OS 2, Appworld doesn't work

i just upgraded to playbook os2 ( The appworld given an error anytime I try to install any app.
Install Error: [0003-0005]
There was a problem during installation. Please try again.

I have found the solution in crackberry.com.First change the date of your playbook to the previous date when the app world is working.then delete your saved wi-fi connection and re - add it again. try download the same app you want to download before.if its work,change back the date and time to real one.

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    Hi and Welcome to the Community!!
    Please try this sequence:
    1) Remove AppWorld from your BB
    KB10040 How to view or remove installed applications on a BlackBerry smartphone
    If it requests that you reboot the BB, do so
    2) Do a Batt-Pull reboot (power on, remove battery, wait, insert battery, wait), even if redundant to the one you did in step 1.
    3) Install (on your BB) a fresh copy of AppWorld
    Again, if it requests to reboot, do so.
    4) Do another Batt-Pull reboot
    5) See if it now works.
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup schedule...click here for an article with instructions.
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    i have the last version (packet 1419) of my operator.
    It's very frustrating.
    Thank you very much in advance

    Hi and Welcome to the Forums!
    I suggest that you clear the AppWorld application cache:
    1. Open App World
    2. Go to My World
    3a. For keyboard-based BB's -- Hold down the ALT key and then press, in sequence R, then S, then T
    3b. For Storm/Pearl -- Hold the num-lock (!?123) button so it locks and then press, in sequence 3, then 4, then (
    4. If your BB locks after issuing the cache clear, perform a battery pull reboot
    5. Return to AppWorld. Log into MyWorld (if applicable) and try again.
    Hopefully it'll work for you! Good luck and let us know!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup schedule...click here for an article with instructions.
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    Macbook white 2 GHz Intel Core Duo 1GB RAM   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    my macbook detects only a monitor (but not a TV) in addition to the macbook-LCD-display
    If you connect the Mini-DVI to S-Video adapter, the monitor button on the menubar should show resolutions for Color LCD in one section and NTSC/PAL in the other.
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    We really need some more details to be able to help with your situation.
    Is the adapter an Apple one, or some other brand?
    What model TVs do you have? Please be as specific with the model numbers as possible.
    When you say it doesn't work, what exactly happens?
    And finally: what kind of Mac do you have? You posted in the Mac Mini forum, but your signature says MacBook.
    If it is a Mac Mini, did you set it up initially using a regular monitor first?

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    I Have a 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7 macbook pro, I recieved it with OSx 7.2 lion installed, I need to us AHT (apple hardware test) according to the support page that I copy here
    Additional Information
    Apple Hardware Test is included on the DVDs that are shipped with some Macintosh computers. If the copy on your hard drive becomes unavailable, use the DVDs to run Apple Hardware Test.
    For Intel-based Apple computers that shipped with Mac OS X v10.5.4  or earlier, Apple Hardware Test is located on the Mac OS X Install Disc 1  and should be included with your computer.
    For Apple computers that shipped with Mac OS X v10.5.5 to 10.6.7, Apple Hardware Test is located on the Applications Install  Disc 2 and should be included with your computer.
    For some Apple computers that shipped with OS X Lion, if Apple Hardware Test cannot be found on the hard drive, an Internet-based version starts up instead.
    This doesn't work as the additional information statement says it should above.  Could someone at apple give me an idea of where to get it or what the "REAL" solution is, since it doesn't work on an internet version which was confirmed today at the Genius Bar in the Apple store.
    Please help me

    chrisfrommarion wrote:
    Thanks, while it worked on yours it doesn't work on mine, any other ideas?
    Are you holding down the "d" key, all by itself, just after the system shuts down for a restart?
    And how long did you hold it down?
    I held mine down for about 40-50 seconds. Then I lookat at my routers WAN light and it was flickering so I let up on the d key.
    If that does not work then maybe there is something wrong with your MBP. Is that the reason you want to run this test, something isn't right with your unit?

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    Sorry - I meant to say: 'However when I click on re-open it doesn't work'.
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    Many thanks,

    I cannot use mine at all! I am having to use Firefox as well, i continue to get this and have no idea what to do???
    Safari [786]
    8.0.2 (10600.2.5)
    Build Info:       
    Code Type:        
    X86-64 (Native)
    Parent Process:   
    ??? [1]
    Safari [786]
    User ID:          
    2014-12-27 12:02:59.114 -0600
    OS Version:       
    Mac OS X 10.10.1 (14B25)
    Report Version:   
    Anonymous UUID:   
    Time Awake Since Boot: 2300 seconds
    Crashed Thread:   
    Exception Type:   
    Exception Codes:  
    KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000020
    External Modification Warnings:
    Thread creation by external task.
    VM Regions Near 0x20:
    0000000101bb0000-0000000101bb1000 [
    4K] r-x/rwx SM=COW  /Applications/Safari.app/Contents/MacOS/Safari
    Application Specific Information:
    Process Model:
    Multiple Web Processes
    Thread 0:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib  
    0x00007fff8ec12a7e __getattrlist + 10
    1   com.apple.CoreServicesInternal    0x00007fff94ba674f prepareValuesForBitmap(__CFURL const*, __FileCache*, _FilePropertyBitmap*, __CFError**) + 227
    2   com.apple.CoreServicesInternal    0x00007fff94ba40ea _FSURLCopyResourcePropertyForKeyInternal(__CFURL const*, __CFString const*, void*, void*, __CFError**, unsigned char) + 211
    3   com.apple.CoreFoundation
    0x00007fff8b13904b CFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey + 123
    4   com.apple.CoreFoundation
    0x00007fff8b140f3e -[NSURL getResourceValue:forKey:error:] + 190
    5   com.apple.AppKit        
    0x00007fff8a21e34b +[NSImageRep _imageRepsWithContentsOfURL:expandImageContentNow:giveUpOnNetworkURLsWithoutGoo dExtensions:] + 142
    6   com.apple.AppKit        
    0x00007fff8a21e261 __51-[NSImageURLReferencingRepProvider representations]_block_invoke + 55
    7   com.apple.Foundation    
    0x00007fff95d9a006 _NSFaultInObject + 32
    8   com.apple.AppKit        
    0x00007fff8a21e223 -[NSImageURLReferencingRepProvider representations] + 89
    9   com.apple.AppKit        
    0x00007fff8a1c3af2 __45-[NSImage _usingRepresentationsPerformBlock:]_block_invoke + 47
    10  com.apple.AppKit        
    0x00007fff8a1c3a8c -[NSImage _usingRepresentationsPerformBlock:] + 91
    11  com.apple.AppKit        
    0x00007fff8a21e0fc __15-[NSImage size]_block_invoke + 380
    12  com.apple.AppKit        
    0x00007fff8a212dc7 -[NSImage size] + 137
    13  com.apple.AppKit        
    0x00007fff8a2ce62f -[NSImageCell _cellSizeAccountingForImageInControl:] + 92
    14  com.apple.AppKit        
    0x00007fff8a2ce582 -[NSImageView intrinsicContentSize] + 95
    15  com.apple.AppKit        
    0x00007fff8a26ff28 -[NSView(NSConstraintBasedLayout) _generateContentSizeConstraints] + 50
    16  com.apple.AppKit        
    0x00007fff8a26fb04 -[NSView(NSConstraintBasedLayout) _updateContentSizeConstraints] + 433
    17  com.apple.AppKit        
    0x00007fff8a26f060 -[NSView updateConstraints] + 80
    18  com.apple.AppKit        
    0x00007fff8a26ee38 -[NSView _updateConstraintsForSubtreeIfNeededCollectingViewsWithInvalidBaselines:] + 664
    19  com.apple.AppKit        
    0x00007fff8a26ed70 -[NSView _updateConstraintsForSubtreeIfNeededCollectingViewsWithInvalidBaselines:] + 464
    20  com.apple.AppKit        
    0x00007fff8a285f94 __82-[NSView _updateConstraintsForSubtreeIfNeededCollectingViewsWithInvalidBaselines:]_block _invoke + 277
    21  com.apple.Foundation    
    0x00007fff95dd24ae -[NSISEngine withBehaviors:performModifications:] + 155
    22  com.apple.AppKit        
    0x00007fff8a26ec86 -[NSView _updateConstraintsForSubtreeIfNeededCollectingViewsWithInvalidBaselines:] + 230
    23  com.apple.AppKit        
    0x00007fff8a26ead6 __45-[NSView updateConstraintsForSubtreeIfNeeded]_block_invoke + 49
    24  com.apple.Foundation    
    0x00007fff95dd24ae -[NSISEngine withBehaviors:performModifications:] + 155
    25  com.apple.AppKit        
    0x00007fff8a1f27ea -[NSView(NSConstraintBasedLayout) _withAutomaticEngineOptimizationDisabled:] + 70
    26  com.apple.AppKit        
    0x00007fff8a26ea9e -[NSView updateConstraintsForSubtreeIfNeeded] + 88
    27  com.apple.AppKit        
    0x00007fff8a2ce4b8 __62-[NSWindow(NSConstraintBasedLayout) updateConstraintsIfNeeded]_block_invoke + 136
    28  com.apple.Foundation    
    0x00007fff95dd24ae -[NSISEngine withBehaviors:performModifications:] + 155
    29  com.apple.AppKit        
    0x00007fff8a1f27ea -[NSView(NSConstraintBasedLayout) _withAutomaticEngineOptimizationDisabled:] + 70
    30  com.apple.AppKit        
    0x00007fff8a2ce3dc -[NSWindow(NSConstraintBasedLayout) updateConstraintsIfNeeded] + 208
    31  com.apple.AppKit        
    0x00007fff8a26e696 -[NSView layoutSubtreeIfNeeded] + 155
    32  com.apple.AppKit        
    0x00007fff8a4d2f45 -[NSAlert buildAlertStyle:title:formattedMsg:first:second:third:oldStyle:] + 9397
    33  com.apple.AppKit        
    0x00007fff8a4d0a45 -[NSAlert layout] + 357
    34  com.apple.AppKit        
    0x00007fff8a4decf1 -[NSAlert runModal] + 46
    35  com.apple.AppKit        
    0x00007fff8a1e165d __55-[NSPersistentUIRestorer promptToIgnorePersistentState]_block_invoke + 1037
    36  com.apple.AppKit        
    0x00007fff8a1e120e -[NSApplication _suppressFinishLaunchingFromEventHandlersWhilePerformingBlock:] + 28
    37  com.apple.AppKit        
    0x00007fff8a1e11ad -[NSPersistentUIRestorer promptToIgnorePersistentState] + 247
    38  com.apple.AppKit        
    0x00007fff8a1e0e9a -[NSApplication _reopenWindowsAsNecessaryIncludingRestorableState:registeringAsReady:completion Handler:] + 255
    39  com.apple.AppKit        
    0x00007fff8a1e0c69 -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleAEOpenEvent:] + 561
    40  com.apple.AppKit        
    0x00007fff8a1e06b5 -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleCoreEvent:withReplyEvent:] + 244
    41  com.apple.Foundation    
    0x00007fff95da2458 -[NSAppleEventManager dispatchRawAppleEvent:withRawReply:handlerRefCon:] + 290
    42  com.apple.Foundation    
    0x00007fff95da22c9 _NSAppleEventManagerGenericHandler + 102
    43  com.apple.AE            
    0x00007fff8c13b99c aeDispatchAppleEvent(AEDesc const*, AEDesc*, unsigned int, unsigned char*) + 531
    44  com.apple.AE            
    0x00007fff8c13b719 dispatchEventAndSendReply(AEDesc const*, AEDesc*) + 31
    45  com.apple.AE            
    0x00007fff8c13b623 aeProcessAppleEvent + 295
    46  com.apple.HIToolbox     
    0x00007fff8979f37e AEProcessAppleEvent + 56
    47  com.apple.AppKit        
    0x00007fff8a1dcd76 _DPSNextEvent + 2665
    48  com.apple.AppKit        
    0x00007fff8a1dbe80 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 194
    49  com.apple.Safari.framework  
    0x0000000101c2fad0 -[BrowserApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 246
    50  com.apple.AppKit        
    0x00007fff8a1cfe23 -[NSApplication run] + 594
    51  com.apple.AppKit        
    0x00007fff8a1bb2d4 NSApplicationMain + 1832
    52  libdyld.dylib           
    0x00007fff922305c9 start + 1
    Thread 1:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.libdispatch-manager
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib  
    0x00007fff8ec1422e kevent64 + 10
    1   libdispatch.dylib       
    0x00007fff955a9a6a _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52
    Thread 2:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib  
    0x00007fff8ec13946 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib 
    0x00007fff8dd074a1 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 3:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib  
    0x00007fff8ec13946 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib 
    0x00007fff8dd074a1 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 4:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib  
    0x00007fff8ec13946 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib 
    0x00007fff8dd074a1 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 5:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib  
    0x00007fff8ec13946 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib 
    0x00007fff8dd074a1 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 6:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib  
    0x00007fff8ec13946 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib 
    0x00007fff8dd074a1 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 7:: WebCore: IconDatabase
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib  
    0x00007fff8ec13132 __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   com.apple.WebCore       
    0x00000001037dd88b WebCore::IconDatabase::syncThreadMainLoop() + 411
    2   com.apple.WebCore       
    0x00000001037da9d9 WebCore::IconDatabase::iconDatabaseSyncThread() + 361
    3   com.apple.JavaScriptCore
    0x000000010299ca9f ***::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15
    4   libsystem_pthread.dylib 
    0x00007fff8dd092fc _pthread_body + 131
    5   libsystem_pthread.dylib 
    0x00007fff8dd09279 _pthread_start + 176
    6   libsystem_pthread.dylib 
    0x00007fff8dd074b1 thread_start + 13
    Thread 8:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib  
    0x00007fff8ec13946 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib 
    0x00007fff8dd074a1 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 9:: com.apple.CoreAnimation.render-server
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib  
    0x00007fff8ec0e52e mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libsystem_kernel.dylib  
    0x00007fff8ec0d69f mach_msg + 55
    2   com.apple.QuartzCore    
    0x00007fff9468fd63 CA::Render::Server::server_thread(void*) + 198
    3   com.apple.QuartzCore    
    0x00007fff9468fc96 thread_fun + 25
    4   libsystem_pthread.dylib 
    0x00007fff8dd092fc _pthread_body + 131
    5   libsystem_pthread.dylib 
    0x00007fff8dd09279 _pthread_start + 176
    6   libsystem_pthread.dylib 
    0x00007fff8dd074b1 thread_start + 13
    Thread 10:: com.apple.NSURLConnectionLoader
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib  
    0x00007fff8ec0e52e mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libsystem_kernel.dylib  
    0x00007fff8ec0d69f mach_msg + 55
    2   com.apple.CoreFoundation
    0x00007fff8b14eb14 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212
    3   com.apple.CoreFoundation
    0x00007fff8b14dfdb __CFRunLoopRun + 1371
    4   com.apple.CoreFoundation
    0x00007fff8b14d838 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296
    5   com.apple.CFNetwork     
    0x00007fff90ecad20 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 434
    6   com.apple.Foundation    
    0x00007fff95de8b7a __NSThread__main__ + 1345
    7   libsystem_pthread.dylib 
    0x00007fff8dd092fc _pthread_body + 131
    8   libsystem_pthread.dylib 
    0x00007fff8dd09279 _pthread_start + 176
    9   libsystem_pthread.dylib 
    0x00007fff8dd074b1 thread_start + 13
    Thread 11:: com.apple.CFSocket.private
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib  
    0x00007fff8ec133f6 __select + 10
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib 
    0x00007fff8dd092fc _pthread_body + 131
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib 
    0x00007fff8dd09279 _pthread_start + 176
    3   libsystem_pthread.dylib 
    0x00007fff8dd074b1 thread_start + 13
    Thread 12:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib  
    0x00007fff8ec13946 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib 
    0x00007fff8dd074a1 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 13:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib  
    0x00007fff8ec13946 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib 
    0x00007fff8dd074a1 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 14:
    Thread 15 Crashed:
    0   libsystem_pthread.dylib 
    0x00007fff8dd07695 _pthread_mutex_lock + 87
    1   libsystem_c.dylib       
    0x00007fff98093b78 vfprintf_l + 28
    2   libsystem_c.dylib       
    0x00007fff9808c620 fprintf + 186
    3   ???                     
    0x000000010ac515dc 0 + 4475655644
    Thread 15 crashed with X86 Thread State (64-bit):
      rax: 0x0000000000000000  rbx: 0x00007fff7b4f11d8  rcx: 0x00007fff7b4f11f0  rdx: 0x00000000000000a0
      rdi: 0x00007fff7b4f11f0  rsi: 0x00007fff8dd07b14  rbp: 0x000000010ac4de30  rsp: 0x000000010ac4ddb0
       r8: 0x000000010abb4000   r9: 0x0000000000000054  r10: 0x0000000000000000  r11: 0x0000000000000206
      r12: 0x00007fff7b4f06b8  r13: 0x0000000000000000  r14: 0x0000000000000000  r15: 0x0000000000000000
      rip: 0x00007fff8dd07695  rfl: 0x0000000000010246  cr2: 0x0000000000000020
    Logical CPU:
    Error Code: 
    Trap Number:
    Binary Images:
    0x101bb0000 -   
    0x101bb0fff  com.apple.Safari (8.0.2 - 10600.2.5) <2225AE13-780E-3234-9A05-9DD6D94EE96C> /Applications/Safari.app/Contents/MacOS/Safari
    0x101bb9000 -   
    0x1024f2ff7  com.apple.Safari.framework (10600 - 10600.2.5) <70257BE2-5D89-3EAA-8863-269880160EEE> /System/Library/StagedFrameworks/Safari/Safari.framework/Versions/A/Safari
    0x102992000 -   
    0x102ea5ff3  com.apple.JavaScriptCore (10600 - 10600.2.1) <ABEF8FB3-6DC5-3FCF-9B4A-1DF6411063B0> /System/Library/StagedFrameworks/Safari/JavaScriptCore.framework/Versions/A/Jav aScriptCore
    0x10300b000 -   
    0x1032bffff  com.apple.WebKit (10600 - 10600.2.5) <11CA89A1-A002-3FEB-8046-B31E92003AED> /System/Library/StagedFrameworks/Safari/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/WebKit
    0x10359b000 -   
    0x10359bfff  com.apple.WebKit2 (10600 - 10600.2.5) <ED09F7D3-1F46-3925-8E11-D6AC3492658E> /System/Library/StagedFrameworks/Safari/WebKit2.framework/Versions/A/WebKit2
    0x1035a1000 -   
    0x1036ddffb  com.apple.WebKitLegacy (10600 - 10600.2.5) <0A88D3D6-F5BA-30F4-9D09-87DF653759FC> /System/Library/StagedFrameworks/Safari/WebKitLegacy.framework/Versions/A/WebKi tLegacy
    0x1037d6000 -   
    0x10477bff7  com.apple.WebCore (10600 - 10600.2.1) <628CB849-0E8D-3071-98A3-55E7D24087DF> /System/Library/StagedFrameworks/Safari/WebCore.framework/Versions/A/WebCore
    0x10a7dc000 -   
    0x10a7dcff5 +cl_kernels (???) <2B02B8D9-91CE-461E-9862-EE769DF8E174> cl_kernels
    0x10a7de000 -   
    0x10a8c4fef  unorm8_bgra.dylib (2.4.5) <90797750-141F-3114-ACD0-A71363968678> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenCL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/ImageFormats/u norm8_bgra.dylib
    0x10a98b000 -   
    0x10a98bfef +cl_kernels (???) <7A55F558-91D3-494C-812B-D4C6768AC6AD> cl_kernels
    0x7fff69b06000 -
    0x7fff69b3c837  dyld (353.2.1) <4696A982-1500-34EC-9777-1EF7A03E2659> /usr/lib/dyld
    0x7fff88fc1000 -
    0x7fff88fc2ff7  com.apple.AddressBook.ContactsData (9.0 - 1499) <A3D84EBD-3007-3A49-BEE5-F05790DCF38E> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ContactsData.framework/Versions/A/ContactsDat a
    0x7fff88fc3000 -
    0x7fff88feefff  libc++abi.dylib (125) <88A22A0F-87C6-3002-BFBA-AC0F2808B8B9> /usr/lib/libc++abi.dylib
    0x7fff88ff8000 -
    0x7fff89049ff7  com.apple.AppleVAFramework (5.0.31 - 5.0.31) <762E9358-A69A-3D63-8282-3B77FBE0147E> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleVA.framework/Versions/A/AppleVA
    0x7fff8904a000 -
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    0x7fff8c932000 -
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    0x7fff8c971000 -
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    0x7fff8cf80000 -
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    0x7fff8cf97000 -
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    0x7fff8d040000 -
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    0x7fff8d11c000 -
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    0x7fff8d137000 -
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    0x7fff8d1bf000 -
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    0x7fff8d400000 -
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    0x7fff8d544000 -
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    0x7fff8d693000 -
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    0x7fff8dc3c000 -
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    0x7fff8dcf2000 -
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    0x7fff8dd06000 -
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    0x7fff8dd10000 -
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    0x7fff8e568000 -
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    0x7fff8e5b5000 -
    0x7fff8e610fff  com.apple.QuickLookFramework (5.0 - 675) <D71CD23B-643B-341B-A890-57FE099B36C7> /System/Library/Frameworks/QuickLook.framework/Versions/A/QuickLook
    0x7fff8e611000 -
    0x7fff8e641ff3  com.apple.CoreAVCHD (5.7.5 - 5750.4.1) <3E51287C-E97D-3886-BE88-8F6872400876> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreAVCHD.framework/Versions/A/CoreAVCHD
    0x7fff8e642000 -
    0x7fff8e688ffb  libFontRegistry.dylib (134) <01B8034A-45FD-3360-A347-A1896F591363> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ATS.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libFontRegistry.dylib
    0x7fff8e689000 -
    0x7fff8e6dcffb  libAVFAudio.dylib (118.3) <CC124063-34DF-39E3-921A-2BA3EA8D6F38> /System/Library/Frameworks/AVFoundation.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libAVFAu dio.dylib
    0x7fff8e6dd000 -
    0x7fff8ebc9fff  com.apple.MediaToolbox (1.0 - 1562.19) <36062C5F-CC37-3F50-8383-07A9C8C75F33> /System/Library/Frameworks/MediaToolbox.framework/Versions/A/MediaToolbox
    0x7fff8ebca000 -
    0x7fff8ebfcff3  com.apple.frameworks.CoreDaemon (1.3 - 1.3) <C6DB0A07-F8E4-3837-BCA9-225F460EDA81> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreDaemon.framework/Versions/B/CoreDaemon
    0x7fff8ebfd000 -
    0x7fff8ec1afff  libsystem_kernel.dylib (2782.1.97) <93E0E0A9-75B6-3904-BB4E-4BC7C05F4B6B> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
    0x7fff8ec1b000 -
    0x7fff8ec3cfff  com.apple.framework.Apple80211 (10.0.1 - 1001.57.4) <E449B57F-1AC3-3DF1-8A13-4390FB3A05A4> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/A/Apple80211
    0x7fff8ec3d000 -
    0x7fff8eccbff7  com.apple.CorePDF (4.0 - 4) <9CD7EC6D-3593-3D60-B04F-75F612CCB99A> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CorePDF.framework/Versions/A/CorePDF
    0x7fff8eccc000 -
    0x7fff8ecfcffb  com.apple.GSS (4.0 - 2.0) <D033E7F1-2D34-339F-A814-C67E009DE5A9> /System/Library/Frameworks/GSS.framework/Versions/A/GSS
    0x7fff8ecfd000 -
    0x7fff8ed6eff7  com.apple.framework.IOKit (2.0.2 - 1050.1.21) <ED3B0B22-AACC-303B-BFC8-20ECD1AF6BA2> /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit
    0x7fff8ed6f000 -
    0x7fff8edc9ff7  com.apple.LanguageModeling (1.0 - 1) <ACA93FE0-A0E3-333E-AE3C-8EB7DE5F362F> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/LanguageModeling.framework/Versions/A/Languag eModeling
    0x7fff8edca000 -
    0x7fff8edccfff  com.apple.OAuth (25 - 25) <EE765AF0-2BB6-3689-9EAA-689BF1F02A0D> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/OAuth.framework/Versions/A/OAuth
    0x7fff8edcd000 -
    0x7fff8ee0ffff  com.apple.sociald.Social (87 - 87) <A32F7CCA-6D52-3F4E-8779-548E07A84738> /System/Library/Frameworks/Social.framework/Versions/A/Social
    0x7fff8ee10000 -
    0x7fff8ee49fff  com.apple.AirPlaySupport (2.0 - 215.10) <E4159036-4C38-3F28-8AF3-4F074DAF01AC> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AirPlaySupport.framework/Versions/A/AirPlaySu pport
    0x7fff8ee4a000 -
    0x7fff8ee50fff  com.apple.speech.recognition.framework (5.0.9 - 5.0.9) <BB2D573F-0A01-379F-A2BA-3C454EDCB111> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SpeechRecogni tion.framework/Versions/A/SpeechRecognition
    0x7fff8ee66000 -
    0x7fff8ee6efff  libMatch.1.dylib (24) <C917279D-33C2-38A8-9BDD-18F3B24E6FBD> /usr/lib/libMatch.1.dylib
    0x7fff8ef12000 -
    0x7fff8ef41fff  com.apple.securityinterface (10.0 - 55058) <21F38170-2D3D-3FA2-B0EC-379482AFA5E4> /System/Library/Frameworks/SecurityInterface.framework/Versions/A/SecurityInter face
    0x7fff8f169000 -
    0x7fff8f415fff  com.apple.GeoServices (1.0 - 982.4.10) <8A7FE04A-2785-30E7-A6E2-DC15D170DAF5> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GeoServices.framework/Versions/A/GeoServices
    0x7fff8f416000 -
    0x7fff8f508ff7  libiconv.2.dylib (42) <2A06D02F-8B76-3864-8D96-64EF5B40BC6C> /usr/lib/libiconv.2.dylib
    0x7fff8f509000 -
    0x7fff8f916ff7  libLAPACK.dylib (1128) <F9201AE7-B031-36DB-BCF8-971E994EF7C1> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.fr amework/Versions/A/libLAPACK.dylib
    0x7fff8f917000 -
    0x7fff8f98fff7  com.apple.SystemConfiguration (1.14 - 1.14) <C269BCFD-ACAB-3331-BC7C-0430F0E84817> /System/Library/Frameworks/SystemConfiguration.framework/Versions/A/SystemConfi guration
    0x7fff8f990000 -
    0x7fff8f99aff7  com.apple.CrashReporterSupport (10.10 - 629) <EC97EA5E-3190-3717-A4A9-2F35A447E7A6> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CrashReporterSupport.framework/Versions/A/Cra shReporterSupport
    0x7fff8f99b000 -
    0x7fff8f9b5ff7  com.apple.AppleVPAFramework (1.0.30 - 1.0.30) <D47A2125-C72D-3298-B27D-D89EA0D55584> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleVPA.framework/Versions/A/AppleVPA
    0x7fff8f9b6000 -
    0x7fff8f9c0ff7  com.apple.NetAuth (5.0 - 5.0) <B9EC5425-D38D-308C-865F-207E0A98BAC7> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/NetAuth.framework/Versions/A/NetAuth
    0x7fff8f9c1000 -
    0x7fff8fc3bfff  com.apple.CoreData (110 - 526) <AEEDAF00-D38F-3A15-B3C9-73732940CC55> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreData.framework/Versions/A/CoreData
    0x7fff8fc3c000 -
    0x7fff8fc43ff7  libcompiler_rt.dylib (35) <BF8FC133-EE10-3DA6-9B90-92039E28678F> /usr/lib/system/libcompiler_rt.dylib
    0x7fff8fc44000 -
    0x7fff8fc4cff7  com.apple.icloud.FindMyDevice (1.0 - 1) <D198E170-3610-3727-BC87-73AD249CA097> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FindMyDevice.framework/Versions/A/FindMyDevic e
    0x7fff8fc4d000 -
    0x7fff8fc58ff7  libcsfde.dylib (471) <797691FA-FC0A-3A95-B6E8-BDB75AEAEDFD> /usr/lib/libcsfde.dylib
    0x7fff8fc59000 -
    0x7fff8fceaff7  libCoreStorage.dylib (471) <5CA37ED3-320C-3469-B4D2-6F045AFE03A1> /usr/lib/libCoreStorage.dylib
    0x7fff8fceb000 -
    0x7fff8fd19ff7  com.apple.CommerceKit (1.2.0 - 376.0.5) <651BD237-2055-3D9D-8B12-8A4474D26AC1> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CommerceKit.framework/Versions/A/CommerceKit
    0x7fff8fd1a000 -
    0x7fff8fd1eff7  libGIF.dylib (1231) <A349BA73-301E-3EDE-8A31-8ACE827C289E> /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libGIF.dylib
    0x7fff8fd1f000 -
    0x7fff8fe12ff7  libJP2.dylib (1231) <58849E48-9CD2-38A1-9D48-FCE630F473EB> /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libJP2.dylib
    0x7fff8fe20000 -
    0x7fff8fe21fff  libquit.dylib (182) <62510786-F686-3AC4-B315-D05A4B7A896F> /usr/lib/libquit.dylib
    0x7fff8fe22000 -
    0x7fff8fe33ff7  libz.1.dylib (55) <88C7C7DE-04B8-316F-8B74-ACD9F3DE1AA1> /usr/lib/libz.1.dylib
    0x7fff8fe34000 -
    0x7fff8fe3fff7  libkxld.dylib (2782.1.97) <CB1A1B57-54BE-3573-AE0C-B90ED6BAEEE2> /usr/lib/system/libkxld.dylib
    0x7fff8fee8000 -
    0x7fff8fefdfff  com.apple.ToneKit (1.0 - 1) <CA375645-8DE1-3DE8-A2E0-0537849DF59B> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ToneKit.framework/Versions/A/ToneKit
    0x7fff8fefe000 -
    0x7fff90016ffb  com.apple.CoreText (352.0 - 454.1) <AB07DF12-BB1F-3275-A8A3-45F14BF872BF> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreText.framework/Versions/A/CoreText
    0x7fff90017000 -
    0x7fff90019ff7  libsystem_sandbox.dylib (358.1.1) <DB9962EF-8898-31CC-9B87-E01F8CE74C9D> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_sandbox.dylib
    0x7fff9001a000 -
    0x7fff90294ff3  com.apple.RawCamera.bundle (6.00 - 761) <056E2E1D-6682-354E-9666-7E4935653D47> /System/Library/CoreServices/RawCamera.bundle/Contents/MacOS/RawCamera
    0x7fff902f0000 -
    0x7fff90302ff7  com.apple.CoreDuetDaemonProtocol (1.0 - 1) <CE9FABB4-1C5D-3F9B-9BB8-5CC50C3E5E31> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreDuetDaemonProtocol.framework/Versions/A/C oreDuetDaemonProtocol
    0x7fff90303000 -
    0x7fff90309fff  libsystem_trace.dylib (72.1.3) <A9E6B7D8-C327-3742-AC54-86C94218B1DF> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_trace.dylib
    0x7fff9030a000 -
    0x7fff90336fff  com.apple.framework.SystemAdministration (1.0 - 1.0) <F2A164C7-4813-3F27-ABF7-810A5F4FA51D> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SystemAdministration.framework/Versions/A/Sys temAdministration
    0x7fff9036b000 -
    0x7fff90378ff7  libxar.1.dylib (254) <CE10EFED-3066-3749-838A-6A15AC0DBCB6> /usr/lib/libxar.1.dylib
    0x7fff90656000 -
    0x7fff90658fff  libCVMSPluginSupport.dylib (11.0.7) <29D775BB-A11D-3140-A478-2A0DA1A87420> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libCVMSPluginS upport.dylib
    0x7fff90664000 -
    0x7fff906aaff7  libauto.dylib (186) <A260789B-D4D8-316A-9490-254767B8A5F1> /usr/lib/libauto.dylib
    0x7fff906ab000 -
    0x7fff906b3ff7  com.apple.AppleSRP (5.0 - 1) <01EC5144-D09A-3D6A-AE35-F6D48585F154> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleSRP.framework/Versions/A/AppleSRP
    0x7fff90771000 -
    0x7fff907a8ffb  com.apple.LDAPFramework (2.4.28 - 194.5) <4CFE8010-CE3F-35EC-90BA-529B74321029> /System/Library/Frameworks/LDAP.framework/Versions/A/LDAP
    0x7fff907a9000 -
    0x7fff908e6fff  com.apple.ImageIO.framework (3.3.0 - 1038) <611BDFBA-4BAA-36A8-B7E0-3830F3375E53> /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/ImageIO
    0x7fff908e7000 -
    0x7fff908f5ff7  com.apple.opengl (11.0.7 - 11.0.7) <B5C4DF85-37BD-3984-98D1-90A5043DA984> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/OpenGL
    0x7fff908f6000 -
    0x7fff90912fff  com.apple.GenerationalStorage (2.0 - 209.11) <9FF8DD11-25FB-3047-A5BF-9415339B3EEC> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GenerationalStorage.framework/Versions/A/Gene rationalStorage
    0x7fff90913000 -
    0x7fff909b1fff  com.apple.Metadata (10.7.0 - 916.1) <CD389631-0F23-3A29-B43A-E3FFB5BC9438> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadat a.framework/Versions/A/Metadata
    0x7fff909b2000 -
    0x7fff90a01ff7  com.apple.opencl (2.4.2 - 2.4.2) <6AE26E08-6EFC-3E1B-B202-EFA9C3E5B9D4> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenCL.framework/Versions/A/OpenCL
    0x7fff90a02000 -
    0x7fff90d35ff7  libmecabra.dylib (666.1) <CAFBC813-4894-3352-9B22-FFF116773A06> /usr/lib/libmecabra.dylib
    0x7fff90d36000 -
    0x7fff90db7ff3  com.apple.CoreUtils (1.0 - 101.1) <45E5E51B-947E-3F2D-BD9C-480E72555C23> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreUtils.framework/Versions/A/CoreUtils
    0x7fff90db8000 -
    0x7fff90dc1ff3  com.apple.CommonAuth (4.0 - 2.0) <F4C266BE-2E0E-36B4-9DE7-C6B4BF410FD7> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CommonAuth.framework/Versions/A/CommonAuth
    0x7fff90dc2000 -
    0x7fff90e29ff7  com.apple.datadetectorscore (6.0 - 396.1) <5D348063-1528-3E2F-B587-9E82970506F9> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DataDetectorsCore.framework/Versions/A/DataDe tectorsCore
    0x7fff90e2a000 -
    0x7fff9102dff3  com.apple.CFNetwork (720.1.1 - 720.1.1) <A82E71B3-2CDB-3840-A476-F2304D896E03> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
    0x7fff9102e000 -
    0x7fff91040fff  libsasl2.2.dylib (193) <E523DD05-544B-3430-8AA9-672408A5AF8B> /usr/lib/libsasl2.2.dylib
    0x7fff91089000 -
    0x7fff9126eff3  libicucore.A.dylib (531.30) <EF0E7544-E317-3550-A962-6AE65E78AF17> /usr/lib/libicucore.A.dylib
    0x7fff9126f000 -
    0x7fff91295ff7  com.apple.ChunkingLibrary (2.1 - 163.1) <3514F2A4-38BD-3849-9286-B3B991057742> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ChunkingLibrary.framework/Versions/A/Chunking Library
    0x7fff91426000 -
    0x7fff9142bfff  com.apple.DiskArbitration (2.6 - 2.6) <0DFF4D9B-2AC3-3B82-B5C5-30F4EFBD2DB9> /System/Library/Frameworks/DiskArbitration.framework/Versions/A/DiskArbitration
    0x7fff91453000 -
    0x7fff91469ff7  com.apple.CoreMediaAuthoring (2.2 - 951) <B5E5ADF2-BBE8-30D9-83BC-74D0D450CF42> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreMediaAuthoring.framework/Versions/A/CoreM ediaAuthoring
    0x7fff9146a000 -
    0x7fff914eeff7  com.apple.ViewBridge (99.1 - 99.1) <B36779D4-BEAF-36DD-83AF-E67F639BFF36> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ViewBridge.framework/Versions/A/ViewBridge

  • My serial number for Logic Studio doesn't work. I used one from a different box and it worked. How can I get a new number?

    My serial number for Logic Studio doesn't work. I used one from a different box and it worked. How can I get a new number?


  • [SOLVED]Xorg 1.8 doesn't work

    Hello, I've just upgraded to linux-firmware and the newest X.org, which doesn't work.
    Xorg.0.log tells me:
    [ 934.318]
    X.Org X Server 1.8.1
    Release Date: 2010-05-11
    [ 934.322] X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
    [ 934.323] Build Operating System: Linux 2.6.33-ARCH x86_64
    [ 934.325] Current Operating System: Linux staerseus 2.6.34-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Jun 19 00:07:49 CEST 2010 x86_64
    [ 934.326] Kernel command line: root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/727c4683-ee4c-4b32-8a59-370264cb7d9f ro i915.modeset=1 init=/sbin/bootchartd
    [ 934.327] Build Date: 26 May 2010 07:50:07PM
    [ 934.329]
    [ 934.330] Current version of pixman: 0.18.2
    [ 934.331] Before reporting problems, check http://wiki.x.org
    to make sure that you have the latest version.
    [ 934.334] Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
    (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
    (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
    [ 934.338] (==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", Time: Mon Jun 21 10:15:38 2010
    [ 934.340] (==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"
    [ 934.341] (==) Using config directory: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d"
    [ 934.343] (==) No Layout section. Using the first Screen section.
    [ 934.343] (==) No screen section available. Using defaults.
    [ 934.343] (**) |-->Screen "Default Screen Section" (0)
    [ 934.343] (**) | |-->Monitor "<default monitor>"
    [ 934.343] (==) No monitor specified for screen "Default Screen Section".
    Using a default monitor configuration.
    [ 934.343] (==) Automatically adding devices
    [ 934.343] (==) Automatically enabling devices
    [ 934.343] (WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/OTF/" does not exist.
    [ 934.343] Entry deleted from font path.
    [ 934.343] (==) FontPath set to:
    [ 934.343] (==) ModulePath set to "/usr/lib/xorg/modules"
    [ 934.343] (II) The server relies on udev to provide the list of input devices.
    If no devices become available, reconfigure udev or disable AutoAddDevices.
    [ 934.343] (II) Loader magic: 0x7ce880
    [ 934.343] (II) Module ABI versions:
    [ 934.343] X.Org ANSI C Emulation: 0.4
    [ 934.343] X.Org Video Driver: 7.0
    [ 934.343] X.Org XInput driver : 9.0
    [ 934.343] X.Org Server Extension : 3.0
    [ 934.352] (--) PCI:*(0:0:2:0) 8086:2a42:1734:113f Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller rev 7, Mem @ 0xf2400000/4194304, 0xd0000000/268435456, I/O @ 0x00001800/8
    [ 934.352] (--) PCI: (0:0:2:1) 8086:2a43:1734:113f Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller rev 7, Mem @ 0xf2100000/1048576
    [ 934.352] (II) Open ACPI successful (/var/run/acpid.socket)
    [ 934.352] (II) LoadModule: "extmod"
    [ 934.352] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libextmod.so
    [ 934.352] (II) Module extmod: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    [ 934.352] compiled for 1.8.1, module version = 1.0.0
    [ 934.352] Module class: X.Org Server Extension
    [ 934.352] ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 3.0
    [ 934.352] (II) Loading extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER
    [ 934.352] (II) Loading extension XFree86-VidModeExtension
    [ 934.352] (II) Loading extension XFree86-DGA
    [ 934.352] (II) Loading extension DPMS
    [ 934.352] (II) Loading extension XVideo
    [ 934.352] (II) Loading extension XVideo-MotionCompensation
    [ 934.352] (II) Loading extension X-Resource
    [ 934.352] (II) LoadModule: "dbe"
    [ 934.352] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libdbe.so
    [ 934.352] (II) Module dbe: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    [ 934.353] compiled for 1.8.1, module version = 1.0.0
    [ 934.353] Module class: X.Org Server Extension
    [ 934.353] ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 3.0
    [ 934.353] (II) Loading extension DOUBLE-BUFFER
    [ 934.353] (II) LoadModule: "glx"
    [ 934.353] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libglx.so
    [ 934.353] (II) Module glx: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    [ 934.353] compiled for 1.8.1, module version = 1.0.0
    [ 934.353] ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 3.0
    [ 934.353] (==) AIGLX enabled
    [ 934.353] (II) Loading extension GLX
    [ 934.353] (II) LoadModule: "record"
    [ 934.353] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/librecord.so
    [ 934.353] (II) Module record: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    [ 934.353] compiled for 1.8.1, module version = 1.13.0
    [ 934.353] Module class: X.Org Server Extension
    [ 934.353] ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 3.0
    [ 934.353] (II) Loading extension RECORD
    [ 934.353] (II) LoadModule: "dri"
    [ 934.353] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libdri.so
    [ 934.353] (II) Module dri: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    [ 934.353] compiled for 1.8.1, module version = 1.0.0
    [ 934.353] ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 3.0
    [ 934.353] (II) Loading extension XFree86-DRI
    [ 934.354] (II) LoadModule: "dri2"
    [ 934.354] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libdri2.so
    [ 934.354] (II) Module dri2: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    [ 934.354] compiled for 1.8.1, module version = 1.2.0
    [ 934.354] ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 3.0
    [ 934.354] (II) Loading extension DRI2
    [ 934.354] (==) Matched intel as autoconfigured driver 0
    [ 934.354] (==) Matched vesa as autoconfigured driver 1
    [ 934.354] (==) Matched fbdev as autoconfigured driver 2
    [ 934.354] (==) Assigned the driver to the xf86ConfigLayout
    [ 934.354] (II) LoadModule: "intel"
    [ 934.354] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/intel_drv.so
    [ 934.354] (II) Module intel: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    [ 934.354] compiled for 1.7.6, module version = 2.11.0
    [ 934.354] Module class: X.Org Video Driver
    [ 934.354] ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 6.0
    [ 934.354] (EE) module ABI major version (6) doesn't match the server's version (7)
    [ 934.356] (II) UnloadModule: "intel"
    [ 934.356] (II) Unloading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/intel_drv.so
    [ 934.356] (EE) Failed to load module "intel" (module requirement mismatch, 0)
    [ 934.357] (II) LoadModule: "vesa"
    [ 934.357] (WW) Warning, couldn't open module vesa
    [ 934.357] (II) UnloadModule: "vesa"
    [ 934.357] (EE) Failed to load module "vesa" (module does not exist, 0)
    [ 934.359] (II) LoadModule: "fbdev"
    [ 934.359] (WW) Warning, couldn't open module fbdev
    [ 934.359] (II) UnloadModule: "fbdev"
    [ 934.359] (EE) Failed to load module "fbdev" (module does not exist, 0)
    [ 934.360] (EE) No drivers available.
    [ 934.362]
    Fatal server error:
    [ 934.364] no screens found
    [ 934.365]
    Please consult the The X.Org Foundation support
    at http://wiki.x.org
    for help.
    [ 934.370] Please also check the log file at "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" for additional information.
    [ 934.372]
    What does the problem with modules mean? Archlinux was warning me, that "in future releases /etc/modprobe.d/framebuffer_blacklist.conf.save will be ignored, but it is the same file as /etc/modprobe.d/framebuffer_blacklist.conf.
    I don't understand, why it cannot find any screens (I use a laptop screen)
    I tried to start with and without xorg.conf, which is:
    Section "Device"
    Identifier "Intel X4500MHD"
    Driver "intel"
    VendorName "Intel Corporation"
    BoardName "Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller"
    BusID "PCI:0:2:0"
    Option "DRI" "true"
    Option "AccelMethod" "uxa"
    Option "MigrationHeuristic" "greedy"
    The graphic driver I use is xf86-video-intel-newest from archstuff, but it is the same version as xf86-video-intel.
    I am not sure if I provided all needed info, but I hope so. Thank you for your help.SOLVED
    Last edited by Staerseus (2010-06-21 09:18:03)

    Use the arch version.   It is actually built against the xorg version that you are using...  here is the relevant section of your log:
    [ 934.354] (EE) module ABI major version (6) doesn't match the server's version (7)

  • Self-assigned or Manually Assigned IP Doesn't Work.

    I've got a network of four Macs in my house, using a wireless router from Verizon. This network has been working fine for at least a year. For the last week, though, my MBP can't access the internet or see other computers. My router recognizes the MBP and the MBP shows full bars for the wireless signal, but other than that, nada. This is true whether it's a self-assigned IP or I manually create the IP (using the IP address that the router recognizes as the MBP).
    The MBP hasn't left the house. The entire network set up has not changed.
    I have tried:
    - Manually setting the IP - worked briefly last night, but now doesn't work again.
    - Resetting nvram - didn't work at all
    - Power cycling computers and router in all possible permutations
    - I may have tried other things that I'm not thinking of now
    Any fixes or info on why this kind of thing happens would be greatly appreciated.

    cmoorhead wrote:
    For the last week, though, my MBP can't access the internet or see other computers.
    You might try resetting your connection settings using the steps listed in this message:
    They're not guaranteed to solve the problem, but they'll only take you a minute or so to try.

  • Bridge CC is asking my to 'purge cache'. When I do this doesn't work and freezes my mac. Bridge is unable to work at all. Please help?

    When I start up Bridge CC I get a error message instructing me to purge cache in preferences which I do but it doesn't work and freezes my mac. I cannot curretnly use Bridge CC. PLease help as this is costing me time and money - thank you in advance....

    Hold down the Option key as you launch Bridge, keep it down until you see a dialog box, then click all three options in the re-set box that comes up.
    If you don't see that re-set box, you're doing it wrong, i.e., you're not holding the Option key down fast enough.

  • Mobile data doesn't work and I can't access the front camera.

    Hi, I received my new Xperia Z3 Compact in white just over a week ago and unfortunately I have few unresolved issued with it which kind of spoils the experience of owning a new phone.
    I  just switched from a number of Iphones and Xperia was the handset that really impressed me.
    I couldn't see the point of getting an overpriced Iphone with a limited storage capability.
    Unfortunately my Xperia Z3c has some issues;
    - I can't get the front camera work
    - I can get my internet only through Wi-Fi and my unlimited 3G data doesn't work at all (T-Mobile U.K)
    - Three Swipe Gesture doesn’t appear to be working as it should on any Android device (I'm told).
    So I am not a very happy user at the moment and slowly starting to miss the Iphone.

    Hi casson50ml,
    Welcome to the community! Since you're new please be sure that you have checked out our Discussion guidelines.
    Sorry to hear about these issues, I would first suggest clearing the data for the camera.
    Menu > settings > Apps > All > Camera > Clear Data
    Once done try using the device.
    In regards to the Internet, try performing an Internet settings download.
    Menu > Settings > More > Internet Settings > Accept Disclaimer > Choose Network.
    Now try using the network data on the handset.
    Can you explain more about the 3 Finger Gesture issue?
     - Official Sony Xperia Support Staff
    If you're new to our forums make sure that you have read our Discussion guidelines.
    If you want to get in touch with the local support team for your country please visit our contact page.

  • Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop App Doesn't Work Windows 8.1

    The Creative Cloud Desktop App doesn't work on my PC running Windows 8.1. As shown below, no apps appear and the settings dropdown does not function with either left or right click. I have tried to uninstall, reinstall, change the name of the OOBE folder, connect directly to my cable modem by passing my router, removing all internet & firewall protection and I am unable to download any CC apps that I do not have on my PC. I have been updating existing apps from the help menus in the apps and have not used the CC app for downloads for a long time so I do not know when the problem started, but it does not work now. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Automatic updates are also not working.

    Turning off "Enable Protected Mode" in the Security Tab of Internet Properties allowed the Creative Cloud Desktop App to function properly. I am still looking for a better long term solution that does not put my computer's security at risk.

  • A pop-up message is frozen on my settings page. I was trying to set up an apple id for iTunes when I got a message "required fields have been left blank. The missing information is highlighted in red." the ok button doesn't work. 1st gen iPad.

    A pop-up message is frozen on my settings page. I was trying to set up an apple id for iTunes when I got a message "required fields have been left blank. The missing information is highlighted in red." the ok button doesn't work. The message is now fixed &amp; I cannot get rid of it. Ironically, when I found this forum I was able to set up an apple Id. Please advise how to get rid of the pop-up box. Thanks!

    I'm having this same problem as well and cannot advance--very irritating. All of the information is filled out correctly and I've editted my AppleID information online separately as well to get around this issue, but no luck...

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