Original Installation CD iMac G4

As the tittle of this topic already says, I'm looking for the Original Installation CD iMac G4
I called Apple support in Holland an Belgium an after I gave them the serial number from my iMac 01234 .....
I think that they misunderstood me. The guy was talking about version 10.2.7 that came with my iMac. I clearly said that I don't wont the OSX version that came out during I both my iMac.
But the installation CD's that is needed to install first with the basic system drivers etc ...
They ask for these CD's €80 to 90,- ??
Is this right or wrong ?? Now I'm afraid to order them.

If you want to change just the Computer Name, then open Sharing preferences and change the name in the top field. No need for installer discs to change the Computer Name. You would need them to change the account password. Changing the short name used for your Home folder is another matter, but you don't need installer discs for that either. You would need the freeware utility, ChangeShortName - VersionTracker or MacUpdate. However, the current version requires Panther or later, so you would need to contact the author to get an earlier version that will work with Jaguar.

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    Message was edited by: yosly

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    / Joel

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    <E-mail Edited by Host>

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    Hi Bob, Thanks for your response.
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    Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2011 14:20:09 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: CS5.5 design Premium  installation on Imac
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    disks When I used these disks, they supposedly reformatted the windows partition and reinstalled drivers and files necessary to run windows. However when windows boots the computer it progresses to a screen that says starting windows ->windows could not
    complete the installation. To install windows restart the installation.
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    You need to be very explicit about your situation:
    is the replacement hard drive exactly the same capacity as the original?
    what are you using to reinstall the system?  Is it a backup image?
    have you contacted the Envoy Technical Support for assistance?
    Explicit details are required so the situation can be properly evaluated.
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. ”

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    benfromnv wrote:
    With the original installation cd missing, how do you reset a computer (with OSX 10.5 upgraded to OSX 10.6.8) to its default settings?
    The machine came with 10.5, those disks are not available anymore from Apple.
    You use the $29 10.6.3 white retail disks you get from Apple store online or already have in your possession.
    Yes you upgraded OS X 10.5 to 10.6.3 with them, it also contains the entire 10.6.3.
    When you "upgraded" your Applications and User accounts folders remained while only OS X 10.5 folders was replaced with 10.6.3 folders.
    So if you hold the c or option key down while booting from the 10.6.3 disks, you can use Disk Utility to erase the entire drive and reinstall 10.6.3 only, like a brand new machine.
    How to erase and install Snow Leopard 10.6

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