Packaging nightmares

Hi everyone,
I'm having problems with packaging, I have an application that is packaged correctly eg. com.yyy.application.*; , now I have a .jar file that I have in my class file.
Within this .jar file (RABInterface.jar) , there is a class in the "root" directory (ClassFile), and then there are three other directories - META-INF - which holds the MANIFEST file, and then "Isis" and "RAB". as follows
                     ->  MANIFEST
                    ->   Isis_class_FileA
                    ->   Isis_class_FileB
                    ->   RAB_class_FileA
                    ->   RAB_class_FileB
         ->  ClassFileWhen trying to access these classes from my packaged application, I can import Isis.Isis_class_FileA, or RAB.RAB_class_FileA, but I can't access ClassFile at all. I can't import it, and I can't reference it.
If my application is not packaged, I can access ClassFile.
How can I have a packeged application and still access ClassFile? What am I doing wrong?
Thanks and regards,

You are not doing anything wrong, if I understand correctly.
Java requires that you import classes (or use their fully qualified class name) if you use classes from a different package. Java does not allow you to import a class from the default (or unnamed) package - that is, classes which do not explicity define a package.
Your ClassFile appears to be in the default package. You can not import it from a named package. You do not need to import it from another default packaged class so it works.

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  • Package nightmare :(

    Apologies all, I know this has been posted a thousand times - I have read the tutorials, and I have read several posts on the topic on this forum, and I still don't get it!
    I have the following file structure:
    test contains and
    subDir contains
    I can compile these files from G:\ using the command line:
    javac com\ArrayX\test\ etc
    However, when I try and run test (G:\>java com\ArrayX\test\test) I get the following error:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com\ArrayX\test
    (wrong name: com/ArrayX/test/test)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
    at Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
    I get exactly the same if I run G:\com\ArrayX\test>java test
    These are my files:
    ************** ****************
    package com.ArrayX.test;
    import com.ArrayX.test.subDir.subDirTest;
    public class test {
        public static void main(String args[]) {
            new test();
        /** Creates a new instance of test */
        public test() {
            System.out.println("Hello! This is the test program");
            testInclude _include = new testInclude();
            subDirTest _subDirTest = new subDirTest();
    }************** ****************
    package com.ArrayX.test;
    public class testInclude {
        /** Creates a new instance of testInclude */
        public testInclude() {
            System.out.println("Hi! I'm test include, and I've just been instantiated ;)");
    }************** ****************
    package com.ArrayX.test.subDir;
    public class subDirTest {
        /** Creates a new instance of subDirTest */
        public subDirTest() {
            System.out.println("I'm in the sub directory!");
    }If anyone can explain this to me in words of one-syllable I'd greatly appreciate it... :)
    Regards, Ben

    Yes, that works! So it seems as though what I was doing was right, thank god for that, I thought I was going crazy!
    Much appreciated :)

  • Why is installing 3 applications from a creative cloud packager taking over an hour?

    Dear Adobe community,
    I am trying to install 3 Creative Cloud applications, (Illustrator, photoshop, and indesign) on a Windows 7 Hpz420 workstation from a USB hard drive and it is taking over an hour to complete.  i created a package of the 3 applications using the CC packager and move the package over to a USB drive.  Then I start the installer exe it runs and completes, but the installation takes over an hour and 1/2.  My installation of Creative Suite 5.5 from a similar USB hard drive was much quicker, about 1/2 hour.
    I don't want to use a remote installer like AAMEE. Is there a different way to create a package that is more efficient? I also don't want to redown the applications everytime I need to install them on a machine and utilize my network bandwidth.
    Is this normal ?  I have rebuilt the package with the same results and have installed CC on two different machines with the same results.  I did not see anything in the forums about the installation being so slow so I am concern that I have missed something or that my results are not normal.
    Your help is appreciated.

    My "Gaming" computer (Toshiba Qosmio X-70A, w/ 32GB RAM, i7 Intel processors @2.7 Ghz, w/ 250GB SSD, 750GB high-speed 7,200 RPM primary & 1TB SSD/HD hybrid drive) was purchase specifically, by me, to learn & use the Adobe "Cloud" Apps with.  This computer is a beast. <And - yet> it takes me days, literally <DAYs> to download all the apps I am using/studying.
    I (last week) recently had my 1st "total meltdown" w/ Win 8.1-Pro (what a total P.O.S. "OS" this is!) & have faced the daunting task of re-installing ALL of the Adobe SW available over the "Creative Cloud". This will take days (w/ a direct DSL link to a Cat-6 cable; not on Wi-Fi) to "re-install" all the "Creative Cloud" software I was learning/working with. Insane. I have never seen anything like this!
    So, "DLi" - I agree! Adobe's SW (& HW) Engineers don't give a stuff about your time nor mine.
    The only things that are of importance to them are (#1 - "Keeping their jobs") ... metering out their "Creative Cloud" in a manner which allows them to investigate EVERY byte on your computer/server/device BEFORE allowing you to use it . . . (hmmm....I do wonder how many dollars per month that information is worth to the NSA / per seat)?) ... and making it "a nightmare" for the user.
    What an insult!
    What an horrific slap in the face to each & every one of Adobe's "Creative Cloud" paying customers! (Uhhhm, that'd be you and that'd be me, too).

  • What a Nightmare

    Just thought i would share my recent experiences with you all and have a rant about BT.
    February 2010
    I initially contacted BT with general enquiries about BT Business products and services. Several calls were made and I spoke to several different people. I decided that a BT product called OnePlanPlus was the product for me which included a BT Business landline and a BT Mobile phone, together attracting an annual bill of £480'ish a year.
    This is supposed to give me a landline and a mobile phone with 500 mins free calls to standard UK Landline and Mobile phone numbers and a selection of international Landline numbers a month from my Landline and 120 mins free calls to standard UK landline numbers from my mobile. It included ALL diverted calls from my landline to my mobile completely FREE and unlimited. With Call divert switched on 24/7/365. 99% of previous bills have been calls diverted from my landline to my then Vodafone mobile phone, it was these diverted calls that were costing many hundreds of pounds. I make very few outgoing calls so the 500 and 120 minute free calls thresholds will never be reached.
    March 2010
    I decided to go for it as this would give me an annual saving of approx £1200. But I decided to wait until roughly the 20th of the month before starting the process so that things started on the 1st April.
    I was contacted by a BT Salesman very early in the month who informed me that orders can be placed up to 90 days in advance and assured me that I could place an order now and the new services would begin on the 1st April.
    Great................ My BT mobile phone arrived the following day!!! but thinking that I could not use it until the 1st April I left it in its box until the last day of March. At the end of March I received a bill for the mobile for the month of March!? After several calls this bill was cancelled. Text messages were supposed to be FREE and I realised I was being charged for them, after several calls I was assured that I would receive a refund, still waiting for the refund.
    April 2010
    My BT residential Landline transferred over to BT Business as expected on the 1st April.
    May 2010
    I received Two bills!!!!!!!!!!!!?
    I received a bill from BT Residential and BT Business for the same landline number. The BT residential bill included line rental in advance until August 2010!!!!!. On my BT Business bill I was charged for all my diverted calls to my BT Mobile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Many calls to BT Residential and BT Business took place over two to three days. I still had a residential line and a business line on the same number!!!!!!!!!!!! and I was signed up for an incorrect BT Business package. I'm still waiting to find out if I've been moved over onto the correct business package and I'm still waiting to find out if the charges for my diverted calls have been refunded / cancelled.
    On Friday the 28th May I found that I couldn't make any calls from my landline number, when I dial any number I get a standard BT response saying that the number is not recognised. When customers phone my landline number they get a message saying that the number is no longer in use!
    On contacting BT I was asked to dial the number 17070 on my landline, I discover that my number has changed!!!!!!!!!???????? When I get a friend to call this changed number she gets an automated message saying that the number does not take incoming calls.
    It appears that somebody at BT has placed an order on my line, I'm still awaiting details about what has happened and why.
    I'm told that my number could now be given to somebody else because it's basically been released, I've been running a business on this number for over 11 years. It would be disastrous if I should loose this number over the next few days whilst the problem is resolved.
    BT tell me that the problem cannot be explored or resolved until Tuesday at the earliest because of the Bank Holiday Weekend, in the meantime current and potential customers over the next few days trying to reach me on my Landline number are being given an automated BT message saying that the number they are calling no longer exists and I'm loosing a tremendous amount of business and I've had to send staff home.
    On Saturday 29th May I have Just been informed of a new problem, tried to send & receive emails and failed. Contacted my ISP (Demon Internet) who have informed me that BT have terminated my broadband service for me. I have internet access as long as there's no interruption in the service such as a rebooted router or for as long as my ISP doesn't reboot there authentication servers. Demon tell me I will need to apply for a new service, I will be given a new hostname / email address. I have a static IP address which I have had for over 9 years, I have lost this static IP address and will be given a new one. This means that I will have to reconfigure 2 mail servers and a webserver hosting websites and pop mail boxes for 232 businesses. The Domain Names for 232 websites and there email addresses will have to be reset with a new static IP address, this is going to take several days to complete at great cost. These businesses can no longer send and receive emails from my mail servers and it won't be long before there websites will no longer be available to there customers either.
    So my website and another 232 will go down at some point this weekend, no body can contact me by phone, I cannot send or receive emails. 232 local businesses cannot send or receive there emails.
    What a Nightmare
    Demon inform me that a new broadband service can be started within 48hrs when I have my telephone line back, this is called “fast tracking a new service” and it will cost me £175 plus VAT and I will then have to spend several days reconfiguring DNS settings for 232 websites and there email addresses at my expense because Demon cannot give me my static IP address back.
    I could loose my Landline Telephone number and its in the BT Phone book, Yellow Pages and the Thomson Local. Just short of 8.5K customers know this number, its on all my business cards and its on all my bill headings etc, all my suppliers know this number too.

    Theres still a huge confusion about what exactly i'm signed up for and just what exactly i'm supposed to be getting.
    I agreed to a OnePlanPlus product that was supposed to give me unlimited diverted calls to my BT Mobile phone.
    Some BT employees are telling me this is correct, others are telling me this is correct subject to a condition.
    That condition being that the total cost of diverted calls each month must not be 75% of that months total bill or greater, if it is then i must pay for those diverted calls.
    The cost of diverted calls will always without exception exceed this 75% threshold.  If i had been informed of this condition i wouldn't of moved over to BT Business at all and i wouldn't be in the mess i'm in now.
    BT Residential have been great and they have even phoned me on a Bank Holiday Monday to apologise for the fact that they couldn't help me because my line was now a business line.  BT Business who are supposed to be in place to help and support businesses didn't offer any help at all whatsoever over the weekend.
    Transfering to BT Business has clearly been a disasterous mistake for me and my business.
    A lot more expensive and no help or support when its needed.
    I'm told that i will receive a call tomorrow (Wednesday) from a complaints department, no idea what's going to happen or become of it.
    I'm hoping that i can stay with BT Business in some ways if they can give me unlimited diverted calls even if the 75% threshold is breached, but i think i'll be moving back to BT Residential assuming that doing so incures no early termination or cancellation feas etc, this includes a PAC code for my mobile phone so that i can move back to vodafone.  Vodafone give a lot more for a lot less money.  The only reason i agreed to a BT mobile was to get the free unlimited diverted calls, without unlimited FREE diverted calls my BT Mobile phone is no longer required.
    Still hoping to get compensation for loss of Internet access, phone and loss of earnings for me and my staff and i'm hoping that they will fast track a new broadband service with Demon Internet free too.

  • Is there a way to save over previous files without renaming when packaging InDesign files?

    I am finding the file management a nightmare with having to package my work from Creative Cloud at home in order to work in Creative Suite at school. I usually have to do this back and forth multiple times for the same project creating multiple files and folders - it is too confusing!
    I would like less clutter by having the option to save over my packages without having to rename resulting in yet another packaged folder for the same project to my storage devices. Is there a way to do this? I searched and am not finding answers to this particular issue.
    Normally I would not package before the project is complete but I need the IDML files in order to continue my work when at school. Any answers or tips around how to manage this would be appreciated.
    Thank you!

    Thank you Bob! I understood all of that. My frustration was that I have to give it a new name every single time I package thus creating yet another version of the same file on my system. I don't like cluttering my system with multiple versions of the same project. I work with duplicating layers inside the same document so I can always revert back to something done earlier without having to dig around and open an old file. I think this lack of saving over a file option is a flaw in the way the software is designed. One should always have the option to re-save over an old file with the same name. Just my opinion!

  • Nightmare issue with facemoods hyjacking my firefox when opens. I know others having as have seen online. In root system. Help

    Hello. Facemoods has hijacked my browser. First noticed yesterday 6-30-11. I did not sign up for. I did much research and have tried different solutions. In addition to what is written below for trouble shooting. I also tried taking off Firefox 4 (mistake) from my control panel to see if that would solve ... does not. Downloaded Firefox 5 and then sadly none of the extensions I have (like 6 of them) including my Kapersky Security were compatible. So I then tried to reinstall Firefox 4 and found out not available for security vulnerabilities reasons - so reinstalled older 3.5 or 3.6 (sorry not sure on exact number) Firefox so at least I have. Does not matter what version I use or if in safe mode with networking - still this hyjacked nightmare occurs. I know is in root system. I can still get by changing in address bar after facemoods page loads - but must click in upper edge of page to get address bar. Still this is tracking my every move and then allows. From research I did this is what Facemoods does: The search toolbar it installs hijacks my current search engine and inject advertisements in all my searches - regardless of whether I choose to use Goodle, Bing, Yahoo or any other major search engine. It is sapping my computers RAM. Then they can install upgrades (though again I did NOT Sign up for. One can not get rid of this junk program by going to Control Panel though they say one can.
    Again this is what happened as another wrote:
    "" has replaced my NetError page... How do I reset this? is the new 'net error' page for all my web browsers.
    The facemoods program installed itself on my computer w/o permission. I uninstalled the program, cleared all traces of facemoods that "Malewarebytes" and "Spybot - Search and Destroy" could find, and now I have a new default net error page directed to the given link above for all my browsers.
    I figured uninstalling and then reinstalling would do the trick, I even upgraded to Firefox 4, and still no luck. I wonder if this is because of not deleting all the data such as passwords and bookmarks."
    How can I fix this?
    I know is a PUPSC per Spybot. Another person wrote on Firefox help ...
    ""PUPSC" is, but it sounds like it is similar to "PUP" which means "Potentially Unwanted Program". These are generally programs which get flagged by a heuristic virus scanner. Heuristic scanners look for programs which exhibit virus like behavior, instead of looking for known viruses. The downside to these, is that they can produce a lot of false positives.
    One website that I saw claims that facemoodssrv.exe does a lot of suspicious things:
    * Writes to another Process's Virtual Memory (Process Hijacking)
    * Enables a COM Object/Server on the Local Machine
    * Can communicate with other computer systems using HTTP protocols
    * Registers a Dynamic Link Library File
    * This process creates other processes on disk
    * Injects code into other processes
    * Performs DNS look ups to resolve URL IP addresses
    * Uses rootkit techniques to conceal its presence, interrogation or removal
    * Executes a Process
    This would certainly explain why facemoods gets flagged as a "PUPSC" - this is definitely suspicious behavior! Mind you, facemoods isn't' necessarily a virus because it does these things. In fact, these make sense to me, as I think that facemoods is a program which "injects" smiley graphics in the place of plain text emoticons. In order to do this, you would have to figure out how to convince your web browser to replace a plain text emoticon. Mind you: this IS suspicious virus-like behavior. I personally wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. This isn't safe, and should (almost) never be done. The only exception that I can think about are anti-virus programs which use root-kit like behavior to make them harder for a virus to deactivate/sabotage/cripple.
    Anyways, even if facemoods is legit, it is also possible that a virus writer has taken the facemoods code and modified it for their own purposes. They then package this with another harmless program. This way when an anti-virus catches it, it flags facemoodssrv.exe as a virus. Because facemoods may engage in risky activities normally, the virus writer may hope that virus scanners won't catch it, or that the user will disregard the warnings. Thus the virus gets away with doing malicious things, because it looks similar to what facemoods normally does.
    If there is an application which is installing facemoods without your permission, my advice is to treat it like a virus. Don't trust add/remove programs to remove it correctly.
    My question is this: Are the above listed behaviors normal for facemoods?

    Your example uses straight text links.  Nothing fancy, no complicated JavaScripts are used.  Just a lot of manual linking.
    Each page contains a different PREVIOUS and NEXT link depending on where it appears within the site.
    Hopefully this answers your question.
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

  • My Verizon Nightmare - Be weary of poorly trained Verizon employees in the Costco kiosks

    A few days ago my week old HTC Droid Incredible 4g LTE that I purchased at Costco developed a circular blob of yellow discoloration on the lower-left portion of the screen in the area right above the micro-USB port. It seemed to get darker while connected to the charger, but never disappeared entirely.  It got progressively getting worse and, if it wasn't my imagination, another spot started to form on the lower-right hand side of the screen.  Called the Verizon kiosk at Costco (where I bought the phone), they said to bring the phone, the charger, and the box back immediately and they would exchange it for a new one on the spot.  The sales associate said he had not heard of this problem before.  I originally posted this problem in the Android forum and some helpful community members suggested it was the charger port overheating.
    Update: Ugh! What a nightmare! So, I brought the phone back to Costco within my 14 day exchange period.  The Verizon employee who had sold and set up my phone a week earlier was, unfortunately, not there this day.  The guy who was at the kiosk was a complete !@%hole and, worse, an idiot.  At first he refused to exchange the phone because I didn't bring back the free bonus Costco "accessory package" (a car charger and a couple cheap generic screen protectors) that they give away with every cell phone purchase.  I tried to reason with him that the two were completely separate, only the phone needed to be exchanged, and it didn't make sense bring back what wasn't part of the HTC phone package.  I also told him I called first and was told to bring only the what came in the phone's box.  He wouldn't budge and actually wanted to argue about it in the middle of the store.  I told him there was no way in hell I was driving 20 miles back to my house for $5 in junk that didn't even need to be returned and he better get a manager. After about 15 minutes, he finally came back and said he was told to do the exchange without the "accessory package," which just seemed to make his attitude all the worse.  Then things got really bad.
    This guy didn't know the difference between a SIM card and an SD card.  In fact, he didn't even know where the SIM and SD card slots were on the this phone!  When he finally found them (I wasn't giving him any hints, it was too funny to watch stumble around , especially since he still had a bad attitude), he was going to leave my SIM card in the old phone, thinking that I only needed the SD card.  I tried to explain the difference between the two and why I needed both but that just made him more confused. I then asked if he realized we also needed to sync the old and new phones so all of my apps, data, ringtones, settings, etc. would be transferred. He said he didn't know anything about that and they only had that kind of "equipment" at the "corporate stores" (the nearest of which was 15 miles away).  He said the only option was to factory reset the phone to make sure my personal data was erased.  Long story short: I got the phone exchanged and the screen on the new one seems to work alright. But I lost all of my apps (free and paid for), data, settings, and paid ringtones that weren't on the SD card.  Once I got home, I called Verizon corporate customer service to tell this story.  For the most part, I got an attitude of "what do you want us to do about it?" and that they could care less.  The rep even tried to tell me the guy in the kiosk wasn't a Verizon employee, it was all Costco's fault (I called Costco to clarify this and they said the kiosks ARE owned by Verizon and operate independently of Costco; Costco is only responsible for selling the hardware).  The rep tried to walk me through recovering my paid ringtones from the MyVerizon site, but right after the tones were sent to my new device, the site informed I was being billed for them AGAIN.  The rep had no solution to offer for this and suggested I call back in a month to complain again when I get my next bill.
    I plan to write both the corporate offices of Verizon and Costco to complain again, but since my data is lost, I wonder if I'm just wasting stamps....

    Well, another update I feel obligated to post.  A very nice Verizon customer service rep called me this afternoon after reading these posts (I sent a link in an email) and sincerely apologized for something not personally his fault and, perhaps, not directly Verizon's.
    First, the rep explained that the cellphone sales kiosks in Costco stores are owned neither by Costco nor Verizon, but by a third-party, a company called "Wireless Advocates."  I researched this a bit online and it appears to be the case.  Regardless, if I were Verizon, I would not want such a company representing and peddling my product with such poorly trained and disagreeable reps.
    Second, the customer service rep patiently took the time to walk me through the process of recovering my apps (while the kiosk rep basically told me I was screwed).  Unfortunately, each of my 30 or so apps has to be reinstalled manually one by one, but at least they're grouped together in one place in my Google Play account.  However, the data associated with those apps is still lost as many of them cached their data locally on the old phone (not on the SD card).
    One final note to confirm the kiosk rep's lack of knowledge, I happened to come across this today: Verizon's own website specifically states that to exchange a defective phone within the 14-day period, one need only "return the merchandise (including device, charger, battery, instructions, and any other components) in the ORIGINAL box" and, further, "for exchanges for the same merchandise make and model, only the item to be exchanged needs to be returned." (emphasis added).  The rep being a complete jerk and insisting that I drive 20 miles home to bring back the free (i.e. junk) Costco "accessory package" that didn't need to be returned is just inexcusable.
    I guess I should edit the title of this thread to read "Be Weary of poorly trained 'Wireless Advocates' employees peddling Verizon products in the Costco kiosks."  But that's a bit long-winded.  Thanks for everyone's input, much appreciated.

  • Windows 8.1 on M92z - SystemUpda​te not able to find valid packages

    I recently installed Windows 8.1 Enterprise (off MSDN) on an Intel 530 mSATA in my M92z at work. When I went to install all drivers/tools via SystemUpdate, the application reported back that no valid packages for my system could be found.
    As there are already Windows 8.1-compatible drivers on the M92z drivers page, I guess this is merely an issue of updating the data in the SystemUpdate back-end database (there was the same issue when Windows 8 originally was out for enterprise customers on MSDN a while back) so the software "knows" which packages to select.
    Any information on when SystemUpdate will be able to find (and subsequently install) packages for Windows 8.1 on an M92z?

    I am getting prepared to do a clean install of windows 8.1 64 Bit on an M92z 3314-CTO all in one, Non Touch
    So far I have been able to download all of the drivers from the Support site.  I did the following to prepare for this:
    1. Since all my data is stored in //Users/UserName/ I ;   I just backed up that user name to my NAS
        Then for double redundancy I copied that same folder as well to a 4 TB SATA Drive in a Drive Dock.
    2. Did a Program Audit, figured out where all of my installers are, assembled them in a folder on the NAS as well as a
        Folder on the USB Drive Dock
    3. Double and triple check all info to be sure it is somewhere besides the System drive.
    Now it is just a matter of Going for It and giving a bit of the Lord to it and a prayer from the computer gods.
    So far all the research I have done Windows 8.1 Pro x64 should run fine on this system.  I am hoping it will,  I actually called support to verify if this was a Touch Enabled system or Non Touch, they stated it was a Touch Enabled system but somehow they forgot to install the correct board and display.  So per support and my warranty I have a new system coming at no charge.  I just have to take it down to a local service center and have it done.  Which I am very willing to do since I will be having a Touch capable OS with Windows 8.  Otherwise Considering that this is what I do for a living (OS Installs) this should be fairly painless,  but on others systems I never worry about the Data,  and this unit that is my biggest nightmare.  But it has been long overdue for a Clean reload and the system is getting very buggy.  Sooooo instead of a hard BSOD I am going to bite the bullet and do this this morning.
    Any Sugestions to make this go smooth let me know I always welcome comments from others,  beliveve me I do not consider myself an Expert,  Like I always say show me an Expert I will show you a know it all. 
    Thank you all again for taking the time to read my post and for any comments,
    my email is    [email protected]

  • Corrupt Library Files, Disk Util: No Valid Packages, apps, plug-in probs

    Darn, I could just kick myself. The current state of my computer is flashing me back to a nightmare from my pre-Mac days.
    While backing up files to DVD I inadvertently/mistakenly/clumsily/stupidly (not sure) dragged what I thought was a copy of the Library folder I had created on my hd into Trash. When some of my apps stopped working and messages about missing internet plug-ins began to appear I realized I had screwed up. I ran Disk Utility a few times and either got the error message: "No Valid Packages" or a system hang. I attempted to repair the Library by moving files back to where I thought they should go and now have 2 Library files (syst and user) that have become a bit convoluted.
    The good news is that I copied all of the files from both Libraries to my hd so I think I have everything saved. The bad news is that I don't know what goes where and I don't have a frame of reference, (ie the file structure) to work off of. For example, there is only one folder, (Library) inside the System folder and I can't remember if this is right or not. (System > Library > Automator, Caches, CFM Support etc.) My User Library looks intact but may have had some files shuffled around.
    The way I see it, there are three alternatives or a combination thereof:
    1) Ideally, I'd like to be able to get the files where they belong and return the file hierarchy to it's correct state.
    2) Start more or less from scratch and re-install all of my effected apps, plug-ins, etc.
    3) I read about an archive function that uses the OS installation disk to return files to their proper places. Can't remember the exact name and haven't been able to find the knowledge base article.
    TXIA for any advice you might offer that will help get me out this predicament.
    ~ I.M. Stewpid
    Message was edited by: Old-E
    Message was edited by: Old-E
    Message was edited by: Old-E

    Copying Library files is problematic because of permissions issues that arise when you then try to copy them back.
    The procedure you're referring to is called Archive and Install which will install a fresh copy of OS X and archive the old system into a Previous System Folder. See the following:
    How to Perform an Archive and Install
    An Archive and Install will NOT erase your hard drive, but you must have sufficient free space for a second OS X installation which could be from 3-9 GBs depending upon the version of OS X and selected installation options. The free space requirement is over and above normal free space requirements which should be at least 6-10 GBs. Read all the linked references carefully before proceeding.
    1. Be sure to use Disk Utility first to repair the disk before performing the Archive and Install.
    Repairing the Hard Drive and Permissions
    Boot from your OS X Installer disc. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button. When the menu bar appears select Disk Utility from the Installer menu (Utilities menu for Tiger.) After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list. In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive. If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported, then quit DU and return to the installer.
    2. Do not proceed with an Archive and Install if DU reports errors it cannot fix. In that case use Disk Warrior and/or TechTool Pro to repair the hard drive. If neither can repair the drive, then you will have to erase the drive and reinstall from scratch.
    3. Boot from your OS X Installer disc. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button. When you reach the screen to select a destination drive click once on the destination drive then click on the Option button. Select the Archive and Install option. You have an option to preserve users and network preferences. Only select this option if you are sure you have no corrupted files in your user accounts. Otherwise leave this option unchecked. Click on the OK button and continue with the OS X Installation.
    4. Upon completion of the Archive and Install you will have a Previous System Folder in the root directory. You should retain the PSF until you are sure you do not need to manually transfer any items from the PSF to your newly installed system.
    5. After moving any items you want to keep from the PSF you should delete it. You can back it up if you prefer, but you must delete it from the hard drive.
    6. You can now download a Combo Updater directly from Apple's download site to update your new system to the desired version as well as install any security or other updates. You can also do this using Software Update.


    Dear all,
    1) Can anyone tell me how to import all java packages like java.util , in a single import statement.
    2) If i want to find a perticular .class file from the all packages of java , how can I achieve this?
    With Regards.

    jwenting wrote:
    Someone shouted that Java is flawed because packages aren't hierarchical so they're going to make the package structure hierarchical.For imports as well? That sounds like something they'd rather want for their super-package thingy.
    In the future (if they go all the way) package private members in for example java.util would thus be accessible in java.util.regexp because java.util.regexp is a child package of java.util, and you'd also implicitly import java.util.* when importing java.util.regexp.*.I can kind-of understand the reasoning for the java.util -> java.util.regexp case (although I don't agree with it), but why should you want the other way?
    Then a simple "import *" would import all classes in all packages, which sounds like a maintenance and build nightmare in the making.

  • Error Installing with Package from CCP

    Apologies if there's a CCP board; I didn't see it in the menu.
    I used Creative Cloud Packager to make a package of apps for Mac.
    Installing the package using Apple Remote Desktop returns ".. could not be installed.  Error message: "Running package scripts...""
    When I run it locally on any machine (10.6 or 10.9), it responds with this error:
    The installation progress slows to a crawl about 3/4 of the way through "Running package scripts..." then after a few minutes returns "The installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail.  Contact the software manufacturer for assistance."
    Nothing relevant seems to appear in the console log.
    Anyone have any ideas?

    Im having EXACTLY the same problem
    After installing a new package ONCE, if I then try to re-install the same package again it fails half way through the install on second install atempts on a new Mac
    its a nightmare because I REALLY need a stable package to deploy accross many macs in our business,
    ADOBE PLEASE sort this out this is a MAJOR problem for your customers

  • Labview AHRS Community Document Nightmare

    This post is in reference to this document:
    I have two of the Razor boards from SparkFun and they have been killing me.  (I bought a second just to make sure the board wasn't bad)  I can't get either of them to calibrate correctly.  I have tried the AHRS9DOF firmware and multiple calibration methods.  I consider myself to be a smart person so I must be doing something horribly wrong.  My best results so far have actually come from example magnetometer calibrations rather than my own measurenents!
    I am developing a system for my father with ALS (he can only move his head and fingers a small amount).  A head mounted IMU will take measurenets of his head position and generate very large movements of a Nintendo Wii remote control.  This way he will be able to play video games with the family.  I've already built and tested the robot Wii remote manipulator, the bluetooth device that pushes buttons on the robot held remote, an interface box that debounces large 3" diameter buttons, a large joystick, and a +/- 0.3psi pressure transducer for sip and puff control  This is the LAST step!  I thought I had it figured out, but after accomplishing all of the above I noticed the problems.
    After a day of head banging, I don't have success but I do have a lot to report.
    This video here shows a modified version of the program to include:
    -average of raw sensor values (used for gyro offset creation)
    -min/max values from a resettable buffer (accelerometer and magnetometer)
    -last acquired sample of raw sensor values
    -last acquired sample corrected sensor values
    Current problems:
    -Yaw seems to move 180 degrees for a 90 degree sensor movement, possibly 1 degree of drift every 5-7 seconds...but all gyros are 0.
    -Pitch and roll seem to have the same problem, but they drift even more
    Here is a youtube video showing the problem.  It should be ready in 25 minutes after posting this message.
    How I calibrated:
    I calibrated my gyros by sitting the PCB down, not disturbing it, and averaging 500 values.  Here are my gyro offsets:
        sen_offset.gyro_offset[0]      = (float)-2;
        sen_offset.gyro_offset[1]      = (float)0;
        sen_offset.gyro_offset[2]      = (float)0;
    I calibrated my accelerometers by holding the PCB to get the highest max and the lowest min readings.  I would hold they sensor close to vertical and then very slowly move it around to find the highest gravity reading.  I would reset the average array frequently to make sure I had a good number and not one with acceleration mixed in with gravity.  Here are my accelerometer calibrations.  I stole the formulas from the Razor ahrs package.  I put in comments behind the sen_offset variables what they are being set to at runtime.
    #define ACCEL_X_MIN ((float) -258)
    #define ACCEL_X_MAX ((float) 262)
    #define ACCEL_Y_MIN ((float) -257)
    #define ACCEL_Y_MAX ((float) 274)
    #define ACCEL_Z_MIN ((float) -262)
    #define ACCEL_Z_MAX ((float) 252)
    #define ACCEL_X_OFFSET ((ACCEL_X_MIN + ACCEL_X_MAX) / 2.0f)
    #define ACCEL_Y_OFFSET ((ACCEL_Y_MIN + ACCEL_Y_MAX) / 2.0f)
    #define ACCEL_Z_OFFSET ((ACCEL_Z_MIN + ACCEL_Z_MAX) / 2.0f)
        sen_offset.accel_offset[0]     = (float)ACCEL_X_OFFSET; //2
        sen_offset.accel_offset[1]     = (float)ACCEL_Y_OFFSET; //8.5
        sen_offset.accel_offset[2]     = (float)ACCEL_Z_OFFSET; //-5
        sen_offset.accel_scale[0]     = (float)ACCEL_X_SCALE; //.98
        sen_offset.accel_scale[1]     = (float)ACCEL_Y_SCALE; //.96
        sen_offset.accel_scale[2]     = (float)ACCEL_Z_SCALE;  //1
    Finally, I calibrated the magnetometer by aligning the sensor with magentic north and rotating each axis to find the min and max readings.
    #define MAGN_X_MIN ((float) -871)
    #define MAGN_X_MAX ((float) 887)
    #define MAGN_Y_MIN ((float) -1054)
    #define MAGN_Y_MAX ((float) 674)
    #define MAGN_Z_MIN ((float) -783)
    #define MAGN_Z_MAX ((float) 874)
    #define MAGN_X_OFFSET ((MAGN_X_MIN + MAGN_X_MAX) / 2.0f)
    #define MAGN_Y_OFFSET ((MAGN_Y_MIN + MAGN_Y_MAX) / 2.0f)
    #define MAGN_Z_OFFSET ((MAGN_Z_MIN + MAGN_Z_MAX) / 2.0f)
        sen_offset.magnetom_offset[0]  = MAGN_X_OFFSET;  //8
        sen_offset.magnetom_offset[1]  = MAGN_Y_OFFSET;  //-190
        sen_offset.magnetom_offset[2]  = MAGN_Z_OFFSET;  //45.5
    So, WHY DOES THE IMU HATE ME?????    ; (
    I will attach my current arduino and labview code.
    Thanks for any help you guys can give me.  I hope what I'm going through can help someone else!  The labview code is gets cleaned when it works.  : )  Since I can't attach code here, I am starting a discussion at this link:
    Where ever a solution is find to my nightmare, I will update both places.
    Sparkfun_Razor9DofImu_Arduino_V3 - ‏19 KB
    Sparkfun_RazorImu_MadgwickAhrs_LV8.2 - ‏445 KB

    Just something to fill in the blanks...
    Here is a proof of concept manipulator holding the wii remote:
    There is no scaling or gain applied to the IMU driving the robot.  The idea is that a small head movement can create a big manipulator movement.  My dad won't be able to play this game in 6-8 months.  He is going down hill fast.  : (
    The current manipulator has two yaw, two roll, and one theta motor.  No more tape.  : )  The remote is now disassembled and surrounded by heat shrink tubing, an ardunio, a bluetooth adapter, and lithium battery.
    Don't even try to search google for "Wii remote robot", if you're looking for robots holding a wii remote.  : )

  • View or Package, logic problem which is better

    I'm new to Oracle so I'm trying desperately to take what I know
    from other systems and apply it here and I'm hitting a stumbling
    block. I have a very complex view that I will spare you the
    details to, but what it amounts to is:
    create or replace view testview
    select * from table_x where year_column=2001 ;
    this is fine, but what do I do when I want to change the year to
    something else? I don't want to have a view for every year,
    that's a maintenance nightmare. I'm in the beginning stages
    with packages, so I understand how they work and mostly how to
    build one, and I'm halfway through building a procedure to
    create the view, but in that case, I wonder what will happen
    when the procedure is run a second time, will the person who ran
    it the first time suddenly get the new view, will it invalidate
    itself, or will it just crash? I am stuck with one schema with
    a "global" type login, so it's not like each person can have
    their own. I have thought of cursors, but I don't understand
    how to use an explicit cursor as part of another SQL/cursor/view
    because this view is only a small part of other views I am
    building. I need to figure out how to pass the parameter from
    an external system (non-Oracle) and handle most of the code in a
    procedure/package or if I make this a view of all the available
    data (with no year limit) and do the parameters on the other
    side in the non-Oracle system it really slows things down to an
    unacceptable level and doesn't teach me how to do anything new
    or take advantage of the Oracle backend.
    Any help will be deeply appreciated. thanks!

    thanks for the input. It's exactly what I'm looking for as a
    newbie. To give you some background, the database isn't that
    unusual, it's a government financial app (non Oracle but Oracle
    db) with about a million tables which I'm connecting to through
    a database link which I have in my own database space because we
    (devs) aren't allowed to create packages/procs in their space.
    Which makes sense from a security standpoint, but it requires
    some creative thinking for other issues. I'm doing reports,
    which means creating a lot of "denormalized" views and when we
    start talking about an entire year's worth of data at the
    transaction level, it slows way down. Luckily a lot of the
    stuff I'm doing is actually summaries for the year, etc. My
    front end at the moment is Access/Visual FoxPro, but I'm hoping
    to move to more web based reporting (tool TBD later - likely ASP
    or Java, any recommendations?) as I stuff as much as humanly
    possible into the PL/SQL to reduce the network traffic. Access
    handles views really decently/transparently, but there's some
    ugliness with ref cursors. One of my cohorts has found an
    example on the web somewhere and while passing the parameter in
    isn't a big deal, it's an ugly bunch of VBA code just to process
    the returned cursor, something about it having to load it row by
    row. I've only glanced at it and need to look at it in more
    detail. I was just hoping I'd missed something more
    obvious/simpler through inexperience. I do admit Oracle is
    capable of doing some of the most complicated SQL I've ever seen
    and it's kinda fun to see exactly how many
    joins/tables/subqueries I can throw into a single SQL. I'm just
    not used to looking at it that way; I'm more used to writing
    several sequential SQL statements that can build on or refer to
    each other by a temporary name/alias. I either haven't figured
    out the syntax/commands to map what I know how to do to the way
    Oracle does it, or maybe it's just never done that way? Hard to
    say. But then again I live to learn through trial by fire. :)
    thanks much!!

  • Weird question in SSIS 2012 package

    hi folks:
      I've created a SSIS 2012 package in my local machine using 
    Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Designer
    Version 11.0.3436.0
    This package contains a script task using .NET framework 4 . 
    Everything works fine and I decided to deploy to the QA server.
    On the QA server, the package wont' work then I decided to open in the SSIS designer with the same version 11.0.3436.0
    This is when this weird things happens.  
    On the QA machine, when I opened this deployed pkg directly in SSIS designer and ran it, the pkg failed with the error pointing to the script task.  
      Then, I literally opened the script task and closed it WITHOUT changing anything .   
    After that, I ran the same package in SSIS designer... Guess what, it worked!!!
    Weird!  could anyone here help explain what just happened? this makes my deployment process a nightmare as I have to literally opened the script task after it gets deployed and change the pkg location as SSIS designer will save the "good"
    pkg in a different location other than deployed one.
    Thanks a lot!
    --Currently using Reporting Service 2000; Visual Studio .NET 2003; Visual Source Safe SSIS 2008 SSAS 2008, SVN --

    Hi cat_ca,
    According to your description, the first time you run the SSIS package in SSIS designer, the package failed with the error pointing to the script task, you opened and closed the script task and re-run the package, it worked fine.
    When we debug the SSIS package, the script component will be compiled to binary. In this case, the binary reverse failed due to some reason, so the script task is not normally build. To troubleshoot the problem, we can make use of logging feature to monitor
    execution of an SSIS package.
    For more information, please refer to the following documents:
    If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask.
    Wendy Fu
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Wendy Fu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Files created in CS4 - saved in CS5 - crash when packaging

    There seems to be problems when packaging in InDesign CS5 - my problem seems quite specific. Files created originally in CS4 then worked on in CS5.5 and then saved always hang when packaged. Files created directly in CS5.5 don't. They're fine.
    I'm on a mac Pro, OS 10.5.8
    Anyone got any ideas? (I've tried exporting out as an IDML.)

    Hi Peter. Thanks for taking the trouble to reply. I'm actually on 7.5 (so CS 5.5, aplogies for the incorrect version in my above post). So I think I'm as up to date as I can be.
    To be honest I'm not surprised that the only diagnosis is 'strangeness' - (I'll keep playing with idml's in the hope I can get round this) but my whole CS upgrade experience from CS4 (which was rock solid really) has been terrible. Having trouble working with legacy files and effectively loosing the ability to package files has become a nightmare in InDesign. (There's other issues as well - there seems to be lot's of weirdness with masterpages etc etc). Not being able to collect images for a postcard is one thing - not being able to do it with 120pp catalogues is quite another!
    I'm going to think very carefully about the next upgrade from Adobe -  (I've even had to switch back to Photoshop CS4 because of a serious unresolved bug in that.)

Maybe you are looking for

  • Installed 10.5.2 and can no longer boot (again)

    10.5.1 did the same thing to my install. The situation is virtually identical to what I've posted on previously ( After installing 10.5.1 my machine refused to boot. I get to the App

  • Problem in download pdf files.

    I downloaded adobe reader but it shows invalid PDF file how can I read these files.

  • Another can't get past 240htt post (k8n neo2)

    3500+ k8n neo2 plat (1.1) adata pc4000 (ddr500) Fortron 400w psu With HT at x4,  i can't get past 240 when my ram is rated at 250mhz on loosest timings and 1t and dual channel.  Doesn't matter whether i'm trying to max my cpu and using divider on ram

  • Picture flickering

    Hallo all, I'm working on a small research project on motion learning in humans. What I'm trying to do is a simple 'game' where the player has to try to follow a track moving on the screen with the cursor. The player move the cursor acting with his f

  • Find the length of a String, without using any String API

    Hi All, I need to write an method which will accept String obj as an argument and will return its length, but method should not have any String API. Please help