OSCommand Bat File Error

I have a question on OSCommand, I am trying to run the .bat file using OSCommand but it is giving error, I am using the following
OdiOSCommand "-COMMAND=E:\Hyperion\PlanningLoadFiles\LoadData\HRLoad.bat" "-OUT_FILE=E:\Hyperion\PlanningLoadFile\HRLOAD-OUT.txt" "-FILE_APPEND=YES" "-WORKING_DIR=E:\Hyperion\PlanningLoadFile"
When I run the above command it gives the following error:
java.io.IOException: CreateProcess: OdiOSCommand E:\Hyperion\PlanningLoadFile\HRLoad.bat error=2
Please let me know what am I doing wrong?
Thank you so much

on what machine is the DEV agent installed ? the .bat file needs to be local to the machine on which the dev agent is installed.
if you open a package, you will see a toolbar on which there are several ODI tools. 2 of them are OSCommand and OdiOSCommand.
You mentioned that you are getting error with odiOSCommand. Did you try OSCommand ?

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    Good day all. i have a really confussing problem... Let me
    break it down
    I have written an application that requires barcodes. My
    Printer is a PPLB printer (not really important). So i create a
    file on the server (This is about all that works fine).....
    The printer is a network printer. so on the server i set up
    the capture " net use LPT2
    \\<machinename>\\<printersharename> /persistent:yes
    (What the above does for those that do not know is set up a
    vitual printer port so if you print to lpt2 it goes to the network
    The command works perfectly..... Now the only thing i have to
    do is send the file to the printer....
    If im on the server and type "COPY /B c:\filetosend LPT2: "
    note the Colon after LPT2 must be there it works perfectly.
    But from anything else it doesnt..
    What i have tried:
    1) I tried running the command via cfexecute and
    CFX_consolecommand which is available at
    that however does not work
    2) Thinking i was smart i decided to write a bat file....
    Easy. I wrote the file then used cfexecute and consolecommand to
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    This i have checked the file is there and LPT port is setup.
    As i said if i type the command in command prompt it works
    Now just to through another spanner in the works. if i run
    the bat file from double clicking in windows or in command propt
    type print.bat. (the name of the bat file i created) it works
    perfectly..... Can someone explain this
    So what i have determined is that:
    1) When i type the command or run the bat file from command
    prompt it works.
    2) It does not work via cfexecute or commandconsole.
    With some more testing If i leave the colon out after LPT2 it
    says "0 Files Copied" so i think the colon is giving the problem...
    Any help would be appreciated with this regard....
    Another program maybe etc

    Are you running the batch file or the dos command while
    logged in as the
    same user ColdFusion service is configured to run under? If
    is running under the default "Local System" account, try
    turning on the
    "Allow service to interact with the desktop" checkbox on the
    "Log On"
    tab for the ColdFusion service, or set the service to log in
    with an
    account you know has permissions to the remote printer.
    ShapeShift wrote:
    > Good day all. i have a really confussing problem... Let
    me break it down
    > I have written an application that requires barcodes. My
    Printer is a PPLB
    > printer (not really important). So i create a file on
    the server (This is about
    > all that works fine).....
    > The printer is a network printer. so on the server i set
    up the capture " net
    > use LPT2 \\<machinename>\\<printersharename>
    > (What the above does for those that do not know is set
    up a vitual printer
    > port so if you print to lpt2 it goes to the network
    > The command works perfectly..... Now the only thing i
    have to do is send the
    > file to the printer....
    > If im on the server and type "COPY /B c:\filetosend
    LPT2: " note the Colon
    > after LPT2 must be there it works perfectly.
    > But from anything else it doesnt..
    > What i have tried:
    > 1) I tried running the command via cfexecute and
    CFX_consolecommand which is
    > available at
    that however does not work
    > 2) Thinking i was smart i decided to write a bat
    file.... Easy. I wrote the
    > file then used cfexecute and consolecommand to run the
    file. With output
    > enabled The error says "File Not Found" This i have
    checked the file is there
    > and LPT port is setup.
    > As i said if i type the command in command prompt it
    works perfectly.
    > Now just to through another spanner in the works. if i
    run the bat file from
    > double clicking in windows or in command propt type
    print.bat. (the name of the
    > bat file i created) it works perfectly..... Can someone
    explain this
    > So what i have determined is that:
    > 1) When i type the command or run the bat file from
    command prompt it works.
    > 2) It does not work via cfexecute or commandconsole.
    > With some more testing If i leave the colon out after
    LPT2 it says "0 Files
    > Copied" so i think the colon is giving the problem...
    > Any help would be appreciated with this regard....
    > Another program maybe etc
    > Regards

  • Planning load utility via bat file - error

    I am using a bat file that uses the Planning load utility to make numerous updates to a single dimension on a test server. When I run the bat file i get an error that says the dimension is locked by another user. I am the only user with access to the test server. I've checked EAS and planning and nothing is locked. I've even shut down all hyperion services on the server and restarted them. It still says that the dimension is locked. How can I get this to unlock when I don't see where it is locked? This is a high priority situation! Any help is greatly appreciated!

    Thanks John - I think your scenario is what happened. Initially, when I ran the bat file, I got an error 'Java out of memory - java heap'. So I had to fix that and then I got the locked error. So you're saying that since it locked the dimension then erred, the lock was never able to be removed. I got it! Thanks so much! :) Jeri

  • Getting error while running ua.bat file of Oracle Data Integrator 12cR1 ( version

    I am using windows 7 professional(service pack 1) 64 bit operating system.
    After installing the odi 12c (enterprise edition) by executing the odi_121200.jar file I am getting the following error while trying to run the ua.bat file.
    [2013-10-24T16:49:07.861+05:30] [Framework] [INCIDENT_ERROR] [UPGAST-00056] [upgrade.Framework] [tid: 1] [ecid: e9250ad8-50dc-45fe-83f5-5c01e7a7dcb4-00000001,0] error initializing upgrade plug-in for ODI.ODI1
    [2013-10-24T16:49:07.861+05:30] [Framework] [INCIDENT_ERROR] [] [upgrade.Framework] [tid: 1] [ecid: e9250ad8-50dc-45fe-83f5-5c01e7a7dcb4-00000001,0] Cause: An unexpected error occurred initializing an upgrade plug-in.
    [2013-10-24T16:49:07.861+05:30] [Framework] [INCIDENT_ERROR] [] [upgrade.Framework] [tid: 1] [ecid: e9250ad8-50dc-45fe-83f5-5c01e7a7dcb4-00000001,0] Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.  See the secondary error message for additional details.
    [2013-10-24T16:49:07.861+05:30] [Framework] [INCIDENT_ERROR] [] [upgrade.Framework] [tid: 1] [ecid: e9250ad8-50dc-45fe-83f5-5c01e7a7dcb4-00000001,0] [[
      at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
      at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:57)
      at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
      at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:526)
      at oracle.ias.update.plugin.Plugin.instantiatePlugin(Plugin.java:248)
      at oracle.ias.update.plugin.Plugin.<init>(Plugin.java:229)
      at oracle.ias.update.plugin.Plugin.getPlugin(Plugin.java:180)
      at oracle.ias.update.plan.PlanStep.getPlugin(PlanStep.java:335)
      at oracle.ias.update.plan.PlanString.<init>(PlanString.java:66)
      at oracle.ias.update.plan.PlanCustom.<init>(PlanCustom.java:74)
      at oracle.ias.update.plan.PlanStep.<init>(PlanStep.java:189)
      at oracle.ias.update.plan.PlanComponent.<init>(PlanComponent.java:203)
      at oracle.ias.update.plan.Template.load(Template.java:161)
      at oracle.ias.update.plan.Template.loadAllTemplates(Template.java:102)
      at oracle.ias.update.UpgradeDriver.loadConfiguration(UpgradeDriver.java:838)
      at oracle.ias.update.UpgradeDriver.main(UpgradeDriver.java:257)
      at oracle.ias.update.UpgradeDriver.main(UpgradeDriver.java:175)
    Caused by: java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find oracle.ias.update.plugin.odi.bundle.ODIResourceBundle bundle
      at java.util.logging.Logger.setupResourceInfo(Logger.java:1518)
      at java.util.logging.Logger.<init>(Logger.java:265)
      at java.util.logging.Logger.<init>(Logger.java:260)
      at oracle.ias.update.UpgradeLogger.<init>(UpgradeLogger.java:60)
      at oracle.ias.update.UpgradeLogger.getLogger(UpgradeLogger.java:93)
      at oracle.ias.update.LoggingManager.create(LoggingManager.java:249)
      at oracle.ias.update.plugin.UpgradePlugin.createPluginLogger(UpgradePlugin.java:195)
      at oracle.ias.update.plugin.UpgradePlugin.<init>(UpgradePlugin.java:181)
      at oracle.ias.update.plugin.odi.ODIPlugin.<init>(ODIPlugin.java:136)
      ... 17 more
    [2013-10-24T16:49:07.869+05:30] [Framework] [ERROR] [UPGAST-00259] [upgrade.Framework] [tid: 1] [ecid: e9250ad8-50dc-45fe-83f5-5c01e7a7dcb4-00000001,0] The getInitialValue method for plug-in ODI.ODI1 will not be called due to a previous error.
    [2013-10-24T16:49:07.869+05:30] [Framework] [ERROR] [] [upgrade.Framework] [tid: 1] [ecid: e9250ad8-50dc-45fe-83f5-5c01e7a7dcb4-00000001,0] Cause: An error occurred when loading or initializing the plug-in which prevents the getInitialValue method from executing.
    [2013-10-24T16:49:07.869+05:30] [Framework] [ERROR] [] [upgrade.Framework] [tid: 1] [ecid: e9250ad8-50dc-45fe-83f5-5c01e7a7dcb4-00000001,0] Action: Review the log file for additional details.
    [2013-10-24T16:49:07.870+05:30] [Framework] [INCIDENT_ERROR] [] [upgrade.Framework] [tid: 1] [ecid: e9250ad8-50dc-45fe-83f5-5c01e7a7dcb4-00000001,0] UPGAST-00251: An error occured reading Upgrade Descriptor file ODI\INSTALLATION\odi12cInstallation_1\odi\plugins\upgrade\odi.xml
    [2013-10-24T16:49:07.870+05:30] [Framework] [INCIDENT_ERROR] [] [upgrade.Framework] [tid: 1] [ecid: e9250ad8-50dc-45fe-83f5-5c01e7a7dcb4-00000001,0] The file does not conform to the expected syntax.
    [2013-10-24T16:49:07.870+05:30] [Framework] [INCIDENT_ERROR] [] [upgrade.Framework] [tid: 1] [ecid: e9250ad8-50dc-45fe-83f5-5c01e7a7dcb4-00000001,0] See the secondary message for additional information. Contact Oracle Support.
    [2013-10-24T16:49:07.871+05:30] [Framework] [INCIDENT_ERROR] [] [upgrade.Framework] [tid: 1] [ecid: e9250ad8-50dc-45fe-83f5-5c01e7a7dcb4-00000001,0] UPGAST-00259: The getInitialValue method for plug-in ODI.ODI1 will not be called due to a previous error.
    [2013-10-24T16:49:07.871+05:30] [Framework] [INCIDENT_ERROR] [] [upgrade.Framework] [tid: 1] [ecid: e9250ad8-50dc-45fe-83f5-5c01e7a7dcb4-00000001,0] [[
    oracle.ias.update.exception.UpgradeException: UPGAST-00259: The getInitialValue method for plug-in ODI.ODI1 will not be called due to a previous error.
      at oracle.ias.update.plugin.Plugin.getInitialValue(Plugin.java:317)
      at oracle.ias.update.plan.PlanString.<init>(PlanString.java:67)
      at oracle.ias.update.plan.PlanCustom.<init>(PlanCustom.java:74)
      at oracle.ias.update.plan.PlanStep.<init>(PlanStep.java:189)
      at oracle.ias.update.plan.PlanComponent.<init>(PlanComponent.java:203)
      at oracle.ias.update.plan.Template.load(Template.java:161)
      at oracle.ias.update.plan.Template.loadAllTemplates(Template.java:102)
      at oracle.ias.update.UpgradeDriver.loadConfiguration(UpgradeDriver.java:838)
      at oracle.ias.update.UpgradeDriver.main(UpgradeDriver.java:257)
      at oracle.ias.update.UpgradeDriver.main(UpgradeDriver.java:175)
    Thanks and Regards

    ok - I think I've got it figured.  Appears to be a known issue.  You need to apply patch p17073913_121200.
    I downloaded that and applied to my Linux version - then re-ran the UA.  This time the GUI started and so now I'm going through the upgrade steps.
    The patch is generic, so should work for your windows environment too.  Good luck.

  • Error when running a bat file

    Can someone tell me what this error means; "ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error"
    I had Oracle XE on my Windows XP Pro SP3, but I also install the EE of Oracle which I haven't setup yet. Originally when I run this .bat file by double clicking on it, "setup_distran_database.bat", everything worked fine. But now, I am getting tghe above error. Not sure if it was because I installed Oracle EE.
    This is the .bat file:
    *@ECHO off*
    *:: Ayo Ojikutu*
    *:: Using Murach's Oracle SQL and PL/SQL*
    *:: and Mike Murach & Associates, Inc. example*
    *:: Nov 11, 2011*
    *:: Uses SQL*Plus utility to run the SQL scripts that create*
    *:: and populate the tables in the AP, OM, and EX schemas.*
    *:: If necessary, edit the username/password*
    sqlplus system/passwordhere @setup_distran_database*
    *:: Display a message about the log file*
    ECHO For details, check the setup_distran_database.log file in the current directory.
    *:: Display 'press any key to continue' message*

    "ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error"
    Not sure if it was because I installed Oracle EE.Most probably yes, Windows has the last installed product environment. Try setting XE environment before running sqlplus, something likeset ORACLE_SID=XE
    set ORACLE_HOME=<XE Oracle Home>
    set PATH=<XE Oracle Home\bin>;%PATH%
    sqlplus .....

  • Error while deployment BAT file

    When deployment BAT file i have an error with description "1" and Message ID "10006". Therefore bat file has been successfully executed on client computer.
    The customer asks reports of deployment so i can't show report with errors only))
    Can anybody give an advise with this situation?
    If answer is helpful, please mark as answer or hit the green arrow on the left.

    If you are using the application model, you can add return code 1 as a success in the
    Return Codes tab of the deployement type. If not you can catch the exit code 1 in your batch file and return a 0 instead.
    My Blog: http://www.petervanderwoude.nl/
    Follow me on twitter: pvanderwoude

  • Variable not set (error 91)/Error during import (error 102)/execut bat file

    We are on BO and using the COM SDK with Visual Basic to run multiple reports (sometimes multiple flavors of the same report) through a bat file.
    If we run the reports single-threaded through the bat file, the reports run fine.  However, if multiple versions of the bat file start at approximately the same time, we get one of two errors:
    91 Object variable or With block variable not set
    102 Error during import document -
    Here's the part of the code with the problem:
    Dim BOapp As busobj.Application
    Dim receiveDoc As busobj.Document
    Set BOapp = New busobj.Application
    BOapp.Interactive = False
    BOapp.Logon strUser, strPass, strFromSystem, "Enterprise", False, False
    BOapp.Visible = False
    Set receiveDoc = BOapp.Documents.OpenFromEnterprise(strFromRep, strFromFolder, boFolder)
    receiveDoc.SaveAs (strDocumentPath & strFromRep & ".REP")
    Values for the following variables are passed in from the bat file:
    If it fails on the OpenFromEnterprise statement, we get the 102 error.
    If it fails on the SaveAs statement, we get the 91 error.
    Running it through debug hasn't helped, since we are running only one report.
    Any thoughts on what could be going wrong?
    Thanks in advance

    I have tried this running the VB code on my desktop (outside of the bat file) and nothing out of the ordinary occurs.  The VB code runs fine with only one occurrence.
    I had seen on other posts "ThisDocument" and didn't know if it would be applicable in this situation.  I also wasn't sure how it should be used based on the rest of my code.  Would "ThisDocument" make a difference?
    Thanks again

  • Error - executing oraclexmlsqlload.bat file

    I have downloaded XML SQL Utility.
    I have set the path(JDK path and oracle xml sql utility path) in env.bat file. Now when I try to execute oraclexmlsqlload.bat file, it is getting executed to a point where it says "creating function" and then I get this error...
    ORA-12203: TNS:unable to connect to destination.
    can any one advice me on this error pls.
    I have JDK setup right and JDBC is able to connect to the database.
    Thanks in advance.

    If you are using the application model, you can add return code 1 as a success in the
    Return Codes tab of the deployement type. If not you can catch the exit code 1 in your batch file and return a 0 instead.
    My Blog: http://www.petervanderwoude.nl/
    Follow me on twitter: pvanderwoude

  • Error when trying to run the rcu.bat file as part of OBIEE 11g installation

    when trying to run the rcu.bat file as part of OBIEE 11g installation on windows 7 64 bit I am getting the following error
    "windows cannot find C:\Users\manoj\Desktop\Oracle.Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again".
    Please help me how to overcome this error, I am not able to understand why it is looking for C:\Users\manoj\Desktop\Oracle.

    after setting the ORACLE_HOME and Path environment variables also....I am still getting the same error...so is it like RCU can be run only on windows 7 32-bit machines and it does not work on 64-bit machines? and also it seems like the previous versions of OBIEE 10.1.3.X does not support windows 7 64-bit machines...
    please help me finding a solution to this error....
    and what are all the versions of OBIEE can be installed on windows 7 64-bit machines?
    can't we install OBIEE 11g on windows 7 64-bit machines without including RCU?
    Edited by: mkumar on Jun 2, 2011 3:47 AM

  • Batch Code to trigger bat file whenever there is an error in Eventvwr log error

    Batch Code to trigger bat file whenever there is an error in Eventvwr log error

    You can create a windows service which can look into EventVwr and update you accordingly
    Sample code:
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    namespace EventViewer
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                //logType can be Application, Security, System or any other Custom Log.
                string logType = "Application";
                EventLog ev = new EventLog(logType, System.Environment.MachineName);
                int LastLogToShow = ev.Entries.Count;
                if (LastLogToShow <= 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("No Event Logs in the Log :" + logType);
                // Read the last 2 records in the specified log.
                int i;
                for (i = ev.Entries.Count - 1; i >= LastLogToShow - 10; i--)
                    EventLogEntry CurrentEntry = ev.Entries[i];
                    Console.WriteLine("Event ID : " + CurrentEntry.EventID);
                    Console.WriteLine("Entry Type : " + CurrentEntry.EntryType.ToString());
                    Console.WriteLine("Message :  " + CurrentEntry.Message + "\n");
    Alternative way is to use below link

  • Java virtual machine error: in running bat file!!!

    Hi experts!
    I have encounterd a problem . Could not figure out why I am having this. I hope at least I will get a clue /suggestion from any of you.
    I am creating a bat file from my java Application. Then I double click on the newly created bat file to run that. It gives me Java virtual machine launcher error:" could not find the main class, Progam will exit". I have a VB script, that also create the same bat file. but I dont have problem running that file manually. Even if I create the bat file manually(by typing), it ran well. It shows the error mesage only when I create bat file from my java Application. Instead of running the bat file manually, I tried to run it through my java application too(by Runtime.exec() ). But it shows me the same error msg.
    Why am I getting java virtual machine launcher error when I tried to run my bat file that is created from java Application? ANy clue? Please suggest me about how to resolve this.

    Probably because (despite what you say) the contents of the bat file created by your Java application aren't the same as the contents of those other bat files.Yes contents are same. I create the bat file from my java Application. then I am trying to run that bat file manually. It gives me the specified error. But if I create the bat file manually (with the same content) and then run it manually. It works well.
    Any clue/suggestion

  • Running a Bat file from a stored procedure

    This is part II of Re: Need to run bat file from application express
    I thought I would open a new thread
    I thought I had this fiqured out but it still doesn't work
    1) I granted CREATE EXTERNAL JOB to my user
    2) startup the OracleJobScheduler Service
    create or replace
    PROCEDURE RUN_OS_COMMAND(p_cmd IN varchar2)
    v_job_exists pls_integer:=0;
      select count(1)
      into  v_job_exists
      from  all_scheduler_jobs
      where job_name='JAVA_EXE';
      if v_job_exists>0 then 
        dbms_scheduler.drop_job(job_name =>'JAVA_EXE');
      end if;
      (   job_name          =>'JAVA_EXE'
        , job_action        =>p_cmd
        , job_type          =>'executable'
        , enabled           =>false
        , auto_drop         =>false
        , start_date        =>systimestamp
      dbms_scheduler.run_job(job_name =>'JAVA_EXE');
    end;test.bat is del test.csv
    I run this
    / anonymous block completed
    It runs with no errors but does not run the bat file... what am i missing, thanks Doug

    LLUSERSPROFILE=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users
    APPDATA=C:\Documents and Settings\wblincoe\Application Data
    CommonProgramFiles=C:\Program Files\Common Files
    DEFLOGDIR=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\McAfee\DesktopProtection
    HOMEPATH=\Documents and Settings\wblincoe
    LDMS_LOCAL_DIR=C:\Program Files\LANDesk\LDClient\Data
    PHPRC=C:\Program Files\PHP\
    PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 2, GenuineIntel
    ProgramFiles=C:\Program Files
    USERPROFILE=C:\Documents and Settings\wblincoe
    VSEDEFLOGDIR=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\McAfee\DesktopProtection

  • How to call a .bat file from java code?

    How to call a .bat file from java code? and how can i pass parameters to that .bat file?
    Thanks in advance

    thanks for ur reply
    but still i am getting the same error.
    I am trying to run a .bat file of together tool, my code looks like below
    import java.lang.Runtime;
    import java.lang.Process;
    import java.io.File;
    class SysCall{
         public static void main(String args[]){
              String cmd="D://Borland//Together6.2//bin//Together.bat -script:com.togethersoft.modules.qa.QA -metrics out:D://MySamples//Metrics// -fmt:html D://Borland//Together6.2//samples//java//CashSales//CashSales.tpr";
              //String path="D://Borland//Together6.2//bin//Together.bat ";
              Runtime r= Runtime.getRuntime(); //Declare the system call
                   System.out.println("Before batch is called");
                   Process p=r.exec(cmd);
                   System.out.println(" Exit value =" + p.exitValue());
                   System.out.println("After batch is called");
              /*can produce errors which must be caught*/
              catch(Exception e) {
                   System.out.println (e.toString());
    I am getting the below exception
    Before batch is called
    java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException: process has not exited
    at java.lang.Win32Process.exitValue(Native Method)
    at SysCall.main(SysCall.java:17)
    java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException: process has not exited

  • Trying to run a bat file from oracle

    I have followed these steps, see bottom for results, everything is valid but the bat file does not run???? PLease need your help. Doug
    class getbatx //class pdfopen
    public static void execmd(String c) //main function
    System.out.println("Executing:" + c);
    cmd.exe /c "+c);
    System.out.println("Executing:" + c + " ...done");
    } catch (Exception e) //catch any exceptions here
    System.out.println("Error" + e ); //print the error
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE host_command2 (p_command IN VARCHAR2)
    NAME 'getbatx.execmd (java.lang.String)';
    /Then as sysdba I put in in the following.
    exec dbms_java.grant_permission( 'CAPRS', 'SYS:java.io.FilePermission', '<<ALL FILES>>', 'execute' );
    EXEC Dbms_Java.Grant_Permission('CAPRS', 'SYS:java.lang.RuntimePermission', 'writeFileDescriptor', '');
    EXEC Dbms_Java.Grant_Permission('CAPRS', 'SYS:java.lang.RuntimePermission', 'readFileDescriptor', '');Then I make the call.
    host_command2 (p_command => 'c:\mybook.bat');
    /***** I run this, it completes but does not run the bat file and there is no error message
    2 host_command2 (p_command => 'mybook.bat');
    3 END;
    4 /
    Executing:mybook.bat ...done
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    Yes it should open a dos box, but you forgot to add the .bat file witch you like to run: String[] command = {"cmd", "/c", "start", "c:/Batch files/Cardiobackup/cardiobackup_v1.4"}

  • Execute SSIS Package from JOB which contains Execute Process Task calling a .bat file

    Hi All,
    I have a EXCEL Macro needs to be called from SSIS. We could not use Script task because of some internal reason.
    So we have taken an approach to call a .BAT file using Execute Process Task. This .BAT file will call a .VBS file which will execute the EXCEL Macro.
    The SSIS Package is running good if I execute the package from BIDS.
    But the real problem is with the scheduling this SSIS Package using SQL JOB.
    If i execute this SSIS package from SQL Server Job, its executing the whole package successfully except the Execute Process Task.
    So the overall issue is SQL Server Job is not executing properly if I call any .BAT file from the SSIS Package.
    Please give me suggestion to get rid of the issue. Thanks in advance.

    Hi Sai.N,
    If you run the SQL Server Agent job manually from SSMS, does the package execute properly? If the package executes properly when you run the job manually, the issue should occur due to permission issue. In this case, I suggest that you create a SQL Server
    Agent proxy based on the current Windows account which you use to log onto the operating system, and run the job under the proxy account.
    If it is not the issue, please enable logging in the package as Visakh mentioned and post the warning/error message for further analysis.
    Mike Yin
    TechNet Community Support

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