Overwriting existing planning app

Hi,what care should be taken or what is the best process to overwrite the existing planning application with other planning application.Iam using planning 3.5 and essbase 6.5.TIA-

Hi John,
So you are suggesting to export all objects (Business Rules, data Exports, outlines, calc scripts, etc.) and create a new application and import all the objects into the new planning applications. What about the forms? How do we migrate the forms? I was thinking of creating a new planning app with 3 plan types and then import the planning repositoty ino this new app (to import the forms, smartlist, task lists, user variables) but then it would delete the 3rd Plan Type that I created. Any suggestions on how to import these objects too.
Maybe it can be done easier in 11 but I am on 9.3.1.

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    Is it possbile? Yes it is
    Is it logically possible? No. How can you get a new dimension for history years!!!!
    How to make it work. You'll have to map all your existing data to a member or members of the new dimension and change all the rules/logic to include the new dimension so that the change is mapped correctly to history years.
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    Try doing it from Shared Services and see if it is still failing. I think you are using an old xml file (someone deleted the form and the xml still has it).
    So better start over from Shared Services and that will generate the new export.xml file.

  • Unable to See Planning App in EAS

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    If other application are working without any problem, can you not delete the planning application and try again, something may have gone wrong.
    If not can you refresh planning? Can you provision any users against the application in Shared Services

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    didenko wrote:
    I checked web server configuration, and planning has default port 8300Did you run through all the configuration process for the workspace web server or just check? If you just checked then you will need to run through all the config process.
    I'll remind that after reconfiguring planning database HSPSYS_APPLICATION table now is empty. Maybe I should return a record for my app somehow?If you can access your planning application I can't see how the table would be empty unless you have run the config utility and select the planning database config and dropped the tables.
    If you can access the planning application directly then you don't need to worry about the table.

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    please I am having trouble understanding. But here goes what I think your asking.
    When you reply in an interleaved fashion as you did with my email, you need to break the previous message by pressing enter to get your own text area to type in. I saw a discussion on one of the develop0er list the other day where they were suggesting that some of the font information is bleeding back and forth in these situation and brainstorming what to actually do about it. That is just a discussion as yet. See https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tb-planning/ZYusepcRj-k
    One of the best option in my opinion is to use the quote and compose managerhttps://freeshell.de/~kaosmos/quoteandcomposemanager-en.html as it preserves the vertical lines Thunderbird shows while editing in the outgoing message to make it clear where the interleaved information is located. It also has a stabilize font option that has helped many. (The author is Italian, so Italian locales of his add-ons are always available)
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    Maintenance Plans are great as a base starting point for, "maintenance".  They provide quick, easy setup and just get something in when in some cases, a fulltime DBA is not around.
    Uri's recommendation on avoiding Maintenance Plans probably should have come with an explanation with such a strong statement.  I'm guessing with the following, there will be an agreement...
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    into truly managing your database servers as they grow.  Now, WITH INIT is an option form memory in the BACKUP Task but given the task, the conversion to calling the BACKUP DATABASE [db] TO DISK=N'filepath' WITH INT is a pretty quick change (at this point). 
    It will allow you to better understand the tasks you are refining as well.  But, you do have the ability to leave it there.
    I'm also not fully agreeing that WITH INIT is your best option if you want to retain backup history.  If you do not, then by all means, INIT it all day.  You may want to consider bringing this into SSIS or even a more structure TSQL statement to
    dynamically create backup files by timestamps so you can at least retain some historic recovery abilities.  Possible this is something of a secondary backup so that is based on my assumptions
    Ted Krueger
    Blog on lessthandot.com @onpnt on twitter

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    Yes this is the environment.
    Finally, the environment is up and running.
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    Now I am trying to work with the planning applications.
    I created the datasource.
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    Thanks for your guidance.

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    One thing to consider is if using Flash CS5 your app might not publish properly or may publish with errors and bugs.  It depends on how you coded the app/flash site.  But if you are using Loader() method in your FLA make sure to include all of the swfs that your swf container file accesses.  If they are not in a subfolder you will have to add them one-by-one to your list of included files.

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    ---->Planning outline/Essbase outline
    ---->New user security filter creation
    ---->Essbase Data
    The options we've thought:
    ---->Use LCM to automate the backup process (Not sure how to do that, will go through the document)
    ---->Use ODI to automate the backup process
    ---->Schema Copy from production to QA
    Things to note:
    Using system
    Simple planning apps with max 2 GB data

    Thank you John for your response. However I have couple more questions, I would really appreciate if you please share your thought on this. Thank you!
    1. When I copy all the tables from production planning app schema to QA, do I have to take care of any specific information like (shared services url registration) in QA?
    Also, every night I copy the schema from Prod to QA, I'll have to copy the entire shared service schema as well. Correct?
    2. I'll definitely explore LCM, but I am not sure if LCM can be scheduled through a third party scheduler or not.
    3. I was going the utility exist in planning applications. Is there any utility which can be used to export the outline, security from production apps and import it back in QA planning apps? That would be nice as we could create the batch files using those utilities and call the batches from third party scheduler.

  • Unable to log in to Hyperion Planning App Wizard

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    Unable to log in to Hyperion Planning App Wizard. This is my new installation. There is no error message in the planing windows. After click on log on button, the page just getting refresh and its come to same page only.
    errors in in the planning logs......
    <Nov 27, 2011 1:33:33 AM GST> <Warning> <JMX> <BEA-149515> <An error was encountered getting the attribute AdminServerListenPort on the MBean com.bea:Name=Planning0,Type=ServerRuntime during a call to getAttributes>
    <Nov 27, 2011 1:33:33 AM GST> <Warning> <JMX> <BEA-149515> <An error was encountered getting the attribute AdminServerHost on the MBean com.bea:Name=Planning0,Type=ServerRuntime during a call to getAttributes>
    <Nov 27, 2011 4:36:12 AM GST> <Warning> <JMX> <BEA-149515> <An error was encountered getting the attribute AdminServerListenPort on the MBean com.bea:Name=Planning0,Type=ServerRuntime during a call to getAttributes>
    <Nov 27, 2011 4:36:16 AM GST> <Warning> <JMX> <BEA-149515> <An error was encountered getting the attribute AdminServerHost on the MBean com.bea:Name=Planning0,Type=ServerRuntime during a call to getAttributes>
    <Nov 27, 2011 7:33:45 AM GST> <Warning> <JMX> <BEA-149515> <An error was encountered getting the attribute AdminServerListenPort on the MBean com.bea:Name=Planning0,Type=ServerRuntime during a call to getAttributes>
    Please help me on this issue...

    Those are just warnings and shouldn't be an issue.
    What browser are you using, have you tried to go directly and through workspace to the application creation wizard.

  • Can I add my existing, licensed apps to my list of 'Purchases' on the Mac App Store so I don't have to buy them twice?

    I was wondering if I could add my existing, licensed apps to the list of app 'Purchases' that I have on the Mac App Store.
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    that they will be managed and maintained (updated) through the same mechanism,
    so much more.
    The benefits of having apps from MAS are easy to see when compared to going through my downloads folder and emails looking for the latest installers, working out what they're for in the first place, finding the license key in some forgotten e-mail, etc.
    I am aware that I can build a clean machine and then restore just the right apps in their most up-to-date version as I had them on my backups.  The one thing to say about that is that the apps may have been used and abused once too many times and their preferences, etc. may not be in the most desirable form. It's just not as elegant as the MAS solution.
    I realise that not all apps, app versions, or app vendors, are available through MAS. But I still have a fair few apps currently available on MAS that were bought prior to the existence of MAS, prior to them becoming available on MAS, or were bought directly for some other reason (by mistake).
    So I wondered if there was any way I could convert my legitimate licenses from simply a direct purchase to one through MAS and have those apps listed under my 'Purchases' list. It would reduce the amount of work I'd have to do, not only to rebuild my machine but also to maintain it.
    I cannot find any reference or way of having this work the way I would like it to. But I was hoping that some Apple guru would enlighten me.
    I have thought about the possible mechanisms something like this would need to work and I must admit I see some not insurmountable issues (not as much technical as legal or possibly logistical). I realise that MAS is a service in its own right and as such has its own Terms, Conditions and Licensing that may not be compatible with the licenses that I already have. I also realise that when I purchase an app from MAS that I'm paying for the entire service including updates and use on multiple machines that I may own, etc. Obviously I do not want to pay the full purchase cost again for the same app twice, but I am willing to pay a small conversion/upgrade fee to have it managed as part of my 'Purchases' on MAS.  Think of it in the same terms as iTunes works.  I can purchase music, etc. but I can also add my own CD collection and have it managed by iTunes and store it in the cloud should anything go wrong with my local machine, etc.
    So if this is currently not possible, then for the Apple MAS product managers out there, consider this as a suggestion/feedback.  I'd be happy to discuss my thoughts in more detail about not only how to achieve this for now but also for the future when you may add existing applications to MAS that people may have previously bought direct and would like to have managed through MAS going forward. The benefits to the users are hopefully clear, but from Apple's perspective I hope that you can see the advantages too, commercially, etc.
    PS: I apologise for the wordiness of my query and overuse of 'etc.', etc.

    Can I add my existing, licensed apps to my list of 'Purchases' on the Mac App Store so I don't have to buy them twice?
    No. Only apps purchased from the App Store can be re downloaded for free including updates.

  • Upgrade/Migrate 9.3.3 Planning apps to

    I am in the next step of our upgrade from 9.3.3 to and ready to migrate our Planning applications. I have read many of the posts related to this and have a general list of steps, but I have slightly different situation than what I have seen posted before.
    To summarize, we have installed on new servers.  Our old 9.3.3 is still up and running on different environment.  I have sucessfully completed the following:
    1.     Foundation Services/Shared Services installed and up and running and users/groups successfully migrated.
    2.     Essbase and EAS installed and up and running.  All Essbase applications (except for the Planning apps), have been successfully migrated from 9.3.3 to
    3.     Planning has been installed and is up and running.  While there are no Planning apps in the new system, I can open the Planning Administrator via WorkSpace.
    So the next step is to get my Planning apps moved/migrated from the 9.3.3 environment to the new
    To complicate matters, we are switching from SQL Server repository in 9.3.3 to Oracle in our new  So the first thing we did was to create a new Oracle schema for our Planning app repository and using SQL Developer migrate wizard, we copied/migrated the tables and data from the old SQL Server to Oracle.  It appears that all the tables and data were successfully copied into Oracle.
    Our old Planning application is called PlanTest. The application owner is a native user called planadm.  My intended migration plan (and my questions) are:
    1.     Do I create a new blank Planning app called PlanTest using native account planamd in
    2.     If I use my new Oracle repository for this blank app, will it wipe out the old converted data or will it try to upgrade/migrate it?
    3.     Or..should I take a backup of my new converted repository first.  Then drop/recreate the Oracle Schema (so no tables) and let Planning build the repository when I create the blank Planning app?  Then capture the owner SID in the new HSP_USER table.  Stop Planning. Then overlay the database backup of 9.3.3 over the newly created repository and replace the owner SID info. Then Restart Planning.
              ** My concern:  Is the Planning app repository table structures the same between 9.3.3 and
    4.     Open Planning and hope that the application PlanTest appears!
    5.     Use Planning upgrade Wizard to finish the migration and upgrade the repository.
    6.     Push/Create app to Essbase.
    7.     Export data from old app to .txt load file and reload into new Planning cube.
    8.     Convert/Migrate Business Rules using info from John's blog.
    I am sure I missed something.  Any suggestions or comments on these steps would be appreciated.  Bottom line is I need to get this app (and several others) migrated successfully with all metadata, security, forms, rules etc. working.  Rebuilding them from scratch is NOT an option.
    Also, to clarify.  This is a Classic Planning app.  We are not using EPMA.

    Following the steps, the upgrade/migration of the Planning application worked successfully.  The app and forms were all migrated and was able to push to Essbase application successfully.  The only issue was security.  While the users/groups seem to appear in the migrated Planning app, none of their security access/filter info migrated.  We have Planning security defined down to the member level in the application and it appears none of that successfully migrated, so we would need to manually re-assign all of that security.  Any thoughts of what may have happend or step I may have missed?
    Also have moved on to attempt migration of the Business Rules to Calc Manager.  Using John's 2nd alternative method from his blog, I export the rule from 9.3.3 EAS to HBRRules.xml file, copy it to the appropriate folder, select "Migrate" on the PlanTest planning app in Calc Manager, select the app and Plan type and all seems well with the Import screen even indicating that the Rule and variables were Inserted.  But I never see the rule appear.  Could this be an "owner" issue or is there something I need to do to the .xml file before the migration step?

  • How to lock a period in Essbase but the app is Planning app?

    I am using Planning v11.1.1.3 and have a Planning app.
    The requirement is that user can read/write data directly to Essbase via Smartview. I lock a particular period, e.g. Oct, in Scenario dimension so the user cannot write data to Oct in Planning, but how do stop user to write data to Oct via Smartview?
    The user has 'Server Access' for Essbase, 'Interactive User' and 'Analytic Services Write Access' for Planning.
    If I create a additional filter to lock 'Oct' in Essbase, it seems the user can still write to 'Oct'.
    Appreciate if anyone can shed some light on this.

    First Smartview is 2 things. Its a planning interface and an Essbase interface.
    So users can access Planning forms and still have the right security. I assume you mean users are interfacing Essbase directly to the same cube that is your planning cube so basically bypassing Planning that controls things
    you can push the filters from Planning to Essbase but Planning controls the periods from the scenario. And If I remember correctly this is not passed to Essbase.
    So your options are 1
    1) dont let users access Essbase directly and force them to use Planning forms in Smartview
    2) don't push Planning security filters to Essbase and try to replicaate all the security again in Essbase. But the tools is not design for this and refreshing will wipe out all your hardwork so be very very careful
    3) push Oracle/Hyperion to finally fix the way they do security to make it more unified process once and for all

  • URGENT: How to Run an existing Oracle apps page in Jdev 10g

    Hi All,
    I have downloaded Jdeveloper 10G with OA Extension from the patch 5856648. I am able to successfully run the "test_fwktutorial.jsp" and "HelloWordPG.xml". I need to customize an existing Oracle apps page for one of our client requirement. I've done the following:
    1. Downloaded the BC4J components of the page which include xml and .class files from $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/ego and placed it in myproject( C:\p5856648_R12_GENERIC\jdevhome\myprojects) and also myclasses( C:\p5856648_R12_GENERIC\jdevhome\myclasses) folder of my jdeveloper.
    2. Downloaded the mds PG.xml from $APPL_TOP/ego/mds and placed it in C:\p5856648_R12_GENERIC\jdevbin\jdev\oamdsxml\fwk with the appropriate folder structure.
    I need to extend one of the VO and one of the controllers from the above standard oracle files. But since there are only .class files in the server, if I open the .class files, the methods are missing in those files. By decompiling the class files also, during run time it gives me error.
    What is the right approach and steps to use the existing Oracle apps files. Is there some way in Jdeveloper where we can set the source of java file with compiled .class files. I'm not able to work in the Jdeveloper for this customization. Please could some one help.
    Thanks & Regards,

    1st thing to make sure is that you want to do changes for an R12 instance because that's this version of Jdev is provided for.
    Class files are required in myclasses folder only. Also page xml files should be in myprojects folder with the appropriate folder path.
    Decompiling class files are only way to work with them.

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