OSB service on OEG

Hi All,
I am trying to integrate/register an OSB service to an OEG.
I am going through the oracle documentation,
Under this section -Registering a Web Service on Oracle Enterprise Gateway
I am unable to see the 'Web Services Respository' under 'Policies' in the left hand panel. All I can see is the below two options i) Policy Library ii) Samples Policies.
How to get this 'Web Services Repository' option. Is Oracle Service registry product required to be installed to get this otpion.
Please suggest, I am unable to register a OSB service with OEG. Am I missing something.

For requirement to "send log message by calling logger web service(*)" what you should do is to create a "Logging policy" which does the following:
- Store the current message content using the "Conversion" > "Store message"
- Create your Web service call #################################### how could I create web service call (may I know which filter ? How to config my SOAP request message for this call? Should I use "Set Message" filter" ?) ###############################
- Route to the logging web service using the "Routing" > "Connect to URL" filter
- At this point the current message is the response from the web service so you need to restore the original message by called the filter "Conversion" > "Restore Message"
You then delegate to the "Logging Policy" after you decrypt and after you route to OSB

Similar Messages

  • SOA-- Invoking OSB Service Getting Error :ORA-00084: global area must be PGA, SGA, or UGA

    Hello Friends,
    Really appreciate your help/inputs on the below Error Message encountered while running a Concurrent Program--using SOA:Same encountered in recently refreshed DEV instance, Can it be related to some Developement Instance Configuration related to SOA, as same working as expected in PROD.PLEASE ASSIST
    Need your inputs on the Error Message we are getting which Invoking OSB Service.
    "Error inside invoke_osb_service -> Error Code : -84Error Message :ORA-00084: global area must be PGA, SGA, or UGA "
    Can you please review and confirm if the same encountered before or assist on the same:
    -- Define the SOAP request according the the definition of the web service being called
    l_soap_request := 
                '<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>'
            || '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:prox="http://OmnicareFinance/ProxyInput/">'
             ||   '<soapenv:Header/>'
             ||     '<soapenv:Body>'
             ||       '<prox:InboundProcess>'
             ||     '<Source_system>'||g_source_instance||'</Source_system>'
             ||     '<Run_mode>'||g_run_mode||'</Run_mode>'
             ||     '<Batch_key>'||g_batch_key||'</Batch_key>'
             ||     '<Request_id>'||g_request_id||'</Request_id>'
             ||     '<Invoice_Header_File_name>'||g_file_name||'</Invoice_Header_File_name>'
             ||     '<Invoice_Line_File_name>'||NULL||'</Invoice_Line_File_name>'
             ||     '<File_location>'||g_file_location||'</File_location>'
             ||       '</prox:InboundProcess>'
             ||     '</soapenv:Body>'
             ||   '</soapenv:Envelope>';
    Oracle Apps Log File
    -->Entering XXFIN_AP_INVOICES_INT_IB_PKG.invoke_osb_service
    -->   = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    -->Response> status_code: "200"
    -->Response> reason_phrase: "OK"
    -->Response> http_version: "HTTP/1.1"
    -->Response From OSB: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"><soapenv:Header xmlns:prox="http://OmnicareFinance/ProxyInput/"/><soapenv:Body xmlns:prox="http://OmnicareFinance/ProxyInput/"><prox:InboundProcessResponse><status>E</status></prox:InboundProcessResponse></soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>
    -->OSB Response: E
    -->Error inside invoke_osb_service -> Error Code : -84Error Message :ORA-00084: global area must be PGA, SGA, or UGA
    -->   = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    -->Entering XXFIN_AP_INVOICES_INT_IB_PKG.capture_error_info

    # symptom: ORA-00381: cannot use both new and old parameters for buffer cache size specification
    # cause: Both db_block_buffers and db_cache_size parameters are defined in the init.ora (instance parameter file). The db_block_buffers parameter has been deprecated and has been maintained only for backward compatibility. The db_cache_size parameter is one of the size parameters which defines the size of the cache for buffers. These parameters cannot be combined. Setting this along with the Dynamic SGA parameters errors out.
    For sga_target refer to [http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14237/initparams193.htm#REFRN10256]
    which quotes
    SGA_TARGET specifies the total size of all SGA components. If SGA_TARGET is specified, then the following memory pools are automatically sized:
    *Buffer cache (DB_CACHE_SIZE)
    * Shared pool (SHARED_POOL_SIZE)
    * Large pool (LARGE_POOL_SIZE)
    * Java pool (JAVA_POOL_SIZE)
    * Streams pool (STREAMS_POOL_SIZE)
    If these automatically tuned memory pools are set to non-zero values, then those values are used as minimum levels by Automatic Shared Memory Management. You would set minimum values if an application component needs a minimum amount of memory to function properly.
    So, the what ever the value are set for the parameter will act as minimum value when sga_target is set.

  • How to Ftp a Blob attachment in a table using osb service

    How to Ftp a Blob attachment in a table using osb service
    I tried with DBadapter select it does not work ... For blob objects cant use select throws error as expected number got blob
    can call a stored procedure to write the file to some directory but that file will not be created with the same name of the file as stored in DB .. need to hard code the filename in utl file or if we pass a variable to get the name of the attachment file we have to use select query in cursor which throws error like above in step 2
    Can some body tell me how to get the blob attachment with the same name as it is stored in DB table
    Edited by: user13745573 on Jan 31, 2011 4:35 AM

    I want to send an attachment through email.
    But I want to pick the file from say local drive then how can i specify the path of the file in file name.
    Also, i dont want ot append the conent from payload to the file. i wanted to sendthe file as is.
    Please help.

  • Urgent - please help with osb-service bus schema validation.

    I have a proxyService runing on osb service bus, when I send wrong input to my proxyservices it react correctly by rejecting it, becuase the requestion is not conform to the schema, but I only get the error message saying that
    the Input is does not much, is there a way to get more info about the error ?
    like witch fields that cause the error ?

    The fault variable in your stage error handler will have the approariate information. Just add a stage error handler in the stage you are doing schema validation (make sure that in validate action you are selecting "raise Error on validation failure") and the error handler log the $fault
    Also refer -
    Re: Validate each xml element against XML schema

  • Java client for OSB service

    Hi All,
    We have to talk to OSB11g proxy service which is created as Any Soap service (url: http://myosb.firmname.com:7001/osb-ws)
    I have java client applications which need to consume this proxy service built on top of OSB by providing the necessary inputs.
    Typically we get wsdl url's and then we use Jdeveloper to create web service client proxies to generate client side web service artifacts and call the web service.
    But I am confused here as to how can I get a handle to the OSB service from a java client. The OSB developers on the project tell me they don't have and cannot provide a WSDL based URL.
    What are the general practices for consuming OSB proxy service from java client apps. Google search result did not yield much help.
    Please let me know your thoughts.

    Hi Anuj,
    Thanks for reply. As u guys mentioned that about the URL I have rechecked the URL and realized the port number which I was using that was Admin Server Port while environment contains two servers Admin and Managed both. I have change the Port Number from Admin to Managed now its hitting the Service but now another problem I start facing that I need to pass a big XML as input request to that OSB Proxy Service. I have two different code where I am attaching the input request in two different ways but none of them is passing that request to URL and in both cases I am getting default response from URL.
    Here is the Code, Code1 through Core Java:
    package retriggerpsftorder;
    import java.io.BufferedReader;
    import java.io.InputStreamReader;
    import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
    import java.net.URL;
    import java.net.URLConnection;
    import java.net.URLEncoder;
    public class MyTest {
    public MyTest() {
    System.out.println("Constructor executing");
    System.out.println("JAVA Version : " + System.getProperty("JAVA.VERSION"));
    public static void main(String arga[]) {
    try {
    // Construct data
    String data = URLEncoder.encode("key1", "UTF-8") + "=" + URLEncoder.encode("<migrateOrder>\n" +
    " <migrateOrderId>51c797d61dd211b2818a</migrateOrderId>\n" +
    " <createCustomer>false</createCustomer>\n" +
    " <createBillingAccount>false</createBillingAccount>\n" +
    " <Customer>\n" +
    " <ID>\n" +
    " </PIN>\n" +
    "     </customerAccountNumber\"></customerAccountNumber\">\n" +
    " </externalIdentifier>\n" +
    " </ID>\n" +
    " <creditClass>W</creditClass>\n" +
    " </Customer>\n" +
    " <Account>\n" +
    " <name>Gurwinder Singh</name>\n" +
    " <ID>\n" +
    " <PIN>1987</PIN>\n" +
    "     <billingAccountNumber>695909361</billingAccountNumber>\n" +
    " </ID>\n" +
    " </Account>\n" +
    " <CustomerOrder>\n" +
    " <customerOrderPartyReference>\n" +
    " <MSISDN>61425265789</MSISDN>\n" +
    " </customerOrderPartyReference>\n" +
    " <orderSource>\n" +
    " <templateName>AUP1057_AU10357_24_DATA_0113</templateName>\n" +
    " </orderSource>\n" +
    " <typeCode>Connect</typeCode>\n" +
    " <futureSubmitDate>2011-02-28</futureSubmitDate>\n" +
    " <cancelOpenOrdersIndicator>false</cancelOpenOrdersIndicator>\n" +
    " <lineItem actionCode=\"Add\" priorityRanking=\"1\">\n" +
    " <product ID=\"AUX221\" type=\"SAMID\" attributeCount=\"19\">\n" +
    " <attribute>\n" +
    " <name>Accept Code</name>\n" +
    " <value>Accept 5</value>\n" +
    " </attribute>\n" +
    " </product>\n" +
    " </lineItem>\n" +
    " <lineItem actionCode=\"Add\" priorityRanking=\"2\">\n" +
    " <product ID=\"OFF0018\" type=\"SAMID\" attributeCount=\"1\">\n" +
    " <attribute>\n" +
    " <name>Period Override</name>\n" +
    " <value>24</value>\n" +
    " </attribute>\n" +
    " </product>\n" +
    " </lineItem>\n" +
    " <lineItem actionCode=\"Allocate\" priorityRanking=\"3\">\n" +
    " <equipment ID=\"012645002053476\" type=\"Handset\" />\n" +
    " </lineItem>\n" +
    " <lineItem actionCode=\"Allocate\" priorityRanking=\"4\">\n" +
    " <resource ID=\"89610300000905636996\" type=\"SIM\" />\n" +
    " </lineItem>\n" +
    " <externalOrderReference>\n" +
    " <serviceID>75055433</serviceID>\n" +
    " <customerID>921092224696621123154029260421</customerID>\n" +
    " <serviceStartDate>2009-02-10</serviceStartDate>\n" +
    " <serviceRatePlan>X3Cap $29 24m($29min-35cFF)</serviceRatePlan>\n" +
    " <agreementNumber>VHU0029215</agreementNumber>\n" +
    " <accountNumber>3382437469</accountNumber>\n" +
    " <migrationType>Loyalty Handset Upgrade Acq</migrationType>\n" +
    " <receiveMarketingInfoOverrideIndicator>false</receiveMarketingInfoOverrideIndicator>\n" +
    " </externalOrderReference>\n" +
    " <orderSalesReference>\n" +
    " <dealerReferenceID>D3641</dealerReferenceID>\n" +
    " <trailingCommissionRatePlan>MUPR9</trailingCommissionRatePlan>\n" +
    " <trailingCommisionDealerReference>D3734</trailingCommisionDealerReference>\n" +
    " </orderSalesReference>\n" +
    " </CustomerOrder>\n" +
    " <ContactManagementActivity>\n" +
    " <activityCategory>Proof of Purchase - Mig from 3</activityCategory>\n" +
    " <activityType>Migration from 3</activityType>\n" +
    " <activityDescription>Proof of Purchase Information</activityDescription>\n" +
    " <activityComment>MSISDN: 0425265789354610026170561</activityComment>\n" +
    " </ContactManagementActivity>\n" +
    "</migrateOrder>\n", "UTF-8");
    //data += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("key2", "UTF-8") + "=" + URLEncoder.encode("value2", "UTF-8");
    System.out.println("Data going for Request : "+data);
    // Send data
    URL url = new URL("");
    URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
    OutputStreamWriter wr = new OutputStreamWriter(conn.getOutputStream());
    // Get the response
    BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));
    int i=0;
    while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) {
    System.out.println("Values of Line : "+ i + " : "+ line);// Process line...
    } catch (Exception e) {
    Code 1 Response
    Values of Line : 0 : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    Values of Line : 1 : <migrateOrderReply><statusCode>Failed</statusCode><errorReturn><errorCode>CORE_SYS_GENERIC</errorCode><errorMessage>Unexpected System exception</errorMessage></errorReturn></migrateOrderReply>
    Process exited with exit code 0.
    Note: The above response message is the default response message, even if u not pass any input parameter then also the above message will come.
    Code 2 : Using Servlet
    package retriggerpsftorder;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.PrintWriter;
    import javax.servlet.Servlet;
    import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
    import javax.servlet.ServletException;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
    import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpConnection;
    import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpState;
    import org.apache.commons.httpclient.NameValuePair;
    import org.apache.commons.httpclient.URI;
    import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod;
    import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.RequestEntity;
    import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
    public class GIFTProcess extends HttpServlet implements Servlet {
    private static final String CONTENT_TYPE =
    "text/html; charset=windows-1252";
    public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req,
    HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException,
    IOException {
    PrintWriter out = resp.getWriter();
    try {
    NameValuePair nvpRtn =
    new NameValuePair("body", "<migrateOrder>\n" +
    " <migrateOrderId>51c797d61dd211b2818a</migrateOrderId>\n" +
    " <createCustomer>false</createCustomer>\n" +
    " <createBillingAccount>false</createBillingAccount>\n" +
    " <Customer>\n" + " <ID>\n" +
    " </PIN>\n" +
    "     </customerAccountNumber\"></customerAccountNumber\">\n" +
    " </externalIdentifier>\n" +
    " </ID>\n" +
    " <creditClass>W</creditClass>\n" +
    " </Customer>\n" + " <Account>\n" +
    " <name>Gurwinder Singh</name>\n" +
    " <ID>\n" + " <PIN>1987</PIN>\n" +
    "     <billingAccountNumber>695909361</billingAccountNumber>\n" +
    " </ID>\n" + " </Account>\n" +
    " <CustomerOrder>\n" +
    " <customerOrderPartyReference>\n" +
    " <MSISDN>61425265789</MSISDN>\n" +
    " </customerOrderPartyReference>\n" +
    " <orderSource>\n" +
    " <templateName>AUP1057_AU10357_24_DATA_0113</templateName>\n" +
    " </orderSource>\n" +
    " <typeCode>Connect</typeCode>\n" +
    " <futureSubmitDate>2011-02-28</futureSubmitDate>\n" +
    " <cancelOpenOrdersIndicator>false</cancelOpenOrdersIndicator>\n" +
    " <lineItem actionCode=\"Add\" priorityRanking=\"1\">\n" +
    " <product ID=\"AUX221\" type=\"SAMID\" attributeCount=\"19\">\n" +
    " <attribute>\n" +
    " <name>Accept Code</name>\n" +
    " <value>Accept 5</value>\n" +
    " </attribute>\n" +
    " </product>\n" + " </lineItem>\n" +
    " <lineItem actionCode=\"Add\" priorityRanking=\"2\">\n" +
    " <product ID=\"OFF0018\" type=\"SAMID\" attributeCount=\"1\">\n" +
    " <attribute>\n" +
    " <name>Period Override</name>\n" +
    " <value>24</value>\n" +
    " </attribute>\n" +
    " </product>\n" + " </lineItem>\n" +
    " <lineItem actionCode=\"Allocate\" priorityRanking=\"3\">\n" +
    " <equipment ID=\"012645002053476\" type=\"Handset\" />\n" +
    " </lineItem>\n" +
    " <lineItem actionCode=\"Allocate\" priorityRanking=\"4\">\n" +
    " <resource ID=\"89610300000905636996\" type=\"SIM\" />\n" +
    " </lineItem>\n" +
    " <externalOrderReference>\n" +
    " <serviceID>75055433</serviceID>\n" +
    " <customerID>921092224696621123154029260421</customerID>\n" +
    " <serviceStartDate>2009-02-10</serviceStartDate>\n" +
    " <serviceRatePlan>X3Cap $29 24m($29min-35cFF)</serviceRatePlan>\n" +
    " <agreementNumber>VHU0029215</agreementNumber>\n" +
    " <accountNumber>3382437469</accountNumber>\n" +
    " <migrationType>Loyalty Handset Upgrade Acq</migrationType>\n" +
    " <receiveMarketingInfoOverrideIndicator>false</receiveMarketingInfoOverrideIndicator>\n" +
    " </externalOrderReference>\n" +
    " <orderSalesReference>\n" +
    " <dealerReferenceID>D3641</dealerReferenceID>\n" +
    " <trailingCommissionRatePlan>MUPR9</trailingCommissionRatePlan>\n" +
    " <trailingCommisionDealerReference>D3734</trailingCommisionDealerReference>\n" +
    " </orderSalesReference>\n" +
    " </CustomerOrder>\n" +
    " <ContactManagementActivity>\n" +
    " <activityCategory>Proof of Purchase - Mig from 3</activityCategory>\n" +
    " <activityType>Migration from 3</activityType>\n" +
    " <activityDescription>Proof of Purchase Information</activityDescription>\n" +
    " <activityComment>MSISDN: 0425265789354610026170561</activityComment>\n" +
    " </ContactManagementActivity>\n" +
    NameValuePair[] nvpout = { nvpRtn };
    HttpConnection httpConn = new HttpConnection("", 8017);
    System.out.println("httpConn : " + httpConn.getHost() + " getPost: " + httpConn.getPort());
    System.out.println("Is Connection Open? --> " + httpConn.isOpen());
    PostMethod postMethod = new PostMethod();
    System.out.println("postMethod.getPath() : " + postMethod.getPath());
    //System.out.println("getQueryString : " + postMethod.getQueryString());
    //System.out.println("postMethod.getParams() : " + postMethod.getParams());
    System.out.println("validate--> " + postMethod.validate());
    postMethod.execute(new HttpState(), httpConn);
    System.out.println("isRequestSent --> " + postMethod.isRequestSent());
    System.out.println("statusLine--> " + postMethod.getStatusLine());
    String serviceResponse = postMethod.getResponseBodyAsString();
    System.out.println("Response from Call : " + serviceResponse);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    out.println("Error Occured during the process.");
    Code 2 Response -----
    C:\Oracle\Middleware\SOASuite101351\jdk\bin\javaw.exe -jar C:\jdevstudio10135\j2ee\home\admin.jar ormi:// oc4jadmin **** -updateConfig
    11/03/02 15:30:19 WARNING: Shared-library oracle.expression-evaluator: is closing, but is imported by adf.oracle.domain:, adf.generic.domain:
    2/03/2011 15:30:19 com.oracle.corba.ee.impl.orb.ORBServerExtensionProviderImpl preInitApplicationServer
    WARNING: ORB ignoring configuration changes. Restart OC4J to apply new ORB configuration.
    Ready message received from Oc4jNotifier.
    Embedded OC4J startup time: 7765 ms.
    Target URL --
    ERROR: Unable to connect to JQS service: connection refused
    11/03/02 15:30:22 httpConn : getPost: 8017
    11/03/02 15:30:22 Is Connection Open? --> true
    11/03/02 15:30:22 postMethod.getPath() :
    11/03/02 15:30:22 validate--> true
    11/03/02 15:30:22 isRequestSent --> true
    11/03/02 15:30:22 statusLine--> HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    2/03/2011 15:30:22 org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpConnection releaseConnection
    WARNING: HttpConnectionManager is null. Connection cannot be released.
    11/03/02 15:30:22 Response from Call : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <migrateOrderReply><statusCode>Failed</statusCode><errorReturn><errorCode>CORE_SYS_GENERIC</errorCode><errorMessage>Unexpected System exception</errorMessage></errorReturn></migrateOrderReply>
    If u find any thing wrong then please let me know.
    Any reply is highly appreciated.
    Thanks Manish

  • Accessing the SOAP fault received by OSB Service Call Out

    I have a proxy service with multiple OSB service call outs, which access a backend server via SOAP.
    If the backend server returns a fault, the proxy service' exception handling kicks in and the exception handling flow is triggered.
    That flow provides a variable 'fault', which holds the OSB fault information with the BEA fault code.
    The variable holding the service call out response (to which I assume the backend servers fault is written) is not available in the exception handling flow.
    I have multiple service call outs in my flow, all writing their response to different variables.
    Is there any way to access the fault received by the service call out? Is there any variable available in the exception flow, to which that information is written?

    Is there any way to access the fault received by the service call out?Please refer -
    Re: Error Handling OSB

  • OWSM security for a OSB service- authenticate from weblogic security realms

    I have a requirement to add security to a OSB service.
    The user details are configured in weblogic security realms. lets say there are ten different users.
    I need to protect my osb service using OWSM policy & the policy should be configured to authenticate the user from realms.
    I am new to OWSM & wondering if this is possible?
    Can the experts please direct me to any docs or steps?

    Thanks for the links.
    I followed the blog and configured it using oracle/wss_username_token_service_policy.
    Now my requirement is to send the username,password from proxy to business and to the BPEL. (the bpel needs this username /password & and in header)
    The issue I am facing is the proxy service is not sending the soap header details to business service.
    I dont want to make the proxy as passthrough. (ie set Process WS-Security Header to NO)
    I have to authorize on proxy level and then send the same credential details to business service?
    So the question is, how can I retrieve the header after osb process it?
    Can anyone please help me here?

  • Getting "OSB Service Callout action received SOAP Fault response" on trying to invoke a service using service callout

    I'm trying to invoke a search service using service callout . However on trying to test it , I'm getting this response
    <con:fault  xmlns:con="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/context">
    OSB Service Callout action received SOAP Fault response
    <con1:ReceivedFaultDetail  xmlns:con1="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/stages/transform/config">
    <con1:faultcode  xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">soapenv:Client</con1:faultcode>
    <con1:faultstring>Cannot find dispatch method for {}</con1:faultstring>
    Please help in resolving this error.

    you are calling wrong  the Service.
    ¿what kind of service do you have? RPC? Document?
    ir your target service its document, I recommend this:
    1. Test target service with OSB
    2. copy XML request and XML response from the test.
    3. use XML request format that you got at Step 2 in your source service and using it at your "Service Callout".

  • Calling a OSB service(Service Type: Any XML Service) from BPEL

    Recently i had question in an Interview:
    How can a OSB service (of Service Type: Any XML Service) can be called from a BPEL service ?
    This OSB service is not exposed as a WSDL.
    Protocol: http
    Endpoint URI: /TestOSBProject1/ps/SyncReadPS
    host: localhost
    port: 7001
    URL: http://localhost:7001/TestOSBProject1/ps/SyncReadPS
    When i hit this URL i am getting the message --> "This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below."
    WSDLURL: http://localhost:7001/TestOSBProject1/ps/SyncReadPS?WSDL
    When i hit this URL i am getting the message --> "Error 500 - Internal Service Error -- This service is not associated to a WSDL"
    Is there any way yo invoke this service from BPEL?

    Thanks for your instance response.
    I had used HTTP Binding adapter in BPEL (with GET).
    Getting below error:
    Unable to invoke endpoint URI "http://localhost:7001/TestOSBProject1/ps/SyncReadPS" successfully due to: javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException: java.lang.ClassCastException: oracle.j2ee.ws.mdds.ArrayPrototypeImpl cannot be cast to oracle.webservices.mdds.AtomicPrototype
    Copied the reference (Http binding) from Composite.xml
      <reference name="InvokeOSB" ui:wsdlLocation="InvokeOSB.wsdl">
        <interface.wsdl interface="http://xmlns.oracle.com/pcbpel/adapter/http/AdapterSOAProjectApplication/AdapterSOAProject/InvokeOSB#wsdl.interface(Request_Response_ptt)"/>
        <binding.ws port="http://xmlns.oracle.com/pcbpel/adapter/http/AdapterSOAProjectApplication/AdapterSOAProject/InvokeOSB#wsdl.endpoint(InvokeOSB/Request_Response_pt)"
                    location="InvokeOSB.wsdl" supports="http">
          <property name="http.verb" type="xs:string" many="false">GET</property>
          <property name="endpointURI" type="xs:string" many="false">http://localhost:7001/TestOSBProject1/ps/SyncReadPS</property>
          <property name="http.payload" type="xs:string" many="false">url-encoded</property>
    Please help me to resolve this.

  • OSB Service callout losing fault info xml structure

    Hi there
    I have a proxy service (getAccount) that being called via service callout by getBilling.proxy service.
    getAccount throws a fault message that I want to catch in getBilling.
    But the original fault from getAccount somehow get lost the xml structure in the detail node. The "<" sign change into "&lt;"
    Am I missing something here. How the xml structure get lost in the detail node ?
    Here's the output:
      <faultstring>BEA-382502: OSB Service Callout action received an error response</faultstring>
         <con:fault xmlns:con="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/context">
         <con:reason>OSB Service Callout action received an error response</con:reason>
           <con1:ErrorResponseDetail xmlns:con1="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/stages/transform/config">
              &lt;ipms:fault xmlns:soap-env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ipms="http://www.indosat.com/ipms">
              &lt;ipms:faultstring>Account Not Found&lt;/ipms:faultstring>
        &lt;con:errorCode xmlns:con="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/context">IPMS-5000&lt;/con:errorCode>
        &lt;con:reason xmlns:con="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/context">Account Not Found&lt;/con:reason>
        &lt;con:location xmlns:con="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/context">

    What's the content-type in the HTTP 500 response from the backend service? (not OSB proxy, but the original source of the fault)
    I suspect it is text/plain or just missing. OSB doesn't know it is XML, and so it escapes it.

  • OSB - Service Invocation instance response times

    In my research and discussion with OSB vendor team, I found there is no product feature to gather statistics on per invocation response times for a OSB service.
    My requirement is to gather per invocation response time of service. I am contemplating few ways of doing this
    1. Java call outs before the start and end of service.
    Downside of this approach is in my composite service (composing 10 biz services) with challenging response time requirements, it might be a over head to wrap each biz service with java call outs for measurements. Any thots?
    2. There is a report feature in OSB. How about using SNMP traps for reporting the start and ends. I am wondering if this is any better than java call outs which might be synchronous I/O operation.
    Do you folks see alternate approaches?

    I think that generally it's not a good idea to modify production logic (code or configuration) to gather any statistics. It may look simple, but there is still possibility of unexpected failure that would cause failure of your service. Not to mention complexity of such a step.*
    I totally agree.
    This kind of data should be gathered from your infrastructure components. I know that OSB doesn't provide such a feature, but if you have your services published on HTTP protocol, than you can always use some kind of proxy server. In our company, we use feature-rich Apache HTTP server for many reasons. Response time logging is one of such reasons.*
    Interesting. Thanks. This approach might help gather stats on the Proxy services. However the biz services composed inside proxy may not get the stats.
    Another possibility is to use a specialized component. I think that OWSM can be useful. However, I don't have any experience with it and it could be overkill considering your needs. http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/webservices_manager/index.html*
    We are looking into OWSM, as you rightly said, wanted to keep it simple without OWSM.

  • OSB Service Processing time

    Dear all,
    we have requirement to find out OSB Service Processing time. can you please suggest how we can get this information using OSB Console or if ther are any JMX Api available to get this data.
    requirement is: to know the actual execution time in OSB Request processing time.(should not include target system processing time)
    thanks in advance.

    You can use inbuilt service monitoring (Oracle Service Bus Monitoring Framework) functionality to find out the same...
    Service Health tab shows Service level metrics in the Oracle Service Bus Dashboard...
    Hope it helps !!
    Abhinav Gupta

  • OSB Service Callouts - HTTP Threads

    Hi All,
    We are having issues with OSB service callouts calling the business services from the Proxy Services. Due to excessive usage of Service Callouts, the proxy services are hanging out in the OSB server. From the Proxy services,we could able to successfully invoke the business services ( SOA Composistes , EJB Webservices etc ) and the webservices are taking few milliseconds to process the requests,but the response is not reaching the OSB Proxy Service. Ideally the behaviour is not happening for all requests, but for few messages. We have set up a dedicated Worker manager ( 10 Min Threads ) in the Admin Console and mapped the Worker manager to the business services ( dispatch policy ),but with no luck. We have followed the below link and its not working.
    Request to help us incase if you happen to see this behavior earlier.

    Hi Phani,
    It is a known issue with ALSB/OSB. There is a documentation in oracle as well regarding that "ALSB/OSB - Proxy Service Callout Causes Stuck Threads Under High Load [ID 861724.1]".
    Stuck threads when calling a proxy service with a service callout /publish under high load. Proxy services using only ROUTE work without problems.
    The service callout instantiates a new thread.
    As the proxy services are running in the default thread pool there will be no thread available for the callout under high load because all threads are blocked by the proxy services waiting for the response.
    This is expected behavior when using a service callout action and can be resolved by correct thread tuning.
    A separate Workmanager needs to be configured for the Proxy service. This can be done by using the Dispatch Policy for specific proxy services (JMS, WS ..).
    For detailed information go to the OSB transport specific documentation and look for Dispatch Policy.
    There you will also see the link to the WLS Workmanager documentation.
    Please create a Workmanager using <max-threads-constraint> to limit the number of parallel executing proxies.
    Using this configuration the proxy will not block threads in the default queue.
    The service callout will still use the threads from the default thread pool.
    Hope this helps.

  • OSB services didn;t got discovered in OEM 12cR2

    Hi All,
    I hace installed OEM 12cR2. I want to monitor OSB services (Proxy and Business) from OEM 12cR2. Following one of the Oracle document I opened the osb console and turned on the service monitoring for proxy service and set the level to "pipeline". Also I turned on the service monitoring for business service. I refreshed the OSB domain which has been added in OEM and in which my proxy and business service have been deployed.
    But I find no data captured for my proxy and business service. The page for OSB services shows no entry for my proxy and business service. Even the services didn't get discovered. The OSB services page in OEM shows a blank page even if I turned monitoring for osb services on in my osb console.
    Please suggest what I should..where I went wrong.
    Also I checked by turning on the service monitoring for proxy service and set the level to "action" but this also didn't work.
    Please help!!
    thanks in advance!!

    I am little confused here. What I understood from your other posts is that you do not even see the proxy/business services in EMCC OSB target home page, but now it sounds like you do see the services, but you don't see the metrics. Is that correct? Lets take two possibilities:
    1) OSB business/proxy services are discovered in EMCC. but the metrics are not collected. For this, check the following:
    a) The agent monitoring your OSB domain shouldn't be down and there should be no incident due to this cause on the OSB homepage. If yes, file a SR to get agent issue resolved.
    b) If agent is up, then go to OSB taget menu > Monitoring > Metric and collection settings and make sure that the "OSB Business Service Metrics" and "OSB Proxy Service Metrics" are not disabled and the time interval is not too large such as in days/weeks. Make sure all other metrics that you are interested in are also not disabled.
    c) If both of the above are true, then also make sure that constant traffic is flowing through OSB so that EMCC gets enough cycles to collect the data from the hosts.
    2) OSB business/proxy services are NOT discovered in EMCC at all. For this, do the following:
    a) Refresh the OSB domain once and see if these services get discovered.
    b) If refresh is also not discovering these services, then this seems to be some OSB/Mbeans level misconfiguration and will need to be worked by support as it would be a client specific issue, so create a SR.
    Also, can you close the other threads around OSB monitoring topic so that we can work on just this thread since there seems to be few threads with duplicate information floating around.

  • Calling the osb service from java

    Hi all,
    i am trying to invoke osb service at a remote host which is accessed with no proxy settings in the broswer
    I followed "code 2" in the below link to create the java client in the jdeveloper
    the local osb service i was able to trigger but the remote service i was not able to trigger
    do i need to make any special configuration for this
    I am using jdeveloper
    Thanks in advance

    But my fusion team is not giving me wsdl to call they wanted to me to call through http onlyI don't understand that... Did they tell you a reason?
    Is their any best practice for the above scenario? I didn't see your code, but looking at the code you mentioned, I would say that call a webservice in java 6 mounting the http manually doesn't look like a good practice to me at all, we are in 2012, moreover, create an XML by concatenating tags like "<xmltag>" + variable + "</xmltag>" is even worst, use DOM at least.
    They gave me the admin servers uri but the service was running in the managed serverUnless "they" are using a topology where the OSB is deployed along with the Admin Server, what is not recommended, OSB Services will run on the managed server(s). If they have more than one OSB managed server in cluster they need a load balancer on the front, or are they expecting you to do that as well? Who are "they"?
    I'm not sure what version of Fusion the service was implemented, I'm assuming it is 11g.

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