME: Administrator
2013-01-19 23:52:49.482 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.common.util.LoggingManager::initialize: USERDIR: C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\BIN
2013-01-19 23:52:49.482 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.common.util.LoggingManager::initialize: User country: US
2013-01-19 23:52:49.482 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.common.util.LoggingManager::initialize: User language: en
2013-01-19 23:52:49.483 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.common.util.LoggingManager::initialize: Java class path: C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\rcu.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\share.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\help-share.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\ohj.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\orai18n-mapping.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\lib\xmlparserv2.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jdbc\lib\ojdbc6.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jdbc\lib\ojdbc5.jar;OH\jdbc\lib\ojdbc6dms.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\jewt4.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\ojdl.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\modules\oracle.odl_11.1.1\ojdl.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\SchemaVersion.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\wldb2.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\wlsqlserver.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\wlbase.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\wlutil.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\fmwgenerictoken.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\mysql-connector-java-commercial-5.1.17-bin.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\modules\mysql-connector-java-commercial-5.1.17\mysql-connector-java-commercial-5.1.17-bin.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\..\oracle_common\modules\mysql-connector-java-commercial-5.1.17\mysql-connector-java-commercial-5.1.17-bin.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\mysql-connector-java-commercial-5.1.16-bin.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\modules\mysql-connector-java-commercial-5.1.16\mysql-connector-java-commercial-5.1.16-bin.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\..\oracle_common\modules\mysql-connector-java-commercial-5.1.16\mysql-connector-java-commercial-5.1.16-bin.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\modules\oracle.dms_11.1.1\dms.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\oracle_ice.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\rcuhelppages.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\assistants\opca\jlib\opca.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\portal\jlib\ptlshare.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\ldapjclnt11.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\commons-collections-3.1.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\commons-dbcp-1.2.1.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\commons-logging.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\commons-pool-1.2.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\quartz-1.6.0.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\xml.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\jta.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\iam-platform-utils.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\iam-platform-authz-service.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\jps-api.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\jps-common.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\jps-ee.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\jps-internal.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\jps-manifest.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\MicroSM.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\javax.persistence_1.0.0.0_1-0-2.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\org.eclipse.persistence_1.0.0.0_1-1-0.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\identitystore.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\jps-unsupported-api.jar;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\jlib\pd-internal.jar
2013-01-19 23:52:49.485 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.common.util.LoggingManager::initialize: Java library path: C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\jdk\jre\bin;C:\Windows\Sun\Java\bin;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\\bin;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\bin;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\bin;E:\jdk6\bin;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\idmu\common;C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1;C:\Middleware\Oracle_IDM1\bin;C:\Middleware\Oracle_IDM1\opmn\bin;C:\Middleware\Oracle_IDM1\opmn\lib;C:\Middleware\Oracle_IDM1\perl\bin;.
2013-01-19 23:52:49.486 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.Rcu::initLoggingManager: RCU version:
2013-01-19 23:52:49.486 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.Rcu::execute: Launching RCU.
2013-01-19 23:52:49.489 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.Rcu::execute: Creating InteractiveRCUModel
2013-01-19 23:52:50.019 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.RepositoryConfigManager::<init>: DTD location : C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\/rcu/config/
2013-01-19 23:52:50.019 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.RepositoryConfigManager::<init>: ComponentInfo xml location : C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\/rcu/config/ComponentInfo.xml
2013-01-19 23:52:50.019 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.RepositoryConfigManager::<init>: Storage xml location : C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\/rcu/config/Storage.xml
2013-01-19 23:52:50.019 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.RepositoryConfigManager::<init>: DTD Validation : true
2013-01-19 23:52:50.027 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.RCUCommandLineParser::process: Processing command line ....
2013-01-19 23:52:50.137 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.Rcu::main: Execution Complete.
2013-01-19 23:53:42.649 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.common.dbutil.jdbc.JDBCEngine::connect: Connecting to database: user:sys, role:SYSDBA, connectString:(description=(address=(
2013-01-19 23:53:43.210 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.task.ActualTask::run: Executing Task: Initializing repository configuration metadata
2013-01-19 23:53:43.210 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.validation.PrereqEvaluator::executePrereqTask: Prereq taskId = INIT_META_DATA.....
2013-01-19 23:53:43.345 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : FUSION_ACTIVITIES
2013-01-19 23:53:43.346 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.ComponentInfoHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Component : FUSION_DISCUSSIONS
2013-01-19 23:53:43.359 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.RepositoryConfigManager::parseXmlData: XML Document: C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\/rcu/config/ComponentInfo.xml is valid
2013-01-19 23:53:43.706 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.RepositoryConfigHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Repository Config data for Component : PORTLET
2013-01-19 23:53:43.708 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.RepositoryConfigManager::parseRepositoryConfigData: XML Document: C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\/rcu/integration//portlet/portlet.xml is valid
2013-01-19 23:53:43.710 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.RepositoryConfigHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Repository Config data for Component : ACTIVITIES
2013-01-19 23:53:43.712 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.RepositoryConfigManager::parseRepositoryConfigData: XML Document: C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\/rcu/integration//activities/activities.xml is valid
2013-01-19 23:53:43.713 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.RepositoryConfigHandler::startElement: Curently Parsing Repository Config data for Component : DISCUSSIONS
2013-01-19 23:53:43.718 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.RepositoryConfigManager::parseRepositoryConfigData: XML Document: C:\ptc-dn-fusion\appbase\database\rcuHome\/rcu/integration//jive/jive.xml is valid
*2013-01-19 23:53:43.746 ERROR rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.handlers.RCUValidator::error: RCUValidator caught a SAXParseException.*
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: file:/C:/ptc-dn-fusion/appbase/database/rcuHome/rcu/integration/fusionapps/fusionapps_Storage.xml<Line 112, Column 17>: XML-20147: (Error) Invalid element 'DatafilesList' in content of 'TablespaceAttributes', expected closing tag.
     at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLError.flushErrorHandler(
     at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLError.flushErrors1(
     at oracle.xml.parser.v2.NonValidatingParser.parseDocument(
     at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLParser.parse(
     at oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.RepositoryConfigManager.parseStorageData(
     at oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.RepositoryConfigManager.parseXmlData(
     at oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.models.OptionsModel.initializeXMLAndSelectionModels(
     at oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.validation.StepValidator.initMetaData(
     at oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.validation.PrereqEvaluator.executePrereqTask(
     at oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.task.PrereqTask.execute(
2013-01-19 23:53:43.747 ERROR rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.xmldata.RepositoryConfigManager::parseStorageData: XML Document has Error:true file:/C:/ptc-dn-fusion/appbase/database/rcuHome/rcu/integration/fusionapps/fusionapps_Storage.xml<Line 112, Column 17>: XML-20147: (Error) Invalid element 'DatafilesList' in content of 'TablespaceAttributes', expected closing tag.
2013-01-19 23:53:43.824 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.task.ActualTask::run: Execution time for Initializing repository configuration metadata : 614 milliseconds
2013-01-19 23:53:44.054 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.task.ActualTask::run: Executing Task: Obtain properties of the specified database
2013-01-19 23:53:44.054 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.validation.PrereqEvaluator::executePrereqTask: Prereq taskId = PREREQ_QUERY_DATABASE
2013-01-19 23:53:44.089 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.task.ActualTask::run: Execution time for Obtain properties of the specified database : 35 milliseconds
2013-01-19 23:53:44.279 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.task.ActualTask::run: Executing Task: Check requirement for specified database
2013-01-19 23:53:44.279 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.validation.PrereqEvaluator::executePrereqTask: Prereq taskId = PREREQ_GLOBAL_CHECK
2013-01-19 23:53:44.300 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.task.ActualTask::run: Execution time for Check requirement for specified database : 21 milliseconds
2013-01-19 23:53:44.322 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.task.ActualTask::run: Executing Task: Execute pre create operations
2013-01-19 23:53:44.322 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.task.CustomCompManager::getActionList: CustomCompManager.getActionList: CUSTOM_COMP_PRELOAD_SETUP
2013-01-19 23:53:44.329 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.task.AbstractCompTask::execute: ValidIf result was false. Skipping Action: oracle.ias.version.SchemaVersionUtil:utilCreateRegistryAndCopyData
2013-01-19 23:53:44.331 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.task.AbstractCompTask::execute: ValidIf result was false. Skipping Action: oracle.ias.version.SchemaVersionUtil:utilCreateRegistryTable
2013-01-19 23:53:44.331 NOTIFICATION rcu: oracle.sysman.assistants.rcu.backend.task.ActualTask::run: Execution time for Execute pre create operations : 9 milliseconds
Edited by: user13316715 on Jan 20, 2013 12:11 AM

Hi Subramanian,
Thanks for the response.
No i am able to create repository for the Fusion Application.
But now i am running through different problem while creating response file.
The provisional wizard automatically get exit withe Internal Error after entering Install location and setting admin password.
Can you please help me on this.

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    The problem is due to a configuration issue trying to write the dumpfile using a directory on a NFS mount point.
    Here are the mount options that need to be used for NFS volumes on Linux are:
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    Along with the error there are warning messages printed in the alert log with the mount options to be used.Sometimes you may need to do the following to allow datapump to work with NFS mounted files:
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    Here are some useful resources:
    <li>[url]Oracle Fusion Middleware Fusion Developers Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework general information of the ADF
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    <li>[url]Oracle Fusion Applications Documentation Library; contains links to Fusion Application specific documentation
    <li>JDeveloper and Fusion Applications Explained [url]Part 1 and [url]Part 2; these describe how to create a development environment where to create customizations to Fusion Applications
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    For human approval process you might want to look into Oracle BPM and the Human workflow engine that it offers - it is well integrated with Oracle ADF as the UI layer for the managers.
    Watch Video                        

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    You need to make a disctinction between Oracle Apps and Fusion Apps as those are not the same thing.
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    Hi Experts,
    First of all, I would like to store xml files in object relation way. Therefore I created a schema and a table for it (see above).
    I wants to propagate it (by using generated xml files), hence I created a control file for sql loader (see above).
    I have two problems for it.
    1, It takes a lot of time. It means I can upload a ~80MB file in 2 hours and a half.
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    Can you help me to solve these problems?
    Control file
    INFILE *
    INTO TABLE coll_xml_objrel
    ident constant 2
    ,file_name filler char(100)
    ,xml LOBFILE (file_name) TERMINATED BY EOF
    Sql Loader command
    sqlldr.exe username/password@//localhost:1521/SID control='loader.ctl' log='loadr.log' direct=true
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <schema targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns="" xmlns:tns="">
        <element name="searches" type="tns:searches_type"></element>
        <element name="search" type="tns:search_type"></element>
        <element name="results" type="tns:results_type"></element>
        <element name="result" type="tns:result_type"></element>
        <complexType name="searches_type">
                <element ref="tns:search" maxOccurs="unbounded"></element>
        <complexType name="search_type">
                <element ref="tns:results"></element>
            <attribute ref="tns:id" use="required"></attribute>
            <attribute ref="tns:type" use="required"></attribute>
        <complexType name="results_type">
            <sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
                <element ref="tns:result"></element>
        <complexType name="result_type">
            <attribute ref="tns:id" use="required"></attribute>
        <simpleType name="type_type">
            <restriction base="string">
                <enumeration value="value1"></enumeration>
                <enumeration value="value2"></enumeration>
        <attribute name="type" type="tns:type_type"></attribute>
        <attribute name="id" type="string"></attribute>
    Create table
    create table coll_xml_objrel
    ident Number(20) primary key,
    xml xmltype)
    Xmltype column xml
    store as object relational
    xmlschema ""
    Element "searches";

    Hi Odie_63,
    Thanks for your answer.
    I will post this question in the XML DB forum too (edit: I realized that you have done it. Thanks for it).
    1, Version: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    2, see above
    3, I have registered my schema with using dbms_xmlschema.registerSchema function.
    XML generator:
    public class mainGenerator {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, XMLStreamException {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            final long numberOfSearches = 500;
            final long numberOfResults = 10000;
            XMLOutputFactory xof = XMLOutputFactory.newFactory();
            XMLStreamWriter writer = xof.createXMLStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream("C:\\Working\\generated500x10000.xml"));
            writer.writeStartElement("tns","searches", "");
            writer.writeNamespace("tns", "");
            for (long i = 0; i < numberOfSearches; i++){
                Long help = new Long(i);
                writer.writeStartElement("tns","search", ";
                writer.writeAttribute("tns", "", "type", "value1");
                writer.writeAttribute("tns", "", "id", help.toString());
                writer.writeStartElement("tns","results", "");
                for (long j = 0; j < numberOfResults; j++){
                    writer.writeStartElement("tns","result", "");
                    Long helper = new Long(i*numberOfResults+j);
                    writer.writeAttribute("tns", "", "id", helper.toString());
    '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <schema targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns="" xmlns:tns="">
        <element name="searches" type="tns:searches_type"></element>
        <element name="search" type="tns:search_type"></element>
        <element name="results" type="tns:results_type"></element>
        <element name="result" type="tns:result_type"></element>
        <complexType name="searches_type">
                <element ref="tns:search" maxOccurs="unbounded"></element>
        <complexType name="search_type">
                <element ref="tns:results"></element>
            <attribute ref="tns:id" use="required"></attribute>
            <attribute ref="tns:type" use="required"></attribute>
        <complexType name="results_type">
            <sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
                <element ref="tns:result"></element>
        <complexType name="result_type">
            <attribute ref="tns:id" use="required"></attribute>
        <simpleType name="type_type">
            <restriction base="string">
                <enumeration value="value1"></enumeration>
                <enumeration value="value2"></enumeration>
        <attribute name="type" type="tns:type_type"></attribute>
        <attribute name="id" type="string"></attribute>

  • Can you help me?the config error about ORACLE Web Application Server3.0 for Solaris,

    hello anyone
    i install oracle7.3.4 server
    in Sun Sparcstation20 Solaris2.6 Japanese
    everything is ok,
    and i want to install ORACLE
    WEB appliation server 3.0too
    the installer is ok too,
    i startup the serivce
    >owsctl start wrb
    >owsctl start admin
    but when i open the netscape and
    there is something wrong.
    **************************error message*******
    OWS-05721: The Web Listener www failed to start:
    Oracle Web Listener 3.0.1 Production (Export), Version 2.14FC1
    Copyright 1997 Oracle Corp. All Rights Reserved.
    Error: A failure occurred ( Permission denied ) when assigning a port ( domain: INTERNET01, address:, port: 80 ).
    Error: Failed to start the server.
    Error: The server could not initialize
    Information: The server is exiting
    OWS-08811: Unable to startup Oracle Web Listener `www'.
    Oracle Web Listener Home Page
    From here, you can do the following:
    Create a new Oracle Web Listener to run on your machine by clicking the Create Listener... button.
    Modify existing Oracle Web Listeners by selecting the Configure link below.
    Start, Stop or Delete existing Oracle Web Listeners by selecting the appropriate link below.
    can anyone help me , it is too difficult for me.
    the startup file of Solaris is here
    # @(#)cshrc 1.11 89/11/29 SMI
    umask 022
    set path=(/bin /usr/bin /usr/ucb /etc .)
    if ( $?prompt ) then
    set history=32
    setenv ORACLE_BASE /oracle/app/oracle
    setenv ORACLE_HOME /oracle/app/oracle/product/7.3.4
    setenv ORACLE_SID hlp3
    setenv ORAWEB_HOME $ORACLE_HOME/ows/3.0
    setenv ORAWEB_SITE www
    setenv ORAWEB_ADMIN $ORACLE_BASE/admin
    setenv ORAWEB_CARTX $ORACLE_HOME/ows/cartx
    setenv ORA_CSM_MODE line
    setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $ORACLE_HOME/lib:/usr/openwin/lib:/usr/dt/lib:
    setenv ORACLE_TERM xsun5
    setenv TMPDIR /var/tmp
    setenv PATH .:$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/obackup/bin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/css/bin:/usr/openwin/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/ucb:$ORAWEB_HOME/bin
    setenv ORA_NLS32 $ORACLE_HOME/ocommon/nls/admin/data
    setenv MANPATH /opt/SUNWspro/man:/opt/SUNWste/licence_tools/man
    # setenv LANG
    # setenv TWO_TASK
    set ORAENV_ASK = NO
    source /opt/bin/coraenv
    unset ORAENV_ASK
    source /oracle/app/oracle/product/7.3.4/ows/3.0/install/
    # @(#)local.login 1.3 93/09/15 SMI
    stty -istrip
    # setenv TERM `tset -Q -`
    # if possible, start the windows system. Give user a chance to bail out
    if ( `tty` == "/dev/console" ) then
    if ( $TERM == "sun" &#0124; &#0124; $TERM == "AT386" ) then
    if ( ${?OPENWINHOME} == 0 ) then
    setenv OPENWINHOME /usr/openwin
    echo ""
    echo -n "Starting OpenWindows in 5 seconds (type Control-C to interrupt)"
    sleep 5
    echo ""
    clear # get rid of annoying cursor rectangle
    logout # logout after leaving windows system
    setenv ORACLE_HOME /oracle/app/oracle/product/7.3.4
    setenv PATH /bin:/usr/bin:/etc:/usr/etc:/usr/openwin/bin:/usr/ucb:/oracle/app/oracle/product/734/bin:$ORAWEB_HOME/bin
    setenv NLS_LANG japanese_japan.ja16euc
    setenv LANG japanese
    setenv ORACLE_TERM xsun5
    setenv ORAWEB_HOME $ORACLE_HOME/ows/3.0
    setenv ORAWEB_SITE www
    setenv TNS_ADMIN /oracle/app/oracle/product/7.3.4/network/admin
    can anyone help me and tell me how to solve it or any aother way book doc to do it,
    thank you
    i am very nervious
    my email address:
    [email protected]
    [email protected]


  • Oracle Fusion Middleware ( RCU/ODI/OHS )

    Using Repository Creation Assistant
    2.2 Creating Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite Schemas
    My question is "Why do I need to create a new Schema:NAME:PREFIX:OWNER:COMPONENT in order to use them and why are they restricted to one domain for my old/new Weblogic Domain Configurations?
    RCU creates schemas using based prefix for example DEV(x) (Development); And Oracle12c is getting overwhelmed by the amount of "schema user" creations. (I personally think this is way to much duplication) and user-level access has its limitations in Oracle12c. - please correct me if I'm wrong.

    Hi Michael,
    Thanks for your valuable inputs.
    Below line in CRMS_KR.htm was causing the problem because while directly hitting the CRMS_KR.htm we had hard-coded all the tag values which in other case is read from formweb.cfg
    *<PARAM NAME="serverURL" VALUE="/forms/lservlet?ifcfs=/forms/frmservlet?acceptLanguage=en-us">*
    We modified it to
    *<PARAM NAME="serverURL" VALUE="/forms/lservlet">*
    Now we are able to hit the below URL sucessfully
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Oracle Portal Portlet 404 Error for Specific Users

    I have a single portlet in Oracle Portal that is returning the message "Error: The listener returned the following error: 404 Not Found" that is occurring for just 2 out of my 350+ users. I have tried clearing user cache, clearing portlet cache, deleting these two users from portal and recreating their accounts, changing their usernames, rebooting the entire app server and nothing is working. There are other users for which the portlet will return the exact same data that the 2 problem users are requesting without an issue.
    Portal version is Any help that anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated as I am about ready to beat my head against a wall.

    Hi Kirk,
    Please check below MOS ID, your issue will be resolved.
    Error: The Listener Returned The Following Message: 404 Not Found [ID 456421.1]
    Mark if this helps you.

  • Eclipse editor gives error for web.xml for jsp-config

    Hi All,
    I am using following web.xml . Eclipse europa editor gives warning if <jsp-config> is added. Is anyone have idea about it.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <!DOCTYPE web-app
    PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"

    Your web.xml file is out of date.
    You have a DTD there for the Servlet 2.2 spec.
    The jsp-config tag was introduced to web.xml as of the Servlet 2.4 specification - which is why it is complaining in your editor.
    Seeing as you have Tomcat 6, I would recommend you change your web.xml to look like this
    - removed the DTD
    - change the web-app tag to include schema information
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <web-app xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="2.5">

  • Where can I find Oracle Tuxedo Application Rehosting Workbench for Linux?

    Actually it is in the absolutely wrong place , but I publish this in behalf of other people searching for this so they will not waste 2 hours like I did. It is , of course , under Windows platform products - if you search under Linux you will not find anything.

    Please see these links.
    Oracle Tuxedo Downloads
    Oracle Software Delivery Cloud
    If you could not find the software then please log a SR or contact your Oracle Sales representative.

  • Oracle Patch Application Assistant Error Message

    Im upgrading my EBS R12.0.5 Instance to R12.1.1 and i already applied the 7303030 GENERIC patch with success.
    Now, Im applying the patch 7303030 for NLS=PT and in the README note suggests to execute the and it starts fine.
    But when i click NEXT, i got this error:
    "Invalid Patch Location or this utility is not compatible for this patch".
    I executed the ($AD_TOP/bin/ from the 7303030_PT/ directory.
    Any idea of what is wrong?
    Edited by: Goncalo Sa on Feb 11, 2010 3:03 AM

    Im using OEL 4.
    In the README file i have to execute this step and i also have to use the adpatch utility to apply the patch.
    My doubt is, can i simply miss this step and move forward?
    Because the README file its the same as the README for US GENERIC platform.
    I sourced the environment file also.

  • Oracle B2B - Trading Partner identification for Custom XML purchase order

    Hi ,
    How to identify From TP and To TP from the data available in the custom XML?
    Also need know will it be possible to identify the Agreement based on XML data of custom purchase order (Not with File Name format identification)?
    Thank you.
    Anvesh Raju

    please refer to below doc for various identification options
    Creating Types - 11g Release 1 (
    Generic exchange is also discussed

  • Hardware requirement for Fusion Applications HCM installation

    Hi Team,
    I want to install fusion applications for HCM.
    Can any one suggest the minimum hardware requirement for installation.
    Please help me with any documents.

    Dear Chandra,
    Please note that Fusion Applications installation involves following components.
    1. Oracle Identity and Access Management components (Middleware infrastructure)
    2. Oracle Database for IDM
    3. Oracle Database for Fusion Apps
    4. Fusion Applications Domains (includes Admin and managed servers for Fusion Applications)
    I have posted a guide on installing Fusion applications on 2 node setup and if you have sufficient hardware to host 2 VMs then it can be done on single server as well.
    This will explain the 2 node architecture which I have prepared.
    The minimum memory requirement changes if you select more products since in Fusion apps each products have their own domain and if you select more products then there will be more application managed servers (even if you don't select a product family, it will still create some managed weblogic servers based on dependency with selected products)
    The minimum memory requirement to host IDM and consolidated DB in 1 node is 10-12 GB
    The minimum memory requirement to host Fusion Applications domains on 2nd node is 64 GB (for 1 product family, for all products selected then 128 GB)
    Please note that these are "minimum" requirements based on my experience, not as per the documents since what we are talking about is installing for "learning", not for production, where you will host various components in separate nodes.

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