OracleConnection.Open() OverflowException

hi, getting following exceptions in connection object on production environment :
System.OverflowException: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.
at Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection.Open()
the problem occures after system is running about a day without any issues, once exeption occured, each attempt to open connection fails till hosting process is restarted
we are using Oracle.DataAccess, Version on windows server 2003 64 bit, Oracle 10g enterprise edition.
connection configured by pool usage : 'Min Pool Size=10;Connection Lifetime=80;Connection Timeout=60;Incr Pool Size=5;Decr Pool Size=2;Min Pool Size=10;Connection Lifetime=80;Connection Timeout=60;Incr Pool Size=5;Decr Pool Size=2'
any help appreciated.

Hi Folks -
Kind of related to the problem above ... we had the following error
System.OverflowException: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.
using W2K3 R2 64 bit with IIS 6.0 and the .Net 2.0 framework with an Oracle client connecting to an 11g database (bug in the 11g client forced us to fall back to using 10 client for now).
Anyways we had installed the version of the ODAC components and almost immediately afterwards started getting the System.OverflowException: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow error.
For us, the solution was to download the ODAC and install it. No more System.OverflowException: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow errors after this.
Hope this will help someone.
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  • OracleConnection .Open() hangs

    Hi All,
    First time posting here. I have a scheduled script which connect to around 200 Oracle databases and retrieve some records. sometimes, there is an Oracle db which when trying to connect it will hang the script until I manually stop it;
    I try two different ways to connect but none of them generate any exception. They just hang. I was thinking about setting the connection timeout in the connection string but it has no effect at all.
    for OracleConnection, I'm using Oracle.DataAccess.dll version Here are the two connections which I tried but failed to generate any exception but hang:
    In these two codes, it hangs when the conn.Open() is executed
    private void TestConn1(string sSiteIP)
    //string m_sConnection = "Data Source=" + sSiteIP + " ; User ID=atlasuser; Password=atlas";
    string m_sConnection = "User Id=atlasuser;Password=atlas;Data Source=(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS_LIST =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = " + sSiteIP + ")(PORT = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA =(SID = ATLAS)))";
    DbProviderFactory factory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory("Oracle.DataAccess.Client");
    DbConnection conn = factory.CreateConnection();
    conn.ConnectionString = m_sConnection;
    mlog.ErrorLog("Attempt to connect to : " + sSiteIP);
    mlog.ErrorLog("Open Connection is successful for site: " + sSiteIP);
    catch (Exception ex)
    mlog.ErrorLog("Open connection failed: " + sSiteIP + " " + ex.Message);
    private void TestConn2(string sSiteIP)
    string m_sConnection = "User Id=atlasuser;Password=atlas;Data Source=(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS_LIST =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = " + sSiteIP + ")(PORT = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA =(SID = ATLAS)))";
    OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(m_sConnection);
    mlog.ErrorLog("Attempt to connect to : " + sSiteIP);
    mlog.ErrorLog("Open Connection is successful for site: " + sSiteIP);
    catch (Exception ex)
    mlog.ErrorLog("Open connection failed: " + sSiteIP + " " + ex.Message);
    When it hangs, I can't continue w/ other dbs connection. I wonder if there is another way to just test if we can make a connection to its Oracle db and generate an exception if it fails. Then I can continue w/ other dbs.
    Much Appreciated,

    Since you know which particular DB is hanging, there's a few things you can try. Try installing the newest ODP.NET version on OTN and testing only against that DB first. ODP.NET is seven to eight years old. Lots of bugs have been fixed in the meantime. If that doesn't work, you'll probably have to contact Oracle Support to help. It's virtually impossible to solve any issues on a discussion forum without error information.

  • OracleConnection opening more than one session.

    I am using ODP.NET 10.2 client, when i try to connect to Oracle database using OracleConnection object it is creating more than one session object.
    I created one windows application, then i added the below code in form load event of the application
    Please find the below code
    string strConnection1 = "Persist Security Info=False;User ID=service1;Data Source=SD.World;Connection Lifetime=60;Max Pool Size=30;Min Pool Size=0;Pooling=true;PASSWORD=ases;";
    string strConnection2 = "Persist Security Info=False;User ID=service1;Data Source=SD.World;Connection Lifetime=60;Max Pool Size=30;Min Pool Size=0;Pooling=true;PASSWORD=ASES;";
    string strConnection3 = "Persist Security Info=False;User ID=service1_customer;Data Source=SD.World;Connection Lifetime=60;Max Pool Size=30;Min Pool Size=0;Pooling=true;PASSWORD=ases;";
    OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(strConnection1);
    OracleConnection con1 = new OracleConnection(strConnection2);
    OracleConnection con2 = new OracleConnection(strConnection3);
    When i run the below Query
    select * from V$session where PROGRAM='WindowsApplication7.vshost.exe'
    I am getting 6 session. Please help me out in this regard.

    The Error message was “Unable to open connection” once it reach the maximum session.
    I agree for that, Previously I was not disposing that connection object. Presently I am using keyword to dispose the connection object.
    Here I have doubt
    In connection string the pooling attribute is true by default.
    Scenario 1:
    If I specify externally(through connection string it behaves very badly) like pooling=true in the connection string. It will create more than one session.
    Scenario 2 :
    If I donot specify pooling attribute in connection string it will create only one session and it will consume the same session for all the instance.
    Below is the code snippet
    Here is the example for scenario 2
    private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //Connection string which donot have a pooling value.
    string strConnection1 = "Persist Security Info=False;User ID= is_customer;Data Source=ISD.World;Connection Lifetime=60;Max Pool Size=30;Min Pool Size=0;PASSWORD=is;";
    using(OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(strConnection1))
    using (OracleConnection con2 = new OracleConnection(strConnection1))
    Scenario 1 Example:
    private void button7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    string strConnection1 = "Persist Security Info=False;User ID= is_customer;Data Source=ISD.World;Connection Lifetime=60;Max Pool Size=30;Min Pool Size=0;Pooling=true;PASSWORD=is;";
    using (OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(strConnection1))
    using (OracleConnection con2 = new OracleConnection(strConnection1))
    GetSID is the function which is used to fetch the session of the connection string.
    private string GetSID(OracleConnection con)
         OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand();
         cmd.Connection = con;
         cmd.CommandText = "select SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','SID') from dual";
    object sid = cmd.ExecuteScalar();
    return Convert.ToString(sid);
    In Scenario 2 example I will get only one session ID.
    But in Scenarion 1 example I will get different session ID’s.
    Please suggest what is the problem.
    Message was edited by:

  • Weird error while opening oracle session

    Hello everyone,
    I testing Oracle.ManagedDataAccess with .Net console application and powershell script. All is fine in .Net console application but in my powerhell script i have a strange issue while i trigger the open method.
    My PS script
    Add-Type -Path 'C:\oracle\Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll'
    $CNX = "Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=( = TCP)(Host = MY_HOST)(Port = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=MY_SID)));User ID=USER$MES;Password=PWD;"  
    $con = New-Object Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleConnection("$CNX")
        "Connected to database: {0} running on host: {1} - Servicename: {2} - Serverversion: {3}" -f `
        $con.DatabaseName, $con.HostName, $con.ServiceName, $con.ServerVersion
        Write-Error ("Can't open connection: {0}`n{1}" -f $con.ConnectionString, $_.Exception.ToString())
        if ($con.State -eq 'Open') { $con.close() }
    I have the following error 
    Write-Error : Can't open connection: Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(COMMUNI = TCP)(Host = MY_HOST)(Port = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=MY_SID)));U
    ser ID=USER;Password=PWD;
    System.Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException: Exception lors de l'appel de « Open »
    avec « 0 » argument(s) : « Impossible de trouver l'assembly 'Oracle.ManagedDataAccess, Versi
    on=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89b483f429c47342'. » ---> System.Runtime.Serial
    ization.SerializationException: Impossible de trouver l'assembly 'Oracle.ManagedDataAccess, V
    ersion=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89b483f429c47342'.
       à OracleInternal.ConnectionPool.PoolManager`3.CreateNewPR(Int32 reqCount, Boolean bForPool
    Population, ConnectionString csWithDiffOrNewPwd, String instanceName)
       à OracleInternal.ConnectionPool.PoolManager`3.Get(ConnectionString csWithDiffOrNewPwd, Boo
    lean bGetForApp, String affinityInstanceName, Boolean bForceMatch)
       à OracleInternal.ConnectionPool.OraclePoolManager.Get(ConnectionString csWithNewPassword,
    Boolean bGetForApp, String affinityInstanceName, Boolean bForceMatch)
       à OracleInternal.ConnectionPool.OracleConnectionDispenser`3.Get(ConnectionString cs, PM co
    nPM, ConnectionString pmCS, SecureString securedPassword, SecureString securedProxyPassword)
       à Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleConnection.Open()
       à Open(Object , Object[] )
       à System.Management.Automation.DotNetAdapter.AuxiliaryMethodInvoke(Object target, Object[]
    arguments, MethodInformation methodInformation, Object[] originalArguments)
       --- Fin de la trace de la pile d'exception interne ---
       à System.Management.Automation.StatementListNode.ExecuteStatement(ParseTreeNode statement,
    Array input, Pipe outputPipe, ArrayList& resultList, ExecutionContext context)
       à System.Management.Automation.StatementListNode.Execute(Array input, Pipe outputPipe, Arr
    ayList& resultList, ExecutionContext context)
       à System.Management.Automation.TryStatementNode.Execute(Array input, Pipe outputPipe, Arra
    yList& resultList, ExecutionContext context)
    Au niveau de C:\\oracle\oracle.ps1 : 19 Caractère :
    +         Write-Error <<<<  ("Can't open connection: {0}`n{1}" -f $con.ConnectionString, $_.E
        + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,Microsoft.Po
    Any ideas how to fix that issue?

    I see this error in the log ..
    Exception occurred: java.sql.SQLException: Listener refused the connection with the following error:
    ORA-12514, TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor
    Please verify that you have proper entry in the hosts file and that your listener is up and running. Also, please verify that the database is open and no errors can be found in the database log file.
    TroubleShooting Guide For ORA-12514 TNS:listener could not resolve SERVICE_NAME given in connect descriptor [ID 444705.1]

  • Multiple installs of causing Data provider internal error (-3000) on Open

    We have an application written against Oracle ODP that's been deployed out on a web farm working great for some time now, however recently another area has asked to get ODP for 11g installed on that server. The install originally broke our application, but we were able to resolve most of the issues after following all of the appropriate "PATH" reordering and registering appropriate dlls. In fact, we finally got a server completely back up and running both versions with no issues.
    Unfortunately, it's a load-balanced server, and while one of the two servers is working correctly, the second seems to be having issues with specific parts of the install. We're trying to fix it on the second server now, and will be doing the same install shortly in our production environments.
    I was able to break the error out and create a very simple test app to eliminate as many variables as possible. It appears to be an issue with the driver when we enlist into a Distributed Transaction.
    The following code works fine:
    var connection = new Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection(connectionStringBase + "Enlist=False");
    While this code does not:
    var connection = new Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection(connectionStringBase);
    In both examples, connectionStringBase is Data Source=...;Validate Connection=true;User ID=...;Password=...; (where ... represents masked values). I've also tried "Enlist=True" in case the default was a problem, but it also fails.
    The exceptions we're getting on the server happen in the .Open() call. The stack trace is:
    [OracleException: Data provider internal error(-3000) [System.String]]
    Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException.HandleErrorHelper(Int32 errCode, OracleConnection conn, IntPtr opsErrCtx, OpoSqlValCtx* pOpoSqlValCtx, Object src, String procedure) +779
    Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException.HandleError(Int32 errCode, OracleConnection conn, IntPtr opsErrCtx, Object src) +41
    Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection.Open() +3338
    Default.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:\Code\Oracle11gTest\Oracle11gTest\Default.aspx.cs:13
    System.Web.Util.CalliHelper.EventArgFunctionCaller(IntPtr fp, Object o, Object t, EventArgs e) +14
    System.Web.Util.CalliEventHandlerDelegateProxy.Callback(Object sender, EventArgs e) +43
    System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e) +91
    System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +74
    System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +2604
    I've read a few articles on this particular error and found that it's generally considered an ambiguous error with many potential causes, most of which I've been trying to test and rule out. While I don't have direct access to the server, I've been working with someone who does and they have compared registry settings and registered dlls, and have told me that the 2 servers match, and we've already re-installed the 10.1 drivers hoping it would help, but at this point we're stumped. I've read that it's possible that the COM+ install could have become corrupt, but what confuses me is that just prior to the 11g install, everything works great, and after doing no more than an ODP 11g install, it breaks. Do you have any advice or suggestions we could try?
    Thanks in advance for any insight you might have!

    If I read your post correctly that this is a "everything is equal as far as we know, but box A works and box B doesn't" type situation, my first suggestion would be to get Process Explorer from, and compare the loaded modules between the working and non-working servers. You'll probably find that you're not using the software you think you're using, or have mismatched dlls across homes, or something to that effect. Once you figure out what the difference between the two is, correcting it will probably be the easy part.
    Hope it helps,

  • Error in ~~~

    did anybody know how to solve this error ??
    my code is below ,and it occur some error
    *{"'System.Transactions.Diagnostics.DiagnosticTrace' 的型別初始設定式發生例外狀況。"}*
    *[System.TypeInitializationException]: {"'System.Transactions.Diagnostics.DiagnosticTrace' 的型別初始設定式發生例外狀況。"}*
    *Data: {System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal}*
    HelpLink: null
    InnerException: {"組態系統無法初始化"}
    Message: "'System.Transactions.Diagnostics.DiagnosticTrace' 的型別初始設定式發生例外狀況。"
    Source: "System.Transactions"
    StackTrace: "   於 System.Transactions.Transaction.get_Current()\r\n   於 Oracle.DataAccess.Client.ConnectionDispenser.Open(OpoConCtx opoConCtx)\r\n   於 Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection.Open()\r\n   於 ServiceTestApp.Form1.button1_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    *TargetSite: {System.Transactions.Transaction get_Current()}*
    in "conn.Open();"
    string constr = "User Id=XXX;Password=XXXX;Data Source=XXX;";
    Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection conn = new Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection();
    Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleDataAdapter oradap = null;
    DataSet ds = new DataSet();
    conn.ConnectionString = constr;
    string sql = " select * from banktable ";
    oradap = new Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleDataAdapter(sql, conn);
    dataGridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];
    catch (Exception ex)

    Hay un ejemplo que tenemos en el web que te puede servir. Se llama Reconnect TCP Connection y creo que te puede ayudar en este caso.
    Nestor S.
    National Instruments

  • Oracle Managed Data Provider performs significantly worse than classic ODP on Connection.Open (3 secs vs 0.2 secs)

    Oracle Managed Provider has many advantages over the classic Oracle Data Provider for .net.
    However, our test show that take 3 seconds, where the classic ODP takes 0.2 seonds. Subsequent opens against the same connectionstring perform similarly for the two (0.1 seconds). Subsequest opens against a new connectionstring (another database) take 2 seconds for the managed provider and 0.1 seconds for classic.
    This is not acceptable in some cases, but may be acceptable in others.
    Has anyone seem similar behavior? Any suggestions that can improve performance?
    Regards Niels Jespersen

    Hi Alex
    Thanks for helping out. I use simple username/password in the connectionstring: con.ConnectionString = "User Id=opslag;Password=xxxxxxxx;Data Source=DB_DST;";
    Tracing gives me a tracefile of about 200 KB, which I will not quote here in its entirety. However, I can see that time spent is mostly spent around the snippet quoted below, if that reveals anything important. I will be happy to share the full trace-file and the source of the program. Please let me know.
    Regards Niels
    2015-01-23 12:55:54.998286 TID:1   (CFG) (SQLNET)   FilePath : O:\OraXP\TNS-Admin\sqlnet.ora
    2015-01-23 12:55:54.998286 TID:1   (CFG) (TNSNAMES) FilePath : O:\OraXP\TNS-Admin\tnsnames.ora
    2015-01-23 12:55:54.999286 TID:1   (PUB) (ENT) OracleConnection.ctor()
    2015-01-23 12:55:54.999286 TID:1   (PUB) (EXT) OracleConnection.ctor()
    2015-01-23 12:55:55.005287 TID:1   (PRI) (ENT) (CP) ConnectionString.GetCS()
    2015-01-23 12:55:55.009287 TID:1   (PRI) (ENT) (CP) ConnectionString.ctor()
    2015-01-23 12:55:55.020288 TID:1   (PRI) (ENT) (CP) ConnectionString.Parse()
    2015-01-23 12:55:55.031289 TID:1   (PRI) (ENT) (CP) ConnectionString.SetProperty()
    2015-01-23 12:55:55.031289 TID:1   (PRI) (EXT) (CP) ConnectionString.SetProperty()
    2015-01-23 12:55:55.031289 TID:1   (PRI) (ENT) (CP) ConnectionString.SetProperty()
    2015-01-23 12:55:55.031289 TID:1   (PRI) (EXT) (CP) ConnectionString.SetProperty()
    2015-01-23 12:55:55.031289 TID:1   (PRI) (ENT) (CP) ConnectionString.SetProperty()
    2015-01-23 12:55:55.031289 TID:1   (PRI) (EXT) (CP) ConnectionString.SetProperty()
    2015-01-23 12:55:55.031289 TID:1   (PRI) (EXT) (CP) ConnectionString.Parse()
    2015-01-23 12:55:55.032289 TID:1   (PRI) (EXT) (CP) ConnectionString.ctor()
    2015-01-23 12:55:55.032289 TID:1   (PRI) (EXT) (CP) ConnectionString.GetCS()
    2015-01-23 12:55:55.055292 TID:1   (PUB) (ENT) OracleConnection.Open() (conid=65204782) (state=Closed) (sessid=0) (implid=0) (pooling=T) (txnid=n/a)
    2015-01-23 12:55:55.060292 TID:1   (PRI) (ENT) (CP) OracleConnectionDispenser`3..cctor()
    2015-01-23 12:55:55.061292 TID:1   (PRI) (EXT) (CP) OracleConnectionDispenser`3..cctor()
    2015-01-23 12:55:55.061292 TID:1   (PRI) (ENT) (CP) OracleConnectionDispenser`3.Get()
    2015-01-23 12:55:55.066293 TID:1   (PRI) (ENT) (CP) PoolManager`3.ctor()
    2015-01-23 12:55:55.066293 TID:1   (PRI) (EXT) (CP) PoolManager`3.ctor()
    2015-01-23 12:55:55.071293 TID:1   (PRI) (ENT) (CP) PoolManager`3.Initialize() (constr=User Id=opslag;Data Source=DB_DST;)
    2015-01-23 12:55:55.073293 TID:1   (PRI) (ENT) (CP) ConnectionString.Secure()
    2015-01-23 12:55:55.073293 TID:1   (PRI) (EXT) (CP) ConnectionString.Secure()
    2015-01-23 12:55:57.662552 TID:1   (PRI) (EXT) (CP) PoolManager`3.Initialize() (pmid=56680499) (constr=User Id=opslag;Data Source=DB_DST;)
    2015-01-23 12:55:57.664552 TID:1   (PRI) (BUF) (OBP.CTOR) (poolid:40362448) (OracleConnectionDispenser`3.GetPM)
    2015-01-23 12:55:57.676554 TID:1   (PRI) (ENT) (CP) OraclePoolManager.Get()
    2015-01-23 12:55:57.704556 TID:1   (PRI) (ENT) (CP) PoolManager`3.Get() (txnid=n/a) (bForceMatch=F)
    2015-01-23 12:55:57.710557 TID:1   (PRI) (ENT) (CP) PoolManager`3.CreateNewPR() (txnid=n/a)
    2015-01-23 12:55:57.922578 TID:1   (PRI) (ENT) TimeStamp.GetLocalTZOffset()
    2015-01-23 12:55:57.922578 TID:1   (PRI) (EXT) TimeStamp.GetLocalTZOffset()
    2015-01-23 12:55:57.932579 TID:1   (PRI) (ENT) (CP) ConnectionString.GetStringFromSecureString()

  • Error in Starting Oracle BAM Active Data Cache

    I am not able to start "Oracle BAM Active Data Cache" on my machine.
    The other two components "Oracle BAM Event Engine" and "Oracle BAM Report Cache" are starting properly.
    When I see the event log file of my Computer I could see the details as below:
    Event Type: Error
    Event Source: Oracle BAM Active Data Cache
    Event Category: None
    Event ID: 0
    Date: 2/7/2007
    Time: 3:51:25 PM
    User: N/A
    Computer: CHNANDA-WXP
    ActiveDataCache: The Oracle BAM Active Data Cache service failed to start. Oracle.BAM.ActiveDataCache.Common.Exceptions.CacheException: ADC Server exception in Startup(). ---> Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException ORA-12541: TNS:no listener at Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException.HandleErrorHelper(Int32 errCode, OracleConnection conn, IntPtr opsErrCtx, OpoSqlValCtx* pOpoSqlValCtx, Object src, String procedure)
    at Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection.Open()
    at Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection.Open()
    at Oracle.BAM.ActiveDataCache.Kernel.StorageEngine.Oracle.OracleStorageEngine.GetServerVersion()
    at Oracle.BAM.ActiveDataCache.Kernel.StorageEngine.Oracle.OracleStorageEngine.Startup(IDictionary oParameters)
    at Oracle.BAM.ActiveDataCache.Kernel.Server.DataStoreServer.Startup()
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    at Oracle.BAM.ActiveDataCache.Kernel.Server.DataStoreServer.Startup()
    at Oracle.BAM.ActiveDataCache.Kernel.Server.Server.Startup()
    at Oracle.BAM.ActiveDataCache.Service.DataServer.Run()
    For more information, see Help and Support Center at
    Could anyone pls help me?
    Thanks and Regards,
    Chinmaya Nanda

    hi Chinmaya -can yoy tell us your companyname,project ? Your problem is very simple.BAM ADC is notable to reachoracle db.fromyour dos prompt- try tnsping <yrDB> [default  is oraclebam  or orcl  ]/ Also see FAQ pages. there is a requirement on dos prompt setting, with <clientforBAM>as 1st parameter

  • "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" after view selection

    I have a Visual Studio LightSwitch project where I connect to a Oracle server and select a view as a new data source.
    I get a error message "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" after selecting the Oracle view as a data source.
    The Visual Studio Log shows me following details in the ActivityLog:
    362 End package load [Visual Studio Explorers and Designers Package] {8D8529D3-625D-4496-8354-3DAD630ECC1B} VisualStudio 2011/09/05 12:17:58.258
    *363 ERROR OracleConnectionUIControl.ProcessParentFormAcceptButtonClick - Exception opening the connection. Oracle Data Provider for .NET ORA-12560: TNS: Fehler bei Protokolladapter at Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException.HandleErrorHelper(Int32 errCode, OracleConnection conn, IntPtr opsErrCtx, OpoSqlValCtx pOpoSqlValCtx, Object src, String procedure, Boolean bCheck) at Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException.HandleError(Int32 errCode, OracleConnection conn, IntPtr opsErrCtx, Object src) at Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection.Open() at Oracle.VsDevTools.DDEX.OracleConnectionProperties.Test() at Oracle.VsDevTools.DDEX.OracleConnectionUIControl.ProcessParentFormAcceptButtonClick(Object sender, EventArgs e) {D601BB95-E404-4A8E-9F24-5C1A462426CE} Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2011/09/05 12:18:05.652*
    364 OracleVSGPkg.QueryClose - Begin Oracle Developer Tools VS Package Query Close {D601BB95-E404-4A8E-9F24-5C1A462426CE} Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2011/09/05 12:18:32.001
    But this error ORA-12560 does not make any sense, because I have got a working connection to the Oracle server and can see tables and views.
    Any ideas?
    Visual Studio 2010 SP 1
    Windows Server 2008 R2
    ODAC Beta 2 for Entity Framework and LINQ to Entities

    Hi, did you ever resolve this? I have the same problem.

  • Error while connecting to database

    I have deployed an web application on a windows server2003 ,the database is oracle10g and the servers .net framework is version 1.
    the application runs correctly on windows xp with .net framework version 1.1 ,but when I run the application on the server it returns this error:
    System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater.
    Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
    Exception Details: System.Exception: System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater.
    Source Error:
    An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
    Stack Trace:
    [Exception: System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater.]
    System.Data.OracleClient.DBObjectPool.GetObject(Object owningObject, Boolean& isInTransaction) +207
    System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnectionPoolManager.GetPooledConnection(String encryptedConnectionString, OracleConnectionString options, OracleConnection owningObject, Boolean& isInTransaction) +165
    System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection.OpenInternal(OracleConnectionString parsedConnectionString, Object transact) +600
    System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection.Open() +32
    BusinessLayer.DbLayer.DAL.Select(String selectStr) in e:\mansouri\voisual studio projects\rims\businesslayer\dblayer\dal.cs:45
    RIMS.Common.Public.FillGrid(UltraWebGrid grid, String cmdStr) in E:\Mansouri\Voisual Studio Projects\RIMS\Common\Public.cs:135
    RIMS.MainInitialInfo.FrmSemat.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in E:\Mansouri\Voisual Studio Projects\RIMS\MainInitialInfo\FrmSemat.aspx.cs:52
    System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e) +67
    System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +35
    System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain() +750
    Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:1.1.4322.2300; ASP.NET Version:1.1.4322.2300
    I have changed the permissions to the Oracle_home folder to read & execute for everyone and restarted the server but still recieve the error msg.
    Can AnyOne Help Me With This Problem?

    DId you end up resolving this as I am getting a similar error and not sure how to fix it.

  • Error while subscription on SSRS report that uses custom assembly

    I am new to SSRS. i have created a report that uses custom assembly that runs an oracle procedure and bring back result to report. this works fine on sharepoint mode interactive report. while i subscribe the same report, i am getting below error
    Request for the permission of type 'System.Data.OracleClient.OraclePermission,System.Data.OracleClient,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'failed. < ==> 
    at System.Security.CodeAccessSecurityEngine.Check(Objectdemand,StackCrawlMark&stackMark, BooleanisPermSet)
    at System.Security.PermissionSet.Demand()
    at System.Data.Common.DbConnectionOptions.DemandPermission()
    at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionClosed.OpenConnection(DbConnectionouterConnection,DbConnectionFactoryconnectionFactory)
    at System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection.Open()
    i am breaking my head to find the root cause and fix for this. 
    i tried adding below permission on server machine.config file,
    <SecurityClass Name="OraclePermission" Description="System.Data.OracleClient.OraclePermission, System.Data.OracleClient, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"/>
    <PermissionSet class="NamedPermissionSet" version="1" Unrestricted="true" Name="FullTrust" Description="Allows full access to all resources for custom assembly">
      <IPermission class="OraclePermission" version="1" Unrestricted="true" Level="High" Flags="FullTrust"/>
    it doesnot work and i am getting the same error on subscription. 
    can anyone help me to solve this issue. this is very urgent. thanks 

    Can you see data for Custom object @ BEx level??
    YES, then just try to re-create the same variable and Save the BW query.
    Now do View - refresh Strusture @ Universe. And you can see Filter for the same, just Parse it, just whether it is OK or not.
    OK -- then Export the Universe and create WebI reports, this will come as Prompt.
    Hope it will helps you.
    Thank You!!
    Sent from iPhone

  • Help with Oracle Connection- "Input string was not in a correct format"

    Hello, can some one, anyone please help me. I have a simple VS 2005 C# application that connects to oracle. I've set it up to take the username, password and tnsname as arguments. I am using Client 9i, version of Oracle.DataAccess.dll, and .NET Framework 2.0.
    It works fine when I run it from VS 2005, I have also set up a test machine w/o VS 2005 and ran my install package and it runs fine. I sent it to one of my co-workers and when he tries it the OracleConnection obect fails with the error.
    "Input string was not in a correct format"
    strange in that it is not an ORA error, just the identifed text!?
    Here is the code:
    ## begin code
    OracleConnection dbc = new OracleConnection();
    string sConnectString = "User Id=" + username.ToString() + ";Password=" + password.ToString() + ";Data Source=" + tnsname.ToString();
    dbc.ConnectionString = sConnectString.ToString();
    MessageBox.Show("Attempting to Connect to Oracle");
    MessageBox.Show("Connected to Oracle: " + dbc.ServerVersion);
    ## end code
    Pretty basic, what could be going on?
    Since this only happens with an installation, I put in the message boxes to verify exactly where it chokes. I get the first message box, then an error with the identified text. I've seen a number of posts regarding input string format problems, but not a one dealing with OracleConnection.Open(). I added all the ToString() calls just to make sure everything was a string but it did not change the end result.
    Anyone? Thanks In advance!
    Eric S.

    well, i got a message "...string not wellformed format...", too.
    If you have defined the parameters as string, you don't need the additonal "ToString()". Please ckeck your tnsnames -string. Try to debug this. I believe you have copy the format from the tnsnames.ora and there you have much brackets.
    For example, two code snippets:
    As datasource i use <Server>:<Port>/<Instance>
    string FDsn ="User Id="+FDbUser+";Password="+FDbPwd;
    FDsn +=";Data Source=wth5:1521/Ora9.wth5";
    FConn = new OracleConnection(FDsn);
    if (FConn.State == ConnectionState.Open )
    catch (Exception ex)
         FStateMsg = "Connection to database failed. Check Configuration in parameter: ConnectionString. " + ex.Message;
    Above i connect to a Ora
    by using
    FDsn +=";Data Source=wth5:1522/XE";
    i connect to an OraExpress database on the same machine.
    My Oracle.dataAccess.dll ist the newest, 10.2.... and it runs under Framework 1.1.x and Framework 2.x
    I'll hope it will help you. Best regards!

  • Calling a Oracle stored procedure in orchestrator

    I am trying to execute a stored procedure using the query database IP in orchestrator.  I can select data from the oracle db so i know the prereqs are setup correctly but it fails on executing the stored procedure.
    The syntaxe is execute SPNAME('PARAM!','PARAM2')
    The error is 
    Failed, Oracle failure Database error has occurred. ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement
    Oracle query failure, please verify your query syntax is correct.  Verify correct table names and column names etc...
    The SP works fine in sql developer so im pretty sure the syntax is correct unless the Query Database IP needs a different syntax to work.  

    simple as that.  i actually tried something similar since that is how SCOM executes SP but left the execute command in there so it failed and i moved on.  thanks for the reply.  
    Just for reference i went the powershell route and that worked as well but much more complicated then your solution.  for anyone that wants to know the script is 
    $asm = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Data.OracleClient") 
    $connectionString = "Data Source=TNSNAME;uid=USERID;pwd=PASSWORD";
    $inputString1 = "PARAMETER INPUT 1";
    $inputString2 = "PARAMETER INPUT 2"
    $oracleConnection = new-object System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection($connectionString);
    $cmd = new-object System.Data.OracleClient.OracleCommand;
    $cmd.Connection = $oracleConnection;
    $cmd.CommandText = "SP NAME";
    $cmd.CommandType = [System.Data.CommandType]::StoredProcedure;
    $cmd.Parameters.Add("NAME OF EXPECTED PARAMETER 1", [System.Data.OracleClient.OracleType]::NUMBER) | out-null;
    $cmd.Parameters["NAME OF EXPECTED PARAMETER 1"].Direction = [System.Data.ParameterDirection]::Input;
    $cmd.Parameters["NAME OF EXPECTED PARAMETER 1"].Value = $inputString1;
    $cmd.Parameters.Add("NAME OF EXPECTED PARAMETER 2", [System.Data.OracleClient.OracleType]::VARCHAR2) | out-null;
    $cmd.Parameters["NAME OF EXPECTED PARAMETER 2"].Direction = [System.Data.ParameterDirection]::Input;
    $cmd.Parameters["NAME OF EXPECTED PARAMETER 2"].Value = $inputString2;
    $cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() | out-null;
    got help from

  • Unable to connect to Oracle server on the first attempt.

    I've downloaded the Oracle Data Provider for .NET and I've installed it on my computer. Only this software, and only the client tools and there are no more Oracle products intalled on this computer.
    I've developed a test application in order to take a look to these libraries but I am very dissapointed with the behaviour of the OracleConnection class, and that is because when I call the open() method for the first time it is impossible to open the connection, the application never returns from this call. If I close the application and I execute it again it takes 0.0 seconds to open the connection and If I wait about 5 or 10 minutes without querying the database, next time I try to connect it fails again showing the same behaviour that it showed in the first connection attempt.
    I really don't know if I am missing some software installation or any configuration, I've tried this on two computers and the result is the same. I've looked for an answer in this forum but the only I have fount takes not sense, it says that it deppends of the user used to connect to the database.
    I have to add that the database is not in the same network of the computer.
    Thanks in advance,Regards.
    Edited by: user7134478 on 08-jul-2010 9:50

    Thank you for your answer Alex.
    I've tried both options but is hasn't solved my problem :-(
    I think that I didn't explain it well, the first connection attempt doesn't take 5 minutes it never connects to the database.
    That's what I am doing.
    1.-Launch the C# app using the OracleConnection.Open() method
    2.-The application freezes after call the Open() method (no timeout response...)
    3.-Stop the application execution
    4.-Launch the application again and it takes 2 seconds the response from the Open() method
    5.-I do some querys and everything works fine
    6.-Wait for 5-10 minutes without any kind of access to the database.
    7.-Query the database after these minutes and after call the method Open() what I described in point 2. happens again , the application freezes.
    I've tried this under Windows XP, Windows vista, in different computers and the behaviour is always the same.
    The curious thing is that I've installed the SQL Developer and everything woks fine, no connection timeouts, the first connection takes only a couple of seconds.
    I really don't know what's happening here and It should work fine. It is very dissapointing.

  • Running in 64 bit mode with the 32 bit Oracle client installed

    I have seen many postings on this issue but none of the suggested solutions have helped me.
    I am running visual studio 2010 professional with SP1 on windows 7 64 bit machine. When I try to run a web service locally and call it with SoapUI, I get the following error message during OracleConnection.Open().
    Attempt to load Oracle client libraries threw BadImageFormatException. This problem will occur when running in 64 bit mode with the 32 bit Oracle client components installed.
    I have tried setting up the build configuration and the project settings to target 32 bit but that has not helped. I have also tried removing the reference to System.Data.OracleClient that shows being under Program Files (x86) and add a new reference to the dll under GAC_64. That too did not work.
    I only have the 64 bit client installed on my machine.
    Any help will be appreciated.
    Thank you

    1. Visual Studio any version is 32 bit ONLY irrespective of hardware or OS bits.  So to DEVELOP with Oracle Client you MUST install 32 bit Oracle ODAC components. Task manager will show devenv.exe *32 (to confirm 32 bit Visual Studio application).
    2. You can run your web application inside IIS/IIS Express in your PC which independently can be either 32bit or 64bit.  If it is 64 bit, you MUST also install 64 bit Oracle ODAC components which means you'll have to install both 32bit and 64bit in your 64 bit Win7 running on 64bit hardware.
    3. In Visual Studio if you compile with "AnyCPU" as target, the resultant binaries (Web/NonWeb) can be both 32bit or 64bit.  So if target PC is "AnyCPU" or "x64", you MUST install Oracle ODAC 64 bit in the target OS if that target OS is 64bit.  You don't have to install 32bit ODAC in the target PC.
    4. One more catch to above scenario is the target OS could be 64bit simulated OS on a 32bit hardware. In such case you MUST install both 32bit and 64bit ODAC components.
    So while you ask your network team to download ODP.NET/ODAC Components make sure you ask them to download both 32bit and 64bit. Total nearly 600MB.
    Hope this helps many people out there.

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