OS error code 11000

I have installed Max DB on AIX 5.3, however when trying to create a database I receive following message:
-24994 Runtime environment error (db_admin -f); 1, Check knldiag! Kernel exited with '0' before reaching ADMIN state (OS error code 11000)
I have reduced the CACHE_SIZE parameter to 800 and still receive the error.
Any suggestions?
Below is the knldiag and the ulimit for the user creating the database.
Date       Time       TID Typ MsgID Label    Message-Text
2008-08-27 14:32:49     2     12821 TASKING  Thread 2 starting
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     12600 VERSION  'Kernel    7.6.03   Build 015-123-173-107'
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     12600 VERSION  'X64/AIX   7.6.03   Build 015-123-173-107'
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     12769 INFO     Starting SERVERDB:      'ARMDEMO'
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     12770 INFO              SERVERNODE:    'cscsvachb1app3'
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     12773 INFO              Date:          2008-08-27
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     12771 INFO              Process ID:    323762
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     12772 INFO              Owner:         'sdb'
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     12772 INFO              Group:         'sdba'
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     12781 INFO              Version:       '64BIT Kernel'
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     12781 INFO              Version:       'X64/AIX   7.6.03   Build 015-123-173-107'
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     12781 INFO              Version:       'FAST'
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     12806 INFO              Machine:       'IBM RS 6000 (00CCE0FC4C00)'
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     12775 INFO              Processors:       4
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     12780 INFO              Current directory:         '/var/opt/sdb/data/wrk/ARMDEMO'
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     12780 INFO              LIBPATH: '/opt/sdb/7603/lib/lib64:/opt/sdb/7603/sap'
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20233 RTE      Dump of all kernel parameters start
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20206 RTE      Using mode NORMAL for data volume 1
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       ADMIN=1
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       AKDUMP_ALLOWED=YES
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       ALLOW_MULTIPLE_SERVERTASK_UKTS=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       AUTHENTICATION_ALLOW=
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       AUTHENTICATION_DENY=
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       AUTOSAVE=1
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       AUTO_RECREATE_BAD_INDEXES=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       BACKUPRESULT=1
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       BACKUP_BLOCK_CNT=64
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       BACKUPHISTFILE=dbm.knl
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       BACKUPMED_DEF=dbm.mdf
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       CACHE_IN_SHARED_MEMORY=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       CACHE_SIZE=2500
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       CALLSTACKLEVEL=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       CATCACHE_MINSIZE=262144
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       CAT_CACHE_SUPPLY=1344
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       CHECKDATA=1
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       CHECK_BACKUP=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       CHECK_COMMON=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       CHECK_CONVERTER=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       CHECK_DATACACHE=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       CHECK_DATAINDEX=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       CHECK_DATAPAGELOG=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       CHECK_FBM=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       CHECK_HASHED_RESULTSET=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       CHECK_IOMAN=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       CHECK_KB_REGIONS=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       CHECK_LOCK_SUPPLY=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       CHECK_LOCK=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       CHECK_LOGHISTORY=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       CHECK_LOGPAGE=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       CHECK_LOGTRANS=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       CHECK_LOGVOLUME=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       CHECK_QUERYREWRITE=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       CHECK_REGIONS=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       CHECK_SRVTASKS=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       CHECK_TABLE_WIDTH=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       CHECK_TASK_SPECIFIC_CATALOGCACHE=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       CHECK_TRANSLIST=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       CHECK_TREE_LOCKS=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       CHECK_TREE=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       CLUSTERED_LOBS=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       CLUSTER_WRITE_THRESHOLD=80
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       COLUMNCOMPRESSION=YES
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       _COMMENT=
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       CONTROLPASSWORD=***
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       CONTROLUSERID=DBM
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       CONVERTER_REGIONS=8
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       DATABASEFULL=1
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       DATACACHE_RGNS=8
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       DATA_IO_BLOCK_COUNT=64
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       DATA_VOLUME_GROUPS=1
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       DATA_VOLUME_MODE_0001=NORMAL
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       DATA_VOLUME_NAME_0001=/dev/dat_001
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       DATA_VOLUME_SIZE_0001=100000
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       DATA_VOLUME_TYPE_0001=R
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       DATE_TIME_FORMAT=INTERNAL
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       DBFILLINGABOVELIMIT=70L80M85M90H95H96H97H98H99H
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       DBFILLINGBELOWLIMIT=70L80L85L90L95L
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       DDLTRIGGER=YES
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       DEADLOCK_DETECTION=4
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       DEFAULT_CODE=ASCII
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       DELAYCOMMIT=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       DELAYLOGWRITER=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       DIAG_HISTORY_NUM=2
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       DIAG_HISTORY_PATH=/var/opt/sdb/data/wrk/ARMDEMO/DIAGHISTORY
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       DIAGSEM=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       DWIO_AREA_FLUSH=50
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       DWIO_AREA_SIZE=50
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       DWLRU_TAIL_FLUSH=25
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       DYNTASK_STACK=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       ENABLE_CHECK_INSTANCE=YES
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       ENABLE_SYSTEM_TRIGGERS=YES
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       ERROR=3
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       _EVENTFILE=knldiag.evt
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       _EVENTSIZE=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       EVENT=1
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       EXPAND_COM_TRACE=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       EXTERNAL_DUMP_REQUEST=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       FBMLOW_IO_RATE=10
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       FBM_VOLUME_BALANCE=10
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       FBM_VOLUME_COMPRESSION=50
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       FILEDIR_SPINLOCKPOOL_SIZE=10
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       FORBID_LOAD_BALANCING=YES
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       FORMATTING_MODE=PARALLEL
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       FORMAT_DATAVOLUME=YES
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       HASHED_RESULTSET_CACHESIZE=262144
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       HASHED_RESULTSET=YES
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       HEAP_CHECK_LEVEL=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       HS_STORAGE_DLL=libhsscopy
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       HS_SYNC_INTERVAL=50
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       IDXFILELIST_SIZE=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       INDEX_LEAF_CACHING=2
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       INIT_ALLOCATORSIZE=262144
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       INSTANCE_TYPE=OLTP
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       IOPROCSFOR_PRIO=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       IOPROCSFOR_READER=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       IOPROCSPER_DEV=2
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       IOPROCSSWITCH=2
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       JOIN_MAXTAB_LEVEL4=16
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       JOIN_MAXTAB_LEVEL9=5
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       JOIN_SEARCH_LEVEL=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       JOIN_TABLEBUFFER=128
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       _KERNELDIAGFILE=knldiag
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       KERNELDIAGSIZE=800
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       _KERNELDUMPFILE=knldump
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       _KERNELTRACEFILE=knltrace
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       KERNELTRACESIZE=1099
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       KERNELVERSION=KERNEL    7.6.03   BUILD 015-123-173-107
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       LOAD_BALANCING_CHK=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       LOAD_BALANCING_DIF=10
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       LOAD_BALANCING_EQ=5
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       LOCAL_REDO_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       LOCKSUPPLY_BLOCK=100
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       LOGABOVELIMIT=50L75L90M95M96H97H98H99H
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       LOGFULL=1
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       LOGSEGMENTFULL=1
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       LOG_BACKUP_TO_PIPE=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       LOG_IO_BLOCK_COUNT=8
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       LOG_IO_QUEUE=50
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       LOG_MIRRORED=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       LOG_QUEUE_COUNT=1
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       LOG_SEGMENT_SIZE=2133
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       LOG_VOLUME_NAME_001=/dev/log_001
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       LOG_VOLUME_SIZE_001=8000
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       LOG_VOLUME_TYPE_001=R
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       LRU_FOR_SCAN=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MAXBACKUPDEVS=2
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MAXCPU=1
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MAXDATAVOLUMES=64
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       _MAXEVENTS=100
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       _MAXEVENTTASKS=2
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MAXGARBAGECOLL=1
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MAXLOCKS=2500
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MAXLOGVOLUMES=2
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MAXPAGER=64
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MAXRGN_REQUEST=-1
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MAXSERVERTASKS=134
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MAXTASKSTACK=1024
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       _MAXTRANS=168
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MAXUSERTASKS=20
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MAXVOLUMES=67
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MAX_HASHTABLE_MEMORY=5120
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MAX_LOG_QUEUE_COUNT=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MAXMESSAGE_FILES=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MAX_MESSAGE_LIST_LENGTH=100
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MAX_RETENTION_TIME=480
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MAX_SERVERTASK_STACK=500
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MAX_SINGLE_HASHTABLE_SIZE=512
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MAX_SPECIALTASK_STACK=500
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MBLOCKDATA_SIZE=32768
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MBLOCKQUAL_SIZE=32768
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MBLOCKSTACK_SIZE=32768
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MBLOCKSTRAT_SIZE=16384
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MCOD=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MEMORY_ALLOCATION_LIMIT=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MINREPLYSIZE=4096
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MINSERVERTASKS=134
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MIN_RETENTION_TIME=60
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MONITOR_READ=2147483647
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MONITOR_ROWNO=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MONITOR_SELECTIVITY=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MONITOR_TIME=2147483647
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MPDISP_LOOPS=2
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MPDISP_PRIO=DEFAULT
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MPRGN_BUSY_WAIT=DEFAULT
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MPRGN_DIRTY_READ=DEFAULT
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MP_RGN_LOOP=-1
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MPRGN_PRIO=DEFAULT
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       MPRGN_QUEUE=YES
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       NO_SYNC_TO_DISK_WANTED=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       OFFICIAL_NODE=
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       OMS_HEAP_BLOCKSIZE=10000
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       OMS_HEAP_COUNT=1
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       OMS_HEAP_LIMIT=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       OMS_HEAP_THRESHOLD=100
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       OMSREGIONS=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       OMSRGNS=7
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       OMS_RUN_IN_UDE_SERVER=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       OMS_STREAM_TIMEOUT=30
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       OMS_VERS_THRESHOLD=2097152
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       ONLINE=1
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       OPMSG1=/dev/console
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       OPMSG2=/dev/null
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       OPTIMIZE_AGGREGATION=YES
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       OPTIMIZE_FETCH_REVERSE=YES
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       OPTIMIZE_FIRST_ROWS=YES
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       OPTIMIZE_JOIN_HASHTABLE=YES
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       OPTIMIZE_JOIN_HASH_MINIMAL_RATIO=1
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       OPTIMIZE_JOIN_ONEPHASE=YES
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       OPTIMIZE_JOIN_OPERATOR_SORT=YES
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       OPTIMIZE_JOIN_OUTER=YES
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       OPTIMIZE_JOIN_PARALLEL_MINSIZE=1000000
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       OPTIMIZE_JOIN_PARALLEL_SERVERS=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       OPTIMIZE_MIN_MAX=YES
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       OPTIMIZE_OPERATOR_JOIN_COSTFUNC=YES
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       OPTIMIZE_OPERATOR_JOIN=YES
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       OPTIMIZE_QUAL_ON_INDEX=YES
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       OPTIMIZE_QUERYREWRITE=OPERATOR
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       OPTIMIZE_STAR_JOIN=YES
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       OPTIM_CACHE=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       OPTIM_INV_ONLY=YES
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       OPTIM_JOIN_FETCH=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       OPTIM_MAX_MERGE=500
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       OUTOFSESSIONS=3
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       PACKETSIZE=131072
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       PAGESIZE=8192
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       PREALLOCATE_IOWORKER=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       PRIOBASE_COM=10
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       PRIOBASE_IOC=80
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       PRIOBASE_RAV=80
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       PRIOBASE_REX=40
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       PRIOBASE_U2U=100
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       PRIOFACTOR=80
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       PROTECT_DATACACHE_MEMORY=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       READAHEADBLOBS=32
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       REQUEST_TIMEOUT=5000
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       RESERVEDSERVERTASKS=69
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       RESTARTTIME=600
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       ROW_LOCKS_PER_TRANSACTION=50
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       ROWRGNS=8
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       _RTEDUMPFILE=rtedump
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       RTE_TEST_REGIONS=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       RUNDIRECTORY=/var/opt/sdb/data/wrk/ARMDEMO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       SEQUENCE_CACHE=1
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       SERVERDBFOR_SAP=YES
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       SESSION_TIMEOUT=900
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       SET_VOLUME_LOCK=YES
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       SHAREDSQL_CLEANUPTHRESHOLD=25
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       SHAREDSQL_COMMANDCACHESIZE=262144
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       SHAREDSQL=YES
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       _SHMKERNEL=10001
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       SHOW_MAX_KB_STACK_USE=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       SHOW_MAX_STACK_USE=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       SIMULATE_VECTORIO=NEVER
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       SPINLOCK_BACKOFF_BASE=1
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       SPINLOCK_BACKOFF_FACTOR=2
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       SPINLOCK_BACKOFF_MAXIMUM=64
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       SPINLOCK_LOOP_COUNT=30000
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       STANDBY=1
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       SUBTREE_LOCKS=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       SUPPRESS_CORE=YES
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       SYMBOL_DEMANGLING=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       SYMBOL_RESOLUTION=YES
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       SYSTEMERROR=3
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TABRGNS=8
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TASKCLUSTER01=tw;al;ut;2000sv,100bup;10ev,10gc;
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TASKCLUSTER02=ti,100dw;30000us;
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TASKCLUSTER03=compress
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TIME_MEASUREMENT=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_AK=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_ALLOCATOR=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_CATALOG=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_CLIENTKERNELCOM=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_COMMON=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_COMMUNICATION=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_CONVERTER=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_DATACACHE=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_DATACHAIN=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_DATAINDEX=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_DATAPAM=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_DATATREE=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_DBPROC=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_DEFAULT=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_DELETE=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_FBM=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_FILEDIR=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_FRAMECTRL=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_INDEX=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_INSERT=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_IOMAN=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_IPC=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_JOIN=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_KSQL=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_LOCK=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_LOGACTION=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_LOGHISTORY=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_LOGPAGE=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_LOGTRANS=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_LOGVOLUME=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_LONG=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_MEMORY=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_MESSAGES=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_OBJECTCONTAINER=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_OBJECT_ADD=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_OBJECT_ALTER=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_OBJECT_FREE=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_OBJECT_GET=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_OBJECT=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_OMS_CONTAINERDIR=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_OMS_CONTEXT=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_OMS_ERROR=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_OMS_FLUSHCACHE=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_OMS_INTERFACE=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_OMS_KEYRANGE=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_OMS_KEY=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_OMS_LOCK=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_OMS_MEMORY=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_OMS_NEWOBJ=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_OMS_SESSION=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_OMS_STREAM=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_OMS_VAROBJECT=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_OMS_VERSION=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_OPTIMIZE=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_ORDER_STANDARD=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_ORDER=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_PAGER=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_PAGES_BUP=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_PAGES_EV=2
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_PAGES_GC=20
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_PAGES_LW=5
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_PAGES_PG=3
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_PAGES_SV=5
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_PAGES_TI=2
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_PAGES_US=10
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_PAGES_UT=5
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_PAGES=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_PRIMARY_TREE=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_QUERYREWRITE=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_RUNTIME=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_SELECT=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_SHAREDSQL=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_SQLMANAGER=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_SRVTASKS=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_STOP_ERRORCODE=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_SYNCHRONISATION=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_SYSVIEW=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_TABLE=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_TIME=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_UPDATE=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRACE_VOLUME=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRANS_HISTORY_SIZE=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRANSRGNS=8
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       TRANS_THRESHOLD_VALUE=60
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       _UNICODE=YES
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       UPDATESTAT_PARALLEL_SERVERS=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       UPDATESTAT_SAMPLE_ALGO=1
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       UPDSTATWANTED=1
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       USED_MAX_LOG_QUEUE_COUNT=1
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       USESELECTFETCH=YES
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       USEUNICODECOLUMNCOMPRESSION=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       USEVARIABLEINPUT=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       USE_COROUTINES=YES
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       USEIOPROCS_ONLY=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       USE_OPEN_DIRECT_FOR_BACKUP=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       USE_OPEN_DIRECT=NO
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       USE_SYSTEM_PAGE_CACHE=YES
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       UTILITYPROTFILE=dbm.utl
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       UTILITY_PROTSIZE=100
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       VOLUMENO_BIT_COUNT=8
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       WORKDATASIZE=8192
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       WORKSTACKSIZE=8192
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       XP_CONVERTER_REGIONS=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       XP_DATA_CACHE_RGNS=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20234 RTE       XP_MAXPAGER=0
2008-08-27 14:32:49     1     20235 RTE      Dump of all kernel parameters done
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12770 INFO              SERVERNODE:    'cscsvachb1app3'
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12932 INFO     maximum cpu time: unlimited
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12891 INFO     maximum core size: 1023 MB
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12892 INFO     maximum number of open files: 2000
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12934 INFO     maximum file size: 1023 MB
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12895 INFO     maximum number of threads: 32767
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12935 INFO     maximum stack size: 32 MB
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12893 INFO     maximum virtual memory size: unlimited
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12937 INFO     resident set size size: 32 MB
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12894 INFO     maximum heap size: 128 MB
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12898 ENVIRON  Environment dump start
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12898 ENVIRON   AUTHSTATE=compat
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12898 ENVIRON   A__z=! LOGNAME
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12898 ENVIRON   DBROOT=/opt/sdb/7603
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12898 ENVIRON   EXTSHM=OFF
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12898 ENVIRON   G_BROKEN_FILENAMES=1
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12898 ENVIRON   HOME=/root
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12898 ENVIRON   LANG=en_US
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12898 ENVIRON   LC__FASTMSG=true
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12898 ENVIRON   LIBPATH=/opt/sdb/7603/lib/lib64:/opt/sdb/7603/sap
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12898 ENVIRON   LOCPATH=/usr/lib/nls/loc
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12898 ENVIRON   LOGIN=root
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12898 ENVIRON   LOGNAME=root
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12898 ENVIRON   MAIL=/usr/spool/mail/root
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12898 ENVIRON   MAILMSG=[YOU HAVE NEW MAIL]
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12898 ENVIRON   ODMDIR=/etc/objrepos
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12898 ENVIRON   PATH=/opt/sdb/7603/bin:/opt/sdb/programs/bin:/usr/bin:/etc:/usr/sbin:/usr/ucb:/usr/bin/X11:/sbin:/usr/java14/jre/b
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12898 ENVIRON    in:/usr/java14/bin
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12898 ENVIRON   PWD=/opt/sdb/programs/bin
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12898 ENVIRON   SERVERDB=ARMDEMO
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12898 ENVIRON   SHELL=/bin/ksh93
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12898 ENVIRON   SSH_CLIENT= 1835 22
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12898 ENVIRON   SSH_CONNECTION= 1835 22
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12898 ENVIRON   SSH_TTY=/dev/pts/0
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12898 ENVIRON   TERM=xterm
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12898 ENVIRON   TZ=CST6CDT
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12898 ENVIRON   USER=root
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12898 ENVIRON   VISUAL=/usr/bin/vi
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12898 ENVIRON   =./xserver
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12898 ENVIRON  Environment dump completed
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12883 DBSTATE  Core dump suppressed
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     20219 RTE      Memory allocation not limited
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     20220 RTE      System page cache usage enabled
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12927 TASKING  Using coroutines for tasks
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12927 TASKING  Using ucontext_t for coroutine context
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12692 TCLUSTER tw;al;ut;2000sv,100bup;10ev,10gc;ti,100dw;30000us;compress
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12693 TCLUSTER number of 'BUP':   0
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12693 TCLUSTER number of ' DW':  64
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12693 TCLUSTER number of ' US':  20
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12693 TCLUSTER number of ' SV': 134
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12693 TCLUSTER number of ' EV':   2
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12693 TCLUSTER number of ' GC':   1
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12692 TCLUSTER Total Number of UKT 7
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12692 TCLUSTER Number of UKT with User Tasks 1
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     12698 IPC      Common RTE specific IPC key: 0x44000000
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     11536 init_shm attached shared section at   0x700000000000000
2008-08-27 14:32:50     1     11537 init_shm shared section ends at       0x700000010000000
2008-08-27 14:32:52     1     11520 PIPE_IO  Input check for pipe with fstat supported
2008-08-27 14:32:52     1     11522 PIPE_IO  Input check for pipe with poll supported
2008-08-27 14:32:52     1     11000 INITIAL  Verified that open of needed 695 file descriptors is possible
2008-08-27 14:32:53     3     12821 TASKING  Thread 3 starting
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1     12767          CLOCK started
2008-08-27 14:32:53     4     12821 TASKING  Thread 4 starting
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1     12769 INFO     Starting SERVERDB:      '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1     12769 INFO     Starting SERVERDB:      '+++++++++++++++++++ Kernel Forked +++++++++++++++'
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1     12769 INFO     Starting SERVERDB:      'ARMDEMO'
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1     12771 INFO              Process ID:    385100
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1     12769 INFO     Starting SERVERDB:      '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1     12811 EVENTING Suppressing output to 'knldiag.evt' 0 pages
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1     12812 EVENTING Eventbuffer 2 events 100 tasks
2008-08-27 14:32:53     5     12821 TASKING  Thread 5 starting
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1     12885 MEMORY   2500 Pages allocated for I/O buffer cache
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1     12886 TASKING  Maximum task stack size 1024KB
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1     12886 TASKING  Task stack at system choosen address
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR     8 RTEMem   No more system pages for 236855296 bytes available,BYTE_SIZE=4096,DESCRIPTION=valloc,ERRORTEXT=ENOMEM ? out of memo
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR     8 RTEMem   ry
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR    11 RTEMem    +   Used 24141824 bytes from system heap with a limit of system imposed limitation bytes,ALLOC_COUNT=15,FREE_COUNT
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR    11 RTEMem    +   =0,ERROR_COUNT=0,BYTES_MAX_USED=260997120
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1     12886 TASKING  Allocating task stack chunk for 225 tasks
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1     12886 TASKING  Maximum single aligned task stack size  1024KB
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1     12886 TASKING  Size of single task guard area     4KB
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11903 MEMORY   FATAL: Allocate of task stack chunk failed
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11903 MEMORY   Reduce number of tasks or task stack size to solve this problem
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11196 DBCRASH  vabort:Emergency Shutdown, RTE_Crash.cpp: 127
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE   -
> Emergency Stack Back Trace <----
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE   (0):0x1001cbc2c [0xfffffffffffef90]
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE   (1):0x1001c8f24 [0xffffffffffff020]
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE   (2):0x10010ef9c [0xffffffffffff0b0]
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE   (3):0x10007bc30 [0xffffffffffff140]
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE   (4):0x10007cf20 [0xffffffffffff260]
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE   (5):0x100079b48 [0xffffffffffff2f0]
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE   (6):0x1001e2740 [0xffffffffffff360]
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE   (7):0x10021e784 [0xffffffffffff560]
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE   (8):0x1001deea4 [0xffffffffffff620]
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE   (9):0x10021e6c4 [0xffffffffffffa00]
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE   (10):0x1000002d4 [0xffffffffffffaa0]
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE   -
> Module List <----
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE   |.text Start       |.text End         | Module File Name
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE   |0x0000000100000000|0x0000000101624c9d| kernel
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE   |0x090000000003af80|0x090000000004c406| /usr/lib/libperfstat.a
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE   |0x090000000004d000|0x0900000000084be7| /usr/lib/libpthreads.a
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE   |0x0900000000085c80|0x09000000000a7a3e| /usr/lib/libC.a
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE   |0x09000000000a8360|0x09000000001fe63f| /usr/lib/libC.a
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE   |0x09000000001fff80|0x0900000000212493| /usr/lib/libcfg.a
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE   |0x0900000000213040|0x0900000000228401| /usr/lib/libodm.a
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE   |0x0900000000229da0|0x090000000029ac0c| /usr/lib/liblvm.a
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE   |0x090000000029bfe0|0x09000000002b59e6| /usr/lib/libC.a
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE   |0x09000000002b6a00|0x09000000002d4d9b| /usr/lib/libC.a
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE   |0x09000000002d56b0|0x09000000002d611a| /usr/lib/libC.a
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE   |0x09000000002d78a8|0x09000000002d82b2| /usr/lib/libC.a
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE   |0x09000000002d9280|0x09000000002d9cab| /usr/lib/libcrypt.a
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE   |0x09000000002e0000|0x09000000002e02fb| /usr/lib/libdl.a
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE   |0x09000000002f12c0|0x090000000057400e| /usr/lib/threads/libc.a
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE  
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE   -
> Symbolic Stack Back Trace <----
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE      0: 0x00000001001cbc2c eo670_CTraceStackOCB +0x0040
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE          kernel
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE         Frameinfo [0xfffffffffffef90]
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE      1: 0x00000001001c8f24 vabort +0x0040
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE          kernel
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE         Frameinfo [0xffffffffffff020]
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE      2: 0x000000010010ef9c RTE_Crash__FRC20SAPDBErr_MessageList +0x00cc
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE          kernel
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE         Frameinfo [0xffffffffffff0b0]
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE      3: 0x000000010007bc30 ReserveOrAllocateBigChunk__20RTE_TaskStackControlFb +0x02d4
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE          kernel
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE         Frameinfo [0xffffffffffff140]
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE      4: 0x000000010007cf20 Initialize__35RTE_BigAddressSpaceTaskStackControlFlP9TASK_TYPET2 +0x0064
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE          kernel
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE         Frameinfo [0xffffffffffff260]
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE      5: 0x0000000100079b48 en88CreateAndPrepareTaskStacks +0x0030
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE          kernel
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE         Frameinfo [0xffffffffffff2f0]
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE      6: 0x00000001001e2740 en81RunKernel +0x039c
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE          kernel
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE         Frameinfo [0xffffffffffff360]
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE      7: 0x000000010021e784 en80RunKernel +0x006c
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE          kernel
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE         Frameinfo [0xffffffffffff560]
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE      8: 0x00000001001deea4 en81_kernel_main +0x05b8
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE          kernel
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE         Frameinfo [0xffffffffffff620]
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE      9: 0x000000010021e6c4 main +0x0198
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE          kernel
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE         Frameinfo [0xffffffffffffa00]
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11599 BTRACE   -
> End of Stack Back Trace <----
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1     11987 dump_rte rtedump written to file 'rtedump'
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR     7 Messages Begin of dump of registered messages
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR     8 Messages End of the message list registry dump
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11195 DBCRASH  vabort:Emergency Shutdown
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1     12696 DBSTATE  Change DbState to 'KILL'(29)
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1     12696 DBSTATE  Change DbState to 'NO_TRACEFLAG'(0)
2008-08-27 14:32:53     1     12696 DBSTATE  Change DbState to 'NO_DUMPFLAG'(0)
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Kernel Exit ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2008-08-27 14:32:54     0     11987 dump_rte rtedump written to file 'rtedump'
2008-08-27 14:32:54     0 ERR 12006 DBCRASH  Kernel exited without core and exit status 0x100
2008-08-27 14:32:54     0 ERR 12010 DBCRASH  Kernel exited exit code 1
2008-08-27 14:32:54     0     12890 DIAGHIST Backup of diagnostic files will be forced at next restart
2008-08-27 14:32:54     0     12696 DBSTATE  Change DbState to 'OFFLINE '(29)
current write position -
$ ulimit -a
time(seconds)        unlimited
file(blocks)         unlimited
data(kbytes)         unlimited
stack(kbytes)        2500000
memory(kbytes)       unlimited
coredump(blocks)     unlimited
nofiles(descriptors) unlimited
Any ideas or suggestions?

david possinger wrote:
> 2008-08-27 14:32:53     1     12885 MEMORY   2500 Pages allocated for I/O buffer cache
> 2008-08-27 14:32:53     1     12886 TASKING  Maximum task stack size 1024KB
> 2008-08-27 14:32:53     1     12886 TASKING  Task stack at system choosen address
> 2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR     8 RTEMem   No more system pages for 236855296 bytes available,BYTE_SIZE=4096,DESCRIPTION=valloc,ERRORTEXT=ENOMEM ? out of memo
> 2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR     8 RTEMem   ry
> 2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR    11 RTEMem    +   Used 24141824 bytes from system heap with a limit of system imposed limitation bytes,ALLOC_COUNT=15,FREE_COUNT
> 2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR    11 RTEMem    +   =0,ERROR_COUNT=0,BYTES_MAX_USED=260997120
> 2008-08-27 14:32:53     1     12886 TASKING  Allocating task stack chunk for 225 tasks
> 2008-08-27 14:32:53     1     12886 TASKING  Maximum single aligned task stack size  1024KB
> 2008-08-27 14:32:53     1     12886 TASKING  Size of single task guard area     4KB
> 2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11903 MEMORY   FATAL: Allocate of task stack chunk failed
> 2008-08-27 14:32:53     1 ERR 11903 MEMORY   Reduce number of tasks or task stack size to solve this problem
Hi David,
see above. Did you try to reduce the number of tasks?
What about free memory on OS level? What about free swap space on OS level? Are there any kernel parameters to be set in AIX? I'm not very familiar with AIX as I come from Solaris. But on Solaris you can configure different parameters for max files open etc. using kernel parameters. Is there something similiar in AIX?

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    Do a clean (re)install
    * Download a fresh Firefox copy from http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/all.html and save the file to the desktop.
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    Have you looked at this completed previos discussion. It discusses 0x8007054F.
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    user633278 wrote:
    How do I achieve this?Function SQLCODE in PL/SQL exception handler returns error code. SQLERRM returns message:
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      2      x number;
      3  begin
      4      x := 1/0;
      5    exception
      6      when others
      7        then
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      9          dbms_output.put_line('Error message: ' || SQLERRM);
    10  end;
    11  /
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    i know the issue,i can give quick fix, but in-order to make sure you don't get another glitch like this.
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                                                                           service: transport service
                                                                           start : online
                                                                           Function: TMS_TP_SHOW_BUFFER
                                                                           message: TP_REPORTED_ERROR
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    dev_tp contains:    
    This is R3trans.exe version 6.14 (release 700 - 09.04.10 - 11:26:00).
    unicode enabled version
    usage: R3trans.exe [<options>] <control_file>
    The control_file describes what R3trans has to do.
    The following options are possible:
    -c f1 f2 : Copy file f1 to f2 with character set conversion.
    -d       : DB connect. Test if SAP database is available.
    -i file  : Import from file without using a control file.
    -l file  : List the contents of file to the log file.
    -m file  : List the contents of file to allow tp to create a cofile.
    -t       : Test. All database changes are rolled back.
    -t4      : Trace level 4. Switch on developer trace.
    -u <int> : Unconditional modes. See below.
    -v       : Verbose. Write more details to the log file.
    -w file  : Log file. The default log file is 'trans.log'.
    -x       : DB connect without access on any SAP table.
    R3trans.exe finished (0012).
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    Check the log for the request from the manage screen of the DSO, it will be there next to the monitor button.
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  • Some data in ... could not be read or written. (Error code -36).

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    Mac mini   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    I experienced a problem in a familiar way.
    After a recording session I tried to copy the complete folder with session and sound files to another disk (original and target disk both LaCie d2 250 FW800).
    Somehow the proces stopped prompting an -36 error over some files.
    When I look up these files in the Finder, it seems to have an iTunes audio-file icon instead of a ProTools audio-file icon (and so other standard app to open with). All the other files will copy fine. The files will play with quicktime in the preview window.
    Any-one a solution?
    Almost seems like some kind of copy protection, like implied earlier in this thread. I hope it's not. These are the originals...

  • "the finder cannot complete the operation because some data in [name of iMovie file] could not be read or written (Error Code 26)

    Hi all,
    I have an iMovie project in iMovie HD 6.0.3. (Mac OS 10.5.8)
    It plays, but I cannot copy the file (including saving it to a flash drive). I get either a message
    "the finder cannot complete the operation because some data in [name of
    iMovie file] could not be read or written (Error Code 26)" or the
    message "A project file is missing. The file [name of the QuickTime
    movie inside the project.dv] couldn't be opened and is being skipped."
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    times while working on the project.
    I followed some of Karl Petersen's advise on apple discussions. I opened
    the package contents, and everything seems to be there. The source file
    (original QuickTime movie) is there and can be opened and played. I
    replaced the current project file with the backup in the package
    contents, but that did not change anything. I was able to export the
    movie timeline into a new project as a single clip, but would like to be
    able to copy the current project.
    Thanks for any ideas..

    Make sure all drives are formatted as "Mac OS Extended". (Journalling preferred, but not necessary).

  • Error 8062 when I try to copy or move files on my macbook: "This operation could not be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8062)". Can even not install new software now!!

    Since a few days when I try to copy or move files on my macbook, I often get an error message saying "This operation could not be completed because an unexpected error occured (error code -8062)". And then it just quits the copy or move.
    I searched a lot on the internet, but only found solutions for cases you cannot empty the trash due to this issue.
    I tried those solutions for my trash and that helped after some trying.
    However, I still have the problem with copying and moving files.
    I even cannot install new software now, as it has to copy itself to the programs-directory, and gives the same error-message.
    Who can help me??
    Cannot seem to find any info on it on the support-forums or elsewhere.
    My user-account is administrator, I use a 13" Macbook Aluminium (Late 2008). Mac OS X 10.6.8 CPU 2Ghz Intel Core Duo, RAM: 4GB 1067 MHz DDR3.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated...

    Tips I received so far (thanks to A-Mac via Twitter http://www.a-mac.nl and Remco Kalf http://www.remcokalf.nl/)
    - make sure you have at least 10% of your harddisk in free space (I had only 5%).
    - do a PRAM-reset (http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1379)
    - perform a hardware test (http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1509)
    - make a complete backup (with for example Carbone Clone Copier, see http://www.bombich.com/)
    - after complete backup: use diskwarrior (boot from Diskwarrior DVD, first perform diagnostics, then perform "Rebuild" which rebuilds your file directory).
    So far I only cleared up some space on my HD, and already the problem occurs less.
    Still, I will go through the other tips too.
    (will post progress)

  • 2TB Ext. Hard Drive is corrupted?, error code -50 and then error code -35 when i try to empty out my trash

    okay so a few days ago i received and email for one of my colleagues to do some final editing to a music video. the folder contained 2 videos a rough chops and the main which was about 2-3GB which i dragged on to my external hard drive . and at the time i was trying to install a trial version of parallel lines and me being a newbie to the software i didn't know i need windows installments for it to run lol but yeah... so i was just getting frustrated with the software i kept installing it uninstalling it and then i was thinking my the problem might be because my MacHD space is low (less then 40GBs on my MacHD), so.. i installed it on my hard drive where all my important files are (I'm a graphic designer and do light video editing) video projects and many photoshop projects form 2007 and logs and just a bunch of important files in my hard drive. so because i was so frustrated with the software i wasn't thinking and i installed it on my external 2TB hard drive. and when i realized parallel wasn't working i gave up, uninstalled the program form the hard drive and for some reason when i did that and i tried opening the video my friend had email to me and for some reason it did load up but a few seconds maybe about 10sec in the video is froze and closed my media app (VLC) and when i tried opening other video files it would freeze every few minutes but those specific files i had drag in last were not playing after at least 5 secs and eventually didn't open at all so i restart my computer login and now i get scared i see that my MacBook Pro isn't reading my external hard drive so i search threw forums... i unplug from the wall plug my external hard drive back in my computer and it loaded up but when i opened my external hard drive all my files had that plank white paper icon on my folders (because i have everything organized but subject when you open then drive folder. so... i go in to my projects and nothing, i open my edited photos and nothing... my hart feels like its about to drop and i keep opening files and there is nothing in them, but in "get info" of my drive it shows that there is filled so i go to "disk utility"... i "verify disk" passes ..."repair disk" doesn't past.... i look it up in forums... so i reboot my computer and go to the safe recovery menu. go threw the same ting "disk utility"... verify, pass... repair, pass... so now i feel relieved. i login files in the ext. hard drive load up i tried again to open the files and same thing happens... so now I'm thinking its the files i drag the files to the trash and try to empty and its gone i reboot the computer and my drive didn't load up so i tried unplugin it and back in... drive comes up i notice theres trash.. i tried emptying it and i get the error code -50. and no files are popping up on my external drive and i try to repair/unmount disk and the verify disk doesn't pass and when i click repair disk it doesn't past and another error code pops up -35.... so i felt my drive alone for a few days and yesterday i go the files deleted from the trash and now I'm not getting any codes but when i try to unmount.verify/repair the disk. keeps letting my tits need to be repaired so i click the repair button another error unable to unmount volume to repair...
    what do i do? my files still don't show up. and I'm very sorry for the long paragraph but i have to be detailed for you to understand my situation

    Read this.

  • Error Code 0xC004F074 Win 8.1 Clone

    Hello.  I have a Toshiba P867-S7102 with two HDD bays.  Bought an SSD and cloned WIN 8.1 to that drive, leaving the original HDD in the machine.  Changed boot order to SSD first, and all works save the error code mentioned in the title which
    will not allow the SSD OS to activate.  If I change the boot order back to the original HDD, the OS is activated.  The intent of this change is to place the OS and programs on the SSD and use the HDD for storage.  I believe my conflict is I
    the laptop thinks I have two OS versions running, but I am not sure how to deconflict. 
    Any help appreciated. 

    According to your descritpion, your Windows 8.1 should be computer build in system and not activated by KMS server, isn't it?
    If that it is, one OEM or retailed Windows Operate system license only available to one device. That's to say, you couldn't use one product key to activate another Windows system.
    Roger Lu
    TechNet Community Support

Maybe you are looking for