Original quality export of DV

I'm capturing old analog S-VHS tapes via Canopus converter, no problems.  Editing, titling, no problems.  Making DVD with menus, no problems.  But, after editing original footage, I'd like to save/export the edited projects at full orignal quality.  That capture took 13 GB for one hour; DVD and highest quality Share output I can find is only about 4 GB/hour (70 minutes for a 4.7 GB file or DVD).  Is this really fully as good (for archiving, possible future editing) as the original 13 GB/hour .avi files?

Bob Metzler wrote:
Is this really fully as good (for archiving, possible future editing) as the original 13 GB/hour .avi files?
No. The Digital Video captured from your Canopus is the raw data feed, you could consider it the DV equivalent of RAW on a stills camera (although technically they are very different). Once you've put it onto DVD the data is compressed by the MPEG2 encoder. After subsequent editing of this compressed data, if put back onto DVD, it is again compressed. The parallel with still photos here is editing JPEG photos and resaving them as jpegs. Each time you save a little more original data is lost.
So saving the original 13GB/hour (this is typical but does not represent an absolute bit rate) capture is best if you have sufficient storage medium (disk, blu-ray, or (as ATR touches on) Tape (my Canopus ADVC300 can convert Analog direct to DV Tape).
Or you could encode them using a lossless codec - plenty of information in Bill Hunts Tips & ticks article at http://forums.adobe.com/thread/875797.
Insanity is hereditary, you get it from your children
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    Video_TS isn't a file, it is a folder and part of the structure of the DVD. DVDs use mpeg2, which is highly compressed and there will be a maximum level of quality you can get based on the length of the video.
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    Type: AVI Movie
    File Size: 32.6 MB
    Image Size: 1024 x 768
    Pixel Depth: 1024
    Frame Rate: 24.00
    Total Duration: 00:00:41:21
    Average Data Rate: 797 KB / second
    Pixel Aspect Ratio: 1.0
    AVI File details:
    Contains 1 video track(s) and 0 audio track(s).
    Video track 1:
    Size is 32.58M bytes (average frame = 33.20K bytes)
    There are 76 keyframes, 929 delta frames.
    Frame rate is 24.00 fps
    Frame size is 1024 x 768
    Depth is 24 bits.
    Compressor: 'DX50', ffdshow Video Codec
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    Type: AVI Movie
    File Size: 212.6 MB
    Image Size: 1024 x 756
    Pixel Depth: 1024
    Frame Rate: 24.00
    Source Audio Format: 48000 Hz - 16 bit - Stereo
    Project Audio Format: 48000 Hz - 32 bit floating point - Stereo
    Total Duration: 00:04:11:00
    Average Data Rate: 867 KB / second
    Pixel Aspect Ratio: 1.333
    AVI File details:
    Contains 1 video track(s) and 1 audio track(s).
    Interleave: 1 : 24.00
    Video track 1:
    Size is 166.44M bytes (average frame = 36.10K bytes)
    This movie appears to have DROPPED FRAMES
    There are 28 keyframes, 5905 delta frames.
    There are 91 empty frames.
    Frame rate is 24.00 fps
    Frame size is 1024 x 756
    Depth is 24 bits.
    Compressor: 'DX50', ffdshow Video Codec
    Audio track 1:
    Size is 45.95M bytes
    Rate is 48000 samples/sec
    Sample size is 16 bits
    Hope this helps you to understand what im trying to do here.
    Thanks again

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    So you captured via Firewire ... then it seems likely the footage is DV.
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    Shane's Stock Answer #3: How to output lossless Quicktime movies
    To export your project so there is no loss in quality, simply go to the File Menu and select EXPORT>QUICKTIME MOVIE. Not Quicktime Conversion, fot this will compress the footage. Make sure the settings match your timeline settings, make it self contained, do NOT recompress the footage, and you are set.
    I believe that you are doing it right. Now, to get that into DVD SP the best way possible, you have to use Compressor and the BEST QUALITY presets. Take THOSE resulting files into DVD SP.

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    Message was edited by: derdav

    DV is always 720x480. Your 854x480 file is adjusted to display those 720 pixels in wide screen on a computer. DV pixels are not square. Computers only display square pixels. In this case, that's OK.
    ...unless i can push it the full 1280...
    This will lose quality, you are spreading the 720 pixels over 1280.
    For YouTube, upload either the original DV and let YT compress it or make a H.264 file in Compressor with the same pixel dimensions. Newer versions of Compressor have YouTube presets.
    [Link: Encoding for YouTube Using Compressor|http://www.kenstone.net/fcphomepage/youtube_compressorgary.html].

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    zikade wrote:
    Depending on your storage and what you're up to with your footage I'd recommend uncompressed. Large files but you won't loose any quality. Animation is also lossless if you want to compress your footage. If your drives are not fast enough, go for ProRes HQ from FCP to AE, and Animation the way back...
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    Lagarith is a codec that you install separately.  A very brief Search would have given you that info.
    You can access the Lagarith option (once installed) using the Microsoft AVI format, and selecting Lagarith under Video Codec in the Video tab.

  • Definitive Highest Quality Export!

    Please spell everything out for me, because while I've read responses to similar questions, I don't understand all the steps.
    Here's the situation:
    • I've imported video from miniDV
    • I've edited it in iMovie '08
    • I'd like to export my edited movie in as high quality as possible. Doesn't have to be a standard consumer format, just highest possible quality.
    So... questions!
    1) Using iMovie '08 and nothing else, is it possible to export a lossless version of my movie, and if so, how? (I'd really like to be able to do this - don't mind saving to a hard drive!)
    2) If it isn't possible to export a lossless version using iMovie '08, what is the best quality export possible using '08 and how do I achieve this?
    3) If I am only able to export a lossless version using iMovie '06, may I work in iMovie '08, open up my finished movie in iMovie '06, and generate the lossless export? If so, how do I do that?
    Many thanks in advance.

    3) video/codec settings, wouldn't "none" be a better choice for best quality than any compression?Sure it would. However, Matt, and with no disrespect intended, I suspect you have neither actually tested this mode nor computed the storage requirements. If you will, let me play "devil's Advocate" here... An uncompressed VGA SD video with, say AIFF audio, requires about 300 mbps or abour 37.5 MBs of storage space per second. (And HD requires about 6.5-7.0 times as much.) This comes to a bit more than 2 GB/min for SD (about 13.8-14.0 GB/min for HD) which is about 124 GB/hr for SD (or 833 GB/hr for HD). I normally use 6-10 hours of source material to create a 90-120 project. This means i would typically need to store something on the order of 0.75-1.25 TBs of source files for an SD project (or something on the order of 5-8 TBs of source files for an HD project). As you can see, most iMovie '08 users would simply not be prepared to handle such an undertaking as "start to finish" native editing format and would not likely have room for more than one project at a time even if they did. However, I suspect you may be asking from the standpoint exporting your finished project here, and would have to admit that this may be a viable solution if your project is reasonably short, you have sufficient storage space, and you actually see a difference in the output quality and it is worth exporting your project at a file size/data rate 8-10 times greater than your source files.
    And if compression were chosen, to confirm, you would choose Apple intermediate rather than H.264 for better quality?
    It would be my middleground choice. DV would have a higher video data rate (about 28.5 mbps) and H.264 with an unlimited video data rate less (on the order of 16.0-18.0 mbps) while AIC is typically in 20.0-22.0 mbps range for the VGA SD material I normally use. If I had my rathers, I'd pick a quality limited Animation codec as I prefer the way it renders blacks, its saturation, and encoding speed. Unfortunately, while iMovie '08 can import and edit this codec, it cannot export it to other compression formats. In addition, if I set the quality value too high, coding to Animation tends to "choke" my older system when the data rate exceeds the 280-285 mbps range which is almost the same as using "Uncompressed." So, I usually stick with the AIC codec which was specifically designed as an "intermediate" codec in the first place.
    Also to confirm, you find "Movie to Quicktime Movie" provides better quality than "Movie to DV Stream"?
    Let's say the "Export Using QuickTime..." has the potential to export with better quality. It all depends on the codec and settings used. Also, do you prefer to export with square pixels or rectangular ones, do you like to sharpen your content as part of the export, do you age your export, add hairs, scratches, or dust, use "B" frames, etc? I do and so I usually use the extra codec, settings, and/or options/features available via this route. Besides, to some extent, quality is mostly in the eye of the behoder and I have to admit that I may not be as "picky" as other users. (I still even watch some old 320x240 ecodings on my HDTV.)

  • Getting maximum quality export for InDesign images or graphics

    I'm extracting the images from an InDesign file for an ePub. I'm doing the ePub creating independant of InDesign, however with images I'm trying to preserve some of the work done by people in the past in formatting the images.
    What I'm finding is that the image is exported the same size as in the InDesign document, the problem with this is that if I zoom into the image it looks pixelated, whereas if I zoom into the original document it's not pixelated at all. Any suggestions on how to modify the following code to get a higher resolution export? While I appreciate that the image size is preserved, I'm wondering at what point in the export the image resolution is scaled down.
    function getImages(){    for(var i = 0; i<app.activeDocument.pages.length; i++){        for(var j = 0; j<app.activeDocument.pages[i].allPageItems.length; j++){            var pageItem = app.activeDocument.pages[i].allPageItems[j];            if(pageItem.constructor.name.match(/pdf|image/i)){                pageItem.exportFile(ExportFormat.PNG_FORMAT,File("~\\desktop\\epub2\\"+app.activeDocument.name.replace(".indd","")+"\\oebps\\images\\"+pageItem.itemLink.name.substring(0,pageItem.itemLink.name.indexOf("."))+".png"),false);                }            }        }    }

    PNG export is done at screen resolution. In CS6, you can try setting the PNG export resolution (that property doesn't seem available in lower versions). If your version is lower than CS6, you could try up-scaling the original before exporting.
    Exporting *an*y page item to PNG converts it to a bitmap, even if the original is pure vector; so you'll *never* get an 'infinitely scaleable' graphic. All you get is a huge bitmap -- and its size increases squarely with an increasing resolution. (Approximately; PNG compression helps a bit, but it won't magically make a larger image a smaller file size than the original.)

  • I got my New iPad in the mail yesterday. I imported my photos and videos to make a short movie. The photos had lost all their original quality. Is there any way to import photos without losing quality?

    I got my New iPad in the mail yesterday. I imported my photos and videos to make a short movie. The photos had lost all their original quality. Is there any way to import photos without losing quality?

    If you mean "optimizing for iPad," no.

  • Full Quality Export looks Poor

    hi everyone,
    i have a question because I am trying to do a full quality export for my compositor and color corrector.
    the "export quicktime" - make movie contained option seems to create a movie that appears grainy and the fonts created on livetype are very blurry.
    can finalcut export a full quality picture? or is exporting to tape the best option?
    or is the problem from the import? I shot my footage on a panasonic dvx100A (25p PAL) and imported as a DV PAL. Should I have chosen another option?
    appreciate any advice! thanks!
    joshua lim

    #2 Playback is blurry
    Shane's Stock Answer #2:
    1. Disable overlays on the canvas
    2. Make sure you've rendered everything (no green bars at the top of the timeline
    DV footage requires large amounts of data and many computations. In order to maintain frame rate and be viewable at a normal size, only about one-fourth of the DV data is used in displaying the movie to the screen. However, the DV footage is still at full quality, and is best viewed thru a TV or NTSC monitor routed thru your camera or deck.
    #8 External Monitor Viewing.
    Shane's Stock Answer #8:
    A simple path is mac > firewire > camera or deck > rca cables > tv
    Then start up your camera and tv, then open fcp.
    Then go View > External video > all frames
    Video playback should be Apple firewire NTSC (If you are using an NTSC set)
    Audio playback should be Audio follows Video
    Techinially, this should send synched video to your TV
    If for some reason you can't view your timeline on your external monitor, there are a few things to try:
    1) Make sure that the camera/deck is connected and powered on BEFORE you open FCP.
    2) In the Final Cut Pro menu select AUDIO/VIDEO Preferences and make sure your signal is being sent out thru Firewire DV.
    3) Go to the menu and select VIEW>EXTERNAL>ALL FRAMES.
    4) Click in the % box above the image and select FIT TO WINDOW.
    5) Go to VIEW->refresh A/V devices
    6) Make sure the Log & Capture window is closed
    If you want it to play in both the canvas and the external monitor you need to go to the FINAL CUT PRO menu and select AUDIO/VIDIO settings and make sure MIRROR ON DESKTOP is selected under the PLAYBACK OUTPUT section
    "There's no need to fear, UNDERDOG is here!"

  • Video editing/exporting in Photoshop CS6 - original quality gone in YouTube. Idea?

    Hello, i've searched this forum and other sources already, but couldn't find a solution. Unfortunately, i am not a video pro.
    I record video tutorials about Photoshop (so, screen captures) and edit/combine the clips inside Photoshop CS6 in Win 7/64; Photoshop's new video talent is nice. I record 852x480px at 15 fps with FastStone Capture  and save in WMV.
    I want to show the finished video tutorial on Youtube. There are several things baffling me when editing video in Photoshop CS6.
    My original records  (according to MediaInfo):
    Software: FastStone Capture
    Overall bit rate mode                    : Variable
    Overall bit rate                         : 113 Kbps
    Maximum Overall bit rate                 : 124 Kbps
    Format                                   : WMV1
    Codec ID                                 : WMV1
    Codec ID/Info                            : Windows Media Video 7
    Description of the codec                 : Windows Media Video V7
    Bit rate mode                            : Variable
    Bit rate                                 : 56.8 Kbps
    Width                                    : 852 pixels
    Height                                   : 480 pixels
    Display aspect ratio                     : 16:9
    Frame rate                               : 15.000 fps
    Bit depth                                : 8 bits
    Bits/(Pixel*Frame)                       : 0.009
    Stream size                              : 212 KiB (50%)
    Format                                   : WMA
    Format version                           : Version 2
    Codec ID                                 : 161
    Codec ID/Info                            : Windows Media Audio
    Description of the codec                 : Windows Media Audio 9.2 -  48 kbps, 44 kHz, mono 1-pass CBR
    Bit rate mode                            : Constant
    Bit rate                                 : 48.0 Kbps
    Channel(s)                               : 1 channel
    Sampling rate                            : 44.1 KHz
    Bit depth                                : 16 bits
    Stream size                              : 179 KiB (43%)
    If i upload this *original* WMV clip *without any editing* to YouTube, it looks very nice on YouTube (if you manually set the YouTube player quality to 480p). YouTube upscales the low-res clip nicely even on big screens. (I use the low screen resolution of 852x480 so that tool icons and letters in menus don't appear to small. I would love to stay with that resolution.)
    But i want to combine several screen capture takes in Photoshop CS6. Inside Photoshop CS6 Extended, i get the Adobe Media Encoder (AME) and have only two format options: H.264 (MP4) and DPX (DPX only offerening resolutions between 1080 and 2048 px wide). There is no AVI or WMV or anything else offered.
    So from Photoshop CS6 i export to MP4 with these specs:
    Preset: High Quality (nothing "better" is offered)
    Size: as original (852x480)
    Framerate: as original (15 fps)
    Interlacing: progressive (recommended by YouTube)
    The result looks very nice when i play it locally in VLC. It looks like the original WMV.
    But: When i upload the Photoshop-version to YouTube, the video looks very badly "upsampled" and blurred. It looks much worse than the uploaded WMV original.
    If you like, you can compare the two videos from the same source online:
    Uploaded WMV clip, looking good (set player to 480 p):
    Rendered in Photoshop CS6, looking bad (set player to 480 p):
    I do like the resolution of 852x480 and would like to keep it. If not possible, i have to record tutorials in 1280x720, even though icons and menus look too small. So far i have not tested it.
    I searched my folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\dynamiclinkmediaserver\1.0. There is a lot in it which i don't understand, but some file names include "MPEG", "AVI", "Adobe QT Server" etc. I think there is no Quicktime installed on my machine; i try to avoid it as it does many different things to the system and is obnoxious.
    My questions:
    - When aiming for a YouTube cast, could i stay with 852x480 (at 15 fps), or doesn't it make sense? (I like that size.) If 852x480 is not ok, what is the lowest resolution for getting good looking presentations on Youtube?
    - Why does the Adobe Media Encoder in my Photoshop CS6 only offer the formats H.264 and DPX? Can i get more? (Free, pay.) Would it help?
    - Do i need to install Quicktime? How could i do this with less intrusive QT behaviour?
    - Should i record more fps in FastStone Capture? (I don't find more fps necessary when looking at the original and when looking at the uploaded *original*.)
    - What to do?
    Thanks for all suggestions!

    My Canon EOS Camera can also capture 1080p Video it writes it to the memory Card as Name.MOV.  I don't do video the file are huge. But you 
    made me want to see what CS6 video support could do to reduce the file size.
    So I took one of my captured .mov files and droped it onto Photoshop the .mov file was 264,678,777 byte in size.  I saw the Photoshop could render H264 .mp4 video anf that there were some presets for YouTube at 29.97 the rate my camera does for 1080p, 720p and SD 360p I also tried createin a 854x480 16:9 video 480P
    These are the size file produced 480 make no sence it so close to 720 file size.
    Canon EOS.MOV  264,678,777
    CS6 H264 mp4
    YouTube1080p   45,651,351 http://www.mouseprints.net/old/dpr/YouTube1080p.mp4
    YouTube720p    29,193,697 http://www.mouseprints.net/old/dpr/YouTube720p.mp4
    YouTubeSD360p  6,172,199 http://www.mouseprints.net/old/dpr/YoutubeSD360p.mp4
    YouTube480p    29,190,029 http://www.mouseprints.net/old/dpr/YouTube480p.mp4

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