Outgoing text messages are often undeliverable.

I'm having issues with outgoing text messages being undeliverable.  Is this an iPhone problem or a carrier problem?  Most of my texts go to people who have the same carrier as me.  I have an iPhone 4s. 


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    2.  When a message is deleted, would it be correct to say that the message is not physically deleted but just that a record pointer in the database (messages_database.pdb) is reset so the messages appears to be deleted?
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    Can any high level technical Palm programmer shed some light on this for me and let me know if there is a way to recovery deleted Text Messages on a Palm Centro?
    Much Apreciated,
    Post relates to: Centro (AT&T)

     I    had the same problem.
    1.Search for a program call filez.prc (give your address I can send you) copy it to a memorycard. btw [email protected]
    2. Copy it to the palm device(it works on any)  activate the program on the palm chk rom at the top and chk all message database and smstxt and also some have 0000behind em.  note the sizes as the older ones are larger and copy them to the card.
    3. to view em use microsoft word and use recover txt from any file I think it is called. You will be able to see detail but be careful as it sometime displays truncated or mixed but you will be able to see most txt clearly. 

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    This is for imessage - go to settings - message - send&receive and start a new convo - remove or uncheck the apple id.

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    Thanks for verifying. Are you having issues receiving both iMessages and standard text messages when they are sent when the phone is turned off? Try this and test... http://vz.to/1qjiOs7
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

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    As you may remember there used to be a Messages pane to the Preferences where the Font and colour of the Balloons or background and the Font text colour could be changed.
    And there was a Format Menu for character, word and Sentence changes in the current IM or iMessage.
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    Changing the Font would involved editing the Balloon.transcript file.
    10:34 pm      Saturday; December 13, 2014
    ​  iMac 2.5Ghz i5 2011 (Mavericks 10.9)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad

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    Thank you.

    Thank you!
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    Group messaging simply puts all replies in one conversation in Messages.   It doesn't prevent the behavior you experienced.
    My suggestion which would be much easier in my opinion, is rather than do a text, send out an email and use bcc: , which will keep the audience hidden from each recipient.
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    Have you also asked in the Adobe forums?  To have people read your post, best not to include long crash reports until asked to do so.

  • Text Messages are automatically getting deleted

    Am using BB curve 9300 3G, and OS 6.0...
    Around 2 months back, i was having issue with my BB so sent it to service center.... When it came back, the OS was upgraded to 6.0 from 5.0...all is fine except now the text messages are getting deleted after few days...what remains is the name of the sender in green with no message in it... 
    Even in settings, I have kept "forever" in the tab "Days to keep messages" 
    Looking forward for a reply...
    with regards
    Abhik Das 
    with regards
    simply abhik...
    Please click "Accept as Solution" if your issue has been solved and to give thanks/appreciation, click thumbs up...
    For BB OS update: http://us.blackberry.com/software/smartphones/update.html
    BB Simulators: http://us.blackberry.com/sites/developers/resources/simulators.html

    In my case,there is no such apps installed and in my device memory,there's 30+ mb left unused,hence memory wnt be the root cause for my case either...
    Strange is tht,today is 13th of june n when I woke up, I saw the text messages of 5th june got deleted...so,only 8 days old messages r there in my BB...thts really annoying...!!!
    with regards
    simply abhik...
    Please click "Accept as Solution" if your issue has been solved and to give thanks/appreciation, click thumbs up...
    For BB OS update: http://us.blackberry.com/software/smartphones/update.html
    BB Simulators: http://us.blackberry.com/sites/developers/resources/simulators.html

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    Regards, John

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    If you had pop and now want to use imap you need to create another (new) email account in Mail.
    When you start creating a new account, press the option key when you click the Continue button and you will be given the choice of creating the account for pop or imap.

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