OS X array formatting issues

This works on a the PC running windows nt in my comp Sci Class but not at home on my mac.
This is a simple program I am writing for my comp sci HW. The purpose of this app is to print out a 2D array that forms a alphabetical letter composed of that letter. I wil end up doin the whole alphabet but for now here is A and B. What I can't seem to figure out is why the col will not print to the right? it doesn't seem to read num[row][rows-1]='B', it runs but it just puts that in the position [1] column instead of the [rows-1] column. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
public class all
     public static void main(String[] args){
     int b=3;
     int rows=100;
     int col;
     int row;
          rows=Keyin.inInt("Input an odd # between 6 and 20");
               System.out.println("Learn to count");
          int cols=rows;
          char num[][]=new char[rows][cols];
     int split=(rows/2);
               System.out.print(num[row][col]+" ");
                    int top=1;

Your problem is that the mac doesn't treat ASCII code 0 as a space.

Similar Messages

  • Crystal for VS 2010 - formatting issues in viewer (extra space) again

    We're having the same problem as the one in this thread link:[Crystal 2008 for VS 2010 - Report formatting issues in viewer (extra space);. There's no resolution in the thread and it's been closed. I'm hoping that creating a new thread may cause someone to answer this problem.
    We have a Windows App that we just converted to .NET 4.0 and updated the viewer to the Crystal Reports Viewer in VS 2010. When we open a report that has a large block of static text in paragraphs left-aligned the spacing around punctuation is awful - there's almost a tab's worth of space between the last letter and the period. U.S. looks like US. This happens both with reports that were created in VS2008 and ones that were created in VS2010. It is only a problem in the viewer's display - if we print to a printer or export to PDF the spacing around punctuation is fine. It's also not a problem on our development workstations which are running Windows 7, but is a problem on our test servers which are running Windows 2003 Server. I ran the modules tool and found that the version of usp10.dll does match what the previous thread said it should be and it's coming from the c:\program files\sap businessobjects\crystal reports for .net framework 4.0\common\sap businessobjects enterprise xi 4.0\win32_x86\ folder. On my development machine when I run the modules tool I notice that a second instance of usp10.dll is called which is the version installed with Windows 7. We've tried changing fonts but none of the ones we've tried (originally in Times New Roman, 12, tried Arial, Times and various sizes) have made a difference. We also tried changing the print options with no improvement. The only thing that makes it slightly better is full-alignment but our customer insists that it be left-aligned.

    Re. the other thread. I never did receive a sample of the report to test with. Perhaps I can get one from you? I need you to ensure that the issue occurs with a "saved data" report. If it does, let me know if you can share it and I'll contact you via email. My comment in the other thread re. available time, priorities, etc., still applies. Also, just to be clear. Service Pack 2 for CRVS2010 is closed now. Thus if I am able to reproduce the issue the fix will be targeted for October \ November time frame - no guarantees though...
    Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/SAPCRNetSup
    Got Enhancement ideas? Try the [SAP Idea Place|https://ideas.sap.com/community/products_and_solutions/crystalreports]

  • How to resolve formatting issue when eprint from an iPad to Officejet 4500

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    Do you maybe have a photo of the formatting issue you could post here? Thanks, Ciara
    Although I am an HP employee, I am speaking for myself and not for HP.
    Twitter: @Ciara_B_HP

  • Formatting issues: when I open a msg, the font is sooo small you need a magnifier to read it. How can I set the font size to one I can easily read?

    == Issue
    I have another kind of problem with Firefox
    == Description
    I have various formatting issues:
    a. When I open a msg from my web browser (Cablevision), the font is sooo small I need a magnifier to read it. How can I set the font to a size I can easily read?
    b. When I forward msgs, the text gets all distorted and I need to clean it up (some symbols, lots of spaces between words). How can this be fixed?
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    == This happened
    Every time Firefox opened
    == Ever since I started using Firefox (a few months ago)
    '''Troubleshooting information'''
    I didn't find any results
    == Firefox version
    == Operating system
    Windows 7
    == User Agent
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100401 Firefox/3.6.3
    == Plugins installed
    *Office Plugin for Netscape Navigator
    *The QuickTime Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in Web pages. For more information, visit the QuickTime Web site.
    *Default Plug-in
    *Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape "9.3.2"
    *NPRuntime Script Plug-in Library for Java(TM) Deploy
    *The Hulu Desktop Plugin allows Hulu.com to integrate with the Hulu Desktop application.
    *Shockwave Flash 10.0 r45
    *Adobe Shockwave for Director Netscape plug-in, version 11.5
    *iTunes Detector Plug-in
    *Next Generation Java Plug-in 1.6.0_20 for Mozilla browsers

    The text editor is the text area that you use on the webmail (Yahoo, Hotmail) website to create a new mail.
    You can compare that with the ''Post new message'' text area that you use to create a new post on this forum.
    Just above the text area that you use to enter the message text there is usually a button bar with buttons that allows some text formatting like Bold and Italic and can also include a button to make a clickable hyperlink.
    Check the tooltip of each button by hovering with the mouse over each button.
    Make Link - https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/142

  • Format issue in opening an XLS attachment sent through email by ABAP2XLSX

    I have downloaded the ABAP2XLSX nuggets and tried to send an attachment in the email using the SAP. But when opening the attachment it is giving up an format issue and not able to view the content. I am able to save the XLSX file on the PC and able to read it but when I  send it to email it doesn't open correctly and it is in a non readable format. Please find the code that I have been using. Can someone help me on this.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF tp_zzrule,
             zzprog     TYPE zzfunc,
             zzdata     TYPE zzcri1,
             zzseq      TYPE zzseq,
             zzkey1     TYPE zzkey1,
             zzkey2     TYPE zzkey2,
         END OF tp_zzrule.
    DATA: w_zzrule   TYPE tp_zzrule,
          t_zzrule   TYPE TABLE OF zzourule.
    TYPE-POOLS: abap.
    DATA:   v_document            TYPE REF TO cl_document_bcs,
            v_recipient           TYPE REF TO if_recipient_bcs,
            v_main_text           TYPE bcsy_text,
            v_send_request        TYPE REF TO cl_bcs,
            v_msub                TYPE so_obj_des,
             v_size               TYPE so_obj_len,
            v_string2             TYPE string,
            v_attsub              TYPE sood-objdes,
            v_mailid              TYPE ad_smtpadr,
            v_sent(1)             type c,
            v_sent_to_all         TYPE os_boolean,
            v_string              TYPE string,
            v_repid               TYPE sy-repid,
            v_title               TYPE so_text255,
            v_dochead             TYPE so_text255.
    DATA lt_test TYPE TABLE OF sflight.
    DATA: lo_excel                TYPE REF TO zcl_excel,
          lo_excel_writer         TYPE REF TO zif_excel_writer,
          lo_worksheet            TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_worksheet,
          column_dimension        TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_worksheet_columndime.
    DATA: ls_table_settings       TYPE zexcel_s_table_settings.
    DATA: lv_file                 TYPE xstring,
          lv_bytecount            TYPE i,
          lt_file_tab             TYPE solix_tab,
          t_objtxt  like solisti1   occurs 0 with header line,
          t_objbin  like solisti1   occurs 0 with header line,
          t_objpack like sopcklsti1 occurs 0 with header line,
          t_reclist like table of somlreci1 with header line.
    DATA: lv_full_path      TYPE string,
          lv_workdir        TYPE string,
          lv_file_separator TYPE c.
    CONSTANTS: lv_default_file_name TYPE string VALUE 'multi sheet test.xlsx'.
    PARAMETERS: p_path  TYPE zexcel_export_dir,
                p_empty TYPE flag.
      lv_workdir = p_path.
      cl_gui_frontend_services=>directory_browse( EXPORTING initial_folder  = lv_workdir
                                                  CHANGING  selected_folder = lv_workdir ).
      p_path = lv_workdir.
      cl_gui_frontend_services=>get_sapgui_workdir( CHANGING sapworkdir = lv_workdir ).
      cl_gui_cfw=>flush( ).
      p_path = lv_workdir.
      IF p_path IS INITIAL.
        p_path = lv_workdir.
      cl_gui_frontend_services=>get_file_separator( CHANGING file_separator = lv_file_separator ).
      CONCATENATE p_path lv_file_separator lv_default_file_name INTO lv_full_path.
    SELECT *
        INTO TABLE t_zzrule
       FROM zzourule
      WHERE zzprog  = 'RV63A999'.
        SELECT * FROM sflight INTO TABLE lt_test.
      " Creates active sheet
      CREATE OBJECT lo_excel.
    For first Sheet in the excel workbook
      " Get active sheet
      lo_worksheet = lo_excel->get_active_worksheet( ).
      lo_worksheet->set_title( ip_title = 'Test sheet one').
      ls_table_settings-table_style  = zcl_excel_table=>builtinstyle_medium2.
      ls_table_settings-show_row_stripes = abap_true.
      lo_worksheet->bind_table( ip_table          = lt_test
                                is_table_settings = ls_table_settings ).
      lo_worksheet->freeze_panes( ip_num_rows = 3 ). "freeze column headers when scrolling
      column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column_dimension( ip_column = 'E' ). "make date field a bit wider
      column_dimension->set_width( ip_width = 20 ).
    For second Sheet in the excel workbook
      lo_worksheet = lo_excel->add_new_worksheet( ).
      lo_worksheet->set_title( ip_title = 'Second sheet' ).
      lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_column = 'B' ip_row = 2
               ip_value = 'This is the test for second sheet by Pavan' ).
      ls_table_settings-table_style  = zcl_excel_table=>builtinstyle_medium2.
      ls_table_settings-show_row_stripes = abap_true.
      lo_worksheet->bind_table( ip_table          = t_zzrule
                                is_table_settings = ls_table_settings ).
    This will create excel.
    CREATE OBJECT lo_excel_writer TYPE zcl_excel_writer_2007.
      lv_file = lo_excel_writer->write_file( lo_excel ).
    " Convert to binary
          buffer        = lv_file
          output_length = lv_bytecount
          binary_tab    = lt_file_tab.
    Save the file on to the PC
      cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download( EXPORTING bin_filesize = lv_bytecount
                                                        filename     = lv_full_path
                                                        filetype     = 'BIN'
                                               CHANGING data_tab     = lt_file_tab ).
    *--Create and set document with attachment.
    v_main_text-line  = 'This is the main text not sure where this would print'.
    append v_main_text.
        v_send_request = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ).      "#EC .., bzw.
        CATCH cx_send_req_bcs . "#EC NO_HANDLER
      v_msub       = 'Test excel with multi sheets.XLS'.
          v_document = cl_document_bcs=>create_document(
          i_type     = 'RAW'
          i_text     = v_main_text
          i_subject  = v_msub ).
        CATCH cx_document_bcs . "#EC NO_HANDLER
        v_size = lv_bytecount.
    *--Add the attachment.
          v_document->add_attachment(                          "#EC .., bzw
                i_attachment_type    = 'EXT'
               i_attachment_type    = 'XLS'
               i_attachment_type    = 'RAW'
                i_attachment_subject = v_attsub
                i_attachment_size    = v_size
               i_att_content_hex    = lt_file_tab ).    "#EC .., bzw.
               i_att_content_hex    = lt_file_tab ).    "#EC .., bzw.
        CATCH cx_document_bcs . "#EC NO_HANDLER
    *--Add document object to send request.
          v_send_request->set_document( v_document ).         "#EC .., bzw.
        CATCH cx_send_req_bcs . "#EC NO_HANDLER
    *--E-mail recipent list
      t_reclist-rec_type = 'U'.
      t_reclist-receiver = <email Id here>.
      APPEND t_reclist.
      CLEAR t_reclist.
      LOOP AT t_reclist.
        CLEAR v_mailid.
        v_mailid = t_reclist-receiver.
    *--Create mail recipient object.
          v_recipient = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address( v_mailid ). "#EC .., bzw.
           CATCH cx_address_bcs . "#EC NO_HANDLER
    *--Add recipient object to send request.
            v_send_request->add_recipient( v_recipient ).     "#EC .., bzw.
          CATCH cx_send_req_bcs . "#EC NO_HANDLER
    **--Add recipient object to send request.
        v_sent_to_all = v_send_request->send( i_with_error_screen = 'X' ).
    CATCH cx_send_req_bcs . "#EC NO_HANDLER
    *--Send document.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
       MESSAGE s999(zou01) WITH text-020.
        v_sent = 'X'.

    I realize this is an old post, but am wondering if you ever resolved this.  I'm having the same issue.  Download an xlsx file locally opens fine, but attaching the seemingly exact same file throw errors/warnings when trying to open via an email attachment.

  • Can't install windondows 8.1 on my macbook pro - format issue

    Can't install windondows 8.1 on my macbook pro - format issue
    Running latest version of Mavericks.
    Followed the exact bootcamp proceduce.
    Have official window 8.1 version on cd.
    All goes well until I have to format the 65Gb partition. Disk=0 and partition=4
    Can't get over it. Altough I formatted it via a hint found on the internet with "dislpart" in NTFS. Wich also went weel and give the labelname "BOOTCAMP". But still no luck.
    I have two questions:
    1/ How to start my mac again in normal mavericks mode?
    2/ How can I overcome the windows installation issue?
    Tried already a lot of hints found on the internet.

    First, make a time machine backup. You will need to erase ands reformat your hard drive. I had the same issue. The issue is that you can't install Windows using bootcamp without having the hard drive formatted as Mac OS Extended (Journaled). Do this from disk utility or recovery mode (hold down command and r at startup). Then you have to restore the backup to the hard drive. Then make a usb installer drive with bootcamp and then partition and install. Here's a tip: after you install bootcamp and are in the Windows desktop, go into the installer drive and then go into the bootcamp or support folder, then find a installer that contains the Apple bootcamp drivers. Also, you will need to convert the disk to an iso file. TO MAKE THE USB DRIVE FROM A DISC, USE THIS LINK
    Boot Camp: Creating an ISO image from a Windows installation DVD - Apple Support

  • FCP and Motion formatting issues with DVCPro 50?

    The material is DVCPro 50 NTSC 48khtz. (Item properties indicate that I initially digitized it properly.) My sequence settings are DV50 NTSC 48khtz.
    I wanted to create a vignette effect so I exported my clips as a Quicktime (current settings) sequence to Motion. When I was done there I exported the sequence from Motion back to FCP as a DV NTSC movie.
    Some of the Motion effected clips will play, look great and then all the sudden I see a black band appear on the East side of the frame. I can stretch it in Motion some but it just degrades the image so I'd rather not.
    I'm surely grateful if someone can steer me in the right direction here.

    Thanks for the workflow tips and suggestions. I backtracked to my original sequence and found the problem originates there. I have narrow black lines on both sides of all these clips. Since I resized a few clips with moves, I didn't recognize the problem. Now that I'm closer the root of it, any suggestions?
    By the way, these problematic clips are intercut with no problem library footage that was also shot on DVCPro 50 and I took in on the same deck.
    I cruised the forum for any occurence of a similiar issue and most replies seem to suggest a formatting issue. I don't get it since I think I have everything set up correctly. As a precaution, I also tossed out my preferences using FCP Rescue 5.
    Welcome to the discussions, splotch.
    Not sure what is causing this, but I might propose an
    alternate workflow. Have your clips on the timeline
    as you wish, ctrl/right click on them and select
    Send To Motion.... Click the
    embedded and open Motion ticks, give it a name, then
    continue. Do your work in Motion, save, quit, and
    fall back into FCP. Your clips may lose their
    "anamorphicness" on their round trip, but just
    ctrl/right click on the clip and select Item Properties/Format..., then
    click on the anamorphic button.
    Try this and see if you are still getting the same

  • Recent convert to Apple. Previously, I backed up my family pictures from PC to an external hard drive,  a WD MyBook 3T. I can view the pics on my Macbook Pro, but I can't add new pictures. I'm sure this is a format issue, any easy way to correct it?

    Recent convert to Apple. Previously, I backed up my family pictures from PC to an external hard drive,  a WD MyBook 3T. I can view the pics on my Macbook Pro, but I can't add new pictures. I'm sure this is a format issue, any easy way to correct it?

    Install NTFS 3G
    If you were going to be reading and writing to a NTFS System Partition, you might have to worry about the instability messing up the operating system.  However, you are reading/writing from a non system, backup device so you don't have to worry about screwing up an operating system.
    I would still temporarily move my data to another device and reformat the drive for Mac OS X Extended.

  • The .txt file has formatting issues that need to be resolved

    Transaction ZEHS20 runs a program that assigns a CCL Group to a specification header, based on its Active Ingredients. The transaction can be run in the background if desired with output being emailed to the user.The .txt file has formatting issues that need to be resolved. can u  pls Help me to resolve this issue.

    What is the formatting issue like? Could you please elaborate a bit more.
    If it is because of varying lengths in the data then it can be handled by utilising a CONCATENATE RESPECTING blanks.

  • Final Cut Pro to Final Cut Express -- Format issues?

    I'm shooting a project on a Panasonic HVX-200A, and my cameraman is going to import the footage to his Final Cut Pro station. He's then going to transfer the FCP footage and data over to an external hard drive, which I am going to use to edit the film using Final Cut Express.
    Will there be any formatting issues if I bring the data from Final Cut Pro to Final Cut Express?
    Sameer Ketkar

    Clip files can be easily imported into FCE if they are QuickTime DV-NTSC/DV-PAL or Apple Intermediate Codec (720p30, 1080i50/60). If they are other formats/codecs they should be converted to DV or AIC before importing into FCE.
    FCPro project files cannot be imported into FCExpress.
    I'd suggest a trial run before committing the project to this workflow.

  • Reports exported to Excel - Formatting issues

    We have two Business Objects Enterprise servers (boxi r2 and boxi r3.1 sp3) running side by side.  We find that reports created using boxi r2 and exported to Excel format look fine.  When we run the same report and export to excel using boxi r3.1 sp3, we encounter the following formatting issues:
    <li>All columns do not fit on pages.  The last 2 to 3 columns spill over onto extra pages.</li>
    <li>There are some columns where most of the values are blank, but when a row is exported that has a value in that column, all subsequent column positions for that row shift.</li>
    <li>All rows do not fit on page.  The last two rows flow onto a new page, then there seems to be a page break.</li>
    <li>On some reports dates are displayed as ######.</li>
    <li>On some reports column headings are  not centered.</li>
    <li>I would appreciate any input that would help us determine a fix for the formatting issues we are encountering.</li>
    The report is executed using CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.
    Here is the code from the application that does the export:
                                ExportOptions exportOptions = new ExportOptions();
                                exportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.Excel;
                                exportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                                DiskFileDestinationOptions diskOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                                diskOptions.DiskFileName = filename + ".xls";;
                                exportOptions.ExportDestinationOptions = diskOptions;
                                ExcelFormatOptions XLOptions = new ExcelFormatOptions();
                                XLOptions.ExportPageBreaksForEachPage = true;
                                XLOptions.ExportPageHeadersAndFooters = ExportPageAreaKind.OnEachPage;                           
                                exportOptions.ExportFormatOptions = XLOptions;
    Please note the following details about our environment:
    <h5>Report Designers:</h5>CR Designer version:  xi Rel 2
    <h5>Developer environment</h5>Has the following installed:
    - Business Objects Enterprise XI Release 2
    - VS .Net  2008
    - Crystal reports Basic for Visual Studio 2008
    - Crystal Report 2008 Runtime SP3
    - Boxi .Net SDK
    - SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1 Client Tools sp3
    - .Net Version:  2.0
    <h5>Crystal Server environment:</h5>Two clustered  Business Objects Enterprise servers with the following installed & configured
    - Business Objects Enterprise XI Release 2
    - Crystal Reports XI Release 2
    - SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1 SP3
    - .Net Version:  2.0
    <h5>Web Servers:</h5>Two load balanced web servers with the following installed and configured
    - Business Objects Enterprise XI Release 2
    - Crystal Report 2008 Runtime SP3
    - Crystal Reports XI Release 2 .Net 2005 Server
    - SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1 SP3
    - .Net Version:  2.0

    Umm, the code you provided has nothing to do with Business Objects Enterprise...(?). So, I'm a bit confused by the mention of BOE and "The report is executed using CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine" in essentially one paragraph.
    Can you pls explain?
    - Ludek

  • Converting files to PDF causing formatting issues.

    I am experiencing issues with converting an Excel file to a PDF and retaining its format.  The first page converts fine, no formatting issue.But every page after that is shrinking the font and making the images smaller.  This employee has tried to save the Excel file as a PDF and tried printing it through the Adobe print driver, but both are producing the same issue.
    The troubleshooting steps I have taken to try to resolve this issue are below.
    reinstall Adobe Acrobat
    tried modifying the margins
    tried a different machine
    Cleaned the Temp folder
    Any suggestions on a fix for this?

    Hi Bill.
    Thank you for the response.  I tested what you have suggested and this did not work.  When Adobe PDF printer is selected, it looks fine in the print preview, but once the Excel sheet has been processed, the format is not correct.  I tested this also with printing a hard copy to a printer, still the formatting looks fine in the print preview.  Once the file has been printed, it is not formatted the same. I have also removed the Adobe Driver and installed it again.  Still doesn't work.
    Any suggestions?

  • XI R2 To 3.1 Sp2 migration and report format issues

    is there a way to fix or troubleshoot report format issues after migrating to 3.1?
    We have a heavy report that the format (the way the report looks) is very important. In crytal Reports 2008 sp2 the format is OK.
    But from BOE CMC or from url reporting the report format have problems.
    Thank you
    Edited by: RUHVER BARENGI on May 18, 2010 9:47 AM
    Edited by: RUHVER BARENGI on May 18, 2010 9:48 AM

    Hi Ruhver,
    Crystal Report documents are heavily dependant on the printer driver for formatting.  If you design the report using a specific default driver than it will be dependant on that printer driver for formatting.  When you publish it to Enterprise, the same printer driver may not exist so the report will be re-formated to fit the default driver on the server, or if no driver exists, it will use an internal method to format the report. 
    Try this as a test.
    1) Open your report in the CR 2008 designer.
    2) Click on the File/Page Setup. 
    3) Select the "No Printer" option.  This tells the report to use this internal method to format the report
    4) Save this document as "Title - No Printer"
    5) Export it to Enterprise
    6) Test this report again.  Formatting should be identical in BOE vs CR.
    Keep in mind that when you change the driver in step 3, the report in the designer will re-format.  You may need to tweak the report again in order for the formatting to be as desired.
    Test this out and if you require further assistance with this, I would suggest opening a message.  This is a common issue and a support engineer could likely help you with this pretty easily.
    Hope this helps,

  • Format issue causing iBook navigation problems

    I created an iBook for a client, but some of the default functions of an iBook aren’t working when it’s previewed on iPad. My question is: since the file format seems to be the issue, what can be done to alleviate it?
    When previewing the iBook on the iPad...
    Framing features such as navigation bar, book info, bookmark tool, etc. are missing
    The pages lack animated page turns
    Right and left page edge riffles are missing
    When the iPad is turned vertically…
    Pages scroll top to bottom instead of left to right as they should
    All images disappear
    Basically, the iBooks works mostly well in landscape mode but not so much in portrait mode. The client checked other iBooks to compare and the iBook I created is the only one with problems with the interface functions.
    Steps Taken To Save & Preview File
    Saved the iBook file as an IBA file. I also Exported it as an iBooks file.
    Sent IBA and iBooks files to the client to preview on his iPad (I don’t have one so I can’t preview it myself).
    The client opened the IBA file using iBooks Author then clicked the “Preview” button.
    The IBA file cross-loads to the iPad and the problems can be seen.
    The client also attempted to load the IBA and iBooks files on the Book Proofer application (this application does accept IBA and iBooks files), but that didn't work either. The client told me that are some file format issues unrelated to content, leading me to believe that it's a format issue.
    Technical Specifications
    iBook Author version I used to create iBook
    1.1 (the latest)
    iBooks version client used to preview iBook
    iBooks version 2.1.1 (April 16, 2012 release)
    iPad version the iBook is being previewed on
    1st Generation 64GB iPad
    File being used to preview on iPad
    The IBA and iBooks files for the iBook
    Could it be file format incompatibilities? Has anyone had this issue before? I hope the information I provided is useful. Any insight about these issues is greatly appreciated!

    Again, sorry, a 'Shared' .ibooks file has the same format as what users download from the store.
    You don't need to be in the store to circulate that file. 'private' as defined depends on you. Email that file if possible and/or put it on your own server/dropbox and share the link to trusted individuals.
    If you're sending the .iba file to someone that then uses it in iBA, they need to use the 'Shared' menu to generate an .ibooks file, then drop that into iTunes and sync to their device.
    See iBooks Author: Publishing and distribution FAQ - Support

  • Excel Export Formatting Issue

    I am working with CR XI R2 and asp.net2.0.
    I am facing some formatting issue when the report is exported to excel.
    I have to maintain the same formatting as in the crystal report ,when the data is exported to excel.
    My report is a tabular report.I tried exporting the report from Crystal report designer.Not via web application.
    I have used the data only option.When i used the other option (Excel 97-2000(xls)) the text was getting rotated at 90 degree but other formatting was not exported correctly.So i found data only option was more appropriate in my case.
    I hope same things can be achieved by asp.net also one we get it in the designer.
    while exporting from the designer,the main issues i am facing are
        1) In the report some headings i have put at 90 degree rotation.
            When it gets exported to excel the headings are getting exported with 0 degree rotation.
    2) I have applied some back groud color for groupfooter and page header.
         This setting is also not getting exported .the report is getting exported with out any back ground color formatting
    Is there any way to attach the exported pdf and excel file ,so that the issue would be more clear for you all.
    Please let me know if you require more information.
    Edited by: smitha thomas on Jul 3, 2009 6:12 AM
    Edited by: smitha thomas on Jul 3, 2009 7:43 AM

    Hi Smitha,
    Use the  other option of Microsoft Office Excel Workbook(*.xls) instead of (Excel 97-2000(xls))
    *Close the thread if issue solved.

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