Other way to use web-unsafe fonts?

Is there another way, besides adding a shadow, to get web-unsafe fonts displayd on my iWeb site?
The shadow option always changes the thickness of the font, i.e. bold fonts look just like regular fonts.

Don't know how this ended up in iPhoto, I meant to put it in iWeb of course...

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    What is it you're attempting to do, such that the Configuration Manager isn't the answer?

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    Do a Command A on the page to make sure that the text images and the other images are not overlapping or touching.
    You do realize that by turning all your text into images the search engines will see your website as having virtualy zero content with nothing for them to index?
    Try to use web safe fonts for the descriptive text and save the images for special occasions like one heading per page or the header.

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    Welcome to the Apple Discussions.
    I am using a font that is not standard on macs - a font that I purchased, would that make any difference?
    Yes, that will be the reason. You can, however, get around that by turning the font box into a graphic. That's done by using the Font pane to add a drop shadow to the font and then moving the far right slider to the far left, making the shadow invisible.
    Go into iWeb's preferences and check the box next to "Show text imaging indicator" as seen here. This will tell you when the text has become an image.
    Otherwise you should use web safe fonts:
    Web Safe Fonts
    Common fonts to all versions of Windows & Mac equivalents
    Safe web fonts

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    when you are doing the other
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    Also I am not seeing an appropiate forum in my forums dropdown list.  So if a moderator wants to move it to the right forum I would appreciate it.
    Edward R. Joell MCSD MCDBA

    @Darnie Graceline Selvamary Thangalazar
    The first link is not what I was looking for as it tells the difference between MVC and Web Forms but not which is better for what.
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    "situation" would be best served by using web forms and which would be best served by using MVC. 
    It specified that if reaction time is an issue then MVC is the answer.  This is good because with our excruciatingly slow network we need apps that take inherantly as little time as possible to load.
    I took another look at the link provided by gaurav.  Turns out that link has a link to an article by Dino Espisito which actually has the statement that I referred to above i.e. if your app has a lot of busines data.  After two years, that
    is as much as I remember of that page.  So in fact indirectly gaurav found the page I was looking for.
    Too bad I did not re-read this link when I started the current project, though.  One thing each of them says is that if your team (in this case me) has not had much experience in handling html elements directly then MVC is not a good fix for them. 
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    controls with it.
    However since this thread is so old and unlike "Whose Line is it Anyway?" the points
    do matter. I am going to award the answer to gaurav.  Thanks everyone for providing some very interesting links on MVC.
    Edward R. Joell MCSD MCDBA

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    Any help would be greatly appreciated!
    The font is question is Delius.
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi, billlywjr73,
    Right now you can't use Typekit web fonts in Photoshop. 
    From the Typekit help, "Typekit only permits web-use for the fonts in our library, so we can’t provide you with a version of the fonts you use via Typekit to download and install. However, each font detail page includes a link to where you can buy an installable version of the font from the font’s designer/owner."
    On the Photoshop community forum, Jeff Tranberry says it's something on their radar but no ETA yet.

  • I am using Illustrator CS5. I am using a certain font and when I make a selection to use one of the letter options or a glyph, it does not take my selection; in other words, nothing changes.

    I am using Illustrator CS5. I am using a certain font and when I make a selection to use one of the letter options or a glyph, it does not take my selection; in other words, nothing changes.

    What font? What system? What Glyph? What language settings? Could be anything. Either way, ask in the AI forum. You'll get quicker answers there - if you provide all the required info.

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    Hi all,
    I'm having some problems figuring out the best way to deploy our app now that we've switched over to using web services.
    I'm fairly new to Java and web services. From what I understand, JNLP and WebStart are methods to deploy Java clients to users and not for creating war files and the like.
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    We have a large PowerBuilder/Oracle application. The db consists of over 500 tables and the client consists of several thousand PB components. A user creates "transactions" which contain a series of "sub-transactions" within. Most of the data is collected and stored locally in the client in a series of datastores. When the "finalize" happens, the records are validated and sent to the database.
    We are in the process of moving each of the subtransactions (currently in the PB client) into subPROCESSES on a java project. We are using the JAX-WS framework to develop the web services in Netbeans. These web services aren't much more than remote xml as the messaging technology. For writing data back to the database, we are using the Java Persistence API to function outside of an EJB container but will shortly be migrating to the Glassfish application server to use several of the EJB container frameworks including the EntityManager.
    We haven't attempted any type of deployment and are unsure of where to start. Any suggestions would be so helpful and appreciated!
    Edited by: doubleEspresso on Jan 10, 2008 8:06 AM

    I'm fairly new to Java and web services. From what I understand, JNLP and WebStart are methods to deploy Java clients to users and not for creating war files and the like. >Correct, while Java Web Start has 'web' in the name, it has little if anything to do with web applications - certainly not providing much toward their installation. It is for launching rich client GUI based (AWT, Swing, SWT..) applications onto the end-user's desktop.
    There are some parts of JWS that might seem peripherally useful to the installation of a web-app., but it is really not a 'good fit'.
    ..Any suggestions would be so helpful and appreciated!>You might try the forums for the 'web tier' APIs.
    Or perhaps the forum 'Java Technologies for Web Services' (under 'enterprise technologies')
    This one in 'BigAdmin' seems particularly relevant, 'Set up and Deploy'

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              What is the best way to find a file on the servers disk without using web.xml?
              I want to find a configuration file not contained within the war file I have
              created. Is there a way to pass information into the ServletContext with out
              rebuilding the ear or war files? Tomcat 4.0 can do this in its server configuration
              files. Does BEA have the equivalent?

    You can specify the path to the file as a system property
              java -Dconfig.file.location=./mydirecotry/myfile.txt com.test.MyApp
              "Eric White" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              news:[email protected]..
              > What is the best way to find a file on the servers disk without using
              > I want to find a configuration file not contained within the war file I
              > created. Is there a way to pass information into the ServletContext with
              > rebuilding the ear or war files? Tomcat 4.0 can do this in its server
              > files. Does BEA have the equivalent?
              > Regards,
              > Eric

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