Oracle on pda

Is there oracle database available to be installation on pda ?
If so, which is the download link.

There are three components to the product:
1. Mobile Server installs on NT/2000/XP or UNIX
2. Mobile Client for Win32/CE, PalmOS, Symbian
3. Mobile Development Kit installs on your Windows system
Depends on what you need.
1. Just a small database
Install MDK from CD-ROM and your IDE of choice i.e Visual Studio to build a small database application
2. Date synchronization
Install Mobile Server from the CD-ROM. You need an up and running Oracle Database 8.1.7 or higher to install Mobile Server. Then you have to follow a few steps to package the appliation into a JAR file, publish the JAR file into the Mobile Server, provision the application to mobile user, installe Mobile Client (libraries) over the Internet, and finally sync data and application to the mobile device

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    Hi Praveen
    If your use case is like having large no. of data rows and inserting those into DB. I believe best appropriate way would be form a xml and then pass it to DB. While in DB, you can create SP and perform your logical steps(if any) thereafter inserting data into table.
    The above link shared by Muzammil talks on the same subject.
    While once within SP(DB layer), you can fetch entire xml using below example:
    DECLARE @data XML;
    -- Element-centered XML
    SET @data = '<data>
          <name>Name 1 </name>
          <name>Name 2</name>
          <name>Name 3</name>
    SELECT T.customer.value('(id)[1]', 'INT') AS customer_id,
           T.customer.value('(name)[1]', 'VARCHAR(20)') AS customer_name
    FROM @data.nodes('data/customer') AS T(customer);
    The above run will give you output from xml in single shot.
    You can also find maximum no. of rows as below.
    declare @max int
    select @max = @data.value('fn:count(/data/customer/id)','int')
    select @max  
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    Tahnks & Regards

    Oracle Mobile Client
    Please check:

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    There are some oracle lite version , which you can always trust , I diden't really install them , but i guess this might be the option for you .
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       errbuf               OUT      VARCHAR2,
       retcode              OUT      NUMBER,
       p_st_date            IN       VARCHAR2,
       p_end_date           IN       VARCHAR2,
       p_set_of_book        IN       NUMBER,
       p_chart_of_acnt      IN       NUMBER,
       p_min_flex           IN       VARCHAR2,
       p_max_flex           IN       VARCHAR2,
       p_transaction_type   IN       VARCHAR2
       TYPE flex_tbl_type IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2 (10)
       CURSOR c_acct (
          p_period_num_low    NUMBER,
          p_period_num_high   NUMBER,
          p_min_flex_tbl      flex_tbl_type,
          p_max_flex_tbl      flex_tbl_type
          SELECT gjh.period_name period_name,
                                             sat.user_je_source_name SOURCE,
                 cat.user_je_category_name CATEGORY,gjb.NAME batch_name,
                 gjh.NAME journal_name, gcc.segment1, gcc.segment2, gcc.segment3,
                 gcc.segment4, gcc.segment5, gcc.segment6, gcc.segment7,
                 gcc.segment8, gjl.je_line_num,
                 gjl.description je_line_description, gjl.reference_1 party_name,
                 (SELECT pv.segment1
                    FROM ap_invoices_all aia, po_vendors pv
                   WHERE aia.invoice_id =TO_NUMBER(DECODE(NVL(LENGTH(LTRIM (TRANSLATE (gjl.reference_2,'1234567890','3'),'3')),0),0, TO_NUMBER (gjl.reference_2),-999))
                     AND pv.vendor_id = aia.vendor_id) party_number,
                 NULL trx_number,                                 -- invoice_num,
                                 NULL trx_line_number,       -- invoice_line_num,
                    WHEN gjh.je_category = 'Purchase Invoices'
                       THEN (SELECT pha.segment1
                               FROM apps.ap_invoice_distributions_all aid,
                                    apps.po_headers_all pha,
                                    apps.po_lines_all pla,
                                    apps.po_distributions_all pda
                              WHERE aid.po_distribution_id =
                                AND pda.po_line_id = pla.po_line_id
                                AND pla.po_header_id = pha.po_header_id
                                AND aid.invoice_id = TO_NUMBER (gjl.reference_2)
                                AND aid.distribution_line_number =
                                                       TO_NUMBER (gjl.reference_3))
                    ELSE ''
                 END po_number,
                    WHEN gjh.je_category = 'Purchase Invoices'
                    AND gjl.reference_3 IS NOT NULL
                       THEN (SELECT pla.line_num
                               FROM apps.ap_invoice_distributions_all aid,
                                    apps.po_headers_all pha,
                                    apps.po_lines_all pla,
                                    apps.po_distributions_all pda
                              WHERE aid.po_distribution_id =
                                AND pda.po_line_id = pla.po_line_id
                                AND pla.po_header_id = pha.po_header_id
                                AND aid.invoice_id = TO_NUMBER (gjl.reference_2)
                                AND aid.distribution_line_number =
                                                       TO_NUMBER (gjl.reference_3))
                    ELSE TO_NUMBER ('')
                 END po_line,
                    WHEN gjh.je_category = 'Purchase Invoices'
                    AND gjl.reference_3 IS NOT NULL
                       THEN (SELECT mc.segment1
                               FROM apps.ap_invoice_distributions_all aid,
                                    apps.po_headers_all pha,
                                    apps.po_lines_all pla,
                                    apps.po_distributions_all pda,
                                    apps.mtl_categories mc
                              WHERE aid.po_distribution_id =
                                AND pda.po_line_id = pla.po_line_id
                                AND mc.category_id = pla.category_id
                                AND pla.po_header_id = pha.po_header_id
                                AND aid.invoice_id = TO_NUMBER (gjl.reference_2)
                                AND aid.distribution_line_number =
                                                       TO_NUMBER (gjl.reference_3))
                    ELSE ''
                 END po_category,
                 gjl.accounted_dr debit, gjl.accounted_cr credit,
                 NVL (gjl.accounted_dr, 0) - NVL (gjl.accounted_cr, 0)
                 -- Added by Murali for bug 10405
                 gjh.currency_code entered_currency,
                 gjl.entered_dr entered_debit, gjl.entered_cr entered_credit,
                   NVL (gjl.entered_dr, 0)
                 - NVL (gjl.entered_cr, 0) net_entered_amount,
                 gjl.attribute1 bank_account_number,
                 gjl.attribute2 bank_account_name,
                 gjl.attribute3 it2_nl_posting_ref,
                 gjl.attribute4 bank_transaction_date,
                 gjl.attribute5 it2_transaction_number,
                 gjl.attribute6 funds_subtype_name,
                    WHEN gjh.je_category = 'Purchase Invoices'
                           WHEN (SELECT NVL (aid.po_distribution_id,-999)
                                   FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all aid
                                  WHERE aid.invoice_id =TO_NUMBER (gjl.reference_2)
                                    AND aid.distribution_line_number =
                                                       TO_NUMBER (gjl.reference_3)) =
                                     (SELECT aia.attribute5
                                        FROM apps.ap_invoices_all aia
                                       WHERE aia.invoice_id =
                                                TO_NUMBER(DECODE(NVL(LENGTH(LTRIM(TRANSLATE(gjl.reference_2,'1234567890','3'),'3')),0),0, TO_NUMBER(gjl.reference_2),-999))
                                         AND ROWNUM = 1)
                                   --For PO Matched Invoice ,Pickup Proj code from  PO header project DFF
                           (SELECT pha.attribute1
                              FROM apps.ap_invoice_distributions_all aid,
                                   apps.po_headers_all pha,
                                   apps.po_lines_all pla,
                                   apps.po_distributions_all pda
                             WHERE aid.po_distribution_id = pda.po_distribution_id
                               AND pda.po_line_id = pla.po_line_id
                               AND pla.po_header_id = pha.po_header_id
                               AND aid.invoice_id = TO_NUMBER (gjl.reference_2)
                               AND aid.distribution_line_number =
                                                       TO_NUMBER (gjl.reference_3)
                               AND ROWNUM = 1)
                         -- Invoice (Header) is not PO-Matched, so pickup Proj Code from invoice DFF --CHG0030444
                 (SELECT aia.attribute5
                    FROM apps.ap_invoices_all aia
                   WHERE aia.invoice_id =TO_NUMBER(DECODE(NVL(LENGTH(LTRIM (TRANSLATE (gjl.reference_2,'1234567890','3'),'3')),0),0, TO_NUMBER (gjl.reference_2),-999))
                     AND ROWNUM = 1)
                 END proj_code,
                 gjh.posted_date post_date, gjl.effective_date gl_date,
                 DECODE (gjh.je_category,
                         'Purchase Invoices', 'AP Invoice',
                         'Payments', 'AP Payment'
                        ) transaction_class,
                 gjl.reference_3, gjl.reference_4, gjl.reference_5,
                 gjl.reference_1, gjl.reference_7,
                                                  gjl.attribute7, gjl.attribute8,
            FROM apps.gl_code_combinations gcc,
                 apps.gl_je_lines gjl,
                 apps.gl_je_headers gjh,
                 apps.gl_je_batches gjb,
                 apps.gl_period_statuses per,
                 apps.gl_je_categories_tl cat,    -- Added by Murali for Bug 10405
                 apps.gl_je_sources_tl sat        -- Added by Murali for Bug 10405
           WHERE gcc.segment1 >= p_min_flex_tbl (1)
             AND gcc.segment1 <= p_max_flex_tbl (1)
             AND gcc.segment2 >= p_min_flex_tbl (2)
             AND gcc.segment2 <= p_max_flex_tbl (2)
             AND gcc.segment3 >= p_min_flex_tbl (3)
             AND gcc.segment3 <= p_max_flex_tbl (3)
             AND gcc.segment4 >= p_min_flex_tbl (4)
             AND gcc.segment4 <= p_max_flex_tbl (4)
             AND gcc.segment5 >= p_min_flex_tbl (5)
             AND gcc.segment5 <= p_max_flex_tbl (5)
             AND gcc.segment6 >= p_min_flex_tbl (6)
             AND gcc.segment6 <= p_max_flex_tbl (6)
             AND gjl.set_of_books_id = NVL (p_set_of_book, 1001)
            AND per.effective_period_num BETWEEN p_period_num_low
                                              AND p_period_num_high
             AND gjl.code_combination_id = gcc.code_combination_id
             AND gjl.status || '' = 'P'
             AND gjb.average_journal_flag = 'N'
             AND gjh.actual_flag =
                    DECODE (p_transaction_type,
                            'Actual', 'A',
                            'Budget', 'B',
             AND gjh.je_header_id = gjl.je_header_id
             AND gjb.je_batch_id = gjh.je_batch_id
             AND per.application_id = 101
             AND per.set_of_books_id = gjl.set_of_books_id
             AND per.period_name = gjl.period_name
             AND gjh.period_name = gjl.period_name
             AND per.period_name = gjb.default_period_name
             AND gjb.set_of_books_id = per.set_of_books_id
             AND gjh.je_source = 'Payables'
             AND cat.je_category_name = gjh.je_category
             AND cat.LANGUAGE = 'US'
             AND sat.je_source_name = gjh.je_source
             AND sat.LANGUAGE = 'US'             
               main_rec              c_acct%ROWTYPE;
       l_min_flex_tbl        flex_tbl_type;
       l_max_flex_tbl        flex_tbl_type;
       l_min_flex            VARCHAR2 (100);
       l_max_flex            VARCHAR2 (100);
       min_flex_count        NUMBER;
       max_flex_count        NUMBER;
       i                     NUMBER;
       v_display_str         VARCHAR2 (1000);
       v_header_str          VARCHAR2 (1000);
       l_proj_code           VARCHAR2 (240);
       rf_period_cur         sys_refcursor;
       l_period_num_low      NUMBER           := '';
       l_period_num_high     NUMBER           := '';
       -- l_vendor_name       varchar2(1000);
       l_party_name          VARCHAR2 (1000);
       l_party_number        VARCHAR2 (1000);
       l_trx_number          VARCHAR2 (1000);
       l_trx_line_number     VARCHAR2 (50);
       --Added by Bharat.K for CHG0035496
       l_contract_number     VARCHAR2 (30);
       l_contract_modified   VARCHAR2 (30);
       l_order_number        VARCHAR2 (30);
       l_statement_date      VARCHAR2 (30);
       l_billed_from         VARCHAR2 (30);
       l_billed_to           VARCHAR2 (30);
       l_start_date          VARCHAR2 (30);
       l_reference_number    VARCHAR2 (30);
       fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, 'set of book id: ' || p_set_of_book);
       l_min_flex := p_min_flex;
       i := 1;
          IF INSTR (l_min_flex, '-') = 0
          END IF;
          l_min_flex_tbl (i) := SUBSTR (l_min_flex, 1, INSTR (l_min_flex, '-') - 1);
          l_min_flex :=SUBSTR (l_min_flex,INSTR (l_min_flex, '-') + 1,LENGTH (l_min_flex) - INSTR (l_min_flex, '-'));
          i := i + 1;
       END LOOP;
       l_min_flex_tbl (i) := l_min_flex;
       min_flex_count := i;
       l_max_flex := p_max_flex;
       i := 1;
          IF INSTR (l_max_flex, '-') = 0
          END IF;
          l_max_flex_tbl (i) := SUBSTR (l_max_flex, 1, INSTR (l_max_flex, '-') - 1);
          l_max_flex :=SUBSTR (l_max_flex,INSTR (l_max_flex, '-') + 1,LENGTH (l_max_flex) - INSTR (l_max_flex, '-'));
          i := i + 1;
       END LOOP;
       l_max_flex_tbl (i) := l_max_flex;
       max_flex_count := i;
       v_header_str := '';
       v_header_str :=
             'Period'|| '^'|| 'Source'|| '^'|| 'Category'|| '^'|| 'Batch Name'|| '^'|| 'Journal Name'|| '^'|| 'Company'|| '^'|| 'IBX'|| '^'|| 'Dept'|| '^'|| 'Account'
          || '^'|| 'Intercompany'|| '^'|| 'Product'|| '^'|| 'Future2'|| '^'|| 'Future3'|| '^'|| 'JE Line Num'|| '^'|| 'Description'|| '^'|| 'GL Date'|| '^'|| 'GL Post Date'
          || '^'|| 'Party Name'|| '^'|| 'Party Number'|| '^'|| 'Transaction Class'|| '^'|| 'Transaction Number'|| '^'|| 'Transaction Line Number'                                  --bug#9819
          || '^'|| 'PO Number'|| '^'|| 'PO Line Num'|| '^'|| 'PO Category'|| '^'|| 'Project Code'|| '^'|| 'Converted Debit'|| '^'|| 'Converted Credit'
          || '^'|| 'Converted Net Amount (Dr - Cr)'|| '^'|| 'Entered Currency'|| '^'|| 'Entered Debit'|| '^'|| 'Entered Credit'|| '^'
          || 'Entered Net Amount (Dr - Cr)'|| '^'|| 'BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER'|| '^'|| 'BANK ACCOUNT NAME'|| '^'
          || 'PCard Merchant Name'|| '^'|| 'PCard Posting Date'|| '^'|| 'PCard Transaction Date'|| '^'|| 'Contract Number'
          || '^'|| 'Contract Modified Number'|| '^'|| 'Order Number'|| '^'|| 'Statement Date'|| '^'|| 'Billed From'
          || '^'|| 'Billed To'|| '^'|| 'Start Date'|| '^'|| 'Reference Number';
       fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output, v_header_str);
       fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, 'get effective period number');
       OPEN rf_period_cur FOR
          SELECT MIN (effective_period_num), MAX (effective_period_num)
            FROM gl_period_statuses
           WHERE start_date >= fnd_date.canonical_to_date (p_st_date)
             AND end_date <= fnd_date.canonical_to_date (p_end_date)
             AND set_of_books_id = p_set_of_book
             AND application_id = 101;
       FETCH rf_period_cur
        INTO l_period_num_low, l_period_num_high;
       CLOSE rf_period_cur;
       IF l_period_num_low IS NOT NULL AND l_period_num_high IS NOT NULL
          fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,'effective period number low: '|| l_period_num_low|| ' period number high: '|| l_period_num_high);
          i := 0;
          OPEN c_acct (l_period_num_low,l_period_num_high,l_min_flex_tbl,l_max_flex_tbl);
             FETCH c_acct
              INTO main_rec;
             EXIT WHEN c_acct%NOTFOUND;
             l_contract_number := NULL;
             l_contract_modified := NULL;
             l_order_number := NULL;
             l_statement_date := NULL;
             l_billed_from := NULL;
             l_billed_to := NULL;
             l_start_date := NULL;
             l_reference_number := NULL;
             --Do All the Processing for customer number and customer name--bug#9819
             IF main_rec.CATEGORY = 'Adjustment'
                   SELECT hp.party_name, rc.account_number
                     INTO l_party_name, l_party_number
                     FROM ar_adjustments_all adj,
                          ra_customer_trx_all trx,
                          --  ra_customers rc
                          hz_cust_accounts rc,
                          hz_parties hp
                    WHERE adj.customer_trx_id = trx.customer_trx_id
                      AND trx.bill_to_customer_id = rc.cust_account_id
                      AND rc.party_id = hp.party_id
                      AND trx.set_of_books_id = NVL (p_set_of_book, 1001)
                      AND adj.adjustment_number = main_rec.reference_5;
                   WHEN OTHERS
                      l_party_name := NULL;
                      l_party_number := NULL;
             ELSIF main_rec.SOURCE = 'Payables'
                l_party_name := main_rec.reference_1;
                   SELECT segment1
                     INTO l_party_number
                     FROM po_vendors
                    WHERE UPPER (vendor_name) = UPPER (l_party_name);
                   WHEN OTHERS
                      l_party_number := NULL;
             ELSIF main_rec.CATEGORY = 'Payments'
                   SELECT pv.vendor_name, pv.segment1
                     INTO l_party_name, l_party_number
                     FROM ap_checks_all ac, po_vendors pv
                    WHERE pv.vendor_id = ac.vendor_id
                      AND ac.check_id = main_rec.reference_3;
                   WHEN OTHERS
                      l_party_name := NULL;
                      l_party_number := NULL;
             -- Commented End for Bug 10405
             ELSIF (   main_rec.CATEGORY = 'Debit Memos'
                    OR main_rec.CATEGORY = 'Credit Memos'
                    OR main_rec.CATEGORY = 'Sales Invoices'
                   SELECT hp.party_name, rc.account_number
                     INTO   l_party_name, l_party_number                    
                     FROM apps.ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist_all dist,
                          -- apps.ra_customer_trx_lines_all line,
                          apps.ra_customer_trx_all trx,
                          -- apps.ra_customers rc
                          apps.hz_cust_accounts rc,
                          hz_parties hp                           -- /*bug#7534 */
                    WHERE cust_trx_line_gl_dist_id = main_rec.reference_3
                      --and    dist.CUSTOMER_TRX_LINE_ID=line.CUSTOMER_TRX_LINE_ID
                      AND trx.customer_trx_id = dist.customer_trx_id
                      AND trx.bill_to_customer_id = rc.cust_account_id
                      AND rc.party_id = hp.party_id
                      AND trx.set_of_books_id = NVL (p_set_of_book, 1001);
                   WHEN OTHERS
                      l_party_name := NULL;
                      l_party_number := NULL;
                      l_reference_number := NULL;
             ELSIF (   main_rec.CATEGORY = 'Misc Receipts'
                    OR main_rec.CATEGORY = 'Trade Receipts'
                   SELECT hp.party_name, hca.account_number
                     INTO l_party_name, l_party_number
                     FROM hz_parties hp, hz_cust_accounts hca
                    WHERE hp.party_id = hca.party_id
                      AND hca.cust_account_id = main_rec.reference_7;
                   WHEN OTHERS
                      l_party_name := NULL;
                      l_party_number := NULL;
                l_party_name := main_rec.party_name;
                l_party_number := main_rec.party_number;
                l_reference_number := NULL;
             END IF;
                  IF main_rec.SOURCE = 'Receivables'         THEN
             IF (   main_rec.CATEGORY = 'Debit Memos'
                 OR main_rec.CATEGORY = 'Credit Memos'
                 OR main_rec.CATEGORY = 'Sales Invoices'
                   SELECT DECODE (line.interface_line_context,
                                  'OKS CONTRACTS', line.interface_line_attribute1, 'EQIX METERED POWER',line.interface_line_attribute3,
                                 ) contract_number,
                          DECODE (line.interface_line_context,
                                  'OKS CONTRACTS', line.interface_line_attribute2,
                                 ) contract_modified,
                          DECODE (line.interface_line_context,
                                  'ORDER ENTRY', line.interface_line_attribute1,
                                 ) order#,
                          (SELECT aci.cut_off_date
                             FROM apps.ar_cons_inv_all aci,
                                  (SELECT DISTINCT customer_trx_id, cons_inv_id
                                              FROM apps.ar_cons_inv_trx_lines_all) acit
                            WHERE aci.cons_inv_id = acit.cons_inv_id
                              AND dist.customer_trx_id = acit.customer_trx_id)
                          CASE line.interface_line_context
                            when 'OKS CONTRACTS' then                                                  
                                  (TO_DATE (line.interface_line_attribute4,'YYYY/MM/DD' ),
                            when 'EQIX METERED POWER' then line.interface_line_attribute4
                            else null
                            end as billed_from,
                          CASE line.interface_line_context
                            when 'OKS CONTRACTS' then                                                  
                                  (TO_DATE (line.interface_line_attribute5,'YYYY/MM/DD' ),
                            when 'EQIX METERED POWER' then line.interface_line_attribute5
                            else null
                            end as billed_to,
                          TO_CHAR(TO_DATE (DECODE (line.interface_line_context, 'OKS CONTRACTS', line.interface_line_attribute8, NULL ),'YYYY/MM/DD'),'DD-MON-YYYY') start_date
                     INTO l_contract_number,
                          apps.ra_customer_trx_all trx,
                               ra_customer_trx_lines_all line,
                               apps.ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist_all dist,
                          apps.hz_cust_accounts rc,
                          hz_parties hp
                    WHERE cust_trx_line_gl_dist_id = main_rec.reference_3
                      AND trx.customer_trx_id = line.customer_trx_id
                          AND dist.customer_trx_line_id=line.customer_trx_line_id
                      AND trx.bill_to_customer_id = rc.cust_account_id
                      AND rc.party_id = hp.party_id
                      AND trx.set_of_books_id = NVL (p_set_of_book, 1001)
                          AND line.line_type = 'LINE';
                   WHEN OTHERS
                      l_contract_number := NULL;
                      l_contract_modified := NULL;
                      l_order_number := NULL;
                      l_statement_date := NULL;
                      l_billed_from := NULL;
                      l_billed_to := NULL;
                      l_start_date := NULL;
            END IF;
             END IF;
             --do processing to get line number , trx_number
             IF (   main_rec.CATEGORY = 'Debit Memos'
                 OR main_rec.CATEGORY = 'Credit Memos'
                 OR main_rec.CATEGORY = 'Sales Invoices'
                   SELECT TO_CHAR (line_number), line.interface_line_attribute1
                     INTO l_trx_line_number, l_reference_number
                     FROM ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist_all dist,
                          ra_customer_trx_lines_all line,
                          ra_customer_trx_all trx
                    WHERE cust_trx_line_gl_dist_id = main_rec.reference_3
                      AND dist.customer_trx_line_id = line.customer_trx_line_id
                      AND trx.customer_trx_id = line.customer_trx_id;
                   WHEN OTHERS
                      l_trx_line_number := NULL;
                l_trx_number := main_rec.reference_4;
             ELSIF (   main_rec.CATEGORY = 'Misc Receipts'
                    OR main_rec.CATEGORY = 'Trade Receipts'
                l_trx_number := main_rec.reference_4;
                l_trx_line_number := NULL;
             ELSIF main_rec.CATEGORY = 'Adjustment'
                l_trx_number := main_rec.reference_5;
                l_trx_line_number := NULL;
             ELSIF main_rec.CATEGORY = 'Purchase Invoices'
                l_trx_number := main_rec.reference_5;
                l_trx_line_number := main_rec.reference_3;
             ELSIF main_rec.CATEGORY = 'Payments'
                l_trx_number := main_rec.reference_4;
                -- change by dody CHG0030444
                l_trx_line_number := NULL;
                l_trx_number := main_rec.trx_number;
                l_trx_line_number := main_rec.trx_line_number;
             END IF;
             v_display_str :=
                   main_rec.period_name| '^'|| main_rec.SOURCE|| '^'|| main_rec.CATEGORY|| '^'|| main_rec.batch_name|| '^'|| main_rec.journal_name
                || '^'|| main_rec.segment1|| '^'|| main_rec.segment2|| '^'|| main_rec.segment3|| '^'|| main_rec.segment4|| '^'|| main_rec.segment5
                || '^'|| main_rec.segment6|| '^'|| main_rec.segment7|| '^'|| main_rec.segment8|| '^'| main_rec.je_line_num|| '^'|| main_rec.je_line_description
                || '^'|| main_rec.gl_date|| '^'|| main_rec.post_date|| '^'|| l_party_name|| '^'|| l_party_number|| '^'|| main_rec.transaction_class
                || '^'|| l_trx_number|| '^'|| l_trx_line_number|| '^'|| main_rec.po_number|| '^'|| main_rec.po_line|| '^'|| main_rec.po_category                    --Added for Bug # 11741
                || '^'|| main_rec.proj_code|| '^'|| main_rec.debit|| '^'|||| '^'|| main_rec.net_amount|| '^'|| main_rec.entered_currency
                || '^'|| main_rec.entered_debit|| '^'|| main_rec.entered_credit|| '^'|| main_rec.net_entered_amount|| '^'|| main_rec.bank_account_number
                || '^'|| main_rec.bank_account_name|| '^'|| main_rec.it2_nl_posting_ref|| '^'|| main_rec.bank_transaction_date|| '^'|| main_rec.it2_transaction_number
                || '^'|| main_rec.funds_subtype_name| '^'|| main_rec.attribute7|| '^'|| main_rec.attribute8|| '^'|| main_rec.attribute9|| '^'
                || l_contract_number|| '^'|| l_contract_modified|| '^'|| l_order_number|| '^'|| l_statement_date
                || '^'|| l_billed_from|| '^'|| l_billed_to|| '^'|| l_start_date|| '^'|| l_reference_number;
             i := i + 1;
             fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output, v_display_str);
          END LOOP;
          CLOSE c_acct;
       END IF;  
          fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,                         'account analysis process error out - ' || SQLERRM                        );
          retcode := 2;
          errbuf := SUBSTR (SQLERRM, 1, 120);
    /Thanks in advance,
    Edited by: 838961 on Apr 12, 2013 1:29 AM
    Edited by: 838961 on Apr 12, 2013 2:02 AM

    You are probably looking for the SQL/XML functions that have been in Oracle for several major releases now. Here is the latest Oracle documentation on them
    [url]Generating XML Data from the Database
    You can also find some examples at [url]SQL/XML (SQLX) : Generating XML using SQL in Oracle. There are plenty of examples on the forums and web in general.
    Note: It is a lower case "code" in your formatting tags, not "CODE"

  • Oracle 8i Lite - OO4O and other Questions

    1.) Can OO4O (Oracle Objects for OLE) be used with the Oracle 8i Lite database ?
    2.) Does Oracle 8i Lite operate as a "client/server" database ?
    3.) Is it possible to have multi-user access to Oracle 8i Lite ?
    4.) Is there documentation somewhere that lists all of the limitations with 8i Lite as compared to 8i ?
    We are in the planning stages of a partial mobile system, and want to know how much difference in development efforts for the 2 platforms (Oracle 8i on Win 2000 server and Oracle 8i Lite on NT/98/95 Laptops).
    Any information on Oracle 8i Lite would be appreciated. -- Especially need an answer to question 1 right now.

    I am qouting below from the oracle 8i Lite documentation which says it supports triggers . Please clarify.
    Oracle Lite DBMS
    Oracle Lite DBMS is a lightweight (50KB - 750KB), Java enabled database designed from the ground up for laptops, handheld computers, PDAs and smartphones. It supports industry standard ODBC, JDBC, SQLJ, and Java Stored Procedures and Triggers. It provides a streaming fast "C" interface, OKAPI, to its object kernel. It also supports Java Access Classes, JAC, a fast and easy way to make Java Objects persistent. Oracle Lite DBMS now supports all popular mobile platforms, including Palm OS, EPOC, and Windows CE, letting you deploy enterprise applications on virtually any mobile device.

  • Need to help about deploying oracle forms on AS

    well i need help in deploying my webforms on the AS THAT is on redhat linux 2 help me with some material or links that provide me how to deploye my application on it
    alos i need to know about complete help guide for the deploying of database on database server that is on linux and deploying forms on AS WHICH is also on linux

    we have an application in developer /2000 that we will be deploying on the internet using Oracle 9iAS. we also want to provide limited access to the application / information from PDA, cell phones, etc. Can I take advantage of existing code in developer/2000 that can be used with Oracle 9i wireless?

  • Accessing Oracle Database from PocektPC / Palm

    We need to develope a mobile application where client can be Palm or PocketPC device (preferably PocketPC)
    and the Server is Oracle 9 on Sun Solaris.
    Some data will be logged into PDA device and stored in the local database. Thereafter it needs to connect to Oracle and INSERT into it.
    We do not want to use any third party sw as far as possible. The client does not have App Server (so web services is not possible)
    If we have to use Palm device what are the solutions?
    If we have to use PocketPC device what are the solutions?
    thanks and regards
    Haresh Gujarathi
    eMantra Technologies.

    With a max of 10 clients and 3-4 simultaneous syncs, I think your customer can run Lite in standalone mode without the App Server. Before I answer your questions, I'd like to give a brief description of the data model for Lite, which might help.
    When you enter data into your client (PPC, Palm or laptop), the data is put into an Oracle Lite Database, located on the client. When you synchronize with the Oracle Lite Mobile Server, the Lite DB on the client is synchronized with the Lite DB on the Mobile Server. This synchronization is done through http and we provide the infrastructure for this process.
    Once the data is on the Mobile Server, the data on the Oracle Lite DB can be inserted into the Oracle 9i DB through JDBC.
    When you ask about the Wi-fi connection, what exactly are you speaking of? For example, do you mean an 802.11b connection between the Lite client and the Mobile Server, and then an additional 802.11b connection between the Mobile Server and the 9i DB? In both cases, this can be done because it's simply a different mode for the transport of data.
    1. If Lite is not in the picture at all, then you can simply use one of Oracle's connectors (e.g. JDBC) to access the 9i Database.
    2. Yes, .NET is supported in Oracle Lite, releases and higher.
    3. I'll have to do some further research for the answer to this question to see if it's possible to write an app that can connect to the Lite DB on Palm using Mobile VB.
    4. #2 can be done and it might be possible to do #3.
    5. There are some tutorials on OTN. Here is the link:
    Please let me know if you have additional questions.

  • Accessing Oracle Database from PcoektPC / Palm

    We need to develope a mobile application where client can be Palm or PocketPC device (preferably PocketPC)
    and the Server is Oracle 9 on Sun Solaris.
    SOme data will be logged into PDA device and stored in the local database. Thereafter it needs to connect to Oracle and INSERT into it.
    We do not want to use any third party sw as far as possible. The client does not have App Server (so web services is not possible)
    If we have to use Palm device what are the solutions?
    If we have to use PocketPC device what are the solutions?
    thanks and regards
    Haresh Gujarathi
    eMantra Technologies.

    With a max of 10 clients and 3-4 simultaneous syncs, I think your customer can run Lite in standalone mode without the App Server. Before I answer your questions, I'd like to give a brief description of the data model for Lite, which might help.
    When you enter data into your client (PPC, Palm or laptop), the data is put into an Oracle Lite Database, located on the client. When you synchronize with the Oracle Lite Mobile Server, the Lite DB on the client is synchronized with the Lite DB on the Mobile Server. This synchronization is done through http and we provide the infrastructure for this process.
    Once the data is on the Mobile Server, the data on the Oracle Lite DB can be inserted into the Oracle 9i DB through JDBC.
    When you ask about the Wi-fi connection, what exactly are you speaking of? For example, do you mean an 802.11b connection between the Lite client and the Mobile Server, and then an additional 802.11b connection between the Mobile Server and the 9i DB? In both cases, this can be done because it's simply a different mode for the transport of data.
    1. If Lite is not in the picture at all, then you can simply use one of Oracle's connectors (e.g. JDBC) to access the 9i Database.
    2. Yes, .NET is supported in Oracle Lite, releases and higher.
    3. I'll have to do some further research for the answer to this question to see if it's possible to write an app that can connect to the Lite DB on Palm using Mobile VB.
    4. #2 can be done and it might be possible to do #3.
    5. There are some tutorials on OTN. Here is the link:
    Please let me know if you have additional questions.

  • Run Oracle Applications in Pocket PC

    I need to know if its possible to run Oracle Applications (E-Bussines Suite) on a pocket PC with wireless conection.
    The client actualy runs Iexplorer for pocket pc to browse the internet and wants to run OA from the pocket pc.
    I think that he just need a JINITIATOR for pocketpc.
    Best Regards.

    You would need a wireless internet connection on your PDA and have SyncML access to your calendar server enabled. Also you want to install the synthesis client on the PDA.
    The chapter handling the Sync Server can be find in the Calendar Resource Kit Manual under Chapter : '5 Oracle Sync Server'.
    Device specific information can be found in the section 'Configuring devices for Or
    acle Sync Server' Source :

  • Oracle Forms Builder Customization

    Hi all,
    I am beginning a software integration project and would really appreciate it if you could give me some guidance. Is it possible to customize the Forms Builder IDE and create menu items or buttons with scripts behind them to support something like automated storage and build functions that are linked to Subversion? Alternatively, is anyone aware of a third-party plug-in or application for Forms Builder that will support this? Thanks in advance.

    Because you have not offered details about which product versions, platforms, or hardware you are using, I can only offer some generic information. However, for the most part, the same concept will apply to all versions and platforms.
    It sounds like what you are looking to do is fairly simple and there may not be a need for using something as complex as the Forms API. Correct me if I am wrong but this is what I understand... you want to:
    1. Generate multiple executable files (FMX, MMX, PLX) from source files (FMB, MMB, PLL)
    2. Copy or relocate the latest source files
    3. Copy or relocate the latest executable files to a production environment
    All of the above can be fairly easy to accomplish with simple scripts. For example batch files on Windows (shell scripts on Unix).
    Generate executable files*
    See My Oracle Support Article 955143.1 for some example code of how to compile with a script.
    Copy or relocate the latest source files*
    Examples of how to determine the newer of two files can be found all over the Internet, but I foudn the following to be quite clear (these are Windows batch examples):
    This information along with the copy or xcopy command (Windows) can be used to move the latest files to a new location.
    Copy or relocate the latest executable*
    The same as above can be used for these files, however if the production server is a remote machine and not the same machine, some permissions handling may be necessary.
    This search will expose information about copying across network share (mapped drives)

Maybe you are looking for