Output Designer 5.5 or Later needed to import .IFD

Can anyone help resolve. I receive the follwoing error in LiveCycle ES2, "Output Designer 5.5 or Later needed to import .IFD". All searches to purchase OutputDesigner 5.5 or later resulted in links to landing pages for LiveCycle Designer ES4. So i bought ES4 thinking that it was a resolved issue and ES4 was what i needed, but I still get that alert. Please advise

Read this - LiveCycle ES2 * Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES2
It says that 'you must install Output Designer 5.5 or later on the same computer as LiveCycle Designer' . Do you have Output designer also available on the same machine>
- Varun

Similar Messages

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    Need to convert IFD file to XDP. Using Live Cycle Designer ES2 try to import the IFD file, following error occured "To import IFD, Adobe Output Designer 5.5 or later needs to be installed".
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    Hello Srikanth; I will contact you separately
    For others reading this thread
    Most customers that need to convert an Output Designer IFD form for use with ADEP/LiveCycle Designer have access to Output Designer; the tool that originaly created the IFD files.
    Current version is 5.7; the import feature in ADEP/LiveCycle Designer is the only conversion that Adobe offers.
    The import requires Output Designer to be installed with ADEP/LiveCycle Designer for it to work.
    The product is unfortunately not posted as a trial in a public place. To use the importer a licensed copy of Output Designer 5.7 should used.
    Check around your organization for a copy; check your organizations S/W entitlements in Adobe LWS.
    If you have an old version 5.4 and need 5.7; if you have current Adobe support; request an upgrade to 5.7 from Adobe Customer Care
    The product is still available for sale and as a discounted license upgrade for customers that do not have current support.
    If you have a regular Adobe representative for you account – a trial version can be ordered for you in a pinch – but this may take a while.
    Adobe Partners with appropriate privilages can acess Output Designer 5.7  as a download on the partner portal.

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    Read this - LiveCycle ES2 * Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES2
    It says that 'you must install Output Designer 5.5 or later on the same computer as LiveCycle Designer' . Do you have Output designer also available on the same machine>
    - Varun

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    1. Files(IFD) created in Older Version like 5.2 can be opened without any problem in latest Version?
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    Older files can be opened in the latest version. If the ifd is older than 5.3 and has the "Filler" aspects included, these Filler features will be removed.
    I would not expect 5.5 to open a 5.6 ifd.
    Output server includes printing, faxing, email, pdf, data transformation and along with the design tool is all you need to create a document generation application assuming the data is available. Output server uses a watched folder approach and will not go and get the data from a legacy application, the data must be pushed to Output Server.
    Output Server will happily process forms from older versions of Output Design. They do not need to be the same version but I would not trust a 5.6 design to a 5.5 server. Upwards compatibility yes, downwards compatibility no.

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    Best try it, to be honest. Whether the class files are compatible is only part of the equation. Other things can go wrong, too. For example, we had a similar situation a few years back, where the vendor had a bunch of packages with 'enum' in the name. Bang. Falls over on anything 1.5 or later, when enum became a keyword. There are quite a few open-source libs with the same problem, various Apache Commons libs leap to mind. If your vendor's used any of them, you'll hit the same problem. There's no way you can really just expect it to work, you need to either persuade them to build it on 1.6, or run some exhaustive testing on it yourself, which of course would be a good idea regardless....

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    Hi, i would appreciate if someone could help me with the following issue:
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    Thanks in advance

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    Yes you can use the output designer without the output server.
    We are using the Jfmerge to merge the text file( a temp file to manupulate the data) and .DAT files.the output will be a PCL file. This PCL file you cn send to printer or you can convert it to any other format.We are converting it to PDF file using PCL2PDF file.
    Jimmy Thomas
    [email protected]

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    The DJI cameras were first supported in ACR 8.3 and more support added in ACR 8.4:
    Lens profile support | Lightroom 5, 4, 3 | Photoshop CS6, CS5 | Camera Raw 8, 7, 6
    You will need PS-CS6 or PS-CC or PSE12 with current updates on OSX 10.7.x or Windows 7+ to use this version of ACR.
    However, even if you have an older version of PS or older OS, if you can install the Adobe DNG Converter, you can copy these lens profiles to the User's lens profile folder and they might be seen.  I can give more specific instructions about doing this if you are unable to update PS's ACR to 8.3/8.4.

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    My feeling is it something to do with XP and memory allocation for compiles but I have not got to the bottom of this.
    Can anyone give me any advice over this problem. Have any of you experienced this problem, if so how did you resolve it ?
    Is there any settings that would solve this ?

    I am having a similar problem. Have you been able to figure it out yet?

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    Look here: http://www.adobe.com/products/server/outputdesigner/overview.html
    There is a link at the top to have Adobe contact you.

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    Thank you.

    Look here: http://www.adobe.com/products/server/outputdesigner/overview.html
    There is a link at the top to have Adobe contact you.

  • Import a pdf into Output Designer

    Hey all.  I have been struggling with this for a while and I'm thinking there has to be a better or more effeicient way to do what i'm doing.
    Here it goes...
    I have files that originate from Microsoft Word files that I am converting to pdf's, I am then using the image tool in acrobat pro to take a snapshot of the form and then I paste it into paint, save it as a bitmap.  Paste the bitmap into output designer save my ifd file and then compile it into a mdf file.  mdf is the final format that I need.  Is there an easier way to get from word or pdf to mdf?  Or is there a way to import the pdf files into output designer to save myself a few steps?
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!

    What we typically do, is take a pdf, and run it through Formbridge.  So, open formbridge, click Translate, then browse out to the file you want to convert.  It'll ask you where you want to save it (usually in the same folder you picked the file up from), then click ok, and it should convert it.  Once the conversion is completed, open Output Designer, click file, import.  Browse to the folder you converted the file to, and select the fif file (that's the extension it names it once it's been converted) and click open.  It may prompt you to choose a font or two during the import, but just select whatever is closest to what was on the original artwork.
    Once the import is completed, you may need to touch it up, but it shoud come over pretty cleanly.  Hope this helps!

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    Does anyone know what to do?

    Do as it says: Put your downloaded 7z file and the *.exe in a proper folder, not just dump it onto your desktop or whatever.

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    After upgrading to 10.7.2, my iMac works fine for 40-50 minutes, then slows to a crawl.  Restart gets back to normal, then 40 minutes later need to restart again.  Thought about reinstalling Lion through Lion Recovery, but won't let me, says my hard disk is locked?  Any suggestions?

    Launch the Terminal app in /Utilities/, run these two commands (copy & paste each one separately and hit the return key):
    sudo chflags 0 /volumes/*
    sudo chmod a+rx /volumes/*
    at the Password: prompt, type in your admin password, carefully since nothing displays on the screen, and hit the return key. These should unlock your drives. You might have to restart.

  • I've just bought a Macbook Pro 15" and I'm trying to use Photoshop, but the resolution its displaying the images at for 100% are too small. I have to design for the web, so need to be intricate with detail, but I'm finding it adjusts the resolution of the

    I've just bought a Macbook Pro 15" and I'm trying to use Photoshop, but the resolution its displaying the images at for 100% are too small. I have to design for the web, so need to be intricate with detail, but I'm finding it adjusts the resolution of the image right down. (I mean you can see the image clearly, but it's too small to edit). When I look at Safari and see a web page at 100% it's clear, but the same page displayed in Photoshop CC appears 50% of the size (even though it says it's 100%)   If I move the application window to another screen it adjusts it correctly  – leaving all the pallettes, menus and tools correctly sized as they are on the retina display   Is there some way to adjust the way Photoshop CC displays images so it is more consistent with what you actually see?   There doesn't seem to be any answer on the Adobe forum, so hopefully someone here can shed some light.  MacBook Pro with Retina display, 15", OS X Yosemite (10.10.2), Photoshop CC 2014

    I tested both ways. With "open in low resolution" ckecked the size of the images is cool, but it is low-resolution including Photoshop appearance.
    If "open in low resolution" is unckecked the appearance is good but the very small size.
    See the image below. It has 650 x 732 px, 72 dpi. The font of the text "Neste aniversário ..." is with 18pt.

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