Output JS variables with CF

This is probably a simple one... But I'm not very familiar with JavaScript so I really have no idea.
How would I output the variables in this script with Coldfusion?
var d = new Date();
var curr_date = d.getTime();

Yup, it is very simple, you simply CAN NOT do this.
CFML is executed by a ColdFusion Application Server, usually running on a web server.  JavaScript is executed by a browser running on a client computer.  These executions happen at completely different times on completely different systems with completely different memories with completely different variable pointers to values in those memories that can be thousands of miles apart. [And even if they ARE sharing the same system, in a development workstation for example, ColdFusion and JavaScript still CAN NOT read each others memory locations]
It is very easy, and powerful, to use CFML to generate JavaScript output to be returned to a browser, just like generating HTML, CSS, XML, etc.
It is pretty easy, and powerful, to use JavaScript to make requests to a web server for CFML resources.
But one must always keep in mind that these languages are not sharing the same computer, they are not executing at the same time and YOU are responsible in designing how they will interact over the HTTP request-response, client-server nature of Internet Applications.

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  • Creating Variable with Replacement Path to get value from ANOTHER Variable

    Hi all,
        Is anyone has created the Variable with Replacement Path to get the value from another User Entry Variable, PLEASE ? 
    First created the User Entry Variable (ZV_X) and it accepts the date range like '01/01/2009 - 01/31/2009'. Next created the Characteristic variable (ZV_Y) of Replacement Path for which source variable will be ZV_X and we should get the 'FROM Date' (01/01/2009) from the selection (ZV_X) into it (ZV_Y).
    While creating the Characteristic variable (ZV_Y) of Replacement Path, I didn't find my newly created ZV_X variable in the list of available variables under 'Variable' header in 'Replacement Path' tab and it is causing the error 'Source to replace variable ZV_Y is not defined'. How could I create the Characteristic variable of Replacement Path for my requirement, PLEASE ?
    The following is from help.sap..com:
    Replace with Characteristic Value
    Text and formula variables with the processing type Replacement Path can be replaced with a corresponding characteristic value. In the variable editor, on the General tab page, you specify under Reference Characteristic the characteristic that is to be referenced by the replacement. On the Replacement Path tab page, you can choose whether the variable is replaced with the From or the To Value and with the Key or the Name of the characteristic value. You can also specify the Offset Start and Offset Length for the output.
    Replace with Variable
    Characteristic value variables, hierarchy variables, text variables, and formula variables with the Replacement Path processing type can take their values from a different variable.
    The following prerequisites need to be fulfilled:
    ●      The variable must not be input-ready
    ●      The variable must represent a single value
    Source Variable
    ●      The source variable must not be a hierarchy node variable
    ●      The source variable must be input-ready
    ●      The source variable must be available in the query
    ●      The source variable must represent a single value or an interval
    In the variable editor, on the Replacement Path tab page, you specify the source variable from which the value is to be determined. The value is either determined from the key, the external attribute of the key, the description, or the attribute value. You can specify an Offset Start and an Offset Length for the output here. The variable is replaced on the variable screen upon each data release.

    Hi Eve,
    It is possible to connect the 2 queries using a Replacement Path characteristic variable. You would need to create the variable on the char whose values you want to pass from Q1 to Q2. The variable will be of type replacement path and you will need to enter the name of Q1 from which it will get the values. Make sure that you include this char in the query definition of Q1 and Q2. In Q2 you will restrict the characteristic using this variable. DO not use this variable (replacement path) in Q1.
    In your query properties check if you have turned on the checkmark for Release for OLE DB for OLAP (3rd tab). If the check mark is there, then remove it.
    We are using the scenario in a couple of places, and it works very well.
    Hope this helps...

  • Formula Variable with Replacement Path - drillup ref.char and still working

    Hi all,
    I have a requirement, where formula variable (with replacement path) shouldn't work when I remove the reference characteristic from the rows. But this is not the case at the moment
    I have 'Brand' and 'Material' in the rows and there is 'Material Indicator' in the columns. This 'Material Indicator' is a formula and there is formula variable in it with the type replacement path.
    Reference char is 'Material'; Replace with 'Attribute Value' is selected also. As attribute I am selecting one of the attributes of the 'Material'.
    In the report output, I am seeing relevant attribute values when Material is in the rows. But when I remove the Material from the report, I still see the values for this Material Indicator column. But I expect to see blank instead..
    Can you please share your comments?
    Thanks in advance.

    Irrespective of the drilldown on Material, the fomula variable will be replaced by material value. This is how replacement variable should behave. You might have to change the design. For  more inputs, let me know your requirement exactly.

  • How to use variables with

    I need to get the number of lines in internal table, which would
    be easy, using DESCRIBE TABLE itab LINES lines. But the problem
    is, that I get the name of this internal table in the field of
    another internal table, so I have to use the name of internal
    table as variable, but I don't know how to use variables with
    DESCRIBE TABLE (or if this is possible).

    define two tables with diferent structures.
    data: begin of table1 occurs 0,
    registro type i,
    end of table1.
    data: begin of table2 occurs 0,
    registro type i,
    repid like sy-repid,
    end of table2.
    data: rows type i.
    fill them with data
    do 1000 times.
    table1-registro = sy-tabix.
    append table1.
    do 1757 times.
    table2-registro = sy-tabix.
    table2-repid = sy-repid.
    append table2.
    call a form that receives as input the table and returns the number
    of rows as output.
    perform howmanyrows tables table2 changing rows.
    break-point. "evaluate the number of rows
    perform howmanyrows tables table1 changing rows.
    break-point. "evaluate the number of rows
    form howmanyrows tables itable changing rows.
    rows = 0.
    loop at itable.
    add 1 to rows.
    You can try it if you don't find a better solution.

  • How can I get the variable with the value from Thread's run method

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    How can I get the variable with the value?
    This is sample code:
    public class SampleSynchronisation
         public static void main(String df[])
    sampleThread sathr= new sampleThread();
    System.out.println("This is the value from the run method "+sathr.x);
    /* I should get:
    Inside the run method
    But I get only:
    class sampleThread extends Thread
         public String x="Inside";
         public void run()
              x+="the run method";
    NB: if i write the variable in to a file I am able to read it from external method. This I dont want to do

    Your main thread continues to run after the sathr thread is completed, consequently the output is done before the sathr thread has modified the string. You need to make the main thread pause, this will allow sathr time to run to the point where it will modify the string and then you can print it out. Another way would be to lock the object using a synchronized block to stop the main thread accessing the string until the sathr has finished with it.

  • How to use bind variables with XMLTABLE?

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    create or replace function wsdltest return xmltype as
    l_dummy xmltype;
    l_stt clob;
    l_name varchar2(500);
    l_xml clob;
    l_xml :=
    '<definitions name="F1" targetNamespace="http://xmlns.oracle.com/orawsv/XFILES/F1" xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns:tns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/orawsv/XFILES/F1" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/">
    <xsd:schema targetNamespace="http://xmlns.oracle.com/orawsv/XFILES/F1" elementFormDefault="qualified">
    <xsd:element name="SVARCHAR2-F1Input">
    <xsd:element name="A-VARCHAR2-IN" type="xsd:string"/>
    <xsd:element name="F1Output">
    <xsd:element name="RETURN" type="xsd:string"/>
    <message name="F1InputMessage">
    <part name="parameters" element="tns:SVARCHAR2-F1Input"/>
    <message name="F1OutputMessage">
    <part name="parameters" element="tns:F1Output"/>
    <portType name="F1PortType">
    <operation name="F1">
    <input message="tns:F1InputMessage"/>
    <output message="tns:F1OutputMessage"/>
    <binding name="F1Binding" type="tns:F1PortType">
    <soap:binding style="document" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"/>
    <operation name="F1">
    <soap:operation soapAction="F1"/>
    <soap:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
    <soap:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
    <service name="F1Service">
    <documentation>Oracle Web Service</documentation>
    <port name="F1Port" binding="tns:F1Binding">
    <soap:address location="http://localhost:8080/orawsv/XFILES/F1"/>
    -- OK
    l_stt := 'select * from xmltable(XMLNAMESPACES(''http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema'' AS "XSD", default ''http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/''),
    passing xmltype(:1)
    ab xmltype path ''.'' ) t';
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_stt INTO l_dummy using l_xml;
    -- ERROR ORA-01006
    l_name := '"SVARCHAR2-F1Input"';
    l_stt := 'select * from xmltable(XMLNAMESPACES(''http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema'' AS "XSD", default ''http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/''),
    passing xmltype(:1)
    ab xmltype path ''.'' ) t';
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_stt INTO l_dummy using l_xml, l_name;
    return l_dummy;
    Any idea ?
    Thanks in advance

    Why are you using dynamic SQL statements? Why not just use something like this instead in your PL/SQL. I also replaced the leading // in your Xpath with just / since you start from the root node.
    select *
      INTO l_dummy
      from xmltable(XMLNAMESPACES('http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' AS "XSD", default 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/'),
                    passing xmltype(l_xml)
                    ab xmltype path '.' ) t;Also, the above returns two rows, which I suspect is not what you want. Here is the pure SQL version for you to debug.
    select *
      from xmltable(XMLNAMESPACES('http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' AS "XSD", default 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/'),
                   passing xmltype('<definitions name="F1" targetNamespace="http://xmlns.oracle.com/orawsv/XFILES/F1" xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns:tns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/orawsv/XFILES/F1" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/">
    <xsd:schema targetNamespace="http://xmlns.oracle.com/orawsv/XFILES/F1" elementFormDefault="qualified">
    <xsd:element name="SVARCHAR2-F1Input">
    <xsd:element name="A-VARCHAR2-IN" type="xsd:string"/>
    <xsd:element name="F1Output">
    <xsd:element name="RETURN" type="xsd:string"/>
    <message name="F1InputMessage">
    <part name="parameters" element="tns:SVARCHAR2-F1Input"/>
    <message name="F1OutputMessage">
    <part name="parameters" element="tns:F1Output"/>
    <portType name="F1PortType">
    <operation name="F1">
    <input message="tns:F1InputMessage"/>
    <output message="tns:F1OutputMessage"/>
    <binding name="F1Binding" type="tns:F1PortType">
    <soap:binding style="document" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"/>
    <operation name="F1">
    <soap:operation soapAction="F1"/>
    <soap:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
    <soap:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
    <service name="F1Service">
    <documentation>Oracle Web Service</documentation>
    <port name="F1Port" binding="tns:F1Binding">
    <soap:address location="http://localhost:8080/orawsv/XFILES/F1"/>
                   ab xmltype path '.' ) t

  • How to create date variable with interval in VC

    Hi Everyone,
    I have 2 questions:
    <u>My scenario:</u>
    I am using a BI 7.0 Query which is having some variables. I want the same variables to be displayed in the VC output.
    <u>Question 1:</u>
    I know that how to bring these variables in variable screen, but when we use these queries, dont the variables in the variable screen automatically ask for the input?
    I tried it but it is not happening automatically.
    There are 2 inputs for queries with variables, i tried using both, but it is not working properly. Can any one tell me is it possible.
    <u>Question 2:</u>
    In this variable screen, I have to select date with interval format. but i dont know how to use variable with interval. ( Date with interval format).
    I hope some one might have come across the same scenario .. If so please share with the solution me ..

    Ok .. Let me be very clear .. I think I confused you.
    As you mentioned I have done every thing in query level.
    I have created a query with a variable which is an interval based variable(date).
    When I execute the query it asks for the dates to display the inbetween data.
    I gave the inputs and the data is displayed properly.( So far what I have mentioned is all in Query designer).
    In VC, I have used this query and it is having two ports named INPUT and VARIABLE. I know that I need to give input in variables. I selected the calander month variable from the list to display. After this I deployed the model. In the output screen the table is displayed and 1 text box is also available for the date input. I know that here I have to give date with same format as in Query designer output. I tried so many ways to give input by even selecting some other options like date picker but it is giving the following error - <b>Variable expects interval values; enter an interval.</b>
    The date format which I m using in Query is "MM.YYYY" and I m using the same format in VC too.
    Now I hope that u can understand better.
    I want to know is there any other way through which this can enter interval value or what mistake I m doing in the above explained scenario?

  • Formula Variable with customer exit

    can we use Formula variables with customer exit based  on characteristics(ex Bill date)? if yes, can you guys help me on this.

    Yes , you can use a formula variable with customer exit based on characteristics .
    Depends on the requirement what you want to show in the formula variable ,
    Eg : if you want to show the max fiscal year period , in that case :
    create a new formula in the keyfigure section of your query , go to edit , you can see formula variable below the keyfigures ,
    right click on the same and create new formula variable :
    Write the code for the formula varible in the backend as we do for normal customer exit varaible :
    for this e.g the code will be :
    FORM get_variable_value
          tables E_T_RANGE      type RSR_T_RANGESID
          using I_VNAM          type RSZGLOBV-VNAM
                I_VARTYP        type RSZGLOBV-VARTYP
                I_IOBJNM        type RSZGLOBV-IOBJNM
                I_S_COB_PRO     type RSD_S_COB_PRO
                I_S_RKB1D       type RSR_S_RKB1D
                I_PERIV         type RRO01_S_RKB1F-PERIV
                I_T_VAR_RANGE   type RRS0_T_VAR_RANGE
                I_STEP          type I.
      DATA loc_var_range LIKE rrrangeexit.
    Data  : l_inPer TYPE string.
    IF i_step = 1.
    Select min( distinct FISCPER )
            from /BIC/A(DSO name)
            into l_minper  .
        l_s_range-sign = 'I'.
        l_s_range-opt = 'EQ'.
        l_s_range-low = l_minper  .
        APPEND l_s_range TO e_t_range.
    drag the formula variable in the new formula created and exexcute the query , you will be able to see the output .
    This is just an example , your code will differ as per your requirement .

  • Error while creating a Characteristic Variable with Replacement Path

    Hi all,
        I am trying to create the Characteristic Variable ZVLOWDT (Low Date') with Replacement Path on characteristic ZSTARTDT (Start Date) and it gives the error 'Source to replace 'Low Date' is not defined.
       I have created a User Entry Variable VAR_DATE (Start Date) with interval like '01/01/2009 - 01/15/2009'  and  Customer Exit variable ZVCPDAY (does some calculation based on the input of VAR_DATE) on the same ZSTARTDT characteristic. I want to get the 01/01/2009 (lower range date of the selection) into this Characteristic Variable ZVLOWDT. We are in BI 7.0 and the following are it's properties:
    General Tab:
    Description: Low Date
    Technical Name: ZVLOWDT
    Type of Variable: Characteristic Value
    Processing by: Replacement Path
    Reference Characteristic: ZSTARTDT Start Date
    Details Tab:
    Variable Represents : Single value
    Variable is: Mandatory
    Variable is Ready for Input : unchecked
    Replacement Path Tab: Replacement Rule
    Replace Variable with : Variable
    Variable : VAR_DATE
    Replace with : KEY
    Why I am getting this error, PLEASE ?

    Hi Khaja,
       We could derive a Variable value from another Variable with out Customer Exit. There is a white paper.
    First have the User Entry Variable (ZV_X) and it accepts the date range like '01/01/2009 - 01/31/2009'. Next create the Characteristic variable (ZV_Y) of Replacement Path for which source variable will be ZV_X and we could get the 'FROM Date' (01/01/2009) from the selection (ZV_X) into it (ZV_Y).
    While creating the Characteristic variable (ZV_Y) of Replacement Path, I didn't find my newly created ZV_X variable in the list of available variables under 'Variable' header in 'Replacement Path' tab and it is causing the error  'Source to replace variable ZV_Y is not defined'. How could I create the Characteristic variable of Replacement Path, PLEASE ?

  • BW 3.5 - Issue with formula variable with replacement path

    Dear experts,
    I'm facing an issue with formula variable with replacement path.
    Just to clarify, I know replacement paths is raising a lot of questions but I've been using this functionnality extensively in the past, both in 7.0 and 3.5, so I'm not looking for basic information about how to use it.
    I'm trying to setup a simple report that would show total values per plant of Purchase Order < 100 €
    To do so I've setup a calculated key figure as follow:
    VAR1 * ("PO value" < 100 ) * "PO value"
    VAR1 is a formula variable with replacement path on 'purchase order' and value attribute 'constant =1'.
    (The report has to show values summarized by plant but should not show the detail PO by PO, so I'm not looking at a solution based on condition)
    The report as characteristic "plant" in rows and my CKF in columns.
    Now let's take an example. I have 3 POs in Plant 1:
    PO1 -> 150€
    PO2 -> 90€
    PO3 -> 80€
    Because of the variable with replacement path, the result in my query should be:
    plant1 = 170 (even though characteristic "purchase order" is not in my rows, system should evaluate PO one by one and return values only for those two that are below 100).
    But the result coming is 320, which is wrong.
    I've done the same report on many other 3.5 systems and it worked perfectly, and I am not able to get proper support from SAP OSS who keep saying that this functionnality is not ready in 3.5 (although I've provided screenshot of this working on another 3.5 system!!! how frustrating...)
    They have also pointed to problems of Before and After aggregation but that has absolutely no impact. Once again, the scenario is working perfectly on other 3.5 systems with the same query design, so i'm sure it has nothing to do with Query Designer options.
    Would anyone have ever come to an equivalenet problem? I'm wondering whether the DB itself could not play a role in the variable with ref  characteristic 'constant =1' ...
    Any though is welcome!

    The text variable is replaced when the exact date is clear for this key figure column according to the restriction.
    To achive this, please make sure that either the variable is directly restricted in the key figure selection, or that the date characteristic is in drilldown.

  • Variable with Replacement Path

    Hi, I have two queries. The results of the first one should be the input for the second one. E.g. the first query shows a list of personnel numbers and additional information. These personnel numbers shall be overtaken by the second query. The personnel numbers belong to "Dimensions" in the Query Designer. I alread tried to create a variable with replacement path to the dimension personnel number. I implementet this variable in both the first and the second query (under: "rows"). It`s no "Formular variable" and no "Calculated Key Figure" but a "Characteristic Value Variable" of a Dimension. The problem is now that I cannot execute any of the two queries. The error "Abort the query cannot be released for OLE DB for OLAP. System error in programm CL_RSR_REQUEST and form PREPARE_VQUERIES:INVALID_
    What is my mistake? Thank you in advance! Eve

    Hi Eve,
    It is possible to connect the 2 queries using a Replacement Path characteristic variable. You would need to create the variable on the char whose values you want to pass from Q1 to Q2. The variable will be of type replacement path and you will need to enter the name of Q1 from which it will get the values. Make sure that you include this char in the query definition of Q1 and Q2. In Q2 you will restrict the characteristic using this variable. DO not use this variable (replacement path) in Q1.
    In your query properties check if you have turned on the checkmark for Release for OLE DB for OLAP (3rd tab). If the check mark is there, then remove it.
    We are using the scenario in a couple of places, and it works very well.
    Hope this helps...

  • Issues with using the output redirection character with newer NXOS versions?

    Has anyone seen any issues with using the output redirection character with newer NXOS versions?
    Am receiving "Error 0x40870004 while copying."
    Simply copying a file from bootflash to tftp is ok.
    This occurs for both 3CDaemon and Tftpd32 softwares.
    Have tried it on multiple switches - same issue.
    Any known bugs?
    The following is an example of bad (NXOS4.1.1b) and good (SANOS3.2.1a)
    MDS2# sho ver | inc system
      system:    version 4.1(1b)
      system image file is:    bootflash:///m9200-s2ek9-mz.4.1.1b.bin
      system compile time:     10/7/2008 13:00:00 [10/11/2008 09:52:55]
    MDS2# sh int br > tftp://
    Trying to connect to tftp server......
    Connection to server Established. Copying Started.....
    TFTP put operation failed:Access violation
    Error 0x40870004 while copying tftp://
    MDS2# copy bootflash:cpu_logfile tftp://
    Trying to connect to tftp server......
    Connection to server Established. Copying Started.....
    TFTP put operation was successful
    ck-ci9216-001# sho ver | inc system
      system:    version 3.2(1a)
      system image file is:    bootflash:/m9200-ek9-mz.3.2.1a.bin
      system compile time:     9/25/2007 18:00:00 [10/06/2007 06:46:51]
    ck-ci9216-001# sh int br > tftp://
    Trying to connect to tftp server......
    TFTP put operation was successful

    Please check with new version of TFTPD 32 server. The error may be due to older version of TFPT server, the new version available solved this error. Files are getting uploaded with no issues.
    1. Download tftpd32b.zip from:
    2. Copy the tftpd32b.zip file into an empty directory and extract it.
    3. Copy the file you want to transver into the directory containing tftpd32.exe.
    4. Run tftpd32.exe from that directory. The "Base Directory" field should show the path to the directory containing the file you want to transfer.
    At this point, the tftpserver is ready to begin serving files. As devices request files, the main tftpd32 window will log the requests.
    Best Regards...

  • Formula variable with replacement path

    HI ,
    1. Is it possible to use "Customer exist- without user entry variable in the formula variable with the replacement ?
    2. if I use two variable for a same time char in one report (one is User entry variable and the other is customer exit variable for calculating current system date), then how it will work ? (User entry variable is there in the "Char restrictions" section and the customer exit variable is customer exit used in formula variable)
    Thanks in Advance.

    1. Is it possible to use "Customer exist- without user entry variable in the formula variable with the replacement ?
    Yes. use I_step=1
    I_STEP = 1
    Call takes place directly before variable entry. Can be used to pre populate selection variables
    I_STEP = 2
    Call takes place directly after variable entry. This step is only started up when the same variable is not input ready and could not be filled at I_STEP=1.
    I_STEP = 3 In this call, you can check the values of the variables. Triggering an exception (RAISE) causes the variable screen to appear once more. Afterwards, I_STEP=2 is also called again.
    2. if I use two variable for a same time char in one report (one is User entry variable and the other is customer exit variable for calculating current system date), then how it will work ? (User entry variable is there in the "Char restrictions" section and the customer exit variable is customer exit used in formula variable)
    Yes you can use both the variable of time char to restrict a characteristic but that should not be used on single characteristic.
    You can use the sys defined  0date on one field and the customised one Zsydatum on other char.

  • Formula Variable with replacement path on 0CALDAY

    I am trying to enhance an existing query.
    I am creating a new formula variable processing by replacement path.
    In Reference Characterisitic I have choosen 0CALDAY.
    In the tab options , I selected replacement path.
    In the replacement path tab, in Replacement Rule /replace variable with I am trying to select the variable. But in the variable list I am not able to find 0CALDAY variable, which we have already created and restricting in some other key figures.
    Please help me in this regard.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hey in the replacement path tab you need to choose either its infoobject or variable from which the value needs to be taken.
    If you choose infoobject you get the options of choosing its attributes etc.
    If you choose variable you get option to choose variable associated.
    But under "General Tab" under reference characteristic you need to choose your CALDAY.
    Hope this helps.
    Edited by: Praveen G on Sep 26, 2008 5:53 AM

  • Formula variable with replacement path on system date

    Hi Experts,
    I got a requirement to calculate "Days without payment" in report level.
    Days without payment = System Date - Payment Date.
    (Payment date field is available in CUBE, but system date field is not available in the CUBE)
    As we know, the difference b/w 2 dates is not possible directly.It can be possible by creating 2 formula variables with replacement paths on the dates and by writing aformula on these 2 formula variables.
    But the thing is I dont have system date readily available, and I tried by using SAP Exit. But we cant create formula variable replacement path on another variable (SAP EXIT).
    Do we have any SAP variable  for formula with replacement path readily avaliable to get system date (or) any other suggession.
    Please suggest me.
    Sai Chand.S

    Hi Arminder,
    Thanks for your valuable answer.
    I tried doing the same previously.As u said we can get system date by creating customer exit variable.
    But the thing is to find difference b/w 2 dates, we cant do it directly, we need to create 2 formula variables with replacement path.
    1) Var1 = Formula variable with replacement path on system date(custoer exit variable).
    2) Var2 = Formula variable with replacement path on paymanet date.
    Number of days = var1 - var2.
    But as in 1st point, we cant create formula variable with replacement path on another variable, as system date is already a variable of type customer exit.
    We can create replacement paths only on characteristics.
    Please suggest me .
    Sai Chand.S

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    Hi, I'm setting up a book consisting of 34 individual files. Each filename with this structure: "1.4 - Chapter name", "2.4 - Chapter name" etc. On the top of the masterpage I have insert the variable file_name in a text-box. This is straight forward

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    Hi All! My question is as follows: Is it possible to have portal users stored in one database and groups stored in other database? Also the these are the groups to which the users belongs and groups already exist as part of the current legacy system.

  • Fast fromula related to oracle payroll are not called from Formula result window

    Hi, Few of the fast fromula related to oracle payroll are not called from Formula result window , please let me know how these fast formulas are called. Example : PAY_GB_EDI_MOVDED6_FOOTER Thanks, Subbu.

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    Hi friends, could anyone tell me "How to degub the module pool program"...!! Thanks in advance..!!

  • Display predefined metadata in search hitlist

    Hi, I have configured search optionset with allowed predefined properties and I am able to filter my search based on predefined properties.My question is how can I display the predefined properties in the search results?. For example if I have a docu