OWB 10.2 script OMB+ to list mapping operator type

Hi all,
I'm using OWB 10gR2 and I want run an OMB+ script to list all operators (name and type) for all mappings in a project.
With some loops in TCL, I can list mappings with OMBLIST MAPPINGS
For each mapping, I can list operators with OMBRETRIEVE MAPPING 'map name' GET OPERATORS, and get the name.
But now I can't find properties list for operator in OMB+ help. I can list properties values for operators with OMBRETRIEVE MAPPING 'map name' OPERATOR 'op name' GET PROPERTIES (property name, property name, ...).
Somebody nows how to find this list?
Thank you

The documentation would need some updating for sure... and a command to retrieve all the properties for each level would indeed be nice.
I you go in OWB Client, select a mapping, "Configure"
Then you have access to each properties of the mapping, basically the property name for OMBPLUS will be what you see , UPPERCASE and underscore between the words.

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    Thanks In Advance

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    Sorry this isn't powershell but it should do the job if you want to use it. The problem with using the Win32_Product WMI Class to enumerate the installed software (especially on Windows 2000 & 2003 Servers) is that the WMI class is NOT installed by default. Here is a VBScript i wrote to read a list of hostnames from a text file named "ComputerNames.txt" from the scripts directory and attempt to remotely enumerate all subkeys within the following registry key
    For each subkey enumerated it will attempt to read the value of the "DisplayName" key and output the results to a csv file.
    (the results should be the same as what you would see when you open Add/Remove Programs)
    Hope that helps
    Matt :)
    'Script Name : CheckInstalledSoftware.vbs
    'Author : Matthew Beattie
    'Created : 01/03/10
    'Description : This script reads a list of hostnames from a text file name "ComputerNames.txt" in the scripts working
    ' : directory. For each hostName it requests an ICMP response and if successfull attempts a remote registry
    ' : connection to enumerate and read the registry values of installed software. All results are logged to the
    ' : scripts working directory in a log file per computer name.
    'Initialization Section
    Option Explicit
    Const ForReading = 1
    Const ForAppending = 8
    Dim objFSO, wshNetwork, wshShell, hostName
    Dim scriptBaseName, scriptPath, scriptLogPath
    On Error Resume Next
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    Set wshNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
    scriptBaseName = objFSO.GetBaseName(Wscript.ScriptFullName)
    scriptPath = objFSO.GetFile(Wscript.ScriptFullName).ParentFolder.Path
    scriptLogPath = scriptPath & "\" & IsoDateString(Now)
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    End If
    On Error Goto 0
    'Main Processing Section
    On Error Resume Next
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    End If
    On Error Goto 0
    'Functions Processing Section
    'Name : ProcessScript -> Primary Function that controls all other script processing.
    'Parameters : None ->
    'Return : None ->
    Function ProcessScript
    Dim fileSpec, hostNames, regKey, keyName, results, result
    keyName = "DisplayName"
    regKey = "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
    fileSpec = scriptPath & "\ComputerNames.txt"
    'Ensure the "ComputerNames.txt" file exists within the scripts working directory.
    If Not objFSO.FileExists(fileSpec) Then
    MsgBox DQ(fileSpec) & " does not exist!", vbCritical, scriptBaseName
    Exit Function
    End If
    'Read the list of hostNames from the "ComputerNames.txt" text file within the scripts working directory.
    If Not GetScriptInput(hostNames, fileSpec) Then
    Exit Function
    End If
    'Attempt to read the registry from each hostname read from the list of hostnames.
    For Each hostName In hostNames
    'Ensure the system responds to an ICMP request.
    If Not CheckConnection(hostName) Then
    LogMessage 2, "Failed to respond to an ICMP Request"
    Exit Do
    End If
    'Enumerate and read the registry values.
    If Not GetRegValues(results, hostName, keyName, regKey) Then
    Exit Do
    End If
    'Log the registry values results.
    For Each result In results
    LogMessage 0, result
    Loop Until True
    End Function
    'Name : GetScriptInput -> Reads a text file to be used as Script input.
    'Parameters : items -> Output: An array of items in the script input file.
    ' : fileSpec -> The full folder Path, file Name and extention of the script input file.
    'Return : GetScriptInput -> Returns an array of items for script input and True or False.
    Function GetScriptInput(items, fileSpec)
    Dim scriptInputFile, itemsDict, item
    GetScriptInput = False
    Set itemsDict = NewDictionary
    If Not objFSO.FileExists(fileSpec) Then
    Exit Function
    End If
    On Error Resume Next
    Set scriptInputFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(fileSpec, ForReading)
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    Exit Function
    End If
    On Error Goto 0
    Do Until scriptInputFile.AtEndOfStream
    item = scriptInputFile.ReadLine
    If item = "" Then
    Exit Function
    End If
    If Not itemsDict.Exists(item) Then
    itemsDict.Add item, ""
    End If
    items = itemsDict.Keys
    GetScriptInput = True
    End Function
    'Name : CheckConnection -> Checks a remote host using WMI ping.
    'Parameters : hostName -> Hostname of computer system to verify network connectivity with.
    'Return : Boolean -> True if hostname replies. False otherwise.
    Function CheckConnection(hostName)
    Dim ping, response, replied
    Set ping = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}").ExecQuery _
    ("select * from Win32_PingStatus where address = '" & hostName & "'")
    For each response in ping
    replied = Not IsNull(response.StatusCode) And response.StatusCode = 0
    CheckConnection = replied
    End Function
    'Name : GetRegValues -> Enumerates the subkeys in a registry key and the values of the keyName.
    'Parameters : hostName -> String containing the hostName of the system to enumerate the registry keys on.
    ' : keyName -> String containing the name of the registry key value to enumerate.
    ' : regKey -> Registry key to enumerate subkey names for.
    'Return : GetRegValues -> Returns True and an Array containing the registry key values otherwise False.
    Function GetRegValues(results, hostName, keyName, regKey)
    Dim objReg, regDict, rootKey, hive, keyValue, subKeys, i
    GetRegValues = False
    rootKey = regKey
    hive = GetRegistryHiveFromKey(rootKey)
    On Error Resume Next
    If hive <> 0 Then
    'Create a dictionary object to store the registry values in.
    Set regDict = NewDictionary
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    LogMessage 1, "Creating Dictionary Object"
    Exit Function
    End If
    'Connect to the remote registry.
    Set objReg = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & hostName & "\root\default:StdRegProv")
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    LogMessage 1, "Creating StdRegProv Object"
    Exit Function
    End If
    'Enumerate the subkey names within the regKey paramater.
    objReg.EnumKey hive, rootKey, subKeys
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    LogMessage 1, "Enumerating Registry Keys"
    Exit Function
    End If
    'Ensure the results are an array.
    If Not IsArray(subKeys) Then
    subKeys = Array(subKeys)
    End If
    'Read the registry key value for each subkey. Add the results to the dictionary.
    For i = 0 to UBound(subKeys)
    objReg.GetStringValue hive, rootKey & "\" & subKeys(i), keyName, keyValue
    If Err.Number = 0 Then
    If Not IsNull(keyValue) Then
    regDict(regDict.Count) = keyValue
    End If
    End If
    End If
    On Error Goto 0
    results = regDict.Items
    GetRegValues = True
    End Function
    'Name : GetRegistryHiveFromKey -> Get the hive ID from a registry key name.
    'Parameters: Input/Output: key -> Registry key name. Hive name will be removed.
    'Return : GetRegistryHiveFromKey -> ID of hive of given key name (0 if invalid).
    ' : -> The hive name is removed from the input key name.
    Function GetRegistryHiveFromKey (key)
    Dim pos, hive
    pos = Instr (key, "\")
    If pos = 0 Then
    pos = Len(key) + 1
    End If
    hive = Left (UCase (Left (key, pos - 1)) & " ", 4)
    key = Mid (key, pos + 1)
    GetRegistryHiveFromKey = Array(0, &H80000000, &H80000001, &H80000002, &H80000003, &H80000005, &H80000006) _
    (Int ((Instr("HKCR,HKCU,HKLM,HKU ,HKCC,HKDD", hive) + 4) / 5))
    End Function
    'Name : NewDictionary -> Creates a new dictionary object.
    'Parameters : None ->
    'Return : NewDictionary -> Returns a dictionary object.
    Function NewDictionary
    Dim dict
    Set dict = CreateObject("scripting.Dictionary")
    dict.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
    Set NewDictionary = dict
    End Function
    'Name : DQ -> Place double quotes around a string and replace double quotes
    ' : -> within the string with pairs of double quotes.
    'Parameters : stringValue -> String value to be double quoted
    'Return : DQ -> Double quoted string.
    Function DQ (ByVal stringValue)
    If stringValue <> "" Then
    DQ = """" & Replace (stringValue, """", """""") & """"
    DQ = """"""
    End If
    End Function
    'Name : IsoDateTimeString -> Generate an ISO date and time string from a date/time value.
    'Parameters : dateValue -> Input date/time value.
    'Return : IsoDateTimeString -> Date and time parts of the input value in "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" format.
    Function IsoDateTimeString(dateValue)
    IsoDateTimeString = IsoDateString (dateValue) & " " & IsoTimeString (dateValue)
    End Function
    'Name : IsoDateString -> Generate an ISO date string from a date/time value.
    'Parameters : dateValue -> Input date/time value.
    'Return : IsoDateString -> Date part of the input value in "yyyy-mm-dd" format.
    Function IsoDateString(dateValue)
    If IsDate(dateValue) Then
    IsoDateString = Right ("000" & Year (dateValue), 4) & "-" & _
    Right ( "0" & Month (dateValue), 2) & "-" & _
    Right ( "0" & Day (dateValue), 2)
    IsoDateString = "0000-00-00"
    End If
    End Function
    'Name : IsoTimeString -> Generate an ISO time string from a date/time value.
    'Parameters : dateValue -> Input date/time value.
    'Return : IsoTimeString -> Time part of the input value in "hh:mm:ss" format.
    Function IsoTimeString(dateValue)
    If IsDate(dateValue) Then
    IsoTimeString = Right ("0" & Hour (dateValue), 2) & ":" & _
    Right ("0" & Minute (dateValue), 2) & ":" & _
    Right ("0" & Second (dateValue), 2)
    IsoTimeString = "00:00:00"
    End If
    End Function
    'Name : LogMessage -> Parses a message to the log file based on the messageType.
    'Parameters : messageType -> Integer representing the messageType.
    ' : -> 0 = message (writes to a ".csv" file)
    ' : -> 1 = error, (writes to a ".err" file including information relating to the error object.)
    ' : -> 2 = error message (writes to a ".err" file without information relating to the error object.)
    ' : message -> String containing the message to write to the log file.
    'Return : None ->
    Function LogMessage(messageType, message)
    Dim prefix, logType
    prefix = hostName
    Select Case messageType
    Case 0
    logType = "csv"
    Case 1
    logType = "err"
    message = "Error " & Err.Number & " (Hex " & Hex(Err.Number) & ") " & message & ". " & Err.Description
    Case Else
    LogType = "err"
    End Select
    If Not LogToCentralFile(scriptLogPath & "." & logType, hostName & "," & message) Then
    Exit Function
    End If
    End Function
    'Name : LogToCentralFile -> Attempts to Appends information to a central file.
    'Parameters : logSpec -> Folder path, file name and extension of the central log file to append to.
    ' : message -> String to include in the central log file
    'Return : LogToCentralFile -> Returns True if Successfull otherwise False.
    Function LogToCentralFile(logSpec, message)
    Dim attempts, objLogFile
    LogToCentralFile = False
    'Attempt to append to the central log file up to 10 times, as it may be locked by some other system.
    attempts = 0
    On Error Resume Next
    Set objLogFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(logSpec, ForAppending, True)
    If Err.Number = 0 Then
    objLogFile.WriteLine message
    LogToCentralFile = True
    Exit Function
    End If
    Wscript.sleep 1000 + Rnd * 100
    attempts = attempts + 1
    Loop Until attempts >= 10
    On Error Goto 0
    End Function
    'Name : PromptStart -> Prompt when script starts.
    'Parameters : None ->
    'Return : None ->
    Function PromptStart
    MsgBox "Now processing the " & DQ(Wscript.ScriptName) & " script.", vbInformation, scriptBaseName
    End Function
    'Name : PromptEnd -> Prompts when script has completed.
    'Parameters : None ->
    'Return : None ->
    Function PromptEnd
    MsgBox "The " & DQ(Wscript.ScriptName) & " script has completed successfully.", vbInformation, scriptBaseName
    End Function
    'Name : PromptError -> Prompts when an unexpected script error occurs.
    'Parameters : None ->
    'Return : None ->
    'Function PromptEnd
    ' MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (Hex " & Hex(Err.Number) & "). " & Err.Description, vbCritical, scriptBaseName
    'End Function

  • SAP Cloud for Customer : Code list mapping question

    Hi All.
    I have a basic question. When we do code list mapping for our own defined mapping group and have to choose Data Type name what should be used as Namespace. I usually see two entries but not sure of their purposes. What is the difference between the two ? Which one should be used when we are trying to map custom CRM/ERP OnPremise values with new ones i cloud.
    Please see attached snapshot.

    Hello Apoorva,
    If you want to be compatible with CRM / ERP OnPremise I suggest to use "http://sap.com/xi/AP/Common/GDT".

  • SAP Cloud For Customer : Code List Mapping For Material or Product

    Hi Experts,
    I wnat some information about the SAP cloud code list mapping.
    If i want to replicate Material / Product from SAP ECC / SAP CRM to SAP cloud for customer then any code list mapping entry we need to maintain in cloud side?
    Any Code list mapping for Material or Product in Cloud?
    If yes anyone have list with SAP ECC / SAP CRM table details?
    Many Thanks

    Hi Mithun,
    Code list data type is available in SAP Cloud. As of my knowledge I trying to find is code list mapping is available or not.
    Yes we can replicate exactly the same values in SAP Cloud that we see in the SAP ECC / SAP CRM. For this, We need to create custom 'Code list' for the required one you want and assign that code list data type name which you created in the previous step to the required element in the BO.
    For creating the code list data type: Go the Solution Explorer, Right Click on the Solution name, Click on 'Add' and Click on "New Item', then Add new item window will open with Installed templates, you will see the list of templates select the code list data type. Give the name as per your requirement starting with Z, max length is 27 only. click next, in 2/3 step, here you can add the list of values you want, add description to them. after clicking on the finish. activate the solution. Go to the BO and for the required element add the name you provided in creating the Custom code list ( ZXxxxxCode ) . Save and activate the BO as well as the solution then update the metadata in the designer part and in date model also, In data model, bind the required root element which is on the left pane to the required BO element which are in the right pane. Click Save and activate here also after the changes are made. finally activate the solution. In the solution explorer Right click on the OIF ui component and click on preview, it will open in the browser, here you will find the custom list you created, for the required one which you added code list date type name for the element in the BO.
    Mithun.. Sorry if I"m confusing you more on this. let me know is this solution enough for the requirement you are searching.
    Best Regards

  • JPA:How to map List Map Enumerated,EntityType database?

    as we know that we can map collections to database with ElementCollection annotation; how to map a collection of collection of entity?
    for example:

    you have to do customization to acheive this.
    Check this Link
    Re: OIM: Manager Request access for subordinate

  • List-mapping scenarios

    This question was posted in response to the following article: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/robohelp/robohtml/WS0E9B86BF-4AAA-44ea-925E-1490091FB5A2.html

    RE: FrameMaker numbered list mapped to RoboHelp numbered list
    These instructions fail to account for pages that have more than one number list in RH projects linked to a FM file. There is no mechanism to properly restart list numbering. You end up with something like this no matter what you do:
    Heading 1
    Heading 2
    You can edit the Paragraph Style and use the Autonumber, Create/Edit Custom Sequence to start the first list item at number one if it has been done in the traditional way in FM (ex. FM paragraph style "Step1" numbering <n=1>. But you run into the same original problem when you try to achieve the same effect by similarly creating an Autonumber Sequence that starts at two. The effect is:
    Heading 1
    Heading 2
    So, the only way to get it to work when linking from FM is to choose the Convert to Text Option in the mapping, which looks terrible and offers no control.

  • Script for packing list

    Hi All,
    i got this following requiring requirement for the modifying a script for packing list,
    this is the logic i have to include:
    b.     Remove the carton ID & box ID from the print out,  the line item should just print the total delivery quantity, do not split the printing by different box ID or carton ID.
    <b>i.     Delivery Item= LIPS-POSNR
    ii.     Delivery Qty for Item = LIPSD-G_LFIMG= LIPSD-PIKMG</b>
    <b>c.     Add Total Boxes for each item, this should be a calculation field for each material HUMV4-MATNR, count how many handling unit  VEKPVB-EXIDV has been used to pack the same material , output the total boxes for each delivery item.
    </b>d.     <b>Add Gross Weight for each  item , retrieve data from LIPS-BRGEW</b>
    e.     Add Net weight to the print out, below the gross weight – retrieve data from LIKP-NTGEW
    f.     For Net Weight & Gross Weight – all convert to KG before output on the print out
    can any body help me what the exact bussiness flow i have to follow and any necessary hints on this
    Message was edited by:
            ram g

    Hi Ram,
    You have to take the help of the functional consultant also and take the printout of the existing form for the packing list and note down all the changes to be done on the hard copy taken first.
    then search in the script for the respective windows and for the respective fields in textelements of the script
    One delivery may have multiple Handling Units
    the link is VEPO-VBELN = LIPS-VBELN
    from HU item table VEPO take the delivery no and link it with LIPS and LIKP table
    What I understood is In Packing list the present data is coming from Delivery
    but they wants to print certain things based on delivery and certain based on  Handling Unit data
    1.Remove the HU number from the print(Box id)-VEKP-EXIDV
    2.Qty is printing based on HU remove that
    now just print the qty based on delivery(sum of all items  LIPS-LFIMG)
    3. Add total boxes for each item(means no of HU's for each Delivery)
    4. Take the Item wise gross weight from LIPS (brgew)
    5.Take netweight from LIKP
    6.Convert the unit of the Weight to KG
    using a fun module UNIT_CONVERSION_SIMPLE
    There may be already data fetching from the respective tables in the script check for the same and use
    Otherwise to write the code you have to use the external subroutines to write some small program if extra coding is required to get the data from other tables
    Hope this helps

  • How to create table with list/map value binding

    I need to display few values in a tabular format. Is it possible to create adf table without having value binding to a VO object. Can I make a table with some list/map combination.
    I want to change the display format with minimum change in the application. Hence I am looking for a change to define a list/map and map it with the table.
    Following is the structure I need to display in.
    |     |Header1|Header2 |     
    |Txt R1 |value 1 |Value 2 |     
    |Txt R2 |Value 3 |value 4 |     
    All the views does not have any relation. Hence I should not create a VO and adding rows of the VO object.
    Edited by: Jaykishan on Jun 10, 2011 11:34 AM

    Yes, you can do it. Create a pojo with the properties(column) you want to display in the table and create a list with the instances of pojos and then you can populate your table using the list.
    public class SamplePojo {
    private String col1;
    private String col2;
    public SamplePojo(String col1, String col2){
      this.col1 = col1;
      this.col2 = col2;
    //add setter and getter methods
    //Inside bean, prepare a list with pojo instances (Assume a getter exists for pojoList)
    pojoList = new ArrayList();
    pojoList .add(new SamplePojo("Value1", "Value2");
    pojoList .add(new SamplePojo("Value3", "Value4");
    //Inside jspx
    <af:table value="#{<Bean>.pojoList}" var="pojo" ...>
       <af:column headerText="Header1" ..>
         <af:outputText value="#{pojo.col1}"/>
       <af:column headerText="Header2" ..>
         <af:outputText value="#{pojo.col2}"/>

  • Regarding Month sorting in List Map String, Object

    Dear All,
    i have a list which is- List<Map<String, Object>> results . What i need is i want to sort the 'results ' .The values in results, when i tried to print it are
    RESULTS :{Apr 2009}
    RESULTS :{August 2008}
    RESULTS :{December 2008}
    RESULTS :{Feb 2009}
    RESULTS :{Jan 2009}
    RESULTS :{Jun 2009}
    RESULTS :{Mar 2009}
    RESULTS :{May 2009}
    RESULTS :{Nov 2008}
    RESULTS :{October 2008}
    RESULTS :{Sep 2008}
    i want to sort the values according to the month. like jan 2008,feb 2008 etc .
    Somebody please help .
    Thanks in advanced .

    sha_2008 wrote:
    The output sholud be june 2008,Dec 2008, Mar 2009. ie according to the increase order of monthsThat doesn't make it any clearer, in the example "June 2008" and "Mar 2009" are in the same map. Do you want that map to appear both before and after "Dec 2008" which doesn't make sense or are you expecting to restructure the data. If so, I would suggest you use a SortedMap like;
    List<Map<String,Object>> maps = ...
    SortedMap<String, Object> results = new TreeMap<String, Object>(dateComparator);
    for(Map<String, Object> map: maps)
       results.putAll(map);BTW: is there any good reason your dates are Strings instead of Date objects which are much easier to sort?

  • How to create a custom mapping operator.

    Any idea on how to create a custom mapping operator.
    An example: When i insert records in a table, i need to populate some columns like "created by" and "Created date" which are constant across many tables. Untill now i created a constant operator with attributed "Created by" and "Created Date" and put it on to a map. I'd like to know if there is a way in Oracle Warehouse builder to created such custom operator.

    As per next major OWB release (OWB10gR2 a.k.a. Paris) it will become easier to share 'blocks of objects', so then it would be easy to define you Constant only once, and use it in the same configuration all over your project(s).
    Right now this is not possible.
    I guess you could try to build a table with all these default values, and use this to populate your audit columns.
    Good luck, Patrick

  • Shrink the List of File Types in the Save As List

    How to I simplify the list of file types in the Save-As file type list? I use less than six file types. I have no need for most of these.
    It would be nice to have my top 5 and then the ability to go off-menu if needed for others.

    I was able to reduce the list of file types by changing some file extensions. In the following folder
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC (64 Bit)\Required\Plug-Ins\File Formats
    I inserted a tilda (~) into the file extension for these files:
    Adobe Photoshop CC has "File Formats" in 4 different places! Two each for the x86 and 64 bit versions.
    Since I don't use the x86 version very much, there was no great desire to mess with those two folders.
    I'd would also like to get rid of
    JPEG Stereo (*.JPS)
    Multi-Picture Format (*.MPO)
    Photoshop Raw (*.RAW)
    Portable Bit Map (*.PBM, *.PGM, *.PPM...)
    I see "Camera Raw.8bi" in
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Plug-Ins\CC\File Formats
    but renaming it didn't help.
    For others who want to do this, and are concerned, just make a note of the file extensions you are changing so you know how to return to the way things were if you ever need to save as a file type that has been removed from your list.
    You must relaunch Photoshop after making any file name changes to see the effects.
    Any ideas on how to get rid of 4 more file types from my list?

  • List of wage type for mid year go live

    Dear All,
    I need your help we are going for mid year go live and we are planning to uploaded payroll results .so here iam confissued with the wage types which should be uploaded so kinldy send me any list of wage types for statutory and income tax to be uploaded in results so that they can get statutory forms and form16.

    Dear Laxman,
    refer the links its use full to you and directs you towards solution
    [Mid year Go-Live (India Payroll);
    [regarding mid year go-live;

  • HT1477 I am trying to install a new iPod Shuffle and my pc does not pick it up.  My pc is running windows 8.1 os.  I do not see that os in the list of operating systems.

    I am trying to install a new iPod Shuffle and my pc does not pick it up.
    My operating system is Windows 8.1 and windows 8 does not appear
    in the list of operating systems.

    You are referring to OFFICE 2010, not Windows XP or 7.
    And which version of Windows do you have?
    NEVER begin before you have a backup, ideally one you have tested and know works.
    You don't really install Boot Camp, the Assistant is a partition tool utility.
    You may just want Office 2008 for Mac.
    If you need Office for Windows, perhaps run Windows in a VM like Parallels or Fusion.
    Buy some backup drives and start using TimeMachine for one backup, then weekly backup with SuperDuper.
    IF there is now a partition for Windows, all you need is to buy Windows, and I would recommend Windows 7 Home Premium (retail) which is about US$149.
    Has nothing to do with free space. Office 2010 isn't to boot from. In fact, you can copy the disc to a folder (1.25GB) and run SETUP from there.

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