Output String Handling in Java

Hi, guys...............
How can I format my output I have a long text formula which consist of alot of "()","{ }" "[ ]" and some other special char. I want to see in a readable format. This output formula is approximately you can say 1 or 2 pages but there is no any space or a break line e.g. [sdsadadfdfsdffwesdfsdfsdf{sdsdddsd^afasdfadfsdfasdfasdfasdf(asdfaf(asfasdfbvdcbyrey)eyydfhghghshgfghfg)fghfghfg}hfg]hfg$sdfsdfsdfsdg[fsdgdfhd{[dsfassd{sdfsgsggdfbergdfvgg}dfgdfgdfgdfg]gdfgdfgdfgdfgdg(hfghfghsdfhgasdfasdffdghdfhbdfgd^sdfgasdfgdfgdfgdfbsd|dfsdggdfgdfhdgh)dfhdfh}dfhdfhvnbvbnmghmjyky] and so on.....upto more than 1 page. so how can I control my string. which is readable for me.
kind regards
for replying

Do you actually want to read a couple of pages of text without white space?
If the bracket things nest you could output them like code (with the content nested):
   sdsetc {
]It's never going to be easy to read, however.

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    Even without reading the API you should be work out what it is doing
    - by reading the source code for the method.
    - debugging it with a debugger.
    - inferring what it does from its name.
    But reading the API is the most obvious, that what the documentation is for.

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              String b = "def";
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    Strings are pooled. This means that if you writeString a = "1";
    String b = "1";you have a good chance that a == b.
    For new Strings (as "abc" + "def" returns), the pool is bypassed. This explains why "abc + "def" != "abcdef". To make sure a String is pooled, use intern (). ("abc" + "def").intern () == "abcdef", guaranteed.
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    else return novalue;

    My advice is still to not name the enum the same as the value of the string you want to test for. That page I linked to shows how to have enums with parameters. Then you could have an enum whose name is (say) JavaInt and whose string value is "int".
    But frankly if I wanted to map Strings to actions I would just use a Map<String, Action> instead of trying to force my code into an antique construction like switch.

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    I don't know if this is helpful at all, but there is an example that uses output strings, SimpleEXE.cws. It may be beneficial to see how it is handled there. The method in question is the Add method in the IString interface. 

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    import java.io.*;
    import java.net.*;
    import java.util.*;
    class Servlet_Message        // Send a message to an HTTP servlet. The protocol is a GET or POST request with a URLEncoded string holding the arguments sent as name=value pairs.
      public static int GET=0;
      public static int POST=1;
      private URL servlet;
      // the URL of the servlet to send messages to
      public Servlet_Message(URL servlet) { this.servlet=servlet; }
      public String sendMessage(Properties args) throws IOException { return sendMessage(args,POST); }
      // Send the request. Return the input stream with the response if the request succeeds.
      // @param args the arguments to send to the servlet
      // @param method GET or POST
      // @exception IOException if error sending request
      // @return the response from the servlet to this message
      public String sendMessage(Properties args,int method) throws IOException
        String Input_Line;
        StringBuffer Result_Buf=new StringBuffer();
        // Set this up any way you want -- POST can be used for all calls, but request headers
        // cannot be set in JDK 1.0.2 so the query string still must be used to pass arguments.
        if (method==GET)
          URL url=new URL(servlet.toExternalForm()+"?"+toEncodedString(args));
          BufferedReader in=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream()));
          while ((Input_Line=in.readLine()) != null) Result_Buf.append(Input_Line+"\n");
          URLConnection conn=servlet.openConnection();
          // Work around a Netscape bug
          // POST the request data (html form encoded)
          DataOutputStream out=new DataOutputStream(conn.getOutputStream());
          if (args!=null && args.size()>0)
    //        System.out.println("ServletMessage args: "+args);
    //        System.out.println("ServletMessage toEncString args: "+toEncodedString(args));     
          BufferedReader in=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));
          while ((Input_Line=in.readLine()) != null) Result_Buf.append(Input_Line+"\n");
          out.close(); // ESSENTIAL for this to work!          
        return Result_Buf.toString();               // Read the POST response data   
      // Encode the arguments in the property set as a URL-encoded string. Multiple name=value pairs are separated by ampersands.
      // @return the URLEncoded string with name=value pairs
      public String toEncodedString(Properties args)
        StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer();
        if (args!=null)
          String sep="";
          Enumeration names=args.propertyNames();
          while (names.hasMoreElements())
            String name=(String)names.nextElement();
            try { sb.append(sep+URLEncoder.encode(name,"UTF-8")+"="+URLEncoder.encode(args.getProperty(name),"UTF-8")); }
    //        try { sb.append(sep+URLEncoder.encode(name,"UTF-16")+"="+URLEncoder.encode(args.getProperty(name),"UTF-16")); }
            catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { System.out.println(e); }
        return sb.toString();
    }As shown above the servlet need to encode a string.
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    <1> Is it possible to send an object to a servlet, if so how ? And at the receiving end how to get it back to an object ?
    <2> If it can't be done, how can I be sure to encode the string in the right format to send it over to the servlet ?

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    Thanks in advance.
    don call

    The java.policy file goes in your jre installation directory in .../jre/lib/security (there should be one there already).
    I used it to allow otherwise restricted permissions for an applet using javax.comm. Add something like the following to the file:
    grant codeBase "URL:http://yourDomainName/rootDirectoryOfYourApp/*" {
         permission java.security.AllPermission;
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    its a simple output string to command.
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    thanks for the help
    //methods input save files
         saveFile = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Save Files To : ");
         //method command for saving files
         //Stream to write file
         FileOutputStream fout;          
         try { Process myProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("mkdir" + saveFile );
          InputStreamReader myIStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(myProcess.getInputStream());
          fout = new FileOutputStream ("file.txt");
          while ((ch = myIStreamReader.read()) != -1) { new PrintStream(fout).print((char)ch); } }
              catch (IOException anIOException) { System.out.println(anIOException); }

    What you fail to understand is that "aint working" and "Problem with output string to command" tells us absolutely squat about what your problem is. This is the same as saying to the doctor "I'm sick" and expecting him to cure you. As mentioned by Enceph you need to provide details. Do you get error messages? If so post the entire error and indicate the line of code it occurs on. Do you get incorrect output? Then post what output you get, what output you expect. The more effort you put into your question the more effort others will put in their replies. So until you can manage to execute a little common sense then the only responses you will get will be flames. Now is your tiny little brain able to comprehend that?

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    cents wrote:
    Thanks for ur answer.....Actually I just wanted to know whether "Reading from a file" and "Writing to a file" in Java Swing is possible or not?
    Edited by: cents on Mar 16, 2010 9:35 AMWhat did google tell you? Did you see anything interesting in the API?

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    Hi all,
    I am required to do an indepth study on security-related exception handling in Java, their Pluses and minuses... Can ppl suggest me places where I can get a kick start? Any resource that u know can help me out?
    I appreciate ur help in this regard...FYI, I am a grad student and I am doing this as a part of my course-work...I am writing up a report on this...
    Thanx a bunch, in advance for ur help ppl..

    Take a look at the JAAS API and docs.
    - Saish

  • Output strings from loop into one string

    im trying my best to explain my problem so ber in mind:)
    hey having a bit of trouble with outputing strings from loop
    i typed ab into the textbox
    the output should be 12
    but since it is in a loop it would only output the last string and in this case is 2
    im trying to get both strings from the loop and output strings from loop into one string.
    here is some of my code to understand my problem
    // characters a to f
         char[] charword = {'a','b','c','d','e','f'};
         String charchange ;
      // get text from password textbox
                          stringpassword = passwordTextbox.getText();
                          try {
                          // loop to show password length
                          for ( int i = 0; i < stringpassword.length(); i++ ){
                          // loop to go through alfabet     
                          for (int it = 0; it < charword.length; it++){
                             // if char equals stringwords
                               if (stringpassword.charAt(i) == charword[it]){
                                    System.out.print("it worked");
                                    // change characters start with a
                                    if (charword[it] == 'a'){
                                         charchange = "1";
                                    // change to 2
                                    if (charword[it] == 'b'){
                                         charchange = "2";

    Not sure how you are displaying the result but you could display each value as soon as you find it.
    if (charword[it] == 'a'){
    }If it is in a text field then use append. Or if you really need a String with the entire result then use concatenation.
    if (charword[it] == 'a'){
        charchange += "1";

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    import com.sun.midp.io.Base64;
    byte[] data = Base64.decode(EncodedString);
    But I found that it's not possible in Java ME SDK as com.sun.midp.io.Base64 is not available there, anyone please give me some alternative of above code so that I can decode a Base64 String in Java ME SDK.
    Eagerly waiting for the possible solution.

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    Can you attach a tpyical flne and a description of the desired read operation so we have a better idea what you are trying to do? Do all lines have the same overall format?
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