Oracle-PHP PL/SQL Problem

I have this situation:
Inside PHP I call this statement:
$usr_stmt = oci_parse($conn, "begin PKG_USERBEHEER_TEST.user_insert(PKG_USERBEHEER_TEST.user_create_type(:usr_id,:usr_naam,:usr_vnaam,:usr_email,:usr_pass,SYSDATE,NULL),:p_exusr_id); end;");
binding the variables
oci_bind_by_name($usr_stmt, ':usr_id', $USR_ID);
oci_bind_by_name($usr_stmt, ':usr_naam', $USR_NAAM);
oci_bind_by_name($usr_stmt, ':usr_vnaam', $USR_VNAAM);
oci_bind_by_name($usr_stmt, ':usr_pass', $USR_PASS);
oci_bind_by_name($usr_stmt, ':usr_email', $USR_EMAIL);
oci_bind_by_name($usr_stmt, ':p_exusr_id', $EXEC);
FUNCTION user_create_type(usr_id users.usr_id%TYPE, usr_naam users.usr_naam%TYPE, usr_vnaam users.usr_vnaam%TYPE, usr_email users.usr_email%TYPE, usr_pass users.usr_pass%TYPE, usr_start_datum users.usr_pass%TYPE, usr_eind_datum users.usr_eind_datum%TYPE) return user_rec is
v_rec user_rec;
v_rec.usr_id := usr_id;
v_rec.usr_naam := usr_naam ;
v_rec.usr_pass :=usr_pass;
v_rec.usr_start_datum := usr_start_datum;
v_rec.usr_eind_datum := usr_eind_datum;
return v_rec;
end user_create_type;
PROCEDURE user_insert(r IN OUT user_rec, p_exusr_id IN users.usr_id%TYPE) IS
--check if allowed
IF(NOT checkallowedactions(p_exusr_id, 117)) THEN
raise_application_error(-20999, 'User is not allowed executing this action');
--end check if allowed
SELECT seq_users.nextval
INTO r.usr_id
FROM dual;
SELECT sysdate
INTO r.usr_start_datum
FROM dual;
INTO users(usr_id, usr_naam, usr_vnaam, usr_email, usr_pass, usr_start_datum)
VALUES(r.usr_id, r.usr_naam, r.usr_vnaam, r.usr_email, cryptit.encrypt(r.usr_pass), r.usr_start_datum);
END user_insert;
When I excecute my statement I get this error:
Warning: oci_execute() [function.oci-execute]: ORA-06550: line 1, column 39: PLS-00363: expression 'PKG_USERBEHEER_TEST.USER_CREATE_TYPE' cannot be used as an assignment target ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PL/SQL: Statement ignored in C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\add_user.php on line 22
But I need the out parameter, because I need my generated ID (Sequence) for futher use in my script.
I'm not able to edit the pl/sql script because an other application is using it.
Somebody can help me?

The call to PKG_USERBEHEER_TEST.user_insert needs to pass a single PL/SQL variable as the first argument so that user_insert can return an update record. The OUT declaration of 'r' in user_insert is throwing the error. To that point, the problem is not due to PHP. You would get the same error in SQL*Plus.
But, because you can't bind a record in PHP, you need to create a new PL/SQL function that calls PKG_USERBEHEER_TEST.user_create_type putting the returned record into a PL/SQL variable, and then calls user_insert. PHP would call the wrapper PL/SQL function.
-- cj

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    v_sp_name varchar2(50);
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    out_arg integer;
    ret_val integer;
    out_arg := 0;
    ret_val := "dbo"."ZZZ_SP"@DBLINK_SQLSERVER(10, out_arg);
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    begin tran tran1
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    created three variables - oraquery string, empid  int, loop object--when I put int then it is automatically setting to 0
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    resultset=resultname=0; variablename=User::loop
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    +  @[User::empid] + "
    Data inserting in a destination table but  empid=0.

    Sorry didnt understand if your step3 is outside loop how
    @[User::empid] will get values for the empids from User::loop. The iteration happens inside loop so you
    need to have a logic to form the delimited list inside using a script task or something and concatenating everything and storing to variable @[User::empid]
    . Then only it will have full value used to be used in step3 query
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

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    Hi Kevin,
    user13531850 wrote:
    Hi Turloch,
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    online: for small (amount of data) databases (easier),
    uses (Java) jdbc.
    The view is likely to be broken - recompiling it may help.
    The Oracle schema is created using a .sql file - see under generated in the directory you gave originally in the wizard. There is a .out file that contains the result of running this script including any errors. During conversion there are also likely to be warnings displayed on the UI.
    There may be a single issue that is causing multiple issues - if viewa depends on functionb, and functionb is broken, viewa will also fail.
    SQLDeveloper Team

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    WHERE keyword LIKE %colname% OR id  LIKE %colname% 
    SELECT *
    FROM table2
    WHERE keyword LIKE %colname% OR id  LIKE %colname% 
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    SELECT *
    FROM table1
    WHERE id = colname
    FROM table2
    WHERE id = colname

    Yes, that is going to be a problem - and it's just the beginning of your problems when you do not normalize your data. Your data model is not correct. You should not be storing similar data in 15 tables - it's a really big mistake.
    To solve your current problem you would need to include a table identifier in the query results in the Image results page, and pass that to the view page and then use PHP to dynamically create the SQL with the correct table....ugh!

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    doesn´t work with DW CS3.
    Anyone can help me?
    Thank you,
    Luciano Fernandes
    PS: I have a original DW CS3

    "lucianopopo" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:ff7k9h$euc$[email protected]..
    > Hi,
    > I have a problem with DW. I?d like to develop a site
    using PHP and SQL
    > Server.
    > Anyone knows if is there a extension to do this kind
    connection inside DW?
    > I?ve tried to use the string that DW generates to
    connect with MySql and
    > change it to connect with SQL Server, however it doesn?t
    > I?ve already found a extension that do this, but it
    doesn?t work with DW
    > CS3.
    > Anyone can help me?
    > Thank you,
    > Luciano Fernandes
    > PS: I have a original DW CS3
    There used to be the PHAkt servermodel supporting multiple
    databases in PHP
    with Dreamweaver,
    unfortunately Adobe dropped the product after acquiring the
    company that
    produced it before the release of CS3, so
    it's not compatible with Dreamweaver CS3.
    Previous versions are available at,
    you can
    help development of a CS3 compatible version by posting bug
    reports for the
    error messages you encounter.
    Joris van Lier

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    Well, I think all of this are BUGS into SQL Developer.
    Please, anyone to help me?

    Welcome to the forum!
    I just did right click in the procedure body and found [Debug, Compile for Debug, Compile, Run].
    You listed a bunch of things but you didn't say what steps you actually performed and what the result was.
    Did you 'Compile'the procedure? until you compile the procedure you can't debug it.
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    When I compile it for debug the 'Debug' icon is now enabled.

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    now i only know a little how to use sql in php and you can give some examples of this?

    This sounds like a nice little homework exercise.
    Check the PHP FAQs for Oracle/PHP help
    For SQL help, check
    -- cj

  • Oracle .dmp to SQL Server 2005

    I am trying to import an Oracle .dmp database into SQL Server 2005, what would you suggest as the fastest and easiest way to do this?  DTS/SSIS doesn't have an instant solution and the script I tried to use gave me an error...
    Msg 3241, Level 16, State 0, Line 1
    The media family on device '<DATABASE>' is incorrectly formed. SQL Server cannot process this media family.
    Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
    RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
    I would like a GUI based way to do this if at all possible.  Thanks

     JohnMCIC wrote:
    HI Suprotim,
    I am having the same problem. Could you explain in more detail how to import the Oracle .dmp file to SQL 2005. Thank you in advance.
    I don't believe that the earlier responder was saying that SSIS could work with .DMP files. I think he was saying "use SSIS to transfer data from your Oracle database to SQL Server instead of trying to use .DMP files at all."

  • Oracle 10g to sql server 2005 - how to setup

    I have been searching on how to setup a connection from oracle 10g to sql server 2005 and i have to admit i am struggling a bit.
    I have read about Heterogeneous Services and Database Gateway but we really dont want to fork for licence fees so it looks like i have to investigate HS.
    My environment is:
    10gR2 Linux 32 bit
    SQL Server 2005 32bit.
    Would someone be able to provide me with a list of steps to help me get this setup?

    If you don't want to pay for any licence fees then you will have to use the 11g Database Gateway for ODBC (DG4ODBC) which is included in your RDBMS license.
    You need to use the 11g versions because all previous gateway versions have been desupported for some time. The latest version is which can be downloaded from My Oracle Support as -
    and download -
    - this is the Gateway media pack and has everything needed for a standalone gateway install.
    This version is certified the following RDBMS versions - + RDBMS patch 5965763, + RDBMS patch 5965763,,, all 11.1 versions, all 11.2 versions.
    You have 2 choices about where you can install it and it would be better to install the gateway into a new and separate ORACLE_HOME from any existing Oracle installs -
    1. On the Linux 32-bit platform where the RDBMS is running. If you install it here you will need to supply a third party ODBC driver. The only free one I am aware of is from FreeTDS but there may be others. There can be problems with the FreeTDS so another one may be preferable but these usually require a license fee.
    See this note in My Oracle Support -
    How to Configure DG4ODBC on Linux x86 32bit or on HP-UX RISC (DG4ODBC 11.1 only) to Connect to Non-Oracle Databases post install (Doc ID 466228.1)
    2. Install DG4ODBC on the Windows platform where SQL*Server is running. If you install on Windows then you will be able to use the Microsoft SQL*Server ODBC driver which should already be installed. See this note on My Oracle Support -
    How to Setup DG4ODBC (Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC) on Windows 32bit (Doc ID 466225.1)
    If you don't have access to My Oracle Support you will need to contact someone in your organisation to access the notes for you or review the gateway documentation -

  • Data migration from Oracle to MS SQL using SSIS

    Hi friends,
    I know this question must have been asked by many who are beginners to SSIS like me about migrating data from oracle database to sql server database but i still would like to raise this query again.
    I have table called tbl_employee_oracle in oracle database from where i need to retrive the latest records(eg. latest record of each employee) from the table and populate the result into the sql server database table which is tbl_employee_sqlserver
    using ssis.
    The logic i thought of doing this is as below;
    1. Retrive all employees records from oracle database table.
    2. Dump these records into a temporary table(will have same table structure as in oracle database) in sql server.
    3. Creating a stored procedure in sql server which will contain logic to select the most recent records from this temporary table.
    4. Populate this result set into the final table of sql server.
    Please suggest me if working on this logic is worth and any alternate logic to accomplish this task.

    There are many opitons, but choose among for your scenario
    1. If your employee table is small with less than a few hundreds of record, you want to choose SCD Type 1 if not preserving histoy, incase of preserving history of records choose SCD2,
    2. If you have less than few millions of records you can choose look up to direct unmatched records to insert into Sql Server Destination and direct matched records could be updated using OLEDB Destination or Try Merge Left outer Join
    3. If you have several millions of records, you may want to use your above method.
    4. Configuring to use CDC could be last option where there are large volumes of updates and inserts every few min to hours. But I'm not sure if this option can be set in Oracle Source.
    Please mark this post as answer if it resolves your Problem. You may even mark it as helpful. Thanks

  • Using Oracle from MS SQL 2005

    I am having a strange problem while running an SQL statement in MS SQL 2005 that uses a linked Oracle server. I am getting the following error:
    OLE DB provider "OraOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server "OG" returned message "ORA-01403: no data found".
    Msg 7346, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
    Cannot get the data of the row from the OLE DB provider "OraOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server "OG"
    I am getting the error on the following SQL statement (OG is the Oracle server):
    SELECT Inv.AreaNo, Inv.CatType, Inv.CatNo, Inv.ItemNo, Inv.NumAvail, Inv.NumTotal, Inv.Active,
    IH.AID, IH.NumOut, IH.DateOut, IH.WorkerOut, IH.NumIn, IH.DateIn, IH.WorkerIn,
    FROM ItemInventory AS Inv
    LEFT JOIN CatCodes AS CC ON Inv.AreaNo = CC.AreaNo AND Inv.CatType = CC.CatType AND Inv.CatNo = CC.CatNo
    LEFT JOIN ItemHistory AS IH ON Inv.AreaNo = IH.AreaNo AND Inv.CatType = IH.CatType AND Inv.CatNo = IH.CatNo AND
    Inv.ItemNo = IH.ItemNo
    WHERE Inv.AreaNo = 0 AND Inv.CatType = 0
    What's strange is that the following SQL statement works fine. The only difference between table ItemHistory (above) and ItemsOut (below) is that ItemHistory adds 3 columns that ItemsOut does not have. Other than that table the SQL statements are the same (as you can see).
    SELECT Inv.AreaNo, Inv.CatType, Inv.CatNo, Inv.ItemNo, Inv.NumAvail, Inv.NumTotal, Inv.Active,
    IO.AID, IO.NumOut, IO.DateOut, IO.WorkerOut, '1' AS NumIn, '1/1/1900' AS DateIn, '1' AS WorkerIn,
    FROM ItemInventory AS Inv
    LEFT JOIN CatCodes AS CC ON Inv.AreaNo = CC.AreaNo AND Inv.CatType = CC.CatType AND Inv.CatNo = CC.CatNo
    LEFT JOIN ItemsOut AS IO ON Inv.AreaNo = IO.AreaNo AND
    Inv.CatType = IO.CatType AND Inv.CatNo = IO.CatNo AND
    Inv.ItemNo = IO.ItemNo
    WHERE Inv.AreaNo = 0 AND Inv.CatType = 0
    As a test I tried just running an SQL statement against ItemsHistory and the Oracle table, thinking it might be something with ItemsHistory, but the following command also runs just fine:
    I'm not sure why the one SQL statement is erroring out with ORA-01403. I see no problems with it, as it is the same as the one that works except using a different table, and another SQL statement using the table in the erroring SQL works also. I'm stumped!
    I am using the 'OraOLEDB.Oracle' provider in SQL 2005.
    Thanks for any help you can give on this...

    I've been testing it, and I've found that if I comment out 4 fields from the field list (all from the same table), it runs. As soon as I add any one of the 4 fields back into the select list, I get the Oracle error. I also found that I had to change the Oracle table from a LEFT JOIN to just a JOIN, or else I also get the Oracle error.
    Here is the SQL (same as the previous post) with the 4 fields commented out, and the modified JOIN. Maybe that will give someone an idea, because it has me puzzled...
    SELECT Inv.AreaNo, Inv.CatType, Inv.CatNo, Inv.ItemNo, Inv.NumAvail, Inv.NumTotal, Inv.Active,
    IO.AID, IO.NumOut, IO.DateOut, IO.WorkerOut, IO.NumIn, IO.DateIn, IO.WorkerIn,
    --, CC.CatID, CC.CatName, CC.BinItem, CC.Active
    FROM ItemInventory AS Inv
    LEFT JOIN CatCodes AS CC ON Inv.AreaNo = CC.AreaNo AND Inv.CatType = CC.CatType AND Inv.CatNo = CC.CatNo
    LEFT JOIN ItemHistory AS IO ON Inv.AreaNo = IO.AreaNo AND Inv.CatType = IO.CatType AND Inv.CatNo = IO.CatNo AND
    Inv.ItemNo = IO.ItemNo
    WHERE Inv.AreaNo = 0 AND Inv.CatType = 0

  • Is it possible to install Oracle 9i and SQL server on same machine

    1. Is it possible to install Oracle 9i and SQL server on same machine ?
    2. If yes, what are the problems i may encounter during installation
    3. What should be hardware configuration for installing both databases in same machine like hard disk space, RAM speed etc,

    1. Yes you can do it.
    2. There shouldn't be any problems
    3. Depends on your needs

  • Installing with Oracle or MS-SQL

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    Thank you for any info.

    Hi Srikant,
    I have worked on similar stuff, but the scenario was a little different. I worked on creating Web Services using EJBs, but the basic part was that, the web service was supposed to interact with the SQL Server database. So maybe I can help you...
    First thing which is needed is that you have created the JDBC Connector in your Visual Administrator correctly. If you wish to cross check, you can see my answer in the following thread:
    JDBC error
    In this thread itself I have given the code which is the solution to your problem (this is what i believe). I am pasting the code again:
    <b>InitialContext initialContext = new InitialContext();
    DataSource dataSource = (DataSource)initialContext.lookup("jdbc/MyAlias");
    java.sql.Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection();</b>
    You can use this code in the method of your EJB, and then you can easily use this connection object to access your database tables using SQL queries.
    And if by any chance you are looking for a step wise procedure for creating a web service from an EJB, then give me your email address, i will send you the doc.
    Do reward points if it helps!!

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    In ECC5 ESS I've been trying to make the floorpattern exit-button invisible. In the onInit() function of the Component of vcRem2Selection, of the ess~rem DC the message-text and tooltip are already set. In the context of vcRem2Selection there's no pr

  • [SOLVED] dwm manager taskbar font howto

    I'm trying to make my default dwm taskbar font bigger. After I installed dwm the default taskbar font looks small for me. How can I make it bigger? I tried editing config.h file and edited default font to: static const char font[]            = "*-*-f

  • Takes longer charge after 4.2 update

    My pad would charge to 100% pretty quickly before the upgrade. Less than an hour or so . Now it takes three to four hours at least to get back to 100%. After an hour I might be at 50-60% now. Anyone else? ideas?

  • Material Master extension to different Plants.

    I am presently using BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA to create material master in a particular plant. Is there an easy way to extend these to another plant. or Do i need to use BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEREPLICA and pass different plant numbers in the MARC table in th

  • Status of System in Lion

    Perhaps because I had moved it elsewhere before upgrading from Snow Leopard to Lion, in addition to the new System I also have the old System in /Applications/Utilities. And I know that System will not itself