Pacman Administration Questions

As someone who enjoys the power of pacman, some of it's features are still a bit of a mystery to me.  The wiki or man pages on pacman doesn't seem to answer this, so bear with me.
1. Where does pacman gather it's information when doing a "pacman -Q"?
I assume all the entries in "/var/lib/pacman/local" are just returned here?  If so, what are the "/var/lib/pacman/{current,extra} directories for?  A complete reflection of what's in the stable ftp repo sites, but not installed on my system?
2. What truly qualifies a package as being an "orphan"?  In other words, what key or tag does pacman look at to flag it as such?
* Depending on how I "remove" and "install" packages from my system, some "orphans" will show up with "-Qe", and at other times they do not.
What I gather from the source: In "pacman_sync()" it's flagged as an "orphan" if "makepkg -s" did not have to "resolve" it as a dependcy, or in "pacman_add()" unless it was a dependency, thus the check in "pacman_query()":
if(info->requiredby == NULL && info->reason == REASON_EXPLICIT) {
** [ END of original intent of this post - Example of Question 2 follows ] **
I installed a BMP (GTK2 XMMS) plugin on my system, called "libvisual-bmp".  It was explicitly installed and rightfully shows up as an "orphan".  Installing that package, pulls in an additional 3 more.
[root@morpheus ~]# pacman -Sy libvisual-bmp
Targets: libvisual-0.1.7-1 libvisual-plugins-0.1.7-1 mesa-6.2.1-1
If I check for "orphans" at this point, it verifies that explicit install.
[root@morpheus ~]# pacman -Qe | grep 'libvisual|mesa'
libvisual-bmp 0.1.0-1
If I no longer want "libvisual-bmp" (and only "libvisual-bmp"), keeping "mesa" for example, I just use the "-R" switch (and not "-Rs"), I will get the following:
[root@morpheus ~]# pacman -R libvisual-bmp
removing libvisual-bmp... done.
[root@morpheus ~]# pacman -Qe |grep 'libvisual|mesa'
[root@morpheus ~]#
<returns no matching orphans on libvisual* or mesa*>
Which I don't understand, since (for example):
[root@morpheus ~]# pacman -Qi libvisual-plugins | grep 'Description|Required'
Required By : None
Description : xmms plugin for libvisual
and shows that this package is not required by any other packages.
* However, If I had installed all 4 packages independently and separate of eachother in the order necessary to finally install "libvisual-bmp", a successive order reversal of "pacman -R" would then have shown each as "orphans", per your definition.
I guess what I'm asking, is there anyway to "refresh" the pacman "db" before a "-Qe" orphan check, which would look for the "Required By    : None" tag?  Maybe I'm confusing the definition of "orphan".  If so, is there some other pacman switch I'm overlooking that already does this?
Also, one other note:  If you follow my example above, If I use "pacman -Rs libvisual-bmp", it will remove all 4 of those packages at once.  I like that.   However, say I just use "-R" for "libvisual-bmp".  When I go to use "pacman -Rs libvisual-plugins", it does not pull in "mesa" as part of the uninstallation from the remaining 3, since only "libvisual-bmp" reqired it from the 4.  I guess I've lost all the utility of "-Rs" since I didn't remove it as a package set?  If so, I guess that brings me back to the question of "orphans" and "stale" packages and if I'm not using some pacman switch properly to deal with them.
Thanks for reading my novel.  And, thanks for the flexibility of pacman.  I'm still trying to figure out all these fancy "doodads" you guys got built into this thing.  Sometimes, I get lost in the process. 
Much obliged.

phrakture wrote:I've had orphan issues too - perhaps the orphan checking code need a rewrite....
Phrakture, I read that post you're probably referring to as well, by jbNet.
He illustrates a similiar scenario, but I gather he was just looking for the "-Rs" implementation, which wasn't available at the time I believe.  I really don't need all that "power".  If I could just reliably retrieve a top-tree-level (non-dependant) package list, I can delete as I go.
I think while fumbling through the code again awhile back, I started to believe the current "orphan" design is by implementation, and what I'm looking for is not an "orphan" as I define it.  "orphan" was the only thing in the man pages which came close, thus my confusion. I think I remember another thread where some people posted a recursive dependency script to output what I'm looking for.  I'll just use that or make my own in the time being.

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    Thanks for your answer.

    Sorry, I've forgot to mention - but I think "repo-add" is more elegant solution. Personaly, I use a script which I call "auri" based on "aur-install", too. It also builds packages.
    If anyone likes it you can improve
    # Author: Luis Useche <[email protected]>
    # Modified by: aris002 (no warranty and no reponsabilty for the damages to your system)
    # Date: 10/20/2006
    # License: GPL
    # aur-install is a tool to install any AUR package in one command. It is needed
    # to pass the url of the tarball package. It allows to see the code of both
    # PKGBUILD and install file beforme performing the installation.
    UNTAR="/bin/tar xzf"
    PACMAN_INSTALL="/usr/bin/pacman -U"
    REMOVE="/bin/rm -rf"
    # Function that make a yes or no question a return true in case of
    # yes otherwise false
    ask_question() {
    echo -n "$1(y/n)[y]: "; read ANSWER
    while [ -n "$ANSWER" ] && [ "$ANSWER" != "y" ] && [ "$ANSWER" != "n" ]; do
    echo -n "\"y\" or \"n\": "; read ANSWER
    return `[ "$ANSWER" = "y" ] || [ -z "$ANSWER" ]`
    # Verifying root permisions
    if [ `id -u` != "0" ]; then
    echo "You need root to execute this script"
    exit 1
    # Veryfing parameters
    if [ -z "$1" ]; then
    echo "You need to pass an aur package URL or aur package name as an argument"
    echo "Usage: aur-install <pkgname>|<package tarball URL>"
    exit 1
    # Verifying if the argument is a URL or a pkg name
    if echo $1 | grep -q "http://"; then
    TAR_FILE=`basename $1`
    PKGNAME=`basename $1 .tar.gz`
    # Changing directory
    pushd $ABS_LOCAL_DIR > /dev/null
    # Download the file and place it in abs dir
    #aris002 TODO check if exists!!!
    # Untaring tar file
    # Removing the file
    #aris002 KEEP???
    # Go inside package directory
    pushd $PKGNAME > /dev/null
    # Verifying the packages
    if ask_question "Do you want to look the PKGBUILD file in case of malicious code?"; then
    # Continue?
    if ! ask_question "Do you want to continue?"; then
    exit 1
    # Including PKGBUILD
    source PKGBUILD
    if [ -n "$install" ] && ask_question "Do you want to look the $install file in case of malicious code?"; then
    $READER $install
    # Continue?
    if ! ask_question "Do you want to continue?"; then
    exit 1
    #repair (insert) arch=('i686') in PKGBUILD
    sed -i.BAK -e '/^arch/d' -e '/^pkgdesc/a \arch=('\''i686'\'')' $ABS_LOCAL_DIR/$PKGNAME/PKGBUILD
    echo "Making and installing the package..."
    # Making Package
    #aris002 repo-add
    $ADD_TO_MY_REPO "$HOME_REPO_DIR/$HOME_REPO_NAME.db.tar.gz" "$HOME_REPO_DIR/$pkgname-$pkgver-$pkgrel-i686.pkg.tar.gz"
    # Installing with pacman
    $PACMAN_INSTALL "$HOME_REPO_DIR/$pkgname-$pkgver-$pkgrel-i686.pkg.tar.gz"
    # Returning to the original directory
    popd > /dev/null
    popd > /dev/null

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    kiguru wrote:hi guys
    my first question is how i can limite pacman to use only 10kb instead of all bandwidth. so that i can browse while i m upgrading/downloading packages.
    IIRC, there is a general solution to do this, some kind of wrapper that allow you to limit the network rate of any app.
    But otherwise, you can tell pacman to use wget for example, see this : … Using_wget
    Then just use the wget option for limiting rate. (man wget, /rate)
    (I never tried this, but I think it could work).
    and second is if i m downloading gnome-extra package which is meta package it also downloads gnome-games which i dont want to is there any way i can subtract gnome-games from gnome-extra meta pckage list so that it couldnot be downloaded or installed.
    This is on my pacman TODO list.
    Make pacman -S gnome-extra --ignore gnome-games work.
    --ignore doesn't work currently in this situation
    More infos in this thread : … 10500.html

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    <yes, I did use the search on the forums...  >
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    Does the following work?
    NoUpgrade = etc/host*
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    will pacman do the same?

    No, but it would be nice to have something like that (or perhaps better with regexp)
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  • Pacman Install question.

    Arch: Latest.
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    2) I got myself into a pinch this afternoon, partly due to #1. I am importing a file from another instance onto the Primary to begin testing reports on the Secondary. Prior to the import I created a tablespace (which is what got me to problem #1), proceeded to create the owner of the schema that's going to be imported, then performed the import. Now the apply process is erroring and going off line every few seconds as it works it's way through the "cannot create table" errors that the import is running into on the Secondary. How do I handle a large batch of transactions like this? Ultimately I would like to get back to square 1... no user, and no imported data in the Primary and the apply process online.

    So what I finally did was turned dg offline. Created the tablespace on the secondary, and then the user and then turned apply back online. The import proceeded fairly smoothly. Problem resolved.
    However, that I still need some insight as to exactly how the DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT and LOG_FILE_NAME_CONVERT parameters work. I have LOG_FILE_NAME_CONVERT setup (correctly I think) but I get a warning message in DG that sez the configuration is inconsistent with the actual setup.
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    I have 3 redo logs:
    primary (non-ofa):
    ... redo02.log
    ... redo03.log
    secondary (ofa):
    ... redo02.log
    ... redo03.log
    LOG_FILE_NAME_CONVERT=('/opt/oracle10/product/oradata/ICCORE10G2/', '/opt/oracle10/product/')
    Is the above parameter set correctly?
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  • General administrator question

    I never understood why there will sometimes be a "grayed out" item in a folder that cannot be seen/chosen in the Discoverer report.
    (Example: Accounts Payable/Bank Accounts (from apfg_bank_accounts). Item Bank Branch ID)
    Right now I really would like the field in the report to test something.
    I would be happy to be pointed to some site but I couldn't find the information.
    Can anyone help with that?
    Edited by: user476771 on Jul 1, 2009 11:44 PM

    Hi leah,
    "grayed out" item in a folder that cannot be seen/chosen in the Discoverer reportThese items are grayed out in order to hide sensitive or unnecessary information and as you said bank_branch_id definately there will be a join condition associated with it.Go to the item in Discoverer admin and specific item and right click and see the properties and see the dependant tab.
    If you want to use the item you can make the item visible by setting the visible to user=yes.But dont do this for standard folders,make a duplication and do it.
    Hope this helps you.
    Best Wishes,

  • Please answer these questions.....Urgent

    Q You are using Data Guard to ensure high availability. The directory structures on the primary and the standby hosts are different.
    Referring to the scenario above, what initialization parameter do you set up during configuration of the standby database?
    Oracle 9i Administration, Question 1 of 12
    Q What facility does Oracle provide to detect chained and migrated rows after the proper tables have been created?
    The RDBMS cannot detect this. It must use regular export and import with compress=y to remove chained and migrated rows as part of the regular database.
    The UTLCHAIN utility
    The DBMS_REPAIR package
    The ANALYZE command with the LIST CHAINED ROWS option
    The DBMS_MIG_CHAIN built-in package
    Q While doing an export, the following is encountered:
    ORA-1628 ... max # extents ... reached for rollback segment ..
    Referring to the scenario above, what do you do differently so that the export is resumed even after getting the space allocation error?
    Use the RESUMABLE=Y option for the export.
    Run the export with the AUTO_ROLLBACK_EXTEND=Y option.
    Increase the rollback segment extents before running the export.
    Use THE RESUME=Y option for the export.
    Monitor the rollback segment usage while the export is running and increase it if it appears to be running out of space.
    The DBCA (Database Configuration Assistant) prompts the installer to enter the password for which default users?
    SYS and SYSTEM
    Q You are designing the physical database for an application that stores dates and times. This will be accessed by users from all over the world in different time zones. Each user needs to see the time in his or her time zone.
    Referring to the scenario above, what Oracle data type do you use to facilitate this requirement?
    Q Which one of the following conditions prevents you from redefining a table online?
    The table has a composite primary key.
    The table is partitioned by range.
    The table's organization is index-organized.
    The table has materialized views defined on it.
    The table contains columns of data type LOB.
    Q An Oracle database administrator is upgrading from Oracle 8.1.7 to Oracle 9i.
    Referring to the scenario above, which one of the following scripts does the Oracle database administrator run after verifying all steps in the upgrade checklist?
    Q What command do you use to drop a temporary tablespace and the associated OS files?
    ALTER DATABASE TEMPFILE '/data/oracle/temp01.dbf' DROP;
    ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '/data/oracle/temp01.dbf' DROP;
    ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '/data/oracle/temp01.dbf' DROP CASCADE;
    Q You wish to use a graphical interface to manage database locks and to identify blocking locks.
    Referring to the scenario above, what DBA product does Oracle offer that provides this functionality?
    Oracle Expert, a tool in the Oracle Enterprise Manager product
    Lock Manager, a tool in the base Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) product, as well as the console
    Lock Manager, a tool in Oracle Enterprise Manager's Tuning Pack
    The console of Oracle Enterprise Manager
    Viewing the Lock Manager charts of the Oracle Performance Manager, a tool in the Diagnostics Pack add on
    Referring to the code segment above, how do you change the MAX parameters shown?
    They can be changed using an ALTER SYSTEM command, but the database must be in the NOMOUNT state.
    The MAX parameters cannot be changed without exporting the entire database, re-creating it, and importing.
    They can be changed using an ALTER SYSTEM command while the database is open.
    They can be changed in the init.ora file, but the database must be restarted for the values to take effect.
    They cannot be changed unless you re-create your control file
    Q You need to change the archivelog mode of an Oracle database.
    Referring to the scenario above, what steps do you take before actually changing the archivelog mode?
    Execute the archive log list command
    Start up the instance and mount the database but do not open it.
    Start up the instance and mount and open the database in restricted mode.
    Kill all user sessions to ensure that there is no database activity that might trigger redolog activity.
    Take all tablespaces offline
    Q You are experiencing performance problems due to network traffic. One way to tune this is by setting the SDU size.
    Referring to the scenario above, why do you change the SDU size?
    A high-speed network is available where the data transmission effect is negligible.
    The application can be tuned to account for the delays.
    The requests to the database return small amounts of data as in an OLTP system.
    The data coming back from the server are fragmented into several packets.
    A large number of users are logged on concurrently to the system.
    Q When interpreting statistics from the v$sysstat, what factor do you need to keep in mind that can skew your statistics?
    Choice 1 The statistics are static and must be updated by running the analyze command to include the most recent activity.
    Choice 2 The statistics are only valid as a point in time snapshot of activity.
    Choice 3 The statistics gathered by v$sysstat include database startup activities and database activity that initially populates the database buffer cache and shared pool.
    Choice 4 The statistics do not include administrative users.
    Choice 5 The statistics gathered are based on individual sessions, so you must interpret them based on the activity and application in which the user was involved at the time you pull the statistics.
    Q When interpreting statistics from the v$sysstat, what factor do you need to keep in mind that can skew your statistics?
    Choice 1 The statistics are static and must be updated by running the analyze command to include the most recent activity.
    Choice 2 The statistics are only valid as a point in time snapshot of activity.
    Choice 3 The statistics gathered by v$sysstat include database startup activities and database activity that initially populates the database buffer cache and shared pool.
    Choice 4 The statistics do not include administrative users.
    Choice 5 The statistics gathered are based on individual sessions, so you must interpret them based on the activity and application in which the user was involved at the time you pull the statistics.
    Q You want to shut down the database, but you do not want client connections to lose any non-committed work. You also do not want to wait for every open session to disconnect.
    Referring to the scenario above, what method do you use to shut down the database?
    Choice 1 Shutdown abort
    Choice 2 Shutdown immediate
    Choice 3 Shutdown transactional
    Choice 4 Shutdown restricted sessions
    Choice 5 Shutdown normal
    Q What step or steps do you take to enable Automatic Undo Management (AUM)?
    Choice 1 Create the UNDO tablespace, then ALTER SYSTEM SET AUTO_UNDO.
    Choice 2 Use ALTER SYSTEM SET AUTO_UNDO; parameter.
    Choice 3 Add UNDO_MANAGEMENT=AUTO parameter to init.ora, stop/start the database.
    Choice 4 Add UNDO_AUTO to parameter to init.ora, stop/start the database, and create the UNDO tablespace.
    Choice 5 Add UNDO_MANAGEMENT=AUTO parameter to init.ora, create the UNDO tablespace, stop/start the database
    Q What Oracle 9i feature allows the database administrator to create tablespaces, datafiles, and log groups WITHOUT specifying physical filenames?
    Choice 1 Dynamic SGA
    Choice 2 Advanced Replication
    Choice 3 Data Guard
    Choice 4 Oracle Managed Files
    Choice 5 External Tables
    Q What Oracle 9i feature allows the database administrator to create tablespaces, datafiles, and log groups WITHOUT specifying physical filenames?
    Choice 1 Dynamic SGA
    Choice 2 Advanced Replication
    Choice 3 Data Guard
    Choice 4 Oracle Managed Files
    Choice 5 External Tables
    Q What package is used to specify audit requirements for a given table?
    Choice 1 DBMS_TRACE
    Choice 2 DBMS_FGA
    Choice 3 DBMS_AUDIT
    Choice 4 DBMS_POLICY
    Q What facility does Oracle provide to detect chained and migrated rows after the proper tables have been created?
    Choice 1 The ANALYZE command with the LIST CHAINED ROWS option
    Choice 2 The RDBMS cannot detect this. It must use regular export and import with compress=y to remove chained and migrated rows as part of the regular database.
    Choice 3 The DBMS_MIG_CHAIN built-in package
    Choice 4 The DBMS_REPAIR package
    Choice 5 The UTLCHAIN utility
    Q What are the three functions of an undo segment?
    Choice 1 Rolling back archived redo logs, database recovery, recording user trace information
    Choice 2 The rollback segment has only one purpose, and that is to roll back transactions that are aborted.
    Choice 3 Rolling back uncommitted transactions, maintaining read consistency, logging processed SQL statements
    Choice 4 Rolling back transactions, maintaining read consistency, database recovery
    Choice 5 Rolling back transactions, recording Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements processed against the database, recording Data Definition Language (DDL) statements processed against the database
    Q Which one of the following describes locally managed tablespaces?
    Choice 1 Tablespaces within a Recovery Manager (RMAN) repository
    Choice 2 Tablespaces that are located on the primary server in a distributed database
    Choice 3 Tablespaces that use bitmaps within their datafiles, rather than data dictionaries, to manage their extents
    Choice 4 Tablespaces that are managed via object tables stored in the system tablespace
    Choice 5 External tablespaces that are managed locally within an administrative repository serving an Oracle distributed database or Oracle Parallel Server
    Q The schema in a database you are administering has a very complex and non-user friendly table and column naming system. You need a simplified schema interface to query and on which to report.
    Which one of the following mechanisms do you use to meet the requirement stated in the above scenario?
    Choice 1 Synonym
    Choice 2 Stored procedure
    Choice 3 Labels
    Choice 4 Trigger
    Choice 5
    Q You need to change the archivelog mode of an Oracle database.
    Referring to the scenario above, what steps do you take before actually changing the archivelog mode?
    Choice 1 Start up the instance and mount the database but do not open it.
    Choice 2 Execute the archive log list command
    Choice 3 Kill all user sessions to ensure that there is no database activity that might trigger redolog activity.
    Choice 4 Take all tablespaces offline.
    Choice 5 Start up the instance and mount and open the database in restricted mode.
    Q The Oracle Internet Directory debug log needs to be changed to show the following events information.
    Given the Debug Event Types and their numeric values:
    Starting and stopping of different threads. Process related. - 4
    Detail level. Shows the spawned commands and the command-line arguments passed - 32
    Operations being performed by configuration reader thread. Configuration refresh events. - 64
    Actual configuration reading operations - 128
    Operations being performed by scheduler thread in response to configuration refresh events, and so on - 256
    What statement turns debug on for all of the above event types?
    Choice 1 oidctl server=odisrv debug=4 debug=32 debug=64 debug=128 debug=256 start
    Choice 2 oidctl server=odisrv debug="4,32,64,128,256" start
    Choice 3 oidctl server=odisrv flags="debug=4 debug=32 debug=64 debug=128 debug=256" start
    Choice 4 oidctl server=odisrv flags="debug=484" start
    Choice 5 oidctl server=odisrv flags="debug=4,32,64,128,256" start
    Q Which Data Guard mode has the lowest performance impact on the primary database?
    Choice 1 Instant protection mode
    Choice 2 Guaranteed protection mode
    Choice 3 Rapid protection mode
    Choice 4 Logfile protection mode
    Choice 5 Delayed protection mode
    Q In a DSS environment, the SALES data is kept for a rolling window of the past two years.
    Referring to the scenario above, what type of partitioning do you use for this data?
    Choice 1 Hash Partitioning
    Choice 2 Range Partitioning
    Choice 3 Equipartitioning
    Choice 4 List Partitioning
    Choice 5 Composite Partitioning
    Q What are the three main areas of the SGA?
    Choice 1 Log buffer, shared pool, database writer
    Choice 2 Database buffer cache, shared pool, log buffer
    Choice 3 Shared pool, SQL area, redo log buffer
    Choice 4 Log writer, archive log, database buffer
    Choice 5
    Database buffer cache, log writer, shared pool
    Q When performing full table scans, what happens to the blocks that are read into buffers?
    Choice 1 They are put on the MRU end of the buffer list by default.
    Choice 2 They are put on the MRU end of the buffer list if the NOCACHE clause was used while altering or creating the table.
    Choice 3 They are read into the first free entry in the buffer list.
    Choice 4 They are put on the LRU end of the buffer list if the CACHE clause was used while altering or creating the table.
    Choice 5 They are put on the LRU end of the buffer list by default
    Q Standard security policy is to force users to change their passwords the first time they log in to the Oracle database.
    Referring to the scenario above, how do you enforce this policy?
    Choice 1 Use the FORCE PASSWORD EXPIRE clause when the users are first created in the database.
    Choice 2 Ask the users to follow the standards and trust them to do so.
    Choice 3 Periodically compare the users' passwords with their initial password and generate a report of the users violating the standard.
    Choice 4 Use the PASSWORD EXPIRE clause when the users are first created in the database.
    Choice 5 Check the users' passwords after they first log in to see if they have changed it. If not, remind them to do so.
    Q What object privilege is necessary for a foreign key constraint to be created and enforced on the referenced table?
    Choice 1 References
    Choice 2 Alter
    Choice 3 Update
    Choice 4 Resource
    Choice 5 Select
    Q What command do you use to drop a temporary tablespace and the associated OS files?
    Choice 1 ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '/data/oracle/temp01.dbf' DROP INCLUDING CONTENTS
    Choice 2 ALTER DATABASE TEMPFILE '/data/oracle/temp01.dbf' DROP INCLUDING DATAFILES;
    Choice 3 ALTER DATABASE TEMPFILE '/data/oracle/temp01.dbf' DROP;
    Choice 4 ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '/data/oracle/temp01.dbf' DROP;
    Choice 5 ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '/data/oracle/temp01.dbf' DROP CASCADE;
    Q You need to implement a failover strategy using TAF. You do not have enough resources to ensure that your backup Oracle instance will be up and running in parallel with the primary.
    Referring to the scenario above, what failover mode do you use?
    Choice 1 FAILOVER_MODE=manual
    Choice 2 FAILOVER_MODE=none
    Choice 3 FAILOVER_MODE=auto
    Choice 4 FAILOVER_MODE=basic
    Choice 5 FAILOVER_MODE=preconnect
    Q An Oracle database used for an OLTP application is encountering the "snapshot too old" error.
    Referring to the scenario above, which database object or objects do you query in order to set the OPTIMAL parameter for the rollback segments?
    Choice 1 V$ROLLNAME and V$ROLLSTAT
    Choice 2 V$ROLLNAME
    Choice 3 V$ROLLSTAT
    Choice 4 DBA_ROLL and DBA_ROLLSTAT
    QWhat are five background processes that must always be running in a functioning Oracle Instance?
    Choice 1 SMON (system monitor), PMON (process monitor), RECO (recoverer process), ARCH (archive process), CKPT (checkpoint process)
    Choice 2 DBW0 (database writer), SMON (system monitor), PMON (process monitor), LGWR (log writer), CKPT (checkpoint process)
    Choice 3 DBW0 (database writer), SMON (system monitor), PMON (process monitor), D000 (Dispatcher process), CKPT (checkpoint process)
    Choice 4 DBW0 (database writer), CKPT (checkpoint process), RECO (recoverer process), LGWR (log writer), ARCH (archive process)
    Choice 5 DBW0 (database writer), LGWR (log writer), ARCH (archive process), CKPT (checkpoint process), RECO (recoverer process)
    You have two large tables with thousands of rows. To select rows from the table_1, which are not referenced by an indexed common column (e.g. col_1) in table_2, you issue the following statement:
    select * from table_1
    where col_1 NOT in (select col_1 from table_2);
    This statement is taking a very long time to return its result set.
    Referring to the scenario above, which equivalent statement returns much faster?
    Choice 1
    select * from table_1
    where not exists (select * from table_2)
    Choice 2
    select * from table_2
    where col_1 not in (select col_1 from table_1)
    Choice 3
    select * from table_1
    where col_1 in (select col_1 from table_2 where col_1 = table_1.col_1)
    Choice 4
    select * from table_1
    where not exists (select 'x' from table_2 where col_1 = table_1.col_1)
    Choice 5
    select table_1.* from table_1, table_2
    where table_1.col_1 = table_2.col_1 (+)
    Performance is poor during peak transaction periods on a database you administer. You would like to view some statistics on areas such as LGWR (log writer) waits.
    Referring to the scenario above, what performance view do you query to access these statistics?
    Choice 1
    Choice 2
    Choice 3
    Choice 4
    Choice 5
    You need to assess the performance of your shared pool at instance startup, but you cannot restart the database.
    Referring to the scenario above, how do you empty your SGA?
    Choice 1
    Execute $ORACLE_HOME/bin/db_shpool_flush
    Choice 2
    Choice 3
    Choice 4
    Choice 5
    You are reading the explain plan of a problem query and notice that full table scans are used with a HASH join.
    Referring to the scenario above, in what instance is a HASH join beneficial?
    Choice 1
    When joining two small tables--neither having any primary keys or unique indexes
    Choice 2
    When no indexes are present
    Choice 3
    When using the parallel query option
    Choice 4
    When joining two tables where one table may be significantly larger than the other
    Choice 5
    Only when using the rule-based optimizer
    An Oracle database administrator is upgrading from Oracle 8.1.7 to Oracle 9i.
    Referring to the scenario above, which one of the following scripts does the Oracle database administrator run after verifying all steps in the upgrade checklist?
    Choice 1
    Choice 2
    Choice 3
    Choice 4
    Choice 5
    You have a large On-Line Transaction Processing (OLTP) database running in archive log mode with two redo log groups that have two members each.
    Referring to the above scenario, to avoid stalling during peak activity periods, which one of the following actions do you take?
    Choice 1
    Add a third member to each of the groups.
    Choice 2
    Increase your LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL setting.
    Choice 3
    Turn off archive logging.
    Choice 4
    Add a third redo log group.
    Choice 5
    Turn off redo log multiplexing
    What object does a database administrator create to store precompiled summary data?
    Choice 1
    Replicated Table
    Choice 2
    Archive Log
    Choice 3
    Temporary Tablespace
    Choice 4
    Cached Table
    Choice 5
    Materialized View
    Which one of the following statements do you execute in order to find the current default temporary tablespace?
    Choice 1
    SELECT property_name, property_value FROM v$database_properties
    Choice 2
    show parameter curr_default_temp_tablespace
    Choice 3
    SELECT property_name, property_value FROM all_database_properties
    Choice 4
    SELECT property_name, property_value FROM database_properties
    Choice 5
    SELECT property_name, property_value FROM dba_database_properties
    In which one of the following situations do you use a bitmap index?
    Choice 1
    With column values that are guaranteed to be unique
    Choice 2
    With column values having a high cardinality
    Choice 3
    With column values having a consistently uniform distribution
    Choice 4
    With column values having a low cardinality
    Choice 5
    With column values having a non-uniform distribution
    A table has more than two million rows and, if exported, will exceed 4 GB in size with data, indexes, and constraints. The UNIX you are using has a 2 GB limit on file sizes. This table needs to be backed up using Oracle EXPORT.
    There are two ways this table can be exported and split into multiple files. One way is to use the UNIX pipe, split, and compress commands in conjunction with the Oracle EXPORT utility to generate multiple equally-sized files.
    Referring to the scenario above, what is the other way that you can export and split into multiple files?
    Choice 1
    Export the data into one file and the index into another file.
    Choice 2
    Use a WHERE clause with the export to limit the number of rows returned.
    Choice 3
    Vertically partition the table into sizes of less than 2 GB and then export each partition as a separate file.
    Choice 4
    Specify the multiple files in the FILE parameter and specify the FILESIZE in the EXPORT parameter file.
    Choice 5
    Horizontally partition the table into sizes of less than 2 GB and then export each partition as a separate file.
    Which one of the following statements describes the PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME profile setting?
    Choice 1
    It specifies the grace period, in days, for changing the password once expired.
    Choice 2
    It specifies the grace period, in days, for changing the password from the time it is initially set and the time the account is made active.
    Choice 3
    It specifies the grace period, in minutes, for changing the password once expired.
    Choice 4
    It specifies the grace period, in days, for changing the password after the first successful login after the password has expired.
    Choice 5
    It specifies the grace period, in hours, for changing the password once expired.
    In OEM, what color and icon are associated with a warning?
    Choice 1
    Yellow hexagon
    Choice 2
    Yellow flag
    Choice 3
    Red flag
    Choice 4
    Gray flag
    Choice 5
    Red hexagon
    What parameter in the SQLNET.ORA file specifies the order of the naming methods to be used?
    Choice 1
    Choice 2
    Choice 3
    Choice 4
    Choice 5
    An Oracle 9i database instance has automatic undo management enabled. This allows you to use the Flashback Query feature of Oracle 9i.
    Referring to the scenario above, what UNDO parameter needs to be set so that this feature allows consistent queries of data up to 90 days old?
    Choice 1
    Choice 2
    Choice 3
    Choice 4
    Choice 5
    An Oracle 9i database instance has automatic undo management enabled. This allows you to use the Flashback Query feature of Oracle 9i.
    Referring to the scenario above, what UNDO parameter needs to be set so that this feature allows consistent queries of data up to 90 days old?
    Choice 1
    Choice 2
    Choice 3
    Choice 4
    Choice 5
    Referring to the initialization parameter settings above, what is the size of the cache of standard block size buffers?
    Choice 1
    8 M
    Choice 2
    16 M
    Choice 3
    32 M
    Choice 4
    64 M
    Choice 5
    128 M
    Referring to the sample code above, which one of the following statements is NOT correct?
    Choice 1
    Data files created with no location specified are created in the DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST directory.
    Choice 2
    Control files created with no location specified are created in the DB_CREATE_ONLINE_LOG_DEST_1 directory.
    Choice 3
    Redolog files created with no location specified are created in the DB_CREATE_ONLINE_LOG_DEST_1 directory.
    Choice 4
    Control files created with no location specified are created in the DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST directory.
    Choice 5
    Temp files created with no location specified are created in the DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST directory.
    LogMiner GUI is a part of which one of the following?
    Choice 1
    Oracle Enterprise Manager
    Choice 2
    Oracle LogMiner Plug-In
    Choice 3
    Oracle Diagnostics Pack
    Choice 4
    Oracle Performance Tuning Pack
    Choice 5
    Oracle LogMiner StandAlone GUI
    The schema in a database you are administering has a very complex and non-user friendly table and column naming system. You need a simplified schema interface to query and on which to report.
    Which one of the following mechanisms do you use to meet the requirement stated in the above scenario?
    Choice 1
    Choice 2
    Choice 3
    Stored procedure
    Choice 4
    Choice 5
    alter index gl.GL_JE_LINES_N1 rebuild
    You determine that an index has too many extents and want to rebuild it to avoid fragmentation performance degradation.
    When you issue the above scenario, where is the rebuilt index stored?
    Choice 1
    In the default tablespace for the login name you are using
    Choice 2
    You cannot rebuild an index. You must drop the existing index and re-create it using the create index statement.
    Choice 3
    In the system tablespace
    Choice 4
    In the same tablespace as it is currently stored
    Choice 5
    In the index tablespace respective to the data table on which the index is built
    Which one of the following describes locally managed tablespaces?
    Choice 1
    Tablespaces within a Recovery Manager (RMAN) repository
    Choice 2
    External tablespaces that are managed locally within an administrative repository serving an Oracle distributed database or Oracle Parallel Server
    Choice 3
    Tablespaces that are located on the primary server in a distributed database
    Choice 4
    Tablespaces that use bitmaps within their datafiles, rather than data dictionaries, to manage their extents
    Choice 5
    Tablespaces that are managed via object tables stored in the system tablespace
    Which method of database backup supports true incremental backups?
    Choice 1
    Choice 2
    Operating System backups
    Choice 3
    Oracle Enterprise Backup Utility
    Choice 4
    Incremental backups are not supported. You must use full or cumulative backups.
    Choice 5
    Recovery Manager
    You are using Data Guard to ensure high availability. The directory structures on the primary and the standby hosts are different.
    Referring to the scenario above, what initialization parameter do you set up during configuration of the standby database?
    Choice 1
    Choice 2
    Choice 3
    Choice 4
    Choice 5
    Tablespace APP_INDX is put in online backup mode when redo log 744 is current. When APP_INDX is taken out of online backup mode, redo log 757 is current.
    Referring to the scenario above, if the backup is restored, what are the start and end redo logs used, in order, to perform a successful point-in-time recovery of APP_INDX?
    Choice 1
    Start Redo Log 744, End Redo Log 757
    Choice 2
    Start Redo Log 743, End Redo Log 756
    Choice 3
    Start Redo Log 745, End Redo Log 756
    Choice 4
    Start Redo Log 744, End Redo Log 756
    Choice 5
    Start Redo Log 743, End Redo Log 757
    You want to make new data entered or changed in a table adhere to a given integrity constraint, but data exist in the table that violates the constraint.
    Referring to the scenario above, what do you do?
    Choice 1
    Use an enabled novalidate constraint.
    Choice 2
    Use an enabled validate constraint.
    Choice 3
    Use a deferred constraint.
    Choice 4
    Use a disabled constraint.
    Choice 5
    You cannot enforce this type of constraint
    In Oracle 9i, the connect internal command has been discontinued.
    Referring to the text above, how do you achieve a privileged connection in Oracle 9i?
    Choice 1
    CONNECT <username> AS SYSOPER where username has DBA privileges.
    Choice 2
    CONNECT <username> as SYSDBA.
    Choice 3
    Connect using Enterprise Manager.
    Choice 4
    CONNECT sys.
    Choice 5
    Use CONNECT <username> as normal but include the user in the external password file.
    How many partitions can a table have?
    Choice 1
    Choice 2
    Choice 3
    Choice 4
    Choice 5
    In Cache Fusion, when does a request by one process for a resource owned by another process fail?
    Choice 1
    When a null mode resource request is made for a resource already owned in exclusive mode by another process
    Choice 2
    When a shared mode resource request is made for a resource already owned in shared mode by another process
    Choice 3
    When a shared mode resource request is made for a resource already owned in null mode by another process
    Choice 4
    When an exclusive mode resource request is made for a resource already owned in null mode by another process
    Choice 5
    When an exclusive mode resource request is made for a resource already owned in shared mode by another process
    The Oracle Internet Directory debug log needs to be changed to show the following events information.
    Given the Debug Event Types and their numeric values:
    Starting and stopping of different threads. Process related. - 4
    Detail level. Shows the spawned commands and the command-line arguments passed - 32
    Operations being performed by configuration reader thread. Configuration refresh events. - 64
    Actual configuration reading operations - 128
    Operations being performed by scheduler thread in response to configuration refresh events, and so on - 256
    What statement turns debug on for all of the above event types?
    Choice 1
    oidctl server=odisrv flags="debug=4 debug=32 debug=64 debug=128 debug=256" start
    Choice 2
    oidctl server=odisrv debug="4,32,64,128,256" start
    Choice 3
    oidctl server=odisrv flags="debug=4,32,64,128,256" start
    Choice 4
    oidctl server=odisrv flags="debug=484" start
    Choice 5
    oidctl server=odisrv debug=4 debug=32 debug=64 debug=128 debug=256 start
    A new OFA-compliant database is being installed using the Oracle installer. The mount point being used is /u02.
    Referring to the scenario above, what is the default value for ORACLE_BASE?
    Choice 1
    Choice 2
    Choice 3
    Choice 4
    Choice 5
    You need to start the Connection Manager Gateway and the Connections Admin processes.
    Referring to the scenario above, what command do you execute?
    Choice 1
    Choice 2
    Choice 3
    Choice 4
    Choice 5
    When performing full table scans, what happens to the blocks that are read into buffers?
    Choice 1
    They are read into the first free entry in the buffer list.
    Choice 2
    They are put on the MRU end of the buffer list if the NOCACHE clause was used while altering or creating the table.
    Choice 3
    They are put on the LRU end of the buffer list if the CACHE clause was used while altering or creating the table.
    Choice 4
    They are put on the LRU end of the buffer list by default.
    Choice 5
    They are put on the MRU end of the buffer list by default.
    You wish to take advantage of the Oracle datatypes, but you need to convert your existing LONG or LONG RAW columns to Character Large Object (CLOB) and Binary Large Object (BLOB) datatypes.
    Referring to the scenario above, what is the quickest method to use to perform this conversion?
    Choice 1
    Use the to_lob function when selecting data from the existing table into a new table.
    Choice 2
    Use the ALTER TABLE statement and MODIFY the column to the new LOB datatype.
    Choice 3
    You must export the existing data to external files and then re-import them as BFILE external LOBS.
    Choice 4
    Create a new table with the same columns but with the LONG or LONG RAW column changed to a CLOB or BLOB type. The next step is to INSERT INTO newtable select * from oldtable.
    Choice 5
    LONG and LONG RAW datatypes are not compatible with LOBS and cannot be converted within the Oracle database.
    You need to redefine the JOURNAL table in the stress test environment. You want to check first to see if it is possible to redefine this table online.
    Referring to the scenario above, what statement do you execute that checks whether or not the JOURNAL table can be redefined online if you are connected as the table owner?
    Choice 1
    Choice 2
    Choice 3
    Choice 4
    Choice 5
    An Oracle 9i database instance has automatic undo management enabled. This allows you to use the Flashback Query feature of Oracle 9i.
    Referring to the scenario above, what UNDO parameter needs to be set so that this feature allows consistent queries of data up to 90 days old?
    Choice 1
    Choice 2
    Choice 3
    Choice 4
    Choice 5
    Which one of the following procedures is used for the extraction of the LogMiner dictionary?
    Choice 1
    Choice 2
    Choice 3
    Choice 4
    Choice 5
    set pause on;
    column sql_text format a35;
    select sid, osuser, username, sql_text
    from v$session a, v$sqlarea b
    where a.sql_address=b.address
    and a.sql_hash_value=b.hash_value
    Why is the SQL*Plus sample code segment above used?
    Choice 1
    To view full text search queries by issuing user
    Choice 2
    To list all operating system users connected to the database
    Choice 3
    To view SQL statements issued by connected users
    Choice 4
    To detect deadlocks
    Choice 5
    To view paused database sessions
    When dealing with very large tables in which the size greatly exceeds the size of the System Global Area (SGA) data block buffer cache, which one of the following operations must be avoided?
    Choice 1
    Group operations
    Choice 2
    Choice 3
    Index range scans
    Choice 4
    Multi-table joins
    Choice 5
    Full table scans
    You are reading the explain plan of a problem query and notice that full table scans are used with a HASH join.
    Referring to the scenario above, in what instance is a HASH join beneficial?
    Choice 1
    Only when using the rule-based optimizer
    Choice 2
    When joining two small tables--neither having any primary keys or unique indexes
    Choice 3
    When no indexes are present
    Choice 4
    When joining two tables where one table may be significantly larger than the other
    Choice 5
    When using the parallel query option
    Performance is poor during peak transaction periods on a database you administer. You would like to view some statistics on areas such as LGWR (log writer) waits.
    Referring to the scenario above, what performance view do you query to access these statistics?
    Choice 1
    Choice 2
    Choice 3
    Choice 4
    Choice 5
    What security feature allows the database administrator to monitor successful and unsuccessful attempts to access data?
    Choice 1
    Choice 2
    Fine-Grained Auditing
    Choice 3
    Password auditing
    Choice 4
    Choice 5
    You need to configure a default domain that is automatically appended to any unqualified net service name.
    What Oracle-provided network configuration tool do you use to accomplish the above task?
    Choice 1
    Oracle Names Control Utility
    Choice 2
    Configuration File Utility
    Choice 3
    Oracle Network Configuration Assistant
    Choice 4
    Listener Control Utility
    Choice 5
    Oracle Net Manager
    You are experiencing performance problems due to network traffic. One way to tune this is by setting the SDU size.
    Referring to the scenario above, why do you change the SDU size?
    Choice 1
    The requests to the database return small amounts of data as in an OLTP system.
    Choice 2
    The application can be tuned to account for the delays.
    Choice 3
    The data coming back from the server are fragmented into several packets.
    Choice 4
    A large number of users are logged on concurrently to the system.
    Choice 5
    A high-speed network is available where the data transmission effect is negligible.
    You have partitioned the table ORDER on the ORDERID column using range partitioning. You want to create a locally partitioned index on this table. You also want this index to be unique.
    Referring to the scenario above, what is required for the creation of this unique locally partitioned index?
    Choice 1
    A unique partitioned index on a table cannot be local.
    Choice 2
    There can be only one unique locally partitioned index on the table.
    Choice 3
    The index has to be equipartitioned.
    Choice 4
    The table's primary key columns should be included in the index key.
    Choice 5
    The ORDERID column has to be part of the index's key.
    You have a large On-Line Transaction Processing (OLTP) database running in archive log mode with two redo log groups that have two members each.
    Referring to the above scenario, to avoid stalling during peak activity periods, which one of the following actions do you take?
    Choice 1
    Turn off redo log multiplexing.
    Choice 2
    Increase your LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL setting.
    Choice 3
    Add a third member to each of the groups.
    Choice 4
    Add a third redo log group.
    Choice 5 Turn off archive logging
    When transporting a tablespace, the tablespace needs to be self-contained.
    Referring to the scenario above, in which one of the following is the tablespace self-contained?
    Choice 1 A referential integrity constraint points to a table across a set boundary.
    Choice 2 A partitioned table is partially contained in the tablespace.
    Choice 3 An index inside the tablespace is for a table outside of the tablespace.
    Choice 4 A corresponding index for a table is outside of the tablespace.
    Choice 5 A table inside the tablespace contains a LOB column that points to LOBs outside the tablespace.
    You have experienced a database failure requiring a full database restore. Downtime is extremely costly, as is any form of data loss. You run the database in archive log mode and have a full database backup from three days ago. You have a database export from last night. You are not running Oracle Parallel Server (OPS).
    Referring to the above scenario, how do you minimize downtime and data loss?
    Choice 1 Import the data from the export using direct-path loading.
    Choice 2 Create a standby database and activate it.
    Choice 3 Perform a restore of necessary files and use parallel recovery operations to speed the application of redo entries.
    Choice 4 Conduct a full database restore and bring the database back online immediately. Apply redo logs during a future maintenance window.
    Choice 5 Perform a restore and issue a recover database command
    You have two large tables with thousands of rows. To select rows from the table_1, which are not referenced by an indexed common column (e.g. col_1) in table_2, you issue the following statement:
    select * from table_1
    where col_1 NOT in (select col_1 from table_2);
    This statement is taking a very long time to return its result set.
    Referring to the scenario above, which equivalent statement returns much faster?
    Choice 1 select * from table_1
    where col_1 in (select col_1 from table_2 where col_1 = table_1.col_1)
    Choice 2 select * from table_2
    where col_1 not in (select col_1 from table_1)
    Choice 3 select * from table_1
    where not exists (select 'x' from table_2 where col_1 = table_1.col_1)
    Choice 4 select table_1.* from table_1, table_2
    where table_1.col_1 = table_2.col_1 (+)
    Choice 5 select * from table_1
    Which one of the following initialization parameters is obsolete in Oracle 9i?
    Choice 2 GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS
    You find that one of your tablespaces is running out of disk space.
    Referring to the scenario above, which one of the following is NOT a valid option to increase the space available to the tablespace?
    Choice 1 Move some segments to other tablespaces.
    Choice 2 Resize an existing datafile in the tablespace.
    Choice 3 Add another datafile to the tablespace.
    Choice 4 Increase the MAX_EXTENTS for the tablespace.
    Choice 5 Turn AUTOEXTEND on for one or more datafiles in the tablespace.
    What tools or utilities do you use to transfer the data dictionary's structural information of transportable tablespaces?
    Choice 1 DBMS_TTS
    Choice 2 SQL*Loader
    Choice 3 Operating System copy commands
    Choice 4 DBMS_STATS
    Choice 5 EXP and IMP
    Which one of the following, if backed up, is potentially problematic to a complete recovery?
    Choice 1
    Control file
    Choice 2
    System Tablespace
    Choice 3
    Data tablespaces
    Choice 4
    Online Redo logs
    Choice 5
    All archived redologs after the last backup
    Your database warehouse performs frequent full table scans. Your DB_BLOCK_SIZE is 16,384.
    Referring to the scenario above, what parameter do you use to reduce disk I/O?
    Choice 2 DBWR_IO_SLAVES
    Which one of the following describes the "Reset database to incarnation" command used by Recovery Manager?
    Choice 1 It performs a resynchronization of online redo logs to a given archive log system change number (SCN).
    Choice 2 It performs point-in-time recovery when using Recovery Manager.
    Choice 3 It restores the database to the initial state in which it was found when first backing it up via Recovery Manager.
    Choice 4 It restores the database to a save point as defined by the version control number or incarnation number of the database.
    Choice 5 It is used to undo the effect of a resetlogs operation by restoring backups of a prior incarnation of the database.
    You are using the CREATE TABLE statement to populate the data dictionary with metadata to allow access to external data, where /data is a UNIX writable directory and filename.dbf is an arbitrary name.
    Referring to the scenario above, which clause must you add to your CREATE TABLE statement?
    Choice 1
    organization external
    Choice 2 external file /data/filename.dbf
    Choice 3 ON /data/filename.dbf
    Choice 4 organization file
    Choice 5 file /data/filename.dbf
    Your business user has expressed a need to be able to revert back to data that are at most eight hours old. You decide to use Oracle 9i's FlashBack feature for this purpose.
    Referring to the scenario above, what is the value of UNDO_RETENTION that supports this requirement?
    Choice 1 480
    Choice 2 8192
    Choice 3 28800
    Choice 4 43200
    Choice 5 28800000
    Materialized Views constitute which data warehousing feature offered by Oracle?
    Choice 1 FlashBack Query
    Choice 2 Summary Management
    Choice 3 Dimension tables
    Choice 4 ETL Enhancements
    Choice 5 Updateable Multi-table Views
    Referring to the initialization parameter settings above, what is the size of the cache of standard block size buffers?
    Choice 1 8 M
    Choice 2 16 M
    Choice 3 32 M
    Choice 4 64 M
    Choice 5 128 M
    You need to send listener log information to the Oracle Support Services. The listener name is LSNRORA1.
    Referring to the scenario above, which one of the following statements do you use in the listener.ora file to generate this log information?
    Choice 1 TRACE_LEVEL_LSNRORA1=debug
    Choice 2 TRACE_LEVEL_LSNRORA1=admin
    Choice 4 TRACE_LEVEL_LSNRORA1=support
    Choice 5 TRACE_LEVEL_LSNRORA1=on
    Which one of the following statements causes you to choose the NOARCHIVELOG mode for an Oracle database?
    Choice 1
    The database does not need to be available at all times.
    Choice 2
    The database is used for a DSS application, and updates are applied to it once in 48 hours.
    Choice 3
    The database needs to be available at all times.
    Choice 4
    It is unacceptable to lose any data if a disk failure damages some of the files that constitute the database.
    Choice 5
    There will be times when you will need to recover to a point-in-time that is not current.
    You are experiencing performance problems due to network traffic. One way to tune this is by setting the SDU size.
    Referring to the scenario above, why do you change the SDU size?
    Choice 1 A large number of users are logged on concurrently to the system.
    Choice 2 A high-speed network is available where the data transmission effect is negligible.
    Choice 3 The data coming back from the server are fragmented into several packets.
    Choice 4 The application can be tuned to account for the delays.
    Choice 5 The requests to the database return small amounts of data as in an OLTP system.

    Post a few if you need answers to a few.
    Anyway, my best shot:-
    Q. Directories are different
    A. Use db_file_name_convert why? read about it.
    Q What facility does Oracle provide to detect chained and migrated rows after the proper tables have been created?
    A.The ANALYZE command with the LIST CHAINED ROWS option
    Q While doing an export, the following is encountered:
    my best guess
    Use the RESUMABLE=Y option for the export.
    Q. The DBCA (Database Configuration Assistant) prompts the installer to enter the password for which default users?
    A. SYS and SYSTEM
    Q You are designing the physical database for an application that stores dates and times. This will be accessed by users from all over the world in different time zones. Each user needs to see the time in his or her time zone.
    Q What command do you use to drop a temporary tablespace and the associated OS files?
    Q You wish to use a graphical interface to manage database locks and to identify blocking locks.
    A. Lock Manager, a tool in the base Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) product, as well as the console
    A. They cannot be changed unless you re-create your control file
    Q You need to change the archivelog mode of an Oracle database.
    A. Execute the archive log list command
    Q When interpreting statistics from the v$sysstat, what factor do you need to keep in mind that can skew your statistics?
    Choice 3 The statistics gathered by v$sysstat include database startup activities and database activity that initially populates the database buffer cache and shared pool.
    Q You want to shut down the database, but you do not want client connections to lose any non-committed work. You also do not want to wait for every open session to disconnect.
    Choice 3 Shutdown transactional
    Q What step or steps do you take to enable Automatic Undo Management (AUM)?
    A.Choice 5 Add UNDO_MANAGEMENT=AUTO parameter to init.ora, create the UNDO tablespace, stop/start the database
    Q What Oracle 9i feature allows the database administrator to create tablespaces, datafiles, and log groups WITHOUT specifying physical filenames?
    A. Choice 4 Oracle Managed Files

  • Just received an email from Apple Administrator

    Hello I have just received an email from Apple Administrator questioning the use of my icloud email as I accessed it via two different devices
    Is this for real or is this a hoax?
    Account Holder
    This account is been accessed from two location simultaneously which
    indicates insecurity, we will be suspending this account except you
    confirm owner's legitimacy by verifying this account.
    Failure to receive confirmation of ownership of this account within
    24hours will be tantamount to termination of this account permanently.
    Thank you,
    Greg Hamiton
    Webmail Engineer
    (c) Apple webmail 2013.

    It's a scam (phishing) to try to get you to disclose your iCloud credentials.  Apple requests that you forward these to [email protected]

  • Makepkg and then pacman -Syu

    so here it goes i did the modutils pkg using  makepkg
    then later on e did a pacman -Syu and got this result
    pacman -Syu
    :: Synchronizing package databases...
    current.db.tar.gz        [#################################] 100% |     31K
    unofficial.db.tar.gz     [#################################] 100% |     47K
    unstable.db.tar.gz       [#################################] 100% |      0K
    :: modutils-2.4.24-1: local version is newer
    :: Above packages will be skipped.  To manually upgrade use 'pacman -S <pkg>'
    so im not permited 2 install it using pacman my questions is this
    1º will i bea able to upgrade to modutils-2.4.2X later on
    2º is this a feature
    3º is this a bug
    4º im i plane dhumb
    thank you
    hum ....... as i posted this i did a pacman -Sw modutils just 2 see the version and its not in sync with the abs tree sorry i did not realiseed that things take some time 2 build

    exactly good memory i did the same now look at this
    brupt brupt werd do you guys need help ? i offer my destop to build pkgs using this or something you need
    pacman -Syu
    :: Synchronizing package databases...
    current.db.tar.gz        [#################################] 100% |     30K
    unofficial.db.tar.gz     [#################################] 100% |     47K
    nstable.db.tar.gz       [#################################] 100% |      0K
    error: unresolvable conflicts/dependencies:
      kdevelop: requires kdebase=3.1
    [root@routty abs]# pacman -Q kdebase=3.1
    Package "kdebase=3.1" was not found.
    [root@routty abs]# pacman -Q kdebase
    kdebase 3.1-2
    [root@routty abs]# pacman -S kdevelop
    :: kdevelop-2.1.5-1: is up to date.  Upgrade anyway? [Y/n] y
    Targets: kdevelop-2.1.5-1
    Do you want to install/upgrade these packages? [Y/n] n

  • Retrieve data from a synonym in oracle database through db connect

    Hi Everyone,
    I have created certain synonym for some tables in oracle. I want to retrieve data from it through db connect but where through source system and then selecting database tables, only tables and views are available.
    Synonyms are not available to create data sources and retrieve the data from it. Why is it so. Is this a limitation of db connect.
    Can anyone please let me know about it.

    You want to import data from an external Oracle database into your BW 3.X. To do this, you can connect the external database to the BW 3.X release as a source system using the external database connect. BW 3.X here represents BW 3.0, BW 3.1 and BW 3.5 because in other (DB relevant) parts, all 3 versions are based on the same source code.
    General information
    The above function allows you to load data from an external Oracle database (not a BW database) into your BW 3.0 system.
    There may also be constellations which cannot be used directly through the DB Connect access. However, it should be possible to find an adequate, customer-specific solution for most of these scenarios.
    In such situations, the resulting work falls into the area of Consulting and cannot be handled via Support.
    Successful implementation of a connection requires corresponding expertise and experience in the use of the source database in the areas:
                    - Tools
                    - SQL syntax
                    - DB-specific functions
    Corresponding knowledge of the source application is also required to ensure that semantically relevant data arrives in the BW system.
    You should execute the following steps to connect the source system (Q) to the BW system (BW):
    Installing the client software on an BW application server
                         Of course, you only need to install the client software if you are using BW with a non-Oracle database.
                         Use the Oracle setup program on the database CD (runInstaller on Unix) to start the OracleInstaller. Follow the program instructions and the DB installation instructions to install the Oracle Client software on BW.
    Testing connection setup from BW to Q
                         After you install the client software on BW, try to set up a connection from BW to the server on Q. You may need to adjust the tnsnames.ora or sqlnet.ora files for this, to introduce the Oracle systems (to which contact should be made) to BW. You can test the connection by executing the command "tnsping QDB" on BW to check whether the client has established contact to the QDB database on the Q system.
    Creating a separate U user in Q
                         We recommend that you create a separate U user in Q for connection to BW. This means that authorization and administration questions can be solved centrally.
    Displaying data sources in Q for the U user
                         To provide U data for users other than U, you can create views on other user tables as user U:
                         CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW viewname AS
                           SELECT * FROM QDB.tablename
                         You may have to grant SELECT privileges to user U in the QDB schema:
                            GRANT select ON QDB.tablename TO U
                         Of course, you can also restrict or reformat data in the view arrangement (for example, change from internal date format into the SAP date format). JOIN operations using several tables are also available.
                         !!! Synonyms do not yet work!!!
                         Synonyms that you can create as described below are another option for providing a complete table for the user U:
                           CREATE SYNONYM synoname FOR QDB.tablename
                         !!! Synonyms do not (yet) work!!!
                         After you have displayed the require data for user U, you can simply use
                           SELECT * FROM <view or table>
                         on the Q system to check which data is returned.
                         You can now open a link to Q as user U in the BW system with SQLPLUS and check, using the same SELECT, whether this data is also seen in the Oracle client. If this is not the case, there is probably a connection problem.
    Creating a connection from BW to Q in BW
    Including data sources of user U user in Q in BW.
    Supported BW, Basis and BW 3.0B database versions, Basis 6.20 Support Package 2 (or higher)
          Oracle 8.1 (or higher, see below)
    Possible problems
    - Synonyms do not (yet) work!
    Up to now, only tables and views have been used as data sources for the DB Connect from the R3 Basis. As soon as synonyms are also used in the Basis, you will be able to convert created views (or even replicated tables) to synonyms as a workaround.
    With Basis 6.40 at the earliest, therefore as of BW 3.5, you will also be able to use synonyms. Until then, the following will help:
      CREATE VIEW <view_on_synonym> AS SELECT * FROM <synonym>
    - The source DB must have at least the release version of the BW DB.
    Oracle only ensures the support of client-server links if the version of the client is not higher than that of the server. So if BW has Oracle version 8.1 and, as in the case of Dbconnect, is run as a client against the server of the source database, the source database must have at least release Oracle 8.1 or higher.
    Of course, you have the option to install the Oracle client software of a lower version and then use this for the DB connect. This is also the procedure used to work with a DB connect on external databases of other vendors.
    Furthermore, the implementation of the DBconnect function in BW uses SAP Basis functions. Specifications of Oracle 8.1 database catalogs are used here. The source database must therefore have at least Version 8.1.
    - Oracle Client Software Version
    If you want to connect from an Oracle BW DB to an Oracle source DB, for the DB connect you naturally use the client software that you already installed on each application server.
    If you want to connect from a non-Oracle BW DB to an Oracle source DB, check item 3 of note 521230 to see which Oracle client software version is released with your BW R3 kernel and use this version.
    - Date and time fields in Oracle and their conversion into SAP-compatible column formats
    Example with a DATE field:
    Since a SAP table does not have a DATE field (date values are NUMC(8) and time specifications are NUMC(6)), we will use the Oracle DBA_TABLES system table as an example.
        SQL> desc dba_tables;
    The Oracle DBA_TABLES system table has a LAST_ANALYZED field. This is a DATE type field and is recognized as a date field of 7 characters by DBA_CONNECT. However, the import does not work because the DATE is a 7-byte conglomerate of "...century, year, month, date, hour, minute and second." (extract from the Oracle documentation).
    To make this DATE field legible for DB connect, you must use the TO_CHAR function in a VIEW. This should display the following examples:
    SQL> select LAST_ANALYZED from dba_tables
          where table_name like 'RS%' and rownum < 10 ;
    The formatting used here is the default used implicitly by SQLPLUS.
    SQL> select  to_char(LAST_ANALYZED,'YYYYMMDD') as dat from dba_tables where table_name like 'RS%' and rownum < 10 ;
    The result now has the SAP compatible format YYYYMMDD and should be loaded correctly by the DB connect as a date.
    SQL> select  to_char(LAST_ANALYZED,'HH24MISS') as tim from dba_tables where table_name like 'RS%' and rownum < 10 ;
    The result now has the SAP compatible format HHMMSS and should be loaded correctly by the DB connect as a time.
    You can use the following example for more detailed experiments:
    SQL> select  to_char(
           TO_DATE('03-FEB-2001 04:05:06','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),
           'YY-MM-DD HH24-MI-SS') as datim from dual;
    with the result:
      01-02-03 04-05-06
    When you create a VIEW and use the TO_CHAR function (or other functions), you should easily be able to avoid problems with the interpretation of date/time specifications (and other reformatting).
    Details about the functions and the formats are contained in the Oracle documentation.
    - Special characters
    A words that contain special characters can only be imported correctly if the code pages in BW and in the source system are identical. If the code pages are not the same, DB Connect can be used if the characters to be imported appear under the first 127 characters of the character set.
    The use of multibyte code pages in the source system for saving data using character sets with more than 256 characters (Kanji, Katakana, Hiragana, Korean, Chinese, Tagalog, Khmer, Arabic, Cherokee, and so on) can cause the characters to become corrupt.
    For questions concerning the code pages, also refer to the FAQ note 606359 and question/answer 19 that appears there.

  • Production Support for Multiple BI roll-outs

    Hello BI Experts,
    This might be more of an administrative question, but I will need inputs from Developer's perspective.
    We are having 2 implemenation projects going on at the moment. They are sharing same ECC 6.0 & BI 7.0 landscape.
    But as the 2 projects "Go-live" timings do not match, we will be having separate "Production Support" landscape for ECC containing separate DEV & QA system which will be used for Post Go-live production fixes.
    So there will be 2 DEVs & 2 QAs for ECC & One Production system. At a time, only one QA will be connected to Prodution.
    Do we need similar landscape for BI 7.0 or same DEV BI 7.0 can talk with 2 DEVs ECC 6.0 and same QA BI 7.0 can talk with 2 QA ECC 6.0 ?
    What are the complexities of one QA BI talking with 2 QA R/3 source systems ??
    P.S. We have SAP MDM 5.5 implemented in our landscape which manages master data.

    Thanks Ramesh for the reply.
    I agree with you it is not complicated from Basis perspective to create RFCs & source system connections.
    I would like to know how complicated it would be for BI Developers to manage data coming from 2 very similar ECC6.0 systems and move it across to Production without trouble.
    How will they distinguish which objects are of Production support & which objects belong to current development project ?
    How we can guarantee that none of the "non-production object"(which is meant for development or prototype) moves to production via some "production-fix" transport ?

  • RE: NT Server Reboot and Forte Partitions[Ref:C943460]

    Hi Bradley.
    At our customers, we need one of our Forte applications to be running for data
    communications to take place. After a reboot, we need this application's
    partitions to come online. The way we did this (as you suggested) was to use a
    BAT file, and then install this as an NT service (we used a utility that comes
    with the NT resource kit - srvany).
    This works fine for us. One of the issues we had was that the partitions tried
    to come online before Oracle was running - this resulted in the dbsessions
    failing and the partitions not coming online. We got round this by preceding
    starting the partitions with a loop that polled Oracle until it was up. Needless
    to say, piping all output to log files was essential for us to figure out what
    was going on.
    Hope this helps,
    Steve Elvin
    Systems Developer
    Frontline Ltd.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: INTERNET [email protected]
    Sent: Monday, November 02, 1998 11:04 PM
    To: Steve Elvin; X400
    Subject: NT Server Reboot and Forte Partitions [Ref:C943460]
    I have a system administration question for users with NT servers in
    their Forte environment. If I have installed Forte partitions on an NT
    server which I would like to startup when the server is rebooted, then
    what are my options for scripting this to happen automatically?
    Currently the only Forte process on the server which starts up
    automatically is the Forte node manager, through the installed NT
    service. I have been contemplating setting up a BAT file process as an
    NT service which would wait for the Forte node manager service to start,
    and then execute an fscript file to start the required forte partitions.
    How is this situation being handled in other environments? Thanks.
    Bradley K Wells
    Strong Capital Management, Inc
    [email protected]
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
    Searchable thread archive <URL:>
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
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    Hi Brad,
    I am not sure if this is the right solution in the long run, but if you
    login into NT after reebot you can create a simple client that "pings" your
    service objects and put the shortcut into the Startup Group. I think such a
    client may also be useful to monitor your Forte server for application
    specific parameters, instead of relying only on logs/econsole.
    At 04:18 PM 11/2/98 -0600, you wrote:
    I have a system administration question for users with NT servers in
    their Forte environment. If I have installed Forte partitions on an NT
    server which I would like to startup when the server is rebooted, then
    what are my options for scripting this to happen automatically?
    Currently the only Forte process on the server which starts up
    automatically is the Forte node manager, through the installed NT
    service. I have been contemplating setting up a BAT file process as an
    NT service which would wait for the Forte node manager service to start,
    and then execute an fscript file to start the required forte partitions.
    How is this situation being handled in other environments? Thanks.
    Bradley K Wells
    Strong Capital Management, Inc
    [email protected]
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
    Searchable thread archive <URL:>
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
    Searchable thread archive <URL:>

  • YAXUP (Yet Another Xorg7 Upgrade Post)

    I've finally solved all my former problems with Arch (wireless, printer), so I needed a new challenge. I decided to answer Y instead of n to the pacman quiz question: replace xorg with xorg-server? I assumed I had some sweaty hours ahead of me, but I've gone through the same procedure on my work computer (which I only use to try out things like this before I do them on the laptop).
    I was right: there were some problems alright, but nothing that I couldn't eventually fix, more or less, thanks to info in this forum.
    Below are some problems that remain, either as problems or as puzzling things which may or may not turn out to be more problematic. I currently have a running machine. Can't say I notice much of a difference so far, but then again, I've mostly been editing xorg.conf in a non-x-shell so far :-)
    Error message on startup:
    device /dev/dsp can't be opened (No such file or directory)
    The sound server will continue, using the null output device.
    The pcspeakers, which have never bothered me, suddenly act up. I have added pcspkr to the blacklist, so that should be ok, but I assume that this might be related to the sound problem.
    In /dev there is no dsp anywhere, and if I run the alsa daemon, it says that no sound cards are found. (I have an intel 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 card, which alsaconf found, but it still doesn't work)
    I managed to get it up again with modprobe snd-intel8x0, but it should have been loaded by hwdetect, shouldn't it...? At least, hwdetect --show-modules finds it, so why didn't it load?
    my wireless connection has been on eth1 until now, but after the upgrade, it was considered to be on eth0 instead. I've changed all the eth0 to eth1 and vice versa in rc.conf, /etc/conf.d/wireless, and  /etc/network-profiles/<wireless profile>, and now it's working again, but I hope I won't have to go through that every time...?
    Firefox has problems with fonts. The default font at this site is Verdana, which I have installed, but Firefox displays it as Times (I believe it is).
    I changed the default font setting in about:config from Bitstream Sans Vera to some other font, and true enough, that other font was used. So perhaps the problem stems from the Bitstream package, which, I believe, was updated at the same time as I updated xorg? But why should FF look for Bistream at all, when Verdana is called for...? Oh well, this may perfectly well be a FF problem and not xorg-related.
    I will look more into the font business, and it seems that most other apps behave themselves.
    I've seen it mentioned several times here that mesa is deprecated. Still, if I try to remove it, I get the following error message:
    error: this will break the following dependencies:
    mesa: is required by jasper
    mesa: is required by xorg-clients
    mesa: is required by openexr
    mesa: is required by qt
    mesa: is required by xscreensaver
    so I left it in place. Annoying: it seems to slow down opengl (glxgears: c. 500 fps, as opposed to > 1000 before the 'upgrade'), and it conflicts with celestia, which I had to remove. I miss my stars... I want to fly over the surface of Saturn, browse the perimeters of Alpha Centauri,...
    [** hits himself hard on the head to get out of poetical mode]
    but what do I do?
    I have set the kde desktop to display icons for all partitions, mounted and unmounted, but none of that is anywhere to be seen. I can access the data alright, so it's not much of a problem (and I mostly use fluxbox anyway), but I wonder where they went...
    Might this have to do with adesklets, which I have installed at more or less the same time as xorg7?

    I don't have anything like that in the xorg.conf. Here's my file, in case you still need something to look at.
    Section "ServerLayout"
    Identifier "XFree86 Configured"
    Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0
    InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
    # PS/2 Mouse not detected
    # Serial Mouse not detected
    InputDevice "USB Mouse" "CorePointer"
    Section "ServerFlags"
    Option "AllowMouseOpenFail" "true"
    Section "Files"
    RgbPath "/usr/share/X11/rgb"
    ModulePath "/usr/lib/xorg/modules"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/75dpi"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/75dpi:unscaled"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/100dpi"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/100dpi:unscaled"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/TTF"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/cyrillic"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/misc"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/misc:unscaled"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/Type1"
    FontPath "/usr/local/share/fonts"
    FontPath "/home/eyolf/.fonts"
    Section "Module"
    Load "ddc" # ddc probing of monitor
    # Load "GLcore"
    Load "dbe"
    Load "dri"
    Load "extmod"
    Load "glx"
    Load "bitmap" # bitmap-fonts
    Load "type1"
    Load "freetype"
    Load "record"
    Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier "Keyboard0"
    Driver "keyboard"
    Option "CoreKeyboard"
    Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
    Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
    Option "XkbLayout" "no,us"
    Option "XkbOptions" "grp:alt_shift_toggle"
    Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier "Serial Mouse"
    Driver "mouse"
    Option "Protocol" "Microsoft"
    Option "Device" "/dev/ttyS0"
    Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true"
    Option "Emulate3Timeout" "70"
    Option "SendCoreEvents" "true"
    Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier "PS/2 Mouse"
    Driver "mouse"
    Option "Protocol" "auto"
    Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
    Option "Device" "/dev/psaux"
    Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true"
    Option "Emulate3Timeout" "70"
    Option "SendCoreEvents" "true"
    Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier "USB Mouse"
    Driver "mouse"
    Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
    Option "SendCoreEvents" "true"
    Option "Protocol" "IMPS/2"
    Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
    Option "Buttons" "5"
    # Auto-generated by Archie mkxcfg
    Section "Monitor"
    <skipped all the monitor settings>
    # Auto-generated by Archie mkxcfg
    #Section "Device"
    # Identifier "Card0"
    # Driver "i810"
    # VendorName "All"
    # BoardName "All"
    Section "Device"
    Identifier "device0"
    VendorName "Intel Corp."
    BoardName "Unknown Board"
    Driver "i810"
    BusID "PCI:0:2:0" #may vary?
    Section "Screen"
    Identifier "Screen0"
    Device "device0"
    Monitor "Monitor0"
    DefaultColorDepth 16
    SubSection "Display"
    Depth 1
    Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
    SubSection "Display"
    Depth 4
    Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
    SubSection "Display"
    Depth 8
    Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
    SubSection "Display"
    Depth 15
    Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
    SubSection "Display"
    Depth 16
    Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
    SubSection "Display"
    Depth 24
    Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
    SubSection "Display"
    Depth 32
    Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
    Section "DRI"
    Mode 0666

  • Package install date [SOLVED]

    In Ubuntu, I could find in /var/log/dpkg a list of all package related operations on the system, most importantly installations and removals of packages. How can I find the date when a package was installed on my arch system, or, even better, all dates at which a package was installed, upgraded, removed from my arch system, using the wonderful journalctl?
    Last edited by doru001 (2013-07-01 17:08:05)

    I can't even select pacman commands in journalctl, it requires full command like "sudo journalct _CMDLINE=sudo pacman -S mlocate" and this is not helpful. Of course, I want to know the last upgrade of the package, and this is not listed - it was listed in the long package list in the pacman confirmation question before it upgraded the system.
    What should I do with the package metainformation files, maybe look at their dates?
    Last edited by doru001 (2013-07-01 17:05:41)

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