Overwriting result sets in a file

Hello, I am querying a database and putting the results into a ResultSets. When the user clicks a button the results are written to an Excel worksheet. However, each time you click the button or write to the worksheet, the ResultSet is appended to the previous one. Is there a way to overwrite??? Thank you in advance.

here is the method I created to insert a result set into MS Excel
public void output_vehicleInfo(ResultSet rset)
prepared_statement = con.prepareStatement("insert into \"VehicleInfo$\" (BumperNumber, Noun, Section) values (?, ? ?)");
//catch clause
The code works; however, it doesn't insert at the beginning of the table. It inserts after the last record. I want to overwrite all data with the insert.

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    Just get the results as strings, ints or whatever you want and write them. If you want, store results in vectors, hashes... and write the file after closing connections.

  • Writing result set to .csv file

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    if(rs!= null){
                    date = new java.util.Date();
                    String logDate = sdf.format(date);
                    File log = new File(logDate+".csv");
                    writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(log));
               // 5) Move to first record (and then next) record.
                  writer.write(rs.getString(1) + "," + rs.getString(2) + "\n");
    1. 2008-03-31 error during
    The problem is when I write this to a .csv file, when opened with excel, the date appears as
    If I right click the column, and select format, I can format the date properly, but I don't want to do this.
    Any suggestions?

    ##### is what Excel usually displays when it can't display the entire cell contents in the width of the column. Try expanding the column in Excel and see if the date appears.

  • Exporting query result set into CSV file using Forms

    Hi ,
    My requirement is
    -> I need to create a form where I have a Multi line text box and two button.
    -> When I enter a query in text box and click on Execute button, It should execute a select query.
    -> After execution, Result set needs to be exported into an Excel file.
    Please give a hint how to do this????

    as you are using text item to write SQL query by the user
    so for that you need to use the exec_sql package to parse the text items query and get definitions and values of the columns being
    resulted in the result set of the query.
    once your query is execute to the desired connection then you need to use fetch the result to the CSV file by use of the TEXT_io package
    which will open the text file with .csv extension and you have to pass the each line to that text file with comma separated values as "ss","rr" etc.
    or you can use the ole2 package to call the excel application and then fetch the data of exe_sql query to that.

  • Transfer data from Result Set (Execute SQL Task) into Flat File

    Hi to all,
    My problem is this:
     -) I have a stored procedure which use a temporary table in join with another "real" table in select statement. In particular the stored procedure look like this:
    create table #tmp
    col1 varchar(20),
    col2 varchar(50)
    insert into #tmp
    values ('abc','xyz')
    select rt.*
    from realTable rt, #tmp
    where rt.col1 = #tmp.col1
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    thanks in advance.

    Hi  Visakh16<abbr
    thanks for the response.
    Your is a good Idea, but I do not have permission to use DDL statement on the database in production environment.

  • Convert result set into input stream

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    Could you provide a solution here...

    1 - JDBC is the wrong way to extract this data. It's like "What's the fastest way
    to copy the Oxford English Dictionary using tweets?" I would research the
    DBMS's bulk extract functionality.
    2 - Are you dead-set absolutely sure you need to do this at all? What can you
    do with the data all in one flat file that you cannot do with SQL access to the
    3 - If you want to convert all the columns into one (not that it's a huge
    win or anything), you can use the DBMS's conversion and concatenation
    functionality in your SQL. So instead of
    "select col1, col2, col3, .... from MyBigTable"
    do (change this to whatever conversion function syntax and concat syntax your DBMS needs)
    "select convert(col1, varchar) concat ' ' concat convert(col2, varchar) concat ' ' concat convert(col3, varchar) ... from MyBigTable"
    so the result set you get is a single column.

  • JDBC-ODBC Bridge to SPSS data files - Result Set Type is not supported

    As mentioned in the subject I am trying to read SPSS data files using the SPSS 32-Bit data driver, ODBC and the JDBC-ODBC Bridge.
    Using this SPSS Driver I manged to read the data directly into an MS-SQL Server using:
    SELECT [...] FROM
    OPENROWSET(''MSDASQL.1'',''DRIVER={SPSS 32-BIT Data Driver (*.sav)};DBQ=' SomePathWhereTheFilesAre';SERVER=NotTheServer'', ''SELECT 'SomeSPSSColumn' FROM "'SomeSPSSFileNameWithoutExt'"'') AS a
    This works fine!
    Using Access and an ODBC System DNS works for IMPORTING but NOT for LINKING.
    It is even possible to read the data using the very slow SPSS API.
    However, when it comes to JDBC-ODBC the below code does only work in part. The driver is loaded successfully, but when it comes to transferring data into the resultset object the error
    SQLState: null
    Result Set Type is not supported
    Vendor: 0
    The official answer from SPSS is to use .Net or to use their implementation with Python in their new version 14.0. But this is obviously not an option when you want to use only Java.
    Does anybody have experience with SPSS and JDBC-ODBC??? I have tried the possible ResultSet Types, which I took from:
    and none of them worked.
    Thank you in advance for your ideas and input & stay happy!
    Here the code without all the rest of the class arround it:
    // Module:  SimpleSelect.java
    // Description: Test program for ODBC API interface.  This java application
    // will connect to a JDBC driver, issue a select statement
    // and display all result columns and rows
    // Product: JDBC to ODBC Bridge
    // Author:  Karl Moss
    // Date:  February, 1996
    // Copyright: 1990-1996 INTERSOLV, Inc.
    // This software contains confidential and proprietary
    // information of INTERSOLV, Inc.
    public static void main1() {
      String url   = "jdbc:odbc:SomeSystemDNS";
      String query = "SELECT SomeSPSSColumn FROM 'SomeSPSSFileName'";
      try {
        // Load the jdbc-odbc bridge driver
        Class.forName ("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver");
        // Attempt to connect to a driver.  Each one
        // of the registered drivers will be loaded until
        // one is found that can process this URL
        Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection (url);
        // If we were unable to connect, an exception
        // would have been thrown.  So, if we get here,
        // we are successfully connected to the URL
        // Check for, and display and warnings generated
        // by the connect.
        checkForWarning (con.getWarnings ());
        // Get the DatabaseMetaData object and display
        // some information about the connection
        DatabaseMetaData dma = con.getMetaData ();
        System.out.println("\nConnected to " + dma.getURL());
        System.out.println("Driver       " +
        System.out.println("Version      " +
        // Create a Statement object so we can submit
        // SQL statements to the driver
        Statement stmt = con.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY ,ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
        // Submit a query, creating a ResultSet object
        ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery (query);
        // Display all columns and rows from the result set
        dispResultSet (rs);
        // Close the result set
        // Close the statement
        // Close the connection

    Thank you for your reply StuDerby!
    Actually the above script was before, as you suggested, leaving the ResultSetTeype default. This did not work...
    I am getting gray hair with SPSS - in terms of connectivity and "integratebility" none of their solutions offered is sufficient from my point of view.
    Variable definitions can only be read by the slow API, data can only be read by Python or Microsoft Products... and if you want to combine both you are in big trouble. I can only assume that this is a company strategy to sell their Dimensions Platform to companies versus having companies developping their applications according to business needs.
    Thanks again for any furthur suggestions and I hope, that some SPSS Developper will see this post!

  • JSP Servlet and convert the result set of an SQL Query To XML file

    Hi all
    I have a problem to export my SQL query is resulty into an XML file I had fixed my servlet and JSP so that i can display all the records into my database and that the goal .Now I want to get the result set into JSP so that i can create an XML file from that result set from the jsp code.
    thisis my servlet which will call the jsp page and the jsp just behind it.
    //this is the servlet
    import java.io.*;
    import java.lang.reflect.Array;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.logging.Level;
    import java.util.logging.Logger;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import javax.naming.*;
    import javax.sql.*;
    public *class *Campaign *extends *HttpServlet
    *private* *final* *static* Logger +log+ = Logger.+getLogger+(Campaign.*class*.getName());
    *private* *final* *static* String +DATASOURCE_NAME+ = "jdbc/SampleDB";
    *private* DataSource _dataSource;
    *public* *void* setDataSource(DataSource dataSource)
    _dataSource = dataSource;
    *public* DataSource getDataSource()
    *return* _dataSource;
    *public* *void* init()
    *throws* ServletException
    *if* (_dataSource == *null*) {
    *try* {
    Context env = (Context) *new* InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env");
    _dataSource = (DataSource) env.lookup(+DATASOURCE_NAME+);
    *if* (_dataSource == *null*)
    *throw* *new* ServletException("`" + +DATASOURCE_NAME+ + "' is an unknown DataSource");
    } *catch* (NamingException e) {
    *throw* *new* ServletException(e);
    protected *void *doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
    throws IOException, ServletException
    Connection conn = *null*;
    *try* {
    conn = getDataSource().getConnection();
    Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select post_id,comments,postname from app.posts");
    // out.println("Le r&eacute;sultat :<br>");
    ArrayList <String> Lescomments= *new* ArrayList<String>();
    ArrayList <String> Lesidentifiant = *new* ArrayList<String>();
    ArrayList <String> Lesnoms = *new* ArrayList <String>();
    *while* (rs.next()) {
    *catch* (SQLException e) {
    *finally* {
    *try* {
    *if* (conn != *null*)
    *catch* (SQLException e) {
    // les param&egrave;tres sont corrects - on envoie la page r&eacute;ponse
    }///end of servlet
    }///this is the jsp page called
    <%@ page import="java.util.ArrayList" %>
    // on r&eacute;cup&egrave;re les donn&eacute;es
    ArrayList nom=(ArrayList)request.getAttribute("nom");
    ArrayList id=(ArrayList)request.getAttribute("id");
    ArrayList comments=(ArrayList) request.getAttribute("comments");
    Liste des campagnes here i will create the xml file the problem is to display all rows
    for( int i=0;i<comments.size();i++){
    out.print("<li>" + (String) comments.get(i) + "</li>\n");
    for( int i=0;i<nom.size();i++){
    out.print("<li>" + (String) nom.get(i) + "</li>\n");
    for( int i=0;i<id.size();i++){
    out.print("<li>" + (String) id.get(i) + "</li>\n");
    This is how i used to create an XML file in a JSP page only without JSP/SERVLET concept:
    <%@ page import="java.sql.*" %>
    <%@ page import="java.io.*" %>
    // Identify a carriage return character for each output line
    int iLf = 10;
    char cLf = (*char*)iLf;
    // Create a new empty binary file, which will content XML output
    File outputFile = *new* File("C:\\Users\\user\\workspace1\\demo\\WebContent\\YourFileName.xml");
    FileWriter outfile = *new* FileWriter(outputFile);
    // the header for XML file
    outfile.write("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>"+cLf);
    try {
    // Define connection string and make a connection to database
    Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/SAMPLE","app","app");
    Statement stat = conn.createStatement();
    // Create a recordset
    ResultSet rset = stat.executeQuery("Select * From posts");
    // Expecting at least one record
    *if*( !rset.next() ) {
    *throw* *new* IllegalArgumentException("No data found for the posts table");
    // Parse our recordset
    // Parse our recordset
    *while*(rset.next()) {
    outfile.write("<postname>" + rset.getString("postname") +"</postname>"+cLf);
    outfile.write("<comments>" + rset.getString("comments") +"</comments>"+cLf);
    // Everything must be closed
    catch( Exception er ) {

    Please state your problem that you are having more clearly so we can help.
    I looked at your code I here are a few things you might consider:
    It looks like you are putting freely typed-in comments from end-users into an xml document.
    The problem with this is that the user may enter characters in his text that have special meaning
    to xml and will have to be escaped correctly. Some of these characters are less than character, greater than character and ampersand character.
    You may also have a similiar problem displaying them on your JSP page since there may be special characters that JSP has.
    You will have to read up on how to deal with these special characters (I dont remember what the rules are). I seem to recall
    if you use CDATA in your xml, you dont have to deal with those characters (I may be wrong).
    When you finish writing your code, test it by entering all keyboard characters to make sure they are processed, stored in the database,
    and re-displayed correctly.
    Also, it looks like you are putting business logic in your JSP page (creating an xml file).
    The JSP page is for displaying data ONLY and submitting back to a servlet. Put all your business logic in the servlet. Putting business logic in JSP is considered bad coding and will cause you many hours of headache trying to debug it. Also note: java scriptlets in a JSP page are only run when the JSP page is compiled into a servlet by java. It does not run after its compiled and therefore you cant call java functions after the JSP page is displayed to the client.

  • Sql Developer 3.1 - Exporting a result set in xls generates and empty file

    Ever since upgrading to the Production version SQL Developer 3.1 (3.1.07) it appears that there is an issue when attempting to export a result set as a .xls format.
    If I attempt to export in .xls format, the exported file is an empty file (i,e no output). When I change the export type to txt, csv or xlsx the results are exported as expected.
    This appears to be a bug introduced in the Production version as I was successfully able to perform these tasks on the various 3.1 EA releases.
    Am I alone in this, have I misconfigured something or is this a bug?

    I keep having problems exporting to XLSX - mostly in cases where the data is voluminous and the format would be preferable over plain XLS as it does not have the 65krows limit ;-{ The data is read to the data grid (sometimes fast, sometimes much slower and "in chunks"), then the "task progress" won't move anymore, and the export file remains empty; If I cancel the task, trying to export again results in a message stating that sqldeveloper still has the output file locked.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • Need help in Overwriting result in text file

    Sorry, im new to Labview.
    My situation is
    I can store the name and the result and i have the index.
    I'm having a problem on overwriting result i had in text file.
    give you an example.
    Now in my text file i have a name of a
    student and the result.
    i wan to overwrite the result of the
    student.(this is just an example.)
    can someone guide me please?
    need help as this is my school project.
    i'll attach my program i have done soon.

    you got the wrong idea.
    i do not want to replace the file to a new file.
    what i want was to edit the exsiting file if the same name appear twice.
    in my text file i have already had the name of example Tom and result 80
    and now i input the same name and diff result.
    i wan was to overwrite the result. 
    my project was similar to this here is my attachment of my project
    LOCATOR.vi ‏19 KB
    TESTCAR.txt ‏1 KB

  • How to - extract query result set in CSV and make multiple files if result set is huge.

    I have a query which returns millions of rows. I need to extract those rows in CSV files. Having said that i want to keep these files under a limit of 500 MB . Result set can be distributed among multiples files but each file can not be > 500 MB in size.
    How to achieve this?

    You may use this standard! procedure from Blushadow and produce something useful for your need. https://community.oracle.com/message/6499123#6499123

  • Problem in creating Saved Result Set (SRS) in OBIEE

    We have migrated Siebel Analytincs 7.8.5 to OBIEE, and we are now unable to create any SRS from OBIEE though we can create Segment and marketing cache for the segment.
    We did the following steps -
    1. Unisntall Siebel Analytincs 7.8.5
    2. Install OBIEE
    3. Use MIGRATE tool (sawmigrate) to migrate RPD & WEBCAT
    4. We have ALTERed the SRS tables - M_SR_HEADER, M_SR_ACCOUNT (as in OBIEE version there are many new columns have been added)
    5. We passed GLOBAL CONSISTENCY in the RPD
    6. We followed the steps in the document *"Oracle®Marketing Segmentation Guide Version July 2008"*
    7. We created a Saved Result Set Format as instructed in the document - here we are very confused to select the list of columns - we don't know what should be the excat source / format
    8. Then we click the SRS create button
    9. We got the below error -
    Error in getting cursor for WorkNode (Id:0)
    Authentication Failure.
    Odbc driver returned an error (SQLDriverConnectW).
    *State: 08004. Code: 10018. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: 08004] [nQSError: 10018] Access for the requested connection is refused. [nQSError: 43001] Authentication failed for Administrator in repository Star: invalid user/password. (08004)*
    Can anyone help us to resolve the issue ?
    A quick response is much much appreciated.
    Many Thanks,

    It seems like you didnt setup the Administrator user for Saved Result Sets as it mentioned in the Marketing Segmentation Guide.
    Here is an extract from the guide:
    Setting Up the Web Administrator for Managing Cache and Saved Result Sets
    Some queries issued by the segmentation engine require the use of the Execute Physical stored
    procedure. These queries include delete statements on the cache, delete statements on the saved
    result sets, and insert statements for the cache and saved result set. The Execute Physical stored
    procedure must be run by a user with administrator privileges. The administrator user is set up in
    the instanceconfig.xml file.
    NOTE: The BI Administrator password and login parameters are case sensitive.
    To set up the administrative user in the instanceconfig.xml file
    1 Open a command shell and navigate to the <OracleBI>/web/bin, where <OracleBI> represents
    the root directory of the installation.
    2 Execute the following command:
    cryptotools credstore -add -infile <OracleBIData>/web/config/credentialstore.xml
    3 When prompted, enter the following values:
    Credential Alias: admin
    Username: Administrator
    Password: <enter Admin password here>
    Do you want to encrypt the password? y
    Passphrase for encryption: <password >
    Do you want to write the passphrase to the xml? n
    File "<OracleBIData>/web/config/credentialstore.xml" exists. Do you want to overwrite it? y
    4 Open the credentialstore.xml file and verify that the following section has been created:
    <sawcs:credential type="usernamePassword" alias=“admin">
    <sawcs:username> Administrator </sawcs:username>

  • Large query result set

    Hi all,
    At the moment we have some java classes (not ejb - cmp/bmp) for search in
    our ejb application.
    Now we have a problem i.e. records have grown too high( millions ) and
    sometimes query results in retrieval of millions of records. It results in
    too much memory consumtion in our ejb application. What is the best way to
    address this issue.
    Any help will be highly appreciated.
    Thanks & regards,

    you can think of following options
    1) paging: read only few thousands at a time and maintain a index to page
    through complete dataset
    2) caching!
    a) you can create a serialized data file in server to cache the result set
    and can use that to browse through. you may do on the fly
    compression/uncompression while sending data to client.
    b) applet based solution where caching could be in client side. Look in
    "chauhan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Thanks Slava Imeshev,
    We already have search criteria and a limit. When records exceeds thatlimit
    then we prompt user that it may take sometime, do you want to proceed? If
    he clicks yes then we retrieve those records. This results in lot ofmemory
    I was thinking if there is some way that from database I can retrieve some
    block of records at a time rather the all records of a query. I wander how
    internet search sites work, where thousnds of sites/pages match criteriaand
    client can move back & front on any page.
    "Slava Imeshev" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Hi chauhan,
    You may want to narrow search criteria along with processing a
    limited number of resulting records. I.e. if the size of the result
    is bigger than a limit, you stop fetching results and notify the client
    that search criteria should be narrowed.
    Slava Imeshev
    "chauhan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Hi all,
    At the moment we have some java classes (not ejb - cmp/bmp) for
    our ejb application.
    Now we have a problem i.e. records have grown too high( millions ) and
    sometimes query results in retrieval of millions of records. It
    too much memory consumtion in our ejb application. What is the best
    address this issue.
    Any help will be highly appreciated.
    Thanks & regards,

  • Error in setting permissions on file/directory $ORACLE_BASE/jre/1.1.8/LICEN

    On installing Oracle 9.2 on RedHat Linux release 4, I encounterd the
    following error:
    Error in setting permissions on file/directory
    This error is encountered at the inital stage of installation after inputing all the
    required settings in the OUI. and at the Installing Java Runtinme Environment
    Could someone tell me why it happened and how to fix it? Your help is
    much appreciated.
    There was a post on this topic only in here and said to change the permissions of the
    ORACLE_BASE .......... I have tried out all these and all the permissions and the environment settings are correct but i'm not able to proceed with the installation even after a lot of trying.
    All you guys help is verry verry appreciated..........

    Do the following and post the results:
    ls -al
    cd jre
    ls -al
    cd 1.18
    ls -alI can't imagine anyone making recommendations without seeing what you've done.

  • Error while retrieving result set in JTFGRID.

    Hi ,
    We have developed a custom form where there are various search parameters. Contract Number being one of them. The result set consists of various fields like Contract ID, Contract Number, Contract Number modifier etc.  This result is deriving its data from a custom view based on the contract id of the contract selected and populating in the grid.
    The issue is the result set is coming only for few contracts and for some it is throwing the below error:
    APP-JTF- 210604: Program Error: Please inform your system admin or support representative that:
    jtf_grid.populate package reports error :
    An unexpected error occurred  in jtf_grid.populate
    grid :<customgridname>
    The following information is available
    The error is most likely in the form or the metadata definition . Please check the following alert for the error code.
    The error stack is (first 1000 bytes):
    ORA-01722: invalid number
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.JTF_GRIDDB" , line 837
    ORA-06512: at "APP.JTF_GRIDDB" , line 878
    The datatype of the contract id of all the contracts is same. Not sure what the issue is.
    Please provide your inputs on the above. If this is not the correct forum for this query then please let me know the correct one.
    Thanks a lot,

    Bhuvan12 wrote:
    suggest me any best practices to create large Excel files.Best practice is to revisit the requirement that suggest an excel file is a solution in the first place. Excel is for humans. Humans don't do well consuming large amounts of data. So either create a machine readable format or create a summerized format for humans.

Maybe you are looking for

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