Outer join with first of zero or more rows

I'm trying to make a join where one part is the first row of zero or more rows. I seem to be getting much poorer performance than I ought to be able to. My tables Node and RelayGroup have 6000 and 3000 rows respectively, while the CommandHist table has 10 million rows. Here are two queries that work, but are fairly slow:
-- 37s, 28s, 27s
SELECT DISTINCT n.NodeName,(SELECT Reason from commandhist where CommandHistId = (SELECT MAX(CommandHistID) FROM CommandHist WHERE NodeID = n.NodeID)) AS reason
FROM RelayGroup rg
JOIN Node n ON rg.NodeID = n.NodeID
ORDER BY n.NodeName ASC ;
-- 21s, 15s, 13s
FROM RelayGroup rg
JOIN Node n ON rg.NodeID = n.NodeID
LEFT OUTER JOIN CommandHist ch ON ch.NodeID = rg.NodeID
GROUP BY n.NodeName ORDER BY n.NodeName ASC ;
I suspect that this could be made faster by using ROWNUM to get the first row from CommandHist -- what I'd like to do is
SELECT n.NodeName, ch.CommandHistID
FROM Node n
JOIN RelayGroup rg ON n.NodeID = rg.NodeID
(SELECT CommandHistId, Reason, NodeID FROM CommandHist WHERE NodeID = n.NodeID ORDER BY CommandHistID)
WHERE ROWNUM = 1) ch ON ch.NodeID = n.NodeID
ORDER BY n.NodeName ASC;
except n.NodeID cannot be used within the inner select. Is there a way to 'inject' the value of n.NodeID so that it can be seen from the inner select?
Thanks in advance,

Your requirement isn't exactly clear as you haven't provided any table information or example data for us to understand what you are talking about.
If it's a performance issue take a look at these threads..
[How to post a SQL tuning request|http://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=863295&tstart=0]
[When your query takes too long...|http://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?messageID=1812597#1812597]

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    Hi All,
    I have 2 tables (A and B) which i need to join. I need all records from table A and matching records from the table B. below is the structure.
    TABLE A (total rows = 10)
    TABLE B (total = 7)
    Initially, we were asked to join based on location_code. In the table B, some of the LOCATION_CODE are missing, which is present in table A.
    We wrote below query
    FROM A, B
    This gives 10 records, where 3 records have START_DATE and END_DATE NULL. because of outer join
    It gave all records from the A table. It worked fine. Now i need to add one more condition where A.GL_DATE between B.START_DATE and B.END_DATE
    If i write this
    FROM A, B
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    I'm in a similar situation,
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    SELECT *
    from transaction t, card c
    where c.card_id = t.card_id (+)
    and t.trn_date between to_date ('01/01/2012','dd/mm/yy') and ('01/01/2013,'dd/mm/yy')
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    and t.trn_date between to_date ('01/01/2012','dd/mm/yy') (+) and ('01/01/2013','dd/mm/yy') (+)
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    Thanks in Advance,
    Edited by: 981667 on 14-gen-2013 4.23
    Edited by: 981667 on 14-gen-2013 4.24

  • Problem with outer join with filter on join column

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    dim_DATE ,
    fact_1 ,
    dim_DATE inner join fact_1 on dim_DATE.DATE = fact_1.DATE
    fact_1 left outer join fact_2 on fact_1.DATE = fact_2.DATE and fact_1.SOME_ID = fact_2.SOME_ID
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    select fact1.X, fact2.Y
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    where Fact_1.DATE = TO_DATE('2009-05-28' , 'YYYY-MM-DD' )
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    The filter on Fact_2.DATE effectively replaces outer join with inner.
    Is there a way to disable this "optimization", which is actually very good for inner joins, but doesn't allow outer joins?
    Thanks in advance,
    Edited by: AM_1 on Aug 11, 2009 8:20 AM

    If you want to perform a Fact-based partitioning with OBIEE (two fact with the same dimension), you have to :
    * create in your physical layer for each fact table the joins with the dimension
    * create in the Business Model layer ONE star schema with ONE logical fact table containing the columns of your two physical fact table
    In this way when you choose minimal one column of your fact1 and one column of your fact2, OBIEE will perform two query against each fact table/dimension, join them with an OUTER JOIN and your problem will disappear.

  • Outer Join with Where Clause in LTS

    HI all,
    I have a requirement like this in ANSI SQL:
    select p1.product_id, p1.product_name, p2.product_group
    from product p1 left outer join product_group p2 on p1.product_id = p2.product_id
    and p2.product_group = 'NEW'
    In Regular SQL:
    select p1.product_id, p1.product_name, p2.product_group
    from product p1, product_group p2
    WHERE p1.product_id *= p2.product_id and p2.product_group = 'NEW'
    In OBIEE, I am using a left outer join between these two in Logical table Source, and also, Gave
    p2.product_group = 'NEW' in WHERE clause of LTS.
    This doesn't seem to solve purpose.
    Do you have any idea how to convert WHERE clause in physical query that OBIEE is generating to something like
    product p1 left outer join product_group p2 on p1.product_id = p2.product_id AND p2.product_group = 'NEW'
    I am using Version
    Creating an Opaque view would be my last option though.

    I have read your post and the responses as well. and I understand that you have issues with the Outer Join with where Clause in LTS.
    Try this solution which worked for me (using your example ) -
    1. In the Physical Layer created a Complex join between PRODUCT and PRODUCT_GROUP tables and use this join relationship :
    2. In the General Tab of PRODUCT table LTS add PRODUCT_GROUP  table and select Join Type as Left Outer Join.
    3. Check Consistency and make sure there are no errors .
    when you run a request you should see the following query generated -
    select distinct T26908.PROD_ID as c1,
         T26908.PROD_NAME as c2,
         T26912.GROUP_NAME as c3
         PRODUCT T26908 left outer join PRODUCT_GROUP T26912 On T26908.PROD_ID = T26912.PROD_ID and T26912.GROUP_NAME = 'MECHANICAL'
    order by c1, c2, c3
    Hope this works for you. If it does please mark this response as 'Correct' .
    Good Luck.

  • Maximum number of tables that can be outer joined with one table in a query

    Hi All,
    Iam new to sql, so can you please let me know What is the maximum number of tables that can be outer joined with one table in a query?

    srinu2 wrote:
    Iam new to sql, so can you please let me know What is the maximum number of tables that can be outer joined with one table in a query?
    There is no limit to the number of tables you can outer join as long as you join them correctly.
    SQL> with a as
      2      (
      3      select 1 id, 2 b_key, 3 c_key from dual union all
      4      select 2 id, 1 b_key, 4 c_key from dual union all
      5      select 3 id, 3 b_key, 1 c_key from dual union all
      6      select 4 id, 4 b_key, 2 c_key from dual
      7      ),
      8      b as
      9      (
    10      select 1 id, 1 c_key2 from dual union all
    11      select 2 id, 5 c_key2 from dual union all
    12      select 3 id, 3 c_key2 from dual union all
    13      select 4 id, 2 c_key2 from dual
    14      ),
    15      c as
    16      (
    17      select 1 key1, 1 key2, '1-1' dta from dual union all
    18      select 1 key1, 2 key2, '1-2' dta from dual union all
    19      select 1 key1, 3 key2, '1-3' dta from dual union all
    20      select 1 key1, 4 key2, '1-4' dta from dual union all
    21      select 2 key1, 1 key2, '2-1' dta from dual union all
    22      select 2 key1, 2 key2, '2-2' dta from dual union all
    23      select 2 key1, 3 key2, '2-3' dta from dual union all
    24      select 2 key1, 4 key2, '2-4' dta from dual union all
    25      select 3 key1, 1 key2, '3-1' dta from dual union all
    26      select 3 key1, 2 key2, '3-2' dta from dual union all
    27      select 3 key1, 3 key2, '3-3' dta from dual union all
    28      select 3 key1, 4 key2, '3-4' dta from dual union all
    29      select 4 key1, 1 key2, '4-1' dta from dual union all
    30      select 4 key1, 2 key2, '4-2' dta from dual union all
    31      select 4 key1, 3 key2, '4-3' dta from dual union all
    32      select 4 key1, 4 key2, '4-4' dta from dual
    33      )
    34  select d.a_id, d.b_id, c.key1 as c_key1, c.key2 as c_key3, c.dta
    35  from
    36      c,
    37      (
    38      select
    39          a.id as a_id, b.id as b_id, a.c_key, b.c_key2
    40      from a, b
    41      where a.b_key = b.id
    42      ) d
    43  where d.c_key = c.key1 (+)
    44  and   d.c_key2 = c.key2 (+);
          A_ID       B_ID     C_KEY1     C_KEY3 DTA
             3          3          1          3 1-3
             4          4          2          2 2-2
             2          1          4          1 4-1
             1          2

  • Outer join With a constant value

    Hi all,
    In one of query i have found out that the outer join with a constant value like
    to_currency is a column name in a table.can any one please explain this outer join condtn.
    Thanks in advance

    if you write var (+) = constant
    var can be equal constant, and also can be null
    Compare these 2 queries
    select e.* from scott.emp e, scott.dept d
    where e.deptno = d.deptno(+)
    7369     SMITH      CLERK      7902     17-Dez-1980     800          20
    7499     ALLEN      SALESMAN      7698     20-Feb-1981     1600     300     30
    7521     WARD      SALESMAN      7698     22-Feb-1981     1250     500     30
    7566     JONES      MANAGER      7839     2-Apr-1981     2975          20
    7654     MARTIN      SALESMAN      7698     28-Sep-1981     1250     1400     30
    7698     BLAKE      MANAGER      7839     1-Mai-1981     2850          30
    7782     CLARK      MANAGER      7839     9-Jun-1981     2450          10
    7788     SCOTT      ANALYST      7566     19-Apr-1987     3000          20
    7839     KING      PRESIDENT           17-Nov-1981     5000          10
    7844     TURNER      SALESMAN      7698     8-Sep-1981     1500     0     30
    7876     ADAMS      CLERK      7788     23-Mai-1987     1100          20
    7900     JAMES      CLERK      7698     3-Dez-1981     950          30
    7902     FORD      ANALYST      7566     3-Dez-1981     3000          20
    7934     MILLER      CLERK      7782     23-Jan-1982     1300          10
    select e.* from scott.emp e, scott.dept d
    where e.deptno = d.deptno(+)
    7782     CLARK      MANAGER      7839     9-Jun-1981     2450          10
    7839     KING      PRESIDENT           17-Nov-1981     5000          10
    7934     MILLER      CLERK      7782     23-Jan-1982     1300          10
    As you can see, this (+) is very important

  • Outer Join with an 'OR'

    I have a very complicated query to construct that requires the use of 'AND', 'OR', and Outer Joins. Oracle's 9i documentation says you can't use an outer join with an 'OR'.
    Can you suggest how I may return the correct records under the following conditions. There are 3 tables to join. Table A, Table B, and Table C. Tables A & B join with an = to common fields. The problem is with Table C.
    The way the application was designed, it has to track a parent and child relationship. As such, the field to relate may exist in 1 of 2 fields. Let's see if I can draw it out for you.
    Table A - Record 1
    (ID = 1)
    Table B - Record 1
    (ID =1 [this relates to Table A.ID]
    PID = 12345
    CID = 67899
    Site = A)
    Table C - Record 1
    (PID = 12345 [this relates to Table B.PID]
    CID = 67899
    Site = A)
    Table C - Record 2
    (PID = 67899 [This relates to Table B.CID]
    CID = 12345
    Site = A)
    Now, I need to relate Table A to Table B where A.ID = B.ID AND
    ((B.PID = C.PID AND B.CID = C.CID)
    (B.CID = C.PID AND B.PID = C.CID))
    There may or may NOT be related records in Table C. That's the problem. This is where I need the outer join to get the all the records of the 1st two joins and only those that apply from the last join.
    Your help will be greatly appreciated.

    I'd create two queries, a join from b to c in each of those manners and then UNION ALL the results together.
    drop table junk_a;
    create table junk_a (
      id number );
    drop table junk_b;
    create table junk_b (
      id number,
      pid number,
      cid number,
      site varchar2(80) );
    drop table junk_c;
    create table junk_c (
      pid  number,
      cid  number,
      site  varchar2(80) );
    insert into junk_a values (1);
    insert into junk_b values (1, 12345, 67899, 'A');
    insert into junk_c values (12345, 67899, 'A');
    insert into junk_c values (67899, 12345, 'A');
    SELECT b.*,
           c.site AS site_c
      FROM junk_b b,
           junk_c c
    WHERE c.pid(+) = b.pid
       AND c.cid(+) = b.cid
    SELECT b.*,
           c.site AS site_c
      FROM junk_b b,
           junk_c c
    WHERE c.cid(+) = b.pid
       AND c.pid(+) = b.cid;
    SELECT a.id,
      FROM junk_a  a,
    SELECT b.*,
           c.site AS site_c
      FROM junk_b b,
           junk_c c
    WHERE c.pid(+) = b.pid
       AND c.cid(+) = b.cid
    SELECT b.*,
           c.site AS site_c
      FROM junk_b b,
           junk_c c
    WHERE c.cid(+) = b.pid
       AND c.pid(+) = b.cid
           )  bc
    WHERE bc.id(+) = a.id;

  • Outer Join with the query

    I have written the below query, our requirement is, Some employees have "Transport Allowance" but not "Project Allowance". For this, I tried to use OUTER JOIN with this query. But this query takes long time and failed. The following query works fine if the employee has both "Transport Allowance" and "Project Allowance" (without outer join) Now, I also need to retrieve the employees who have "Transport Allowance" but not "Project Allowance". How can I retrieve it?
    SELECT DISTINCT papf.employee_number
    , peev.screen_entry_value Transport_Allowance
    ,peev1.screen_entry_value Project_Allowance
    FROM apps.per_all_people_f papf
    ,apps.per_all_assignments_f paaf
    ,apps.pay_element_types_x petf
    ,apps.pay_element_types_x petf1
    ,apps.pay_element_types_x petf2
    ,apps.pay_element_entries_f peef
    ,apps.pay_element_entries_f peef1
    ,apps.pay_element_entries_f peef2
    ,apps.pay_element_entry_values_x peev
    ,apps.pay_element_entry_values_x peev1
    ,apps.pay_element_entry_values_x peev2
    ,apps.pay_input_values_x pivf
    ,apps.pay_input_values_x pivf1
    ,apps.pay_input_values_x pivf2
    papf.person_id = paaf.person_id
    AND paaf.assignment_id = peef.assignment_id
    AND paaf.assignment_id = peef1.assignment_id
    AND paaf.business_group_id = papf.business_group_id
    --Transport Allowance
    AND peef.element_entry_id = peev.element_entry_id
    AND petf.element_Name = 'Transport Allowance'
    AND pivf.element_type_id =petf.element_type_id
    AND pivf.name = 'Allowance'
    AND peev.input_value_id= pivf.input_value_id
    --Project Allowance
    AND peef1.element_entry_id = peev1.element_entry_id
    AND petf1.element_Name = "Project Allowance'
    AND pivf1.element_type_id = petf1.element_type_id
    AND pivf1.name = 'Allowance'
    AND peev1.input_value_id = pivf1.input_value_id
    AND (SYSDATE BETWEEN peev.effective_start_date AND peev.effective_end_date)
    AND (SYSDATE BETWEEN peev1.effective_start_date AND peev1.effective_end_date)
    AND (SYSDATE BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date AND papf.effective_end_date)
    ORDER BY papf.employee_number
    Thanks in advance.

    I am using sames tables with alias to retrieve the columns values from the same table.
    Here is my query.
    SELECT DISTINCT papf.employee_number
    , peev.screen_entry_value Transport_Allowance
    ,peev1.screen_entry_value Project_Allowance
    FROM apps.per_all_people_f papf
    ,apps.per_all_assignments_f paaf
    ,apps.pay_element_types_x petf
    ,apps.pay_element_types_x petf1
    ,apps.pay_element_entries_f peef
    ,apps.pay_element_entries_f peef1
    ,apps.pay_element_entry_values_x peev
    ,apps.pay_element_entry_values_x peev1
    ,apps.pay_input_values_x pivf
    ,apps.pay_input_values_x pivf1
    papf.person_id = paaf.person_id
    AND paaf.assignment_id = peef.assignment_id
    AND paaf.assignment_id = peef1.assignment_id
    AND paaf.business_group_id = papf.business_group_id
    --Transport Allowance
    AND peef.element_entry_id = peev.element_entry_id
    AND petf.element_Name = 'Transport Allowance'
    AND pivf.element_type_id =petf.element_type_id
    AND pivf.name = 'Allowance'
    AND peev.input_value_id= pivf.input_value_id
    --Project Allowance
    AND peef1.element_entry_id = peev1.element_entry_id
    AND petf1.element_Name = "Project Allowance'
    AND pivf1.element_type_id = petf1.element_type_id
    AND pivf1.name = 'Allowance'
    AND peev1.input_value_id = pivf1.input_value_id
    AND (SYSDATE BETWEEN peev.effective_start_date AND peev.effective_end_date)
    AND (SYSDATE BETWEEN peev1.effective_start_date AND peev1.effective_end_date)
    AND (SYSDATE BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date AND papf.effective_end_date)
    ORDER BY papf.employee_number
    Thanks in advance.

  • Outer join with effective date in peoplesoft query

    I'm trying to join two tables using outer join. Both tables are effective dated:
    Dept_Tbl: dept_id, status, effdt
    Tips_Tbl: dept_id, tips_id, effdt
    Not all records in Dept_Tbl are in Tips_Tbl. I need to get all active depts and their most recent tips_id if they have one.
    select a.dept_id, b.tips_id
    from dept_tbl a, tips_tbl b
    where a.status = 'Active'
    and a.effdt =
    (select max(a_ed.effdt) from dept_tbl a_ed
    where a.dept_id = a_ed.dept_id
    and a_ed.effdt <= SYSDATE)
    and b.dept_id(+) = a.dept_id
    and b.effdt =
    (select max(b_ed.effdt) from tips_tbl b_ed
    where b.dept_id = b_ed.dept_id
    and b.tips_id = b_ed.tips_id
    and b_ed.effdt <= SYSDATE)
    The query only returns records that are in both tables.
    Is there a way for outer join to work with effective dates?
    Thanks in advance,

    Here is an example of one solution. Note the use of NVL on both sides of the equal sign since both sides could be NULL in the case of the outer join
    with dept_tbl as (select 1 dept_id, SYSDATE effdt FROM DUAL),
         tips_tbl as (select 1 dept_id, NULL effdt FROM DUAL)
    select a.effdt
      from dept_tbl a,
           tips_tbl b
    where b.dept_id(+) = a.dept_id
       and NVL(b.effdt, SYSDATE) = NVL((select max(b_ed.effdt)
                                          from tips_tbl b_ed
                                         where b.dept_id = b_ed.dept_id
                                           and b_ed.effdt <= SYSDATE), SYSDATE);
    5/7/2007 3:25:00 PM

  • Join columns of outer join with table have no uniqueness cons

    Hi! I'm getting noizy error in alert log from time to time:
    Join columns of outer join with table <table_name> have no uniqueness constraints
    I've collected all the queries (v$sql, all_source) with montioned table, but non of them produces that error if executed.
    Any hints how to reproduce this error or where else to search that buggy sql join?
    Edited by: user545083 on 25.10.2010 6:21

    I think this error is output via an materialized view refresh - check for mviews against the given table which fulfil the issue given in the error text.

  • How to achieve an outer join with existsNode() function

    I have a requirement to do an outer join with existsNode() function in my where clause. At present my where clause for join is like below
    AND existsNode (B.SOMEXML_FEILD , …. ) = 1
    AND existsNode (C.SOMEOTHERXML_FEILD , …. ) = 1
    In this case if the existsNode fails on B or C, I still want data from A to be selected. How to rewrite this query to achieve that? I kinda want to achieve an outer join

    is this what you are looking for:
    SQL> with t as(select 1 id1,'A' name from dual union all
      2            select 2 ,'B' name from dual union all
      3            select 3,'C' from dual)
      4      ,x as(select 1 id2,xmltype('<a>a</a>') xcol from dual union all
      5            select 2 ,xmltype('<b>b</b>') xcol from dual)
      6  select *
      7  from t,x
      8  where t.id1=x.id2(+)
      9    and (existsNode(x.xcol,'/a')=1 or x.xcol is null);
           ID1 N        ID2 XCOL                                                   
             1 A          1 <a>a</a>                                               
             3 C                                                                   
    SQL> spool off;

  • Case statement resulting into Left outer join with other tables

    Hi All ,
    I am facing a stuation where a Case statement on one of the logical columns in Answers is resulting into a left outer join with a table in the query.
    If we remove the case stmt, the table is not being acessed.
    The case stmt is a simple one and no other logical column is being accessed in the case stmt.
    Please advice .

    Hi Sai,
    No ..we dont have any left outer join ...its just that I am selecting measure from F1 which has a confimred dimension D1 with F2.Now when I dont have case stmt on measure from F1(Case stmt is something like : CASE WHEN "- P table"."P Column" = 'Y' THEN 'Right' ELSE 'Wrong' END), then it doesnt query F2.
    However as soon as I introduce the case stmt ,the query creates a left outer join with F2.

  • Inner join Vs Outer join with ABAP code...?

    Inner join Vs Outer join with ABAP code...?

    Inner Join means, it will not select that recor at all, unless there is a matching entry in the second table.
    suppose table VBAK INNER join table VBAP on VBAKVBELN = VBAPVBELN.
    In this case, if there are no entries in VBAP, the header entry also will not show up.
    But in case of OUTER JOIN, even if there is no items, it will show the header entry(VBAK) with blank columns for fields  from item table.(VBAP)
    here is one sample for inner join.
               AEBELN = BEBELN
               FOR ALL ENTRIES IN T_EKET
               A~EBELN EQ T_EKET-EBELN AND
               A~BSART EQ C_UBSTO      AND
               A~EKORG IN S_EKORG      AND
               A~EKGRP IN S_EKGRP      AND
               A~BSTYP EQ C_BSTYP      AND
               A~LOEKZ EQ SPACE        AND " Order not deleted
               A~RESWK IN S_RESWK      AND
               B~EBELN EQ T_EKET-EBELN AND
               B~EBELP EQ T_EKET-EBELP AND
               B~WERKS IN S_WERKS      AND
               B~MATNR IN S_MATNR      AND
               B~MATKL IN S_MATKL      AND
               B~LOEKZ EQ SPACE.           " Line item not deleted

  • Left Outer Join with more than two tables in both CR 8.5 and XIR2

    I am trying to create a report and I have tried two versions of Crystal but I ultimately need the report in CR8.5 for compatibility with the client's system.  I think I am starting to figure out what might be wrong and it might be my understanding of SQL, but I can't see why someone hasn't needed this in the past. Ultimately I want to see all projects and any journal entry that might be posted for that project.
    Database is MySQL 5.0.38 and using MySQL ODBC driver 3.51.19.
    Project header table information will be populated. Each line item on a journal entry can be tagged with the project ID. But for me to pull the journal entry date I need also to link to a third table for the journal entry header info.
    I want to see all projects, whether a journal entry has been posted or not.
    So the links are like this
    ProjectHeader --->Left Outer Join ---> JELines ---> Inner Join ---> JEHeader
    I think in this scenerio Crystal is treating the LOJ as an IJ.
    I created two brand new reports today, one in CR8.5 and one in CR XIR2. Once I edited the automatic CR8.5 SQL statement (which I have been doing for years, usually without problem), they both ran properly. I linked customers to their invoices. Customers without invoices showed properly. But then I linked the invoices to the payments of the invoices and immediately lost customers without orders in both reports.
    So apparently only two tables are allowed in Outer Joins. Does this make sense?  I checked out the w3schools tutorial on SQL and it doesn't mention this limitation and I can't find anywhere else that it specifically indicates this but all samples of code I have seen only show two tables.  I just thought for presentation as a sample that was easiest to understand and we could expand as necessary.
    If this is correct, how does one go about accounting for this kind of thing?  One solution that goes through my mind is creating a view at the database level for the link between journal entry lines and journal entry headers.  Would this be a good solution under normal circumstances?
    A second option that I had to implement because of timelines, is to use a subreport linked to the main report through the project ID to pull the information for the journal entries and just pass the totals I need to the main report through a shared variable.
    These aren't normal circumstances because I don't have access to the database so I can't create the view.  I have come across this concept several times and I have been able to use subreports to solve it but I am trying to find a better solution for the future as sometimes subreports can be slow.  So are there any alternatives I have not considered here?
    TIA rasinc

    So after some more work and another post.  I was able to get this to work.
    Items disappear when linking to another table
    My issues were two fold.  I was selecting on the tables on the right-side of the original Inner Join.  However, I was checking for Nulls.  This apparently is correct but you must check for the Nulls first eg. (IsNull (JEHeader.Field1) OR JEHeader.Field1 <= 100).  I had my original statement reversed checking for <= 100 before checking for Nulls.
    I also did not set all links to be Left Outer Join.  I had the Inner Join.  I actually have about 6 tables in this report so all the links need to be set Outer Join.  So this now seems to be corrected.

  • Query Question: Combine outer join with max() statement

    Hi Folks,
    I have been banging my head on this for a while now and am asking from some advice.
    I have a Project Completion Report that pulls information from a number of tables:
    1) Program (PK: ID)
    2) Project (PK: ID, FK: Program_ID constrained to Program.ID)
    3) Project_Monthly (PK: ID, FK: Project_ID constrained to Project.ID)
    4) Status_Report (PK: ID, FK: Project_ID constrained to Project.ID)
    The Status_Report table has a Record_Date field and holds a BLOB with the status reports for all the projects. In the best of all possible worlds, every project would have a status report, but, obviously, some have no status reports.
    I have been asked to extend the Project Completion Report. It currently shows:
    1) Program Number (Program.Program_Number)
    2) Program Name (Program.Program_Name)
    3) Project (Project.Project_Name)
    4) Projected Completion Date (Project_Monthly.Current_Date_Production)
    We would like to add the latest status report. So I started with something that works in another report, which is to get the ID from the Status_Report table for the record that has the maximum date value in the Record_date that matches the Project in the current Program. But this other query is looking at one program at a time. The Project Completion Report is showing all programs with projects that complete within a certain time frame.
    The requirement is to show all projects that will complete within a time frame and to display the ID of the most recent status report (I use javascript to turn this into a downloadable link). However, whenever I try something like:
    AND Status_Report.Record_Date =
    (select MAX(Status_Report.record_date) from Status_Report
    where Status_Report.ID = Project.ID)I loose all projects that have no status reports associated with them.
    How can I keep all the projects that fulfill the criteria of completing within a specified time frame and add the ID, if it exists, of the most recent status report?
    I thank you for your time and assistance. Please let me know how I can clarify the problem more clearly.

    I had thought I finally solved it. Alas, it wasn't yet to be.
    I created a view with the following select statement:
    select p.program_number, p.program_name,
    pj.id as pj_id, pj.project_name, pjm.in_prod_current, pjm.record_date as pjm_record_date,
    prs.id as prs_ID, prs.record_date as prs_record_date
    from program p, project pj, project_monthly pjm,
    project_status_report prs
    where p.id = pj.program_id
    and pj.id = pjm.project_id
    and pj.id = prs.project_id (+);Then, I selected from the view and the project_status_report table, performed an outer join on those (filtered to only the current month's project records) and filtered by the maximum date for each project.
    Here is the resulting query:
    select pc.program_number, pc.pj_id, pc.project_name, pc.in_prod_current,
    pc.pjm_record_date, pc.prs_id
    from project_completion pc,
    project_status_report prs
    where trunc(pjm_record_date, 'mon') = trunc(sysdate,'mon')
    and prs.id = pc.prs_id (+)
    and pc.prs_record_date =
    (select max(mprs.record_date)
    from project_status_report mprs
    where mprs.project_id = pc.pj_id)However, I am still not getting the projects for which there are no status reports.
    Verflixt und zugenaeht!
    It seems that I want to compare based upon the record_date of the status report, but get the ID back. Can I use DECODE for that? Can I get the MAX(prs.record_date), but return only the prs.ID? Because if I include the ID in the select statement, I get too many matches, but if I don't then I don't have the ID, which is needed.
    Any suggestions?
    Thanks, Petie
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