작성날짜 : 2004-08-16
Oracle8 Server Release 8.0.4 Enterprise Edition New Features
97.12월 Solaris용 Oracle8.0.4가 출시된 것을 필두로 Q3 중에 Major Platform용
Oracle8.0.4가 나올 것으로 예상됩니다.
8.0.4는 Oracle8 최초의 Maintenance Release이고, 각종 Bug Fix를 비롯하여
다음과 같은 영역에서 기능을 보강하였습니다:
Oracle8 and Oracle8 Enterprise Edition product factoring
Time Series Data Cartridge
Visual Image Retrieval Data Cartridge
Legato Storage Manager integration
JDBC drivers
Advanced queuing enhancements
Easing of restrictions on parallel DML operations
Improvements to national character support
Improved automation of tablespace point in time recovery (PITR)
Improved Oracle Parallel Server diagnostics
Oracle Enterprise Manager enhancements
Net8 restrictions lifted
Oracle8 및 Oracle8 Enterprise Edition Product Factoring
Oracle은 두가지의 Oracle8 server로 구분되는데 이는, Oracle8 and Oracle8
Enterprise Edition입니다. 두 제품간의 기능이나 타겟 시장의 차이는 설명않습
니다. 8.0.3과 8.0.4의 가장 중요한 차이는 소위 "Factored"개념이 적용되어
8.0.3을 구매하면 licensing하지 않은 기능과 옵션도 install/use할 수 있던
것이 이제는 licesing한 기능과 옵션만을 사용할 수 있도록 제한된다는 것입니다.
- Error Message가 뜬다고 함. (제품기술실에서는 이 사항에 대해 확인 부탁드
Time Series Data Cartridge
8.0.4에는 새로이 Time Series Data Cartridge가 추가되는데, 이는 Temporal
Data를 데이타베이스에서 관리할 수 있는 것으로, 즉 시계열 데이타 타입을 정의
해서 사용할 수 있다는 것입니다. (예, 캘린더를 사용자 마음대로 정의할 수
있음) 타임 시리즈 카트리지는 관계형과 객체형 인터페이스를 모두 지원하며,
서드 파티는 카트리지에서 제공하는 인터페이스를 통해 솔루션을 개발할 수 있습
니다. (SHYANG BJN, This needs to have some good examples for better
understanding, also)
Visual Information Retrieval (VIR) Cartridge
타임 시리즈 카트리지 이외에 추가되는 또 하나의 카트리지는 VIR(이미지 정보
검색용) 카트리지로서, 이미지의 속성(색깔, 구조, 질감 등)을 이용하여 검색할
수 있도록 해 줍니다.
이는 Virage라는 회사의 이미지 검색 기술-소위 "패턴 매칭 알고리즘"-을 이용한
것으로 "find me objects that look like this one." 과 같은 질의가 가능합
Legato Storage Manager 통합
8.0.4는 Legato의 Storage Manager가 통합 컴포넌트로 제공됩니다. Legato
Storage Manager는 테이프 저장 매체 관리용 유틸리티로서 이제 Oracle8에서
이를 활용할 수 있습니다. 8.0.3에서는 미디어 관리 레이어(MML:Multimedia
Management Layer)를 제공하지 않았으며, 데이타를 테이프에 백업받기 위해서는
써드파티의 MML을 구매해야 합니다.
8.0.4에서 제공되는 Legato MML은 최대 4개의 테이프 드라이버에 동시 백업이
가능한 Limited Version입니다.
JDBC Drivers
8.0.4에는 두개의 JDBC 드라이버가 포함되는데, 이를 통해 자바 프로그래머들은
Oracle7과 Oracle8에 액세스할 수 있습니다. 이중 하나는 JDBC/OCI 드라이버라고
불리우며 클라이언트/서버 자바 애플리케이션이나 자바 기반 미들티어를 개발하는
개발자들을 타겟으로 합니다. 이 드라이버는 JDBC invocations 을 Oracle Call
Interface [OCI]용 call로 바꿔주어 SQL*Net이나 Net8으로 보내 오라클 데이타
베이스를 액세스하게 합니다.
또 하나는 Thin JDBC driver라고 하는 것으로 자바 애플릿과 자바 애플리케이션
개발자들을 위한 것입니다. 이 드라이버는 자바로 코딩되어 있어 완벽하게 JDBC
표준을 따르고 있습니다. Thin JDBC driver는 대략 150K 의 크기에 (압축되지
않으면300 K) 자바 애플릿과 함께 다운로드 될 수 있습니다. 이는 Oracle8만을
지원하며, Oracle7은 지원않습니다.
두 드라이버 모두 Javasoft의 JDBC 스펙을 따르며 JDK 1.0.2와 JDK 1.1을 지원
합니다. 이들은 현재 상용화 되어있는 대부분의 browsers, tools, 그리고 Java
VMs과 사용될 수 있고, 2 티어 이상의 멀티티어 컨피규레이션을 지원합니다.
Advanced Queuing 개선
8.0.4의 Enterprise Edition은 AQ기능이 보강되었습니다. 즉, remote queuing과
de-queuing, 그리고 OCI interface 등이 추가되었고, 큐의 통계를 제공하며
Oracle Enterprise Manager와 통합되었습니다.
이제 메시지가 로컬 큐로 부터 리모트 큐로 자동 전달되고, 따라서 분산
애플리케이션의 개발과 운영이 한층 용이해졌습니다.
API는 8.0.3에서 PL/SQL API만 제공되던 것이 이제 OCI 인터페이스까지 제공됨에
따라 AQ call 실행이 개선되고, AQ 기능을 활용하는 Pro*C애플리케이션 개발이
한층 용이해졌습니다.
8.0.4에서 제공되는 큐의 통계값은 평균 큐의 길이, 대기중인 메시지의 수, 시간
초과된 메시지의 수 등을 포함하며 테이블로 유지되어 SQL문으로 조회가 가능
큐와 관련한 관리작업을 단순화할 수 있도록 OEM이 큐를 사용하는 사용자와
오퍼레이션을 관리합니다. 큐를 생성하고, 큐를 시작하거나 정지시키는 작업, 또는
큐의 사용자를 늘리는 등의 태스크를 이제 OEM을 통해 가능합니다.
Parallel DML Operations 관련 제한 완화
Oracle8 Release 8.0.4 Enterprise Edition은 parallel DML
(Insert/Update/Delete) operations에서 비롯되는 제한 사항을 더욱 완화시켜
줍니다. 8.0.3에서는 하나의 트랜잭션에서 하나의 병렬 DML 오퍼레이션만이 가능
하였으나 8.0.4에서는 복수 개가 허용됩니다.
단 한가지 제약은, 만일 어떤 트랜잭션내에서 테이블을 병렬로 수정하는 DML
오퍼레이션이 실행되면 그 트랜잭션내에서는 더 이상 그 테이블에 대해 조회
하거나 DML을 하지 못한다는 것입니다. (다른 트랜잭션으로 처리해야 함)
National Character Support 개선
Release 8.0.4는 Korean NCHAR character set과 European sort for the
UTF8 character data를 지원합니다.
또한 Tablespace Point in Time Recovery (PITR) 자동화가 개선되었다고
합니다. 본사는 비록 이 기능이 개선되었다고 해도 수행시키는데 필요한 단계
(step) 중 몇 가지는 아주 "critical"하다고 하여 필히 Oracle Worldwide
Support를 contact 하라고 조언합니다.
Oracle Parallel Server Diagnostics 개선
8.0.4는 Oracle Parallel Server diagnostics도 개선하였습니다. Fixed global
views (GV$views) 상에서의 성능이 개선되었으며, 새로 추가된V$ view 를 통해
DLM (distributed lock manager) lock을 볼 수 있습니다.
Oracle Enterprise Manager 개선
Oracle Enterprise Manager는 Release 1.5가 Release 8.0.4와 함께 사용됩니다.
릴리즈1.5에서는 Backup Manager component 가 개선되어stored Recovery
Manager scripts를 지원합니다. 즉, 이들 스크립트를 OEM에서 편집, 관리 가능
합니다. 또한 "report wizard"가 추가되어 Recovery Manager report commands
를 위저드의 순서대로 생성가능합니다.
OEM 1.5의 schema manager 역시 오브젝트를 지원하도록 개선되었습니다. DBA는
스키마 매니저를 이용하여 객체 타입과 객체 테이블을 생성, 드롭, 관리할 수
있습니다. 스키마 매니저는 이외에도 AQ기능도 관리할 수 있게 되었습니다.
사용자들은 스키마 매니저 인터페이스를 통해 큐에 주어지는 오퍼레이션을 관리
Net8 제한 완화
Net8 Release 8.0.4 역시 제한이 완화되었고, 보다 손쉬운 관리를 위해 기능이
추가되었습니다. 일례로Net8이 이제는 DCE를 지원합니다. (8.0.3에서는 지원 안함)
Net Assistant는 리스너의 컨피규레이션을 할 수 있도록 개선되었고, 마침내
커넥션 풀링과 멀티플렉싱을 동시에 "enable"할 수 있게 되었습니다.
Migration 과 Interoperability
Oracle8 Release 8.0.4 는 마이그레이션 유틸리티를 이용 기존의 Oracle7
(Release 7.1, 7.2, or 7.3) 데이타베이스를 쉽게 마이그레이션 할 수 있습니다.
마이그레이션 유틸리티는 데이타 딕셔너리를 재구축해주고, 콘트롤 화일, 로그
화일 및 데이타 블록을 바꿔줍니다.
Oracle8 Release 8.0.3 데이타베이스는 8.0.4를 인스톨하는 것으로 업그레이드가

Try this statement to get more information:
SELECT a.job, a.log_user, to_char(a.this_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), b.sid,
to_char(a.last_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), to_char(a.next_date,
'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), a.total_time, a.broken, a.failures, a.Interval , a.what
from dba_jobs a, dba_jobs_running b
where a.job=b.job(+)
order by a.job
The what column should display the script you're suppose to run.
I just posted an integrated set of GUI tools to administer the Oracle database. One of the many functions is a GUI interface to Oracle Jobs. This function allows you maintain the Oracle Jobs (in the Tools section) – Create, modify, run a job. You may need same help to get started, so feel free to contact me ([email protected]). The link is

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  • (V7.3)RDBMS 7.3 Enterprise Edition NEW FEATURE에 대한 Q&A

    작성날짜 : 2004-08-13
    (V7.3)RDBMS 7.3 Enterprise Edition NEW FEATURE에 대한 Q&A
    1. Q) Oracle 7 Release 7.3의 new feature들을 간단하게 알고 싶습니다.
    A) 다음과 같이 요약하여 설명드리겠습니다.
    New features of 7.3.3 are :Direct load to cluster
    Can use backup from before RESETLOGS
    New features of 7.3 are :histograms
    hash joins
    star join enhancement
    standby databases
    parallel union-all
    dynamic init.ora configuration
    direct path export
    compiled triggers
    fast create index
    multiple LRU latches
    updatable join views
    LSQL cursor variable enhancement
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    ops processor affinity
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    XA scaling/recovery
    thread safe pro*c/oci
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    2. Q) Oracle 7 Release 7.2와 7.3의 새로운 Parallel feature에는 어떤 것이
    A) Oracle 7 parallel query 에 의한 parallel operation에는 다음과 같은 내
    용이 있습니다.
    > Parallel Data Loading : conventional and direct-path, to the same
    table or multiple tables concurrently.
    > Parallel Query : table scans, sorts, joins, aggregates, duplicate
    elimination, UNION and UNION ALL(7.3)
    > Parallel Subqueries : in INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements.
    > Parallel Execution : of application code(user-defined SQL functions)
    > Parallel Joins :
    nested loop,
    star join optimization(creation of cartesian products plus the
    nested loop join),
    hash joins(7.3).
    > Parallel Anti-Joins : NOT IN(7.3).
    > Parallel Summarization(CREATE TABLE AS SELECT) :
    query and insertion of rows into a rollup table.
    > Parallel Index Creation(CREATE INDEX) :
    table scans, sorts, index fragment construction.
    3. Q) Release 7.2와 7.3에서 추가된 optimization 기능에는 어떤 내용이 있습
    A) 다음과 같은 기능들이 있습니다.
    1> Direct Database Reads
    Parallel query 프로세스들은 필터링이나, 소팅, 조인과 같은 작업을 수행하
    기 위해서는 아주 큰 테이블을 scanning해야 합니다. Direct Database Reads는
    read efficiency와 성능의 향상을 위해 contiguous memory read를 가능하게 해
    줍니다. 또한, concurrent OLTP와 같은 작업을 수행시 따르는 경합을 없애기 위
    해 버퍼 캐쉬를 bypass합니다.
    2> Direct Database Writes
    Parallel query 프로세스들은 intermediate sort runs, summarization
    (CREATE TABLE AS SELECT), index creation(CREATE INDEX)과 같은 작업의 수행
    결과를 디스크에 종종 기록해야 합니다.
    Direct Database Writes는 write efficiency와 성능의 향상을 위해 direct
    contiguous memory로 하여금 contiguous disk writes를 가능하게 해줍니다.
    또한, concurrent OLTP 작업과 DBWR 프로세스에 의한 경합을 없애기 위해 버
    퍼 캐쉬를 bypass합니다.
    결론적으로, Direct Database Reads와 Writes는 concurrent OLTP와 DSS 작
    업에 따르는 복잡한 부하를 조절하면서 Oracle 7 서버를 분리된 형태로, 또한 최
    적의 튜닝을 가능하게 해줍니다.
    3> Asynchronous I/O
    Oracle 7은 이미 sorts, summarization, index creation, direct-path
    loading 에 대한 asynchronous write 기능을 제공하고 있습니다.
    Release 7.3부터는 보다 나은 성능의 향상을 위해 asynchronous read-ahead
    기능을 제공하여 최대한 processing과 I/O의 병행성을 증가시켜 줍니다.
    4> Parallel Table Creation
    CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT ...와 같은 구문을 제공하여 상세한 데이타를
    갖는 큰 테이블의 조회된 결과를 저장하기 위해 임시 테이블을 생성합니다.
    이 기능은 보통 intermediate operation의 결과를 저장하기 위해 drill-down
    분석을 할 때 사용됩니다.
    5> Support for the Star Query Optimization
    Oracle 7은 수행 속도의 향상을 위해 star 스키마가 존재하고, star query
    optimization을 invoke합니다. Star query는 먼저 여러 개의 작은 테이블을
    join하고, 그런 후에, 그 결과를 하나의 큰 테이블로 join합니다.
    6> Intelligent Function Shipping
    Release 7.3부터 parallel query를 처리하는 coordinator 프로세스는
    non-shared memory machine(cluster 또는 MPP) 내의 노드들을 처리하기 위해
    디스크나 데이타들 간의 유사성에 대해 인식하게 될 것입니다.
    이 사실에 근거하여, coordinator는 data들이 machine의 shared
    interconnect를 통해 전달될 필요가 없다는 점에서, 특정 node-disk pair로 수
    행되고 있는 프로세스들에게 parallel query operation을 지정할 수 있습니다.
    이 기능은 연관된 cost나 overhead없이 'shared nothing' 소프트웨어 아키텍
    쳐의 잇점을 제공하면서 효율성과 성능, 확장성을 개선할 수 있습니다.
    7> Histograms
    Release 7.3부터 Oracle optimizer는 테이블의 컬럼 내에 있는 데이타 값의
    분포에 관한 더 많은 정보를 이용할 수 있습니다. Value와 상대적 빈도수를 나타
    내는 histogram은 optimizer에게 index의 상대적 'selectivity'에 관한 정보와
    어떤 index를 사용해야할 것인가에 관한 더 좋은 아이디어를 제공해 줄 것입니다.
    적절한 선택을 한다면, query의 수행시간을 몇 분, 심지어 몇 시간씩이나 단축
    시킬 수가 있습니다.
    8> Parallel Hash Joins
    Release 7.3부터 Oracle 7은 join 처리시간의 단축을 위하여 hash join을 제
    공합니다. 해슁 테크닉을 사용하면 join을 하기 위해 데이타를 소트하지 않아도
    되며, 기존에 존재하는 인덱스를 사용하지 않으면서 'on-the-fly' 라는 개념을 제
    따라서, star schema 데이타베이스에 전형적으로 적용되는 small-to-large
    테이블 join의 수행 속도를 향상시킬 것입니다.
    9> Parallel UNION and UNION ALL
    Release 7.3부터 Oracle 7은 UNION과 UNION ALL과 같은 set operator를 사
    용하여 완전히 parallel하게 query를 수행할 수 있습니다. 이러한 operator를 사
    용하면, 큰 테이블들을 여러 개의 작은 테이블의 집합으로 나누어 처리하기가 훨
    씬 쉬워질 것입니다.
    4. Q) Release 7.3에는 어떤 제품들이 있습니까?
    A) Oracle 7 서버 Release 7.3.3에 대한 제품 리스트는 다음과 같습니다.
    단, 모든 플랫폼들이 리스트된 모든 제품들을 지원하지는 않습니다.
    [ Product ] [ Revision ]
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    Parallel Query Option
    Parallel Server Option
    Oracle 7 Server
    Distributed Database Option
    Oracle Spatial Data Option
    Context Option
    Oracle CORE
    SQL*Module Ada
    SQL*Module C
    Oracle CORE
    Oracle Server Manager
    Oracle Toolkit II(Dependencies of svrmgr) DRUID
    Multi-Media APIs(MM)
    Oracle 7 Enterprise Backup Utility
    Oracle Trace Daemon
    Oracle MultiProtocol Interchange
    Oracle DECnet Protocol Adapter
    Oracle LU6.2 Protocol Adapter
    Oracle Names
    Advanced Networking Option
    Oracle TCP/IP Protocol Adapter
    Oracle Remote Operations
    Oracle Named Pipes Protocol Adapter
    Oracle Intelligent Agent
    SQL*Net APPC
    Oracle OSI/TLI Protocol Adapter
    Oracle SPX/IPX Protocol Adapter
    NIS Naming Adapter
    NDS Naming Adapter
    Oracle Installer 4.0.1

    P.S. I have checked the CD rom itself by doing the installation in our classroom on a Windows XP Pro machine and it loaded like a charm. I have been emailing and calling Compaq customer support on this issue, and I've done everything they've suggested, including a Quick Format of the hard drive. I am still getting the same results. I have been able to load a small program (Palm Desktop) on the Compaq without a problem, so I don't think it's the CD drive that's the problem, either. Thanks for any help you can give me!!! Deborah

  • Sun  Application Server 7.0 Update 9 Enterprise Edition

    Hi All,
    Would anyone point me to the link from where i can download "Application Server 7.0 Update 9 Enterprise Edition"

    The request shown is characteristic of Code Red and variants, which exploit bugs in Microsoft IIS servers. See CERT incident note for details:
    Sun ONE Web and Application servers are not vulnerable to this.

  • Oracle server license difference between Standard & Enterprise Edition

    Hello All,
    I have basic folowing question for Oracle server "Oracle 10g Release 2 (" version.
    I ahve to purchase license , which one should I purchase , standard or Enterprise edition.
    1) Is there different license required for Standard Edition & Enterprise Edition of above given Oracle version?
    2) Or same license will work on Standard & Enterprise edition ?
    If I have to use Oracle 10g Release 2 *("* , I have to purchase new license or "Oracle 10g Release 2 (" license wil work for ( ?
    I need above infromation on urgent basis....

    Many of the questions you ask are discussed in the Software Investment Guide found at
    In general, you purchase either a Named User or a CPU license for a product. At the time of purchase, you decide whether it is a perpetual license or a term license which has an expiry date. You get a contract (which you should read) in which the limits are described - the limits may include which (or how many) machines you can install the product on.
    When you buy the license, you also buy support. The support usually provides unlimited access to Metalink to ask any questions and download any patches. A support contract (which you should read) is 1 year long and is tied to a specific license purchase contract. You can not, for example, download patches for a licensed system and use those patches on other non-licensed systems. At the end of the year, you purchase a new support contract for another year.
    The version of the product for which you can purchase a license is always the version that you can download at If you want to change the version number (for example, go to you start by installing the downloaded version and apply a patch set (from metalink) to upgrade that installed version.

  • Best procedure to downgrade a SQL Server 2012 SP2 installation from Enterprise edition to Standard edition

    following a purpose change for a database server, I need to downgrade the SQL Server 2012 SP 2 installation from Enterprise to Standard edition.
    Does it exist the best procedure to do it in a secure manner with a low impact?
    Many thanks

    Please note that while you are downgrading by uninstalling and reinstalling and then restoring backup  taken from 2012 enterprise to standard , if backup contains data about used enterprise features you would not be able to restore the backup so BE
    You should , if possible, get a new box install SQL Server standard and try restoring backup if it fails disable enterprise features and again take backup and then you would be able to restore.
    Please mark this reply as answer if it solved your issue or vote as helpful if it helped so that other forum members can benefit from it
    My Technet Wiki Article

  • Oracle Enterprise edition 10g features

    Hi Team,
    customer has a oracle 10g EE at primary. so mu questions related are
    - Do i require license for a remote standby Lic while replcating using oracle data guard
    - IS "RMAN" and oracle "enterprise manager" is free in DR Site if i purchase oracle EE at DR
    - can we run a DR without a license

    AFAIK you need extra license for Actice DG, for DG if you are on EE level you dont need to pay extra license.
    For best answer, As mention here for your issue log a SR or contact wiht your oracle local office sales person.
    PS:Please dont forget to change thread status to answered if it possible when u belive your thread has been answered, it pretend to lose time of other forums user while they are searching open question which is not answered,thanks for understanding

  • Oracle Application Server 10g Enterprise Edition

    I would like to integrate Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.1 with Oracle Portal.
    Idid some research in metalink and found that Note: 376811.1.
    What I understood from the doc is,
    1. install Oracle Application Server 10g Enterprise Edition.
    2. Integrate with EBiz 12.1.1.
    Please let me know where can I get the link to download, Oracle Application Server 10g (10.1.4) Enterprise Edition.
    Is it required to install OID and SSO before oracle portal installation?
    A step by step solution/documentation to integrate 12.1.1 with portal will highly be appreciated.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Idid some research in metalink and found that Note: 376811.1.
    What I understood from the doc is,
    1. install Oracle Application Server 10g Enterprise Edition.
    2. Integrate with EBiz 12.1.1.
    Please let me know where can I get the link to download, Oracle Application Server 10g (10.1.4) Enterprise Edition.
    - download and install OAS
    --> Go to this link:
    --> download Application Server 10gR2 ( from the right side portlet of Previous Releases
    - then upgrade its portal to 10.1.4:
    --> go to metalink/MOS: search for 'oracle portal upgrade master note' and follow the note that matches best
    Is it required to install OID and SSO before oracle portal installation?- Yes it is. It will be included in the OAS installation
    A step by step solution/documentation to integrate 12.1.1 with portal will highly be appreciated.
    Go to MOS/metalink: search for 'Installing Oracle Application Server 10g with Oracle E-Business Suite' and follow the note
    that should be all you need.
    hope that helps!

  • I plan to upgrade the SSRS 2005 SP2 enterprise edition in our internal web server to 2005 SP4, the Reporting server database is hosted in another sql server in sql server 2005 SP4. Do I need to do anything on the reporting server database side?

    My question is what the steps do I need to take to upgrade SSRS from 2005 SP2 to SP4.  The web server that host the SSRS is in 2005 SP2, and the OS is in window 2003. 
    Our SSRS report server and report server database are in different servers.  The SSRS in the web server is in 2005 SP2 enterprise edition, the report server database is in sql server 2005 SP4 enterprise edition.
    To upgrade the SSRS in web server from 2005 sp2 to sp4, do I need to backup/restore the encryption key?  Nothing will be changed in the report server database.  We will still pointing to the same database in the current server, all
    I wanted to do is performing a inplace upgrade of SSRS from 2005 SP2 to SP4.  
    Any response will be greate appreciated.  Thank you!
    Li-hui Chen

    Hi Lihui Chen,
    According to your description, you want to install the Services Pack 4 for SQL Server. Right?
    In SQL Server, Services Packs are used for fixing issues of current version product. It's not an Upgrade, you don't have to backup/restore your encryption key. You just need to download the Service Pack 4 on:
    Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 4 RTM  . Please make sure you have administrative rights on the computer to install SQL Server 2005 SP4. For more information, see links below:
    How to obtain the latest service pack for SQL Server 2005
    List of the issues that are fixed in SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 4
    SQL Server 2005 SP4, KBA 2463332, Installation Issues
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best Regards,
    Simon Hou

  • Howto disable Enterprise Edition features per schema

    We develop software that uses Oracle 11gR2 as the back end.  In all of our internal development environments, we use Enterprise Edition, with all the packs, which we are licensed for, which gives us the ability to test various EE features that may/may not get included in future versions of our product, gives us Flashback Database in case the devs make a mistake, and gives us the ability to preformance monitor our environments using Enterprise Manager & Tuning Pack.
    However, almost all of our customers use Standard Edition or Standard Edition One due to costs, and we have never developed a feature in our software that was dependent on an Enterprise Edition option/feature. (We only recently installed EE in our internal development environments).
    My concern is that, with the availability of EE in development environments, developers may inadvertently use a feature of the database that is Enterprise only, and we will not discover this until the new version/service pack is deployed to a customer site that is only Standard Edition.  Is there any way to limit EE features on a per schema basis (e.g. bitmap indexes, partitioning, materialized views etc, and other features that a developer is likely to implement because they googled it, and it "works" in our dev db), whilst still giving me, the dba, the EE only features of RMAN, Tuning/diagnostic pack and flashback?

    finite9 wrote:
    We develop software that uses Oracle 11gR2 as the back end.  In all of our internal development environments, we use Enterprise Edition, with all the packs, which we are licensed for, which gives us the ability to test various EE features that may/may not get included in future versions of our product, gives us Flashback Database in case the devs make a mistake, and gives us the ability to preformance monitor our environments using Enterprise Manager & Tuning Pack.
    However, almost all of our customers use Standard Edition or Standard Edition One due to costs, and we have never developed a feature in our software that was dependent on an Enterprise Edition option/feature. (We only recently installed EE in our internal development environments).
    My concern is that, with the availability of EE in development environments, developers may inadvertently use a feature of the database that is Enterprise only, and we will not discover this until the new version/service pack is deployed to a customer site that is only Standard Edition.  Is there any way to limit EE features on a per schema basis (e.g. bitmap indexes, partitioning, materialized views etc, and other features that a developer is likely to implement because they googled it, and it "works" in our dev db), whilst still giving me, the dba, the EE only features of RMAN, Tuning/diagnostic pack and flashback?
    First, rman is NOT an "ee-only" feature.
    There is no way I know of to limit features to a particular schema and if there were, I can visualize how it probably wouldn't achieve everything you are looking for.  Why not have two development platforms .. one with EE for early development, and the second with SE for final pre-release acceptance testing?  And on the first, it would be almost trivial to create a daily job to check for use of "forbidden" (EE-only) features.

  • Webinar : DPS Enterprise Edition - Advanced Training

    DPS Enterprise Customers who are interested in learning about the following Modules may register for this Webinar:
    Session 1: Push Notifications
    Session 2: Restricted Distribution
    Session 3: Custom Storefronts
    Session 4: Agency-Enterprise Workflow

    Getting Started Guide for Professional and Enterprise Edition
    New iPad Best Practices (how to build different renditions for iPad 1/2 devices and new iPad devices)
    Building multi-rendition Articles (how to build a single article that targets both iPad 1/2 devices and new iPad devices)
    Updating an existing DPS application in the App Store.

  • DPS Enterprise Edition - Advanced Training recordings

    For those who wanted to attend DPS Enterprise Advanced Training Webinars, here's the recording of those sessions :
    Session 1: Push Notifications
    Watch now
    Session 2: Restricted Distribution
    Watch now
    Session 3: Custom Storefronts
    Watch now
    Session 4: Agency-Enterprise Workflow
    Watch now

    Getting Started Guide for Professional and Enterprise Edition
    New iPad Best Practices (how to build different renditions for iPad 1/2 devices and new iPad devices)
    Building multi-rendition Articles (how to build a single article that targets both iPad 1/2 devices and new iPad devices)
    Updating an existing DPS application in the App Store.

  • Installation Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release 3 (

    I has a Conectiva 8 Linux and did download of Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release 3 ( for Linux (Intel) of Oracle Site.
    I4m trying to follow the instructions of installation but i don4t know how set the DISPLAY. The runInstaller is in the path /home/usr/oracle/Disk1 and I will execute the runInstaller of server linux.
    The runInstaller quit after the installation of Java Runtime and didn4t display the Welcome Window.
    If anybody know how to do this, please help me!!!! because i need to access a remote DB Oracle from a linux/php web page.
    Thank you very much!

    On all the Linux system I have worked with the DISPLAY environmet variable is set as follows:
    If running install on server:
    DISPLAY=localhost:0.0; export DISPLAY
    If running install from remote system:
    DISPLAY={yourlocalsystemname}:0.0; export DISPLAY
    you may need to run "xhost +{yourlocalsystemname}" on the server as well.

  • Migrating SQL Server 7.0 Database to Oracle8i Enterprise Edition

    I am running SQL Server 7.0 and Oracle8i Enterprise Edition on a
    Windows 2000 Server OS. I need to migrate the SQL Server 7.0 database
    over to Oracle8i side. I have tried the SQL Server 7.0 export utility
    and the Oracle8i import utility without much luck. I am now trying to
    use the Migration Workbench for version 8.1.7 and am having even less
    luck than the SQL Server 7.0 export utility. I have, also, tried
    downloading Oracle's latest ODBC driver for v8.1.7 without any luck.
    As far as I can tell, the problems are occuring with the BIT to
    NUMBER(1) conversions (the data is captured as 0s and -1s instead of
    0s and 1s) and the CROSS JOINs in the views.
    I have also been to the news groups and there doesn't
    seem to be much there either.
    Has anyone had any success with the Migration Workbench and if so, how
    many scripts, "massages", etc. needed to be done?
    I have only begun working with Oracle in the last 3 weeks and would
    TRUELY appreciate any help anyone can give me.
    Thank you in advance,
    Ferda Taylor

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ferda Taylor ([email protected]):
    I am running SQL Server 7.0 and Oracle8i Enterprise Edition on a
    Windows 2000 Server OS. I need to migrate the SQL Server 7.0 database
    over to Oracle8i side. I have tried the SQL Server 7.0 export utility
    and the Oracle8i import utility without much luck. I am now trying to
    use the Migration Workbench for version 8.1.7 and am having even less
    luck than the SQL Server 7.0 export utility. I have, also, tried
    downloading Oracle's latest ODBC driver for v8.1.7 without any luck.
    As far as I can tell, the problems are occuring with the BIT to
    NUMBER(1) conversions (the data is captured as 0s and -1s instead of
    0s and 1s) and the CROSS JOINs in the views.
    I have also been to the news groups and there doesn't
    seem to be much there either.
    Has anyone had any success with the Migration Workbench and if so, how
    many scripts, "massages", etc. needed to be done?
    I have only begun working with Oracle in the last 3 weeks and would
    TRUELY appreciate any help anyone can give me.
    Thank you in advance,
    Ferda Taylor
    Hi Ferda,
    Could you send a reproducable testcase to [email protected] along with the error.log file which is located in %ORACLE_HOME%/omwb/log/ directory.

  • Does Oracle8 Enterprise Edition support case insensitive data

    I want migrating our Microsoft SQL server 7.0 to Oracle8 ,
    so, I installed Oracle8 Enterprise Edition Release 8.05 for NT.
    With the installation I did, Oracle8 is case sensitive .
    Since Microsoft SQL server supports case insensitive SQL data,
    I would like to know whether Oracle8 supports case insensitive data.
    If yes, how to make the configuration?
    Thank you!

    I don't think oracle supports case insensitivity. I really wish it did!
    Please repost if you find a solution, I would be interested in learning about it.
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YewTek Tan:
    I want migrating our Microsoft SQL server 7.0 to Oracle8 ,
    so, I installed Oracle8 Enterprise Edition Release 8.05 for NT.
    With the installation I did, Oracle8 is case sensitive .
    Since Microsoft SQL server supports case insensitive SQL data,
    I would like to know whether Oracle8 supports case insensitive data.
    If yes, how to make the configuration?
    Thank you!

  • Oracle Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Windows based patches

    We have Oracle Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Windows based server. I want to download latest patches for this version. From where can I get this? Please help me.

    1. Patch can be download only from metalink
    2. All related patch number can be found:
    NOTE:430449.1 - How to find DB Patches for the Microsoft Windows platforms My Oracle Support
    11.2.0.x Oracle Database and Networking Patches for Microsoft Platforms [ID 1114533.1]
    PS:Please dont forget to change thread status to answered if it possible when u belive your thread has been answered, it pretend to lose time of other forums user while they are searching open question which is not answered,thanks for understanding

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