OutOfMemoryError when sending JMSMessage

Hi, everyone.
My application is a JMS client which runs on oc4j and connects JMS listener to another server (Weblogic8.1). It receives a JMS message in every 2 seconds. Each time onMessage is called, the message is published to the JMS Topic on the local server.
The problem is it keeps running fine for a few days, but after that starts "getting JMSException : storeMessage" as below when publishing received message to the local JMS topic. The JMS listener keeps working for another 30 seconds with this error and sometimes without any trouble. Then the listener suddenly stops and it never receives message any more. Almost the same moment, there is this message in the jms.log.
05/09/14 17:06:32 computeSize
Other than JMS listener, the oc4j seems to be working fine. I can get successful responce from the servlets and jsps.
Does anybody have any clue why this happens? Or is there any workaround as to allocate the bigger heap on JMS topic?
I appreciate your HELP!!!
-------Here is the stacktrace --------------
05/09/14 17:06:31 javax.jms.JMSException: storeMessage(ID:Oc4jJMS.Message.SYS037203.88e2dd:1064d0336d0:-8000.40727,null)
05/09/14 17:06:31      at com.evermind.server.jms.JMSUtils.makeJMSException(JMSUtils.java:1843)
05/09/14 17:06:31      at com.evermind.server.jms.JMSUtils.toJMSException(JMSUtils.java:1859)
05/09/14 17:06:31      at com.evermind.server.jms.ServerStore.storeMessage(ServerStore.java:757)
05/09/14 17:06:31      at com.evermind.server.jms.ServerStore.enq(ServerStore.java:157)
05/09/14 17:06:31      at com.evermind.server.jms.ServerTopic.enq(ServerTopic.java:464)
05/09/14 17:06:31      at com.evermind.server.jms.ServerTopic.enq(ServerTopic.java:97)
05/09/14 17:06:31      at com.evermind.server.jms.JMSProvider.enqMessage(JMSProvider.java:574)
05/09/14 17:06:31      at com.evermind.server.jms.EvermindSession.send(EvermindSession.java:1098)
05/09/14 17:06:31      at com.evermind.server.jms.EvermindMessageProducer.send(EvermindMessageProducer.java:409)
05/09/14 17:06:31      at com.evermind.server.jms.EvermindMessageProducer.send(EvermindMessageProducer.java:201)
05/09/14 17:06:31      at com.evermind.server.jms.EvermindTopicPublisher.publish(EvermindTopicPublisher.java:77)
05/09/14 17:06:31      at com.mypackage.sender.JmsObjectSender.send(JmsObjectSender.java:145)
05/09/14 17:06:31      at com.mypackage.sender.JmsObjectSender.run(JmsObjectSender.java:108)

How big are the messages?
The OutOfMemoryError means that there was inadequate memory to make a temporary copy (or two) of the message for book-keeping purposes. So either you are way low on memory or you have some really big message.
Are you using a persistent topic? (I.e., did you set a persistence file for it in jms.xml)? If not, do so. And turn on paging of message bodies. Are you reading all of the messages out of the topic (for all subscribers)? If not they will accumulate until you're out of memory.

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