Package PS extensions for pre-CS6

I'll admit that I am just getting my feet wet in creating extensions of any sort.  However I wanted to try to create an extension package that would deploy a script and a panel that would run a script.  I packaged my .jsx file as well as my exported panel using the Exchange Packager.  This was not to through the online exchange, but rather for my clients to use.  It installed fine for me, but when I install it on a machine with CS5 or earlier it says that it requires CS6. 
I understand that you guys are probably pushing the Online Exchange, but what's the best way for me to package files like this to make it easy to deploy?  I saw the manual for how to package manually, is that what I should be doing?

Finally made it!
The solution was found after reading this
It seems that CEPServiceManager4 made some temporary files referencing to the old plugins. So after clearing all folders having to do with CEPServiceManager4 and reinstalling it now seem to work!
Hope it helps somone else who has trouble so you won't loose a couple of days of work like me

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    tl;dr: How can I package my extension for both cs4 and cs5 in a way that respects the extension's window geometry?
    I have a panel that specifies window geometry in it's manifest.xml. When the panel is installed into Photoshop's panels/ folder, the geometry gets ignored, so I'm trying to package the panel as an extension to be installed via the Extension Manager. I have run into different problems for each CS version. I've read quite a few pdfs about the Extension Manager, UCF command line packaging, etc, and have not been able to find a solution that works for both platforms.
    My understaning
    My trial and error research has lead me to understand that the extension's files must eventually end up in the (mac) /Library/Application Support/Adobe/<CSversion>ServiceManager/extensions/ directory. In CS5, if the extension's folder contains a manifest.xml file (ex: /extensions/GuideGuide/CSXS/manifest.xml) that specifies window geometry, Photoshop will respect that window geometry when the panel opens. However, in CS4, this is not enough. From my tests, Photoshop CS4 doesn't seem to do anything with the manifest.xml file. Instead, I had to modify /Library/Application Support/Adobe/CS4ServiceManager/ServiceManifest.xml and add my extension to it's contents. Once I did this, Photoshop CS4 launches my panel and respects it's window geometry.
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    CS5 Problems
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    CS4 Problems
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    Thank you SO much for any help you might provide. I've spent weeks trying to get this to work and have run into nothing but dead ends and wild goose chases.

    Your extension is a CSXS extension. For CSXS extension it's introduced in Extension Manager 2.1. (You can download Extension manager 2.1 from
    In Extension Manager CS2.1 only MXP package is supported. In Extension Manager CS5 CSXS extension must be packaged by ZXP format. So you have to generate two packages for CS4(mxp) and CS5(zxp)
    For CS5, you can use ucf.jar to generate the zxp package.
    For CS4, you have to create an MXI file and package it by Extension Manager 2.1 to mxp package. Here is a sample CSXS mxi file:
              <author name="Macromedia" />
                        <product name="Dreamweaver" version="10" primary="true" />
                        <product name="Fireworks" version="10" primary="true" />
                        <product name="Flash" version="10" primary="true" />
                        <product name="" version="11" familyname="Photoshop" primary="true" />
                        <product name="Illustrator" version="14" primary="true" />
                        <product name="CSXS" version="1" />
              CSXS extension sample.
              Extension Name: kuler
                        <file source="test_extension" destination="" />

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    DW has dropped support for CF.
    But see if this discussion helps.
    Dreamweaver CC Coldfusion 10 extension?
    Nancy O.

  • Q: How can I install extensions for Bridge CS6?

    Because Bridge CS6 is not supported by Extension Manager anymore, you have to install them manually.
    For MXP extension, you can convert it to ZXP extensions with Extension Manager CS6. Then try steps below.
    For ZXP extension, use utility software such as 7-zip, WinZip or WinRAR to extract it to a folder.If there is no mxi file after extraction, then it is a CSXS extension.
    For CSXS ZXP extension,  move the folder to following folder.
        Windows: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CS6ServiceManager\extensions\"
        Mac: "/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CS6ServiceManager/extensions/"
    For non-CSXS ZXP extension, check the content of the MXI file. Copy all source files defined in "..." to the corresponding destination folders manually. If you are not sure where these files should be copied, please paste the mxi file here.

    I just want to correct one comment made here that said that Extension Mnager did not support extensions for Bridge. In fact it is Bridge CS6 (not Extension Manager CS6) that does not support CS Extensions (or Flash Extensions).

  • Packaging an extension for Adobe Exchange?

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    But there's one thing, that no guide covered in a way that helped me to get this to work.
    Packing it up as a ZXC, that will work after installing it with the extension manager.
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    After disabling debugging mode & installing the extension from the ZXC package that I signed, the extension simply won't show in the Extensions menu within Photoshop.
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    Some things you might want to know:
    I developed this small extension using Eclipse
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    One of the guides I went through is located here: Introducing HTML5 extensions | Adobe Developer Connection
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    Thank you so much for your time in advance

    Hey Davide and thanks for your reply!
    I attempted going through your guide, but I'm still having the same issue.
    I'll try to describe what happens, step by step:
    Done developing & debugging the extension with debug mode on.
    Packing the extension with ZXPSignCmd (just like you instructed)
    Upload the ZXP package to Exchange, then It asks me for : 'install location' - I can't define it to the location you provided but I can choose from a list.
    Nothing really fits (Desktop, Downloads, Brushes etc'), so I went for Desktop just to see what happens.
    After the upload process is complete, I download the package and install it using Extension Manager CC.
    The ZXP package that I packed and uploaded to Exchange appears on my desktop.
    It looks like Adobe Exchange packs my ZXP packager in another one, resulting Extension Manager to extract the outer one, and putting mine in the install location provided during upload.
    I'm clueless.
    I just realized that for some reason Adobe Exchange only let me upload files that will later be packed into a ZXP package, instead of just using the one I made.
    Removing the whole product and starting over let me choose to upload my self packed one.
    I'll update whether or not this actually works though~
    2nd Edit:
    Probably was a step in the right direction, but it still won't work.

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    Hmm, okay I just had a problem. I used an swf with a hue strip made in actionscript inside an swf loader in configurator. Tried exporting this to PS CS6's panels folder, and to my surprise it complete broke all of the other extensions in that folder. (ie. Photoshop refused to load any other non-defualt extenstions at all just because one was borked.). Very very stupid.  So I went back to PS CS5, everything was working perfectly. Then I closed it and went back to PS CS6, and suddenly my test panel was working again. I have no idea why PS CS5 "fixed" PS CS6, it doesn't make sense really.  I think I'll be going back to CS5 to do all my work as CS6 is really buggy about extensions, and I really need a color wheel for painting.

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    //resize 100*100
    window.width = 100;
    window.height = 100;
    //position 300,300
    window.nativeWindow.x = 300;
    window.nativeWindow.y = 300;

  • Extensions for Elements?

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    I have used Configurator to build extensions for Photoshop CS6 & CC, but can find anything on Elements.
    Thanks in advance for your help - Sam

    Hi Sam,
    Thanks for getting in touch. I'm afraid this isn't the right place to ask, either - this forum is for Adobe Exchange, which doesn't currently support Photoshop Elements specifically.
    I'd suggest asking your questions in the Photoshop Elements forum (, the Photoshop Scripting forum ( or contacting technical support.
    Best wishes,

  • Load webpage in Flex extension for InDesign

    Hi All,
    I am implementing an extension for InDesign CS6 and CC using Flash Builder 4.6, Ext Builder 2.1.
    The panel reads a text file which contains the url of a webpage and renders it in an HTML control.. It is working with most urls..
    But sometimes it stops loading the page midway. I get the urls from my client.
    Here is the code I am using,
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
    protected function livepreview_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
      var livePreviewFile:File = File.desktopDirectory.resolvePath("LivePreviewUrl.txt");
           var fileStream:FileStream = new FileStream();
 , FileMode.READ);
           var livePreviewUrl:String = fileStream.readUTFBytes(fileStream.bytesAvailable);
           if(livePreviewUrl != "")
                livepreview.location = livePreviewUrl;
      //Get some error error html url from server and use its value for location
      //livepreview.location = some error/hard coded url from server.;
    <mx:VBox height="100%" width="100%" verticalAlign="middle" horizontalAlign="center">
      <mx:HTML id="livepreview" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"/>
    Is it possibe that background scripts executing in the webpage might be getting blocked by Flex causing the improper load?
    Any way to overcome this?

    If some property isn't available in Extension Builder environment, I think there is less that we can do. Perhaps there is any other control that might help me achieve what I want.
    Any ideas?

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    Hi Linda,
    Yes please do pop over to the Cartweaver user forums. Handling detailed information would be more appropriate there.
    Briefly, there has been an update since the course was done - just a small on to make things easier. After installing Cartweaver into your site and once you have created a new blank database, and set you data connection, just brows to your admin. The first time you do this you will be presented with the create database page - click the button and all the Cartweaver tables and data will be added to your database.
    For any more details feel free to ask on the CW user forums or email me or support,
    Hope this was helpful.  Thanks!
    Lawrence Cramer - *Adobe Community Professional*
    PHP & ColdFusion Shopping Cart for Adobe Dreamweaver
    Stay updated:

  • Where are the extensions for versions older than CS6?

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    Hi d.duffee1962,
    There is a link in the Extension Manager CS6 web page which links to the older versions of Extensions Manager.
    Extension Manager CS5.5:
    Extension Manager CS5.5.3 patches: _5_5_3_mul_AdobeUpdate.dmg

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    Where can I find the quick install package in the site? Which Product Pack should I select in the site?

    If you're getting a "This update requires Mac OS X version 10.7" message, than you have the updater and not the full installer. Go to your Purchases section of the Mac App Store and you should see the full version there. But it may be 10.7.5, though in my system is shows as being from 2011 which would appear to be the original version.
    As to Mountain Lion, that's supported only on the Early 2008 Mac Pro or newer.

Maybe you are looking for