Osuser is null?

I need to check the osuser name for the users in the session.
For that, i have been using V$session view to check the osuser name for the users who are all in the session.
But i have found that some of the osuser column value is null(blank).
Why it is null?
How could i change from null value to corresponding name to its osuser column for the particular user?

mafaiz wrote:
SQL>select program,osuser from v$session where osuser is null;
SQL Developer
SQL Developer
SQL Developer
Why the osuser for the above users has null value?
For information,rest of all the users has its name.
So if those users are background process, is possible to provide value for those users?
Kindly advice me on thisNo..... these are background process . you cannot relate the osuser to background process.

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  • INSERT SQL Hangs sporadically

    Oracle Version:
    Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production
    OS Version:
    Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.4
    When this code runs successfully, it does so in 3-5 minutes:
    Set Echo off
    Set Head off
    Set Space 0
    Set Feedback ON
    Set Pagesize 0
    Set Termout OFF
    Set Trimspool On
    Set Linesize 200
    Set Serveroutput On
    set autotrace on
    ALTER SESSION SET nls_date_format='yyyymmdd';
    spool como.rs_create_kenshoo APPEND
    truncate table DFS_DATA_A.WEB_KENSHOO_MDA;
          (select * from
                   T_CONV_DATE CONV_DATE,
                   T_CONV_TIME CONV_TIME,
                   T_REVENUE REVENUE,
                   row_number () over (partition by order_num,t_conv_datetime,keyword,channel,campaign,ad_group,t_revenue,site_id order by file_date desc) rnum
                 ) ken_tmp
            where rnum = 1) ken
         left outer join
           (select order_num,
              from orders where order_date >= '20080101'
            ) o
        on ken.order_num = o.order_num
    spool off
    I am running it right now, and it hangs. I use the following to identify progress:
             case when v.piece = 0 then s.sql_exec_start else null end sql_exec_start,
             case when v.piece = 0 then s.osuser else null end osuser,
             case when v.piece = 0 then s.username else null end username,
             case when v.piece = 0 then s.sid else null end sid,
             case when v.piece = 0 then s.serial# else null end serial#,
    from    gv$session s
              inner join
             gv$process p
              on p.addr = s.paddr
              and p.inst_id = s.inst_id
              left outer join
            sys.v_$sqltext v
              on s.sql_address = v.address
    where    case when v.piece is null then 0 else 1 end = 1
            and to_char(sql_exec_start, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') < to_char(current_date - (1/24/60/60*1), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
    order by s.sql_exec_start,
    accept p_sid prompt 'Enter SID:'
    accept p_serial prompt 'Enter Serial#:'
    select   l.opname,
             to_char((1 - (l.totalwork - l.sofar) / totalwork) * 100, 9999.99) || '%' pct_complete,
             to_char(l.time_remaining / 60, '999,999,999') min_remain,
             to_char(l.elapsed_seconds / 60, '999,999,999') min_elapsd
    from     v$session_longops l
    where    l.sid = &p_sid
             and l.serial# = &p_serial
    order by l.start_time,
    It read the table DFS_STAGE.web_kenshoo_history for about 30 minutes (100% according to my 2nd query), now no longer shows up in v$session_longops. I have verified there are no locks with:
    s1.username || '@' || s1.machine ||
    ' ( SID=' || s1.sid || ' )  is blocking '
    || s2.username || '@' || s2.machine || ' ( SID=' || s2.sid || ' ) ' AS
    FROM v$lock l1, v$session s1, v$lock l2, v$session s2
    s1.sid=l1.sid and s2.sid=l2.sid
    AND l1.BLOCK=1 and l2.request > 0
    AND l1.id1 = l2.id1
    AND l2.id2 = l2.id2
    System load is not too high:
    11:28:53 up 22 days,  7:04,  1 user,  load average: 3.00, 3.01, 2.92
    Nothing out of the ordinary in the alert.log.
    I am stumped. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    Oracle Version:
    Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production
    OS Version:
    Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.4
    When this code runs successfully, it does so in 3-5 minutes:
    Set Echo off
    Set Head off
    Set Space 0
    Set Feedback ON
    Set Pagesize 0
    Set Termout OFF
    Set Trimspool On
    Set Linesize 200
    Set Serveroutput On
    set autotrace on
    ALTER SESSION SET nls_date_format='yyyymmdd';
    spool como.rs_create_kenshoo APPEND
    truncate table DFS_DATA_A.WEB_KENSHOO_MDA;
          (select * from
                   T_CONV_DATE CONV_DATE,
                   T_CONV_TIME CONV_TIME,
                   T_REVENUE REVENUE,
                   row_number () over (partition by order_num,t_conv_datetime,keyword,channel,campaign,ad_group,t_revenue,site_id order by file_date desc) rnum
                 ) ken_tmp
            where rnum = 1) ken
         left outer join
           (select order_num,
              from orders where order_date >= '20080101'
            ) o
        on ken.order_num = o.order_num
    spool off
    I am running it right now, and it hangs. I use the following to identify progress:
             case when v.piece = 0 then s.sql_exec_start else null end sql_exec_start,
             case when v.piece = 0 then s.osuser else null end osuser,
             case when v.piece = 0 then s.username else null end username,
             case when v.piece = 0 then s.sid else null end sid,
             case when v.piece = 0 then s.serial# else null end serial#,
    from    gv$session s
              inner join
             gv$process p
              on p.addr = s.paddr
              and p.inst_id = s.inst_id
              left outer join
            sys.v_$sqltext v
              on s.sql_address = v.address
    where    case when v.piece is null then 0 else 1 end = 1
            and to_char(sql_exec_start, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') < to_char(current_date - (1/24/60/60*1), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
    order by s.sql_exec_start,
    accept p_sid prompt 'Enter SID:'
    accept p_serial prompt 'Enter Serial#:'
    select   l.opname,
             to_char((1 - (l.totalwork - l.sofar) / totalwork) * 100, 9999.99) || '%' pct_complete,
             to_char(l.time_remaining / 60, '999,999,999') min_remain,
             to_char(l.elapsed_seconds / 60, '999,999,999') min_elapsd
    from     v$session_longops l
    where    l.sid = &p_sid
             and l.serial# = &p_serial
    order by l.start_time,
    It read the table DFS_STAGE.web_kenshoo_history for about 30 minutes (100% according to my 2nd query), now no longer shows up in v$session_longops. I have verified there are no locks with:
    s1.username || '@' || s1.machine ||
    ' ( SID=' || s1.sid || ' )  is blocking '
    || s2.username || '@' || s2.machine || ' ( SID=' || s2.sid || ' ) ' AS
    FROM v$lock l1, v$session s1, v$lock l2, v$session s2
    s1.sid=l1.sid and s2.sid=l2.sid
    AND l1.BLOCK=1 and l2.request > 0
    AND l1.id1 = l2.id1
    AND l2.id2 = l2.id2
    System load is not too high:
    11:28:53 up 22 days,  7:04,  1 user,  load average: 3.00, 3.01, 2.92
    Nothing out of the ordinary in the alert.log.
    I am stumped. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

  • What JDBC client info is sent/available in the DBMS?

    Hi all.
    If 10 JDBC connections are made to the same DBMS,
    (scott/tiger), five from one JVM and 5 from another, is
    there a query that a third-party can run that will be able
    to identify which five connections are from JVM A and
    which are from JVM B? For instance, if JVM A is on a
    different box than JVM B? Ie: does the client login protocal
    send the client IP address/OS process ID?
    Joe Weinstein at BEA Systems

    thanks all for trying to help!
    I tried setting v$program in a property
    but it had no effect. I checked
    and that doesn't list V$PROGRAM as a property. The tinyurl gives a 404.
    The driver is
    The DBMS is Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    Driver dr = new oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver();
    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.put("user", "joe");
    props.put("password", "XXX");
    props.put("v$program", "MY_PROGRAM_NAME");
    c = dr.connect("jdbc:oracle:thin:@XXX:1521:XXX", props);
    System.out.println("The driver is " + c.getMetaData().getDriverVersion() );
    System.out.println("The DBMS is " + c.getMetaData().getDatabaseProductVersion() );
    Statement s = c.createStatement();
    ResultSet r = s.executeQuery("select * from V$SESSION where USERNAME = 'JOE'");
    int cnt = r.getMetaData().getColumnCount();
    while (r.next())
    for (int i = 1; i <= cnt; i++)
    System.out.println(" value for " + r.getMetaData().getColumnName(i) + " is " + r.getS
    tring(i) + "\t");
    The DBMS is Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    value for USERNAME is JOE
    value for SCHEMANAME is JOE
    value for OSUSER is null
    value for PROCESS is 1234
    value for MACHINE is joes_box
    value for TERMINAL is null
    value for PROGRAM is null

  • Null And " "

    What is the difference between these two lines of codes?
    String currentFile = null;
    String currentFile = "";
    Edited by: AMARSHI on Jul 10, 2008 7:07 AM

    The reference variable itself, takes up the same amount of space, of course, as all references are the same size. Now, the object on the heap is a different story. With null there isn't one, of course (or if there is there is only one for the entire VM), and for the second a String object will be created in the String pool (once again, only one for the entire VM that every = "" assignment will use). But really, what difference does it make? If there is a difference, it is on the order of a few bytes (at max) for the entire VM, and if this is a concern, your probably doing something else greviously wrong. This miniscule difference should not concern you.
    Edit: And "nulling" variables to "save" memory is also not something you should be concerned with. Either the variable will go out of scope and the object garbage collected anyway, or it's in constant use and so will not be taking up any extraneous heap space. If one of those is not the case, you are, once again, doing something greviously wrong.

  • AND/OR + some nulls in filter

    I'm running into another problem with the AND/OR filter.
    The filter for selecting from object "a" and joining to objects b, c & d
    (b.theid==2 || c.theid==2 || d.theid==3) && active=="Y"
    The SQL that gets generated is:
    SELECT <...>
    FROM b t1, d t3, a t0, c t2
    WHERE ((((t1.theid = 2 AND t0.bid = t1.id) OR (t2.theid = 2 AND t0.cid
    = t2.id)) OR (t3.theid = 3 AND t0.did = t3.id)) AND t0.active = 'Y')
    This returns a number of instances of the same a object when some of the
    OR clauses do not match. For example, if there's no record
    with d.theid=3, then it will do a full join on table d.
    Do I need to specify something else to flag these as potentially null
    fields so that the filter parser adds that check in? The following SQL
    query works
    ok if I add some checks for NULL on those join fields:
    SELECT <...>
    FROM b t1, d t3, a t0, c t2
    WHERE ((((t1.theid = 2 AND t0.bid = t1.id OR t0.bid IS NULL) OR
    (t2.theid = 2 AND t0.cid = t2.id OR t0.cid IS NULL)) OR (t3.theid = 3
    AND t0.did = t3.id OR t0.did IS NULL)) AND t0.active = 'Y')
    Mike Bridge

    Hi D,
    Thank you for your answer.
    I have seriously thought about that solution; but I don't think it's a smart way to do it.
    If i do it like that, i need to copy the whole table and paste it inside the if statements.
    I have two xml elements that I need to make the decisions on. POH_PO_TYPE & CP_RELEASE_NUM.
    CP_RELEASE_NUM can be: '' or N
    THEN show table (which contains the whole PO).
    It shall show the content of the PO in any of these cases.
    BR Kenneth

  • Unit Testing, Null, and Warnings

    I have a Unit Test that includes the following lines:
    Dim nullarray As Integer()()
    Assert.AreEqual(nullarray.ToString(False), "Nothing")
    The variable "nullarray" will obviously be null when ToString is called (ToString is an extension method, which is the one I am testing). This is by design, because the purpose of this specific unit test is to make sure that my ToString extension
    method handles null values the way I expect. The test runs fine, but Visual Studio 2013 gives includes the following warning:
    Variable 'nullarray' is used before it has been assigned a value. A null reference exception could result at runtime.
    This warning is to be expected, and I don't want to stop Visual Studio 2013 from showing this warning or any other warnings, just this specific case (and several others that involve similar scenarios). Is there any way to mark a line or segment
    of code so that it is not checked for warnings? Otherwise, I will end up with lots of warnings for things that I am perfectly aware of and don't plan on changing.
    Nathan Sokalski [email protected] http://www.nathansokalski.com/

    Hi Nathan Sokalski,
    Variable 'nullarray' is used before it has been assigned a value. A null reference exception could result at runtime.
    Whether the warning above was thrown when you built the test project but the test run successfully? I assume Yes.
    Is there any way to mark a line or segment of code so that it is not checked for warnings?
    There is no built-in way to make some code snippet or a code line not be checked during compiling, but we can configure some specific warnings not to be warned during compiling in Visual Basic through project Properties->Compile
    tab->warning configurations box.
    For detailed information, please see: Configuring Warnings in Visual Basic
    Another way is to correct your code logic and make sure the code will not generate warning at runtime.
    If I misunderstood you, please tell us what code you want it not to be checked for warnings with a sample so that we can further look at your issue.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Enlarging Null and Cam

    Hey guys, just experimenting and remembering how to work with nulls to control cams.
    I noticed when I enlarge the null in one dimension, the camera's view also seems to widen.  What's happening here?  What is that and what am I doing that is causing the camera to "see" differently? I thought the whole point of a null was that it didn't have a physical dimension and was really only about orientation and position?

    Woahhh hold your horses! 
    I'm trying to understand the program, not trying to criticize it.  I love Adobe and AE.  Did it sound like I was trying to pick it apart?
    What I'm trying to understand is why when I resize it horizontally, it changes the camera view...and therefore understand how it's changing the camera view.  This is an important concept for me to get about this.  It's not something I have been able to find in literature or other boards.  That's all I'm trying to ask.  I'm not trying to argue with it or point out a flaw or something like that, I just don't understand what's going on.  Is the camera changing and how when I enlarge the null?

  • Using NULL and NOT NULL in prompted filters

    Dear all,
    While trying to grap the concept of prompted filters in sap bo web intelligence, I had a question whether why we cannot use NULL and NOT NULL while creating a prompted filters in our report.

    'Is Null' and 'Not Null' are the predefined functions in webi which only eliminate the null values or considering only null values.
    'Is Null' and 'Not Null' are itself predefined functions that why you are not getting  prompts.
    Null values are standard across the databases so this is defined  as a function in webi to specific eliminate the null values.
    If something is not standard then there is option in the webi to use different operator with static values or with prompts.
    More more information on Null see the Null wiki page.
    Null (SQL) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  • Not null and enable or disable  column in tabular form

    Using apex version 4.1 and working on tabular form.
    ACT_COA_SEGMENT_MAS is Master table
    ACT_SEGMENT_VALUES_MAS is detail table
    I have entered 8 rows in master table and PARENT_SEGMENT_ID is column in master table which is null able. If i specified PARENT_SEGMENT_ID with value in master table then in detail table there is column PARENT_ID that should not be null and enable.
    How i can enable or disable column when in master table PARENT_SEGMENT_ID column is null then in detail table PARENT_ID column should disable and vice versa.
    I have created tabular form on Detail table. before insert into the tabular form Check in master table in first entry if PARENT_SEGMENT_ID is not null in first row of master table then in tabular form PARENT_ID should enable and not null able in corresponding to this first row id's lines in tabular form.
    Same should check for second row in master table if PARENT_SEGMENT_ID is not null then entered rows with PARENT_ID into tabular form corresponding to 2nd id in master table should not nullable and column should enable in tabular form.
    Thanks & Regards
    Edited by: Vedant on Jan 9, 2013 9:12 PM

    You need to create you own manual tabular form and not use the wizard.
    Using APEX_ITEM api you should be build you own form and you will be able to control how you wan to display the rows. (See Link [Apex Item Help|http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E37097_01/doc/doc.42/e35127/apex_item.htm#CACEEEJE] )
    select case when PRIMARY_TABLE_COLUMN is null then APEX_ITEM.DISPLAY_AND_SAVE(3 , DETAIL_COLUMN ) else APEX_ITEM.TEXT(2,detail_column) end "ALIAS" from detail table
    Hope that help.

  • Checking null and not null values

    We have a job schedule table that has a column for each day.
    1                 1        X
    1                 2                        XSince the same job can be on different days and times, we need to check all the instances of
    that job.
    Sorry for the formatting - the X is an indicator; i.e. Wednesday and Saturday.
    How can we solve this?

    Your requirements are not really clear.
    Perhaps this query could help:
    -- Your Data:
    with yourtable as
      select 1 job_id, 1 time_id, null mo, null tu, 'X' we, null th, null fr, null sa, null su from dual union all
      select 1 job_id, 2 time_id, null mo, null tu, null  we, null th, null fr, null sa, 'X' su from dual
    -- Query:
    select job_id, time_id, 'mo' day from yourtable where to_char(mo)='X' union all
    select job_id, time_id, 'tu' day from yourtable where to_char(tu)='X' union all
    select job_id, time_id, 'we' day from yourtable where to_char(we)='X' union all
    select job_id, time_id, 'th' day from yourtable where to_char(th)='X' union all
    select job_id, time_id, 'fr' day from yourtable where to_char(fr)='X' union all
    select job_id, time_id, 'sa' day from yourtable where to_char(sa)='X' union all
    select job_id, time_id, 'su' day from yourtable where to_char(su)='X'Edited by: hm on 29.07.2011 01:40
    Edited by: hm on 29.07.2011 01:41

  • Getting null and 0 outputting to screen or file.

    Hi everyone,
    I am trying to make a phone book program in Java. However the main functions of the phone book (adding and displaying contacts) isn't really working, it is outputting null or 0.
    Here is a class to create an object for family members:
    import java.util.StringTokenizer;
    public class phoneFamily extends phoneNumbers
         protected int home;
         public phoneFamily(String name, String address, int mobile, int business, int home)
              super(name, address, mobile, business);
              this.home = home;
         public phoneFamily(StringTokenizer P)
              while (P.hasMoreTokens()){home = Integer.parseInt(P.nextToken());}
         public void setHome(int home)
              this.home = home;
         public int getHome()
              return home;
         public String toString()
              return "Name: " + name + "\nAddress: " + address + "\nMobile: " + mobile +
                   "\nBusiness: " + business + "\nHome: " + home;
         public String CSV()
              return name + "," + address + "," + mobile + "," + business + "," + home;
    }Now I'm assuming that the problem I am having, where null or 0 is written to the file and screen is caused by the methods that reads a contact, writes them to the file, prints them to the screen. Here are those bits of codes.
    Reads Contact:
    private phoneNumbers ReadContact()
              int x = 0;
              String contact;
              StringTokenizer S;
              while (x < 1 || x > 3)
                   System.out.print("Which type of contact would you like?");
                   x = keyboard.nextInt();
              contact = ReadString("contact name") + "," +
                         ReadString("address") + "," +
                         ReadString("mobile") + "," +
                         ReadString("business") + ",";
              if (x==1)
              else if (x==2)
                   contact+=ReadString("email") + "," + ReadString("job title") + "," + ReadString("department");
                   contact+=ReadString("email") + "," + ReadString("home");
              S = new StringTokenizer(contact,",");
              if (x==1)
                   return new phoneFamily(S);
              else if (x==2)
                   return new phoneWorkers(S);
                   return new phoneFriends(S);
    Writes to File
    public void Save() throws IOException
              PrintWriter phoneFile = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(PH_FILE));
              for (int i=0;i<NumOfContacts;i++)
                   String phoneX = phone.CSV();
              System.out.println("Contacts have been saved successfully.");
    Prints on Screen
    public void PrintFamily()
              System.out.println("Contacts Stored as FAMILY:");
              //#=7, Name=24, Address=28, Email=24, Mobile=12, Business=12,
              System.out.println(SpaceGen("#",7) + SpaceGen("Name",24) + SpaceGen("Address",28) +
                   SpaceGen("Mobile",12) + SpaceGen("Business",12) + SpaceGen("Home",12));
              for (int i=0;i<NumOfContacts;i++)
                   if (phone[i] instanceof phoneFamily)
                        System.out.print(SpaceGen((new Integer(i+1)).toString(),7));
                        System.out.print(SpaceGen(new Integer(((phoneFamily)phone[i]).getMobile()).toString(),12));
                        System.out.print(SpaceGen(new Integer(((phoneFamily)phone[i]).getBusiness()).toString(),12));
                        System.out.print(SpaceGen(new Integer(((phoneFamily)phone[i]).getHome()).toString(),12));
    For some reason the last thing you enter when adding a contact (example above, home number), gets displayed first (when it should be name) and the rest are null or 0. The file looks something like this (in CSV)
    The "111222333" is supposed to be the name but like I said last value entered is being put first.
    I've gone over my code several times, with no luck :-(.

    I made a silly mistake in the bit where the details are read. After fixing that everything is running well :-).
    My mistake:
    I had something like:
    while(P.hasMoreTokens()){this.data = P.nextToken();}
    while(P.hasMoreTokens()){this.data2 = P.nextToken();}
    and so on...Obviously had to use "if"s and not "while"s to read the data...
    Thanks for offering a helping hand :-) though!

  • Connection ==null and Connection is closed, difference

    Hi experts,
    I wonder what are the differences between "Connection==null" and "Connection is closed"?
    I closed a connection on one JSP page after a bean has retrieved data. Then, on the same page I call another bean to connect to the database. Because the Connection object has been created earlier, therefore Connection is not NULL, but it is closed. So, the second bean has to initiate another connection(if I knew how to test the "closed" status)
    Is it true that if the Connection is closed, then it should become null?
    I think I must have make quite a few mistakes in above statement:). Please help. Thanks a lot.

    connection.isClosed() will tell you if the connection object is closed or not. If it is closed, then the connection object can be dropped because you will not be able to create any new statements from that connection object. Just recreate another connection to use when this occurs.

  • GetParameter()==NULL and memory

    Hi everybody !
    I'm creating a web site where users will be able to plot data from a database.
    So, I've an HTML code which call a PHP one which himself get data from database and create an JAVA applet on the following model :
    echo "<APPLET\n";
    echo "<PARAM NAME=\"valeur\" VALUE=\"".$string."\">\n";
    echo "</APPLET>\n";where $string is like "time1%data1@time2%data2@...."
    Then I get this string value in the JAVA applet with :
    String[] res = getParameter("valeur").split("@");But for too huge data size the getParameter return a NULL value as PHP hadn't create the associated param value.
    Does someone have an idea to explain such behaviour ?
    Thanks !

    nodules wrote:
    ..in that case I'll have to execute the query in the applet, and so, on the client side which is not really safe, isn't it ?In my suggestion I think the answer is 'yes'.
    .. Since I'll have to export password, etc on the client side ...Which is why ejp (who knows far more about remote access to DBs) added..
    ..or have it perform an HTTP request of its own ..Which I think means to have the applet connect to (for example) a servlet that does the query. The servlet would not expose the password or location of the database, and might do other checks (like that the user is actually allowed to delete every record). ;)

  • Is null and regular value in where ($variable)

    is there any polibility to create select depend on value in where ?
    select count(x) where y = $variablebut if variable is NULLit doesn't work cause must be IS NULL or IS NOT
    select count(x) where y is $variableIs there any posibility to make it working with null and regular variable?

    select count(x) from <yourtable> where nvl(y,<not_possible_value>) = nvl($variable,<not_possible_value>);where <not_possible_value> is a value that is not possible for column y.
    E.g. if y always is a positive number you could use the value -1.

  • Avoiding null and duplicate values using model clause

    I am trying to use model clause to get comma seperated list of data : following is the scenario:
    testuser>select * from test1;
    1 Value1
    2 Value2
    3 Value3
    4 Value4
    5 Value4
    7 value5
    8 rows selected.
    the query I have is:
    testuser>with src as (
    2 select distinct id,value
    3 from test1
    4 ),
    5 t as (
    6 select distinct substr(value,2) value
    7 from src
    8 model
    9 ignore nav
    10 dimension by (id)
    11 measures (cast(value as varchar2(100)) value)
    12 rules
    13 (
    14 value[any] order by id =
    15 value[cv()-1] || ',' || value[cv()]
    16 )
    17 )
    18 select max(value) oneline
    19 from t;
    what I find is that this query has duplicate value and null (',,') coming in as data has null and duplicate value. Is there a way i can avoid the null and the duplicate values in the query output?
    Edited by: orausern on Feb 19, 2010 5:05 AM

    Try this code.
    t as ( select substr(value,2)value,ind
            from test1
            ignore nav
            dimension by (id)
            measures (cast(value as varchar2(100)) value, 0 ind)
            ( ind[any]=  instr(value[cv()-1],value[cv()]),
            value[any] order by id = value[cv()-1] || CASE WHEN value[cv()] IS NOT NULL
                                               and ind[cv()]=0     THEN ',' || value[cv()] END      
    select max(value) oneline
    from t;
    SQL> select * from test1;
            ID VALUE
             1 Value1
             2 Value2
             3 Value3
             4 Value4
             5 Value4
             7 value5
    8 ligne(s) sélectionnée(s).
    SQL> with
      2   t as ( select substr(value,2)value,ind
      3          from test1
      4          model
      5          ignore nav
      6          dimension by (id)
      7          measures (cast(value as varchar2(100)) value, 0 ind)
      8          rules
      9          ( ind[any]=  instr(value[cv()-1],value[cv()]),
    10          value[any] order by id = value[cv()-1] || CASE WHEN value[cv()] IS NOT NULL
    11                                             and ind[cv()]=0     THEN ',' || value[cv()] END 
    12          )
    13        )
    14   select max(value) oneline
    15   from t;

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